mdmkolbe: (Apologies for the wall of text.) ***: Trebly has joined #tikiwiki
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rtdos has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) luciash: mdmkolbe: hi, tiki's file galleries feature has all of that chealer: mdmkolbe: your message was truncated at "as well as search the assi" CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r31885 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-translation.tpl: [FIX] Slash missing from self-closed element (<br />). (This was the only XHTML 1.0 Transitional validation error at t.o/tiki-index.php.) ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r31886 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/modules/mod-translation.tpl: [bp/r31885][FIX] Slash missing from self-closed element (<br />). (This was the only XHTML 1.0 Transitional validation error at t.o/tiki-index.php.) ***: woodzy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r31888 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/ (7 files in 4 dirs): [bp/r31887][FIX] Slash missing from self-closed element (<br />) - validation error. ***: goj|ghost has joined #tikiwiki
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voraistos has joined #tikiwiki voraistos: Hi. Just popping up to say i hadn't looked at tikiwiki (now tiki apparently) in quite a while (2 years)
things have changed, quite a lot ***: jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: nite nite) voraistos: Just wanted to say great job guys! And that's a nice new theme on tw.o too! ***: ttrimm has quit IRC (Quit: Later Folks!)
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rtdos has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) luciash: thanks voraistos (if u read the irc log ;) ***: woodzy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
ttrimm has joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: hm re-dive in my (new) tiki's install, I've a : memory_limit fixed to 128 MB, can it play on that I have this ? luciash: olinuxx: 128M is fine olinuxx: luciash, hm ok ,thanks, so I can look to other stuffs luciash: were u able to enable the php error reporting in the installer ? olinuxx: well I've a lot of sql error on step 6 of the installer
is that what you said ? luciash: nope olinuxx: (like this message said : Failed Operations failed: 249 SQL queries. Display details.) luciash: on step 7 you can set it up
display details says something suspicious ?
there should be no errors on fresh new install though olinuxx: well, not for me ! I'm newb with sql/php stuff, maybe I can copy/past some of them ?
yes, I suspect look into these errors is the way I have to take... it's like a new langage to me ! luciash: on step 7 you can enable under Logging and Reporting the PHP error reporting level to Report all PHP errors and uncheck Visible to Admin only if checked on olinuxx: ok i look on it luciash: so you can get probably more meaningful error message on tiki-index.php then
u can paste the sql errors details on
or other paste service ***: navs has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) olinuxx: so luciash, I've this : luciash: ok, go to installer and try upgrade
step 5 ***: mdmkolbe has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) luciash: as it is telling you ***: mdmkolbe1 has joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: yes, I've try many time this
the step 5 said, "ok, your base is upgrade" but, it result the same
(I'm on the manpage of ssh) luciash: olinuxx: you need to be sure all files were copied correctly on the server... apparently for some reason the table is missing... in fresh install it should be created by the sql scripts
maybe it is missing in the upgrade scripts if it doesn't work and you have no sql errors doing the upgrade step olinuxx: yes, I've look on the db with phpmyadmin, and just check the name of this table, ... it's not here luciash: if you have sql errors paste them too and i can have a look olinuxx: luciash, I remember that when I copied files on the server, I have many deconnexion, maybe it's this luciash: yes, that can be one reason olinuxx: BTW, maybe it's more easy to clean the server and make all step (include copy files) until zero
what do you think about this ? luciash: yes olinuxx: (it's my first install)
ok, so thanks for support, I'll check here for you after for said if it was this luciash: if you can, maybe it is better to upload the zip package and un-zip on the server if it allows it olinuxx: luciash, I don't know how to make this luciash: ok ***: oldtimer has joined #tikiwiki oldtimer: hello
having trouble with 6.1 and menus olinuxx: luciash, certainly with ssh, but It's my first read of his manpage and I read the doc of my provider and I have few stuff to make an SSH access, so, let's see you tomorrow :)
thanks for helping me luciash: olinuxx: if u have ssh u can check if it has svn oldtimer: anyone here? luciash: olinuxx: and check out the 6.1 via svn
olinuxx: nope, we're just ghosts
olinuxx: oops, soory, was for oldtimer :) olinuxx: wrong nick ? :)
ok, no problem luciash: quick tab + enter ;) olinuxx: what you said (before ... ghosts) is noticed ;) luciash: oldtimer: yes ***: oldtimer has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
yuchien has joined #tikiwiki yuchien: is Jonny here? luciash: nope ***: rpg has joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Search Wiki Page and saving editing goes to blank -
New Forum Posts: Organic Groups - ***: rpg has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) yuchien: he is not at tiki anymore? ***: yuchien has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed)
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy chibaguy: polom
I'm having trouble enabling anonymous users to see menu items (trunk installation). I imagine its perms-related. I know tiki_p_view on wiki pages is used to control wiki page menu item visiblity. What about other features, etc.? luciash: helloya gary chibaguy: I can't get tiki-listpages.php to be visible to anons in the menu.
hi luciash
Or the list forums page. luciash: hmm, no idea, i don't use trunk currently chibaguy: I'm actually messing with experimental branch xajax_removal, where jonny has revamped the siteheader to use modules.
