[00:13] *** lindonb has joined #tikiwiki [00:21] *** lindonb has quit IRC (Quit: lindonb) [01:07] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [01:37] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:41] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [02:10] *** marclaporte has joined #tikiwiki [02:10] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte [02:47] *** lindonb has joined #tikiwiki [02:50] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r34332 10/branches/7.x/lib/core/TikiFilter/AttributeType.php: [FIX] Allow underscore and dash in attribute name [02:52] *** lindonb has quit IRC (Quit: lindonb) [02:59] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34333 10/branches/7.x/styles/darkshine.css: [FIX] More adjustments for site header modules. [03:23] *** coaboa|afk has joined #tikiwiki [03:23] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:41] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [04:11] *** nkoth has left [04:25] tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r34334 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_slideshow.php: lowercase [05:13] tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r34335 10/branches/7.x/ (css/ie7.css styles/abse.css): Un-duplicate some style definitions [07:06] *** coaboa|afk is now known as coaboa [07:08] good morning tikiverse [08:33] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [08:37] *** chealer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [08:38] New Forum Posts: Tiki for Post Management - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=41202 [09:01] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [09:01] *** chealer has quit IRC (Changing host) [09:01] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [10:02] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [10:02] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [10:02] polom [10:07] hi [10:11] hi coaboa [10:28] *** xavi1 has joined #tikiwiki [10:30] *** xavi1 is now known as xavi [10:30] polom [10:30] hi [10:30] chibaguy? [10:30] hi coaboa [10:30] or luciash? [10:30] I have a tiny issue with mollio.css that I don't know how to fix [10:37] hi xavi, sorry, wasn't watching. [10:37] ok, no worries [10:37] let me grab a url with an example... [10:37] ok [10:40] compare this: (i was granting perms to anons) [10:40] which is showing a comparison of two versions from the wiki page history, side by side [10:40] with this other format: [10:41] (unified diff) [10:42] with unidiff, bg colors are shown (from deleted diff and added diff) [10:42] but with sidediff, no bg colors: some td bg property is shown instead (with white bg), I can't seem to override it [10:43] side diff uses a table, unidiff uses divs, and I don't get the right element that I have to override in css in order to have bg back in the side diff (which is using table) [10:45] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:47] what if you change .diffadded to .diffadded, td.diffadded ? [10:47] that is, add a specific td.diffadded to the current .diffadded rule. [10:48] ok, I'll try , thanks [10:48] (same with .diffdeleted) [10:48] yes, thanks [10:48] I think the extra specificity of .normal td may be interfering. [10:51] :-/ [10:51] I didn't get any change... I added this at the custom css textarea in L&F: [10:51] .diffadded, td.diffadded { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #CCFFCC; color: #000000; } [10:52] mabe just background-color.... [10:52] *** gillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [10:53] nope... [10:53] well, those other things are default so don't need to be specified actually. [10:53] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [10:53] I tried with: .diffadded, td.diffadded { background-color: #CCFFCC; color: #000000; } [10:53] but no change either [10:53] what about .diff td.diffadded as the selector? [10:53] (add the table class) [10:53] ok, there I go [10:55] polomz [10:55] he he... you were right beforehand.... [10:55] hi jonnyb [10:55] *olom [10:56] chibaguy: I also had modified the td normal to avoid bg (background none) [10:56] and that was interfering [10:56] hi luciash [10:56] oh [10:56] long time no see xavi - hi! [10:56] hi jonnyb and luciash [10:56] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [10:56] heya guys [10:57] so, after I removed that td property, the old modification in .diffdeleted, td.diffdeleted started to show up [10:57] jonnyb: yes, hectic first 1.5 months of work in my new job (at the research institute), plus normal classes (which I finished last week! :-) [10:57] so some fresh air around [10:57] :-) [10:58] nice [11:03] jonnyb, and you, were are you working these days (non-tiki related)? [11:03] more arty-stuff? [11:03] jonnyb, did a recent commit of yours fix the module ghosts on admin modules? [11:03] * jonnyb on phone [11:03] ok [11:05] chibaguy, tricky thing! this was not enough: [11:05] .diffadded, td.diffadded { background-color: #CCFFCC; color: #000000; } [11:06] but this fixed it (after the 'td normal bg none' was removed): [11:06] .diffadded, td.diffadded { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #CCFFCC; color: #000000; } [11:06] so I commit this (and the equivalent for deleted) to mollio