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redflo has left [00:54]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03luciash * r32352 10/trunk/tiki-webmail.php: [FIX] webmail: allow more of some common tags in html mails by adding them to strip_tags exception [01:05]
tikiwiki: 03luciash * r32353 10/branches/proposals/6.x/tiki-webmail.php: [bp/r32352][FIX] webmail: allow more of some common tags in html mails by adding them to strip_tags exception [01:15]
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***ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [01:42]
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Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:04]
goj has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [02:16]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: SSL - Changing the Value - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=40292 [02:19]
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TheOnlyMerlinHello [02:41]
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I was in here yesterday about a problem with intertiki, and I still have the same problem. Maybe this can help: in the tiki_preferences table in the tiki database, there is an entry for "known_hosts," I suspect this is an intertiki setting, is this so? And if so, is "a:0:{}" a potentially sensible value?
I think I may have just answered my own question: other settings are marked with "feature_intertiki_" before them, so it doesn;t seem to be an intertiki setting
Hmm.. although "interlist" is pretty decisively a intertiki setting because of it's values... Inconsistent naming convention?
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32354 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] filegals: mainly typo fixes, including:
tikiwiki: - fix duplicates checking (sql conditions were wrong)
tikiwiki: - fix wrong/unused DB field (show_userlink)
tikiwiki: - fix one call to savedir function (wrong function name)
tikiwiki: - fix file upload (typo in tmp dest variable name)
tikiwiki: - keep existing gallery config for explorer display when editing gallery (typo in array key)
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32355 10/trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [FIX] filegals: wrong array key
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32356 10/branches/proposals/6.x/tiki-list_file_gallery.php: [bp/r32355][FIX] filegals: wrong array key
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32357 10/trunk/tiki-list_file_gallery.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD] user files gallery: use gallery 'type' field with value 'user' and gallery
tikiwiki: user/name to handle user file galleries instead of a user pref + don't
tikiwiki: auto-create user gal if the features 'user files' and 'use fgal for user files'
tikiwiki: are not both enabled
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32358 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD] user files gallery: use gallery 'type' field with value 'user' and gallery
tikiwiki: user/name to handle user file galleries instead of a user pref + don't
tikiwiki: auto-create user gal if the features 'user files' and 'use fgal for user files'
tikiwiki: are not both enabled
tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32359 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl:
tikiwiki: [MOD] file galleries: show 'List Galleries' button only in File Galleries + Use
tikiwiki: 'My Files' as the page title if the gallery is the current user own user file
tikiwiki: gallery and use 'Files of $user' when the gallery is the user file gallery of
tikiwiki: another user + remove 'Gallery:' prefix (as in trackers - the user know were he
tikiwiki: is).
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jonnyb.greetings { tiki: polom; } [10:35]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32360 10/trunk/ (lib/smarty_tiki/block.title.php templates/header.tpl): [FIX] browser title: fix HEAD tag title for filegals (especially for user files galleries) and set headtitle by default in the title smarty plugin for any pages [10:38]
chibaguy.greetings, jonnyb [10:46]
jonnybhi chibaguy [10:46]
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chibaguyI hope the new-features BBB session happens. That should probably happen for every big Tiki version. [10:47]
jonnybwas hoping you'd be about - would you have a chance to review this big (destructive) commit removing all the old site* etc prefs if i do it now/soon?
yes, surprised no one replied to that one
chibaguyAh, probably busy.
Today I'm kind of stuck on something else, but after today I'll have time to review it.
jonnybi see there a tikifest on the 12th but it's mostly French (Quebecer anyway :P )
hmm, ok - i need to commit this as it's sort of in the way here, so i'll just review it all again and hope for the best (i'm sure people will let me know if i get it wrong!)
chibaguyWell, maybe it doesn't need to be associated with a tikifest, or at least a geographic one. [10:49]
jonnybindeed - a virtual 'fest [10:49]
chibaguyyeah, sure, just commit; it'll get sorted out one way or another. [10:49]
jonnybi'll reply to my own mail... (nice interlaced conversation :) )
jonnyb thinks his current local customised theme might be a contender for Tiki 7 default - https://skitch.com/jonnybradley/rcthy/homepage-our-organization
chibaguywell, aesthetic things are so subjective; everybody has a different idea of what is best, etc. [10:55]
You can commit it, but it's apt to be herringbone and broad stripes before long. the joys of collaborative art ;-) [11:00]
jonnyboh, another little css thing chibaguy - i tried making the bg images for jqui.css semi-transparent so you could use the bg colours to customise them a bit, but decided i was better off spending time coding - shall i send you where i got to? (if you think it might be worth pursuing) [11:03]
chibaguyyeah, ok. I saw something like that somewhere, maybe in wordpress.
