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TNRR2012: @nkoth: if u are around i would like to speak w/u about a php script which might allow a wp to pass perms to tiki (u spoke of it several nights ago).
nkoth: i'm around
TNRR2012: i didn't know if u were for hire or how best to proceed
are u in the states?
nkoth: Canada
how far have you gotten?
TNRR2012: zero so far
i mainly cut and paste as i'm not a coder
i can email u the overall concept if you'd like and all the stats of the sties?
nkoth: sure. do you still have my email from last time?
TNRR2012: negative
do u want mine in the clear to keep urs quiet
nkoth: check pm
TNRR2012: thanx
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03xen216 * r35474 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] User Selector: ability to limit list of users to members of specific groups. TODO: sort list alphabetically by user realName.
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35475 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_userlist.php: [FIX] userlist: Missing global $user
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35476 10/trunk/lib/registration/registrationlib.php: [FIX] registration: Missing param
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coaboa: polom tikiverse
jonnyb: polom coaboa
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Bernard1: פולום
coaboa: hi jonnyb.
Bernard1: hi guys
-: Bernard1 wonder how GillesM is managing so many clones :)
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35477 10/trunk/lib/ (12 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] prefs: Missing defaults
jonnyb: mmmm :)
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kstingel: silly question time :) ... does the Tiki Users table usually change between releases?
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r35478 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php: [FIX]Adding 'text/plain' as file type recognition also to prevent R internal (harmless) warning message inside 'data' variable
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r35479 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php: [FIX] br and p tags removed again in content to be sent to R with iki7
tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r35480 10/mods/trunk/wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php: [FIX]Another place where text/plain had to be added (for tab delimited file attachments in trackers, instead of csv files).
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35481 10/trunk/lib/prefslib.php: [FIX] prefs: Generate helpful error for missing defaults
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Bernard1: black jack !
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35482 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl: [FIX] login: Restore test for empty mode var (as used when in tiki-login_scr.php)
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03gezzzan * r35483 10/trunk/pics/icons/arrow_turn_left.png: [NEW] adding arrow_turn_left.png icon to pics/icons
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35484 10/trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX] get_users: Obey perm tiki_p_group_view_members when listing group members
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r35485 10/trunk/db/tiki.sql: [FIX] Added the invoice menu items for standard install
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35486 10/trunk/ (lib/userslib.php tiki-login.php): [FIX]ldap: when tiki user are permitted check the password dur only for tiki user and not ldap user
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coaboa: I just realised that even on doc.tiki.org the fonts are rendered different when viewing with an mac, linux or windows machine (even when using the same browser). is there a way to avoid this? (probably not ;-)) tryed with an @font-face rule and an own font but this also got rendered different.
Bernard1: Hu coaboa…There are a lot of issues there.
only the sans-serif is the easy case
you tried with ff on the 3 os ?
coaboa: yes: thats where I realised it: a menu entry File Gallery is 1 line ff @ ubuntu&mac but two lines @ ff win
*with my theme I'am working on
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35487 10/trunk/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] Notice, handling all defaults the same way
Bernard1: i have something alike with hebrew (the hebew char are smaller than other)… i use specific style % for fonts
ie8.css font-size:97%...
that one way...
lphuberdeau: there is something specific somewhere to make hebrew fonts a bit larger
Bernard1: ?
please ! :D
lphuberdeau: don't know if it's still in there
but there used to be
but the big question... why wouldn't they make the font sizes compliant with the rest of the world?
Bernard1: :) this is not only for hebrew, arabic, chinese, etc
lphuberdeau: never heard an arabic or chinese complaint!
Bernard1: who is complaining ?
there is a differences and some live with it some try to do better.
in fact usually website using hebrew, arabic, chinese, etc are mono-lingual as it is quit complicate to make it all live together.
The idea of multilingual in TW is to mix them all. This have a cost. When i use hebrew only or arabic only website… who cares ! I just make the font size the way it is readable and this is enough.
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35488 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] memberlist plugin: Show all groups using "*" wildcard (respects perms) and add param to show group descriptions (plus a few small fixes and css classes)
Bernard1: So Coaboa… ?