in mods [11:07] chibaguy, fyi ^ [11:08] I wonder what if .diffadded, td.diffadded specified background: rather than background-color? [11:08] example? [11:09] ah, never mind. I see that you did that already in the last css you posted. [11:09] ah, ok :-) [11:09] mollio is unusual in that it uses an image for table cell backgrounds. [11:09] yes [11:09] however, is a very nice theme [11:10] * xavi likes it alot [11:10] * chibaguy too [11:10] I think mollio would be good for color variations, etc., maybe via the theme generator feature. [11:11] I should try reducing the number of colors in the theme css file. [11:11] *** Sug4r has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [11:13] *** luciash has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [11:14] back [11:14] chibaguy, I'm also adding the quote plugin info in mollio.css [11:15] *** gillesMM has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [11:15] change at will (at least it will be defined right now to something - better than nothing in this case, imho) [11:16] xavi: yes, got a lot on now, art stuff and a couple of tikis for clients - busy busy! [11:17] ok, xavi, thanks. I need to work on mollio for tiki 7. part way there but not everything. [11:17] chibaguy: yesterday i added a button to show hidden modules on admin_modules - i need to do another fix so non-admins don't ever get to see them either way [11:17] I see. the page looks so empty now without all the ghosts. ;-) [11:18] it's probably best like that, it was chaos with everything showing! [11:19] well, that's true. [11:19] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [11:19] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o luciash [11:20] I like the zen-like quality of "Hide hidden modules". [11:22] tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r34336 10/branches/7.x/styles/darkshine.css: [FIX] More adjustments for site header modules (Dark Shine theme). [11:23] *** Sug4r has joined #tikiwiki [11:24] back [11:24] good, jonny, that you have more work for clients :-) [11:25] indeed, apart from having to do it, of course! :P [11:26] :-D [11:28] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r34337 10/mods/trunk/themes/mollio_tiki_6/styles/mollio.css: [MOD]Added bg colors for side by side diff (shown in table cells), plus some quote plugin style added. Thanks chibaguy [11:29] brrrr, wrong path commited for the quote image (bad memmory). fixing in short [11:34] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r34338 10/mods/trunk/themes/mollio_tiki_6/styles/mollio.css: [FIX]Ooops, fixing wrong path for quote image. I wish this was defined by deafult somewhere in design.css , so that it wouldn't need to be define in a per-theme basis [11:35] chibaguy, another question: what is the roadmap for having horizontal bars with second level menus? [11:35] I recall that this feature has some name, which I don't remember; and that there was some css library somewhere (out of tiki, afaik), which allowed that type of feature [11:36] I mean, the type of menus that were achieved by that short-lived "magic" admin bar [11:36] do you understand what I mean? [11:37] xavi: you can now have as many menu modules wherever you want, no new feature needed (if i understand you correctly) [11:37] the original superfish menu exampls show a "navbar" layout where the first child items arrange horizontally. Is that what you mean? [11:38] chibaguy, yes [11:38] http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/#examples and click "nav-bar" ab [11:38] tag [11:38] tab [11:39] jonnyb: I mean horizontal menus in horizontal bar in the header of the site [11:39] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [11:39] ah, css/cssmenus.css has some css for that already but it isn't implemented very far. [11:40] chibaguy: yes, nav-bar style, that's what I mean [11:40] from that url that you posted [11:40] I think it shouldn't be too hard, just some properties need to be changed or added. [11:40] mmmm, oh, well, not only, I mean more [11:41] oh, you mean where a "sub menu" line appears under the top one? [11:41] * xavi confused [11:41] that's right. [11:42] anyway, the top level's children arrange horizontally rather than vertically, then their children go vertical. [11:42] well, yes, and with the highlighted on, so that if you have tabs (first level) X, Y Z, and items X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, etc., then when you are in Y, and Y2, the Y is highlighted in the first bar, and Y2 is highlighted in the bar at the second level [11:44] example: https://ueb.ir.vhebron.net/Material+docent , which highlights "Teaching" in the horizontal menu [11:45] then having a second hozitonal bar, which showed another horizontal menu, and with the item highlighted [11:45] bbl (lunch time for our team) [11:45] thanks for feedback so far! :-) [11:45] this is as a reference, just to know how far are we from that [11:45] bbl [11:48] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:48] xavi, when you come back, it seems your version of mollio needs a purple variant of mollio's red "selected" menu dropdown ul background. [11:58] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r34339 10/branches/7.x/lib/ (41 files in 