polom chealer chealer you around? hi RobertPlummer chealer, I have a very odd issue in sheet, and I've come to road block. Cell's values are eval'd to obtain their value. The problem is that the cell's value has to be returned in a var so that we can easily do things like A1+B1 rather than making so many function calls. Anyway, the problem is that I now need to reference where the cell is located. Is it possible to reference a string's parent object somehow? RobertPlummer: heh. that's funny, I'm investigating a spreasheet bug. one with KSpread, KOffice's spreadsheet component For instance, A1 become cE.getCall(sheetI, Row, Col).value (more or less), and that value is sent back to the functions to prep for end value. it seems to corrupt some data... my own work timesheet Is there some way you can transverse the object like a DOM object. perhaps I should look at jQuery.sheet more :-) O wow ;) maybe It is still young. What do you think? RobertPlummer: woo, let me read your problem again... chealer, I'm getting gray hair over this one. RobertPlummer: I don't understand what you mean by "a string's parent object" Like a prototype object.... cell.value Is there a way to do cell.value.parent.... giving you cell again RobertPlummer: is it really a JavaScript question? I can do JavaScript but I really need to read anytime I do something deeper, I can't remember the structure. RobertPlummer: I'm afraid I can't help you. Rar! THis is complicated stuff no? An interesting thought I just had... You CAN do this with JSON ;) RobertPlummer: really, I know that Javascript has prototypes, but not what they are :-S sorry Ah chealer don't worry about it. You have probably used them and didn't even realize it. function() {} oops ;) RobertPlummer: yes, I must do that a lot with JavaScript (and probably even more with jQuery) var fn = function() { this.value = "test"; }; //this is a simple prototype function ;) fn.value will = "test" RobertPlummer: hum, I don't get it, but maybe that's OK :-) ;), if you don't do it every day it can be somewhat odd. New Forum Posts: Windows 2008+ Easy PHP - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39615 New Forum Posts: Localize only interface not including messaging text - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=13&comments_parentId=39618 polom hello! i was displaying some pics on my wiki, and now it says "file not found" on a bunch of them i link to them with: {img fileId="48" rel="box[g]"} the same, but with fileId="51", works where can i see a list of which files exist? 51 exists, but not 48. is there a list of such available references? maybe someone deleted these pics, or perhaps they were renamed for some reason? blip! blop! I have installed tiki6 But why cannot I access Look & Feel in admin? It starts loading and then just dies... probably not enough memory sylvieg: how much memory does it require? how much do you have (see in tiki-phpinfo.php) memory_limit 512M 512M sylvieg: I do not know check if you have a php error the IDs you use when you link to pictures... is there a way to find out which IDs exist, or perhaps when they were created/deleted etc? some of my pictures suddenly say "file does not exist" so i would like to find out why, or if someone has deleted them lokk at tiki_files sylvieg: Not what I could see. It requests tiki-admin.php?page=look successfully "file not found", that is perhaps they are only used internally in the wiki system? Ma1: try this: switch off as many features in the yourdomainfoo.bar/tiki-admin.php as you can errr before you do that check yourdomainfoo.bar/tiki-phpinfo.php like sylvie advised the look pae is a very consuming memory page you will see a table with the actual settings scroll down until you´ll find the so called "memory_limit" and 512M is an incorrct value - apache limits to 128M I think in any case - so I do not know what happens if the value is too big if that is less than 40 M, try to switch off features if it is 64 M or more, it is more unlikely a memory limit problem - I would say talin_: you say, that pictures, that formerly existed and have been successfully integrated in wikipages dissappear suddenly? Ma1: another thing, that could help for ex. in v.5 and v.6 is to switch ON the PHP error messages fabricius: yes fabricius: could be the some other admin changed settings, or did something stupid did you write a plugin? talin_: then you should discuss with the other admins first sylvieg: who? fabricius: i did, but they don't know what they've been doing Ma1: yourdomainfoo.bar/tiki-admin.php -> General settings -> scroll down until u find error messages - you can set them as only visible for admins fabricius: only SOME pictures are gone... all pics in a particular page talin_: that´s not so good fabricius: I did do that, but no error message.. fabricius: nothing critical or anything... i'm just wondering if there are any settings that could cause it sorry - need coffee confused between Ma1 and talin_ sylvieg: i'm sorry, i never intended to make you drink more coffee talin_: check in your database the table tiki_files and see if the fileId exists then check that you