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nicod has joined #tikiwiki [00:19]
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mohrt has left [02:00]
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j0n3hi [08:39]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r31628 10/trunk/styles/coelesce.css: [FIX] the category list below wikipages exceeds the catitems zone with Chrome. Also, standardize the look with all other builtin themes [09:05]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r31629 10/branches/proposals/6.x/styles/coelesce.css: [bp/r31628][FIX] the category list below wikipages exceeds the catitems zone with Chrome. Also, standardize the look with all other builtin themes [09:08]
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dcedilotte has joined #tikiwiki [09:56]
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Andurino has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [10:28]
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [11:11]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Can't access the wiki after adding the Poll module - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39909 [11:23]
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robertplummer has joined #tikiwiki [13:11]
robertplummerpolom to all
good morning from the states!
lphuberdeau: how is everything going this morning?
xavi: hey, looks like our conversation the other day was killed due to a much bigger issue, odd though that we were in the middle of a meeting.
xavihi robertplummer [13:22]
robertplummer;) [13:23]
xaviyes, I wonder what happened with skype the other day
have you seen my email today?
robertplummerSo hows the codemirror integration going since the other day?
Yes, I replied.
xaviah, ok :-) I'll process it then :-) [13:23]
robertplummerI guess Skype is still down, going on 2.5 days here. [13:23]
xavimmm, curious, I have skype working for spanish contacts, brazilian, canadian... not USA's [13:24]
robertplummerThe question that you had about further integration of colors etc should be trivial, we just need to add another status to the js file and css coloring. [13:24]
xaviadd another status, yes, that's where I got lost
xavi has no clue of js
I was not even sure of the .concat(...) function...
xavi needs a js cheatsheet
dcedilottexavi: api.jquery.com [13:26]
xavihe he, thanks dcedilotte :-)
dcedilotte: it's about codemirror, so not jquery, afaik
dcedilotteMy bad, what's codemirror? [13:29]
xavihe he, dcedilotte : see: http://old.nabble.com/-Tiki-devel--Syntax-Highlighter-for-TikiWIki....-ruff-cut--)-td30517845.html [13:29]
dcedilottexavi: cool thanks. [13:30]
xavixavi passes a big part of those thanks to robertplummer [13:30]
robertplummerThe status stuff is very simple....
Check for a character, possibly look ahead, and maintain until.
You can also do some error handling, but not usually.
In JS everything is super simple, the human mind complicates it.
xavi:-) [13:33]
robertplummerbrb [13:33]
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xavirobertplummer_: see pm [13:38]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03killianebel * r31630 10/trunk/lib/ (TikiWebdav/Backend/File.php mime/mimelib.php): [FIX] Mime type detection when uploading a file in WebDAV [14:15]
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marclaporteHi mohrt! [15:24]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03killianebel * r31631 10/trunk/lib/TikiWebdav/ (Backend/File.php PathFactories/File.php): [FIX] File renaming in WebDAV using a Nautilus (Gnome file explorer) client [15:35]
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xavisylvieg around?
hi marclaporte btw
structures lost a nice feature in 6.x and trunk (regression), which makes things in doc.t.o a bit more time consuming
the ability to add a page to a structure from the header of a previous page in that structure: doesn't work any more (for a few weeks already)
marclaportemarclaporte hides [15:54]
code in trunk seems to be still there (from lines 1108 to 1125 in tiki-editpage.php ) but there must be a problem somewhere else (beyond my skills this time)
I fixed this problem once months ago, but not this time.
xavi decides to hide also
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Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [16:58]
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coaboahello tikiverse [17:11]
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chealerpolom [17:43]
CIA-76tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r31632 10/third_party/codemirror/ (css/tikiwikisyntaxcolors.css js/parsetikisyntax.js): [ADD] Features to syntax highlighting for tikiwiki [17:44]
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tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r31633 10/third_party/codemirror/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ADD] More tiki highlighting for plugins and titles, also made editwiki update codemirror so they both play nice together. [18:03]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03chealer * r31634 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] Most regressions from r29189 in already translated strings [18:21]
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edmundAre there any admins online that can tell me about the next steps for gaining commit access for tikiwiki (ref - http://dev.tiki.org/How+to+get+commit+access)? Thanks [18:32]
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satdavguys can you add custom pages to tiki wiki
and make some for registeration only
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coaboa||away is now known as coaboa [20:23]
coaboahi [20:23]
satdavhi their coaboa [20:25]
coaboadid you receive an answer regarding your registration question?
if not see: http://doc.tiki.org/User+Tracker for details
satdavnope not yet [20:38]
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CIA-76tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r31635 10/third_party/codemirror/ (css/tikiwikisyntaxcolors.css js/parsetikisyntax.js): [ADD] More wicked cool syntax highlighting, more-so for plugins and their variables. [22:52]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: admin lost its permissions, what do set the permissions to in the db - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=39911 [23:39]
CIA-76tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r31636 10/third_party/codemirror/ (css/tikiwikisyntaxcolors.css js/parsetikisyntax.js):
tikiwiki: [FIX] cleaned up a few function calls
tikiwiki: [ADD] added deleted text

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