9 dirs): [FIX] Dos2unix [11:59] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34340 10/branches/7.x/lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.log_tpl.php: [FIX] log_tpl: Suppress log comment for error.tpl also (which includes tiki.tpl which generates the DOCTYPE) [12:02] *** lindonb has joined #tikiwiki [12:03] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r34341 10/branches/7.x/group_tracker_ajax.php: [FIX] SVN properties [12:04] *** emijrp has joined #tikiwiki [12:09] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [12:11] *** Trebly_ has joined #tikiwiki [12:12] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [12:12] *** Trebly_ is now known as Trebly [12:13] *** qb has joined #tikiwiki [12:14] hi, how could I set word_wrap for code plugin to yes by default ? [12:15] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34342 10/branches/7.x/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] modules: Check perm for modules admin mode [12:17] @qb: you would need to modify the plugin's PHP [12:25] qb: or you could try a plugin alias? [12:25] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34344 10/branches/7.x/tiki-logout.php: [FIX] logout: When using group home pages redirect to anonymous's home instead of the logged in user's one (thanks Geoff) [12:25] hi ricks99 [12:26] @qb: or create a custom button that uses wrap=1 [12:26] hiya jonnyb [12:26] plugin alias would only work in 7 for CODE as it was a special case in the parser before [12:27] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r34345 10/third_party/htmlpurifier/ (43 files in 15 dirs): (log message trimmed) [12:27] tikiwiki: [UPDATE] Update HTMLPurifier to 4.3.0 from 4.2.0 [12:27] tikiwiki: HTML Purifier 4.3.0 is a major security release addressing various [12:27] tikiwiki: security vulnerabilities related to user-submitted code and legitimate [12:27] tikiwiki: client-side scripts. It also contains an accumulation of new features [12:27] tikiwiki: and bugfixes over half a year. New configuration options include [12:27] tikiwiki: %CSS.Trusted, %CSS.AllowedFonts and %Cache.SerializerPermissions. [12:37] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34346 10/third_party/html5shim/ (. html5-els.js html5.js readme-tiki.txt): [MOD] Add html5shim lib to third_party [12:42] back [12:42] chibaguy, yes, I'm aware of that [12:42] and another image which needs to be switched from red to purple [12:42] thanks for message, anyway :-) [12:43] xavi, yes, I guess the needed images are obvious. :-) [12:50] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34347 10/branches/7.x/lib/: [MOD] Link html5shim into libs [12:57] chibaguy: marclaporte has asked me to tidy up the html5shim include so it's not on google anymore, but reading the blog about it, it looks like it needs to be included after the jquery.js setup - does it actually work where it is? (in the head, before our js includes) [12:59] jonnyb, I'm not sure. I need to check if it's working now. [12:59] it looks very strange - the code in html5.js seems to be commented out so i can't see how it does anything [13:00] i'm guessing though that it should do in tiki.tpl after {$headerlib->output_js()} [13:01] * jonnyb boots up Windows... [13:02] html5 shim stuff usually needs to go in head before anything else [13:02] not according to the comments on http://remysharp.com/2009/01/07/html5-enabling-script/ [13:02] yeah, i was just looking at that page. [13:03] but it also says it must be in the head, not at the end of page... [13:03] what the shim does is create the new element types for IE to recognize them as block elements [13:04] it has to be done BEFORE the body, otherwise it's too late [13:04] lphuberdeau: any idea how it runs if it's inside a js comment? [13:04] is the purpose to enable ie 6 and 7 to recognize html5 elements like aside and nav as block elements? I've forgotten. [13:05] yes [13:05] the code seems to apply for IE < 9 [13:06] the comment seems to have one of those browser directives [13:06] I've mostly seen the shim as an inline html script though [13:06] hmmm, nice [13:06] it definitely goes very wrong if it's in the footer [13:08] ok, looks like it does work for me in IE8 (page totally broken without it), so here it comes [13:09] @johnnyb, @ricks99 thanks, I will try both, I tough that there is possible to set default setting for plugin [13:10] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34348 10/branches/7.x/templates/header.tpl: [MOD] Link html5shim to the new one in third_party (and add required type attribute) [13:12] *** dcedilotte has joined #tikiwiki [13:13] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Now available, the first and only Tiki book. Get it at http://twessentials.keycontent.org) [13:16] tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r34349 10/trunk/lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php: [13:16] tikiwiki: [FIX] Adapt HTMLPurifier initialization to new tutorial : [13:16] tikiwiki: http://htmlpurifier.org/docs/enduser-customize.html#optimized [13:17] *** marclaporte has quit IRC (Quit: See you later! http://marclaporte.com) [13:21] lphuberdeau: did i see a comment somewhere that you recently changed the plugin rendering - maybe