I have some issues with newsletters and module… I need to display in a newsletter the last file uploaded (name, date, link… not the content, image or video). I didn't find a proper plugin (but i could have missed it) so i try the Module last_files… plugin approval is coming my way all the time (including in the newsletter itself. It there a safe/admin way to disable the plugin approval or do i have to change something in a TW file ?
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35489 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Factory.php: [FIX] Typo, not sure how it worked, but it did
coaboa: Bernard1: It's not that big for me just wondering if I made a mistake with something css-ish
Bernard1: well this diff in size (dpi resolution something) exist (unfortunately)… BUT Internet Explorer is now only for Windows so you can use the iex.css to fix it very simply.
oups.. mix it all sorry we were talking about FF. my bad :(
coaboa: ;-)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: problem with mouseover window - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=41802
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35490 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] memberlist plugin: Add displayMode param for tabs using jquery-ui tabs (& fix $key var name conflict)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35491 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_memberlist.php: [ENH] memberlist plugin: Add max param to limit member list display
sylvieg1: Bernard1: approval is in the tiki file .. I think it is 'valid'=> all
you will have to put this into comment
Bernard1: :) Super Sylvie to the rescue ! I just have done something else in tikilib.php but that's cool thanks.
added a or "if( $prefs['wiki_validate_plugin'] != 'y' or 'n' )"
kstingel: in between (DB) releases, does the tiki user table change much? ... I'm trying to work out the best way to re-install/upgrade tikis without going back to the default admin/admin ... changing the password each time is a pain (coz I seem to be regularly re-installing lately)
am thinking that if I just backup my Users table, I can import that into the fresh install
lphuberdeau: any upgrade to the db is handled by the upgrade process
you won't loose data
kstingel: ... also means I can keep uniform login info intact across Branches ... thus far I'm running 6x, 7x & trunk as test tikis
lphuberdeau: but there is really no guaranteed table stability in tiki
kstingel: occasionally (read "frequently" lol) I reset the current installation, just so I start with a clean tiki whilst testing stuff I write ... still getting the hang of creating own pages and such, so I often have to kill what I've played with
lphuberdeau: over 3 years, I think the average is close to 1 db change every 3-4 days in tiki
kstingel: additionally, my checkout goes directly to my current branch installation (not sure if I should have it that way or not)
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kstingel: can tiki handle multiple DBs? ... for example, the tiki DB where standard stuff is recorded, but a 2nd DB for personal project data
lphuberdeau: you can have multiple installs or use multi-tiki
but it's not within the same tiki
kstingel: usage: I have tiki installed to manage development of ProgramX, ProgramX uses data that tiki doesn't need to know about ... within Tiki I have a module to initialise ProgramX and load it's DB so that my team can add to the data pertaining to ProgramX
lphuberdeau: sorry, I think I'm confused about your meaning of DB
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35492 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_memberlist.php: [ENH] memberlist plugin: Add membersOnly param to restrict listing of groups to ones that a user is a member of. Either a named user (login) or the current logged in user.
kstingel: Tiki has it's DB which ProgramX should not modify (DB1) ... ProgramX needs a DB to store it's data in also, I would like to use Tiki to manage the permissions (through Groups) but keep the data for ProgramX in DB2
DB = the MySQL DB used to store Tiki (and ProgramX) ... I'm trying to workout the most effective way to use Tiki as the CMS for a Gaming Alliance ... If I do it via Trackers, I'm gonna wind up with many trackers, but if I write up the App then just add a module for Tiki to provide permissions, I figure that would be much cleaner
lphuberdeau: is that other db a tiki db or just some other random db?
if it's a separate app and you want to use tiki permissions, you will need to write some custom code
kstingel: custom DB, non-tiki
lphuberdeau: for read-only data, you can use the report plugin
combined with page permissions, you can get quite a lot done
but for write operations, you would need custom plugins
kstingel: currently have tiki @ domain.com/tiki ... each separate game would be in domain.com/game# ... then a custom Module in Tiki providing access to Game# for each Game
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35493 10/branches/7.x/lib/: [REL] re-fixing SVN external revisions which were unfixed for 7.1 development
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35494 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/7.x 35457 to 35471
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r35495 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Removed draw's dependency on batch file upload
tikiwiki: [MOD] Changed draw from default fullscreen to optional button with initial view as a standard page.
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r35496 10/trunk/tiki-edit_draw.php: [FIX] Draw name update on postback
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35497 10/branches/7.x/tiki-auto_save.php: [FIX] autosave: html encoding on non-allow_html pages broke again, resulting in html encoded entities appearing in autosaved markup
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-: Bernard1 one clone down. :)
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r35498 10/trunk/ (. tiki-auto_save.php): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/7.x 35471 to 35497
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nkoth: hi, separate question, waht's with the <x> thing? still in tiki?
I just had a report it appears
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RobertPlummer: polom all
chealer, ever have any problems with ie 7 and menu overlap?
chealer: polom
nkoth: current versions still use <x>, if that's your question.
it's from PreventXss
nkoth: chealer: ok, what is the way to "Avoid" it yet still be safe?
chealer: RobertPlummer: I don't have many problems with MSIE 7 under Debian, except perhaps for customer complaints :-)
never heard about that neither
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chealer: RobertPlummer: but which Tiki version are you talking about?
nkoth: hum, that kind of depends on the context...
nkoth: chealer, is it just too strict or is there fundamentally wrong with this approach?
I havent' investigated it yet but someone tried to add the tag "expression écrite"
andit became "ex<x>pression écrite"
chealer: nkoth: PreventXSS is a bit like StripTags in goals: http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.filter.set.html#zend.filter.set.striptags
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chealer: nkoth: it's for mitigating attacks and prevent damage from input that looks malicious, preventing it from exploiting vulnerabilities
nkoth: but this kind of heuristic always creates unwanted behavior in corner cases
nkoth: often we have parsing bugs though. I don't see why there would be an <x> in what you just showed
nkoth: yeah, that is why it seem strange to me
chealer: nkoth: I would need details on where it happens but presumably there's a problem with the order of some conversions
RobertPlummer: chealer: 6.3
chealer: RobertPlummer: no idea
nkoth: so one way to avoid it would be not to process input with PreventXss, but to do that safely you need to make sure all users of that input are safe
jonnyb: was it intentional not to commit r35475 to 7.x? too close to 7.1?
jonnyb: what was that one?
hi chealer :)
chealer: jonnyb: oh, sorry, the global $user
jonnyb: hmm, probably not critical - possibly in unused code anyway afaicr
might have worked anyway even...
chealer: heh. OK
lphuberdeau: Actually, PreventXss is kind of half way between striptags and htmlpurifier
striptags is much better if you only expect plain text as it's much much faster
nkoth: are adnins exempt from the filter?
because I can reproduce the problem as non-admin, but with admin I don't get it
lphuberdeau: yeah, someone put that up, I always thought it was a terrible idea
tiki_p_trust_user_input or something like that
really means that most devs won't ever see the problems in casual tests
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nkoth: I suppose expression is a problematic word so "expression ... is stripped
is ther a whitelist I can add?
lphuberdeau: it's based on a blacklist
really, the solution is to use something else than preventxss
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35499 10/trunk/ (11 files in 9 dirs): [NEW] AJAX interface to attach translations to support trackeritem, indexing trackeritem language in unified search
chealer: nkoth: ah...indeed
nkoth: I don't know what specifically expression means (to JavaScript?) though
lphuberdeau: might also be in css
or some browser-specific (read IE) extension
nkoth: yeah, looks like an ie way of evaluating javascript in css, what a horrible idea
lphuberdeau: yeah, when I started reading about those issues I really figured out that there is no hope
nkoth: dropped in IE8 fwiw
lphuberdeau: hardware is way too reliable, still too many IE6s lying around
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sylvieg: nkoth: are articleclip respecting permissions (via topic)?
