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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36464 10/trunk/tiki-download_file.php: [ENH] Allow easy showing of avatar from file gallery
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36465 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/function.object_link.php: [FIX] Put back freetags style that was there before r36405
marclaporteHow stable enough is trunk to branch to branches/8.x ? [00:31]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36466 10/trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php:
tikiwiki: [MOD][FIX] Prevent white screen when wiki argument variables of double curly
tikiwiki: brackets type are not set in query string in pretty tracker template (used to be
tikiwiki: ok before Smarty 3 I think) but anyway if not found should just replace with
tikiwiki: blank rather than showing the unreplaced string anyway (unsightly)
marclaporteSmarty3 side-effects: is the popcorn slowing? [00:33]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36467 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Rating.php: [FIX] Rating option labels disappeared after r36379 [00:48]
chealermarclaporte: I think it's fairly stable given a long enough freeze. there are some Smarty 3 issues left but few that I'm aware of. [00:54]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36468 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Allow uploading of default avatar to file galleries for use when user has no avatar of his own [01:27]
nkoth^ not fix, but ENH sorry [01:27]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36469 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php: [FIX] Replacing hardcoded id with id var [02:41]
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36470 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php: [REF] CUSTOMSEARCH: simplify filtering of id parameter [02:51]
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36471 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [REF] saveTool(): set_preference() already calls set_lastUpdatePrefs()
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36472 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [REF] deleteAllCustomTools(): simplify
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36473 10/trunk/lib/serializedlist.php: [REF] set_preference() already calls set_lastUpdatePrefs()
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36474 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.avatarize.php: [FIX] Make sure avatarize uses sefurl [03:43]
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fabriciusPolom [05:31]
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SJ-Jay has joined #tikiwiki [07:49]
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Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [08:05]
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Merbsteraloha tikidudes [08:13]
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SJ-Jayhey guys [08:51]
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SJ-Jayhmm.. very confusing
Have a page which shows freetags_morelikethis just fine..
but on another page i receive this error: Unfortunately, no such module
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jonnyb has joined #tikiwiki [10:18]
Merbsterhey jonnyb I've been tinkering some more with the JS stuff. Do you mind giving it a glance? [10:23]
jonnybok, how's it going? [10:23]
Merbsterwell [10:23]
jonnyb(polom all) [10:23]
MerbsterI get the correct collection of input boxes [10:23]
jonnybsuper [10:23]
Merbsterand it seems I am able to get a correct reference to the row I want to hide
erh not hide, but show
jonnybsplendid [10:24]
Merbsterbut when I call show on it, nothing happens, yet judging from the children of the row (since I cannot figure out how to see what TYPE of element it is operating on) it is the correct row. [10:24]
jonnybis this somewhere you can show me? [10:25]
Merbsterjonnyb, yes, here: http://jsfiddle.net/3BgZP/2/
I included the HTML table so the structure is more apparant
when I type in text, nextRow will have children named ins_262 and it is ins_261 I am typing into.
jonnybfirst thing is to use parents("tr:first") instead of two parent() calls (write less, do more! :P ) [10:28]
Merbsterhehehe :P
well I am still learning and I just wanted to get it working :P
jonnybof course [10:28]
Merbsterbut tr:first will traverse the element tree and stop at the first parent of type tr right? [10:28]
jonnybi think you've got your nextRow var tangled up
Merbsterjonnyb, rangled up how?
jonnybmaybe now - i need to be able to step through it really - can't find the code there [10:31]
Merbsterjonnyb, ok. I will go get some lunch. and then I will look at it again. bbl [10:34]
jonnybok, see you later [10:34]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Search Results are only displayd as Admin - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42099 [10:35]
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jonnybis the {jq} plugin working for anyone else on trunk? hard to believe it's as broken as it looks here... [10:42]
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jonnybMerbster: (when back from lunch - i'll probably be out) - this seems to work for me: http://pastebin.com/jVBp0knp
polom xavi
i was trying to find your page on doc.t.o about jquery for tracker stuff but all the tiki sites seem very poorly this week :(
xavihi jonnyb [11:13]
Merbsterjonnyb, ok I will have a look [11:13]
jonnybif and when doc's working again, and you've got it working Merbster, that might be a good example to put on the doc page somewhere [11:14]
Merbsterjonnyb, I will see if I can write up an example [11:14]
jonnybthanks [11:14]
xavijonnyb: this page loaded for me (took awhile): http://doc.tiki.org/PluginJQ
maybe that's the place you were talking about ?