by adding more ~np~ blocks? (seems to be breaking the ckeditor plugin handling again) [13:21] in 7.x this is [13:21] well, not recently [13:21] I did fix some encoding issues [13:22] thought not - but it seems to have changed (since last week) [13:22] might be just different plugins being differently weird... [13:22] yeah, that does happen [13:23] all plugins that used to call parse_data shouldn't [13:24] this was in {code} and {img} today [13:24] removing the ~np~'s from the plugin_result seems to fix it (for now) [13:24] it uses noparseplugins=true so maybe that's enough [13:25] can't say [13:26] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [13:27] bleh - somehow codemirror is also broken again... [13:33] *** gillesMM has joined #tikiwiki [13:42] codemirror seems to work, at least on trunk, but both are fairly in sync [13:42] i'm getting it working for anonymous, but not when you can edit [13:43] oh, you don't mean codemirror for wiki page editing? [13:44] no, for the {code} plugin, sry [13:44] seems OK too [13:46] *** qb has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:47] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34350 10/trunk/lib/ (core/Tracker/Field/File.php trackers/trackerlib.php): [MOD] Extracting attachment handling [13:47] ok, thanks - maybe just here then (on a wysiwyg page - maybe it's that) [14:08] *** redflo has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [14:11] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3875 - - Problem with Proxy autentication - download Profiles - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3875 [14:12] btw, anyone succeeded to install profiles from behind a proxy? [14:12] * xavi remembered this problem from his corrent job (behind a proxy), after seing someone else post this bug report [14:13] s/corrent/current [14:14] sorry xavi, not been there [14:14] lucky you :-) [14:14] * xavi thinks proxies (for end users) are a pain in the *ss [14:19] tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r34351 10/branches/7.x/installer/tiki-installer.php: notice [14:21] lphuberdeau: any trick to use profiles (from profiles.t.o) behind a proxy? [14:21] don't know, I'm never behind a proxy [14:22] lucky you, also [14:22] my current research institute (a big hospital) is behind a proxy, as many other hospitals in barcelona where I've worked [14:23] and all common commands (apt, wget, svn, etc... need a tweak for them to work behind a proxy) [14:23] "tweak"= define the proxy url and port in a preferences file on disk (user level or system level) [14:24] did you configure the proxy in tiki? [14:24] profiles use the normal http stuff in tiki [14:24] * xavi googling for php+"behind a proxy" [14:24] it's tiki configurations [14:26] Is there a plugin that I can use to create a form in a wiki page without having to use the HTML plugin which would require me to validate every single type of serach possible before the app is actually usable? Activating HTML support is not an option since it removes any form tags. [14:26] *serach=search [14:27] yes, I did [14:31] dcedilotte: why not use tracker plugin ? [14:32] luciash: too powerful for my needs. I have a form with 1 input box and a submit button that sends the request to a second wiki page with a search plugin. [14:34] luciash: my only issue, with the first version of the page that I have (with the HTML plugin) is that I should only have to validate it once and then, it should work for any queries that is sent to it. Unfortunately, it seems that every type of query that can be done, needs to be validated. Which is kind of a pain for me and would definitely be for the customer. [14:37] dcedilotte: that is weird... if the code of the HTML plugin content doesn't change, it shouldn't ask to revalidate [14:39] I definitely don't get it but this page (the one that uses the HTML Plugin) is included in the second page, the one that does the search. Could that be the issue then? [14:40] dcedilotte: does it highlight ? [14:40] if it highlights the searched keywords, maybe yes, that can cause the issue [14:40] No, It's running Tiki 6.1. [14:42] you can try a workaround: create custom user module with the search form and put it on the page using MODULE plugin instead [14:43] luciash: I was just thinking about that. I'll definitely give that a try. Thanks for your help. :) [14:48] *** codyg has joined #tikiwiki [14:48] hi all [14:49] looks like i might be in Portland on july 23rd. ;) [14:49] it's not far from home [14:49] one border crossing and a 5 hour drive [14:50] depending on how much geocaching gets done on the way there. [14:53] lphuberdeau: about proxy: found the issue. all the code for proxy seems to be there in tikilib.php , etc., and my problem seemed to be that I had "http://" at the beggining of the proxy host name [14:53] * xavi will add that tip at the help box in short [14:54] * xavi will check the error report in dev.t.o also about proxy that was posted today [14:54] well, a host name never has http:// [14:54] it could be other services [15:01] anyways ... why is view trackers failing for me? I removed the memory error but not the faiure. I see the same misbehaviour at tiki.org but I can't find a bug