r0ny_: the issue now is
though itshows up in the editor
its not getting transferred into page
lindonb: what do you mean transferred into page?
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macnific: Hi everybody. Rick is giving me some instructions to translate some info.tiki.org pages into Portuguese language. And doing translation right now I got an error at safari concerning difficulty with certification with a certain file with extension .js. Just to inform. And it prevented the browser to preview and let me to re-edit it again.
But finally FireFox allowed.
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macnific: At the end of 10 top reason page to use Tiki, there is a blue text that I translated but there is an Plug-in Execution Pending approval. Hope you read it Rick.
lindonb: I approved it
macnific: I say thanks Lindonb
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JoP_: i try to use TRACKERLIST showinitials, but it pops up a window: "template tiki-index.tpl is not registered."
what can i do?
anyone can help?
Sug4r: 'help' could be way of getting some useful (or not so useful but kind of funny) information from me. By me I mean Sug4r, the IRC bot. You can give me commands like >whatis foo to get some facts from my factoids database about foo , >list alias to get list of command aliases i understand, >help alias about to get some help about alias called about and its parameters or /msg Sug4r help someothercommand to get help (1 more message)
macnific: Plug in approval need in: https://info.tiki.org/Como+come%C3%A7ar+com+o+Tiki
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sendak.freenode.net sets mode: +o luciash
sendak.freenode.net changes topic to: Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - Software made the Wiki Way - Tiki 6.2 is out! Wanna ask something? Just ask. We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log), type !help or >help! to get some help from our bots ;) Enjoy!
5EXACG8XP: | Starting logging this channel #tikiwiki - See logs at http://irc.tikiwiki.org - Lines beginning with "[off]" will not be logged - You can stop logging by typing Loggar: off
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macnific: I am logged in info.org. How can I log-out? I don't see any log-out button.
I am logged in info.org. How can I log-out? I don't see any log-out button.
chealer: macnific: you mean info.tiki.org?
macnific: you mean info.tiki.org?
macnific: yes
sorry for not had typing all the whole URL.
sorry for not had typing all the whole URL.
chealer: macnific: are you sure you're logged in on info.tiki.org? only admins are supposed to login there
macnific: are you sure you're logged in on info.tiki.org? only admins are supposed to login there
macnific: Rick allowed me. Otherwise I could help with translation
Rick allowed me. Otherwise I could help with translation
I mean.. Otherwise I could NOT help with translation
I mean.. Otherwise I could NOT help with translation
Do you know chealer how to log-out?
Do you know chealer how to log-out?
chealer: macnific: right. yes, the Logout link is at bottom left, on a black background
macnific: right. yes, the Logout link is at bottom left, on a black background
macnific: Was it there before? I did not see it. Thanks. Sleeping time now. Bye
Was it there before? I did not see it. Thanks. Sleeping time now. Bye
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luciash: polomorning
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coaboa: hi all
hi all
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hi JoernOtt
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chibaguy: polom
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-: chibaguy is trying to solve a mystery: why is there a 1em (or so) "pseudo-margin" between the bottom of #header and the bottom of its container, #header_fixedwidth? Firebug offers no clues.
chibaguy is trying to solve a mystery: why is there a 1em (or so) "pseudo-margin" between the bottom of #header and the bottom of its container, #header_fixedwidth? Firebug offers no clues.
jonnyb: hi chibaguy - think i was looking at the same gap yesterday and was hoping it would just go away (or you'd fix it)
hi chibaguy - think i was looking at the same gap yesterday and was hoping it would just go away (or you'd fix it)
seemed to me that even though #header was set to 144px (or something) it was ending up as 155px, even though nothing inside it was that tall
seemed to me that even though #header was set to 144px (or something) it was ending up as 155px, even though nothing inside it was that tall
chibaguy: I fixed it once by specifying a height for #top_modules large enough to force the gap closed, IIRC.
I fixed it once by specifying a height for #top_modules large enough to force the gap closed, IIRC.
But seems like that's a hack that shouldn't be necessary.
But seems like that's a hack that shouldn't be necessary.
jonnyb: i was wondering it there was a whitespace/lineheight mix up going on
i was wondering it there was a whitespace/lineheight mix up going on
chibaguy: Could have been, but not all affected themes have those properties, I think.
Could have been, but not all affected themes have those properties, I think.
I'm thinking of doing an html page with nested divs and adding tiki css rules until the gap pops open.