Merbsterjonnyb, Dude... I owe you a beer. [11:16]
jonnybjonnyb likes beer [11:16]
SJ-JayMerbster, is it working now? [11:16]
MerbsterSJ-Jay, yes! [11:16]
SJ-JayYAY!!! [11:17]
jonnybnot sure why your version wasn't - too much code i think ;) [11:17]
Merbsterjonnyb, I don't understand? too much code? [11:18]
SJ-Jayweeee looking good! [11:18]
jonnybusing variables and stuff, you don't need them any more!
write less, do more (as it says on the tin)
Merbsterjonnyb, I haven't figured out your code yet :P [11:19]
jonnybi'm only messing with you - yours must have been very close, i just moved some bits around [11:20]
Merbsterjonnyb, it was. But anyways, thanks for your help! :) [11:20]
jonnybnp [11:20]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36475 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] toolbars: A notice and some id issues [11:52]
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [12:01]
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ricks99polom y'all [12:12]
Merbsteryo ricks99 [12:12]
ricks99hiya Merbster [12:13]
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SJ-Jayhey ricks99 :) [12:35]
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MerbsterHi RobertPlummer_ did you get my email? :) [12:42]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: Who did you send it to?
(email address)
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MerbsterRobertPlummer_, robert@tiki.org - Marc gave me that addr. [12:43]
RobertPlummer_What was it in regard to? [12:43]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, a bug regarding tikisheet
or... rather a question
RobertPlummer_Yes I have it
I am getting ready to have a sprint with sheet and a few other tiki projects in order to get them fixed up for tiki 8, I will resolve this when that happens.
(trying to reproduce the problem now)
Merbsterok. [12:46]
RobertPlummer_Did the parent sheet exist before an upgrade Merbster? [12:47]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, there are no parent sheets I don't know where to create them. [12:48]
RobertPlummer_oh ok
Merbster: What version are you running?
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, 7.1 [12:49]
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RobertPlummer_Merbster: I don't think I'm able to reproduce. [12:51]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, How do I create a parent sheet? [12:52]
RobertPlummer_All sheets can be parents. [12:52]
MerbsterBut how can I create a sheet, when it wants a parentId ? :P
Since it's a database error, maybe something went wrong when we upgraded databases.
RobertPlummer_It shouldn't want a parent, when I go to create one in 7.1 it doesn't ask for it for me. [12:53]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, Does your DB allow nulls in that column?
(parentId colum)
is it in yours?
but it's type int.
and you cannot insert null in an int column
Do you have another type on that column ?
SJ-Jayguys.. i'm about to rip my hair! please! someone help me with menus :D [12:56]
MerbsterparentSheetId (to be 100% correct) [12:56]
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jonnybpolom part 2 [12:58]
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RobertPlummer_Merbster: no it is int too.
Merbster: What version of mysql you running?
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, unless a new one was released the last 6 months. the newest [12:59]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: Very odd! [12:59]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, I agree. [13:00]
SJ-Jaycan someone help me with sections in menues? [13:00]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: Change the default to 0, and then see what happens.
Merbster: Manually in mysql.
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, ah yes.
that would probably fix it. Do you have your table setup to default to 0 ?
RobertPlummer_Merbster: No it is NULL. [13:01]
MerbsterHmm. [13:02]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: how is it looking? [13:03]
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RobertPlummer_Merbster: ? [13:09]
Merbster2 secs RobertPlummer_ [13:10]
lphuberdeaumake sure mysql is not running in strict mode or something like that
for some reason, windows often has different defaults than the rest of the world
Merbsterlphuberdeau, inserting null into an int column hopefully isn't possible even if strict mode is off? [13:15]
lphuberdeaumight default to 0 or something else, mysql is the hippie of the database world [13:16]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, I hate it. tbh
mysql is the most unstable and weird piece of RDBMS I have ever touched.
