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radek82liciash: it is a czech name, but im of polish descent living in Canada most of my life :)
luciash, sorry, :P again, amazing work. keep it up. I will help in whatever way i can.
im still learning where/how everything is, but i love how simplified and logical it all is
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marclaporte2where in Canada? [00:30]
chealerpolom [00:41]
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radek82marclaporte in Toronto right now
but i've also lived on the west coast in interior BC
marclaporteNelson Ko is also in Toronto [01:45]
radek82cool, is he one of the devs? [01:46]
marclaporte2http://nelsonko.com/ [01:46]
radek82Im just here for work, i'd rather be in the mountains :P0 [01:46]
marclaporte2yes, nickname "jedi"
You know what Montrealers say about Toronto?
radek82yeah, what the rest of canada does ;)
wannabe new yorkers
marclaporte2hehe [01:47]
radek82the big smoke
etc etc...
its not quite as bad as most people say, but its definately no Kelowna, or Revelstoke
Montreal i didn't have the best of luck with, as i don't speak french
marclaporte2In most place, it's "Thank God it's Friday". In Toronto, it's "Thank God it's Monday" :-) [01:48]
radek82lol, not in my books thats for sure :P
cordiant keeps trying to get me to move out there, they keep trying to throw money at me
but montreal money isn't as good as toronto money :P
marclaporte2hehe [01:49]
radek82at least i'd have a decent hill close by (tremblant) [01:49]
marclaporte2but rent is cheaper here :-) [01:50]
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radek82i actually have quite a few friends in MTL ;P
i visit almost every summer
great city to party in
but to live in i think you need to speak french
hey, i see you're on teksavvy :P
good for you
have you been keeping up on the UBB fight?
marclaporte2yeah, got to encourage them [01:53]
radek82i know all the tech guys running it
marc and gabe
ive met rocky on occasion too
yeah, they are david fighting goliath right now ;P
marclaporte2The whole thing is unfortunate state of affairs [01:54]
radek82yep, as is the state of the internet in canada
but at least the issue is on the table now.
a few years ago it wasn't even an "issue"
marclaporte2Teksavvy is really nice to have fixed IP, no block ports, etc. [01:55]
radek82but here we are, on 8 mbit connections, when in amsterdam i can get unmetered 100 mbit ports for $50 eu a month [01:55]
marclaporte2What I find quite disturbing is how phone companies can change the terms and the contract is still valid [01:55]
radek82yep, thats because we don't have a marketplace
we have an oligopoly
marclaporte2grandfather clauses should be the norm [01:56]
radek82yeah, not just that, teksavvy is the first canadian isp to run ipv6 natively
they were first with mlppp when bell started throttling bittorrent
im proud to say i was on the dev team that made that happen ;)
marclaporte2awesome! [01:59]
radek82yeah, you know, everyone has to do their part :)
right now, im really impressed with you guys
i can't believe how far youve come so fast
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marclaporte2Since when have you been following progress? [02:05]
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marclaporte2radek82: back? [02:52]
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radek82marclaporte2: yeah, sorry. got sidetracked afk :P. im gonna get some sleep, but i will be back :) it was very nice meeting you [04:44]
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [11:30]
did somebody notice that the search top bar on tiki.org is broken with IE7. THe submit does not work - and there is a blue box below
the blue box in on info.tiki - on cumminty only the search button does not work
but it works with IE8 :-(
chibaguyhi sylvieg
I didn't notice that before, but am checking now.
also, javascript error: line 253, char 145, "object expected"
yeah, the button doesn't work in ie7, plus the button area seems very small.
well, some problem with the layout in fivealive, for ie7. I'll see if I can fix it. [11:47]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: ALINK pointing to the wrong address - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=40344 [11:51]
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chibaguyoh, menu dropdowns are _behind_ tabcontent in tiki 6 ie7 :-/
when did that change, I wonder....