I'm thinking of doing an html page with nested divs and adding tiki css rules until the gap pops open.
or something.
or something.
jonnyb: think i saw this only on ohia - you get it on more? (in 7.x?)
think i saw this only on ohia - you get it on more? (in 7.x?)
chibaguy: yes, in jqui, arcturus, business, many others.
yes, in jqui, arcturus, business, many others.
(this is in Firefox, anyway, with logo (img or title or both) and popup login in #top_modules, fixed width on.
(this is in Firefox, anyway, with logo (img or title or both) and popup login in #top_modules, fixed width on.
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firebird: hi guys!
hi guys!
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firebird is now known as Guest40883
Guest40883: i am having a hard time installing tiki on debian squeeze as i always get a blank screnn after hitting the "isntall" button
i am having a hard time installing tiki on debian squeeze as i always get a blank screnn after hitting the "isntall" button
JoernOtt: Guest40883: have a look at /var/log/apache/error.log
Guest40883: have a look at /var/log/apache/error.log
Guest40883: JoernOtt: ok, will dio, sec plsease!
JoernOtt: ok, will dio, sec plsease!
-: chibaguy thinks, wow, quick response. ;-)
chibaguy thinks, wow, quick response. ;-)
Guest40883: JoernOtt: there is practically nothing in there, only:
JoernOtt: there is practically nothing in there, only:
PHP Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /var/www/tiki-6.3/installer/tiki-installer.php on line 1011, referer:
PHP Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /var/www/tiki-6.3/installer/tiki-installer.php on line 1011, referer:
JoernOtt: ok, then check the memory in php.ini
ok, then check the memory in php.ini
should be 128m
should be 128m
Guest40883: JoernOtt: really?? what figure should it be?
JoernOtt: really?? what figure should it be?
JoernOtt: 128M
means 128 mByte
means 128 mByte
Guest40883: wow! that explains it :D
wow! that explains it :D
sec, please
sec, please
JoernOtt: is that it?
JoernOtt: is that it?
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB) ; http://php.net/memory-limit memory_limit = -1
; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (128MB) ; http://php.net/memory-limit memory_limit = -1
JoernOtt: yes
below that setting, there is also the error reporting
below that setting, there is also the error reporting
Guest40883: but then the value is correct as -1 means indefinite? or should i change -1 to 128 explicitly?
but then the value is correct as -1 means indefinite? or should i change -1 to 128 explicitly?
JoernOtt: well, the debian squeeze default is 128M
well, the debian squeeze default is 128M
Guest40883: JoernOtt: which is what we want, correct?
JoernOtt: which is what we want, correct?
JoernOtt: this is a reasonable limit
this is a reasonable limit
memory_limit = 128M
memory_limit = 128M
Guest40883: but then it cannot be the reason for my problem? *confused*
but then it cannot be the reason for my problem? *confused*
JoernOtt: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
well, the "white screen of death" is usually related to an error and most of the time its memory related
well, the "white screen of death" is usually related to an error and most of the time its memory related
the error reporting settings might fill your error log ;-)
the error reporting settings might fill your error log ;-)
Guest40883: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED is also what i have there
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED is also what i have there
JoernOtt: ok
Guest40883: so what now? :D
so what now? :D
JoernOtt: is tiki running in the default vhost or in another vhost
is tiki running in the default vhost or in another vhost
Guest40883: JoernOtt: frankly spoken i havent even taken the time to define one, apache is running "out of the box" so to speak
JoernOtt: frankly spoken i havent even taken the time to define one, apache is running "out of the box" so to speak
JoernOtt: ok, then its the default vhost
ok, then its the default vhost
do a /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
do a /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Guest40883: done that several times already...
done that several times already...
JoernOtt: necessary after changing the php.ini
necessary after changing the php.ini
Guest40883: JoernOtt: and i have manually set the path to mysql.so in php.inis
JoernOtt: and i have manually set the path to mysql.so in php.inis
JoernOtt: erm... i changed precisely nothing in php.ini?
JoernOtt: erm... i changed precisely nothing in php.ini?
JoernOtt: #now do tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log in one terminal and
#now do tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log in one terminal and
you should have changed the memory limit
you should have changed the memory limit
Guest40883: right now i mean, it already was all like you described?
right now i mean, it already was all like you described?