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36476 10/trunk/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] wysiwyg: Small html fix, many more needed... [13:16]
MerbsterI have no idea why it's use is so widespread. [13:16]
lphuberdeaulol, I think I've seen every single rdbms crash under some circumstences
mysql got popular because it was simple to set-up and well documented
Merbsterurg. Default value is not triggered since "" is passed to the query.
So there's a value, but it's one MySQL can't typecast.
RobertPlummer_Merbster: If you think that mysql is bad, try MS-SQL ;) [13:19]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, Actually I have beenw orking with MSSQL and I like it more than MySQL [13:20]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: I come from MS-SQL 2008-2010.
(2003+ actually)
Merbstersame here. My first Computer education was based on MS-SQL and C#.net [13:20]
RobertPlummer_ur,um, I guess 2005 I mean. [13:21]
MerbsterI think the first MSSQL i touched was 2005 ver. [13:21]
RobertPlummer_Myn was 2000,
But just play
2005 was my home base for 2-3 years.
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, I was playing mortal Kombat 3 around that time ;) [13:21]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: We all start somewhere. [13:22]
MerbsterI was a kid in y. 2000 :P
I like Oracle the best, but it's a bit heavy to wield.
RobertPlummer_Merbster: and expensive depending on what you use. [13:22]
but it's still cool :P
RobertPlummer_Merbster: If you want mysql to become better, become a developer of it ;)
Open source = if you use it, make it better
Merbster: So anyway, did changing the default from NULL to 0 work?
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, Nope - see explenation further up (or down, depending on your irc client) [13:24]
Merbster: I see now.
lphuberdeaumysql is actually better than what tiki does with it [13:25]
RobertPlummer_lphuberdeau has a good point, we use older standards right now. [13:26]
MerbsterI noticed. [13:26]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: Are you sure that strict is off? [13:26]
lphuberdeaufor a long time, tiki had to work under 3.2* [13:26]
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, I haven't checked that yet. [13:26]
Merbster: ^
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, ok. I will look into this. Maybe the option should be checked when Tiki is installed?
and it would explain why I've never done a DB update without errors :P
RobertPlummer_Merbster: perhaps, Honestly speaking when I install xampp/lamp on windows, many times I get unexplained behavior.
mysql/php should be ran in the free environment it was designed for.
MerbsterRobertPlummer_, I stay far, far away from the LAMP/WAMP whatever they call it
I have never gotten it to run successfully
I find it easier just isntalling apache, php and mysql manually.
RobertPlummer_Merbster: agreed. [13:32]
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MerbsterRobertPlummer_, it was the strict mode that gave the issues.
this makes me wonder how many other things are affected by this :P
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36477 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD] Content organizer to use unified search to get results, allowing for more filtering options [13:46]
RobertPlummer_Merbster: Another-one bights the dust
mlpvolthmm wiki page alias requires sef urls. (in 7) was it always thus? [13:49]
Merbsterjonnyb, I added the jQuery script to the JQ plugin page on doc.t.o [13:51]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36479 10/trunk/lib/svg-edit_tiki/: [FIX] Removed not needed svg-edit_tiki directory/files
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36480 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerquerylib.php: [FIX] Trackerquerylib list mode for rendered values
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ihtushello [13:56]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36481 10/trunk/tiki-edit_draw.php: [FIX] Removed ref to deleted files [13:57]
Merbsterhi ihtus [13:57]
ihtusI am new to tikiwiki, and I have a question and I didn't find any answer on support pages or googling.. [13:58]
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
ihtusI need to insert php code to an tikiwiki page..how can I do that? [13:58]
Merbsterihtus, I don't think it's supported as a direct feature. [13:58]
ihtusI found how I can insert html.. using html plugin [13:58]
changiihtus: to show it or to execute it [13:58]
Merbsterihtus, it is nearly impossible to include PHP in wikipages and get it parsed.
ihtus, What are you trying to do since you need PHP code in your wikipage?
ihtusoh really.. sad to hear that..
