[00:02] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Get more help: Tiki for Smarties http://twbasics.keycontent.org and Tiki Essentials http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [00:15] *** ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki [00:15] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: rodrigo_sampaio) [00:17] *** mohrt has joined #tikiwiki [00:21] *** USlacker has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [00:25] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [00:28] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:36] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [01:04] *** mohrt has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [01:08] *** idle- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:10] *** idle- has joined #tikiwiki [01:16] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [01:16] evening folks! [01:29] hi ther [01:33] *** mohrt has joined #tikiwiki [01:45] *** mohrt has left [02:08] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:11] *** jcyrisse has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host) [02:30] *** mohrt has joined #tikiwiki [02:30] *** mohrt has left [02:39] *** jcyrisse has joined #tikiwiki [02:40] heya folks...lost my connection there for a bit...in mysql slow queries, when the list query time, for examples 1.009573 is that in minutes or seconds? [02:41] so, for example # Query_time: 1.009573 Lock_time: 0.000129 Rows_sent: 1 Rows_examined: 1 [02:42] probably seconds = 1 minute for 1 row examined would be very slow... [02:43] k...not sure though? my host has been throttling my account for some reason, and I am trying to find what may be causing the problem...if that is seconds, i cant imagine that being a problem...do you? [02:44] New Forum Posts: the resources occupy relatively large in tikiwiki!!!! - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39508 [02:44] check the mysql websit [02:45] for whether it represents seconds? [02:45] yeah [02:45] as for throttling, maybe it's number of requests and not the time for each one? [02:47] well, that doesnt seem to be it...not that many items in the slow query log. [02:49] *** goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki [02:52] yup...looks like it is seconds. [02:53] *** goj has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [02:53] *** goj|ghost is now known as goj [02:54] something is definitely weird...just opening pages on blogs, anything...taking forever... [02:55] forever like in over 10 seconds? [03:07] yeah [03:08] but that not showing in the log...and they claim their server is not overloaded....that my shared virtual taking too much of others time, so they throttle my site... [03:08] which is when i think it slows [03:12] sylvieg: thanks [03:13] but what difference does it make that the user validates his account (or not)? [04:50] *** Teresa has joined #tikiwiki [04:51] *** ttrimm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [04:51] *** Teresa is now known as ttrimm [05:14] *** ttrimm has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [05:31] *** jcyrisse has left [05:42] *** niclone has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [05:42] *** niclone has joined #tikiwiki [06:01] *** olinuxx has quit IRC (Quit: http://www.linuxmao.org) [06:30] *** coaboa_ has joined #tikiwiki [06:31] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [07:27] *** yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [07:31] New Forum Posts: problem with wikipages after upgrade - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39511 [07:51] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [08:14] *** xavi_ has joined #tikiwiki [08:17] *** gillesM has joined #tikiwiki [08:21] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [08:27] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [08:42] hi all [08:47] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) [09:02] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [09:02] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [09:02] *** gillesM has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [09:02] poolom [09:06] *** GillesMM has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [09:15] こんにちは [09:53] *** xavi_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) [09:54] *** xavi_ has joined #tikiwiki [09:55] good (late today) morning to the tikiverse ;-) [09:56] *** newbie has joined #tikiwiki [09:58] HI. I have installed tiki 6.0. I'm now not able to admin the toolbar (drag and drop doesn't work). Someone can help please? [09:59] second issue: when i want to attach a file to a wiki site and then link to the file from the wiki text, i have to do this manually. Any hints how the link is generated automatically