JoernOtt: ok, so your memory limit was already at 128M
ok, so your memory limit was already at 128M
and the error reporting is already on
and the error reporting is already on
Guest40883: JoernOtt: well you said to change it to 128mb and then you said that is default anyways? *confused again*
JoernOtt: well you said to change it to 128mb and then you said that is default anyways? *confused again*
JoernOtt: I did not know if any of your programs changed it or you changed it
I did not know if any of your programs changed it or you changed it
Guest40883: nope i did not touch it and the mods i installed apparently neither...
nope i did not touch it and the mods i installed apparently neither...
JoernOtt: ok, so if you look at it, the setting is 128M, right?
ok, so if you look at it, the setting is 128M, right?
cat /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini|grep memory_limit
cat /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini|grep memory_limit
Guest40883: the setting is -1 which should enable the default of 128 but i asked further up if i should explicitly set it to 128?
the setting is -1 which should enable the default of 128 but i asked further up if i should explicitly set it to 128?
JoernOtt: please change it to memory_limit = 128M
please change it to memory_limit = 128M
then restart apache
then restart apache
Guest40883: JoernOtt: aye! :)
JoernOtt: aye! :)
JoernOtt: then do a tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log in one terminal and tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log in another
then do a tail -f /var/log/apache2/access.log in one terminal and tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log in another
and then try the installer again
and then try the installer again
Guest40883: ok, restart done, retrying the installer...
ok, restart done, retrying the installer...
still teh same unfortunately...
still teh same unfortunately...
JoernOtt: ok, any lines in error.log or in access.log?
ok, any lines in error.log or in access.log?
Guest40883: yargs, just found a nasty typo, sec pls...
yargs, just found a nasty typo, sec pls...
-: JoernOtt got a phonecall from a customer
JoernOtt got a phonecall from a customer
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JoernOtt: I have to go, back in an hour, max 1.5
I have to go, back in an hour, max 1.5
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JoernOtt is now known as JoernOtt|away
Guest40883: JoernOtt|away: gosh it still wouldnt work
JoernOtt|away: gosh it still wouldnt work
still there?
still there?
no more rerrors in apache logs
no more rerrors in apache logs
JoernOtt|away: i gotta run too, have the kids, will only be back in the evening... thank you so far!
JoernOtt|away: i gotta run too, have the kids, will only be back in the evening... thank you so far!
chibaguy: jonnyb: the phantom margin may be related to .fixedwidth having display:table.
jonnyb: the phantom margin may be related to .fixedwidth having display:table.
jonnyb: that old chestnut!
that old chestnut!
chibaguy: Anyway, it goes away when I comment that property out.
Anyway, it goes away when I comment that property out.
jonnyb: yes, but then weird lite.css stuff happens, no?
yes, but then weird lite.css stuff happens, no?
chibaguy: Maybe that particular .fixedwidth (#header_fixedwidth) can have the property removed.
Maybe that particular .fixedwidth (#header_fixedwidth) can have the property removed.
I have trouble remembering all the rationales for these things. ;-p
I have trouble remembering all the rationales for these things. ;-p
Actually, I guess fixed width pushes #header_fixedwidth's edge downward but I wonder why its dimensions are different from #header, which it contains.
Actually, I guess fixed width pushes #header_fixedwidth's edge downward but I wonder why its dimensions are different from #header, which it contains.
jonnyb: the display:table thing is a hack imho
the display:table thing is a hack imho
chibaguy: True, but at least originally it was necessary for the column layout to work (with the browsers -IE- at that time.
True, but at least originally it was necessary for the column layout to work (with the browsers -IE- at that time.
Maybe not just IE.
Maybe not just IE.
Maybe still needed. I know if we remove it, the page contents don't expand nicely with wide pages, and I'm not sure about other problems.
Maybe still needed. I know if we remove it, the page contents don't expand nicely with wide pages, and I'm not sure about other problems.
I mean it's not for no reason that we have it in our css.
I mean it's not for no reason that we have it in our css.
well, i changed #header_container .fixedwidth to display:inherit, and the phantom margin seems to be gone.
well, i changed #header_container .fixedwidth to display:inherit, and the phantom margin seems to be gone.
(in layout.css)
(in layout.css)
I'll have to put back my header modules and uncomment things again and do a little more testing on this with themes.
I'll have to put back my header modules and uncomment things again and do a little more testing on this with themes.