report? [15:01] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [15:03] i don't know why the tracker page fails on save and not on preview [15:06] it's depressing. I've been looking at tossing out all my tiki-tracker work and going back to the dark ages with some other crud. [15:07] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Quit: Find new themes for Tiki at http://themes.tikiwiki.org.) [15:09] *** nkoth has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth) [15:11] http://tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5 where did the tpl go? is it just me? is this normal? is there an bug report i can't find? [15:12] i'm going for a walk. [15:12] lphuberdeau: I agree. However, from the point of view of end user suffering from being behind a proxy (and writing almost every where the proxy info with http://), I'd suggest that we keep the extra info on the label next to that field [15:12] I'll commit soon (many open tasks) [15:17] moreover, the field had the name "proxy" shown for the end user, not "proxy name", so it could be "proxy url" (that was my doubt where I first wrote that param weeks ago, and I tried with the url, and nothing seemed to break - by then) [15:17] so changing the label also from proxy to proxy name [15:22] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r34353 10/trunk/lib/prefs/proxy.php: [MOD]Avoid potential confusion between proxy host name and proxy host url. Thanks lph for feedback [15:24] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r34354 10/branches/7.x/lib/prefs/proxy.php: [MOD][bp/r34353] Avoid potential confusion between proxy host name and proxy host url. Thanks lph for feedback [15:25] *** Bernard1 has joined #tikiwiki [15:25] xavi, you can still commit directly on 7, no need to backport [15:25] tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r34355 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/prefs/proxy.php: [MOD][bp/r34353] Avoid potential confusion between proxy host name and proxy host url. Thanks lph for feedback [15:26] ah, ok, thanks for the info [15:26] well, backports to 6.x are welcome, I guess, aren't they? [15:27] sorry, no need to answer last question [15:28] codyg: your url for bug reporting is wrong. It's not in t.o but in dev.t.o [15:29] so http://dev.tiki.org/tracker5 is the good (and short) one [15:29] or just the domain name, and click on bug report, etc. [15:32] btw, about proxies, in some cases, they require authentication (it 's not my case, luckily). but some users complain that when that is their case, they can't use profiles.... like in this case: https://dev.tiki.org/item3875 [15:33] tikilib.php seems not to be ready for user and pass for proxy conf... [15:39] sorry, can't say, but really, everything goes through httprequest in tikilib for external access [15:39] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34357 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Extracting freetags saving [15:44] lphuberdeau: yes. I mean lib/pear/HTTP/Request.php has info about $_proxy_user and $_proxy_pass (lines 184 & 190 in proposals/6x, respectively)... [15:45] but that info is not fetched in lib/prefs/proxy.php, not used, of course, in lib/tikilib.php [15:45] * xavi running out of time for today... [15:46] I'll write that info as a comment on the bug report from that guy [15:46] I think sept_7 is maintaining most of this proxy stuff [15:46] ok, thanks for the info [15:47] it's good enough for me [15:48] *** coaboa has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [15:49] *** redflo has left [15:51] ok, bye bye [15:51] *** xavi has left [15:57] *** gillesMM has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [16:03] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34358 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [MOD] Extracting page creation from template [16:04] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34359 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki/editlib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Better fix than in r34285 using preg_last_error() which fails on php < 5.2 (mainly for backporting to 6.x but it's a cleaner fix anyway) [16:08] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34360 10/trunk/lib/setup/events.php: [MOD] Extracting page creation from template (part 2) [16:10] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34361 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/wiki/editlib.php: [bp/r34359][FIX] wysiwyg: Better fix than in r34285 using preg_last_error() which fails on php < 5.2 (mainly for backporting to 6.x but it's a cleaner fix anyway) [16:17] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34362 10/branches/7.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Clean all ~np~ tags from plugin_result before rendering for ckeditor, not just ones at start and end. [16:18] *** nkoth has joined #tikiwiki [16:22] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [16:23] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34363 10/branches/7.