[00:07] *** redflo has left [00:08] *** xavi has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [00:15] *** coaboa||away has joined #tikiwiki [00:16] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:20] *** daniam has joined #tikiwiki [00:36] *** deadcom has left [00:40] *** daniam has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [00:58] *** rtdos has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [01:05] *** rtdos has joined #tikiwiki [01:13] *** dabright has joined #tikiwiki [01:59] *** macnific has joined #tikiwiki [01:59] *** robertplummer has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [02:10] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:12] *** rpg_ has joined #tikiwiki [02:14] *** rpg_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [02:16] *** rpg has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:16] *** goj has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out) [02:16] *** rpg has joined #tikiwiki [02:20] *** rpg has quit IRC (Client Quit) [02:31] *** goj has joined #tikiwiki [02:33] *** rpg has joined #tikiwiki [02:55] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [02:55] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Client Quit) [02:56] *** macnific has quit IRC (Quit: macnific) [03:02] *** USlacker has joined #tikiwiki [03:06] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [03:19] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Quit: reallycat) [03:33] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [03:40] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Quit: reallycat) [03:42] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [03:42] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Client Quit) [04:21] *** rpg has quit IRC (Quit: rpg) [04:37] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [05:18] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Quit: reallycat) [05:27] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [05:36] *** zorba has joined #tikiwiki [05:37] *** zorba has quit IRC (Client Quit) [05:37] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [05:41] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [05:43] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Client Quit) [06:44] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [07:05] *** qoumaq has joined #tikiwiki [08:35] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Quit: reallycat) [09:05] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:09] *** redflo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:10] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:10] *** redflo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:11] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:12] *** redflo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:14] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:16] *** redflo has quit IRC (Client Quit) [09:55] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [09:55] *** redflo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [09:56] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [10:00] *** redflo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [11:03] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [11:10] *** j0n3 has joined #tikiwiki [11:12] *** kurt-hectic has joined #tikiwiki [11:18] Hi. I think I have discovered a bug in tiki 6.2 concerning superscript. The code below looks fine in preview but is messed up in the final version. I have created some test code for reproduction. [11:18] __ ((test|testme)){SUP()}1{SUP} __: ((test2|testme2)) __ ((test3|testme3)){SUP()}2{SUP} __ : ((test4|testme4)) [11:19] can somebody reproduce this? [11:20] With examples a bit more complex, I even see part of the javascript generated by SUP on the screen ( I see something like the follwing). [11:20] Upper-air2§7c892a94d1aa110ee3b4cde4189545e4§P}: [11:25] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [11:45] *** josh_ has joined #tikiwiki [11:47] hi...i got a problem...the login-screen's function "Request Password Reset" doesn't work...i only get a white page...has anybody an idea how to solve this problem? [11:47] the system is able to send emails and i have set the option Request Password [11:49] hmmm? [11:52] nobody there able to help? [12:02] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:05] hi y'all [12:06] can anyone help me: login-feauture "Remind/forgot password" doesn't work. The Tiki System is able to send emails. If the Button "Request reset Password" is pressed...it needs a lot of time and then the system replys with a bare page [12:06] hi ricks [12:06] (using tiki 6.0) [12:06] did you turn on the logging/error reporting option? [12:08] where can i turn this on? admin>>features? [12:08] admin: general page [12:11] ah ok...but there are 4 different options in the drop down list...which one do i need? [12:11] for now, turn them all on and make visible. then try the FORGOT password option again. [12:12] and what about the two check boxes below? one visible for admin,..? [12:12] for now, make it visible for all (testing only) [12:14] no....it doesnt work... [12:15] fatal error: maxmimum execution time of 30 sec. exeeded in .......