tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33340 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX]case tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r33341 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [FIX]case polom any tikifester around? I guess not, because of the time zones... anyway, just in case... I found a good candiate (imho) for the new name of the Trackers feature... for after tracker revamp... or even earlier... after thinking for many weeks about it "Data Tables" a single tracker will no be the equivalent to a database (the name that I'0ve been using for years to explain what trackers were, for people to whom "trackers" meant nothing) but to a datatable polom and with several datatables (like in mysql), linked, etc., with indexes (IsMain , etc), would mean something similar to a database polom-after-earthquake! good to see you around chibaguy I read the log from yesterday... and saw the news... are you already at home, or still in the "cubicle"? heh, yes, I made it home ok; everyone in my office is ok, and family is ok. phew... such event from Nature... Our house needs cleaning up though. It's hard to imagine how much it was shaking to move things around. No one was home at the time. you were lucky Except for the traumatized dog. oups I think she'll recover ok. good So you have a new name for trackers? he he... well yes (proposal, of course) :-) http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2011-03-12,Sat&sel=24#l20 Ah, Data Tables. I would initially prefer "database", because users are more familiar (probably) with it and you can use trackers to create your own custom database of items, etc but a single tracker wouldn't be a database 'sensu stricto' but a data table, like a mysql table within a mysql database and that's why "Data Table" they can have forms, reports, stats, etc. from a single table (tracker) or from a set of tables (= database, tracker base = tracker set = Data base in Tiki) Yep, it's definitely logical. initially I thought that database (or data tables) might create confusion with uisers which know that the database in tiki is mysql, etc. but in fact, that's not going to be the case, since users know that there are "file galleries" in Tiki, to hold user files, etc. and they don't make the confusion with Tiki's own files (tiki-index.php , etc) even if both things are "files" so that's why I think that something similar to feature "Data Bases" o "Data Tables" would be a good candidate s/a/some I think it's probably agreed that Trackers is too narrow (as in bug tracker) so your idea is in the right direction, for sure. not only narrow, but missleading for 90% of the users (and new admins) of most of the Tikis I've installed and helped to admin in Spanish, Catalan, etc. "trackers" means nothing and I still remember that it took me something like to 2 years (!) to understand that a Tracker in Tiki was like a database creator and manager. heh And in those 2 years I was looking for other software to manage custom databases in other cms's... kind of frustrating of course, documentation is much better know than before... but also overwhelming for a newbie... yep, sure shows that the name isn't self-explanatory. and the clearer the name, the better to start in the right and clear direction for the whole Tiki user base s/better know/better nowadays well, I'm back to testing the GroupMail feature in tiki 6.x... it's not working for me in 6.x, I dunno why (and it was for sure, in 4.x... I documented it!) and I was finally going to use it for production... It seems like adding/enhancing new features should slow down or be paused and instead time should be put into fixing things. +10 Anyway for tiki 6. there needs to be a balance, of course (some "tiki service providers" probably need to "sell" new tiki features to get funding,e tc) Time to eat here now. I'll be back soon. but if the base is not working.... or if the features they have sold, break in < 24 months (in Europe) they are (should, at least) be in trouble ok, enjoy your meal! agree with you guys - too many broken things in 6 It is time to slow down and to fix yes, sylvieg, I agree last: webmail seems to be broken and the last issue: webmail is not working for me, but the worst is that an admin seems to be unable to delete the non-working email account... and that is consuming lots of browser time (ajax_xajax was enabled , etc) :-/ Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3813 - - 6x: Groupmail doesn't work for me (but it was ok for me in 4x). Is webmail working? - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3813 oups, webmail seems to work finally also with pop3 account (weird) polom molop xavi: what about "Data Forms" ? I would rather prefer that to avoid confusion with real database tables... Hi luciash. Trackers are not just forms and this