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Remove unnecessary parameter for debug_backtrace (causes errors on php < 5.2 so mainly for backporting to 6.x) [16:24] tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r34364 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/tikilib.php: [bp/r34363][FIX] wysiwyg: Remove unnecessary parameter for debug_backtrace (causes errors on php < 5.2 so mainly for backporting to 6.x) [16:42] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3876 - - WYSIWYG_6x - Edit Section buttons return blank page - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3876 [16:46] *** lindonb has left [16:52] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3877 - - WYSIWYG_6x - List spacing inconsistent - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3877 [16:52] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3878 - - WYSIWYG_6x - Formatting breaks "header" status - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3878 [16:58] hi ricks ... do you see this page failing. http://tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=5 I've got the same issue with my trackers. [16:58] I got that link from a forums page [16:58] while logged in [16:59] It's the mini quiz example [16:59] does that page fail for everyone? [16:59] looks like a memory leak [17:00] it does, but 96M in php.ini should help [17:00] Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 1091368 bytes) in /var/www/tikiwiki.org/lib/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php on line 1869 [17:00] exactly [17:01] what's going on there? [17:01] that looks like a large output being generated [17:01] yup [17:01] but the example mini quiz is only a page??? I don't get it. [17:02] its a tracker -- not a wiki page [17:04] what's large? I can look at the size of the tracker table. hang on [17:04] some fields generate huge things [17:04] how big is the textarea field [17:06] * ricks99 thinks it is a memory leak somewhere. the fields are quite small, and only 5 items [17:08] tiki-tracker-items-fields is 74.4KiB in mysql. That doesn't seem very large to me. [17:08] That tracker has 55 items [17:09] But even smaller trackers on my other domains are having the same no template issue. [17:09] or memory failure [17:09] it is a memory issue (at least on t.o) from what i can see. leaking somewhere. wondering if the tracker-revamp in 7. helped. [17:09] What about the input [17:10] * ricks99 can't wait to see t.o on tiki 7 [17:10] last time i looked at trackers in 7 one couldn't edit records [17:10] so i went back to ver 6.3 [17:11] tiki 7 is only in beta [17:11] i know, but i was hoping [17:11] editing trackers worked for me in the beta [17:11] and i had it on a playaround domain [17:12] editing trackers worked, but editing tracker records didn't work, for me. [17:13] I can't wait to get back to 7 because it felt really good, especially the module thing. [17:14] you must have been unlucky, because trackers really worked most of the time throughout the development [17:14] trackers work for me in b1 [17:15] well, i'm still rather a newbie, so i don't really know what it is i don't know about tiki. [17:15] tiki 7 beta 1 [17:16] * lphuberdeau attempts taking the laptop outside [17:17] you've convinced me to install 7 on yet another playaround domain. A week can make a difference. [17:17] be advised, beta 2 is coming soon [17:18] It's odd, because when I preview the page with the tracker there isn't a memory leak, only when i save the page. [17:18] if you get issues, make sure you report them, you may be hitting one of those edge cases [17:18] http://dev.tiki.org/Tracker+Issues+7.x [17:19] what about input... if I copy from a website and paste into a tracker field, does that get converted to text? [17:19] that's your browser's job [17:20] what do u mean "converted to text"? [17:20] does your browser have a "paste as text" or "paste special" type feature? [17:20] the text in the db looks fine [17:21] * ricks99 confused now [17:21] oh dear [17:22] * lphuberdeau is sitting under the sun, laptop screen in the shadows [17:22] i'm just trying to understand why the tracker output is failing and was wondering if it might have something to do with the input. [17:22] it is failing because of a memory leak somewhere [17:23] * ricks99 jealous of lph.. i need a wireless router with better coverage :( [17:23] and that can be fixed, right? [17:23] that kind of issue is really hard to track in 6.x [17:24] hello. I'm trying to import this atom feed with "external feeds" in tikiwiki 6.3 . It only displays the title line. Optimal would be to have the date and a short snippet of the article, too. But date is a must. Is the feed wrong or the plugin? http://savannah.gnu.org/news/atom.php?group=denemo [17:24] @codyg: i would (1) test your site on Tiki 7 b1 and (2) report any issues on dev.tiki.org/tiki7 [17:24] *** TW-Tester has joined #tikiwiki [17:24] hi there [17:25] may i start asking here? [17:25] anybody there ... [17:25] Nils: most likely the output by the plugin/module, did you check the arguments? [17:25] lphuberdeau: I tried every combination. There at not many arguments to change for external feeds [17:26] @Nils: there are options to show/hide the date. pls see docs http://doc.tiki.org/pluginrss [17:26] ricks99: I would not ask this here if it were that simple. [17:26] will do ricks.... heh, did you see this? I'm going to be in Portland on July 23! at least that's the new plan. ;) [17:26] are