CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36373 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerquerylib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Ensure that tracker query lib uses rendered output for trackers
tikiwiki: [FIX] unset wrong var for tracking field id ***: Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy chibaguy: polom
A page with the tracker plugin, after the Submit, should refresh with the "thank you" statement that's in the body of the plugin, right? In a tiki 7 site, I've had that result a few times, but usually the page refreshes with no message, just with the form again. The user doesn't know if the submit was successful or not. Anyone else having this behavior, or have I not configured something right, I wonder?
Well, with displaying the plugin data text not working, the url parameter seems to so that's another way to do it. -: chibaguy 's experiences with trackers (probably like many people's) are hard because of the uncertainty of whether problems are due to user error or bugs. chibaguy: Does anyone have a new tiki 7 site and can confirm that semantic aliases aren't working? I see they are working on doc.t.o, but in a new tiki 7 site they don't seem to be. experience plus I've seen at least one forum post reporting this. ***: Laiat has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: I wonder why the tracker field "page selector" shows up as a label only and no textfield for registered users, but with the textfield for admin. Registered users have the tracker perms and wiki perms. If I give Registered "tiki_p_admin_trackers" then the textfield shows up, but surely that isn't really necessary, is it? -: chibaguy will go do something analog/physical for a while... ***: Laiat has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) chibaguy: Interestingly, giving Registered the tiki_p_admin_trackers perm, while making the page selector textfield show up (a good thing), doesn't really give Registered any tracker admin powers (an apparent bug that works in my favor for this site). I wonder, though, how a non-admin group would get tracker admin powers at a new tiki 7 site.
Oh, disregard that last comment: I had removed Registered's tiki_p_admin_trackers temporarily to test. I see now that with that perm, Registered does have the normal tracker admin access.
To give Registered the page selector textfield, I have to give the power to delete the tracker. That doesn't seem like a good idea. -: chibaguy suspects there would be "tiki consultants" if customer sites could be created without running into blocker bugs. chibaguy: Tiki 6 does the same thing re: page selector (textfield doesn't show normally for Registered).
Also in trunk, page selector doesn't show for Registered.
(only the label) ***: Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (Read error: No route to host)
Caarrie has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: Does anyone know how the URL tracker field needs to be configured to allow wiki syntax page names? There's a hint about a parameter for wiki page names but I don't know how to enable that. ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: I wonder what the typical user makes of this tracker error: "Following fields are incorrect". My data is incorrect? the field configuration? fabricius: maybe the field itself
like: "hey guy, your field is not correct. head off and get as new one"
but besides the funny part of it: I'don't know either chibaguy: It seems to mean the configuration of the field (parameters, etc.). fabricius: Isn't it, that an error message should not only inform about the fact that there IS an error, but also WHAT the error might be? chibaguy: That would be good. fabricius: yes, but could either mean filled incorrectly or configured incorrectly - as you said chibaguy: Anyway, if it says "A field in this tracker is misconfigured. Please contact the site admin." that would at least let the normal user know it wasn't his/her fault.
It seems to be an error in the tracker field setup. fabricius: could be a bug in the code aswell? chibaguy: I had a "0" rather than no data to indicate "not 1".
"1" meaning "use toolbar"
I guess that is what caused it. I made other changes too.
I wish the page selector field worked for Registered users. I can sort of get the same result using a textarea, but page selector creates the page, whereas in the textarea I get the "newpage?" syntax and the ? needs to be clicked to create the page - not so good for new users.
In my test, only admin gets the page selector text field, though, not normal users. ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
fabricius has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: oh chibaguy is gone aswell
ah no, first on top ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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Merbster has joined #tikiwiki Merbster: How is {{user}} and {{itemId}} implemented? is it just smarty functions or is there something special to it? ***: SJ-Jay has joined #tikiwiki SJ-Jay: polom dudes chibaguy: bbl. heading out to eat. SJ-Jay: +1 Merbster: +2 ***: chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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tikiwiki: [bp from 7.x/r36329][ENH] articles: Collected article and submission admin improvements
tikiwiki: [original bp from trunk/r36318,r36320,r36321] Add multi-select checkboxes and authorName field to article & submission lists.
tikiwiki: Also fixes find not working on submission list. ***: nima has quit IRC (Read error: Operation timed out)
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jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36375 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_submissions.tpl: [FIX] submissions: Mysterious icon regression sometime around r29044 ***: fabricius has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: chibaguy: this morning you mentioned the page selector field and that it would not work for registered users -> did I understand right?
chibaguy: after your sentence my batttery went off chibaguy: yes, that's what I was saying.