like in older tikis? [10:05] *** coaboa_ is now known as coaboa [10:18] polom (hi coaboa and chibaguy ) [10:18] newbie: toolbar: no idea in tiki6... (let me check) [10:19] newbie: attach a file: it used to work with attachments also. but for sure in tiki6 it works if you upload a file to a file gallery, and click on the link of that file in the file gallery [10:20] as if it was an image [10:21] * xavi_ reckons that the same button (in the toolbar) for images could be added for files... with the custom wiki syntax adapted for files, not images, and having defined that "default file gal" for file attachments is this one, and the default one for image gals is this other one, etc [10:22] xavi: thanks. so i will save the files in file galleries instead of attaching them to a site [10:22] the problem is: admin toolbar doesn't work. so i can not create a custom tool [10:22] *** PhilBack has joined #tikiwiki [10:24] Hi gang. Since upgrading to Tiki6, the wiki_plugin( _include doesn't work anymore in smarty templates. Maybe due to the editor parm. The code looks different at the PHP level. Any clue? [10:24] there is even a plugin tool attach (i can see it) but i can not drag and drop in the admin toolbar .. :( thx for help [10:37] @newbie should work with firefox and chrome. Worked for me yesterday. [10:45] Hi i tried with chrome and firefox and ie. admin toolbar doesnt work with any of them. the toolbar doesnt work either if i want to edit a wiki page. I'm not able to use a tool. Any ieas? [10:45] *ideas? [10:52] newbie: did you try disabling the minify javascript (if you have it on)? [10:54] newbie, drag and drop works for me in Tiki 6.x [10:54] hi. thx for help guys. i will try to solve the problem later. i got a clue now. only encounter the problems with certain themes [10:54] with default theme, the problem is solved [10:54] ok, use only themes which are ported to Tiki6 [10:54] hmm is there a list anywhere? [10:54] in your tiki :-) [10:55] well, In a brand new tiki6, I mean [10:55] i chose from my updated tiki [10:55] the theme i had already [10:55] if you installed tiki6 over an existing installation (not recommended), you will have this problem of outdated themes in the list [10:55] exactly [10:55] default doesnt show sidebar correctly... [10:55] but thx for help [10:55] i have to leave now. [10:56] cu [10:56] what's the neame of your default theme? [10:56] default [10:56] my selected theme: damian [10:56] damian didnt work [10:56] oh, that outdated for sure! [10:56] :) [10:56] check http://themes.tiki.org [10:56] thx alot. [10:56] the ones in there listed for Tiki5 are known to work weel in tiki6 (Afaik) [10:57] welcome [10:57] *** newbie has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [10:57] s/weel/well [11:06] chibaguy still around? [11:06] simple.css seems to be missing something to display structure admnistration properly.... [11:06] hi xavi_ [11:06] hi Gary [11:06] what is the url for that? [11:07] yes, yes, I was copying the url :-) [11:07] this type of url: tiki-edit_structure.php?page_ref_id=1 [11:07] how is it in arcturus? [11:07] with artcturus.css > simple.css [11:07] ok, checking... [11:08] this is tiki 6? [11:08] mmm, apparently, arcturus is displaying it properly [11:08] yes, tiki6 [11:08] I'll svn up, just in case [11:08] it's a few days old [11:09] I'll try checking. [11:09] Since upgrading to Tiki6, thewiki_plugin( _include doesn't work anymore in smartytemplates. Maybe due to the editor parm. The code looks different at the PHP level. Any clue? [11:09] Tiki6 looks awesome BTW. Congrats to all! [11:11] PhilBack: Maybe chealer or jonnyb would know about that. [11:11] (chealer did quite a bit of plugin renovating) [11:11] yeah, looks like this is chealer thing in the header. [11:11] thanks PhilBack. yes, and you can try in a few hours when people from other time zones are active on irc (not now) [11:12] I'm not sure about plugins in templates. [11:12] I am checking out a fresh copy of 6.x and will install it on my local box. Then see if I can fix it myself. [11:12] chibaguy: I mean the table (it seems) from "Structure layout" [11:12] from a url like: tiki-edit_structure.php?page_ref_id=1 [11:13] @chibaguy: yes, there is the block.wikiplugin in the tiki_smarty lib [11:13] It works, no issue. Just that the new thing appears to have an extra default parm which the "editor" set to false. But this complexifies what gets out and leads to no rendering of an included page. [11:14] PhilBack: I see. [11:14] @chibaguy: Cool stuff with the new templates BTW. [11:14] oh, thanks. [11:16] chibaguy: I cannot reproduce here: http://themes.tiki.org/tiki-edit_structure.php?page_ref_id=1 [11:16] :-/ [11:16] I mean, the table displays properly [11:16] I wonder if tiki6beta