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***GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [00:31]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31765 10/trunk/modules/mod-func-since_last_visit_new.php: [FIX]sefurl for tracker
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r31766 10/trim/scripts/profile.php: [FIX] terminology: applying a profile (and not installing a profile)
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03chealer * r31767 10/trunk/ (24 files in 12 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [ENH] Articles: Add watch event for comments article_commented (global)
tikiwiki: [ENH] Articles: Add general watch event article_* (global)
tikiwiki: [ENH] Watch articles : add an eye somewhere (Closes: 1755)
tikiwiki: [ENH] add group watch to articles (Closes: 3100)
tikiwiki: make watch types, titles and URLs generally optional
tikiwiki: [ENH] Admin Notifications: improve watch addition
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How can I turn on php errors etc via the mysql database?
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xaviMa1: check the right settings that you have to change in the tiki_preferences table, through looking at http://profiles.tiki.org/Debug [13:27]
Ma1xavi: I found it now. MySQL says tiki_pages is required an upgrade :S [13:28]
ricks99hi all :-) [13:28]
xavi? [13:28]
Ma1xavi: when I do check table tiki_pages; I get tikiwiki32.tiki_pages | check | error | Table upgrade required. Please do "REPAIR TABLE `tiki_pages`" or dump/reload to fix it! [13:29]
xavihi ricks99
Ma1: repair the table
it might be damanged becuase some mysql issues
ricks99hi xavi [13:30]
xaviAND upgrade to latest 3.x [13:30]
Ma1xavi: We are running 6.x
xavi: this is just an old installation we are copying articles and pages from
xaviMa1: ah, ok. however, your db name is tikiwiki32
Ma1xavi: repair cannot delete the content of the table? [13:31]
xavi"cannot"; no idea, 100%. I know for sure that 100% of times when I repaired a mysql table, I lost nothing. [13:32]
Ma1Alright, I see
How do I dump/reload ?
Yonixxxhi Rick, Xavi, Ma [13:32]
xaviusing phpmyadmin, you can cehck the table name/s, and select "repair" at the drop down at the bottom
hi Yonixxx
Yonixxxola! :) [13:33]
xavi:-) [13:34]
Ma1xavi: yeah, but how do I dump it? [13:34]
ricks99shalom yonixxx [13:34]
xaviMa1: if you can't do mysqldump in the console, or export from phpmyadmin, then you have to repair your tables first [13:34]
YonixxxHello Rick ! (like we said in Brooklyn ! :D) [13:35]
ricks99he he he. here it is Shalom Ya'll ;-) [13:35]
Yonixxx:) [13:36]
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xavic u all [14:04]
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SDuensinGreetings. [14:26]
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ricks99: to your yesterday's question at me - i like to learn the fact it is so simple to create own profile repository and to learn how to do it on that page of your book
ricks99ah. glad u found it useful
hehehe... it cost me almost as much to send a copy to you as it did to actually print & produce :)
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31768 10/trunk/tiki-download_item_attachment.php: [ENH]tracker: can also download a tracker attachment with itemId and fieldId in the url [15:56]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31769 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: typo [16:16]
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luciashricks99: *g*, oups :) [16:45]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31770 10/trunk/get_strings.php: [FIX] exclude codemirror like Zend [16:45]
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31771 10/trunk/get_strings.php: Typo [16:52]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31772 10/trunk/lib/imagegals/imagegallib.php: notice [17:17]
ricks99Tiki has modules for blog_last_comment and wiki_last_comments and tracker_last_comments... but nothing for articles?
hm... looks lie the wiki_ast comments accepts type=articles. cool
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hi ricks99. thank you for the book :-)
ricks99thx for ur input. [17:32]
chealerricks99: indeed. I guess that's why it's called "Last comments" now. [17:33]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31773 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.sefurl.php: [FIX]sefurl: missing image sefurl (used in CATEGORY) [17:33]
ricks99y, but its listed as "mod-func-wiki_last_comments"
thats what confused me
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31774 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.sefurl.php: [bp/r31773][FIX]sefurl: missing image sefurl (used in CATEGORY) [17:35]
ricks99is there no way to categorize blog *posts* ?
ricks99 thought that was added as part of the blog revamp?