In my site, it doesn't unless I give registered users the tiki_p_admin_trackers permission.
(Unless I misconfigured the tracker/fields, which is very possible.) lphuberdeau: chibaguy, I can confirm this is quite precise in the code
not saying it makes sense
I can fix that one in trunk chibaguy: hi lphuberdeau, I did a little looking at tracker lib and did see the perm there but don't really understand what's going on of course. lphuberdeau: that is simply in templates/trackerinput/pageselector.tpl chibaguy: oh, I see.
Well, it'd be good to change, I'd say. fabricius: yes, +1
another thing, I do not understand, is why we still cannot assign modules to categories
this would be so useful and isn it, that this would not be so much coding? Just asking ***: RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: fabricius: I thought I saw a lot of agreement about that, so hopefully can be done soon. fabricius: it is possible to configure Tiki so fine granular as long as it is based on groups RobertPlummer: polom all chibaguy: hi RobertPlummer RobertPlummer: chibaguy: hey lphuberdeau: repeating the feature request does not make implementation come faster fabricius: but literally nearly impossible to setup different areas for same groups - especially Anonymous users
wolod RobertPlummer
chibaguy: a lot of agreement? that would be fine RobertPlummer: fabricius: polom backward and upside-down too
:) fabricius: ;-) RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: great work refining my code for pre-cache!
lphuberdeau: self is still a new thing to me for php, and I love the way you used it. fabricius: chibaguy: I am nearly setting up a "bits and pieces" page on dev, where I put on all small bits, I think are missing in nearly great function, but missing makes them kind of "unfinished" RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: I think the next step it to cache the creation of the class for each type of rendered tracker field, that seems to be the next bottleneck. What do you think?
lphuberdeau: factory.php line 109 is a killer. fabricius: chibaguy: Merbster did write a cool extension for category/perspective RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: if we could just cache it once for each field, and then allow it to be updated rather than new created each time, I think we'd be on to something. fabricius: I am keen on trying it out, but need some help to get it in my Tiki lphuberdeau: RobertPlummer, I don't really see it as a bottleneck for most cases as the instances have different data
RobertPlummer, but that's because they are immutable right now to respect some of the mess in the rest of the code... once the surrounding code becomes cleaner, it's possible to think about changing the creation constraints on those objects RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: good point. fabricius: I call it "category nail", cause it ind of nails specific categories to specific perspectives, for that a page of these categories will be visible always in the related perspective RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: The other thing I don't understand with at least 1 type is TextField, and why does it call (what I assume) is itself on Text.php line 103? chibaguy: lphuberdeau: that's true of course, but better to have general agreement that something would be good than only one person asking. RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: That too seems like a bottleneck, but perhaps nothing can be done about it? lphuberdeau: RobertPlummer: That calls the implementation in the abstract class chibaguy: fabricius, that's a good idea about the "bits and pieces" page. trying to actually use tiki exposes us to quite a few things that are not quite there yet, and can make the difference between it all working or not. RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: I need to make some headway with normal stuff, sheet, s5, tikisuite, and then I will come back to it. What is important is that it is now more usable. Thanks again for your help. chibaguy: +1 to getting "normal stuff" more solid. ;-) fabricius: chibaguy: question for me would be, if it would be possible to convince enough people about that it is necessary lphuberdeau: fabricus, it's mostly a question of timing, I think everyone has more than enough on their plates for 8 fabricius: chibaguy: I feel after the incradible and impressive development of the Tiki software in the last two years, we would need a process of consolidation lphuberdeau: consolidation is a long-term process in tiki fabricius: lphuberdeau: that's true and many people (included you) are doing a marvelous job, but if you want to use the software for consulting, webdevelopment - to make money from customers ... chibaguy: lphuberdeau: I agree, but a certain threshold is needed at any given release time.