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r32478 10/branches/proposals/6.x/styles/fivealive/ie7.css: [FIX] sitesearchbar button wasn't working in IE7. Thanks, Sylvie. [12:26]
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luciashpolom [12:42]
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sylviegoohh THnksa chibaguy (I went to have breakfast and it is fixed - nice beginning of the day) [12:48]
ricks99polom y'all [12:49]
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jonnybanother week, another polom [12:51]
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luciashjonnyb: polom, another day ;) [12:54]
played with the theme gen yet?
http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/ is up to date and a fair amount of it works! :)
must add the "generated" options to mod switch theme...
luciashjonnyb: sorry, i haven't yet [12:58]
chibaguyhi guys [12:58]
jonnybno worries - but i think you'll like it (and have lots of good feedback)
polom chibaguy
chibaguysomething tells me we'll be seeing lots of crazy-looking tiki sites in the near future. ;-) [12:59]
jonnybam replying to your jqui/flat email [12:59]
luciashguys (and gals)... any idea how does background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) fallback in browsers ?
i mean in those which do not support rgba (alpha transparency)
it is CSS3 iirc
simmilar to opacity: 0.5
jonnybi imagine they just ignore them
i think we should work out our css3 strategy one day, we're sort of on 2.5 aren't we already, so technically not valid?
chibaguywe're getting into the grey zone. some themes have a lot of border-radius, which doesn't validate css2.1. I'm always a little shocked to see 50 validation errors in fivealive. [13:06]
luciashnot valid, prolly... i don't usually test validity of CSS (ashamefully) [13:06]
chibaguyotherwise, we validate pretty well in 2.1 now. [13:07]
luciashalso we need to decide what version to check the validity for [13:07]
chibaguyright [13:07]
jonnybindeed - is css 3 really finished? [13:07]
chibaguyin jqui, i originally put all the border radius in one place so people could comment them out if they need to validate.
jonnyb, I don't think so, not yet.
but I think there's a provisional validator.
ah, maybe w3c.org's can do it.
yep, it can.
jonnybso shall we say tiki 7 will be html5/css3?
if it all goes bad we could retreat before the next LTS
chibaguysure, let's go for it. :-) [13:14]
luciashi agree [13:14]
lphuberdeauhttp://caniuse.com/ [13:14]
jonnybcool - greetings lphuberdeau [13:15]
lphuberdeaugood morning [13:16]
jonnyball ok at the office? [13:16]
luciashwhen is the bbb meeting ? i'll be pretty busy this week but i'd like to participate [13:17]
lphuberdeauat home today [13:17]
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jonnybluciash: that bbb meeting i forgot to organise you mean? [13:19]
luciashyes :D [13:20]
lphuberdeauthe one in 1 to 2 weeks from some point in the past? [13:24]
jonnybmust be soon then... [13:25]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32479 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_include_module.tpl: [MOD] admin: Hint doesn't need to be a warning [13:25]
jonnybisn't there a little 'fest coming up? [13:25]
oh wait, one in montreal the week before
jonnybno, one before then - this week i think? (in French)
before that even - somewhere else in CA
lphuberdeauno idea [13:26]
luciashTikiFest Québec ? [13:27]
jonnybthat's the one [13:27]
ricks99*sheesh* im glad y'all use the calendar http://info.tiki.org/calendar [13:27]
jonnybmaybe we should do it then?
ricks99;-) [13:27]
jonnybhi ricks99 [13:27]
ricks99hi y'all [13:29]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r32480 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] add in missing email edit icon to wiki editor only [13:41]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32481 10/trunk/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] modules: Allow a parameter to be "0" so you can now, for instance, set perspective=0 for modules to appear only in the default perspective (integer 0 is considered "empty") [13:44]
luciashbbl [13:46]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r32482 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] add in missing email edit icon to wiki editor only - trunk 32480 [13:49]
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32483 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/modules/modlib.php: [bp/r32481][FIX] modules: Allow a parameter to be "0" so you can now, for instance, set perspective=0 for modules to appear only in the default perspective (integer 0 is considered "empty") [13:54]
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hi smart guys,
a trackerlist question
is it possible to filter on a date field only on the year ?
jonnybhi changi - in theory, i believe it is, but i've found tracker dates so generally buggy i use a text field in yyyy-mm-dd format and the use % for wildcards [14:40]
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changiok, i've got a tracker with thousand of item :)
is there a quick and dirty solution ?