behaves different than current 6x svn [11:17] Work in progress: http://bit.ly/9CHaEq [new candidate for the sample tikis in decembrer] [11:17] changi|work: themes.t.o still shows the message as if it's running tiki6beta. Shall we upgrade to latest 6.x? [11:19] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [11:21] xavi_: in my local branch 6, the structure edit page seems ok in simple, except for the left column (with icons) being kind of compacted. [11:22] Something seems to be preventing the table cell from expanding to let the icons site side by side. [11:22] site -> sit [11:22] I'll check on that. [11:23] Also some bad text/background color contrast in that table, in arcturus and maybe other themes. [11:23] * chibaguy thinks the fun never stops. ;-) [11:24] yeow, simple's page is worse in firefox than in opera. [11:29] chibaguy: I saw this: .normal th, th, td.heading, tr.diffheader {width:15px;} [11:29] in my simple.css [11:29] and this restriction of width is not in arcturus in general [11:30] how do I disable that in the "custom css" box of the admin panel? [11:30] xavi_: I just saw that also. Yes, it isn't needed. [11:30] I tried with width:100% but then the first column became too wide [11:30] no width needs to be specified. [11:30] Oh, to override, maybe try width: auto [11:31] ah, ok, thanks :-) [11:31] meanwhile, I'll edit simple.css and commit. [11:31] thanks [11:32] yes, that fixed it, thanks, chibaguy [11:32] I'm guessing that was to cover a specific case, but got applied elsewhere. [11:32] yes, I guess so [11:35] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30719 10/branches/6.x/styles/arcturus/options/simple.css: [FIX] Width on th caused narrow cell in structure admin table and probably other places. Thanks to xavi for reporting. [11:39] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30720 10/branches/6.x/styles/arcturus.css: [FIX] Bad text/bg contrast with a.link and th. [11:46] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [11:50] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [11:50] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r30721 10/branches/6.x/styles/jqui/options/trontastic.css: [FIX] More appropriate background for table headers, etc. [11:51] Anybody knowing of a drip feed content feature in tiki? [11:51] (or how to mimic it ?) [11:52] Sorry, I'm only aware of the medical version of that. [11:52] (IV) [12:04] Is it in trunk that Intertiki now allows registering at slave sites? [12:04] chibaguy: trunk for sure - but I think it is 6 [12:05] hi sylvieg, thanks. I was just looking again at the ugly "Register" button themes.t.o. [12:05] It points to tiki.org/tiki-register.php. [12:07] polom [12:09] hi jonnyb [12:15] I'm having trouble with a module in wiki page, and it's getting br tags at the end of every line in the module code (getting parsed). How do you configure wiki (paragraph style?) to let modules display as they do in side columns? [12:16] In other words, the login module is over twice its normal height, way too much white space vertically, due to injection of many br tags. [12:16] (in this case, the login module) [12:16] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:17] I've tried wiki paragraph options but still have the problem (maybe caches didn't get cleared or something). [12:17] *** LordVan has joined #tikiwiki [12:35] *** yonixxx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving...) [12:36] anone from the tikifest berlin online? [12:42] Anyone who attended TikiFest Berlin: how about a little help with http://tiki.org/Upcoming+News#November_2010 Tx! [12:50] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30722 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/ (wikiplugin_r.php wikiplugin_r2.php wikiplugin_rr.php): wikiplugin_r.php now only works with safe R commands and wikiplugin_rr.php was created for running R unsafe commands [13:05] hi ricks99 i was at tfbln but have no glue what kind of help you can use? [13:05] *** yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [13:13] I'm stuck... i have an user short menu (4 main items - one is subbed (5 sub pict gallery links). So i will create a menu. I want to display instead of links, button with 3 states. I figure that CSS using sprites and hiding the real links should do the trick. Someone has ever done this using TW ? [13:25] ricks99? what should an attende add to the page you mentioned? [13:27] ricks99: not been there but help possible. [13:33] is it possible to configure a wiki page using wikiplugins so that I can edit more than one tracker item per time? or there is any other way to edit more than on tracker item per time? [13:37] @coaboa: how about just a quick lis of some of the items discussed, and worked on? [13:38] and