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anyone here using tiki-index_raw.php ?
or knowing what other people use it for?
I see that it has the links to edit the page, etc. , however, I don't see the need to show the bottom bar, since you cannot edit the page in an equivalent "raw" mode, etc.
jonnybhi xavi [13:55]
xaviI was wondering if we could just remove the links to edit, source, perms, etc. from that tiki-index_raw.php
hi jonnyb
jonnybMarc and i were looking at this too a couple of days ago - also tiki-index_p.php and a few others...
need tidying up (after 6.1)
xaviI'm preparing a talk for another conference (next week) on the usage of Tiki trackers and PluginR [13:56]
jonnybi also had a good chat with Carsten about R and it's use in linguistics (he's impressed with your work!) [13:56]
xaviand for that work (behind the talk), we are looking for a way to export a file with parameters (collected by tiki trackers), but shown with R syntax (using a pretty tracker page, etc.)
I was showing the results in a link to a tiki-index_raw.php page, but those links are kind of disturbing... and I see no sense for them to be there
carsteen? R usage in lnguistics? (I didn't know about that, even if I know that R is used for *any* science)
jonnybindeed [13:58]
xaviand to be honest, what I've done is nothing to be impressed of (imho): it was just an idea of use of this "low hanging fruit" (connection between Tiki and R, taking the power of each one for the things each ones does very well) [13:59]
jonnybsomething to do with http://poiesipedia.com i think [13:59]
xavidid coaboa attend the london tikifest? [14:00]
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jonnybis coaboa Carsten? (i get lost with all these funny names ;) )
try tiki-index_p.php?page=HomePage instead
xavicoaboa = Carsten, yes
yes, I know, I'm also using tiki-index_p.php, but this shows other stuff/style
jonnybah, ok - hmmm [14:04]
xaviI was just looking for a way to "export" a file made from a pretty tracker (combining text and tracker values) - a file with parameters for an R script [14:05]
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jonnybhow about via a profile? you can use the content of a page in things [14:05]
xaviand that's why I was looking at the quick approach of using tiki-index_raw.php, and allow the user to save the page as simple ascii file (like .txt, but .r, in fact)
or I wonder if there any any other way (or "low hanging fruit" trick) which can allow to produce a "download file" button, based on the content from a pretty tracker page
I wish there was a way to do that without using profiles. it's supposed to be just an easy way for a user to download the contents of a pretty tracker as a file in local disk
bbl (heating late lunch)
s/"export" a file/export a page to a file
jonnyb(thought you'd gone?) [14:09]
xavijust turned on the microwave
and back
jonnybi'll have a think about downloads... [14:09]
xaviok [14:11]
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ricks99hi all :-) [14:15]
jonnybhi ricks99 [14:15]
xavihi ricks99 [14:15]
ricks99hi jonnyb & xavi [14:17]
@jonnyb: can you include some items (just a short lis, really) from tikifest london on http://tiki.org/upcoming+news
i'd like to get it out later today, if possible
jonnybok, i'll try [14:24]
ricks99tx! [14:24]
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xavijonnyb: potntial quick fix for me: I see that you added the optional "full" param for tiki-index_raw.php, to make it less raw
what about only showing the tiki-page_bar.tpl in the "full" version of the raw page?
I mean, in smarty, how to you say here:
{if (!$prefs.page_bar_position or $prefs.page_bar_position eq 'bottom' or $prefs.page_bar_position eq 'both') and $machine_translate_to_lang == ''}
that also checks for the "url" string in the url?
jonnybsounds sensible - but would be better to add a new parameter [14:31]
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xavimy goal was a quick fix... do you mean adding a new param & pref somewhere? [14:32]
jonnyblike clean or something? (also to remove the contribution/author/modified lines too) [14:32]
xaviyes, even better
so right now, the condition is in the php, not the tpl:
if (isset($_REQUEST['full']) && $_REQUEST['full'] != 'n') {
jonnybadded to list [14:33]
xaviI can do that right now myself, ince I know the smarty syntax (not the php one)
jonnybtry: {if isset($smarty.request.full) and $smarty.request.full neq 'n'}thing{/if} [14:35]
xavithnks [14:35]
thanks, jonny, this works:
{if !isset($smarty.request.clean) or $smarty.request.clean neq 'y'}
So I'm committing it with this new param "clean", as you suggested (new param)
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03qoumaq * r30876 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): calendar reminder added
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30877 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-show_page_raw.tpl:
tikiwiki: [ENH]Allow printing a wiki page without the information abouty authors,
tikiwiki: contributors, nor the links from the tiki-page_bar.tpl, if "clean=y" is added to
tikiwiki: the url of tiki-index_raw.php. Useful to allow saving files produced from pretty
tikiwiki: trackers (combining text and tracker item values, to produce parameter file for
tikiwiki: computations in R scripts, etc). Thanks jonnyb for tips
xaviso, next step, is: how can I force that this page (from "tiki-index_raw.php?page=foo&clean=y") is shown on a download dialogue, instead of just as an html page?