Maybe the idea was to have customizable color gradients.
jonnybi thought it was how jq-ui theme roller worked but it seems the create the customised bitmaps server-side (more powerful)
ok, here goes...
chibaguy: can you do svn patches?
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32361 10/trunk/ (19 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [REM] modules revamp: Remove prefs (and tiki-bot_bar.tpl) replaced by modules in the three installer scripts.
tikiwiki: feature_sitelogo, feature_site_login, feature_top_bar, feature_topbar_id_menu, feature_sitemenu, feature_sitesearch,
tikiwiki: feature_site_report, feature_site_send_link, feature_tell_a_friend,
tikiwiki: feature_bot_bar_power_by_tw, feature_topbar_version, feature_bot_bar_icons,
tikiwiki: feature_bot_bar_rss, feature_babelfish, feature_babelfish_logo,
tikiwiki: feature_bot_bar_debug, feature_bot_bar
chibaguyhmm, I'm not sure. I haven't tried before. [11:10]
jonnybyou use tortoise svn or something like? [11:11]
chibaguytortoise [11:12]
jonnybhmm, you said you were busy didn't you - i'll mail it for later [11:13]
chibaguyok. make or apply patch looks pretty easy with tortoise.
but i won't get a chance to try until tomorrow or so.
jonnybya, it's easy and very handy
i often get half way through something and need to do something else, so save a patch and come back to eat later
it's in the mail
chibaguyalright [11:16]
jonnybi was also (sorry to keep interrupting) to get some feedback as to what you'd like to see next in themegen - the options (i see) are:
css context (where a colour etc is used)
more font changing (family, weight etc)
replace jquery-ui theme images
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coaboahello tikiverse [11:22]
jonnybpolom coaboa [11:22]
chibaguywell, I've only played with it a little so far, but I think knowing the css context is pretty important.
hi coaboa
coaboahi chibaguy & jonny [11:22]
chibaguyfont-changing is probably a higher priority than changing bg images. [11:23]
jonnybchibaguy: for you i guess, but if you don't know tiki's css at all i wonder how helpful it is... (i agree i think we need it though)
ok, i think more font stuff is next
(not sure how though)
chibaguyright, I guess the live preview would be most useful for people who have no idea about the css selector names. [11:24]
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jonnybhmm, live font preview might be tricky (and messy!) [11:24]
chibaguyyep, I was referring to colors,actually. [11:24]
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jonnyboh, one more thing - i deleted skeleton/tiki.tpl as it was out of date and i thought skeleton was supposed to show you tiki with it's skin off [11:25]
chibaguyas opposed to labelling the palette with selector names. [11:25]
jonnybcolour live preview works ok [11:25]
chibaguyyeah, I saw that in one short trial.
uh, skeleton was added because of a request from Marc and Patrick, who did the strasa theme. Patrick wanted a simpler tiki.tpl to use as a base for customizing.
jonnyboh right... i thought it was just to show you what layout.css was [11:28]
chibaguyBut actually, with a lot of the tiki.tpl includes, etc. moving to modules, hopefully the file will be easier to understand. [11:28]
jonnybi guess a new one could be remade when the main tiki.tpl has settled down
chibaguyah, well, skeleton.css was just an empty file that imported the base css files, but skeleton/tiki.tpl was a simplified version of tiki.tpl -sans all the little filters, etc. [11:29]
jonnybah, sorry then - should i restore it? (surely it will be broken now?) [11:35]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32362 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] fgals: Move a tiny piece of JS "fgal templates" into the tpl where it's used - can't find out how to test though (where's the "add new template button"?) [11:35]
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32363 10/trunk/: [SVN] ignore netbeans project dir
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r32364 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php: [ENH]Formated the cache folder to the itemid with more digits so that the first 1x10^6 are ordered, with this syntax: _itemid_000001
chibaguymm, well, yes, it's definitely broken now. I'm hoping the default tiki.tpl will be simple enough for non-coders to use as a base for custom themes. [11:43]
jonnybthat's what i'm hoping for...
all that shadow div stuff makes it look more complicated - is it still required?