you using a registered external feed through tiki-admin_rssmodules.php? [17:26] gotta go now. [17:26] @Nils: when you added the feed, did you select date? [17:26] cya bye [17:27] *** codyg has left [17:27] the tiki_rss_items table should contain all of the information collected from the feed, so technically anything in there is accessible [17:27] lphuberdeau, ricks99: I added the feed, checked "show publish date" and pressed "save" and then included it to a wiki site with {rss=1} [17:27] I de-checked the date field just to be sure. It is just the same output, no date at all [17:28] try {rss id=1 date=1} [17:28] here's my issue: got my login-name shown up twice, with - (idle for 1 seconds)"> - between it. can me anyone where i have to search the bug? [17:29] @Nils: does the date display when you view the feed on the admin: external feeds page? [17:29] lphuberdeau: still no date. I have two feeds so I can double check. But they are from the same server (but not same system). Maybe I should try another feed from somewhere else [17:30] ricks99: no date there. [17:30] !help [17:30] You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . [17:30] @Nils: then for some reason, tiki is not able to find the date. [17:31] your sample is an atom feed. can you try another feed? [17:31] ricks99: I tried different rss feeds (true rss) right now. The same. [17:35] @Nils: not sure. maybe a regression in 6.2? did u check the bug list for known issue? [17:35] the external feeds page would notify me if some feature was not activated I guess. So maybe its just a bug. [17:35] it might just be a rendering issue [17:35] ricks99: no, this is the first place. [17:35] did you check the database table to see if you had values in there? [17:36] I can do that now [17:37] @TW-Tester: i don't understand you issue. can you explain? [17:38] lphuberdeau: where should I start looking? [17:38] phpmyadmin, check the content of tiki_rss_items [17:39] ok, I'm there [17:39] there is a column publication_date which has entries [17:39] like 1304773787 [17:40] so the data is collected properly [17:41] New Forum Posts: Komischer Text und doppelter Username - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=10&comments_parentId=41203 [17:42] and in tiki_rss_modules showPubDate is "y" [17:43] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34365 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Extracting computed field [17:45] ah... [17:45] in templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rss.tpl [17:45] change all occurences of pubDate for publication_date [17:45] after login all places where my username is shown up, it's listed like this: SiL3NC3 (idle for 0 seconds)">SiL3NC3 [17:46] shown up twice with ... code fragments ... between them [17:46] lphuberdeau: ok [17:46] lphuberdeau: and the content? I see it was gathered in the database. Any chance that I can display a snippet? [17:47] you'll have to modify that template I guess, but the content is sent over to the template as I can see [17:47] @TW-Tester. What Tiki version? and is this in a module? [17:47] what i already did: renaming my user - nothing. deleting the cache files (on the server) - nothing. [17:47] Tiki6.3 current install some days ago [17:48] this is in a module and in the page layout ... [17:48] I think you will also need to change {$item.publication_date|escape} for {$item.publication_date|tiki_short_date} [17:49] other users (test user) did not seem to have this problem ... [17:49] @TW-Tester: Is it only with specific user names? [17:49] Nils: I commited the changes to 7.x [17:50] yes, the user i want to use within the test-system. [17:50] * ricks99 sends kudos to lph & Nils [17:50] lphuberdeau: I don't know about the parsing of tikiwiki template code, but is it correct that there are   in the sourcefile? [17:50] i'm not using the default admin to administer - maybe here i could get into trouble? [17:50] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r34366 10/branches/7.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Date for RSS feeds not displaying correctly [17:50] @TW-Tester: anything "special" about the user? odd characters in username or realname, etc? [17:50] should be OK, templates output HTML [17:51] well, most of the time anyway [17:51] @lph: backport to 6.4? pls [17:52] @ricks99: as realname .. capital letters and a space, but also same behavior with the rename single username like the SiL3NC3 sample above [17:52] @ricks99: should we start a private chat? [17:52] lphuberdeau: the question is.. why can't I see the dates now. Did you test it with my feed? http://savannah.gnu.org/news/atom.php?group=denemo [17:53] @TW-Tester: are the usernames valid, based on the restrictions on the Admin: Login page? [17:53] lphuberdeau: sorry!! i missed a line you wrote [17:54] @ricks99: i think so, this user (my user account) was registered through the frontend, no database setting [17:54] Don't know... did you modify any templates? [17:54] if names are valid, don't know why some would be fine and others fail [17:54] @ricks99: ... and was working properly for severeal days. i just tweaked some system settings (no coding stuff) for community and user information [17:55] all settings are made