PhilBack, too. Tx [13:39] as of wikifestbln.org/projects? [13:39] yonixxx: probably you could use the method of text replacement with images: give the menu text a large negative text-indent to get it off the screen, and use the image sprite for the menu item bakground. [13:39] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [13:40] looking more for tiki-specifics. [13:40] I never tried with Tiki, but if you look at the page source, you can see the css id's and classes that each menu item uses, etc. [13:40] oki will add something this evening [13:41] tx! [13:43] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Quit: Find new themes for Tiki at http://themes.tikiwiki.org.) [13:51] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:53] has somebody installed a tiki on ovh personal offer? [13:56] don't even know what it means sylvieg, sorry [13:56] guessing it's some sort of shared plan [13:57] hi lphuberdeau - how are the travels going? [13:57] could be this http://www.ovh.co.uk/shared_hosting/ [13:58] all good so far, but I'm still on GMT-5 timezone [13:58] :P [13:58] actually, might have made it to GMT-6 in berlin [13:58] ouch [13:59] need to introduce ADA (amette daylight avoidance) [14:01] Hi Chibaguy, what you explain is ok and i got it. But how to link the button/sprites to the correct link... i have no ID or class there. I miss something. [14:04] sylvieg: already installed tiki on one of their boxes but it was a dedicated server. [14:05] sylvieg: it worked fine. [14:05] my friend took the ovh pro hosting - so it is ok.. thx for feedback [14:05] * sylvieg will install a tiki pretty soon on ovh pro [14:06] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [14:06] can someone please help me.. I can't use polls at all right now. I'll put the poll ID in there in the same way I did before when it worked. When I click the "module options" button, the whole page bombs and it tells me that there's no poll ID for the poll. [14:06] I'm using {poll id=1}. I've also deleted all my polls and created a new one with an ID of 4. That doesn't work either [14:08] There was one point where my site would not work at all because I had just {poll} in there in order to make a random poll. The only way I could bring the site back was to go into the "tiki_modules" table in the database and delete the poll entry. I tried going into the "tiki_user_modules" and changing the value from {poll [14:09] from {poll} to {poll id=1}, but this didn't change things at all. No matter what I put in there, even just code to show the date, it would say there's no poll id assigned to the poll I'm trying to use. [14:10] could you specify which version you are using? [14:10] 6 [14:10] and which version were you using before? [14:10] I upgraded from 5 [14:11] Is it better to start with a fresh installation of 6? [14:11] it should be good [14:11] upgrades are fine [14:20] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30723 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_include_metatags.tpl: duplicate help link [14:25] *** mohrt has joined #tikiwiki [14:27] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30724 10/trunk/templates/ (tiki-admin_include_metrics.tpl tiki-admin_metrics.tpl): better inline docs for metrics dashboard [14:38] *** JoernOtt has joined #tikiwiki [14:38] lo all [14:38] amette, got your voice back? [14:38] hi JoernOtt [14:45] Could I save just my tiki_users table, reinstall a new database and new installation of version 6, can I retain all the users and their passwords? [14:46] *** LordVan has quit IRC (Quit: Verlassend) [14:55] mikebeary1, why would you not want to do a "normal" update? [14:56] Otherwise I would simply rename the old users table [14:56] and reimport it into the new database [14:56] and then do a select into query [14:57] unless the old and the new tiki is exactly the same version [14:57] Sinceupgrading to Tiki6, the wiki_plugin(_include doesn't work anymore insmarty templates. Maybe due to theeditor parm. The code looks differentat the PHP level. Any clue? [14:58] you will however loose all custom groups and the user->group mapping [14:59] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30725 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/ (wikiplugin_r.php wikiplugin_rr.php): [14:59] tikiwiki: [FIX]Pref for plugin r is added (besides rr) so that it can be enabled/disabled [14:59] tikiwiki: again by tiki admin panels. A few strings updated to reflect current behavior, [14:59] tikiwiki: and wikisyntax hidden at advanced section (hidden by default). Doc page will be [14:59] tikiwiki: the same for both plugins [15:00] *** olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [15:09] *** yonixxx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving...) [15:10] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30726 