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chibaguyI never used it. luciash and nyloth both have said they do. I don't know how they feel about it now. [11:46]
jonnybok, i never worked it out either
polom ricks99
ricks99wolod y'all [11:47]
jonnyb:D [11:47]
chibaguywell, I come at shadow divs from a different direction. Since I mostly have done themes for distribution, I wanted to do any designs that work out of the box, w/o admin things needing to be configured.
Of course, that's evolving now that we depend on modules more, etc.
hi ricks99
jonnybyes, sorry about that...
but it does seem to be the thing clients always want different
chibaguyyeah, and I like moving things off tiki.tpl, etc., and simplifying tpls for themes. [11:50]
jonnybmaybe we need some way of allowing profiles to be applied more easily, so they can be bundled in themes [11:50]
chibaguyIt's almost magical how theme-specific tpls are hardly needed for tiki7.
I thought dark shine would be really hard to adapt to default tiki.tpl, but it was pretty smooth, and actually it's the best-ever implementation of that theme.
Twist still needs to be adapted, as your email recently mentioned (still has bottom bar tpl or something).
ricks99@jonnyb: tx for email. most issues known, but welcome to better alternatives [11:52]
jonnyboh yes, i couldn't work out what to do about that one, sorry
np ricks99
chibaguyAbout profiles, I keep hoping for an undo button... ;-) [11:53]
jonnybyes, would be nice [11:54]
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luciashpolom [12:14]
jonnybpolom luciash [12:15]
luciashhi jonnyb [12:27]
i think the "layer shadows" could go in Tiki7 (because it's not LTS) as long as there will be some adequate alternative introduced using HTML5 + CSS3 techniques to provide the same functionality (allowing extra graphical borders and shadows generated around the divs easily) - otherwise -1 for removing it this flexible feature (not to mention, you can have smarty syntax and conditions in them to generate anything you can imagine there if you know smarty, w [12:35]
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luciashsimplifycation is nice and i am all for it but if you simplify too much it in contrary makes things complicated again [12:36]
jonnybok luciash - i've never found anyone else who understood how to use it, so it's up to you i think :) [12:37]
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chibaguyre [12:37]
luciashjonnyb: it is actually really easy to use :)
jonnyb: main purpose was to allow more "onion layers" in there for your divs, so you can CSS them with different backgrounds for example (<div id="myborder1"><div id="myborder2"> and </div></div> in the end of shadow code) or you can just put any of your custom code in them, which will apear before the div or after...
jonnyb: it is for theme designers really, who know what they do
jonnybok, it just looks like a lot of extra "stuff" in tiki.tpl [12:42]
luciashjonnyb: or advanced tiki users
jonnyb: yes, but without it in tiki.tpl, it would be hardly possible to achieve
jonnyba little remarksbox on the admin tab might be helpful (with an example or two) [12:43]
luciashyep, that is true [12:43]
jonnybdon't panic - i'm not planning to remove it :) [12:43]
chibaguywell, a bunch of stuff needs better docs, hints, etc. ;-)
I'm thinking for tiki7, especially
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chibaguychibaguy imagines some top-module layout scenarios with screenshots, etc. at doc.t.o... [12:45]
luciashi also would like to have some syntax check for those textareas in trunk to prevent broken layouts or WSODs or some easy emergency "UNDO" button (best would be history for those textareas as is for wiki pages ;) - the wiki way everywhere) [12:45]
chibaguyor else everyone use Opera ;-) [12:45]
luciashchibaguy: heheh [12:46]
chibaguyusually you can use the back button to get the page pre-submit, and edit and resubmit [12:46]
luciashchibaguy: yes, but that is only us who know that trick ;) [12:46]
chibaguyyep, the 2% or whatever [12:47]
luciashgotta go now, more after the shower :) [12:47]
chibaguyk [12:49]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r32365 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] registerPasscode default pref: don't call genPass() when buildling prefs defaults, since this tikilib function now needs prefs to work. It has to be called when prefs are already available. [13:03]
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jonnybpolom eromneg [13:18]
eromnegmorning all ;-) [13:18]
coaboadaevermann: which irc client do you use? quassel? [13:21]
eromnegjonnyb: what is the expected timing now for 6.2 ? [13:27]
jonnyberomneg: it's up to nyloth and pkdille really, but apparently v soon (this week i think)
maybe the weekend
eromnegok - thanks [13:31]
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sylviegjonnyb: did you take away the old tracker export?