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sylviegxavi.. was mailing you ... commit 31774 for you
with marc we fixed 31764 for the search
xavihi sylvieg. ok thanks
it was beyond my skills
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ricks99argh! tiki consistency - you're klling me.... why do blogs have 'blog excerpt' but articles have 'article heading'? [17:52]
chealerricks99: yes, I didn't change the system names. [17:53]
ricks99ricks99 thinks they should be the same thing, really [17:53]
chealerricks99: I can categorize a blog post in trunk [17:56]
ricks99oh. i'm usin 6.1 [17:57]
chealerI agree, the system name and the name *should* be as identical as possible [17:57]
ricks99not just the name, but the funtionality. i dont really understand the purpose of the except -- it isnt part of the bost [17:58]
chealerricks99: sorry, I replying about the modules [17:58]
chealeris that what you were talking about? [17:59]
ricks99y. but now i'm ranting about "article header" vs "blog excerpt" :) [17:59]
chealerricks99: yes, I'm sorry, please rant on. [18:00]
ricks99an *exceprt" is a portion of text that is pulled/removed from the body. but Tiki treats the "blog excerpt" as a separate item
would be super cool if tiki just took the first 100-or-so characters of my blog post and made it the into/heading/excertp text
'cause now, i have to copy/paste the first paragraph of my blog body to the excerpt field :(
</rant off>
lphuberdeauI just don't like excerpts for blogs in the first place
forces me to go outside of my RSS reader to keep reading
that's just plain annoying
ricks99well, i want/need/expect to be able to lis the first paragraph or so of my last 10 posts on my home page
ricks99 thinking of using the articles as my blog-engine
lphuberdeausame thing, really [18:03]
ricks99y, but with articles, the rss feed is complete
because tiki sends the article header + body in the rss
lphuberdeauI'm just thinking "list wiki pages in category blog by creation date in an RSS feed and you have a blog", but that might just be me [18:07]
ricks99y. but i want on my home page to show the last 10 posts/pages. but not the *full* page ,jus tthe first paragraph with a READ MORE link
i think i'll use tiki articles instead of blog
lphuberdeauthe shorten part is really a client-side issue, as in not the feed's job [18:09]
ricks99i'm an end-user. i dont care about plumbing. i just want what i want :)
articles does everything i want except the next/previous post. and i think i can work around that
except... argh. why cant i customize the tiki toolbar for article *headings*? looks like it uses the comment format?
lphuberdeauthat would be really surprising
well, tiki being what it is, maybe not so much
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ricks99maybe im doing somehting wrong, but it sure looks that way to me [18:19]
xaviricks99: (hi all) would you be able to use the moonths_links module to mimic the "blog archive" functionality it provides, but also for articles?
I haven't tried, but it might
ricks99wasnt planning on using it. instead using regular tiki-list_articlees.php but sending a custom date range variable
this way i can create buttons/links that list only articles within a specific time frame
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lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:33]
sylvieg? I've got another issue with tracker items in proposals/6.x not producing the right sef-url
when used in a trackerlist plugin
since you have that sef-url things fresh... maybe you can point me in the right direction, so that I can fix it
example: http://entitatsdelamarina.org/Enquesta
where it says "enllaƧ" (= "link")
ricks99http://wiki.eclipse.org/EclipseLink/UserGuide/MOXy [18:46]
xaviurl is like http://entitatsdelamarina.org/item&trackerId=2
ricks99: ? what's that?
ricks99wong window [18:56]
xaviok [19:02]
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sylvieg: forget my previous error report about tracker item & SEF-url's
I was missing to apply db upgrade on the multitiki
and your fix is good (I forgot it was needing also the db upgrade)
ricks99: how can I add a line to separate each row in this form? http://entitatsdelamarina.org/Enquesta
I mean, how to provide a greyed line to indicate the limit of each row
ricks99ricks99 looking [19:30]
xaviI don't see any css property where I can add some upper and lower border color...
you know: input field seems to be aligned verticaly
but text on the lest sometimes uses two lines, and it's not super intuitive for the end users to know what's the input box for each question
s/on the lest/on the left
ricks99create a css style rule for: table.wikiplugin_tracker tr {border-bottom:1px solid #494949;} [19:32]
xavithanks! [19:32]
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ricks99or, if you want it ONLY for that specific form, use form#editItemForm1 table.wikiplugin_tracker tr {.....} [19:32]
xaviyou're in my list of the top 3 css tiki-masters! [19:33]
ricks99lol [19:33]
now I realize it was not that far from my current skill-set (slowly progressing)...