10/mods/trunk/Packages/wikiplugins-r.info.txt: Updated description of this file with last changes in plugin r and rr [15:10] *** redflo has left [15:11] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30727 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] For better SEO, add option for Canonical URLs (only for wiki pages for now) and improve meta-tags and sefurls admin panels. [15:16] *** mohrt has left [15:17] polom [15:19] *** xavi_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [15:24] hi chealer [15:26] JoernOtt: something's not working, and I don't know what it is [15:26] hi jonnyb [15:26] thanks for the quick reply on dynamic trackers [15:27] JoernOtt: I can't use polls at all now [15:27] JoernOtt: can't figure it out [15:27] can someone please help me.. I can't use polls at all right now. I'll put the poll ID in there in the same way I did before when it worked. When I click the "module options" button, the whole page bombs and it tells me that there's no poll ID for the poll. [15:27] I'm using {poll id=1}. I've also deleted all my polls and created a new one with an ID of 4. That doesn't work either [15:27] There was one point where my site would not work at all because I had just {poll} in there in order to make a random poll. The only way I could bring the site back was to go into the "tiki_modules" table in the database and delete the poll entry. I tried going into the "tiki_user_modules" and changing the value to {poll id=1}, but this didn't change things at all. No matter what I put in [15:27] there, even just code to show the date, it would say there's no poll id assigned to the poll I'm trying to use. [15:28] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [15:32] mikebeary1: I am currently creating a poll on my test machine [15:34] Is there anybody who implemented/configured a drip feed for content in tiki? [15:38] @mikebeary1: I'm able to add polls to a wiki page or a module in tiki 6 -- no issues [15:38] mikebeary1: In my test environment, I can confirm that the random poll does not work. When I turn on "wiki parsed", it does not work either, but it works when turning off "wiki parsed" [15:38] but I am working on trunk here [15:39] something got screwed up I think. My page was down until I went into the database and deleted that line. [15:40] Are there relationships betweeent the tables that I don't know about that I might have messed up? [15:40] I may just start from scratch and wipe out the whole site. [15:40] I hope someone has some insight here and can help [15:40] mikebeary1: you were upgrading from which version? [15:42] any programmer here who knows how to set object perms? I could need a short hint on how to set them (for the accounting stuff I'd like to give the creator of a book all rights on it) [15:45] I was upgrading from 5 to 6 [15:45] you need to add the permission to the database [15:45] after the upgrade it worked fine, just after I tried using {poll [15:46] that's when things stopped working [15:46] add what permission? [15:46] oh sorry, that was meant for JoernOtt [15:47] lphuberdeau: I was wondering, if there is a function in $tikilib or somewhere else to do so. [15:47] A user whoi has the right to create a new book in accounting should (at the same time) get all necessary permissions on that new book [15:48] well, to add the permission, you need to modify tiki.sql and add a database patch... annoying, but not enough for anyone to fix that bit [15:48] I know all that [15:48] as for verifying the permission, there are quite a few ways [15:48] I defined the permissions already [15:48] tiki's permission system does not handle those per-user permissions [15:49] but at runtime, user "testy" who has tiki_p_acct_create_book via his Group "Accountants" does create a book [15:49] there are a few cases where being the creator grants certain rights, but those are handled as exceptions [15:49] I want the creation routine to set object permissions on the newly created book [15:49] I tend to think more in terms of groups and roles than users, it helps in making features that support collaboration [15:50] I want to make this user "Admin" on his book [15:50] you can't make a user admin, only groups can be granted permissions [15:51] so if you want that per-user type of behavior (which I would really avoid), you can't do it with the global permission system [15:51] u can have a unique group per user (autmatoically), then assign that user's group as admin [15:51] can someone tell me if there are table relationships or primary/foreign keys in the mysql database? [15:51] I haven't used mysql before [15:51] mikebeary1: mysql supports them in the syntax, inforces them