I can not find out how to activate it...
jonnybhi sylvieg - don't think so
just turn off ajax?
sylviegahj ok... I will try to reintroduce both - because so far I see the ajax export does not export all the fields [14:16]
jonnyboh? it should do (obviously)
i thought it used the same field selecting stuff
not fixable? (would be better) :)
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r32366 10/trunk/lib/TikiWebdav/Backend/File.php.sept: [KIL] Perhaps this should be elsewhere [14:36]
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Trebly<chibaguy> <anabody> hi, The other day we had a chat about anomalies on behavior of main display tiki.tpl : "<chibaguy> You can screenshots on wishlist #3773 https://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=3773"
I simply found (not sure it is the whole explanation) that 2 <div> are not closed (depends of modules shown, someones doesn't closes their <div>), then the normal hierarchy into document object is not right and the css manager is lost. Is somebody interested in this subject ?
jonnybhi Trebly - which modules? [14:45]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32367 10/trunk/templates/tracker_item_field_input.tpl: [FIX]tracker: filter on time must be empty to have a no filter option when in export filter [14:54]
luciashre [14:55]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32368 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tracker_item_field_input.tpl: [bp/r32367][FIX]tracker: filter on time must be empty to have a no filter option when in export filter [14:56]
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r32369 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/TikiWebdav/Backend/File.php.sept: [KIL/bp 32366] Shouldn't be in svn :( test leftover [15:01]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32370 10/trunk/lib/core/TikiDb/Table.php: notice: please check this one [15:15]
jonnybsylvieg: did your r 32367 fix the export thing? [15:22]
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Trebly<jonnyb>I had made not a full a detailed analysis. I am doing now. It seems that they are the ones in my target (not modified)"calendar", "action_calendar_new" (it is the reason why I ma the lonely to have seen such problems, I show the two modules on left side and the calendar in the center... try to make function together). Firebug is lost. So is it not so easy to find. [15:31]
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jonnybthe calendar modules are not great - very heavy on the server so maybe not used much
also quite time consuming to fix (missing closing tags)
ricks99ricks99 thinks calendar modules are *highly* useful and should b fixed [15:40]
what i hate is when i change the calendar date it messes up Since last visit module (shows everything or nothing according to the date selected in the calendar)
sort of travelling in time ;)
ricks99info.t.o uses calendar modules. i didnt realize there were validation (DIV) issues
what i dont like: when viewing full calendar page, chaging date will also change the date of the module calendar :(
luciashyep, that's the same issue as with the since last visit... [15:45]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r32371 10/trunk/ (31 files in 12 dirs): [MOD] Moving file gallery code out of tikilib [15:52]
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coaboaand sometimes entering a date in 2011 changes to 1911 on save... [15:54]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32372 10/trunk/ (css/admin.css lib/themegenlib.php templates/themegen.tpl):
tikiwiki: [ENH] themegen: Add font and font-family modification (and deal with contents containing quotes).
tikiwiki: Some refactoring and show when in preview mode.
luciashand in trackers using the date field selectors saves day -1 on modify
ricks99and STILL cannot get plain 12hour am/pm times when creating events [15:55]
jonnybyes, luciash - noticed that. Someone added timezone "awareness" to dates which it always gets wrong if not in UTC (makes dates unusable really) [15:56]
luciashjonnyb: i guess that's something related to what u fixed for the articles [15:57]
jonnyba bit, but not the same (i tried but it's very tricky) [15:57]
luciashah [15:58]
ricks99ricks99 wishes that articles respected global time settings, too [15:58]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32373 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX]TRACKERFILTER: displayedFields can be an array and must be implode for the url
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32374 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [bp/r32373][FIX]TRACKERFILTER: displayedFields can be an array and must be implode for the url
luciashricks99 just earned good karma in forums ;) [16:16]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r32375 10/trunk/tiki-history_sheets.php: [ADD] Defaults to tiki sheet history so that there is always a date selected [16:16]
ricks99lol. all of the easy fixes are done in tiki... so now i try to work on the community-buildind side of things. [16:17]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r32376 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [SEC] list of users is allowed only to tiki_p_list_users [16:37]
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luciashjonnyb: {textarea name='body' _wysiwyg='y'}{$body}{/textarea} works nicely for composing webmail
jonnyb: how do i add the switch icon ?
