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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36972 10/trunk/templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tabs.tpl: [FIX] If everything in the tabs plugin is already parsed in wikiplugin_tabs.php, the contents should not be parsed once more [00:16]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36973 10/trunk/ (lib/filegals/filegallib.php tiki-list_file_gallery.php): [ENH] Added ability to search for files by file type from list file gallery [00:25]
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OTRtiki 7.1: i have been looking everywhere for how to make the fields which are generated on a tracker linkable. someone mentioned page selector and according to: http://doc.tiki.org/Pretty+Tracker it doesn't apply. any other suggestions? [02:30]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: New install (with netfirms hosting): Admin Modules page not working - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42177 [05:26]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36974 10/trunk/templates/antibot.tpl: [FIX] Prevent visual showing of captcha key which is returned on generation and no need to reget it [06:18]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36975 10/trunk/templates/ (5 files): [FIX] Make space between field and mandatory star consistent with pretty tracker fields
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36976 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php: [FIX] Fix broken registration with pretty tracker template
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MerbsterGood morning everybody. And polom to you all :) [06:42]
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fabriciusPolom [06:44]
Merbsterhey fabricius :) [06:51]
fabricius, How do you set up your trackers when your users needs to edit an item that allready exists in the tracker? [06:56]
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trackerlist contains a parameter called "GoIfOne" in the docs I have allways read it as "GoLf one"
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fabriciushi merbster
Merbster: the user must belong to a group, that has the permission to edit tracker items
Golf one yeah, nice read - do you drive a VW Merbster?
Merbsterfabricius, Ofcourse. I want to achieve that the place where you enter the tracker item is also the place where you edit it. You know if you pass the url paramneter to the trackerlist and include an itemId= in that url. it will make links on the tracker item, that will lead you to a prefilled tracker with the item you clicked
fabricius, I live in Denmark and I usually study. So no, I am too poor to have a car in this country. If I go to germany and buy a car for 10.000€ I have to pay 180% in taxes in denmark.
fabriciusMerbster: just about, yes
Merbster: uhuu that's about much money
Merbsterfabricius, too much if you ask me :P [07:29]
fabriciusMerbster: yes, indeed - but anyway a Golf one seems to be kind of a classic car, if you read it this way [07:30]
Merbsterfabricius, I am only old enough to remember Golf two. :P [07:30]
fabriciushehe [07:30]
MerbsterOh and ofcourse the Beetle. :P [07:30]
fabriciusThe Beetle and the 2CV (and perhabs the R4) are cars, that are detached from age and generation [07:31]
Merbster2CV also known as "the smugglers van"
Bernard1: you suggested a chat this morning?
Merbsterfabricius, in the scenario I described before [07:32]
fabriciusMerbster: so
Merbsterfabricius, have you ever tried to apply a template to the trackerlist? [07:33]
will maybe arise soon, but not yet
MerbsterI do that. and not it ignores the itemId stuff in the url and doesn't automagically set the itemId of each item. [07:33]
fabriciusnot it ignores? [07:33]
Merbsternow* [07:33]
the template now ignores
you are talking about a .tpl file?
Merbsterit could be. currently I just use a wikipage with smarty and tiki markup [07:35]
what exactly you want to achive?
and does the original function work without the template?
Merbsterfabricius, it works perfect without the template. [07:36]
fabriciusMerbster: so you aplly the template and the trackerlist "looses" the Id, wich it was automagically ;-) was setting before for each item?
Merbsterfabricius, it doesn't make the tracker items with links.
usually when you use trackerlist you can make it so that it creates links from all the columns in the trackerlist
fabriciusyou mean plain text instead of links? [07:38]
so when you apply an item template you loose the ability to click your items and land in "edit mode"
fabriciusnormally in a trackelist links are to either jump to the item or to the mailsoftware or to the website - right? [07:39]
Merbsteryes [07:40]
fabriciusin editmode?
are you trying to work with Prettytracker?
is that what you want to achieve?
without loosing functionality thought
Merbsterfabricius, 2 secs [07:41]
Bernard1: r u there?
