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***xen216 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [00:26]
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marclaporteTiki Draw is coming along nicely. /me cheers Robert!
and /me cheers SVG-edit community
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r35101 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] French: "Dessiner - (SVG - modifier)" => "Dessiner - (SVG-edit)". "SVG-edit" is a proper noun. [00:51]
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35102 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_draw.php: [MOD] changing image to drawing to make it clear that it's not the same thing [01:14]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r35103 10/branches/7.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [FIX] Set default status upon setup for new plugins to avoid preferences from setting unexpectedly [01:25]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r35104 10/branches/7.x/lang/ (48 files in 48 dirs): [FIX] Keep language files consistent with case change in r35075 (Admin DSN).
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35105 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [MOD] starting to re-order permissions so we can put most used permissions at the top
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r35106 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lang/ (47 files in 47 dirs): bp/r[35104][FIX] Keep language files consistent with case change in r35076 (Admin DSN). [02:06]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35107 10/branches/7.x/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl: [MOD] Making file upload interface clearer because as of now, it's confusing which button is to add a new file to upload and which button is to start the upload. Feedback please [03:06]
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35108 10/branches/7.x/templates/tiki-admin_menu_options.tpl: [MOD] Moving more-often used menu options towars the top. TODO in Tiki8: hide the lesser used ones like sections and permissions to an advanced section. Feedback please. [03:37]
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35109 10/branches/7.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] turn off search within the file gallery on a fresh install, to make a leaner first experience. [03:43]
chealermarclaporte: r35107-8 look good, thank you
there is no need to tag these commits [MOD] though (maybe more appropriate for 35109). all commits modify something...
marclaporteyes, but they change behavior
so people should know
chealermarclaporte: well indeed [MOD] is for behavior changes, and in one sense all changes change behavior, but I don't see a label change as a "behavior change". it's not something that could confuse much, there is at most a reaction the first time "oh, they changed how it's called"... [03:49]
chealer : I think merge could have conflicts. can you help me with this?
chealercould be if someone could be lost in the new interface but I don't see a significant risk of that here
marclaporte: you want me to do the merge to trunk or what?
marclaportethat would be nice :-)
(my brain is in improve UI mode now)
chealermarclaporte: sorry but I've never done merges (unless a long time ago) and am not particularly thrilled to start doing those, in particular at this time [03:53]
marclaporteoh, ok :-) [03:54]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35110 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_draw.php: fix perm check [04:17]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o marclaporte
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chealer has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [05:50]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35111 10/branches/7.x/templates/modules/mod-search.tpl: (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [FIX] If I search for a string and click title, it will only give me that exact
tikiwiki: result instead of all page names which contain that string. User is confused
tikiwiki: into thinking no page exists containing that string. Since AJAX auto-complete of
tikiwiki: pages names is offered, users wanting exact result can easily do so. Module
tikiwiki: could perhaps have an additional param to determine if exact match should be
tikiwiki: checked but I wonder if it's of any use. I wonder if exact_match on
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35112 10/branches/7.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] http://doc.tiki.org/PluginList is a rising star so activating by default [06:20]
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MerbsterGood morning Tikilovers :) [07:13]
sounds like a name for a Pizza :-)
or rehab facility!
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Merbstermarclaporte, I see no reason to be rehabilitated from TikiWiki :P
if I want to create a tpl file for the PlugniWebservice plugin, how do I reference the variables that the webservice will return?
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the global variable $page
is it just a string or an object?
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apparantly it's null... [08:51]
I need to get a reference to the current wikipage.
And check the category of this page.
marclaportemarclaporte wishes lphuberdeau was here [09:05]
Merbsterhow come marclaporte ? [09:05]
marclaportehe wrote that [09:05]
I am trying to figure out where the code is placed, then I can read the functionality myself (I hope :P)
what boggles my mind is that according to the docs I can reference $page from tiki syntax. (I guess you guys are making this possible with some smarty magic)
But when I var_dump it, it's null, but I have the $user variable set correctly
(by including tiki-setup.php and then declaring the $user and $page variable as globals.
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35113 10/branches/7.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] perms: Simpler fix and partial revert of 35060 - jQuery 1.6 seems to now interpret an empty string as being true for boolean attributes
tikiwiki: Restores previous behaviour (shows perms set)
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Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:22]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:24]
ricks99polom y'all [11:25]
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Merbsterhey ricks99
ricks99, do you per chance now how to get a reference to the current page?