jonnybi think you can use > and < etc somehow
there's something about it on doc.t.o
changii'v try those ones upper(2010) >2010 but nothing is display [14:53]
jonnybsorry changi - don't know any more, i think it was a sylvieg thing [14:59]
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jonnybby the way, did you see my mysql upgrade corrupt tables mail? was wondering if you spotted a pattern or anything? (being good at sql and that!)
pomol marclaporte
changijonnyb: yes i saw it
but to be honest, i did not pay so much attention (don't have much time those days)
jonnybfair 'nuff [15:02]
changito summarize, you upgrade from mysql 4 to 5 ? [15:02]
jonnybwell, my hosting co - they went 4.1.something, to 5.1 via 5.0 apparently
i had about 10 tikis all with the same corrupted tables
changii saw that this morning http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html
jonnyb: which one ?
jonnybwhich what? [15:06]
changiwhich table was corrupted ? [15:07]
jonnyboh, lots - i'll find the list...
changioh, are they still broken ?
Index Incompatibilities
jonnybhad to restore form backups [15:13]
changiIf you perform a binary upgrade without dumping and reloading tables, you cannot upgrade directly from MySQL 4.1 to 5.1 or higher. This occurs due to an incompatible change in the MyISAM table index format in MySQL 5.0. Upgrade from MySQL 4.1 to 5.0 and repair all MyISAM tables. Then upgrade from MySQL 5.0 to 5.1 and check and repair your tables. [15:13]
jonnybbut more than half our tables came through ok
odd it was always these ones that broke
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32484 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] tabs: make "no tabs" option button optional [15:15]
changimysqlrepair did not work ?
jonnyb: where they all in utf-8
jonnybno, a mixture - some from tiki 1.x, some quite new (upgrades from 5 probably the newest) [15:19]
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jonnybthis was on shared hosting, so no shell, but TABLE REPAIR (with all the options) failed [15:20]
changiand now are they all in utf-8 [15:21]
jonnybno, charset wasn't changed (that i noticed) [15:22]
changianother tips from mysql : To upgrade to 5.1 from any previous version, MySQL recommends that you dump your tables with mysqldump before upgrading and reload the dump file after upgrading.
i think tables which have passed upgrade are lucky
maybe we should put the link on doc.to to warn user
jonnybindeed - it was far from convenient! (can you do doc?)
you wouldn't have thought a minor upgrade should be so risky!
marclaportewhat is hosting company telling you? [15:36]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r32485 10/trunk/ (lib/userslib.php tiki-login.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX]user: when an admin switches to a user, get the real case of the user name
tikiwiki: as many functions use a binary on login. The fix is not exact as in old versions
tikiwiki: it can be n logins with different cases - but user_exists is not correct too
marclaportesurely, they took a backup before the upgrade [15:38]
jonnybthe daily backup i found must have been too late, and actually i didn't check the weekly one...
i had recent backups for the critical client ones, and the tiki_pages tables survived, which was all that was changing regularly (mostly)
changijonnyb: for me it's not a minor upgrade [15:54]
i'd call 4.x to 5.x major, 5.0 to 5.1 shouldn't be so scary imho
changiI currently host 340 Mysql db and for sure, i will first test the migration
oh , was thinking you go from 4.1 to 5.1
marclaporte: hi, have you ever try to user trackerfilter with date ?
radek82i went from 4.2 to 6.1 without problems
but before any upgrade you should be backing up as SOP :P
changiradek82: you are talking about itki [15:57]
lphuberdeauradek82, it's about a mysql upgrade, we know tiki upgrades just fine ;) [15:57]
changilphuberdeau: lol [15:57]
jonnyb:D [15:57]
radek82ahh, yes, i was talking about tiki, sorry
entered the convo 1/2 way :P
jonnybwelcome [15:58]
changimarclaporte: where is the best place to put that Warning ? [15:58]
radek82my production boxes run 5.0.91
i guess i shouldn't jump to 5.1 ?
jonnybi'm amazed if mysql really thinks it's ok to lose data upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1 [16:02]
lphuberdeauI don't think that's the case
I bet the release notes have a few warnings
jonnybi was guessing it would be due to some gremlins in our table defs [16:05]
lphuberdeauoh, there are some
I have seen at least one table where tiki managed to create an auto increment column that is not the primary key
jonnybthe page changi pointed to (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/upgrading-from-previous-series.html ) is very long and i don't understand most of it
lphuberdeau: (switching topic) can you point me to a quick-start on the new table helpers?