... I mean as anonymous not as the sender of the newsletter
nkoth: no, article clip is based on the sender
sylvieg: lphuberdeau: is there an easy way to say I want the list of articles for an anonymous?
nkoth: it is based on sender's perm when clipping
lphuberdeau: sylvieg: as in you want to see what anonymous can see?
sylvieg: yes
I want to build a newsletter as an anonymous - not as the sender
lphuberdeau: how are the permissions checked on articles?
technically, all you have to do is Perms::getInstance()->setGroups(array('Anonymous')); and resume as usual
might want to set back the original groups after the operation
nkoth: $artlib->list_articles(...)
so you say setGroups before that and set it back after will magically work?
lphuberdeau: should yes
nkoth: sylvieg: the call is in nllib->clip_articles...
lphuberdeau: not that it's used very often, but that sets the default groups that are assigned to the accessor, so that affects anything that accesses permissions
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sylvieg: thx guys - I will give a try ... but for all the send newslettter 'parsing'
nkoth: hmm, but the list_articles uses user_has_perm_on_object might not work because of that
anyway, in the right direction
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r35500 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Adding the AJAX detach operation
lphuberdeau: that should be easy enough to convert
actually, if you don't change the global user, there is a condition in there to skip the group fetching part so that would be transparent
nkoth: oh you are right, if user is same as current user, the groups are not reloaded so it should stick to what was set before, so it should just work
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03gezzzan * r35501 10/trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl: [ENH] Backlinks button with popup
tikiwiki: 03gezzzan * r35502 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [ENH] Some fixes for Backlinks button at wiki-topline
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sylvieg: humm .. seems that topic perms are not checked
nkoth: sylvieg: it should be ... artlib line 1316 thereabouts I thought i saw it
btw, I traced the image problem I have, imagick problem I think
amette: not sure but this may help the problem you had yesterday too
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35503 10/branches/7.x/templates/tiki-send_newsletters.tpl: [FIX]articleclip: a warning to explain the perm problem
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sylvieg: nkoth: do you have a site with articleclip
I have the impression the sort in not publish_desc but publish_asc
nkoth: yes, I think there is a sort function in nllib
I am trying to remember why it was this way
sylvieg: but for me it is the opposite order
it is publish_desc at the beginning and cmp sorts in publish_asc
nkoth: lol, I actually had the cmp doing the reverse on another site of mine
I am wondering why I needed the cmp or if it was just stupidity
sylvieg: ok I commit :-)
you have probably the same pb than me never committing where I test ;-)
nkoth: probably
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35504 10/branches/7.x/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: [FIX]articleclip: sort on publish date desc
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r35505 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: [bp/r35504][FIX]articleclip: sort on publish date desc
nkoth: imagick scaleimage is destroying my image...
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RobertPlummer_: polom all
chealer, you know anything about tracker profiles?
chealer: re RobertPlummer_. no :-)
RobertPlummer_: lol, thanks though chealer you are always a good source of knowledge.
Have you had a chance yet to look at invoice?
or "tiki invoice" I should say.
chealer: RobertPlummer_: I scanned a bit of code but I only enabled it. I understood from a commit message it was still early in the greek alphabet
RobertPlummer_: yea, I'm just excited about a new way of coding.
template based.
chealer: oh, I also tried clicking on documentation and ended up on an unrelated page
RobertPlummer_: I'm using WAY less code.
yea, I need to change that
chealer: RobertPlummer_: sorry, haven't looked in enough depth to notice
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r35506 10/branches/experimental/annotate/: [BRANCH] Creation, trunk 0 to 35502
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fabricius: polom
CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r35507 10/trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl: [FIX] HTML special characters encoding
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fabricius: .
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Using categories with surveys - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=41805
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r35508 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [FIX] >=, <=, >, < filters not working for numeric fields in tracker filter. It was only matching exact matches.
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CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r35509 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php: [bp/r35508][FIX] >=, <=, >, < filters not working for numeric fields in tracker filter. It was only matching exact matches.
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nkoth: I give up on the imagick thing, will file a bug. tiki should have a way to fix use GD instead
chealer: nkoth: giving up? that doesn't seem very Jediish
nkoth: could be a server issue...
workedaround by forcing GD - that'll do for now