(in code that is)
ricks99the full url? or just page name (for wiki pages?) [11:58]
MerbsterI need to "inspect" the current page, to know which category it is in. [11:58]
ricks99so you want to display the category of a given page/object? [11:59]
actually I want to resolve the category's database id.
but if I can get the page I can use the get_page_id_from_name() function in tikilib
ricks99on admin: cateogry, enable the "show category path" and tiki will display the category of the given page [11:59]
MerbsterI want a reference to it, in code [12:00]
ricks99{$page} [12:00]
MerbsterI tried, $page variable is empty when I check it's content from my plugin
but the $user variable works.
ricks99{$page} is valid only for wiki pages
can you futher explain what you're trying to do?
MerbsterWe're trying to modify tikiwiki so it can handle our project work-flow. I work for a building engineering company so there's alot of documentation to go to the different projects, and we're sharing knowledge through tikiwiki about these projects and the projects current state.
We are using the categories
so that we can categorize the different wiki pages into their appropriate projects
i.e. each project number will equal a category in TikiWiki
ricks99building a tracker for this, right? [12:02]
Merbsterseveral [12:03]
ricks99ok. [12:03]
Merbsterwe have custom modules that interface with webservices also.
the whole idea
is that if we have the category of the page
we can identify which project the page correlates to
So that for example we can use the "categories" plugin that lists last items in a specific category (i.e. for a specific case)
But since the actual work on the project can spread over several wiki pages, we need to mark the "Current working project"
So our idea is to create a plugin that sets up some global variables etc.
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Merbsterså that we can include the reference to our needed variables, wherever it's needed. so that we can use for example, the category id as a paraemter to the categories plugin [12:05]
ricks99iirc, {$categId} is the id
you're using function get_object_categories, i assume?
you need the object id -- not necessarily a page name
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Merbsterricks99, exactly
I just looked trhough tikilib and found these helper functions
ricks99, so everytime for example {$categId} does not work on a page, it's because that "page" is nto categorizable? (I don't know if this word even exists)
ricks99you need {$page_id} which will return the unique id of the page -- not the page name [12:13]
Merbsterok. [12:13]
ricks99then, iirc, get_object_categories uses the *id* -- not the page name
you're only dealing with wiki pages? not other objects (files, galleries, articles, etc?)
MerbsterI might be dealing with articles [12:14]
ricks99i believe you need to feed the *type* also (ie.., articles)
to the function
MerbsterThe plugin I am making will mostly be included from articles, wiki pages and sometimes blogs. Allthough if TikiWiki has some limitations about what can be accessed from the blogs (i.e. page id) then they wil lhave to live with that. :P [12:14]
ricks99ricks99 hasn't greped the code in a *long* time [12:15]
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ricks99only wiki pages have pageId [12:15]
Merbsterwhat about articles? [12:15]
ricks99articles have {$articleId}, blogs have a blogId and postId
wikis are the only things that are "pages"
Merbsterok. [12:16]
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Merbsterout of those mentioned blog is the only thing that is not categorizable? [12:17]
ricks99blogs can be categorized. just about all tiki objects are categorizable [12:17]
Merbsterah yes, the blog can, but all blogs posts in that blog, will inherit the category from the blog itself? (i.e. each blog post inside same blog cannot have diff. categories) [12:18]
ricks99correct [12:19]
Merbsterricks99, you have been a huge help, if you drop by Denmark sometime, let me know, I'll buy you a beer ;) [12:23]
ricks99glad to help.
ricks99 likes Tuborg, but tough to get in NC, USA :(
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: blank page after edit forum post - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41678 [12:25]
Merbsterricks99, tbh there's alot of other beers that's better...
it's a beer for the mainstream, made to please all, thus not excelling at anything :P
ricks99yeah, its the 'budweiser' of denmark ive heard [12:28]
We have some micro breweries who does beer way better... but I guess it is more for the "conneseurs"
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35114 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Treetable should not re-sort the list which is now provided in a predictable order [12:33]
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SJ-Jayhey guys
anyone knows if i can use the module frame in a plugin?
lphuberdeauyou could also use the iframe plugin I guess [13:43]
SJ-Jaythink u are misunderstanding the question, or else i didn't explain myself correct :)
if you use {MODULE} there is a frame around the module, but not if you use plugin
ricks99use nobox parameter [13:54]
SJ-Jayi WANT the frame :D
but with a plugin
ricks99if you're using the MODULE plugin, you can use decorations=y
or nobox=n
SJ-Jayjust tried but didn't work :S
the plugin i'm using is articles
ricks99use one of the article modules [13:58]
SJ-Jayyeah but the article module only shows heading [13:59]
ricks99you just want the frame/border around the articles plugin, is that all? [14:01]
SJ-Jayyeah exactly! :) [14:02]
ricks99you can simply surround the plugin with the necessary DIV elements to make it "look" like a module
<div id=module><h3 class="box-title"><span class="moduletitle">some text title</span></h3><div class="box-data"> YOUR PLUGIN HERE </div></div>
obviously, use the {DIV} wiki syntax.