lphuberdeauhttp://dev.tiki.org/Database+Access [16:09]
hmmm, i want to do an INSERT INTO... SELECT FROM thing - better to use the helpers in two steps or use SQL the old way?
lphuberdeauno syntax for insert ... select
I encountered only one of those and left it as SQL
quite rare
the layer only handles single-table operations
jonnybi'm doing a "clone menu" button, so there will be lots of options to duplicate... [16:15]
lphuberdeauclone for what? [16:18]
jonnybmenu [16:18]
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jonnyband it's options [16:19]
lphuberdeauyeah, you need to write the SQL for that, at least for the moment
you'd have to list all fields anyway
jonnybso i'm trying $this->insert for the menu, then i'll try sql for the options
i mean $menus->insert...
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marclaportechangi: the problem with date is that filter is for exact value. So try before or after a date
so radek82, yesterday, you were going to tell me since when you have been following Tiki
radek82marclaporte: about 2 years
lemme check exactly :P
Date of first pageview Friday 24 of July, 2009
thats my longest running production tiki
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radek82but i experimented for a while before i actually used it for something
i think i started with 4.1
or 4.2, so not very long ago, but the rate of development is fast
marclaporteok, so you didn't see the dark ages :-)
I still have several 1.9.x lying around, which still have everything needed for a small site
radek82i guess not :) not to say that im sad about it
i really like the development process, its more more structured
not chaotic like most OSS projects
lphuberdeaustructured, really? [16:58]
radek82everything goes into a single release, no plugins to fight with, no separate CVS trees [16:58]
lphuberdeauoh yes, that part [16:58]
radek82yeah, i don't like picking trunks from software i have no idea of :) [16:58]
ricks99ricks99 falls off his chair. Tiki dev process as strucured? [16:58]
radek82call it organized chaos then :P [16:58]
jonnybradek82: are you familiar with swans? [16:58]
radek82i am not [16:59]
jonnybhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swan - look all serene and calm above the surface...
underneath though the little legs are going like hell!
radek82lol, i could imagine. but from what i've seen of your backend, everything is logically laid out
im no php expert though
ricks99ricks99 thought jonnyb was going to talk about the 'ugly duckling' [17:00]
jonnyb:P [17:00]
ricks99tiki looks like a mess, but somehow works perfectly :-) [17:01]
marclaporteI think many part of our dev process are quite good now
release cadence is predictable
every release sees a code cleanup part
ricks99things that look ugly can still work well [17:02]
marclaporteQuality Team is very structured [17:02]
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radek82code is rarely pretty, especially when its more then 1 person working on it. im amazed at how well integrated everything is
take a comparison at drupal
with their plugin system
plugins rarely work through upgrades
infact some plugins, you have to use an old version just for them to work
in comparison, you guys are the cats pajamas
marclaportehehe, ok, so now, we just need to get more people to know and join the project
I'll get my cats some pajamas to celebrate :-)
ricks99when the association gets a bank account and budget, we need to advertise [17:09]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32486 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] menus: Add clone menu function, make menu 42 "read only" (GUI only) and add tiki_p_edit_menu check to edit & delete
tikiwiki: (menu 42 reset coming soon hopefully)
marclaporteI am convinced the model is fundamentally sound, but I think plugin model offers some benefits, and we could perhaps find ways to get those benefits somehow
For example, in a plugin model, it's easy to know who is in charge of what and thus, to create micro-communities (self-organizing, etc.)
ricks99it took me a while, but i think i finally agree that the all-in-one model is at least as good as the plugin model [17:11]
radek82yes, but then you give up control over those micro-communities, exposing the plugin to problems [17:12]
marclaporteBarrier to entry seems lower in plugin model, in terms of what you need to learn to start participating [17:12]
radek82i can see a downside of the allinone plugin model being incredibly time intensive, but from a users point of view, its worth its weight in gold [17:12]
marclaportefrom a contributor's point of view, once you pass the initial learning curve, I think it's better than plugin model because you can influence the direction of the project and you'll get help from others.