confusion (imho) wouldn't exist, in the same way that there is not confusion with "files" (tiki files) files from file galleries or files uploaded by ftp such as tiki-index.php, etc. (I'm talking about end users, etc) "Data Reports" are for trackers in a similar way to "Data Forms" tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r33342 10/trunk/css/ie7.css: [FIX] z-indexes added for IE7 to keep cssmenus on top of other content such as tabcontent. to me, the easiest, shortest, simplest, etc. would be either "Data Tables" or "Data Bases" (instead of Trackers) "Structured Data" would be also quite specific, but it's not as easy for new users as Database (or data tables, if we don't want to use esactly the word "database"). "Data Records" sounds nice too :) or "Data Books" ? imho in every language any title can sound funny or confusing... imho it could stay Trackers... but translate in your language as you feel appropriate See this: Dadabik: Database Interface Creator... Dadabik ? chibaguy: hi, good to hear that it's not a question of translation... I bet my 21-old USA students (non-techie) have no idea what a tracekr is tracker http://www.dadabik.org/ -> to create databases for users on a free soft. php + mysql (and other db's) based application tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r33343 10/branches/proposals/6.x/css/ie7.css: [bp/r33342][FIX] z-indexes added for IE7 to keep cssmenus on top of other content such as tabcontent. Databooks: ok, good candidate, imho, also xavi: ah, i see re that's good, luci. xavi, I used Dadabik for a project years ago. It's pretty neat. yes, chibaguy, I agree. I used it too for a few projects years ago (while I didn't know that trackers were to create databases) a common use case is that a client has a (ms access or other) database, and they want it online they will look for some software which allows them to have their database online, and they will not find Tiki as an alternative even if they search the 1000+ pages of documentation! I think I might have known that Tiki's trackers were a database kind of thing, but I found Dadabik to be easy for a noob to use. IIRC, I didn't know how to do the same kinds of things with trackers. :-D I didn't follow the evolution of dadabik since many years ago... but trackers are very powerful right now (while you don't hit any bug in your way) I woner if dadabik followed a similar path as trackers did... but anyway, beyond my roadmap for this weekend :-) s/woner/wonder anyone using webmail for any of your clients? tiki webmail, I mean I'm willing to use GroupMail (based on webmail) for our local barter group in our suburb, and it's still a promising feature! however, there are some tiny issues here and there which make it unusable for production and I know jonnyb is quite busy with too many things related with Tiki webmail is usable only as emergency solution as it doesn't support attachments yet Time to sleep here. Will be back tomorrow. Thanks for your good thoughts and words, guys. the attachments are displayed garbage-text nor non-english text, nor paginating the webmail module, nor mail folders, ... chibaguy: sleep well ok, g'night luciash: more basic than that: non english text is not shown! (I mean , accents, etc): hidden in html version of message, and weird chars shown in the text version of the message or maybe charset conflicts? (even if I try to use utf-8 everywhere) I'm willing to pay some coder to fix those things.... but everyone seems to be too busy... we need more coders willing to help to fix things (even with paid work, we need more help!) bbl (food time) and walk-the-dog-time-on-a-rainy-day i got czech characters correctly in webmail lucky you! i fixed some issues actually in the listings then it must be charset issue there are issues still maybe because user sends email with iso-8859-1 and tiki expect utf-8 :-( in 6 OR TRUNK ? oops, sorry 6x using stable well, "stable" in theory 6.2 I don't even dare to test trunk for any serious stuff but i tested with utf-8 mails so far only... or iso-8859-2 sorry, gotta finish this translation now... bbl ok, see you anybody heard from chibaguy? dthacker: yep, he and his family is safe... see the log irc.tiki.org mmm,, anyone any idea if group watch is storing some info in the tiki logs as individual email-watch events? or.... can anyone confirm that group watch is working on blogs in 6x? tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r33344 10/trunk/tiki-webmail_ajax.php: Remove useless commented code luciash: great news! thank you polom help is needed to identify how to fix this (non i18n) string in a template: {tr 0=$prefs.sender_email|default:"{tr}this domain{/tr}"|escape}If you use an email filter, be sure to add %0 to your accepted list{/tr} it comes from tiki-register.tpl , and it seems that it's not parsed properly (it's not included in language.php files once get_strings.php is run, etc any smarty guru around to fix the above line? ^ I mean, can tr smarty tags be nested? no idea, but i would try to remove it tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r33345 10/trunk/templates/tiki-register.tpl: tikiwiki: [FIX]This nested smarty tr tag prevented the string to show up in the localized tikiwiki: language.php. Better to show 'default' in English (when no default email) and tikiwiki: the rest always localized, than showing always the whole string in English. If tikiwiki: someone has a better fix, please do, but ensure we don't loose this translated tikiwiki: string (I remember I had this translated in the past, and probably a few times). tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r33346 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-register.tpl: tikiwiki: [FIX][bp/r33345]This nested smarty tr tag prevented the string to show up in the tikiwiki: localized language.php. Better to show 'default' in English (when no default tikiwiki: email) and the rest always localized, than showing always the whole string in tikiwiki: English. If someone has a better fix, please do, but ensure we don't loose this tikiwiki: translated string (I remember I had this translated in the past, and probably a tikiwiki: few times). tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r33347 10/branches/6.x/lang/ca/language.php: One string re-added for i18n on registration thanks for feedback luciash tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r33348 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lang/ca/language.php: Comitting the same file as in branch/6x, since it's a little bit tricky to fix i18n-related things in proposals with an outdated file of strings tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r33349 10/branches/6.x/lang/ca/language.php: One string re-added for i18n on registration (missing) polom are some people in the tiki house? I am ready to drive there - but if the house is empty... Ah you r in Boston? lexington ok 20mn from the tiki house if you have 5 minutes, you might explain me s.th. yeh you remember the site search bar ... I did put the sitesearchbar without background picture in the header top right it should be in or besides the secondary menu css wise that's ok for the moment - not elegant, but I got there I would like to take off the word "search" from the standart sitesearchbar and I am looking throughout the tikicode, where that is organised I guess that is not a css thing, but might have to do s.th with .tpl or so? spmething like .search .btn {display: none;} ? or am I completely wrong and it would be an admin thing? yes, s.th. like that what does that mean: .search .btn I am just starting to look into the code stuff trying to learn to read the code and trying first mini mini mini adjustments ;-) when you want to hide some part on a tpl - an easy solution is to hide blocks with css the class for the search bar is .search the class for the button is .btn so you say every object of class btn that is in an object of class search will be hidden ah - css or smarty thought? you can solve both way what I do not want to have displayed is just the word "search" left of the input field ... the field and the "go" button should be visible but the css is more local than a tpl and easy to do the upgrade understand hi rodrigo_sampaio: is Daniel arrived? better do it in one css file, than to do in several files and to have to take care at every update sylvieg: you mean if he arrived in boston? sylvieg: yes, he arrived yesterday ah.. is he in the tiki house now? sylvieg: I'm not in the TikiHouse ah ok... sylvieg: I came with him to RoCoCo earlier and he left a while ago to meet you and marc and cie - when do they arrive? sylvieg: he was going back to the TikiHouse better to leave now... sylvieg: the guys from montreal arrive later today leaving now sylvieg: not sure if marc is coming today or tomorrow, he was sick sylvieg: ok :-( sylvieg: he will probably come tomorrow Info: Tiki Suite and Confoo.ca - http://info.tiki.org/article156-Tiki-Suite-and-Confoo-ca polom y'all quiet in boston... polom ricks still there? ricks99: we are at Recent Changes Camp ricks99: so far only me, chealer and daniel ricks99: the rest of the guys from montreal will arrive today greetz to New England hola rodrigo hola ricks99 ricks99: RoCoCo just finished, we are going back to the TikiHouse bye talk w/ u later hello, a podcast i'm associated with is using tiki. There is a problem with the password recovery, where it is requiring a person to be logged in to recover their password which, of course, is a bit of a chicken and egg problem Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3814 - - Additional search options if results are not good - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3814