but should work quite easily
lphuberdeauisn't there a BOX plugin? [14:05]
ricks99probably. i have a tendency to overlook the easy answer sometimes :( [14:06]
SJ-Jaybut does the box plugin look like modules?
it has to look exactly the same
ricks99think it depends on your theme [14:07]
SJ-Jaywe have a custom theme :) [14:08]
ricks99then you'll probably need to adjust the box output accordingly [14:08]
SJ-Jayhmm the div thing doesn't look like the modules :) [14:09]
ricks99probably need to surroudn with the appropriate #col elements
depends on your theme
mastroDaniany help configuring a gmail smtp for tikiwiki? [14:18]
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lphuberdeauany more specific questions?
there are quite a few parameters, but it's fairly straightforward
must use encrypted connection and use PLAIN authentication if I remember correctly
although I think there are a few bits of code that won't go through SMTP at this time
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nkothI just svn update trunk and getting unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in lib/core/Tracker/Field/Factory.php on line 41, anyone getting the same thing?
btw, this is at tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=1
lphuberdeauhmm... let me update... [15:11]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35115 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_carousel.php: [NEW]carousel: a plugin to simplify the use of the carousel - pick the images of a fgal [15:12]
lphuberdeaumust be really recent as I updated not so long ago and things seem to work
btw, that's related to double-colon if you want to look at the code
only hebrew word I know
nkothdoes this look wrong to you? $providedFields = $class::getTypes(); [15:13]
lphuberdeauthat looks fine
try updating again and clearing cache just in case
any conflicts or anything?
nkothis php 5.3 required for something like this? this is php 5.2.10 [15:14]
lphuberdeauI wouldn't think so
try replacing with call_user_func(array($class, 'getTypes'))
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35116 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] New field list using jquery ui sortable to change field order [15:17]
nkothapparently this is a 5.3 syntax to invooke a class method statically this way
have to use call_user_func/call_user_func_array
I'll change it
but I'm having other problems like the fields not showing - hunting
clearing cache seems to have fixed that
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35117 10/branches/7.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.attachments.php: [FIX] File attachments in file gallery stored the file in the wrong gallery, leaving the impression that the file did not upload at all.
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r35118 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Factory.php: [FIX] Calling class method statically through not supported in PHP 5.2 causes T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
sylviegdo we have already in jquery/tiki a slideshow that looks like http://www.lestouilleurs.com/Boutique or http://www.nitinh.com/static/SlideShow/jquery.html
perhaps I can use the carousel ... and change the thumbanils...
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: FileGallery permissions - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=41681 [15:48]
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nkothlphuberdeau: I am having a problem in admin tracker fields where the input field for the params of files and relations aren't showing. do you have the same problem? Could it be something with the new multi-character field type? [16:00]
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lphuberdeaunew multi-character field type?
I always found that the default selection was broken an the display of the options field to be quite random
switching things around fixes it
but I'm in the process of re-doing that interface, so I don't care much about those UI issues
nkothlphuberdueau: Under New Tracker Field, when I change the field, e.g. to Text Area, the input field where I can enter the params appear
toehter with the help text
But for the Relations and Files field, no help text nor input field appears
lphuberdeausorry, no idea
save it and come back
nkothI had a look at /lib/core/Tracker/Field/Files.php I can't see anything different about the description etc on top except that the field type is 'FG' [16:27]
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lphuberdeauI know
I looked into it and couldn't find a reason either
nkothok, let me experiment [16:28]
lphuberdeauI'm getting rid of that UI in the next few days/week [16:28]
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lphuberdeauso the issue will be gone with it anyway [16:28]
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overseerhey guys.
I need some help with seting up ad/ldap stuff
i keep getting "unknown net_ldap2 error" in my logs
does that mean that my settings are wrong?
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nkothlphuberdeau: if I change 'FG' to 'Z' and clear cache it works, and if I switch it back to 'FG' it fails again [16:39]
lphuberdeauseriously, that whole UI will be gone, so don't worry about it [16:40]
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overseerwhere are the tiki logs stored? [16:48]
ricks99the action log is in the db [16:56]
overseerok. Is there a good way to print out part of the logs in plaintext?