ricks99 ? ^
jonnybbravo xavi - just checking it... :)
you need to change the Content-Type in the header
xavi(maybe within you wide skill range, if you dont' have you head dig down under the ground now for some reason...) [14:50]
jonnybhave a look in tiki-download_file.php for how it does it [14:50]
xavi@ricks99 ^
ah, ok, jonnyb , I will
jonnybi would have done the clean param in the same way is the full one - i.e. you just need to add it to the url, not give it a value [14:52]
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jonnyblike: /tiki-index_raw.php?page=HomePage&full&clean [14:53]
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jonnybbit confusing to have two parameters that work in the opposite way in the same file i think [14:54]
xaviok, jonnyb , you are right
I'll fix (wikify) in short
jonnyb(sorry - picky) [14:54]
xavino, thanks indeed [14:54]
jonnybsame for download param i guess? [14:55]
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30878 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-show_page_raw.tpl: [MOD]Wikify the process to call the clean param. No value needed, just "clean" [14:56]
xavixavi slow going (still eating mandarines while typing :-)
qoumaq: I wish you could backport to 6.x (LTS) the calendar reminder... (very useful feature)
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xavijonnyb: why not extending tiki-download_file.php with a new param, like "wikiraw=foo"?
and when wikiraw is called, tiki-download_file.php would serve the file to download, from the wiki page "foo" in raw&clean format
jonnybxavi: sounds reasonable
but less work to add a new header line in page_raw i think (a bit cleaner too)
mmm, to add the header line in page raw for all cases? or also, only when "download"is used as an extra param?
s/or also/or
xavi trying
jonnyb, something like:
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$pdata"");
at the end of tiki-index_raw.php
within this if clause:?
if ( isset($_GET['download']) and !isset($_GET['display']) ) {
jonnyb1 mo
xaviok, np [15:31]
jonnybhi ricks99 - added a very basic list to http://tiki.org/Upcoming+News&no_bl=y#TikiFest_London_Wrapup
sorry no time for more
xaviok, np, jonnyb [15:34]
ricks99tx jonnyb [15:35]
jonnybricks99: not good english but hopefully some points you can use
xavi: i'd put the new if before the if (isset($_REQUEST['full']) and make that } else if (isset($_REQUEST['full'])...
and why introduce a new param "display"? not needed surely?
hang on, no you're right (sorry - not focussed)
not as an else, but as you said
xaviwell, display uses to be the param to indicate that the content should be displayed in the browser [15:37]
jonnybbut doesn't not having download do that already? [15:38]
xaviwell, what should happen if a user adds both params? display and download? [15:38]
jonnybyou also probably want it to be: header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="$page""); [15:38]
xaviby mistake, or similar? [15:38]
jonnybwhy would you add display?
it's not there so far is it?
it just does...
xaviwell, you are right, display is not at page_raw, just at download_file [15:39]
jonnybi'd use
if ( isset($_REQUEST['download']) && $_REQUEST['download'] !== 'n' ) {
so it's like the other params
and at the end is fine?
at the end of the index_raw file, I mean
jonnyb(i tend to use "and" & "or" etc in smarty, but && and || etc in PHP)
just before the $smarty->display lines
xaviok [15:41]
jonnybthen the output from those should be downloaded instead of displayed in the browser (i think) [15:41]
xavixavi trying
yes, it does! thanks jonnyb!
jonnybyay! :) [15:43]
xavithe file is downloading as .html
is there an easy way to force the file type?
jonnybhave you ever noticed messages missing in messu-mailbox.php
yup - um... Content-Type header i tihnk...
xavijonnyb: nope. just messages there that I cannot see (like in t.o)
ok, I'll at the Content-Type world
jonnybcheck out http://php.net/manual/en/function.header.php [15:44]
xavis/I'll at/I'll dig at [15:44]
jonnybyou probably want header("Content-type: text/plain"); [15:45]
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jonnybwhat on earth is feature_custom_home? anyone know? [15:57]
xavimmm, jonnyb, this sounds me of an ooooold hardcoded php file for custom home (back in Tiki pre 1.6...)
or the custom home for groups?
jonnybi was looking for group home when i found it
looks like a wiki page you can't edit...
another one for the KIL list i think...