ricks99i cheat. i use the ie dev toolbar [19:34]
xaviwikiplugin_tracker class was deinfed higher up from where I was looking with firebug
so do I :-)
well, firebug (in ff or chrome)
ricks99same difference. you should have somthing like "copy xpath" when you click an element. that will show you the FULL class info
from the HTML definition all the way down
Q to xavi: do u think it is "odd" to have a language drop list (as on your page) with a single selection?
just curious
xavihe he, yes, it is :-)
I have to add the automatic translation feature to tht site
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xavimmm, however, I wonder if I can allow users to select their preferred interface language, without showing the drop down when only one language, like in this case
I mean, if I un-set multilanguage feature, I loose all features, and I want to keep the feature to allow users to select their prefferred language
things about language in bilingual comunities/countries are a bit tricky with people (like in Quebec, afaik)
same here in Catalonia with Catalan and Spanish
btw, I don't see the copy xpath info in firebug
anyway, I'm newbie, with fairly simple usage (so far at least, of firebug features)
ricks99rightclick an element in the left pane [19:42]
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xaviricks99: ah, ok, thanks, now I see it
hi fabricius
fabriciushi xavi [19:47]
xaviricks99: I added that to custom css (+ delelted tiki caches) and I don't get any difference in the layout of the table
I added this:
table.wikiplugin_tracker tr {border-bottom:1px solid #494949;}
as you suggested
shouldn't there be anything between wikiplugin_tracker and tr?
xavi needs to look how it's done in other parts of base css files in tiki
ricks99u sure you have table.wikiplugin?
i only see .wikiplugin_tracker tr
look @ line 51 of enquesta.css
it should be table.wikiplugin_tracker tr
xaviwell, I did had that, didn't work, and tried without "table"
I'll try again with table
done, no change, afaik
and cleared tiki caches, etc
ricks99duh. use *td* NOT tr
ricks99 needs a coffee refill
xavioups, I should have spotted that also
xavi needs dinner
ricks99ricks99 would be dangerous if he acutally knew what he was doing [19:57]
thanks ricks99
luciashhi, border on tr should work also - but maybe not on table with border-collapse: collapse [19:58]
ricks99y. thats what i spotted. [19:58]
luciasher, separate [19:58]
ricks99ur welcome xavi (should go to luciash first next time :) [19:58]
xavihi luciash (another of the css masters) [19:58]
luciashsorry, i was afk, and you ricks99 were the good help here available [19:59]
xavianother related question: how can I have the input field centered vertically
luciashwhich one ? :D [19:59]
ricks99@xavi, just my $0.02, but instead of a line, i would simply increase the padding (whitespace) 1em or so
ricks99 likes whitespace
xavithe ones in the tracker [20:00]
luciashin td all should work using vertical-align: middle [20:00]
xaviricks99: yes, yes, I know. I'll tweack it (I donpt want to leave a black line there)
thnks luciash, I'll try
ricks99in the same css definition, add vertical-align:middle [20:00]
xaviok, thanks to both
and I'll leave it as it is right now (I can't invest more time now on this). dashed and light blueish + vertical align
luciashluciash would put some whitespace between the logo and "La Marina La xarxa del teu barri" too [20:04]
ricks99woo hoo, just got notificaiton that tiki essentials is now on amazon :-) [20:04]
luciashw00t :) [20:04]
xavicongrats ricks99 [20:07]
ricks99tx to all tiki-ers [20:07]
chealer:-) [20:07]
ricks99ricks99 waiting for the royalty checks to start rolling in... since i didnt win the megamillions lottery last nite [20:08]
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xaviricks99 & luciash: I changed the border line& color for padding-bottom: 10px; and I'm considering to commit to layout.css in trunk and proposals/6.x
what do you think?
ricks99should use relative instead of absolute sizes. and aren't colors etc theme-specific? [20:15]
xavicolors? I removed them
relative: 1.2em? (I never understand how they work, and why sometimes they don't work for me)
example: I tried to change the sitetitle & subtitle size from this site for my students, and I couldn't: htp://club.iesbarcelona.org
oups, I mean: http://club.iesbarcelona.org
ricks99#sitetitle {font-size:4em} [20:20]
xaviso ricks99: is this good for commiting then?