I want to see about smoothing the transition for exiting themes.
heh, existing themes.
I don't know yet if menu perms, etc. are different in trunk or xajax_removal branch, but I can't find a combination of menu item configurations that displays the menu items for things that anons do have perms for. luciash: cleared tiki cache presumably ? chibaguy: yep luciash: the non-working button on /tiki-user_preferences.php second tab to save changes was fixed in 6.1 ? it does nothing when clicking on it in 6.0
oh, now it somehow worked... maybe just some opera issue chibaguy: luciash, do you see tabcontent off onto the right side of tabs, in Opera? luciash: nope, looks good chibaguy: hmm. what version of Opera are you using? luciash: the latest
11.00 chibaguy: Oh, maybe it's a theme problem. Fivealive looks ok, but Feb12 doesn't. luciash: yes, maybe
i have theme based on strasa here, looks good too chibaguy: Feb12 has a -1px bottom margin on .tabs. That's the problem, apparently. ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r31889 10/trunk/styles/ (feb12.css ohia.css): [FIX] -1px bottom margin on .tabs caused .tabcontent offset to right in Opera. ***: chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki
ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy olinuxx: mm luciash, I've just terminate to erase/re-cppy all files, but, after run the installer, I've got the same error
I've just check on the bdd with phpmyadmin, the error is right (!) I haven't got the table 'freelights_tiki.tiki_stats' CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r31890 10/branches/proposals/6.x/styles/ (feb12.css ohia.css): [bp/r31889][FIX] -1px bottom margin on .tabs caused .tabcontent offset to right in Opera. ***: ttrimm has quit IRC (Quit: Later Folks!)
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy jonnyb: polom - hi chibaguy chibaguy: hi jonnyb jonnyb: easy q first, about this option for eatlon i made - work in progress is here:
i wasn't sure if the licensing meant i should commit it to tiki or not chibaguy: afaik, there's no need to commit it to tiki. jonnyb: no, but i'd like to share it
although it should be optimised a bit... chibaguy: oh, sure, it'd be good to share it. jonnyb: i thought so, just wanted to check
i'll backport it to 6.x too before we mess up all the tiki 7 themes! :D chibaguy: heh jonnyb: do you have the xajax_removal branch on one of your servers handy?
i have a small update to commit, then we can chat about it chibaguy: I just have it on my laptop (localhost).
well, that's pretty handy. jonnyb: ok, i put it on demo.t.o - i'll go and svn up it - chat in 10 mins? (is BBB working i wonder) chibaguy: OK, I'll try BBB. CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r31891 10/branches/experimental/xajax_removal/lib/modules/tiki-admin_modules.js: modules revamp: module assignment in progress (not working fully yet) ***: coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
coaboa has joined #tikiwiki CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r31892 10/branches/experimental/xajax_removal/ (21 files in 11 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, trunk 31871 to 31889 coaboa: hi all jonnyb: hi coaboa - just looking at flights to mon/bos coaboa: ;-) we have our tickest already...