did not have a permission on the gallery or the file sylvieg: i was thinking that someone might have deleted them by accident... but i can't see these things in "File gallery" so how could they possibly delete them? fabricius: the case is, this works: tiki-admin.php?page=look the only way is to check in phpmyadmin or ... in the tiki_files table has them talin_: you cannot see them in the file gallery if they are deleted fabricius, sylvieg: my pictures work.. e.g. id = 51, but htat one isn't in file gallery either picture from where? wiki ? file gal? imggal? when u delete objects, that does not mean, that the ID is deleted aswell - anyway, I would do the same as sylvieg tess ya -> go to phpMyAdmin and check the database on the server sylvieg: {img fileId="51" rel="box[g]"} sylvieg: that type of picture. uploaded and presented on a page so it is filegallery sylvieg: hmm, okay. so i should find it in filegallery then check tiki_files if there is a fileId=51 in it sylvieg: that one works, but id = 48 doesn't work check fileId=48 ;-) I got another problem as well. My SEF urls doesn't work Ma1: input or output? sylvieg: ehm? I go to domain.com/ and gets to /HomePage Where I get: ..../tiki-index.php was not found on this server. what do you mean domain.com/tiki-index.php is not found? I go to domain.com/ gets redirected to /HomePage And the browser outputs ..../tiki-index.php was not found on this server. 404 Not Found error Ok, nvm. The SEF url problem is a config-error But how could I found out what causes the look&feel to fail? Ma1: like mentioned above check if error messagesare active (must be for some strange reason) then check tiki-phpinfo.php then switch off features, if mem_limit is low between the steps surely check look and feel if all that is done, mention, if solved or not tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30854 10/branches/6.x/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl: [FIX] show openid form on tiki-login.php sylvieg: so filegallery files are only visible in the database? tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30855 10/branches/6.x/lang/pt-br/language.php: Brazilian Portuguese translations done on i18n.tiki.org tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30856 10/branches/6.x/lang/hu/language.php: Hungarian translations done on i18n.tiki.org tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30857 10/branches/6.x/lang/sv/language.php: Swedish translations done on i18n.tiki.org talin_: no it is just to be sure the data is here outside config/bugs problem tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30858 10/branches/6.x/lang/de/language.php: German translations done on i18n.tiki.org fabricius|away: when I disable xajax it works ;) super Ma1: ;-) fabricius|away: haha. but that was as I expected. But then the ajax thing is buggy.. Ma1: yes, not error messages or memory_limit in your case - you could check the bug report and perhabs add the issue there ... I guess ajax would be still experimental, isn´t it? fabricius|away: don't think så so* "Auto Save" is experimental, has to do with wysiwyg, what is currently still in development - for that xajax is required so if not listed as experimental, still related to developed and experimental stuff just mention it to the devs on dev.tiki.org - here it might be lost in between all the messages sylvieg: ah, okay sylvieg: i didn't install the DB, so i'm not sure what the login is talin_: you can see the password in db/local.php if you have access to the tiki files sylvieg: okay, thank you hi anyone here know about tiki6 on postrgres progress? No progress on lucene so far I know sorry s/lucene/progress s/postgress :( so i'm gonna have a problem with updating.. hmm polom polom moloq moloq luciash every suggestion to Ma1 about L&F was wrong imho, there is simply bug introduced causing the panel not load when xajax is on you should be right ... thats why I asked Ma1 to mention the issue in a bug report on dev.t.o +1 for luciash all suggestions made did help me out of certain probs, that could be described more or similarly and have been mentioned to me several times here from inhabitants ;-) ajax I just didn´t think about in that moment well gtg cyas. sorry ;-) and +1 for luciash (xajax) well, as i read back more carefully i see you guys figured that out in the end too :) although it works for me, maybe it is browser specific issue Polom! After looking in the doc, I am still wondering how to include a single article (in full) inside a wiki page for a given topic and topictype (basically this is used for showing testimonials that I do put in as articles). The {ARTICLE()} plugin doesn't seem to help much and the {ARTICLES()} filtering is not giving me what I want any clue? Do I have to write a new plugin for that? I was using trackers in the past but they are impractical for what I want to do. morning! PhilBack: hi, no param which would give you whole article for the ARTICLE plugin ? mlpvolt: hi michael I am checking to see if anyone has reported a problem in 5.x with changing a user's password. mlpvolt: good luck :) Ticket 3587 is related with