in certain storage engines like innodb, but tiki does not make use of them [15:52] *** sash_ has joined #tikiwiki [15:52] so, by creating a book, I should simply create a new group for that book book_1_admins or whatever and assign object permissions [15:53] and put the user who created the book into it [15:53] what does that mean in Admin tracker fields: "Check the box to re-import in this tracker and change the fields. [15:53] Uncheck the box to import in another database." [15:53] need to go AFK for about an hour, sorry for the interruption [15:53] in which database is it imported if the box is unchecked? [15:53] lphuberdeau: so by simply manually removing a row from the tiki_modules table shouldn't corrupt anything? [15:54] mikebeary1: no, at least not a poll [15:54] hello. i am trying to install tiki on a debian. i have installed php5 (of course) and php5-gd, but tiki says, it cannot find the gd-library. anything missing? i did not restart the webserver after installing php5-gd. before i installed it, tiki said, it cannot find gd-things [15:54] ok, thanks JoernOtt [15:54] damn, I wish I knew what was going oin. [15:54] I can create a poll, but when I try to add it to a page, everything bombs out [15:54] sash_ please restart apache to reload php and the libraries needed [15:55] ok [15:55] mikebeary1: turn on php error reporting [15:56] @mikebeary1: which poll syntax are you using? {POLL(pollId="1")}{POLL} or {poll id="1"} [15:56] oh, I think I got it [15:56] JoernOtt: thats it, thanks [15:58] no, i see no php errors [15:58] {poll id="1"} [15:58] I mean {poll id=1} [15:59] try using the ful plugin syntax instead. works for me on my wiki pages [15:59] {POLL(pollId="1")} that one? [16:00] need to close it properly though [16:00] either ... /} or {POLL} [16:00] ok [16:01] you're awesome ricks [16:01] you always come to the rescue. Yes, that worked [16:01] working now? [16:01] kewl [16:01] Very nice. [16:02] mus be a bug in the {poll} somewhere [16:02] This was such a headache because the documentation doesn't reflect that syntax when they tell you how to create a poll [16:02] so there's no way to make a random poll for v. 6 now? [16:02] try using the plugin helper .. it will always (usually) use the correct syntax [16:02] what would be the proper syntax for that? [16:02] polom every1 [16:03] I would appreciate an svn up on doc.tiki.org [16:03] hi luciash [16:03] mikebeary1: make sure u don't have parse wiki checked for that module [16:03] Yes, the plugin helper didn't put the right code in [16:03] It just gave me [16:03] {poll id=1} [16:03] oh, it was the plugin helper, ok [16:03] that is not correct then [16:03] plugin help or the use quick URL selctor? [16:04] I'm guessing that's what you mean by the little + symbol that puts the "correct" code in the data field for you [16:04] should be {poll pollId=1} at least [16:04] nope, its just {poll id=1} when I create a user module, and select a poll and hit the plus sign [16:04] you can if try if that works [16:04] what's the proper syntax for a random poll? [16:04] @mikebeary1: no, i mean click the ( ? ) button in the toolbar, then select the PLUGINS tab [16:04] ah, you mean for modules then ? [16:05] then it is problem with the wiki syntax parsing of the user module, if unchecked it should work, as it is smarty syntax vs simplified wikiplugin syntax conflict [16:06] not seeing the ? [16:07] cant find the (?) button. [16:07] http://twessentials.keycontent.org/display64&x=450&y=331 [16:07] on far-right of the toolbar [16:07] luciash: unchecked the page became blank, checked it said there was no poll id associated with the poll [16:09] ricks99: thanks for the screenshot [16:10] mikebeary1: hmm, maybe it should insert {poll id="1"}{/poll} but i am not sure as the syntax e.g. for css menus works fine and it is not necessary to close it as a smarty block [16:10] ricks99: is that question mark in v 6? I see that the tab in that screenshot says "edit page", but I'm not completely sure what window that is [16:10] * ricks99 thinks random polls are broken [16:10] mikebeary1: anyway, using wiki parsing and the wikiplugin POLL syntax is good workaround [16:11] ricks99: if I edit the wiki page, I see a similar window, but no question mark [16:11] question mark is in all version 4+ AFAIK [16:11] are you using wysiwyg? [16:11] not sure what that is [16:12] are you using the wiki editor or WYSIWYG editor? [16:12] luciash: the wikiplugin POLL syntax is this: {POLL(pollId="1")}{POLL} ? [16:12] yes [16:12] i dont think the plugin help is available in wysiwyg mode [16:12] I'm editing just by using the edit button that's standard [16:13] I wasn't aware there was a wysiwyg mode [16:13] or tool [16:13] how do I use the wiki editor? [16:14] do u have the