*tikets jonnyb: when you leaving boston? coaboa: 18th ***: kiilo has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: BBB seems to not want to load. The "downloading BBB" progress bar doesn't progress very far. coaboa: hi chibaguy: you could use our test bbb server @ chibaguy: oh, thanks. jonnyb, what do you want to do - bbb or skype? jonnyb: 1 mo - svn pain
i'm in bbb at live.t.o
let's feed that dog! :) ***: Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away chibaguy: oh, I'll try live.t.o again. coaboa: have one of you guys a glue why the bbb meeting created through tiki bigbluebutton plugin has no sound while the demo has? chibaguy: cool, this time it worked (it loaded). Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: InterTiki Registeration - ***: Andurino has joined #tikiwiki
Yonixxx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3742 - - I10n: Edit a page in a language different than english results into a broken editpagedisplay - ***: Yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: where do we have to put icons specific to styles pics/styles/xxx/ ? jonnyb: hi sylvieg sylvieg: hi jonnyb: you mean like styles/xxx/pics/icons/ sylvieg: ah thx CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r31893 10/trunk/_htaccess: [ENH]Added param to increase php_value mac_execution_time (commented out by default)
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r31894 10/branches/proposals/6.x/_htaccess: [ENH][bp/r31893]Added param to increase php_value mac_execution_time (commented out by default) ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Quit: Find new themes for Tiki at jonnyb: re chealer: polom jonnyb: polom chealer chealer: hi jonnyb luciash: hello jonnyb: anyone got any idea how i can get the raw field value of an "item link" field in a pretty tracker tpl? luciash: i have problem with themes which has darker background in WYSIWYG jonnyb: it only seems to return the linked value luciash: can't override the background
any idea how to set white background there ? jonnyb: not off hand sorry - the theme css should do something luciash: jonnyb: yes
jonnyb: use list_mode=csv jonnyb: but that renders it in a table - i need to assign the value and use it in another trackerlist ***: rtdos has joined #tikiwiki luciash: nope, in pretty tracker it works
it will return only the raw value
i use it there jonnyb: hmm, but TRACKERITEMFIELD doesn't allow a filter does it? luciash: jonnyb: it is not trackeritemfield but trackerlist
gotta run again, sorry, bbl jonnyb: np thx xavi_: polom jonnyb: hi xavi_ xavi_: quickly, that I have to quit in very short
hi jonnyb
you can try with autosave field...
let me search for the example...
sylvieg help me weeks ago with something similar...
jonnyb: create your url for the wiki page with the pretty tracker template, with some param like:
(copied from a real example, use your own id's ) jonnyb: i just had an idea - to make a copy of the item link field
what are autosavefields? (i'll look into it - thanks for the clue) xavi_: this way, when you create a new item, you are already saving the itemId number in another field of the same tracker (create that field first, of course, etc.) jonnyb: ok, i'll try - tx xavi_: he he, autosavefields may be the solution to your problem:
quick question: do you know how can I get a field show in line even if it's not a txt file?
I mean, a csv file,
the file is attached to a tracker item jonnyb: sorry - don't follow xavi_: ok, np
bbl ***: xavi_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31895 10/trunk/tiki-edit_article.php: [FIX]article: sefurl after edit ***: qoumaq has quit IRC (Quit: qoumaq) CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r31896 10/branches/proposals/6.x/tiki-edit_article.php: [bp/r31895][FIX]article: sefurl after edit luciash: re ***: Yonixxx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) luciash: jonnyb: maybe i didn't understand your question but getting raw values of {$f_XX} of your pretty trackers is easily really done using the view_mode=csv param in the trackerlist
jonnyb: so for example for the image type field you get the image filename hash instead of full img src tag jonnyb: 1 mo luciash - phone luciash: jonnyb: for user selector you get the login name (instead of real name if use real name is on), etc jonnyb: back for a mo luciash - the problem is i want to get at both the "linked" value and then the raw one in the same tpl
so i created a new calculated field luciash: then simply create the linked one "maually" in the template
using the link syntax jonnyb: "link syntax"? luciash: ah, calculated field, nteresting ***: woodzy has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: but it doesn't show up in the pretty luciash: yes, wiki syntax for link or html ***: rtdos has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) jonnyb: brb luciash: like <a href="...">{$f_22}</a>
or [item{$itemId}|{$f_22}]
ok ***: woodzy has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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xavi1 has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: hi luciash
back (also xavi1)
the tracker field thing, i didn't explain properly...
we have a field which is an item link (field type) - so the data is the id, but it links to the (venue) name in another tracker, and i need the id (not name) to use in other plugins luciash: ah, ok xavi1: hi jonnyb and luciash luciash: hola xavi1 jonnyb: so i created a new field of type "calculated" and have that "copying" the link item one, and it shows up ok on view_item fine, but not in the pretty trkr
however on my local one it work ok! xavi1: ko, jonnyb. another approach would be to have the id number of the venue as another field in the same tracker wherever the venue name is
that id should be added at creation time (of the venue name) jonnyb: yes, but not easy to find out what it is (DOM inspector on the <select> i guess) xavi1: ? have it created by tiki, with the autosavedfields, etc. params jonnyb: that would mean building a {tracker} plugin page right? (we don't have one) xavi1: yes CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r31897 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/ [FIX] html5: Use nav element around menus (thanks chibaguy) jonnyb: wow - i did that commit ages ago :) xavi1: yes, same for me this morning. CIA-37 is in semi-rest mode
it seems ***: redflo has left jonnyb: ah, ok - seems computed field is broken in 6.x :( luciash: heh, i thought the local one is same version olinuxx: mmh luciash after re-install all files of tiki and erase/create database, I've the same : jonnyb: that would be too easy! luciash: olinuxx: tried zip or svn checkout ? olinuxx: luciash, not again, juste want to say that is a 6.2 proposal
so could it be a break-one ?