a button not working in tiki-admin_users.php. In my case "click here to confirm your action" does nothing. >devtwo bug3587 >list alias luci, yes that is the one. Sug4r: ping hmm, the bot seems out of batteries http://dev.tiki.org/bug3587 http://dev.tikiwiki.org/bug3587 about, add, am, any, are, bug, can, devtwo, doctwo, enlight, g, googldev, googldoc, googltwo, googlwiki, greet, h3110, have, helloya, help!, help?, hey, hey,, how, hug, ideas?, infotwo, is, item, lock, luckydev, luckydoc, luckytwo, luckywiki, pingy, polom, pong, remove, s4y, see, sug4r, talk, teach, ti, two, unlock, wassup, what, when, which, whisper, whisper2me, who, whois, why, wish, and you pong Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3674 - - cannot change user's password in tiki-admin_users.php - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3674 New Forum Posts: phpBB Again - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=39622 tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r30859 10/trunk/tiki-wikiplugin_edit.php: [MOD] Convert plugin editor handling to plugin matcher library How that noparam? There isn't now my daily problem: just did update a site (in development) from 3.7 to 4.3 - worked with one mySQL error PhilBack: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginArticles fullbody max=1 then updated from 4.3 to 5.3 - site is up, but only to reach with foo.bar/_cms/tiki5 - not with sub.foo.bar logging in brings me to a white window - nothing happens no access to the site anymore anybody an idea for me? enable php error reporting, increase memory_limit no access to enable php error reporting - mem limit is 40M -> normally enough to at least simply login - isn´t it? tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30861 10/branches/6.x/lib/prefs/menus.php: making an option easier to find normally yes, usually not :) :-D can u increase ? perhabs with php.ini what u mean by no access ? I try no Access = I type in my login data and be sent to nirwana ... white firefox window same in IE u can change that on tiki installer s/on/in/ I click on "login" and browser switches to snowflake in the arktis mode OK, I´ll try that enjoy white christmas ;) ah also: allocation of all tables still is utf-8, but german umlaut is crashed, like I would have a latin-1 problem try to fix it via installer just deleted the lockfile and going there OK, installer seems to have beensolved the encoding issue - but not able to login I´ll check users in php myAdmin I restart - short time off - brb luciash: cannot login anymore at all - have to emty cache to be able to access site at all fabricius: check if your admin user is in Admins group did u enable the php error reporting in the installer screen ? Oh man - that was the old fault thanks I did NOT enable error reporting, cause I just didn´t see it => who can read has the advantage sorry for that I did it again and much thanks so I am in now :-D note to self: forget about using webchat.freenode in chrome. Torsten, did the comminications feature do what you want? i wan't clear whether you were copying or syncing. how do i find the SVN revision number of the 5.2 release? i want to see if the password change problem exists back then. It must be a recent bug if not just something that afflicts my setups. this is the problem.tikiwiki:[29698] branches/5.x/tiki-adminusers.php mlpvolt: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/tags/ mlpvolt: no time now, must be at dinner in less than 1/2 an hour - bbl ... or mail ... but thanks hi mlpvolt. yes, that is where the regression came from. see http://tiki.org/ReleaseNotes5.3#Regressions note to self 2: check release notes first. lol thanks chealer, nkoth. Can I override a tpl file per style option ?rnI know I can do it by style Jyhem: i don't think so polom bolow New Forum Posts: Ver los cambios de todos los usuarios. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=39631 tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30862 10/branches/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): better admin panel for menus tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r30863 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [FIX]login: when account is suspended because of n invalif passwords : send a mail to the user and the admins + fix the password generation to fit the prefs hi mlpvolt no, not yet ... I found the way to switch it on, but nothing to use it. I´d need some silent time to figure that out - perhabs til weekend. hi lphuberdeau still in london? fabricus: i used the mailin feature once a long time ago for updating pages by email. I like this idea of syncing pages on two wikis. Snarf would only be one way. fabricius: hello, yes, still in London I hope you have a nice time there perhabs some siteseeing and pretty sure some cool bars guess you guys got a good bit of work done greetz to everybody ;- tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r30864 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] XAJAX was turned on by default when AJAX was turned on by default (in 6.0) so now XAJAX is off on fresh installs but AJAX remains on