I would like to create a more simple way to add or remove users
Merbsterihtus, sad? - imagine the security risks if your users could type in PHP and execute it on your site? ;) [13:59]
ihtusa php code with some mysql queries [13:59]
lphuberdeauwe do our best to prevent this from happening
you can write custom plugins if you need special behaviors
Merbsterihtus, you can create your own PHP code.
in plugins
as lphuberdeau said
ihtusso the solution is to create a new plugin, right? [14:00]
lphuberdeauplugins are very simple to create [14:00]
Merbsterihtus, yes. then you can include that plugin in your wikipage where you like it, using the {PluginName} syntax [14:00]
lphuberdeauhttp://dev.tiki.org/Create+a+Plugin [14:01]
ihtusthank you guys, going to read that documentation! [14:01]
lphuberdeaudev is having trouble right now, but that page will work eventually (ping changi)
if you just need to display stuff from a database, you can use the REPORT plugin, which is awesome
changilphuberdeau: when the new server will be online :) [14:02]
ihtuslphuberdeau: i need to display and update some records.. but thanks anyway! [14:02]
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sylvieghello guys [14:05]
lphuberdeaugood morning [14:06]
mlpvoltmorning sylvieg [14:06]
MerbsterAloha sylvieg [14:06]
sylviegsylvieg on vacation in aruba ... will go to the beach pretty soon
has somebody a trick to use colorbox but on wiki page?
marclaportemarclaporte cheers sylvieg [14:08]
RobertPlummer_morning sylvieg [14:08]
lphuberdeauon vaccation and doing tiki stuff?
get to that beach right now!
sylviegmy son is getting his scuba diver rescue certification - he just got the writting part - now doing the waer part... waiting for him [14:10]
SJ-Jaysylvieg, amazing! your on vacation.. beach, ladies with minimal clothing, drinks nearby.. but you got tiki on your mind? :D [14:12]
lphuberdeauI can't help with the *box stuff
SJ, sylvie is a women, your arguments don't all quite work
SJ-Jayhaha :D
nice one
sylviegas a mother I feel guilty to have my son working hard to have his certification while I am sun tanning :-) [14:14]
Merbstercan jQuery selectors be linked indefinately or does it only support two levels? [14:15]
sylviegsylvieg can use plugin slideshow [14:15]
lphuberdeaumerbster, infinitely, until you hit one that does something different, like .val() for example [14:16]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, I am thinking something like this: $(#editItemForm1 .wikiplugin_tracker input)
I have two trackers on the same page.
SJ-Jaysylvieg, that's not an excuse for working while on vacation! i wish i was on vacation right now :( spend 2 weeks in Denmark.. lots of rainy days! and my pohne nevers stops ringing [14:17]
MerbsterSJ-Jay, atleast you have working phone... [14:18]
lphuberdeauoh, yes, you can have infinite of those
or a very large amount at least
sylviegMerbster: you can always pick the [0] or [1] of the wrapper set [14:18]
Merbstersylvieg, sorry I do not understand. I started with jQuery yesterday.
wow. I got it working.