but sometimes, people prefer not to have to deal with others, and just have full control of their plugin. This is a characteristic of plugin model, that is not possible in Tiki
once you add code to Tiki, almost 500 people have commit access to change it. I think this is way too scary for many devs :-)
ricks99definately culture shock
dev community is great. now if we can just work on building a real user community...
marclaporteI am convinced that for two communities of the same size, with same resources, etc. all-in-one model is more efficient than plugin model. However, a handful of plugin communities (Drupal, Joomla!, WordPress, MediaWiki) are significantly larger in terms of contributors. Thus, they can be less efficient (ex.: wasted code in abandoned plugins), but have more resources to address an issue and thus be very effective. It's like Wikipedi
ricks99: what is "call to action" of the typical person you have in mind for "user community" ?
Perhaps some stuff could be added to Tiki7 http://dev.tiki.org/Connect
ricks99pure hobbyist is the user community we're missing
need to find a way to engage the 10,000 registered t.o accounts
marclaporteyes, so what is call to action?
I think helping with translations is an easy first step
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marclaportewe can ask for money [17:26]
Themetesthi@all [17:26]
marclaportewe can ask them to join Twitter, FB, etc. [17:27]
Themetesti have a problem [17:27]
ricks99i think 3 items: 1. marketing blitz, 2. publicize tiki "wins" better, and 3. major corporate support [17:27]
Themetesti can not download this theme http://themes.tiki.org/absE [17:27]
marclaporteThemetest: which version of Tiki? [17:28]
ricks99@Themetest: it should be included with tiki 6 - no need to download separately [17:28]
marclaportemoney for http://tiki.org/Summer+2011+Tiki+Tour would be nice [17:28]
Themetestmom [17:29]
ricks99see ^^^ once association gets a budget, think we can move forwrad on some items [17:29]
Themetesttiki-6.1 [17:30]
marclaporteheh, we were just talking about the benefits of not having to download things seperately [17:31]
ricks99It should be included. no need to download
Do you not see it from Admin > Look & Feel, themes tab?
Themetest? [17:32]
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ricks99See http://twbasics.keycontent.org/Configuring+the+Layout to select a theme
@marclaporte: consider how many (few?) non-tiki.org sites there are about tiki.... compared with joomla, drupal, plone, etc.
marclaportericks99: I see this as very bad for SEO for globally, I prefer to have info in small number of places
of course, we have less links between domains, and less search results in google stats
but a much better information management
ricks99no. i mean tiki-related sites/info that does *not* originate from tiki.org. (e.g., smarties) [17:37]
marclaportewith info scattered, a lot is lost when people move on [17:37]
ricks99i can find 100s of blogs, sites, etc. for joomla outside of joomla.org. *that's* the user community i mean [17:37]
marclaporteyes, I see [17:37]
ricks99folks like you, nelson, et. al. should have your own tiki-specific blogs on ur sites [17:38]
marclaporteNelson does, but I am not into blogging. I much prefer to make actionable plans in wiki pages [17:39]
ricks99well, even that.... [17:41]
marclaportethe hundreds of sites about Joomla: what are they talking about [17:41]
ricks99i don't see much "news" on http://avantech.net/tiki-index.php :-) [17:41]
marclaporteright, I don't have a news section because I don't want it to be empty [17:41]
ricks99folks blogging/writing about their joomla experiences. i think it is what http://tiki.org/blogs could/shold b
but ur a community leader
at least t.o is getting news out weekly now :) its a start
i have no answers... only observations :(
Tiki6 is a better blog than before
so perhaps more people will adopt is as a blog
and these blogger-types will also talk about Tiki
but some stuff which ends up on blogs really should be in wiki pages, as documentation
but some CMSs don't have a wiki engine, so blog posts are the way to go
ricks99blog, wiki, whatever. where are the sites that talk about tiki?