xavi+1 for the KIL [16:04]
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30879 10/branches/6.x/tiki-index_raw.php:
tikiwiki: [ENH]Allow the user to request the raw content to be downloaded by means of
tikiwiki: including the param "&download" in the url, and also the filename foo.r if/when
tikiwiki: the the param "&filename=foo.r" is included also in the url. Useful for pretty
tikiwiki: trackers and custom buttons to allow downloading the resulting content, etc.
tikiwiki: Thanks jonnyb for tips
xaviso let's svn the production server...
svn up
mmm, ok, moving forward! nice! Now I get an issue with the charset...
even if this is something I can avoid (I've seen a workaround)
and there is a problem with parsing consecutive pre and np tags, it seems...
jonnybthere's probably another header you can send... [16:16]
xavijonnyb: yes, don't worry for the charset, I know there must be one, I'll look for that if too annoying for me [16:19]
jonnybi still can find the group home pref
doesn't seem to be indexed in the config search
xaviaptana search instead?
maybe the pref for that old feature is gone?
jonnybyes, found it in the source ok - but seems to be another bug... [16:21]
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30880 10/branches/6.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] group home: Add useful keywords to prefs, make limitedGoGroupHome on by default (seems more logical) and add autocomplete to group home input. [16:34]
xavichealer: for some (misterious) reason, nowadays I can see those icons from files as anonymous also
which is the expected behavior, so ... so far, so good again! :-)
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: irc - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=39646 [16:54]
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New Forum Posts: Who pays for it all? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=39647 [17:15]
xavi: good
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r30881 10/branches/6.x/tiki-index_raw.php: [ENH]Add default charset as utf-8 for the contents of the downloaded file [18:01]
xaviyes, chealer :-) [18:01]
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30882 10/branches/6.x/styles/jqui.css: [CSS] jqui: Nicer background for highlight class [18:06]
chealerxavi: about branches
OK, I'm on Windows, pardon anything weird coming out
xavi: about http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_file.php?r1=30783&r2=30787
do we need the parameter description "'Choose either File from gallery or Wiki page attachment."? it seems implicit to me
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30883 10/branches/6.x/ (12 files in 5 dirs): [ENH] Lesser magic: Search improvements - link to correct tab for found features and highlight them, show a tooltip on the search button when re-indexing is required and a few minor visual improvements. [18:09]
xavihe he, maybe not, chealer. Since I made that "File from gallery" as default, instead of the former "Choose an option", I thought in making explicit somehow that there is another option in the drop down
change it if you wish (I'm ok with it either way)
as far as the common option is the default (to avoid extra clicks for the common actions - file from file gal)
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30884 10/branches/6.x/tiki-upload_file.php: [FIX] list file galleries that the user has perm to upload when using object permissions [18:11]
Tiki|botInfo: TikiFest London Wrapup - http://info.tiki.org/article124-TikiFest-London-Wrapup [18:14]
chealerxavi: in fact perhaps there shouldn't be another option in the drop down... since file galleries can be enabled or not
xavi: yes, I don't mind but I figure translators don't want to translate more
xaviI didn't try that plugin without file galleries (I wonder if it works, or if it's even shown)
I need some help with a smarty problem
smarty seems to fail to show the pretty tracker page when the (long) template has this two lines inside (from hundreds):
any tip what can be wrong in smarty with this R syntax?
the rest of the template is fine: http://pastebin.com/BQE15h89
but not the two lines from http://pastebin.com/UTG7A2W8
jonnyb? ^
this is beyond my skills... (not know enough smarty to identify the potential problem, and possible workaround)
jonnybwhich link? [18:21]
xavi"but not the two lines from http://pastebin.com/UTG7A2W8 "
s/two lines/4 lines
jonnybok, got it - you mean wiki syntax? (using ~pp~)
can't see anything obvious i'm afraid
xavinope, I mean that when I add these 4 lines from http://pastebin.com/UTG7A2W8 , the pretty tracker page shows nothing below the title of the page
ok, if nothing obvious, I'll keep doing trial and error
until I find it
thanks, btw "nothing obvious" is a good answer also for my question
apache error log shows:
<b>Warning</b>: Directive 'register_long_arrays' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Directive 'magic_quotes_gpc' is deprecated in PHP 5.3 and greater in <b>Unknown</b> on line <b>0</b><br />
lots of those lines for the last minutes
does it say anything meaningful to you, chealer or jonnyb?
any deprecated code used in tiki since php 5.3+?
jonnybthat's caused by those two lines? [18:30]
xaviit seems so...
xavi confused
or at least, it's caused at the same time when I'm using the long (450+ lines) wiki page template for a pretty tracker page display
jonnyb: nope, that error is caused by something else, not by changes in that pretty tracker page
xavi still confused on what was really causing that error.