sylviegjquery selector - so far I understood - returns all the objects filtered by the selector in an array, you can loop, index... any object of the set if you do not have an uniq ID - but the edit tracker1 .. or something like that should work
.... oops congrat
Merbstersylvieg, I will be putting up my solution under the pluginJQ page on doc.t.o [14:22]
sylvieg+1 Merbster [14:31]
Merbsteratleast I will when the page comes back up :P [14:32]
changiMerbster: should be [14:33]
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sylviegbtw: lphuberdeau ... an old problem.... I told you about the fact that the unified search does not eliminate the stop words (because it does not go through the nextToken lucene function that does the job but through tiki functions ...) and this was almost killing mysql. On a site I clean all the stop words and now mysql does suck all the ressources. Perhaps this is doc.tiki problem (each time somebody uses of, a, with... words) . I did a patch on the site [14:37]
lphuberdeauon searchindex? [14:38]
sylviegyes [14:38]
lphuberdeauI added an internal cache for lucene results that is valid until the index is modified to speed up repeat queries
however I don't really get the issue with stopwords
sylvieglphuberdeau: +1 great - thx
Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_TokenFilter_StopWords is not called
try "how to debug tiki" on doc.tiki.org - and doc.tiki.org will die ;-)
lphuberdeauah, that might need to be added to the stemming filter [14:40]
sylviegyes [14:40]
lphuberdeauwill look into this, go to the beack [14:40]
sylvieg:-) hx [14:41]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36482 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/ (tiki-connect.js tiki-jquery.js): [ENH] ajax: New function to easily show and remove a loading spinner on an element like a button - and deploy in admin/connect [14:42]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36483 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] trackers: ItemLink add item fixed for use within a tracker plugin [15:18]
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36484 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Move the ajax calls used by the organizer to independent service [15:23]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36485 10/trunk/lib/test/core/Search/Index/LuceneStemmingTest.php: [MOD] Add a test to demonstrate stopwords are skipped [15:33]
lphuberdeaulphuberdeau is confused [15:34]
jonnybjonnyb worries that lphuberdeau is confused [15:42]
marclaportemarclaporte sends positive ways to lphuberdeau [15:42]
lphuberdeauwell, when I write a test that passes following a bug report, I have no other way but to be confused [15:42]
marclaportemarclaporte thinks 7.2 will be needed :-) [15:43]
changibugreport for 7.1 ? [15:45]
jonnybthere have been some critical regressions fixed since 7.1, imho [15:46]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36486 10/trunk/lib/core/TikiConnect.php: [FIX] connect: Only count received connections in guid count [15:48]
lphuberdeaujonnyb, you're the one pressing that button [15:49]
jonnybi guess - changi, how about a 7.2 beta 1 sometime soon? [15:50]
marclaportex.1 is the new x.0 [15:51]
changii'm busy preparing the new server architecture [15:51]
jonnybgood point, that's first [15:51]
marclaportechangi : did you get what you needed from Nelson? [15:56]
changihe send me an email, i answered this morning (GMT+1)
i'm just looking at the best compromise
should we build 2 Vserver : 1 for dev and 1 for production
or leave the production server on the physical and create a virtual for devs
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Admin cannot access the files of a given user - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42100 [16:00]
ihtustikiwiki is using md5 for hashing the passwords? [16:04]
Jyhem_laptopJyhem_laptop votes for 2 Vservers [16:05]
marclaportechangi : the low cost of 24gig server, I would definately go for at least one of those
changi : given the low cost of 24gig server, I would definately go for at least one of those
and the second server could be 24gig or less
but you're the expert: just tell us what you need to make an awesome infrastructure
Jyhem_laptopChangi is not planning for one server
Changi is not planning for 2 servers
marclaporteoh, ok
As long as changi knows that we can have 2 x 24gig RAM servers if he thinks it will help
chealerpolom [16:15]
Jyhem_laptopand he is on his way home, that's why I speak for him [16:15]
chealerwooo. do we have an overview of our current setup? [16:15]
Jyhem_laptophe feels he can jail the dev serveurs in a Vserver, so they don't steal resources from prod. If more resources are needed, he knows he can have another one
no final overview. Just plans
chealerbut what do we have currently? everything the infrastructure team manages on a single operating system? [16:19]
Jyhem_laptopNot sure, he is really gone now. I can't ask. [16:20]
chealerdoesn't matter [16:20]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36487 10/trunk/ (9 files in 7 dirs): [FIX] notices various [16:23]
jonnybcoo, just found a nice new "audit" tool in safari - handy for performance tuning [16:24]
marclaporteihtus : you said: "I would like to create a more simple way to add or remove users": there is a plugin which lets you add/remove people from groups, so you can look at this one: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginMemberList [16:30]
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chealerihtus: it can. depends on the hashmethod (see hash_pass()) [16:39]
marclaportewecome to Merbster, newest community member with commit access: https://sourceforge.net/users/merbster :-)
lphuberdeau : did you find anything yet?