Merbsterfabricius, I am using pretty ttracker yes. [07:42]
fabriciusMerbster: I mean, if this template problem arises now in the context of setting up Pretty Trackers - like using the Template for the PT [07:43]
Merbsterfabricius, the problem arises when applying a template through either tplwiki or wiki parameters. [07:44]
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fabriciusMerbster: the original trackerlist is based on a basic template somewhere [07:45]
Merbsterfabricius, I think the problem is that the fields of the tracker is returned before links are applied to them. [07:46]
fabriciusMerbster: and afaik the custom template overides that (somehow cascading)
so something in the custom tracker should be missing, that is sorting out either the application of the links or the tie, when the trackerfields are "returned"
Bernard1fabricius: Hi Torsten [07:48]
fabriciustie-> time
Hi Bernard1
Merbsterfabricius, that's my theory but it's hard to say. the tracker part of tiki is a beast! :P [07:48]
fabriciusit's a horrible beast, when you wanna work with Pretty tracker and tpls :-D
but Merbster, I do not yet have experience with .tpl yet
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fabriciussry for doubling ;-) [07:50]
Merbsterfabricius, I've got the pretty tracker stuff down ok. I think it's explained alot more complicated than it actuallyis. But it took me some time to figure out yes :P [07:50]
fabriciusMerbster: so only thing, I'd say what brings you forward at this stage, is to compare the original template with your custom one - what do you think? [07:52]
Merbstermaybe. [07:52]
fabriciusBernard1: what did you mean yesterday with "automatically created menus"? [07:53]
MerbsterBut I think the magic happens in reception of the url param. not in the template [07:53]
fabriciusBernard1: correction: "self-creating menus"
but Merbster why a wrong URL paramete should make the item links plain text?
Merbsterfabricius, the url parameter is ignored
so it doesn't do anything
so it only lists the fields value as plaintext, not a link
fabriciusMerbster: but then it should be still an url [07:58]
Merbsterfabricius, the url parameter of the tracker list is IGNORED when you supply a template to the trackerlist [07:58]
fabriciusah or in the trackerlistplugin the trackerparameter "url" is ignored [07:58]
Merbsterexactly [07:58]
fabriciushehe - its not the parameter of the url (url-parameter)... its the url-parameter of the trackerlist ... just got a bit confused on naming (similar to Golf I guess) [08:00]
Merbsterlol :P
no problem :
fabriciusor similar to Golf I, guess
If I go this way of interpretation
so Merbster, how to make the template not ignoring the url-param anymore?
Merbsterfabricius, I am investigating that. [08:03]
fabriciusI'd think so - was just a summarizing rethoric question
Merbster: just have been thinking loud
Merbster: sorry, that I could not help further - I hope that I at least could ask the right questions
@all: I have a weird problem:
I upgraded a site from 6.3 to 7.x branches
but now the editor buttons are gone - just kind of a very basic editor is available
Ajax, WYSIWY and such stuff is deactivated
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Merbsterfabricius, I don't know if it's realted, but upgrading from 6.3 to 7.x resulted in our Search box being weird. The reason was because old .tpl files and module files from 6.3 wasn't deleted because we just "copied over" [08:07]
fabriciusonce I activate those features in the admin panel, Tiki seems to activate and gets me the message feature x, y, z activated [08:07]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36977 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_banning.tpl: [ENH]Minor cosmetic and usability fixes. Thanks chibaguy for the change in different buttons so that they look more similar, and jonnyb for tips (and for fixing csv import in your previous commit, of course). [08:07]
fabriciusMerbster: I made a plain new installation with a copy of the old databease [08:08]
fabricius, are you sure your database upgrade script completed with no errors?
fabriciuswhen I now click on the button "features" in the tiki-admin.php again:
the features I activated a minute ago will be deactivated again
so activation just did not work
Merbster: the PHPmyAdmin told me, but I never can be sure - right?
Merbster: ah upgrade sript - tiki-install.php -> no faults either
Merbsterfabricius, Usually I use tikis own database upgrade stuff.
fabriciusmixed up with import -> both no faults mentioned by the scripts
but I could clear the database and do it again
MerbsterI doub tit will solve the problem. [08:13]
fabriciusAJAX and WSIWYG have been activated before I upgraded - why that should be selfdeactivated by PHP-import or by Tiki-upgrade?