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r30885 10/branches/6.x/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translation [18:50]
xavijonnyb, could it be that nested if clauses in an smarty template break the smarty parser? [18:52]
jonnybis this a pretty tracker tpl? (as i said it has wiki syntax in it so i'm a bit confused) [18:53]
xaviit's a pretty tracker design, with the template in a wiki page
with that syntax:
~pp~ r code ~/pp~
this is the whole section where those lines are:
lines 23-23 & 24-25
jonnyb~pp~ isn't smarty syntax though [18:55]
xavisee that they are inside an if clause (lines from 21 to 28)
well, ~pp~ might not be smarty syntax but it just works to have the r code not parsed and pre-formated
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30886 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl: [FIX] articles: Add warning confirm box if you are saving HTML in an article without the "Allow full HTML (for this edit session)" checked (not a great design) [18:57]
xaviso only when I remove *any* if clause in lines 22+23 and 24+25 , the pretty tracker page displays [18:57]
jonnybhave you tried ~np~ maybe?
(because i think you're dealing with the wiki syntax parser)
xaviI did try, and it screws the display of the whole r code (removing carriage returns, etc) [18:59]
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xaviok, running out of time. I'll re-factor the if clauses so that they are not nested
last test
for today for me
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30887 10/trunk/lang/web.config: [FIX] JavaScript translation: 403 Forbidden on JavaScript translation files on IIS (completes r27909) [19:04]
xavibingo! avoiding nested if clauses in the wiki page template for the pretty tracker solved the issue! [19:05]
i am using tiki-index_raw.php
xavi: ^
xavihi luciash [19:10]
luciashxavi: i use it to load the content of a wiki page via Ajax to Colorbox [19:11]
xaviok, I hope you don't mind my changes [19:11]
luciashxavi: i load only #wikitext though
xavi: i didn't notice your changes yet
xavimmm, the file which is downloaded by index_raw has &quot; instead of double quotation marks
anyhint on how to make that file keep the " instead of &quot;?
luciashxavi: i will let you know if it breaks something [19:12]
xaviok, and I can't load a page with index_raw inside a colorbox
I dunno why
I can with tiki-index_p.php but not with tiki-index_raw.php
ok, enough for today for me
luciashxavi: maybe you or somebody already broke it again then
it was working fine with jonnyb's fix in 6.0 iirc
xavihe he, sorry if it was me (I didn't know I did touch anything sensitive... I'm afraid it was broken for me before my changes) [19:14]
luciashit was broken before [19:14]
xaviok, see you all [19:15]
luciashbut for 6.0 it should be working again
c u xavi
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chealeris it "normal" that you need to clear cache after enabling a plugin for it to show in toolbar plugin help& [19:20]
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30888 10/branches/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_colorbox.php: [FIX] COLORBOX: Broken link to help [19:21]
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30889 10/branches/6.x/templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl: [FIX] articles: Only confirm html loss on saving, not cancel or preview.
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r30890 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_file.php:
tikiwiki: FILE plugin: only show enabled types
tikiwiki: [FIX] Body is only used for files from file galleries
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30891 10/branches/6.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [FIX] jslint: Removing rogue comment start error on line 803 and fix various other warnings. [20:10]
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kiilo093 [20:43]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #3677 - - jscalendar drawn under tracker form - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3677 [21:08]
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CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30892 10/branches/6.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] search module: Automatically go to page on enter key if a page was
tikiwiki: selected from the autocomplete, don't put all the defaults into the module admin
tikiwiki: form, change "go" to "titles" (and so make buttons a little smaller) and various
tikiwiki: other fixes.
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chealerhi thraxisp [21:47]
thraxisp'afternoon [21:47]
chealerregarding #3677, which exact version do you use? [21:47]
thraxispchealer: 6.0rc1 (rev 30671 from svn) [21:51]
chealerthraxisp: is minify CSS enabled?
or can we see the site? the problem is CSS property z-index
thraxispchealer: no. The site is at www.cbbca.ca, but you need a registration to see the trackers. Self register and I'll set you up. [21:56]
CIA-79tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r30893 10/trunk/ (31 files in 14 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/6.x 30869 to 30892 [22:05]
chealerthraxisp: I just registered as "chealer". it will need to be validated too [22:06]
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thraxisp: OK, I put jscalendar at z-index 6 but it's beaten by .tabcontent at z-index 200
thraxisp: if I don't fix that in the next few days please remind me
thraxispok [22:28]
chealer(in Coelesce) [22:28]
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thraxispIs there a way to embed one wiki page in another? I want to write a short page that is used in several other pages, but not copy and paste the text. [22:44]
chealerthraxisp: the INCLUDE plugin [22:55]
thraxispthanks. I didn't see that one. [22:56]
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graciaspassifide is now known as olinuxx
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