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coaboa has joined #tikiwiki coaboa: hi all
short question: accidently hit remov instead of print with ~20 pages in tiki 6.0. All versions are gone. No are you sure or do you want to remove all versions dialogue. HELP what can I do?
Worked all day on those pages and wrote a lot. No db backup. there should realy be an "Are you sure to delete all selected pages with all versions?" dialoge. There is one for a singl page!!! ***: olinuxx has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) coaboa: f*** ***: AndroUser has joined #tikiwiki
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femabr has joined #tikiwiki femabr: i need help. I upload images to my file gallery, but when i link to an image setting the id of the file, the image doesnt appear on my page
need help to solve it ***: dcedilotte has quit IRC (Quit: time to relax and play games.)
lorinc has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) chealer: femabr: which Tiki version do you use? could you show? ***: Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki coaboa: the remove multiple pages also removes multiple pages in Version 6.1b :-( ther has to be a confimation dialogue!!!! chealer: coaboa: unfortunately, most likely the pages are gone for good, and this issue is not a regression. coaboa: please build in a confirmation dialogue or make the function only remove the pages to a dumpster or an undo or a permission seperated from Remove (single) page.
so in fact the only way is to disable "remove pages" feature and disable "page creators are admins of their pages". chealer: coaboa: the pages are gone for good indeed changi: coaboa: hi
coaboa: just try on my Tiki3 and Tiki5, chealer is right.
coaboa: are you working on your personnal server or on another.
coaboa: maybe they have redolog activate.
coaboa: binlogs in fact. coaboa: just my own but at production the settings are that page creators are admins... just disabled that. No unfortunately no binlogs and most of the work is from today... so I have to redo it even better ;-) changi: coaboa: sorry for that
just to avoid losing your hair, activate binlogs on your own, it always help coaboa: ;-) Other option would be to "invent" (after some intense research) an "are you sure..." dialogue ;-) changi: coaboa: yes for sure
both will help coaboa: less coffe could make the mouse move more accurate which will give extra security ;-) changi: will take time tomorrow to see if i can add this confirmation step.
maybe a better developper with more skills could check ? coaboa: would be very cool changi: sylvieg: ping ?
lphuberdeau: ping ? coaboa: my girlfriend suggest if it is to complicated to have this in the multiple selection dialoge (I recal some discussion on that) to devide the destructive things from eg. printing
eg. delete/remove bottom right and print/xml bottom left changi: good suggestion, but as i said before, this should be done by a real developper :) ***: changi is now known as changi|afk coaboa: good night all, have to go for today, cu femabr: chealer: 5.0 ***: lorinc has joined #tikiwiki
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fs_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) CIA-79: tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r31369 10/branches/6.x/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] allow menu url fields to not be escaped by using the menus_item_names_raw pref in the same way as the name field is not escaped - admin screen label/description updated