I need to copy and paste and it doesnt work when its in the table for /tiki-syslog.php
ricks99i guess you could dump the tables [16:57]
overseereh...then it would come out as sql
so theres no utility premade for doing that?
ricks99i mean, in Tiki, you can use the DBREPORT to dump from the db and format the wiki page any way you want
*DBREPORT plugin
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35120 10/trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php: [ENH] Providing a hint linking to the tracker admin panels from the preference [17:06]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35121 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Include the external token as a class on external links [17:18]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: fatal error during upgrade - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=41683 [17:40]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35122 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Adding checkboxes to select the listed columns [17:56]
chealerpolom [18:05]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35124 10/trunk/styles/layout/design.css: [MOD] Adding CSS properties to do odd/even automatically in participating browsers [18:26]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r35125 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] French: "JQuery Infinite Carousel" => s/Caroussel permanent JQuery/Carousel infini JQuery/ [18:38]
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tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r35126 10/branches/7.x/lib/setup/prefs.php: [MOD] removing zip option on fresh installs to make interface simpler
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35127 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Automatically refresh list when field added, moving new field list up as it's more fun
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03chealer * r35128 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_carousel.php: [FIX] CAROUSEL plugin: parameter names and descriptions [19:03]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Paramètre de "Googlemap plugin " - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=41689 [20:43]
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overseer_ has joined #tikiwiki
overseer_hey guys [21:16]
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overseer_im trying to set up ad/ldap authentication and i need some help
When setting the location to look for users, can I specify for it to look at members of groups?
idk if that makes sense
in our ad we have a root OU that stores all the people, and another OU that stores the departments
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overseer_so i need all the people in a department that belong to a group. But the actual users are in a separate ou [21:19]
Ichi-KeynonDN of the group maybe...hmmm...i think i saw an option in there for that [21:19]
Option that might work is:
What OU are your users under? This may be something like ou=People. This is just the group/OU, not the full DN
overseer_yeah, my users are in a people ou
so the user DN i would put just DN=People? or do i need the whole thing?
DC=People is what i meant
getting screwed up with acronyms
h.o i gotta run. I'll be back on in a bit to work on this some more
chealeroverseer_: which version do you use? [21:28]
Ichi-Keynon@ anyone...how can i specify a link for each image in a line w/o using html...just using the Tiki code
ive got this for the inline images:
{img (id=19|20|21)}{img}
and it works fine....but id like a unique link for each
ive tried a few combos based on my html knowledge...but no workie... ;(
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35129 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_carousel.php: [FIX]carousel: inappropriate copy/paste: thx chealer [21:32]
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fabriciuspolom [21:36]
overseerhey guys im back
btw: im overseer_ as well :P
chealer: im using 7.0
chealeroverseer: did you see the "External groups" tab right to the right of "LDAP"? [21:45]
overseeryes. If I use that, can I manage groups internally? Or do they have to be managed via the AD then? [21:46]
chealeroverseer: I'm not sure what you mean, but Tiki groups still exist even if Tiki uses LDAP groups [21:48]
overseerchealer: ok. what does the "Use an external LDAP server for groups" checkbox do then? [21:49]
chealeroverseer: when a LDAP users logs in, Tiki will query LDAP for group memberships and place the Tiki users in some Tiki groups. [21:53]
do i have to check that to use external groups at all?
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sylviegchealer: I do not understand why you want me to do with snarf
right now everything must be approved by an admin
chealersylvieg: if you use the plugin in a wiki page for example, yes [22:31]
sylviegin a module too - if I well remember... [22:32]
chealersylvieg: but not if wikiplugin_snarf() is called directly, as happens in snarf_ajax.php
sylvieg: a module is also wiki-parsed (assuming it's enabled)
sylviegsylvieg does not remember ... too long ago and used only once [22:34]
chealersylvieg: well, did you check the code? http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/browser/trunk/snarf_ajax.php
that pretty much just calls wikiplugin_snarf()
sylviegis it possible to test that you come from an ajax call? [22:37]
chealersylvieg: test in wikiplugin_snarf() that you're called from snarf_ajax.php? there could be an argument for that [22:38]
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CIA-88tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r35130 10/trunk/ (17 files in 5 dirs): starting new get_strings.php (work in progress) [22:45]
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tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35131 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_snarf.php: [FIX]snarf: filter params [23:08]
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35132 10/branches/7.x/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_snarf.tpl: escape
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35133 10/branches/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [bp/r 35131 35132][FIX]snarf: filter params + escape
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***xen216 has joined #tikiwiki [23:46]
CIA-88tikiwiki: 03xen216 * r35134 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_perspective.php: [NEW] backport of perspective wiki plugin: displays content based on the user's current perspective. [23:59]

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