lphuberdeaufind what? [16:41]
marclaportethe thing that was puzzling you? [16:42]
GillesMhi everyone [16:43]
marclaportebbl (hi GillesM) [16:43]
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chealerwelcome Merbster :-) [16:48]
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ihtusmarclaporte: thank you! the other thing I would need is the feature to select the category for the user while creating a new user.. [16:50]
lphuberdeauusers are not categorized, do you mean group? [16:58]
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ihtuslphuberdeau: I mean to create a user and give him rights only for a specific category, or another way would be to create a user and attach him to a specific group (and that group will have specific right for a specific category already preinstalled) [17:15]
lphuberdeauthere are quite a few ways to do this I believe
you can set-up the groups to allow self-join or set-up group transitions
probably a few others
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: FAQ replacement - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42101 [18:02]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r36488 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg_htmltowiki: don't force is_html when a page is saved from WYSIWYG-Wiki [18:05]
.... (idle for 16mn)
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36489 10/trunk/lib/ (smarty_tiki/modifier.avatarize.php tikilib.php): [FIX] HTML special characters encoding
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36490 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/UserGroups.php: [MOD] Custom indexing for user groups field (index groups)
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36491 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [REF] reunite stray comment with its subject
changiback [18:28]
jonnybhi changi [18:29]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36492 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] connect: Better error handling and recovery, use json to store data & reorder some params [18:31]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36493 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [REF] get_db_preferences(): fix description, outdated since Tiki 3 [18:34]
changijonnyb: do you want me to update mother ? [18:39]
jonnybooh, yes please
it seems to update quite often, is it on a cron?
chealerhi changi, jonnyb [18:40]
changijonnyb: yes once per day [18:40]
jonnybnice [18:41]
changichealer: to answer your question, we have one server for dev/doc/themes/mother/legacydev/trunkdev/trunkdoc/mods/profiles/code/tv/suite/stats/archive.to
4 logical proc / 4 Go Memory / 750 Go Harddrive
the new one has 8 logical proc / 24 Go Memory / 2 To Harddrive
jonnyb:) [18:43]
changiso i'm preparing a specific architecture to be able to have some VM's for tests and debug [18:43]
chealerchangi: wah, that's nice. and there is no virtualization or any kind of separation currently? [18:43]
changichealer: no
chealer: all website is jailed in a specific php context
chealerchangi: OK. what are the main issues currently? MySQL? [18:46]
changiMySQL need a lot of memory
every time it use disque as cache it run into a slow period
like this afeternoon
chealerchangi: OK, I suppose the new server should help quite a lot then. even the bigger hard drive if it ever needs to swap
marclaporte: ping
changichealer: yes it will [18:51]
changi: I certainly don't want to distract you from working on our upcoming redemption, but did you see Marc's mail on Tiki 8?
changi: oops, I'm not sure that mail reached you yet
changi: anyway, can you keep handling the infrastructure and upgrades for the next release?
there is no schedule yet, but it's about October, which would mean upgrades in September, October, maybe November
changi: BTW, I think trunk* will help this time, in addition to legacy
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36495 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [REF] get_db_preferences(): simplify structure
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36496 10/trunk/ (12 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] Replace direct overrides of context values to pass them to the template
tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r36497 10/trunk/lib/ (setup/editmode.php wiki/editlib.php): [FIX] wysiwyg_htmltowiki: display parsed html in the CKE when the page is html (used to display html source)
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36498 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] Tiki feature "docs" is born
tikiwiki: [NEW] Integrated WebODF with view only at this point, will add edit later
tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r36499 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] wysiwyg_htmltowiki: editor switch button when editing WYSIWYG-Wiki
RobertPlummer_Why we reformed the features page? Did I miss the thread on that? [19:20]
chealerhi RobertPlummer_. regarding the tabs and the reduced Experimental tab? [19:24]
changichealer: which mail ? [19:24]
RobertPlummer_chealer: Yea, it looks great. [19:24]
chealerchangi: sorry, disregard the mail, I think it wasn't sent yet
s/disregard/forget about/
changichealer: you want me to be the packager for TIki8 ? [19:28]
chealerRobertPlummer_: well, if you look at r36430 you may see what's happening. basically, there's now a tagging system for preferences including the experimental tag that should allow us to get rid of that ugly Experimental tab, but I'm not sure how Marc did it exactly. [19:29]
RobertPlummer_chealer: cool! [19:29]
chealerchangi: if you can, that would be great, but what is essential for us is the infrastructure work.
