tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r34292 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_listpages.php: [FIX] Category filter for listing pages: it can accept more than one value. TODO: also add + as a valid separator
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34293 10/branches/7.x/css/ie7.css: [FIX] z-index fix for login popup; module title line-height so full height of text shows.
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34294 10/branches/7.x/styles/fivealive.css: [FIX] Specifying line-height for site titles so full height of text shows in IE7.
does a blog have a language setting? can't find the setting
does a blog have a language setting? can't find the setting
hi. I activated https login on install (6.3) but now I see that I can't use this on my server at all and tikiwiki does not let me log in with my admin account. What is the best way to switch to normal login only?
Nils^: are you able to get to the mysql database (through phpmyadmin or osomething else?)
in the tiki_preferences table in the database, there is a pref with the name 'https_login'
you can change the value of that back to 'disabled'
nkoth: done and working. thanks
I'm using tiki7 and finding that all by tracker fields get wiki parsed with additional line breaks at the end. Any clue what's going on?
pol + om
hi nkoth - how's tricks?
sorry, just a colloquialism (uk i guess) - things in general, i mean
pretty busy
at this very moment trying to figure out why in tiki7, all my pretty tracker fields have extra line breaks at the end
yes, i've noticed that
i suspect it's becasue the output from the smarty tpls aren't getting {strip}ped and then are parsed afterwards somehow
would be good to fix before 7.0
was thinking of doing 7.0 beta 2 this weekend but am running out of time (maybe later tonight)
sure. Im going to see if I can find the problem
i you ihave a container do:
.container br {
it work … in the meantime another solution is found
(if you have)
hi Bernard - reading...
Bernard: what's the question?
it require adding extra css code to preserve the br you need but that all that came up to me
:) this is about "extra br" on tw7 and pretty tracker
Bernard is suggesting a workaround for the extra brs until a fix is found...
ah, got you (nice hack :P )
nice no… meither than elegant… but should work. :)
"in Nelson we trust" :D…Got to move (saturday 's sunset promenade with the kids) cu
hi marclaporte
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34295 10/branches/7.x/installer/schema/ (2 files): [FIX] modules: Remove style definitions from upgrade script and add schema to also remove them from previously upgraded sites (thanks chibaguy)
Greetings. I've just installed TikiWiki to test as a CMS. What I'd like is a CMS that will run *inside* a content
(through AJAX) on my main page. TikiWiki does that, but doesn't access its stylesheet(s). I know these have to be specified relative to the page AJAX is loading into. My question is what TikiWiki files do I need to edit to accomplish this?
grpace: that's interesting. Other than css, did you have problem with navigation? Or is this just a single read only page?
knoth: Thank you for your reply. Hold on... I'll test the navigation. Be right back.
also grpace - which tiki version are you using? i did some fixes for jquery.mobile in 7.x that might help
polom jonnyb
marclaporte: just looking at the tracker file field thing - a bit lost i'm afraid...
well, nkoth is here so we can discuss
lost of what it did before? or what we want?
nkoth: Navigation appears to fail as well... Nav refers back to the site root instead of the installed directory.
indeed - mostly i think we should aim for as near to 6.x as we can for 7.0
johnnyb: I downloaded the latest version yesterday.
7.0 beta 1?
jonnyb : : http://demo.tikiwiki.org/7x/tiki-index.php?page=TrackerList1 see the fields attach1 and attach2
Tiki7 doesn't seem to know which file I upload to which field and thus, puts them all, all the time
johnnyb: Version 6.3
7.x uses less DOM id's so might be more co-operative via ajax
you could try switching on the head base pref
jonnyb : so if you go to http://demo.tikiwiki.org/7x/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=5 and attach a file in "attach2", you will see it appear also in "attach1"
ah, ok - that's wrong for sure...
johnnyb: Thank You. I'll try it. Do you understand what I'm trying to accomplish ?? I'd like a CMS integrated into the existing site without having to use external templats, etc.
the code was all so muddled up in there
grpace: yes, i get it - never tried it myself though
might be easier in an iframe?
(oh, except then the templates would be tiki ones)
johnnyb: I haven't figured out how to get tags around the AJAX result text.
Also, I understand aren't usually eye candy.
i'd add the iframe to the containing page - you can specify no border etc so should be an invisible join
then tiki would be in it's own "window" so the js and css won't get all muddled up (tiki has lots!)
marclaporte: ok, think i've got it now (but have to go out soon)
grpace: : related: http://themes.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Template%20Tricks&pagenum=3#show_the_content_without_columns
jonnyb : super
file attachment fields only get one each (and need to be separate obviously) and the tracker's useAttachments param makes the extra tab appear with multiple ones, right?
marclaporte: Thank You !
have to go out soon, will try not to forget! :P
luciash : Can you update this great page for 7.x? http://doc.tiki.org/Custom+Code+HowTo+-+Post-It+Notes
I would like to put on themes.tiki.org
would be nice to have a post-it (style) module for that kind of thing...
jonnyb: well i found the problem but I am not sure of the fix - I mean iwas it the case in tiki6 that tracker output was not parsed?
nkoth: not entirely sure - it changed somehow though
maybe you can just trim off trailing \n chars at some point?
that's not the cause
the cause is the parser add in br
or adding paragraphs in the case when that is on
jonnyb : +1 for a post-it module, but without calling it that :-)
indeed... notice-it? (tm)
module_notice_it is good too :-)
ok, off out - bbl...
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r34296 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] Prevent extra line breaks or paragraphing from being created on parsing of pretty tracker and other output
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r34297 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_article.php: [FIX] Prevent extra line breaks or paragraphing from being created on parsing of plugin
Hello... I was on here earlier today. Is anyone that helped me before still on here ??
marclaporte: You there ??
logging off
marclaporte: hi, how do you mean update it ?
I mean it's not valid doc for 7.x
ah, you mean there is nomore Custom Center Column Header
i will try to look at it from the Tiki 7 perspective but i am busy right now with something else
ok, tks
PHP (5.2.9) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: lib/init/smarty.php Line: 177 Type: ob_end_clean() [ref.outcontrol]: failed to delete buffer. No buffer to delete. on http://demo.tiki.org/7x/