(dont understand precisely the way that tiki developp) luciash: 6.2 proposal is not released version, so it could be broken, although not very common on proposals branch jonnyb: no, actually seems ok here one set up right - can't see what's wrong on the live site though...
how odd - now is working - phew (tracker weirdness and/or caching) luciash: olinuxx: 6.1 should install fine
jonnyb: lucky you :) -: ricks99 taking a break to check on flights to BOS... jonnyb: now stuck on the next bit! i'm sure there's a way to use a pretty tracker field {$f_123} in a plugin param in the tpl, can't you? olinuxx: luciash, ok, I'll try this
thanks :) chealer: ricks99: :-) luciash: jonnyb: you can jonnyb: can't seem to get it to work now (not having a good tracker-day) luciash: jonnyb: wiki or tpl ? jonnyb: wiki
i've tried filtervalue="{$f_385}:01" and filtervalue="`$f_385`:01" etc luciash: i think u can use value="{{f_385}}" if u have argvars enabled or directly should work also
i think it works in one of my wiki templates of SNiPTT jonnyb: ah, that rings a bell, thanks! :) ***: rpg has joined #tikiwiki
Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) luciash: jonnyb: however putting {$f_XX} directly to param works for me also
jonnyb: jonnyb: works in some plugins but not others - like nested trackerlist for instance luciash: jonnyb: you can see it there in the IMG plugin
jonnyb: i think it can be affected if it is nested in other plugin jonnyb: yes, it's the fact that it's a trackerlist inside a trackerlist luciash: jonnyb: i have the IMG plugin in SPLIT there
no, i mean if in plugin or outside plugin jonnyb: this was the force_compile thing luciash: the parsing is different maybe jonnyb: no, a code plugin caption works fine in the same place
i worked on this for Geoff for ages (but some time ago!) luciash: with {$f_XX} ??? jonnyb: think so luciash: ok jonnyb: cos they get replaced before wiki parsing luciash: yes, i know it works there but i have trouble it didn't worked for me elsewhere too
and even on some servers it broke smarty compilation templates jonnyb: nice! luciash: while on others it worked fine
you can try argvars if that helps
hopefully ***: Yonixxx1 has joined #tikiwiki
Yonixxx has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) jonnyb: hmmm - found it (finally) - it doesn't work when inside a {TABS} plugin (but {CODE} is ok)
thanks luciash for the pointers luciash: i think you could try workaround it to put in the tab of the TABS plugin a DIV plugin as a wrapper fro the plugin you put there
to code and debug this is real hell ;) jonnyb: going to try jquery-ui tabs luciash: i have a question: do you know how to link colorbox to display youtube video embedded in it ? (iirc it was possible with shadowbox) Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! jonnyb: as an iframe? luciash: before i had it simply as whole youtube watch page linked as an iframe but now i realized YouTube switched to disallow displaying its pages in iframes
i got big red warning in Opera instead :-p jonnyb: yum luciash: click Watch on YouTube jonnyb: i get a js error and blank white box
TypeError: Result of expression 'aobject' [undefined] is not an object.
2_level_nav.js:45 luciash: hmm, what browser, i get blank page in FF too now ***: rpg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) luciash: jonnyb: but the link is correct
that js error is unrelated
it is coming from the custom menu
in Opera i get instead of blank: Error
The website does not permit its content to be displayed in a frame. It must be displayed in a separate window.
so i now need to switch to try to display only the swf in the colorbox there ***: GillesM has joined #tikiwiki
rtdos has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) luciash: cool, this is exactly what i need:
hmm, but getting the video hash will not be that easy as it was with the youtube page url copypaste :-/ ***: rtdos has joined #tikiwiki luciash: for my users i mean
ah, i can parse the url and replace in pretty tracker, cause the hash stays the same in the URL, perfect :) ***: Yonixxx1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) sylvieg: jonnyb: you fix 31847 - I have to do the same.. but I do not understand why there is an error ***: rpg has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: sylvieg: me neither but the @ makes it go away :) sylvieg: ok we have the same conclusion
just a little scarry - because it seems that an optimisation/cache is not done... jonnyb: yes, i was getting errors on only some images (all processed the same way afaik) sylvieg: for me it was all the images like display1&x=1&y=1 - those that have a resize - but perhaps I was unlucky ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki
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:) CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r31900 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX] French: change translation for "External Feeds" from "Flux RSS externe" to "Flux externes" ("externe" is singular) ***: ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at
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RavenC has joined #tikiwiki RavenC: polom! I did a fresh install of 6.1 ... installation successful. Go into any admin page (look and Feel for expample) and the first page comes up, when I click on any of the tabs (general layout options), it doesnt change the page. Any ideas coaboa: hi RavenC: the url goes from tiki-admin.php?page=look to tiki-admin.php?page=look#content2, but nothing changes jonnyb: hi RavenC
sounds like ajax of js minify is messed up
try this first - http://localhost/tiki-6.x/tiki-admin.php?page=features&cookietab=2
and http://localhost/tiki-6.x/tiki-admin.php?page=performance for minify
(should be in a readme somewhere i guess) CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r31901 10/branches/experimental/xajax_removal/templates/module.tpl: [FIX] modules revamp: Set box-moduleName class on nobox modules chealer: RavenC: do you have a JavaScript error? RavenC: not getting any errors
ajax is checked
under performance, minify js is not checked
wonder if its those web.configs... one sec
hehehe... yeah, those web.config files and IIS just do not get along. Removed them and the tabs are all working fine now...