jonnybsuper! [17:08]
luciashjonnyb: wysiwyg <=> wiki [17:08]
jonnybi think there's a little list in smarty.toolbars.whatever that says if it can appear
not pretty, but efficient :P
luciashjonnyb: i know how to do it optional by preferences but don't know this bit [17:09]
Tiki|botInfo: Announcing the Tiki Service Provider Program - http://info.tiki.org/article147-Announcing-the-Tiki-Service-Provider-Program [17:09]
luciashjonnyb: ok, thx, i will try [17:09]
jonnybit will take care of that bit itself afaicr
(prefs etc)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: CKEditor buttons ceased working - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=40302 [17:09]
luciashjonnyb: hmm, where's that smarty.toolbars.whatever... located ? [17:12]
jonnyblib/smarty_tiki [17:12]
luciashi don't see anything starting smarty there
is it function. ?
jonnyb: seems so :)
jonnybsorry - function.toolbars.php [17:13]
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luciashjonnyb: i see, so i just 'webmail' there, right in the array ? [17:14]
jonnybhang on, i'll check (been a few months)
yes, line 51 - after 'cms' i guess
luciashis it the proper way, or is it better to pass it by param ?
thank you
jonnybassuming $section is set up properly there (warning!) [17:16]
yay, it works ! :)
is that all it needed?
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jonnyboh, and adding the {toolbar} in the tpl i guess... [17:21]
luciashyup [17:21]
jonnyb(oops, eromneg was asking me to do that months ago!) [17:21]
luciashnope, {toolbar} doesn't need to be there
it is part of the {textarea}
commit soon ;)
jonnyboh yes - that's what i meant - it was just a <textarea> before wasn't it? [17:23]
now all it needs is {textarea name='body'}{$body}{/textarea}
and the little change in function.toolbars.php
jonnybnice when things work out like that [17:25]
eromnegso jonnyb - public confessions of your laziness :-) [17:25]
i did make it quite easy to add so others could join in - just took a bit longer than i'd hoped
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eromnegluciash/jonnyb: will wysiwyg/webmail be only in trunk - or could it backport to 6.x quite easily? [17:28]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03luciash * r32377 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] webmail: use {textarea} smarty block + allow WYSIWYG to compose HTML mails [17:29]
luciasheromneg: can be backported easily [17:29]
eromnegluciash: could you sneak it into 6.2?? [17:30]
on the way
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03luciash * r32379 10/branches/proposals/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [bp/r32377][ENH] webmail: use {textarea} smarty block + allow WYSIWYG to compose HTML mails [17:38]
luciasheromneg: now only little annoying bit is how to make the checkbox "Use HTML mail" under the textarea to be always "checked on" (could be hidden actually) when swicthed to WYSIWYG editor
eromnegluciash: think it would be better to hide it when using wysiwyg [17:41]
luciashluciash imagines Tiki replacing his Thunderbird one day ;) [17:42]
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luciashjust kidding, but it can be really useful having simple functional webmail... my friend struggles issue of blocked port (the cPanel Webmail one) in his workplace and Tiki is good alternative, because now he can reach his imap mailbox via Tiki's webmail
there are still issues (e.g. the attachments are being displayed as "garbage") but getting better in trunk and proposals ;)
Trebly<jonnyb> Sorry, I had a big crash and could not be back before now.
The TPL of the module are not generating directly the div. I need to look up to module.tpl. Before find the exact points where the </div> are forgot. To find this I had to introduce directly into tiki.tpl the two </div> missing at the end of left modules data block. Then firebug feel better. But this doesn't solve at all the problem. I am testing an HTML reformating and parser : it runs 100%...
...cpu for the last 40mn...
jonnybTrebly: you know how to have fun, ay! :)
i don't think the problem is in module.tpl though (at least in trunk)
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victorkane1hi there
I am interested in finding out about tikiwiki
anyone here from Buenos Aires?