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CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34045 10/branches/7.x/styles/ohia/options/cornflower.css: [FIX] ohia/cornflower: Remove all definitions duplicating the main theme css
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34045 10/branches/7.x/styles/ohia/options/cornflower.css: [FIX] ohia/cornflower: Remove all definitions duplicating the main theme css
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: DbReport et affichage d'une image dans une cellule? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=41106
New Forum Posts: DbReport et affichage d'une image dans une cellule? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=41106
JoernOtt|away: lol, network switches definitely work better when plugged in: 1 hr driving time, 10 sec work
lol, network switches definitely work better when plugged in: 1 hr driving time, 10 sec work
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chibaguy: :-)
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CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34046 10/branches/7.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] Return header content to page center (not at viewport left margin).
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34046 10/branches/7.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] Return header content to page center (not at viewport left margin).
chibaguy: wtf, table-style page widening is broken in 7x anyway (all page parts - header, middle, and footer - should widen when one part (usually middle) widens). I wonder when this happened.
wtf, table-style page widening is broken in 7x anyway (all page parts - header, middle, and footer - should widen when one part (usually middle) widens). I wonder when this happened.
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34047 10/branches/7.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] display:table on #header_fixedwidth was causing a 1em or so gap between the bottom of that div and #header's, for some reason.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34047 10/branches/7.x/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] display:table on #header_fixedwidth was causing a 1em or so gap between the bottom of that div and #header's, for some reason.
chibaguy: well, let's try this.
well, let's try this.
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Menüanzeige Problem Tiki 6.3 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=41108
New Forum Posts: Menüanzeige Problem Tiki 6.3 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=41108
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dcedilotte: Polom!
jonnyb: hi dcedilotte
hi dcedilotte
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JoernOtt: just got a fatal error in trunk: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_styles() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php on line 11
just got a fatal error in trunk: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_styles() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php on line 11
calling from tiki-install.php
calling from tiki-install.php
tikilib isn't yet initialized in tiki-install.php
tikilib isn't yet initialized in tiki-install.php
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JoernOtt: lphuberdeau: Got an error for you ;-)
lphuberdeau: Got an error for you ;-)
just got a fatal error in trunk: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_styles() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php when referred from tiki-install.php, there is no tikilib at that point...
just got a fatal error in trunk: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_styles() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php when referred from tiki-install.php, there is no tikilib at that point...
lphuberdeau: pretty sure I had that one fixed
pretty sure I had that one fixed
apparently not
apparently not
ah wait, that one probably came in from a merge
ah wait, that one probably came in from a merge
JoernOtt: and another error: Class 'TikiSetup' not found in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php on line 98
and another error: Class 'TikiSetup' not found in /var/www/lib/prefs/global.php on line 98
lphuberdeau: when do you get the errors in the installer?
when do you get the errors in the installer?
(just so I can test)
(just so I can test)
JoernOtt: when clicking update database
when clicking update database
lphuberdeau: got a stack trace? might be specific to a patch
got a stack trace? might be specific to a patch
JoernOtt: just the error message from error.log
just the error message from error.log
lphuberdeau: does it still work?
does it still work?
or you get a wsod?
or you get a wsod?
JoernOtt: wsod and error message in apache error.log
wsod and error message in apache error.log
I tried to fix the first error by just bracketing the first lines in a if(isset($tikilib)) {}
I tried to fix the first error by just bracketing the first lines in a if(isset($tikilib)) {}
then I got the second one
then I got the second one
lphuberdeau: I just commited a fix
I just commited a fix
dcedilotte: Jonnyb: sorry for the long wait but Hi. :)
Jonnyb: sorry for the long wait but Hi. :)
Did anybody see Sylvieg today?
Did anybody see Sylvieg today?
JoernOtt: lphuberdeau: updating now
lphuberdeau: updating now
chibaguy: dcedilotte: Sylvieg is vacationing in France this week.
dcedilotte: Sylvieg is vacationing in France this week.
dcedilotte: chibaguy: cool thanks.
chibaguy: cool thanks.
JoernOtt: lphuberdeau: still not working, now I get it a step earlier, before confirming database user and password
lphuberdeau: still not working, now I get it a step earlier, before confirming database user and password
lphuberdeau: works for me
works for me
strangely enough
strangely enough
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lphuberdeau: still the same errors?
still the same errors?
JoernOtt: I think $partial is not set to false in one call
I think $partial is not set to false in one call
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JoernOtt: PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_languages() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/users.php on line 14, referer: http://p-master/tiki-install.php
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function list_languages() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/users.php on line 14, referer: http://p-master/tiki-install.php
lphuberdeau: that's not the same one
that's not the same one
new commit...
new commit...
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34049 10/trunk/lib/prefs/users.php: [FIX] This one was only partially fixed apparently
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34049 10/trunk/lib/prefs/users.php: [FIX] This one was only partially fixed apparently
JoernOtt: well, list_styles and list_languages were both called from a nonexisten $tikilib
well, list_styles and list_languages were both called from a nonexisten $tikilib
and before your commit, there was no if ($partial), so it seems that the problem now lies in the setup routine not calling prefs_global_list(true);
and before your commit, there was no if ($partial), so it seems that the problem now lies in the setup routine not calling prefs_global_list(true);
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lphuberdeau: some libs should not be called from the installer... but they are
some libs should not be called from the installer... but they are
JoernOtt: hehe, now got a different one...
hehe, now got a different one...
Call to a member function plugin_get_list() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php on line 90, referer: http://p-master/tiki-install.php
Call to a member function plugin_get_list() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php on line 90, referer: http://p-master/tiki-install.php
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JoernOtt: here also the $partial is not checked
here also the $partial is not checked
are you fixing that one or should I
are you fixing that one or should I
lphuberdeau: probably faster if you do it as you can test
probably faster if you do it as you can test
JoernOtt: ok
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JoernOtt: Magenta T killed my DSL
Magenta T killed my DSL
lphuberdeau: Installed xdebug and got a trace now but I am a bit confused by the errors
lphuberdeau: Installed xdebug and got a trace now but I am a bit confused by the errors
lphuberdeau: still on the wikiplugin one?
still on the wikiplugin one?
JoernOtt: yes
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function plugin_get_list() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php on line 90, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function plugin_get_list() on a non-object in /var/www/lib/prefs/wikiplugin.php on line 90, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/tiki-install.php:0, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 2. include_once() /var/www/tiki-install.php:69, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 3. Installer->update() /var/www/installer/tiki-installer.php:774, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP Stack trace:, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/tiki-install.php:0, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 2. include_once() /var/www/tiki-install.php:69, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 3. Installer->update() /var/www/installer/tiki-installer.php:774, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 4. Installer->installPatch() /var/www/installer/installlib.php:78, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 5. upgrade_20101230_create_top_modules_tiki() /var/www/installer/installlib.php:102, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 4. Installer->installPatch() /var/www/installer/installlib.php:78, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 5. upgrade_20101230_create_top_modules_tiki() /var/www/installer/installlib.php:102, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 6. include_once() /var/www/installer/schema/20101230_create_top_modules_tiki.php:27, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 7. initialize_prefs() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:19, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 6. include_once() /var/www/installer/schema/20101230_create_top_modules_tiki.php:27, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 7. initialize_prefs() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:19, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 8. get_default_prefs() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:368, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 9. PreferencesLib->getDefaults() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:32, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 8. get_default_prefs() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:368, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 9. PreferencesLib->getDefaults() /var/www/lib/setup/prefs.php:32, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 10. PreferencesLib->getFileData() /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:497, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 11. prefs_wikiplugin_list() /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:214, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 10. PreferencesLib->getFileData() /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:497, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
[Wed Apr 20 15:25:03 2011] [error] [client] PHP 11. prefs_wikiplugin_list() /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:214, referer: http://p-master.poiesis.com/tiki-install.php
if you look at /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:497, there is $partial explicitly set to true
if you look at /var/www/lib/prefslib.php:497, there is $partial explicitly set to true
lphuberdeau: the main issue is that the patch includes the file to obtain the site's preferences, which calls for obtaining the defaults
the main issue is that the patch includes the file to obtain the site's preferences, which calls for obtaining the defaults
partial is set just fine
partial is set just fine
the problem in that file is that even when processing for partial (indicating it really only wants the default value and can skip all the candy), some stuff still refers to external libraries
the problem in that file is that even when processing for partial (indicating it really only wants the default value and can skip all the candy), some stuff still refers to external libraries
JoernOtt: ok, then I'll but that part in an else
ok, then I'll but that part in an else
I thought of !$partial all the time
I thought of !$partial all the time
-: JoernOtt needs some glasses or a bigger screen
JoernOtt needs some glasses or a bigger screen
lphuberdeau: I'd do it for you, but I'm working on other stuff for clients at this time
I'd do it for you, but I'm working on other stuff for clients at this time
JoernOtt: np, I have to wait for a call anyways, so lets do something useful
np, I have to wait for a call anyways, so lets do something useful
lphuberdeau: it's really one of the trickier ones because it needs to obtain the plugin list
it's really one of the trickier ones because it needs to obtain the plugin list
JoernOtt: fixed
at least to get the installer through
at least to get the installer through
now I have to take care that it still gets the necessary information
now I have to take care that it still gets the necessary information
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3856 - - Spurious inserted in code plugins - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3856
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3856 - - Spurious inserted in code plugins - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3856
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3857 - - go default button setting not honored in search module - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3857
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3857 - - go default button setting not honored in search module - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3857
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mhelle3r: palom
Is the themeroller feature in 7.x ready for mere mortals to use?
Is the themeroller feature in 7.x ready for mere mortals to use?
JoernOtt: lphuberdeau: just resetted the database and tried the update with the fixed wikiplugin. Works as expected
lphuberdeau: just resetted the database and tried the update with the fixed wikiplugin. Works as expected
lphuberdeau: well, you would need to reset using an older version of tiki
well, you would need to reset using an older version of tiki
otherwise the patch that causes trouble won't apply
otherwise the patch that causes trouble won't apply
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03cdrwhite * r34051 10/trunk/lib/prefs/ (wikiplugin.php wikiplugininline.php): [FIX] Replaced reference to (not loaded) when accessing from tiki-install.php
tikiwiki: 03cdrwhite * r34051 10/trunk/lib/prefs/ (wikiplugin.php wikiplugininline.php): [FIX] Replaced reference to (not loaded) when accessing from tiki-install.php
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JoernOtt: I did
I did
I upgraded from 6.2 to trunk
I upgraded from 6.2 to trunk
and I resetted the database to the 6.2 version and tried again after finalizing the fix
and I resetted the database to the 6.2 version and tried again after finalizing the fix
and the results were as expected
and the results were as expected
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34053 10/trunk/installer/schema/20110412_permissions_out_of_db_tiki.sql: [FIX] Oops. Missing file
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34053 10/trunk/installer/schema/20110412_permissions_out_of_db_tiki.sql: [FIX] Oops. Missing file
lphuberdeau: great
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Guest40883: JoernOtt: biste da?
JoernOtt: biste da?
erm... are you there? :D
erm... are you there? :D
JoernOtt: yup
another 20 mins or so
another 20 mins or so
Guest40883: JoernOtt: well id really appreciate if i had a runnig tiki then...?:)
JoernOtt: well id really appreciate if i had a runnig tiki then...?:)
JoernOtt: i was the one who had the blank page after i hit the install button, remember me?
JoernOtt: i was the one who had the blank page after i hit the install button, remember me?
JoernOtt: yes
Guest40883: :)
JoernOtt: Which tiki version are you using? I had a wsod in trunk today but got it fixed
Which tiki version are you using? I had a wsod in trunk today but got it fixed
Guest40883: i just downloaded it today 6.3
i just downloaded it today 6.3
erm tel, sec
erm tel, sec
JoernOtt: ok
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34054 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_include.php: [FIX] include plugin: Restore edit included page icon, but without doing the full parse_data which was messing up maketoc (thanks Lindon)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34054 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_include.php: [FIX] include plugin: Restore edit included page icon, but without doing the full parse_data which was messing up maketoc (thanks Lindon)
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manific: Hi. I am here, right. So. I am logged-in, right? Why I am trying to register my nick. I already received the e-mail with the comand to insert here. However when I do it I get: Please log in before attempting to verify your registration.
Hi. I am here, right. So. I am logged-in, right? Why I am trying to register my nick. I already received the e-mail with the comand to insert here. However when I do it I get: Please log in before attempting to verify your registration.
JoernOtt: manific, are you referring to tiki?
manific, are you referring to tiki?
or are you referring to IRC
or are you referring to IRC
chealer: polom
manific: you (generally) don't need to be "Logged in" (identified) on IRC. you are currently not identified.
manific: you (generally) don't need to be "Logged in" (identified) on IRC. you are currently not identified.
CIA-126: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34055 10/branches/7.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] tikilib: Typos
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34055 10/branches/7.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] tikilib: Typos
manific: well. Why did I receive the e-mail with a comand to be pasted in here?
well. Why did I receive the e-mail with a comand to be pasted in here?
Isn't that the way nickserve validate the e-mail?
Isn't that the way nickserve validate the e-mail?
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chealer: manific: I guess it is, but #freenode would be in better position to help you with nickserv
manific: I guess it is, but #freenode would be in better position to help you with nickserv
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ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at http://twessentials.keycontent.org)
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