(other than tiki.org)
lphuberdeauTiki: more about doing than talking [17:51]
ricks99but unless folks hear about tiki, they're unlikely to do anything with tiki. and i think an active user community would go a long way [17:52]
marclaporteRick: I think the first thing to act upon is our exisiting users
for attracting new ones, current promo on info is superb
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32487 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] menus: Add reset function for menu 42 (Application Menu) as in the past this was editable and it was easy to lose access to many features.
tikiwiki: (Should be hidden if a fresh tiki 7 install, somehow - TODO)
RavenCpolom [17:55]
ricks99a few years ago, we did a mass survey to users, didn't we. what ever came of it? [17:55]
marclaporteSome things I remember: many people wanted to get involved [17:56]
ricks99wasnt there a pr firm doing stuff at one time? [17:56]
marclaporteeasy to say in a survey, I know, but I think there is some lost opportunity
not a firm, but Matthew and Pauline
ricks99right [17:57]
marclaporteI think a huge potential is to get local user groups going
and the path to this is to help tiki users connect with others that are near them
or someone, with whom they share affinities
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ricks99at some point prehaps, the association needs to hire a real staff. volunteers can only go so far [17:59]
RavenCTW 6.1 - tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=2: Only diplays two open items. What do I change to show all trackers, irrespective of their status ? [18:00]
lphuberdeauthat requires quite a bit of money [18:00]
RavenC^ as a default I should add... [18:01]
ricks99@RavenC: in edit tracker, can specify which status gets shown by default [18:01]
RavenCaaah.... can select them all... Thanks Ricks, I thought it was a one or the other type of thing... [18:02]
ricks99@lphuberdeau: yes, $$ would certainly help [18:02]
RavenCRavenC bows to Ricks excellent knowledge (again) :) [18:03]
ricks99lol [18:03]
marclaporteradek82: you can add Tiki to your stack: http://www.ohloh.net/p/tikiwiki [18:03]
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robertplummerpolom all [18:09]
RavenCpolom [18:09]
radek82marclaporte, sure [18:10]
robertplummerHey guys, where is the page that discusses adding new features to Tiki? For the life of me, I have forgotten... again. [18:12]
lphuberdeauyou mean the checkboxes? [18:13]
robertplummerright [18:13]
ricks99Admin: Features [18:14]
lphuberdeauhttp://dev.tiki.org/Creating+New+Preferences [18:14]
just what I was looking for!
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32488 10/trunk/lib/prefslib.php: [FIX] prefslib: params with default vals must be last (guessing '' is a good default for this?) [18:15]
robertplummerWhat do you think guys... new feature wiki draw, default on or off? [18:18]
lphuberdeaudefault off [18:18]
jonnybhi robertplummer - i agree, off to start with [18:18]
robertplummerOk, me as well. [18:19]
jonnybif it turns out to be a "must have" then it can be changed nearer release time? [18:19]
marclaportericks99: http://www.cmscritic.com/10-predictions-for-web-cms-in-2011/ [18:19]
lphuberdeauwell, on by default really means it's a benefit to everyone, I don't think such a feature fits in that category [18:20]
ricks99@marclaporte: y, seems similar to last year's :-) [18:23]
robertplummerThanks guys!
It should be under experimental, no?
jonnybdoes it work? :P [18:28]
robertplummerIn theory :) [18:28]
jonnybthen i guess so :) [18:28]
lphuberdeauyou don't really need to worry about the classification, someone else will
especially if it does not work for them on first try
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luciashre-polom [18:33]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: plugin lastmod shows current time - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40353 [18:36]
robertplummerluciash: polom
What do you guys think about phasing in draw to Tiki?
phase 1, users can upload and edit from file gallery?
And possibly as a plugin.
plugin could be either direct input or link to file gallery.