\htmlMimeMail.php [12:15] on line 2401 [12:15] ah. ok that's the error. try increasing the timeout in your php.ini [12:16] the user in question *does* have a valid email address, right? [12:29] New Forum Posts: How to achieve custom authentication? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40574 [12:34] jup...i justed testet the emial adress by sending a test email manually [12:40] so its working now? [12:42] no [12:44] are you using phpmail or smtp? [12:46] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [12:47] in admin>general i set smtp [12:47] but i get a mime-mail error?! [12:48] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33085 10/trunk/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] selection: Possible fix for IE line-ends again. [12:49] y, that's why I asked. odd. possible the REMIND PASSWORD function is hard-coded to use phpmail only? might want to check the bug reports, could be a known issue [12:49] hmm [13:10] *** klp has joined #tikiwiki [13:12] *** klp has quit IRC (Client Quit) [13:16] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [13:28] *** RavenC has joined #tikiwiki [13:38] it still doesn't work...maybe someone else got some ideas: i got the following problem: the Remind/forgot Password function of tiki doesn't work. tiki can send emails via smtp, i already tested it...but the reset password function does not work....i got the following php error message: fatal error: maxmimum execution time of 30 sec. exeeded in .......\htmlMimeMail.php on... [13:38] ...line 2401 [13:39] works for my tiki6 with phpmail [13:49] the mailserver doesnt run on localhost [13:49] i just changed the "host" definitions in the mimemail-file [13:50] polom [13:51] still doesnt work [13:51] don't know. :( as i said, it works on my tiki6 and on tiki.org sites. you might try posting to the forum [13:52] ok...thanks a lot ricks99 [13:52] Hi [13:53] can anybody reproduce the error I get when rendering a page containing the following code? [13:53] __ ((test|testme)){SUP()}1{SUP} __: ((test2|testme2)) __ ((test3|testme3)){SUP()}2{SUP} __ : ((test4|testme4)) [13:53] the other users are not as communicative as you....bummer [13:53] preview looks fine, viewing the saved pages shows an error [13:54] @josh_ : can _you_ reproduce this? [13:54] what is the error? [13:54] the second SUP is not rendered correctly [13:55] how does it render? [13:55] hmm..i dont even know how to render sorry kurt [13:55] works fine for me in tiki6 [13:56] what tiki version are you using? [13:56] tikiwiki 6.2 [13:57] there seem to be issues in the renderlib . I get maximum execution time errors, too, with a page containing lots ob SUPS. Noticed this behaviour when tracking down the error [13:57] @josh_ : paste my code into a new page and save it [13:58] you should see two superscripts when things are ok, one superscript and a messed up markup if things are not ok (like with me) [13:59] ah. in 6.2 it looks like a portion of the page description is inicorrectly parsed [13:59] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r33086 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ADD] groupValid detection for smarty template in wikiplugin_group.php from Nelson's work [13:59] is that what ur seeing too? [14:01] i would have to turn the plugin superscript on...but the page shows already something like this: testme? \n 1: testme2? testme3? \n 2:testme4? [14:01] note sure. the second line comes out as something looking like this "testme32P} : ((test4|testme4?" , where the first 2 after then testme3 is actual superscript" [14:01] I get the nasty "P}" after the second superscript [14:01] this is what i see: http://tiki.org/UserPagericks99#Annotation_plugin_test [14:02] no thats not what I see [14:02] do u have a link? [14:02] my stuff is not online [14:03] I can make a screenshot [14:05] http://bayimg.com/AaEnMAADa [14:05] *** reallycat has joined #tikiwiki [14:06] using wysiwyg or wiki editor? [14:06] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33087 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/tiki-js.js: [14:06] tikiwiki: [bp/r33074][FIX] selection: Correct for IE line-ends and selection loss. [14:06] tikiwiki: (Doesn't seem to work as well as in trunk, possibly due to doctype quirks - but improves some toolbar operations for IE7 especially) [14:07] wiki editor [14:08] very odd. i cannot duplicate on 6.2. possibly someone else will see this and be able to help. sorry [14:09] *** radek82 has joined #tikiwiki [14:12] ok.. thx [14:13] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33088 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [14:13] tikiwiki: [bp/r33074][FIX] selection: Correct for IE line-ends and selection loss. [14:13] tikiwiki: Missing file from r33087 [14:16] *** josh_ has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203075014]) [14:24] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33089 10/trunk/tiki-export_tracker.php: [FIX]tracker: avoid empty lines [14:26] *** kiilo has left [14:26] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33090 10/branches/proposals/6.x/tiki-export_tracker.php: [bp/r33089][FIX]tracker: avoid empty lines [14:27] FrIdAy! [14:40] *** robertplummer has joined #tikiwiki [14:40] polom all [14:40] polom chealer [14:42] *** luciash|away is now known as luciash [14:42] hi all [14:54] *** ricks99 is now known as ricks99|away [14:55] *** reallycat has quit IRC (Quit: reallycat) [15:06] *** dabright has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [15:22] *** qoumaq has quit IRC (Quit: qoumaq) [15:27] polom luciash [15:28] wassup RavenC ? :) [15:28] tikiwiki: 03nyloth * r33091 10/trunk/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl: [FIX] upload file : fix hit limit + some reindentation [15:39] not too much luciash, glad it is Friday!! :) [15:43] for me it doesn't mean much - plenty of work during the weekend as well for me :-p [15:59] *** j0n3 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [16:09] *** ricks99|away is now known as ricks99 [16:11] woo-hoo just got my Jan royalties from Tiki Essentials! [16:11] gonna be able order off the super-size the dinner menu tonight :) [16:12] don't get fat :) [16:13] lol. it wasn't *that* big of a check :) [16:16] lol [16:27] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [16:42] *** yalu has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [16:44] *** yalu has joined #tikiwiki [16:59] *** philback has joined #tikiwiki [16:59] anyone expert with the catpcha antibot feature for anon users? [17:00] Gives me headaches. [17:13] I'm having trouble in trunk getting trivial tiki syntax to work, I know it is working in 6.1, why would it not be working in trunk? [17:14] because under development [17:14] there were some recent changes in tikilib [17:17] *** kurt-hectic has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [17:19] luciash: Like what? [17:21] luciash: It has to do with nested tiki pages, it is like it doesn't even see the next page or something. Also, some of the script is smarty, is smarty no longer working? [17:29] in trunk ae we using smarty 2 or 3? [17:33] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r33092 10/trunk/tiki-admin.php: Finalize share admin panel integration [17:33] robertplummer: 2, most likely until Tiki 7 is released [17:33] trackerlist ? [17:33] Yes [17:33] robertplummer: ask nyloth to make it optional [17:33] robertplummer: it is long standing issue on trunk [17:34] It already is, isn't it? [17:34] It just isn't put into code.... [17:34] since he introduced that change that smarty is not parsed anymore in PTT [17:34] Hmmmm... Why did he make that change? [17:34] :( [17:35] because he thought it is better for security than trusting admins they will set those PTT pages editable by trusted groups only via perms [17:35] i suppose [17:35] Ok, but isn't their a security option for that? [17:35] ask him [17:36] Where can I find him? [17:36] there is tiki_p_use_as_template [17:36] but that doesn't cover that the template wiki page can be edited [17:36] No, if I do a search in trunk for smarty I get a bunch of options. [17:36] u can find him on devel list [17:36] one SPECIFICALLY to do with security + smarty [17:37] I hear rollback, what do you guys think? Did he get permission to change that? [17:37] i don't know, for me it is annoying showstopper for PTT in trunk anyway [17:38] Who can I get approval from to roll it back? [17:38] he suggested make it optional pref but i haven't seen it commited yet in trunk [17:39] c the thread "Fatal regression in trunk with TrackerList plugin" [17:40] robertplummer: i can push it if u want [17:40] push! push! [17:41] I asked the question in the dev list. [17:41] luciash: How would I turn it back on? [17:43] luciash: I'm going to the commit log, gonna find and remove, I won't commit, but I have to find this to get cart working. Without using smarty, at the moment, cart is useless. [17:44] by svn up -r31812 lib/smarty_tiki/resource.wiki.php [17:44] You da man! [17:44] r31813 introduced that [17:49] *** lorinc has joined #tikiwiki [17:51] heya lorinc ! :) [17:51] long time no see [17:54] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [17:54] hey luci :D [17:54] havent been on irc for a while [17:54] yup yup [17:55] u changed it for fb and twitter ;) [17:56] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [18:07] Geez wikiplugin_tracker customization... but I may end up with a decent event tracking system. [18:09] sounds like a good quote for the upcoming tracker news article. ;-) [18:09] mmmh [18:09] well... [18:10] I took me... days... to come up with a decent understanding of how trackers work internally at all levels... [18:10] It's quite a piece of kit. [18:10] Not sure if a refactoring or objectification will bring enough benefits to the table. [18:12] * ricks99 can't wait for drag & drop trackers, like uml [18:15] *** philback has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:15] *** philback has joined #tikiwiki [18:16] back [18:22] *** radek82 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:23] @ricks99, ok like this for the trackers or you want something else? [18:24] @ricks99: the emailing feature I am looking at now, along with the destination URL makes for a pretty powerful notification mechanism as well. [18:24] (in trackers I mean) [18:25] sorry, what? [18:48] *** ricks99 is now known as ricks99|away [18:54] *** Yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [18:58] polom [19:00] *** philback has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:02] *** philback has joined #tikiwiki [19:05] *** robertplummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [19:16] *** Yonixxx has quit IRC (Read error: Connection timed out) [19:16] *** robertplummer has joined #tikiwiki [19:16] *** Yonixxx has joined #tikiwiki [19:22] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r33093 10/trunk/templates/canonical.tpl: using absolute URL for canonical tag [19:22] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r33094 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: feature_canonical_url enabled by default [19:22] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r33095 10/trunk/ (lib/setup/prefs.php tiki-view_blog_post.php): by default don't paginate comments on a blog post [19:22] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r33096 10/trunk/templates/canonical.tpl: canonical tag for blog post [19:47] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r33097 10/trunk/templates/canonical.tpl: [FIX] make sure canonical tag appear only in the right pages [20:03] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r33098 10/trunk/tiki-admin.php: No changes - coding style only [20:12] *** rtdos has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [20:20] *** rtdos has joined #tikiwiki [20:24] *** Yonixxx has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [20:29] *** GillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [20:32] *** ricks99|away has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [20:40] luciash: I rolled the script back on my local system, and it still doesn't work correctly. [20:42] This doesn't parse: "{ADDTOCART(code="{$f_4}")}{ADDTOCART}" [20:43] luciash: What do you think I should do? [20:43] *** rpg has joined #tikiwiki [20:56] *** RavenC has quit IRC (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~) [21:19] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [21:24] *** kiilo has joined #tikiwiki [21:27] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33099 10/trunk/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: [FIX]newsletter: do not send newsletter to invalid or unsubscribe users [21:30] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33100 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: [bp/r33099][FIX]newsletter: do not send newsletter to invalid or unsubscribe users [21:34] *** kiilo has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [21:34] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33101 10/trunk/lib/setup/cookies.php: [FIX] notice [21:36] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33102 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl: [FIX] login-box: Close tags properly (for the edge cases i've tested so far) [21:37] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33103 10/trunk/css/ie7.css: [FIX] IE7: Fix for superfish menus going behind stuff, and remove random scrollbars from ui dialogs. [21:52] *** lorinc has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [22:06] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33104 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]newsletter: in subscribers'list do not show those from included newsletters + show the unsubscribed ones [22:10] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33105 10/branches/proposals/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [bp/r33104][FIX]newsletter: in subscribers'list do not show those from included newsletters + show the unsubscribed ones [22:16] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33106 10/trunk/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: oops to 33104 [22:18] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33107 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: [bp/r33106] fix commit 33105 [22:58] *** rpg has quit IRC (Quit: rpg) [23:52] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [23:56] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)