I'm not sure releases are done with that in mind. Merbster: What was the thought behind Wiki argument variables? lphuberdeau: fabricus, there are a lot of people doing that, sometimes you need to accept workarounds on some issues fabricius: lphuberdeau: ... you need at least a set of common core features that really work solid ( if not rock solid ) and that are round and finished Merbster: is it so that {{user}} can be used as a parameter for say, a module or plugin ? lphuberdeau: Merbster: it's kind of a hack that appeared and evolved, there is no logic to it -: chibaguy switched from page selector to textarea and it works but not as elegantly. Merbster: lphuberdeau, I read the code and apaprantly user and page are special cases, besides that it looks through $_GET - I have coded a small plugin that sets a case number as a wiki argument var. but when I try to use it as an argument for my own plugin, Wiki doesn't parse it. lphuberdeau: fabricus: that's not really the way tiki is developed, it's driven by many individual needs and trying to impose a core and central features for releases that must be followed will just drive others away fabricius: lphuberdeau chibaguy for ex, why I can assign everything but modules to categories (what would extend the possibilities massively), why I can I export iCal, but not import, etc. lphuberdeau: I won't lie about this, my efforts are focused on my client's needs
and I think it's the same for most people too -: Merbster agrees with lphuberdeau fabricius: I understand that lphuberdeau and it is OK - I like the way, Tiki is developed and how the community selforganises chibaguy: lphuberdeau: that's a legitimate motive, but unfortunate for people who don't/can't work on the code on that level. fabricius: BUT on the long run, we would need more consultants with customers who are prepared to pay some development, what would be good for the community Merbster: lphuberdeau, in other words, the parsing of the wiki syntax that should include my plugin, stops if I try to use Wiki argument variables as a paramter/argument ricks99: or, have the association pay for specific fixes/enhancements/etc lphuberdeau: Merbster: they are applied before plugin parsing if I remember correctly fabricius: So certain functions must be worth using and not only work in theory or halfway, to make Tiki more interesting on a wider market and for that consultants that are not coders can handle customer projects aswell chibaguy: fabricius, it's a chicken and egg situation to a large extent. Even if you have a customer to pay for coding, there are too few knowledgable Tiki coders to take on that work. There are only a handful and they are all busy already. lphuberdeau: ricks99: I'm not getting into the association debate ricks99: lol :) chibaguy: ricks99, who would the association pay, anyway? Merbster: lphuberdeau, I think so too, since {{user}} in other plugins are working correctly.
it's only when it's a "wiki argument variable" that comes from $_GET chibaguy: is there someone qualified who doesn't have his/her plate full already? fabricius: chibaguy: chicken and egg I agree, but offhand I know at least 2 coders, whom I could call for some subcontracting - IF I would get somebody to pay ricks99: @chibaguy: i envision an rfp process to be public & open chibaguy: ok, maybe my confidense is too low in somebody who hasn't touched Tiki code before. ricks99: *if* that is a role the assocaition wants to take on. but this is an interesting change of course, as lph hints Merbster: fabricius, It's usually hard talking customers into paying for developing something they will be "giving away for free" :P ***: rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: and I am sure, that if I would have a customer in my back and asked for a paid dev in the list, some people would like to step up and do some paiud contribution chibaguy: well, I've seen requests to hire a tiki coder go unmet, but maybe was just the timing. fabricius: Merbster: you are right, yes - so first thing is that the functions must work out of the box, that decition makers want to see
Merbster: second - then it is the advantage the consultant has to convince the customer, that a onetime paiment of a good feature into the free community would save much more costs of further development
and there is even stuff, that I would pay for, if I had the money, just because I think Tiki needs it and I need it to get customers chibaguy: Merbster, maybe it depends on who the client is. If a company, probably what you say is true; if an NPO or someone not using Tiki for a commericial purpose, they are more inclined to say go ahead and add it to the package. fabricius: again the chicken and the egg problem that chibaguy very well pointed out
yes chibaguy NPO for ex.