through the frontend [17:55] no minor changes at the core files (just images) [17:56] also deactivated the user information mouseover ... nag still there [17:57] dont' know, sorry. out of ideas. try posting to support forum maybe [17:58] already done ... this sounds strange to me too. i'm not a newbie anymore (imho), but this ... i dont have a clue, where to put the finger on ... :| [17:59] Nils: I read the code, didn't really test [17:59] i set up a second user in realname format, but not problem ... all's shown up pretty [18:00] lphuberdeau: I changed the second part you gave me but still no effect. I'm checking out the 7.x svn repository right now to grab the tplate from there. What was the second file you changed? [18:01] that was just some indenting in the plugin file [18:02] but ... thx ricks99 for your responses ... keep them on ;) [18:02] good luck [18:03] Recent Bug: Tracker item: #3879 - - Profile Validation - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=3879 [18:06] *** dcedilotte has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [18:08] lphuberdeau: you still there? I'm getting some very weird bug in plugin_execute on a 6.x tiki running on php 5.1.6 (which i can't upgrade) [18:08] what happens? [18:09] when using (in wysiwyg) the {img} plugin with multiple fileIds it only shows the last one in ckeditor [18:09] seems the line $output = $func_name(... changes the contents of the $args var somehow [18:10] even if i "save" the args array in a new var, that also seems to have changed - it's most peculiar [18:10] the img plugin calls itself for each fileId so presumably this is what's doing it - ever seen anything like that? [18:11] seems like the issue is with the img plugin itself [18:11] this is only when it's parsing for ck_editor, works fine on the page [18:11] lphuberdeau: got the rss template from svn 7.x . Sorry, it does not work [18:13] Denemo - News [18:14] Denemo version 0.9.0 has been released. (2011-05-10) [18:14] Denemo is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2011 (2011-05-10) [18:14] wtf [18:17] lphuberdeau: probably another bug that is already solved in 7.x ? [18:17] might be, I'm not really handling 6.x, 7 & 8 is plenty of work for me [18:18] * jonnyb decides not to use multiple fileIds for him images [18:23] New Forum Posts: username (everywhere in the system) shown up twice with code fragments between them - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41204 [18:29] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: nite nite) [18:36] *** lindonb has joined #tikiwiki [18:43] *** lindonb has left [19:01] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [19:13] *** TW-Tester has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [19:43] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [20:08] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [20:23] *** jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [20:24] New Forum Posts: Lost Password - need reset password every login - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41205 [20:29] *** emijrp has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:35] *** jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) [20:42] *** emijrp has joined #tikiwiki [20:42] *** rodrigo_sampaio1 has joined #tikiwiki [20:50] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34369 10/trunk/lang/de/language.php: German translations done on i18n.tiki.org [20:52] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34370 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: French translations done on i18n.tiki.org [20:52] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34371 10/trunk/lang/hu/language.php: Hungarian translations done on i18n.tiki.org [20:59] *** rodrigo_sampaio1 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:24] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34372 10/branches/7.x/ (4 files in 4 dirs): backporting translations done on i18n.tiki.org [21:31] *** Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki [21:32] *** Caarrie|away has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [21:32] *** Caarrie is now known as Caarrie|away [21:44] *** x3n_ has joined #tikiwiki [22:26] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r34373 10/trunk/ (59 files in 21 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/7.x 34327 to 34372 [22:27] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [22:28] *** x3n_ has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:29] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [22:29] *** x3n_ has joined #tikiwiki [22:39] polom [22:42] *** x3n_ has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) [22:49] *** Bernard1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [23:21] tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r34374 10/branches/7.x/lib/credits/creditslib.php: [FIX] db error [23:25] hi [23:25] any idea where is feature_stats set up (which admin page ?) pref search returns only irrelevant [23:26] ah, found it [23:26] on General admin panel [23:29] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:40] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [23:41] *** emijrp has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat)