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CIA-60: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r33233 10/trunk/ (lang/bg/index.php lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_slideshow.php): Some more svn keywords Id missing
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r33234 10/trunk/lang/ko/index.php: Add missing index.php file
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luciash: happy friday !
robertplummer: hi, you're welcome but u should probably check with nyloth if he already didn't started coding it
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kapola: Hi to all
I wanna know if there is an ability in tikiwiki to use as a website creater platform
luciash: kapola: never heard about it
Yonixxx: Hi kapola
kapola: Hi Yonixxx
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Shared SSL certificate - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40643
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xavi: polom
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xavi: hi luciash
anyone any clue why Jquery S5 is not displaying properly in doc.t.o using latest 6.2?
luciash: hi xavi
i didn't use S5 much yet
xavi: ok
maybe robertplummer has some clue...
luciash: xavi: any js error s ?
ah, it works, just seems messed up ...
xavi: how can i know that?
I'm using Chrome with firebug lite right now
luciash: maybe some CSS
right click, inspect element
xavi: ah, ok, you are right
luciash: click console
seems some CSS is messeing it up... maybe the minified one ?
xavi: aha...
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://cdn.doc.tiki.org/lib/jquery/jquery.sheet/plugins/raphael-min.js. Origin http://doc.tiki.org is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'clientHeight' of null tiki-index_raw.php:22513
luciash: it basically works fine for me, just in the background i get the introductory text
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xavi: yes, same for me (= unusable for production = broken)
ricks99: polom y'all
luciash: ok
xavi: polom ricks99
luciash: yo ricks99
xavi: i am logged in btw
xavi: so am I
luciash: xavi: and btw, how do i open the slideshow from the page http://doc.tiki.org/ExampleSlideShow ?
i see no [Slideshow] button or something
or where you found that previous link ?
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xavi: yes, luciash : this is a partly (only) implemented feature
here is no link on the page, afaik.
I got that link from the doc page:
luciash: ah
xavi: http://doc.tiki.org/S5
luciash: ok, thanks
xavi: and this feature deserves some button, etc. (provided that the feature is on, perms are matched, etc)
luciash: fyi: I've just got a talk with robertplummer on skype
he'll backport some of this nice fixes to JQS5 into 6x at some point in the near future
so that there is a button to open the slideshow, and some tips for the user about how to use JQS5 successfully
s/some of this/some of his
luciash: cool
xavi: he's already improved that in trunk
yes, verey cool! (also bg image, font color, etc)
luciash: so there is new perm for it ?
xavi: no idea, ask robertplummer
or check in trunk
luciash: k
robertplummer: so there is new perm for it ? :)
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luciash: there is some rendering (parsing) inconsistency: http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=ExampleSlideShow&clean VS http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index_raw.php?page=ExampleSlideShow&textonly&clean
see the source of those pages
and notice how the <h1> and <h2> renders in &textonly mode
(it should be the same in both but for some reason <h1> becomes real html tag in &textonly view)
bbl again
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