or very small company, wich understand the advantage of contributing to the community
because good stuff stays in the next releases out of the box ;--) chibaguy: Well, as lphuberdeau's point is valid and that aspect won't change, for our part we can give feedback, make pages like fabricius's bits and pieces page, and test and feed back, document and find workarounds like mad. I don't really see an alternative reality. Merbster: I guess this is more a limitation of opensource softwrae in general than just Tiki? lphuberdeau: the way I include "community" requests into my work is to just do it when I work close to it, but these days, I work in trackers mostly, so I won't context switch into modules to implement that ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) chibaguy: Merbster: I think so basically, but I guess most projects are more organized from the top down. Merbster: I woudln't know, TikiWiki is the first opensource project where I am involved with the developers and the community.
that is why I guessed :P lphuberdeau: well, tiki is somewhat top-down, with multi-top, which makes it look bottom-up Merbster: multi top? lphuberdeau: not a single head deciding where it goes
but many have their vision of where they are going based on their needs Merbster: hahaha ^^
headless development? :P ***: fabricius has joined #tikiwiki fabricius: rehi Merbster: I am actually thinking that TikiWiki is suprisingly coherent if there is not top-level management of feature direction etc. chibaguy: There is good coherence in the multi-tops' visions, for the most part, I think. Merbster: chibaguy, I quote you; "for the most part"... "I think" :P CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36376 10/trunk/lib/core/ (18 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Function renames chibaguy: Heh, well, it's not a monolith. ;-)
But do-ocracy is the ultimate determinant, and fortunately do-ocrats have a pretty good vision. Merbster: I have thought alot about how to implement the different hacks and plugins. But I am thinking "How on earth will I know enough"
There's so many lines of code and I don't know what depends on what :P chibaguy: Well, on one level, if it works, it's good enough. I recall jonnyb not really liking how I did the login popup (probably for good reason ;-) ), but I did it the only way I know, and now it's there and works pretty much as it is until somebody improves it.
Of course that's the kind of thing that eventually somebody comes along and has a wtf moment, of which there are apparently plenty in tiki's code. ***: radek82 has joined #tikiwiki lphuberdeau: Merbster: one piece at a time, no one knows the whole thing chibaguy: Does anyone know offhand the parameter to have the URL tracker field accept a wiki page name, and if this can be just the name or if the ((syntax)) is needed also?
There is a hint about wiki pages but it insists on the normal html url format so far for me. -: fabricius not offhand lphuberdeau: I hope there is no such parameter
chibaguy, using page selector should work as long as auto-assign is not enabled chibaguy: hmm, ok. rodrigo_sampaio: hi lphuberdeau, in Tiki we don't have a class to handle requests so that it is easy to switch between http and cli requests, right? I'm planning to create one. just checking with you first. lphuberdeau: well, not really, but I guess there is a start for that with the micro-mvc for ajax requests chibaguy: lphuberdeau: thanks, I had auto-assign enabled. rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: ok, I will check the micro-mvc first lphuberdeau: starts off in tiki-ajax_services.php, follow the broker
which is likely to be the one that will need to be modified rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: I read a while ago :) lphuberdeau: ah ok then rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: thanks -: Jyhem_laptop catches up on the IRC conversation and feels it's the appropriate moment to mention that he starts a freelancing career on september. Which means Jyhem will welcome offers for paid Tiki development :-) Merbster: Jyhem_laptop, COOL: SO I can add you to my list of potential slave coders? :P Jyhem_laptop: Please do :-) changi|morphee: Jyhem_laptop: maybe you should put your website :) ***: RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) chibaguy: Jyhem: _laptop: Congratulations. You should add yourself to . ricks99: @Jyhem_laptop: don't forget to add yourself to -: ricks99 congratulates chibaguy... good idea :) chibaguy: ricks99, did the page name change there? Jyhem_laptop: (not translated yet because the french part is not final) CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36377 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Indexing the comment count with the objects -: chibaguy doesn't get to too often. ricks99: @chibaguy: no, one is the list, the other is the form to get added to the list
2 different pages chibaguy: Oh, they are for different purposes?