forgot about that one.. sorry gang, and thanks for your help!! luciash: ironically the web.config is meant to be used with IIS
for SEFURLs RavenC: exactly. However, I've always had to remove them to make TW functional luciash: and for simmilar stuff like .htaccess does
*g* RavenC: really strange... but hey, its running on Windows... ;) luciash: yeah, that's huge success :) RavenC: 6.1 looks nice! Kudos to all you programmer!
time to go home! Have a nice evening everyone. thanks again for the assistance. ***: RavenC has quit IRC (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~)
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rtdos has joined #tikiwiki olinuxx: luciash, mmm, after install a 6.1, I've the same problem than with a 6.2, exactly the same with table tiki_stat not found ***: yuchien has joined #tikiwiki luciash: olinuxx: that is strange, can you see why the SQL fails to create it ? yuchien: can anyone help me? olinuxx: luciash, I don't know how to see it luciash: in the installer, do you see any SQL errors on step 5 ? olinuxx: luciash, maybe in phpmyadmin ?
a ok, I go take a look yuchien: in wysiwyg text box, is there anyway to do #usemap, so the image can i linked to many links luciash: olinuxx: paste them to pastebin if any
yuchien: hi
yuchien: i don't think so, you have to insert html code i guess to have images with map areas olinuxx: luciash, yes, I've 239 problem with sql on step 5, what I need to search precisely ? luciash: olinuxx: no idea, paste it and i can have a look olinuxx: ok CIA-37: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r31902 10/branches/experimental/xajax_removal/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] modules revamp: drag assign and dbl click edit ok now. Scrollable list and more olinuxx: luciash, yuchien: i tried that, but it does not work
i think usemap is not recognized.. luciash: yuchien: no idea, i never used usemap yuchien: so if i have an image, how do i link different part of image to different link.. would u know? luciash: yuchien: try to put it in HTML plugin yuchien: ok i will try
thanks ***: yuchien has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) luciash: yuchien: like this {HTML()}<img ... /><map area="" ...{HTML}
olinuxx: do u see the specific one to the stats table ? ***: Andurino has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) luciash: olinuxx: u can also try to swicth checkboxes there to ignore and continue
it looks like you do not try installing on fresh db but upgrade
ignore the duplicates and then try re-run the installer
or if u can create fresh db you can try on fresh to avoid these errors
btw, is it mysqli ?
supported version by Tiki requirements ?
of mysql ? olinuxx: (sorry, i was AFK)
I try with "mysql"
it's a mysql 5 luciash: mysql classic ? mysqli is better
but i don't know, it should work too olinuxx: yes I try to 'update', because "reinstall" give me an "Internal Server Error"
maybe I can try with mysqli (I don't know difference between them)
same stuff with mysqli
"Table 'freelights_tiki2.tiki_stats' doesn't exist" luciash: when you open the datails of SQL errors, do u see the checkboxes ? olinuxx: yes luciash: did u try them ? olinuxx: do you means, try to check all the box and continue ?
I've check all boxes and continue, same error luciash: hmm, hard to say what is your problem on the server :-/ this is not common olinuxx: luciash, maybe I have to better understand what I make
these step must connect tiki to the db, right ? luciash: i am sorry, i have some urgent work here now... so hopefully someone else will have some more ideas for u olinuxx: no problem,
thanks for the support
you have already make big stuffs for me :)
If anybody want to help a little frenchy with his first install, you're welcome :) chealer: olinuxx: could you explain where you are now?
sorry, I ask but I'm going to eat olinuxx: chealer, so ping me chere you come bakc here :)
chealer, so ping me where you come back here :)