changi: if you can help on that side again, we'd like your input for drafting a schedule
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changichealer: what is the main goal, October ? [19:37]
chealerchangi: most likely October, yes [19:40]
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changichealer: begin or end October ? [19:44]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36501 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php:
tikiwiki: [REF] get_db_preferences(): use tiki_preferences_cache even when session exists. it's not clear why this case was treated differently from the new session case.
tikiwiki: cleanup outdated comments
chealersorry changi
changi: I guess more end of October. do you have constraints?
RobertPlummerFrom what I can tell it looks file type detection in tiki-list_file_gallery.php is no longer working.
emailing list sorry.
.... (idle for 17mn)
changichealer: 1 aplha / 2 beta / 1 RC / take 4 weeks
so we should start last week of september when the new server will be online :)
lphuberdeauare there really enough changes to require the full cycle from alpha? [20:20]
chealerchangi: something like that, yes. good!
I also don't think we need alphas
jonnyb+1, the daily build is the continuous alpha
but maybe we should make a link to it?
changiok guys, time to sleep
see ya all
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jonnybnn changi [20:24]
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RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: Does toolbars still exist as a smarty template?
{toolbars area_id="jSheetControls_formula_0"} is killing sheet, is this what you were talking about in the email earlier in the week?
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36502 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [REF] get_db_preferences(): improve documentation and slightly refactor [20:41]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: 404 error when attempting to view existing Wiki pages... - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42102 [20:45]
lphuberdeauI have no memories [20:46]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36503 10/trunk/lib/ (setup/prefs.php tikilib.php): [REF] get_db_preferences(): rename to getModifiedPreferences [20:46]
chealerRobertPlummer: that's presumably a Smarty function [20:48]
RobertPlummerchealer: any reason why it would fail now in trunk? [20:48]
chealerRobertPlummer: I don't know, the function is still defined. the obvious question, do you have error reporting enabled? [20:49]
RobertPlummerYup, I would't have asked if I didn't [20:51]
chealerRobertPlummer: well, what exactly do you get? can we see? [20:52]
RobertPlummerThe inner template is failing at the call of {toolbars area_id="jSheetControls_formula_0"}
I see everything in the template tiki-view_sheets.tpl up to that point and then it dies.
Perhaps it is killing smarty error reporting too?
chealerRobertPlummer: do you have the error reporting level set to notices, smarty notices reporting on, and display_errors On? [20:55]
RobertPlummerchealer: Under "Logging and Reporting" there is only "Include Smarty notices". Is there another place I need to look at? [20:57]
chealerRobertPlummer: don't you see "PHP Error reporting level"? [20:59]
RobertPlummerchealer: currently set to "Report all PHP errors" [21:00]
chealerRobertPlummer: OK. if you were referring to display_errors, that's a PHP setting (one we don't override) [21:01]
RobertPlummerchealer: for smarty? [21:01]
chealerRobertPlummer: hum...display_errors is not *specific* to Smarty, no
it's in php.ini
RobertPlummerok [21:02]
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Jesper__ is now known as Merbster_
RobertPlummerchealer: I have error reporting in php.ini. [21:08]
chealerRobertPlummer: what about display_errors? [21:09]
RobertPlummerdisplay_errors = On
trace = on
startup = on
chealer: Though I suspect ubuntu isn't giving them to me, I don't think it is a tiki thing, althought it is broken.... er, um. If you understand.