table.wikiplugin_tracker td {vertical-align:middle; padding-bottom:1.2em;}
ricks99i personally dont like the vertical alignment
just me
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r31775 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_include_performance.tpl: [MOD] adding more prefs to admin panel for things that can slow Tiki down. [20:23]
xaviwell, without lines and things too close, when the text of the label uses two lines, and the input box is on top (as of now in trunk), it's not clear sometimes where the inpuc refers to, whether that line, or the one above [20:24]
ricks99i agree. thats why i hate tables for forms [20:25]
xaviok. I'll commit then (better than it is right now)
and I'm running out of time for today
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luciashwell, tables cells have vertical align middle by default, so over-writing them is not ideal, but only solution for you... having it middle aligned is not good for table cells of forms containing large textareas... then the label usually is not visible at first sight for left table cell label + right table cell form data type layout... that is why i hate tables in forms too ;) [20:38]
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luciashluciash likez ricks99 becoming usability expert :)
err, should i say guru ?
ricks99"hacker" [20:40]
xaviwalk the dog time (bbl) [20:40]
luciashluciash just returned from one ;)
siberia weather here :-p brrrr
***ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at http://twessentials.keycontent.org)
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changipolom [20:58]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r31776 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [ENH]Visually separating a little bit more rows (and their input boxes) in a form inside tracker plugin. Thanks ricks99 and luciash for tips. [21:07]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r31777 10/branches/proposals/6.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [ENH][bp/r31776]Visually separating a little bit more rows (and their input boxes) in a form inside tracker plugin. Thanks ricks99 and luciash for tips. [21:08]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31778 10/trunk/get_strings.php: [FIX] Don't put translation string used by punctuation string in unused part of language.php [21:28]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31779 10/trunk/templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl: [FIX]forum: shorter url [21:38]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31780 10/trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/docs.css: [FIX]css: never define background without font color (see darkroom) [22:06]
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when I login to the communty site tiki.org, the CSS crashes down and editing is not possible ... does anybody know the reason?
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marclaporteno [22:36]
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chealerfabricius: what happens when you try editing? [22:52]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31781 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_users.tpl: [MOD] Set class odd and even on tr instead of td [23:01]
fabriciussry chealer, didn't see your reply [23:11]
sylviegcan not post forum topic in trunk textarea is too small witht darkroom [23:12]
fabriciuschealer: when I try editing, the site collapses at all - white page just with some few info in two lines ...
edit: GLUG
preview edit save
nothing more - else is white page
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31782 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]forum: simplify some urls (no sort_mode and forumId) + fix prev next topic [23:15]
fabriciusmarclaporte: r you still there? [23:16]
marclaportey [23:16]
fabriciusjust activated timestamps now - you answere earlier than chealer - didn see it aswell
chatting with angela
I am running linux now ... smoothly, fine nice peace of software
luciashfabricius: it is usually caused by insufficient resources (memory_limit)
fabricius: not fully loaded page "without css"
fabricius: congrats (for linux)
fabriciusluciash: thx ... would need a sysadmin with serveraccess, to increase the mem_limit, isn it? Or deleting tiki-cashes? [23:18]
chealersylvieg: I have the same thing (in fivealive), in comments. waiting for jonnyb :-)
sylvieg: meanwhile I enlarge the textarea
fabriciusluciash: ubuntu 10.10 on my and on my girlfriends laptop [23:19]
luciash:) [23:20]
fabriciusluciash: I like those wobbling windows [23:20]
luciash*g* [23:20]
fabriciusand the vast amount of software, for ex childrens software for my 4 year old son ... he wants a real laptop asap he sais now ;-) [23:21]
chealerfabricius: I have no such problem editing UserPageChealer9 [23:22]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31783 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_users.tpl: ~INDENT~ no change [23:23]
luciashluciash just happy to successfully fix his dslr camera hot pixel without need to send it to warranty service ! internet rulez, yay ! :) [23:23]
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CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31784 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_users.tpl: [ENH] Code factorisation [23:25]
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fabriciuschealer: I checked it with a second browser now and then with the other laptop - same problem [23:27]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31785 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_users.tpl: [ENH] introduction of class on td - see http://dev.tiki.org/Templates+Best+Practices&highlight=formcolor#Tables [23:28]
luciashchealer: i guess you should try on the same page
as fabricius
(the editing)
chealerfabricius: the page is GLUG or what? [23:32]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r31786 10/trunk/ (styles/layout/design.css templates/tiki-list_blogs.tpl): [ENH] introduction of class on td - see http://dev.tiki.org/Templates+Best+Practices&highlight=formcolor#Tables [23:33]
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fabriciuschealer: yes, and my Userpage aswell [23:37]
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chealerfabricius: can you try as another user (anonymous?)? [23:51]
CIA-37tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31787 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl tiki-admingroups.php): [FIX]groups: fix maxRecords+ show find box in any case [23:51]

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