jonnybsounds good robertplummer, looking forward to it! :)
there may well be some overlap with the theme generator - so you can draw bits you want
robertplummerThere is also some discussion about history view.... for tiki draw :)
jonnyb: I'm going to try to do as little to it as needed for the initial phase so that we don't overlap much. We can turn off later the features we don't need... if ah, needed :)
jonnybsure [18:57]
robertplummerjonnyb: Also, I'm doing a external on lib if that is ok. There are a couple files that seem to be redundant, but nothing too big, ok? [18:57]
jonnybok, yes libs are good
usually easiest for updates to include the whole thing
luciashif u re-use file gallery you'll have history as archives of the files for the beginning, but loading and saving from wiki pages code would be nice too [18:59]
robertplummergallery = good! [19:00]
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changijonnyb: how is it possible to add a horiz menu over the black bar of fivealive ? [19:24]
jonnybhttp://profiles.tiki.org/Top_Menu_Module [19:25]
changithank you [19:26]
jonnybnp :) [19:27]
changijonnyb: your reset button for application menu is a little too big no ? [19:27]
jonnyboh? looked ok here (in jqui) - wot theme? [19:28]
changifivealive [19:29]
RavenCRavenC is buried in perms..... :/ [19:29]
changiwhy not an icon ? [19:29]
jonnybchangi: looked ok to me
which icon? (seems a bit dangerous)
it really should only be there if you're modified that menu, but i'm still pondering how to do it (cheaply)
changiok in Grape it shows purple on purple [19:30]
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changijonnyb: not quite readable [19:33]
jonnybodd, it's using the {button} object i think [19:33]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r32489 10/trunk/templates/tiki-directory_admin_related.tpl: ~indent~ [19:37]
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dcedilotte_workmarclaporte, my new SF nick is dcedilotte. Can you give me commit rights with that nick, please. I'll be using this one for all of the tiki projects I work on. [20:11]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32490 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.listfilter.php: [FIX] listfilter: Change key event so it picks up backspace & delete keys [20:23]
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robertplummerjonnyb: the svg-edit configs are locked up tight inside the config, and I don't see a way to extend it without editing source. What do you think I should do? [20:39]
jonnybdoesn't bode well...
they're JS configs?
robertplummerYea, and nearly everything is there for them to extend, but it is all blocked.
Everything needs to load from the url of the page.
jonnybcan't you just override them in JS? (nothing is private) [20:40]
robertplummerShould I get file at string to page?
They are externals and it is trunk for them.
So yes and no, but yes complicates things.
I think a could just get file as string and return it to page it would be fine, what do you think?
jonnybwhat do you mean by "and it is trunk for them"? [20:41]
robertplummerThe reason it is failing is that it is in lib/svg-edit_tiki. [20:41]
jonnybyou mean include file paths etc? [20:42]
robertplummerright [20:42]
jonnybok, there (finally) [20:42]
robertplummerYea, I am bad at explaining. [20:42]
jonnybsounds odd, surely they should be using relative references [20:42]
robertplummerYea, sounds a bit like early days of jQuery.sheet :) [20:43]
jonnybwhat do you have in lib/svg-edit_tiki? [20:44]
robertplummerdraw.js and draw.php, very simple files.
not yet commited, I wanted to make sure that is where you wanted them.
externals I mean are where we want them.
jonnybsomething ending in _tiki wouldn't normally be an external (in third_party)
those are for the tiki specific files
the main lib is in lib/svg-edit yes?
I can commit what I have and you can take a look if you like?
jonnybtrying not to be distracted really... :P
sounds like the svg-edit people need to open their config a bit
luciashhmm, i cannot search and replace "[" with "[[" while editing a page...
do we have to escape it ?
atms = yes :)
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CIA-83tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r32491 10/trunk/templates/ (5 files): [MOD] Not a class normal table
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r32492 10/trunk/templates/ (12 files): [ENH] introduction of class on td - see http://dev.tiki.org/Templates+Best+Practices&highlight=formcolor#Tables
marclaportedcedilotte_work: done: https://sourceforge.net/users/dcedilotte [21:04]
dcedilotte_workmarclaporte, merci. :) [21:05]
marclaportekeep the commits coming! [21:06]
dcedilotte_workmarclaporte, I'm working on it. :) [21:07]
jonnyblphuberdeau: a query about profiles yaml - we use a single space indent for child objects, but the default for Horde_Yaml::dump() is 2 - am i doing something wrong here? [21:10]
marclaporteYAML is soon to be added to CodeMirorr! [21:16]
jonnybyay! :)
any sign of codemirror being added to the {CODE} plugin?