Is there anyone here I can ask questions about Tiki Wiki?
luciashArgentina, yay ! :) [17:58]
ricks99what is your question [17:58]
jonnybhi victorkane1 [17:58]
victorkane1@ricks99 Well, I have been using Drupal for the past six years [17:59]
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victorkane1Before that I came from the world of Java, spring etc [17:59]
luciashvictorkane1: we have someone in Brazil, but Buenos Aires not yet [17:59]
victorkane1@luciash ok
@ricks99 I am interested in knowing how the development process goes for developing a web application
ricks99Have you seen the Tiki dev site (dev.tiki.org)?
you might also be interested in http://tiki.org/Model
victorkane1@ricks99 One of the problems in Drupal is that configuration is interactive and goes straight to the database and is confused with content; and it is very difficult to deploy sites, and to work in a straightforword manner with "everything in code"
I will definitely check out Model
a quick question: can you easily export content and import it in another site? is it straightforward to set up a dev, test and live workflow?
ricks9999.99% of Tiki configuration is from the browser. Very rarely will you to access the database simply to deploy or configure a Tiki site [18:02]
Trebly<jonnyb> I will find exactly where because Pspad (with extensions) have made a good job. Now I have to find groups and where the levels become wrong. note that in the page there are 4885 <div and 4883 </div.
I do think that module.tpl was not concerned, it was a joke. I means find even the most simple which generates the error. I have suspicion on the calendars because I know that the problem comes from the left module and in these there are two calendars modules, suspect...
ricks99@victorkane1: you might enjoy Tiki beginner's guide http://twbasics.keycontent.org/HomePage,+pt [18:03]
victorkane1OK, I will go through the docs of course [18:04]
ricks99there are also live demos online at tiki.org/demo [18:04]
victorkane1then come back for more specific questions, thanks! [18:04]
ricks99no problem. There's also the support forums and mailing lists, too. [18:05]
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luciasheromneg: please note that "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" must be off (it is marked experimental anyway) to have the email sent as HTML mail, otherwise it is sent as HTML but with wiki syntax
eromneg: just found out testing it
eromnegluciash: yep - know all about that :-) I spent lots and lots of 'happy' hours working with jonnyb last year getting the ckeditor up to its current 'state' - and early on we realised that 'wiki text' was step too far at this time [18:18]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r32380 10/trunk/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Tons for fixes for sheet
tikiwiki: [MOD] Moved all functionality from tiki-history_sheets.js to grid.js
tikiwiki: [MOD] In tiki-sheets.tpl, I changed Edit #1 to "Config", so now we can edit and configure sheets
tikiwiki: [MOD] A few title changes to make it easier for end users
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32381 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] themegen: Add css contexts (in tooltips).
tikiwiki: Remember current tab in dialog and few few other fixes.
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r32382 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl tiki-pagehistory.php): [ENH] Adding approve control on diff view after checking changes on latest version [19:15]
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..... (idle for 22mn)
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32383 10/trunk/tiki-send_newsletters.php: notice [19:41]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32384 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [MOD] tooltips: Add delay and use hoverIntent on cluetips tooltips defaults [19:59]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32385 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [bp/r32384][MOD] tooltips: Add delay and use hoverIntent on cluetips tooltips defaults [20:04]
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qoumaq has joined #tikiwiki [20:14]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Big Picture Question - Can we do it, YES WE CAN! Riight? :) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40303 [20:19]
....... (idle for 30mn)
luciashthis is weird:
when i enable "Content is partially wiki parsed" on the Admin Wysiwyg panel, my wiki pages stop to interpret wiki syntax and display it as plain text
so instead of Headings level two i see !!HomePage, etc.
(in proposals)
when i swicth it off, everything is displayed fine again
hullo ?
luciash dislikes his long night monologues
s/long/lonely/ [21:08]
sylvieghello luciash [21:22]
luciashhi sylvie! [21:24]
sylviegI suppose the content parially parsed is bugged because nobody has the same comprehension of this param... [21:30]
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luciashsylvieg: ah :-/
is there some perm tiki_p_view_slideshow ?
(i cannot get rid of displaying the [Slideshow] buttonlink on the bottom of some pages)
for Anonymous
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sylviegno perms checked in tiki-page_bar.tpl [21:51]
luciashaye, only feature check [21:54]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Forum: Add messages from this email to the forum - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40306 [23:23]
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