Seems kinda the same to me. ricks99: y. one for consultants to use to to create a listing, the other for clients to use to search for a consultant chibaguy: oh ***: redflo has left Merbster: are there any requirements to calling oneself "Tiki Service provider"/"Tiki Consultant" ? ricks99: @Merbster: yes. see for details Merbster: Not exactly hard requirements :) ricks99: no, not at all :-) ***: RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: polom all, sorry about that (internet outage) ***: fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection)
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Caarrie|away has joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: chibaguy: in trunk the centre section is now getting covered by the right hand module column (again) - any idea why/how? seems to have changed quite recently... Merbster: Hmm. When using lucene search, a search string like 2040-01A wil not show any results since it parses it as 2040 MINUS 01A
an apparant fix for a nerd is "enclose it" but how do I tell my users this? chibaguy: jonnyb, I'll take a look. ***: Jyhem_laptop has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) jonnyb: thanks chibaguy - i can't see what's changed that might have done it in tiki.tpl (checking layout.css now) chibaguy: jonnyb, is this in all themes? jonnyb: yes, it is for me - in Safari (will check Fx) chibaguy: ok, I guess I need to svn up. they still look normal for me. Or should I? ;-)
updating and watching what files change. jonnyb: hmm, seems to be Safari/webkit only has the problem CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36378 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] layout.css: Remove categbar (not found in tiki now) ***: Merbster has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
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fabricius has joined #tikiwiki CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36379 10/trunk/lib/ (core/Tracker/Field/Rating.php trackers/trackerlib.php): [MOD] Move update_star_field out of trackerlib as it was not used outside of the handler, index the rating properly chibaguy: jonny, I'm checking with SRWare Iron (chromium browser) on windows and the columns are normal. jonnyb: hmm, how odd - fine on Chrome here too, so just an odd Safari thing :(
unusual (thanks for checking) chibaguy: Also in Safari 4.0.5. for windows, they're normal. jonnyb: i'm on safari 5.1 on mac
think it must have been a recent "upgrade"
anyway, must get something to eat - bbl chibaguy: oh, maybe so. ***: mlpvolt has joined #tikiwiki mlpvolt: polom tiki! fabricius: wolod mlpvolt mlpvolt: i want to add a little to the docs for pluginlist. for example filtering by page title or subtitle. any suggestions about the syntax or list of supported fields? lphuberdeau: all fields are documented here:
{filter content="some words" field=title} would filter on the title only mlpvolt: perfect. thanks - i will add it to docs. lphuberdeau: don't know if it's 7 or 8 ;) mlpvolt: can we do tracker item fieldID has content "" ?
LPH: title search works in 7.2 - thanks.
hmm maybe not it seems to be searching all content. ***: DarkCalf has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) mlpvolt: using the filter arguments in plugin list, is it one line for each filter type?
i see this is already mentioned in doc, just not obvious enough for folks like me :) ***: jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: I am going outside... I may be some time...) lphuberdeau: the plugin does a lot, so documentation is quite challenging mlpvolt: for each {filter ....} argument AND is inferred - could if also be OR? eg. wiki pagename includes "June" or categoryID =6 lphuberdeau: technically yes, but the interfaces are not really built that way
and conditions like that somewhat indicate issues with the content organization mlpvolt: yes (issues with content organization) i was just asking a wierd question to understand the function. :)
so you think in 7.2 wiki page title search may not be supported? lphuberdeau: I just don't know ***: DarkCalf has joined #tikiwiki
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chibaguy has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) Merbster: Did anyone create a facebook-like functionality with "status updates" ?