lphuberdeauyaml does not specify the amount of spaces [21:20]
jonnybso i should set indent to 1 for our stuff? [21:20]
lphuberdeausome profiles use one, some use more
it just has to be consistent within a profile
in fact, within a code block
jonnybhmm, ok (yaml is weird ;) ) [21:22]
lphuberdeauwell, not really
it just asks that you use the same indent all the time
because that's what it figures out nesting from
I know consitent indent may be a bit too much in tiki sometimes
i just don't like the way whitespace characters are used for structural reasons, whitespace is usually just for humans
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Links to the Users - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40357 [22:08]
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luciashwhen is 6.2 release ? [22:38]
jonnybnext week hopefully apparently [22:39]
luciashcool [22:39]
GergelyGood evening/morning! Can someone advise me about the way and the risks of turning parsetoc off? I am tired off circumventing the ur<x>l in the trackers param. [22:41]
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radek82really? damn, im just getting comfy with 6.1 [22:42]
Gergely+ something: did anyone experience in 6.1 double parsing of plugins that comprise of two pieces? [22:42]
marclaporteplugin parser was re-written in Tiki7 to be much smarter for plugin within plugin.
radek82: 6.2 will be less bugs and a few new features
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32493 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [ENH] profiles: Initial implementation of export as YAML, first part: preferences [22:44]
radek82less bugs is good :)
im playing with an odd one in calendar
marclaporteare you ready for your commit access yet? [22:45]
radek82lol, def not :)
you will tell me when that time comes :P
well, once you solve that bug, it'll be time
radek82lol, yeah, solving it being the operative word :)
but you'll hear about it here first :)
marclaporteto make sure you are not trying to fix something which already is, you may want to run on trunk or 6.x proposals
http://dev.tiki.org/get%20code#switch_to_proposals_6.x is the best
radek82yeah, i should switch my personal site to that, no one cares if thats up or down :P [22:51]
luciashhey tiki devs, is it what we need ? → http://www.diveintojavascript.com/projects/sidjs-load-javascript-and-stylesheets-on-demand [22:57]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r32494 10/trunk/lib/ (prefslib.php themegenlib.php): [FIX] notices in prefslib and themegenlib [22:58]
jonnybluciash: we already have $.getScript for JS files [22:59]
luciashjonnyb: ok
just stumbled upon it
jonnyband headerlib already is quite flexible for css [23:00]
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luciashwe just load bunch of css (and minify) which is never used... i guess i just misunderstood purpose of the lib
sorry for interruption
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jonnybis ok - pointers like that can be very handy :) [23:02]
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jonnybdo MS filter: progid:DXImageTransform properties in CSS validate ok?
hmm, seems not
luciashnope [23:10]
CIA-83tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r32495 10/trunk/ (10 files in 6 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ADD] svg edit support, initial, external to trunk (or alpha 2.6)
tikiwiki: [ADD] feature_draw
tikiwiki: [ADD] tiki-edit_draw.php which we will customize to Tiki
tikiwiki: [ADD] A conversion script to all the remote files that they have no access to in js external
tikiwiki: [ADD] Button to edit svg images to file gallery list (tiki-list_file_gallery.php + fgal_context_menu.tpl)
jonnybseems only -moz and -webkit only - even in css3 (for gradients) [23:11]
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luciashwhat does http://www.css3.info/ say ? [23:21]
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luciashwow, my Opera passed all the tests (warning, takes some minutes): http://tools.css3.info/selectors-test/test.html
"From the 41 selectors 41 have passed, 0 are buggy and 0 are unsupported (Passed 574 out of 574 tests)"
jonnyb: hmm, i see no gradients there: http://www.css3.info/preview/
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jonnybindeed - seems to be webkit and moz only :(
works nicely in them though
luciashand opera [23:32]
jonnybis there an opera syntax? [23:32]
luciashah, nope, sorry, opera isn't there [23:32]
jonnybno, i would have had a go at it if it did opera too [23:32]
luciashi thought it is -o-gradient, but it isn't [23:32]
jonnybshame [23:40]
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luciashjonnyb: seems it's not even in css3 draft [23:43]
jonnybstrange isn't it [23:43]
luciashok, 7 months ago maybe it was
maybe this page helps: http://www.quirksmode.org/css/gradient.html
according to that page w3c syntax should be → background: linear-gradient(left top,white, black);
http://css3please.com/ says it too
my opera doesn't understand the rule anyway :(
jonnybmaybe it will one day :)
would be good for new jqui
handy page (the last one), btw :)
oups, crashed my browser, just :-p

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