wysiwyg feature enabled? [16:14] I dont think so... let me see.. [16:15] where is that setting? [16:15] Admin: Features [16:15] found it [16:15] it wasn't checked. I checked it [16:16] aha! [16:17] yep, the helper worked [16:18] thanks very much ricks99 and luciash [16:19] I'm giving a presentation on my wiki in a few hours, I wanted to show the poll feature. [16:19] ttyl [16:28] anyone know of a way to get comments on a per-article basis, by using article TYPE and CATEGORY? [16:29] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30728 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_googlemap.php: [FIX] gmaps: JS file needs to be 'external' (not minified) on some servers when JS minify is on. [16:31] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30729 10/branches/6.x/tiki-admin_include_gmap.php: [FIX] gmaps: The other JS file needs to be 'external' too [16:38] ricks99: you can set comments perms per category [16:38] ricks99: but it must be something more complex, i know you ;) [16:38] lol [16:39] i want a way to show all the comments for an article for a specfici category [16:39] i can use the last_wiki_comments with type=article, but also need a categId=XX (which doesn't seem to exist) [16:40] you can probably use perspective for that ? [16:40] maybe [16:40] * ricks99 knows nothing about perspectives [16:40] or include it in category plugin ? [16:41] y, but category plugin doesnt find comments [16:41] looking at a way to add category support to the wiki_last_comments module.... [16:41] what's the command to say "xxx knows nothing about ..." [16:42] ? [16:42] how do you say that? [16:43] * mikebeary knows nothing about [16:43] * I like soup [16:43] mikebeary1: /me [16:43] * mikebeary1 likes soup [16:43] nice, thanks [16:44] ricks, I need to learn perspectives and workspaces very thoroughly before Jan 1. I'll spend an entire month only working on that. When I'm done I'll create a tutorial with screenshots for you to put up on your site if you like [16:45] that would be great. tx [16:45] odd. the query for the wiki_last_comments is in the module php -- not a lib [16:45] looks like rick needs to add a join to the query to check the category of the owning object [16:46] maybe not too difficult... [16:46] mikebeary1: torsten (fabricius) already documented something iirc, which might be help for u [16:48] * ricks99 hates writing sql [16:48] lucaish whats iirc? where's this thing you've documented? [16:49] or torsten rather [16:49] if i remember correctly [16:49] I read the documentation on workspaces in docs.tiki but it seemed pretty obscure. I didn't grasp it. [16:50] I think there needs to be alot more youtube videos to explain and describe at least the basic elements of tiki. Like permissions, groups, workspaces, perspectives, etc. [16:50] I think it would promote the use of tiki overall [16:51] isnt there already a library funtion to return the category ID? [16:53] mikebeary1: see http://tiki.org/Torstens+Project+Perspectives [16:55] mikebeary1: there are some Tiki howtos contributed by teresa, see http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=Tiki+site:wikihow.com [16:55] oh yeah! [16:55] He tried to give me a link in a forum to that, but the link was broken. [16:56] that looks very descriptive [16:59] thank you [16:59] but videos would definitely help [16:59] too [16:59] or screencasts [17:03] mikebeary1: It would be cool if you made some [17:04] everyone is welcome here to help us [17:06] I definitely will. I've always liked producing detailed instructions for stuff [17:07] I'm going to be knee deep in it, so once I have a good understanding, I'll maybe work with Torsten to produce instructions. It says on his site that his goal is to enhance the documentation on the subjects of workspaces and perspectives [17:12] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:18] well. tiki runs now. really nice. but is there perhaps a plugin to have mediawiki-syntax? or a mediawiki to tikiwiki-conversion-script? [17:20] sash_: so far we are stuck with our own syntax, but have a look at http://doc.tiki.org/Mediawiki+Importer [17:22] thanks [17:33] lphuberdeau: I was wondering if it would make sense to use profiles for a book in accounting. After creating a new book, there are no accounts or reports in it, so I need to add them manually. If I have a standard schematics like SKR03 or SKR04 (typical german account schema) this means creating a few hundred accounts by hand and putting them into the right categories for reports etc. So I wonder, if profiles could be used for that (remember [17:33] ing Marks speech on saturday) [17:36] data channels? most likely [17:40] is there any hint on dev on what to do (as a programmer) to allow selecting a datachannel in a