I am not thinking PHP development, but maybe someone used pretty tracker in a nifty way
or blogs. lphuberdeau: does that well in the open source world Merbster: lphuberdeau, is it integrated with tikiwiki? lphuberdeau: no Merbster: We need a "Micro-blog" for each project. Where the user can add status updates to that project, we imagine, it be the same way as users update their status on facebook :P
and ofc. with comments on the individual updates
Now that I am discribing it, it sounds tracker-esue lphuberdeau: you can probably do it fairly easily with trackers and a list plugin if you just need something really simple Merbster: simple yes, but also user-likeable :P
We have a boss who
's both and engineer and an architect, so we get the worst from both worlds :P chealer: polom Merbster: Is the blog items templateable? ***: SJ-Jay has joined #tikiwiki SJ-Jay: polom guys! lphuberdeau: well, tracker with tracker plugin for input, list plugin to render... you should be able to do something quite usable CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r36380 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 2 dirs): new class to abstract requests from http and cli
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r36381 10/trunk/ (get_strings2.php lib/language/GetStrings.php): new get strings: accept the same params from http and cli
tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r36382 10/trunk/lib/setup/error_reporting.php: [FIX] Fix Smarty Error reporting... Thanx Marc for the reminder ;p rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: r36380 creates a new class on core to abstract requests from http and cli (what I was asking you earlier today). I have added it to lib/code since I think it might be useful for others. Let me know if you have any comments about it. lphuberdeau: make sure you add it to tiki-filter-base.php so autoload kicks in for the normal tiki flow
not too sure about the naming because it's kind of specific to the console SJ-Jay: hey lphuberdeau
did what you suggested..
created a module with plugintrackerlist and plugintracker
(for the facebook thingy Merbster asked) lphuberdeau: oh, I didn't mean plugintrackerlist, I meant pluginlist SJ-Jay: it actually works lphuberdeau: probably does, yes SJ-Jay: but one thing though
everytime i "update status" this ends up in my url: &ok=y&iTRACKER=1#wikiplugin_tracker1
removing the possibility to add another update ***: Jyhem_laptop_ has joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem_laptop has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) SJ-Jay: what's up with that? lphuberdeau: ah, I would just use jquery to send that request as ajax, ignore the response and clear the input if it's in a module
the tracker plugin still needs a lot of love
I wouldn't try to understand it SJ-Jay: it might.. but i'm actually surprised how well it looks! lphuberdeau: oh, from the outside, it's fine ***: Jyhem_laptop_ is now known as Jyhem_laptop SJ-Jay: IT'S ALIVE! lphuberdeau: rodrigo_sampaio: what's your plan from there? rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: r36381
lphuberdeau: be able to write scripts that accept input both from http and cli lphuberdeau: any connections to mvc? rodrigo_sampaio: lphuberdeau: I guess it can be used with the mini-mvc if you code that will be called both from the browser and the command line ***: Merbster has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
SJ-Jay has quit IRC () CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36383 10/trunk/lib/language/WriteFile.php: [ENH] Add header
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36384 10/trunk/get_strings2.php: Add a link to for completion ***: RobertPlummer_ has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer_: closed laptop and back CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36385 10/trunk/lib/language/ (8 files in 2 dirs): Nicer for documentation ***: RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) rodrigo_sampaio: changi|morphee: are you there? ***: rodrigo_sampaio1 has joined #tikiwiki
rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36386 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [MOD] Move two jquery functions out of tracker-specific file because they grew generic-enough
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36387 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [user:changi:codecleaning] Unused variables ***: luciash has joined #tikiwiki luciash: polom rodrigo_sampaio1: hi luciash luciash: olé rodrigo changi|morphee: rodrigo_sampaio1: will fix test in 2 minutes :) rodrigo_sampaio1: luciash: s/olé/olá/ :)
changi|morphee: thanks changi|morphee: rodrigo_sampaio1: i don't want to be the one who break it, and as i'm in charge of i should fix that quick luciash: rodrigo_sampaio1: ok, olá :) rodrigo_sampaio1: changi|morphee: that is what I thought ;) (by the way thanks for keeping luciash: just in case: anybody else see tiki-admin.php?page=wiki in trunk as broken page ? RobertPlummer_: luciash: testing luciash: RobertPlummer_: tnx
RobertPlummer_: cause i just restored whole templates/ dir and still get it RobertPlummer_: does the page have a js error? changi|morphee: rodrigo_sampaio1: the new generation of quality will soon be online luciash: RobertPlummer_: there's no JS or CSS at all
RobertPlummer_: missing RobertPlummer_: Works fine for me.
