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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2003] Can't connect to MySQL server - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=40674
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luciash: polom
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xavi: polom
quick question
how can I display html code in 6.x?
I can't manage to display the code through plugin code... :-/
maybe I forgot some trick?
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3810 - - Wiki link with equation tag fails - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3810
xavi: I'm afraid that displaying html code in plugin code in 6.x is broken
is displays as html at prview time, but not after save (using wysiwyg)
-: xavi fears that we focus effort to much into running (7x) while we don't secur that we are still able to walk (6x LTS). Not only because of this, but because of so many errors here and there in 6x (which will be LTS...)
xavi: like switching from wysiwyg to non-wysiwyg (where are all the line feeds gone?)
and why (non-wysiwyg) preview then shows nothing?
... :-/
luciash: xavi: hi
xavi: I can feel the pain of my users saying 6.x is not production ready...
luciash: xavi: if code plugin doesn't work, try HTML plugin with <pre> tags
xavi: hi luciash, thanks for tip
luciash: xavi: or try enable HTML per that page with CODE plugin
-: luciash hates different parsing in preview than in after save
luciash would like to see more effort on running 7x - pretty trackers wise
xavi would be happy if only 6.x features worked better
luciash: 6x is is still better - more stable to me
xavi: the pre trick didn't work :-(
html code vanished
luciash: xavi: about the wysiwyg problems i don't know ...
uh ?
{HTML()}<pre><strong>Hello World !</strong></pre>{HTML} ?
what wanishes from this example ?
xavi: mmm, ok, my content is not html, but xml
luciash: eh
-: luciash smells htmlpurifier stench
xavi: ok
luciash: lets blame everything to htmlpurifier ;)
xavi: mmm, unfortunately, I disabled htmlpurifier, and also, html in wiki pages, and no change
just in case, I'll repeat after clearing tiki cache (just in case)
luciash: hmm, maybe html in wiki pages feature must stay on
just a guess
xavi: ok, trying again with html in wiki pages as on
no chance
ok, I quit. I assume it's not posible to display xml on a wiki page
I'll take a screenshot
thanks. I have to leave. cheers and thanks for your help, luciash
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ricks99: polom y'all
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chibaguy: luciash is having trouble staying connected to BBB.
luciash: i keep getting "The connection to the server has been closed"
hmm, but for some mysterious reason gary stays in with his Opera
i tried with Chrome
i will try with Opera as well
chibaguy: heh, I got logged out too. :-/
just now
I was using Opera.
luciash: oups
must be some server issue on bbb.evocatio
so i will not bother trying Opera
chibaguy: Maybe not browser related.
Well, the BBB guys are attending today, so maybe they have some ideas.
luciash: any idea about timing ?
chibaguy: I was ok for 10 or 15 minutes, just using chat.
luciash: i have my own BBB server running in VM but i have not found out yet how to create new rooms
only using the default one
chibaguy: I started desktop sharing and that ran for a few minutes, then lost connection. I don't know if that was related.
luciash: hmm, maybe
chibaguy: I'm back in BBB.
Dang, not anymore.
luciash: :-/
they have to do something about it
chibaguy: yeah, some wire is loose, or something. ;-)
luciash: :)
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luciash: chealer_: hi
chealer_: do u have some expert person there at the tikifest taking care about the BBB session ?
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luciash: omg
chibaguy: you ok, luciash?
luciash: yes
i was just commenting the issue chealer is experiencing with the irc nick clones
chibaguy: ah
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chibaguy: g'night. I'll try to check BBB in the morning to see how it's working and if anybody's there.
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marclaporte: http://tiki.bigbluebutton.org/ -> live presentation by Fred Dixon of BigBlueButton
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luciash: it keeps me disconnecting :(
ricks99: odd. working fine for me
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luciash: ricks99: it was on one of my laptops... maybe weak wi-fi connection
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JohnK: thank you for providing such a nice collabaration tool and community
thats about it :) have a nice evening
ricks99: thanks for the kind words JohnK
JohnK: hey ricks from tiki for smarties!
ricks99: yup
JohnK: indulging myself in your magnificent resource :)
ricks99: thanks. i'm glad you find it useful
JohnK: maybe somewhere down the line ill contribute to it, but for now im still in the 'can tiki do this' phase
considering a tiki implementation for our IT department
ricks99: excelent
JohnK: maybe a company intranet after that... oo the posibilities
ricks99: excel*L*ent
JohnK: didnt notice ;) im a dutchie
btw, and i dont need a full how to
but is it possible to create a menu that lists all the wiki categories
and if so, does it require 'manual' coding or can i gui my way through it?
ricks99: y. there is a categor module.
it is an out-of-the-box module no hacking required
JohnK: thanks!
and it works too :p
ricks99: :-)
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JohnK: bye...
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JohnK: fixed permissions even
tiki and me will get along fine i reckon
sylvieg: does somebody know what is the field guid in tiki_rss_items?
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Googlemap plugin enhancements - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=40679
CIA-83: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r33286 10/trunk/lib/ (setup/js_detect.php tiki-js.js):
tikiwiki: [FIX] timezones: Rewrite for JS timezone detection.
tikiwiki: Move code from tiki-js.js to js_detect.php and use the php timezone list for valid abbreviations.
tikiwiki: Partial fallback for IE not reporting the zone correctly, should be ok everywhere that has a whole hour GMT offset.
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Menu problem - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=40680
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Newbie: Some questions about script/variables - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=40681
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fabricius: polom
any french awaik?
I need the french expression for "logout"
do not find it in the dictionary