THanks for your help, I feel like I'm having a day similar to what you had yesterday/today.
Forehead hurts, and I have home row imprinted on my brow.
Merbster_evening :) [21:14]
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chealerRobertPlummer: heheh
RobertPlummer: I also struggle to get errors at times
RobertPlummer: to be sure, did you have both display_errors On and error_reporting set to something verbose in php.ini?
hi Merbster_
Merbster_hey chealer [21:20]
RobertPlummerchealer: Explain "error_reporting set to something verbose in php.ini?" [21:20]
Merbster_RobertPlummer, http://php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.configuration.php <- :)
or maybe that link was utterly useless
chealerRobertPlummer: $ grep '^error_reporting' /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
Merbster_it's 23:21 here so I am not that fresh right now ;) [21:21]
RobertPlummerchealer: looks like a problem in lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php
chealer: it was set to strict, changing to your suggestion had no effect.
chealer: culprit = return $list->getWikiHtml( $params['area_id'], $params['comments'] );
chealerRobertPlummer: right, strict should be verbose enough :-)
RobertPlummer: OK. Jonny and I player there recently
Merbster_marclaporte, are you here? [21:26]
RobertPlummerline 300 = abstract function getWikiHtml( $areaId );
is that right?
Where does it abstract from?
chealer: nm
chealer: I will take a look and fix when I get back.
chealerRobertPlummer: I don't see how these abstract functions work
RobertPlummer: ah, nevermind, I can't read
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36504 10/trunk/tiki-admin_system.php: fix notices "Undefined variable: zipPath" [21:48]
Merbster_chealer, in that case, you are doing remarkebly well on IRC :P [21:49]
chealerMerbster_: thanks, but all credit goes to my cat
Merbster_: she's the translator: https://picasaweb.google.com/100797722714829254381/Barcelona#5379345878707834130
Merbster_chealer, I don't know what's most impressive; that you trained your cat to write on a keyboard OR that you are capable of communicating such complex sentences to an animal. :P
chealer, looks like a cat full of awsumness.
chealerMerbster_: oh, cats love keyboards, that's not a problem at all
Merbster_: the magazine you see is in fact covering a plate protecting the keyboard
Merbster_is it your cats way of saying "Enough work, FEED MEE!"
chealerbut indeed, she's cherished :-) [21:59]
Merbster_One of my buddies' cat just gave birth to 4 kittens.
or... well I think they're about 1-2 months old now.
Cats all over the freakin' place :P
chealer:-) [22:00]
Merbster_chealer, do you know where translations are located in tiki? [22:01]
chealerMerbster_: the strings are in lang/ [22:01]
Merbster_this can't be right [22:02]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36505 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [REF] initialize_prefs(): minor simplifications/clarifications [22:02]
Merbster_danish is only a file with comments, but we use it on our company wiki [22:02]
chealerMerbster_: language.php files are separated into 4 sections. there's one for translated strings [22:03]
Merbster_chealer, so in lang/dk and where? all I see is an index.php redirecting to tiki-index.php and the language.js file
no php
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chealerMerbster_: Danish would be da
but no language.php in dk is odd
I just picked DK :P
there is one now
in da
but not in DK
I just discovered netbeans gives off a warning when opening files of 1 mb or larger :S
chealer, I take it that everything that is not translated is outcommented? [22:20]
chealerMerbster_: yes [22:21]
Merbster_chealer, can you explain the concept "a flat forum that does not accept replies to replies"
are these replies comments?
chealerMerbster_: are you familiar with http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversation_threading ? [22:25]
Merbster_not really no
I am hitting the sack now. sleep tight chealer and thanks for your help. See you tomorrow probably
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r36506 10/trunk/lib/ (cache/cachelib.php tikilib.php):
tikiwiki: [REF] Refactor preferences
tikiwiki: rename set_lastUpdatePrefs() to invalidateModifiedPreferencesCaches, move invalidation of the first-level cache there, document it
tikiwiki: minor simplifications
tikiwiki: makes delete_preference invalidate the first-level cache

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