Did you clear the cache after you updated? luciash: yep lphuberdeau: seems to work fine for me as well luci RobertPlummer_: Do you have a bunch of features on?
I mean tiki is quite complex at times, it could be something very small and difficult to trace. luciash: yup yup :-/
yep, it is just local copy of trunk, but i have some features enabled and profile applied changi|morphee: luciash: working for me too ***: changi|morphee is now known as changi rodrigo_sampaio1: changi: great news! RobertPlummer_: luciash: Are you good at tracing errors? luciash: other admin pages are ok, just this one renders just partly with no CSS or JS and no html head and body, just the part starting with H1 and ending at the Plugins legend tag ***: Merbster has joined #tikiwiki Merbster: fabricius, are you here? :) luciash: RobertPlummer_: i don't know how to trace this one RobertPlummer_: what is the error?
Is it a javascript error? changi: luciash: did you desactivade file_attachments ? luciash: RobertPlummer_: no error, you just saw how the page renders "very lightweight html ;)" at my shared screen changi: there is currently problem with smarty plugin attachment RobertPlummer_: luciash: there you go! Merbster: eveing
evening* luciash: lphuberdeau, changi: thanks for checking
changi: ah
changi: i will try to disable that plugin changi: i commit by error a quick fi
x luciash: Merbster: hi changi: look at 36365
luciash: comment the same line and it will work luciash: how come the other guys have it working ? :)
ah i see, i see WSOD on the tiki-admin.php?page=textarea as well
must be the plugin thing RobertPlummer_: luciash: changi: seems to work fine for me. luciash: changi: what was the file modified on 36365 ?
i will just try to svn up -r on that file to previous rev changi: lib/smarty_tiki/function.attachments.php luciash: lib/wiki/wikilib.php ? changi: faster :) luciash: ah, tx lphuberdeau: getting a wsod when saving prefs... rebooting the vm which has been running slower and slower and will investigate a bit more afterwards luciash: changi: hmm, i fear that wasn't that :(
still the same
can it be PHP 5.3.3 problem ? changi: luciash: no i'm in PHP5.3.3 too luciash: lphuberdeau: interesting changi: 5.3.5 :) luciash: weird :( performance admin panel is also b0rked, security panel is OK, ...
i have 128M memroy_limit btw ***: DarkCalf has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) luciash: i wonder what tiki preference might cause that ***: DarkCalf has joined #tikiwiki CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r36388 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ADD] infrastructure to switch toolbars for wysiwyg_htmltowiki luciash: comments admin panel also lphuberdeau: did go through this time, but too awfully long... investigating luciash: file gals, trackers, category admin panels too... others look fine. sounds more like some apache problem maybe ?
i will try disable .htaccess lphuberdeau: luciash, no need to try everything
I'll know what the issue is in a minute ;) luciash: lphuberdeau: superb :)
i suspect it is something to do with the Plugins listing as it appears on each of the affected admin panels i mentioned
lphuberdeau: you were right, renaming htaccess did nothing ;) lphuberdeau: hmmm... when changing a pref, a very long amount of time is spent recompiling templates
don't know where it's called from yet... need to re-run with more time...
stay tuned CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36389 10/trunk/lib/test/language/fixtures/ (6 files): Fix some tests - thanks rodrigo -: luciash staying tuned chealer: luciash: works for me ***: bart_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) lphuberdeau: 134 MB cachegrind output.. yup, something wrong
that all looks really really strange CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36390 10/trunk/lib/ (7 files in 2 dirs): Fix some tests again - thanks rodrigo changi: RobertPlummer_: fixed now RobertPlummer_: luciash: woohoo! changi: oups sorry RobertPlummer_ wrong guy
rodrigo_sampaio1: fixed now luciash: :D RobertPlummer_: changi: anything fixed = something good changi: RobertPlummer_: even if it's a test :) luciash: lphuberdeau: yes, looks strange lphuberdeau: looks nothing like what I expected ***: changi is now known as changi|morphee changi|morphee: see ya CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r36391 10/trunk/lib/ (core/Request.php test/core/Request/RequestTest.php): SVN Property rodrigo_sampaio1: thanks for fixing the tests changi|morphee CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36392 10/trunk/admin/include_features.php: [FIX] Old code cleared template cache on all preference saves in features, causing timeouts lphuberdeau: luciash, I don't think I was getting the same issue I was as mine was really localized
was some old code flushing the template cache, probably due to a very bad default change, but I won't track it as all other calls to it are decent
I think the reason I felt it now is that smarty 3 is actually much slower at compiling
slower at everything actually RobertPlummer_: lphuberdeau: I hear you man, it is a beast. lphuberdeau: well, they aimed for backward compatibility in 3.0, so that has some costs
but for the template execution part, the issue is mostly with tiki's templates doing too much
when they started work on 3, they wanted to use a real parser because it would be so much faster ;) luciash: hmm, okay, i can live with that on my localhost but it would be a problem on a web sevrer later on ...
or could lphuberdeau: luciash: sorry, I can't reproduce your issue, so I can't fix it ***: luciash has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
luciash has joined #tikiwiki Merbster: Does anyone know if netbeans come with a built in svn client or do I need tortoise SVN or some other library? luciash: oh, i got it... there was a conflict on one wikiplugin file and it got borked by these >>>mine, etc. causing the pages with wiki plugins listings broken -: luciash feels ashamed Merbster: I want to download trunk and see if I can start work on perspective stuff. :P CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36393 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Missing conversion of articles to new comments interface lphuberdeau: late night coding merbster? ***: luciash is now known as luciash|away Merbster: lphuberdeau, well... Tikiwiki has grown on me. and I would like to see the "perspective change based on categories" or categorynail as fabricius calls it, implemented as a fully fledged feature, and since this is a do-ocracy. I guess I have to do it :)
or atleast give it a try
I am in no way an experienced PHP coder, so I wll probably need some code review to avoid bloating the hell out of tikiwiki lphuberdeau: just look at how other filters are implemented for modules and that should not be too hard Merbster: ofcourse I will try to ape others.
I am not giving you a bare skeleton where I have not tried to secure it as best as I can and expect you to fix my broken insecure code :P
wow, some punctuation would've made that sentence alot clearer. Sorry.
ok, this is probably embarrassing for a guy who's been working as a coder for 5 years, but I've never used any kind of versioning. lphuberdeau: learning that should help you in many other aspects of coding, not just tiki Merbster: ofcourse.
But all my projects has been only me. lphuberdeau: even alone, version control can save tons of time ***: arild_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) Merbster: lphuberdeau, I agree I know it's wrong, but explaining your boss about versioning is futile.
the argument would probably be "Go work instead, do something PRODUCTIVE"
When I contacted my CTO and said we needed versioning he said "ok we will look at it sometime, but we are busy with X" lphuberdeau: the thing most people miss out about development and managers is that they don't really want to know all of the details
if you ask them, they will tell you not to waste time setting it up, but if you don't ask, you can spend time and be more productive afterwards and they never need to know
or if they do want to know about those things, it's quite easy to find arguments to convince them because development without version control is essentially stone age Merbster: hahahha
lphuberdeau, my CTO is SJ-Jay, when I quote you on this he will give me SVN :P lphuberdeau: CVS dates back to 1990 and it was not the first
oldest date I could find on wikipedia is 1977 Merbster: I get it lphuberdeau :P ***: radek82 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) lphuberdeau: I mean, a few cobol programmers could get away with an excuse for not using version control in their old days Merbster: the boss at my last job WAS that old. ***: RobertPlummer_ has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) Merbster: night night :) ***: Merbster has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) CIA-88: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36394 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Use the manage language dialog for wiki pages and articles, wiki pages keep edit_translation to create new translations and some additional wiki-only features ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki
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