I doubt aswell
MerbsterI don't know how the preferences are stored . [08:13]
fabriciusbut actually I could not at all use the upgraded site [08:13]
MerbsterDoes anyone know how trackerlist handles the url parameter? I can't seem to find the place. [08:13]
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wikiplugin_trackerlist.php is littered with references to tpl files in wiki-plugins dir, but I can't find any tpl files in /lib/wiki-plugins
is this some kind of magic that I have not learned yet? :P
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWd3vgLaA_M&feature=player_embedded# on a totally unrelated not, I miss my lego
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fabriciusWOW Merbster THAT's COOL!!! [09:17]
Merbsterhehehe :P
When assigning an edit template for a tracker, it just outputs HTML, yet when using the same template for viewing the tracker, it works.
in what situation is "ignorerequestId" useful?
in regard to trackers that is
Bernard1Il love the logo thing !!!!!! [09:34]
MerbsterBernard1, the lego? :P
I think I have to sign up for the course (at my university) where we make robots in lego and program them with Java.
Bernard1lol yes Lego thing ! :D :D
Bernard1 whish he have more time to play with toys !
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MerbsterBernard1, actually that video I linked to, would've required a shitload of code :P
all the syncrhonization needed and all the controllers etc. probably spent several hundred dollars on lego and lego controllers
Bernard1and hours… a lot of hours. [09:54]
My guess is something between 300-1000 hours.
Bernard1perspectives and possibilities changes with age and children… i fell old suddenly ;) [10:02]
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fabriciuspolom jonny [10:07]
jonnybhi fabricius and all [10:07]
Merbsterjonnyb, are you familiar with plugin trackerlist and how it applies templates, and in that case where templates are applied what it does with the url parameter you can supply it? [10:08]
jonnybhi Merbster [10:09]
Merbsterwhere are my manners, Hi jonnyb :) [10:09]
jonnybthe url i think is the link to edit/view each item [10:09]
it is
but it ignores the url parameter when I specify a template for the tracker item
So that the fields I try to output in the template, aren't made into links anymore
jonnyboh? in 7.x?
might be a bug
Merbsterwhat I expect to be links, in regard to the url parameter, is plaintext, when I use it in templates
jonnyb, it is 7.1 no trunk or anything.
jonnyband you have show_links or whatever = y [10:10]
Merbsterjonnyb, yes. It works as expected until I apply the template though wiki param. I also tried tplwiki but it didn't change anything. [10:11]
jonnyband it all works ok when you remove the wiki tpl? [10:11]
Merbsterthrough* [10:11]
jonnyb:P [10:11]
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jonnyblet me check my 7.x install here, i might have one set up [10:11]
Merbsteryes. And I've tried to poke the code that handles this area but in wiki_plugin_trackerlist the url param is not handled unless you activate somethingw ith google maps :S
jonnyb, on line 1468 in wikiplugin_trackerlist is the only place where it does something to url from $params array
jonnybsorry, not got time to get that distracted - but i have a trackerlist tpl test here, i'll see if url works [10:13]
Merbsterjonnyb, ok.
Merbster awaits anxiously
jonnybbleh - htmlpurifier broke again when i save the plugin (broke yesterday too on a 6.x tiki)
looks like show_links doesn't even work, without a custom url
fabriciusI have another problem Houston ;-)
made a new 7.x installation,
I cannot upload files into a gallery that I newly did setup
do I have to 777 the files folders (outside Tiki root)?
Merbsterjonnyb, showlinks has been working on our tiki 7.1 without custom urls (or have they? I don't know what should happen as opposed to what been happening) :P [10:20]
jonnybwith a tpl? seems just not to show for me [10:20]
Merbsterjonnyb, I use tplwiki. so it's not a tpl file but a wikipage containing smarty and tiki markup
But no matter what kind of template is applied, shouldn't the field links be generated adn THEN passed to the template?
jonnybyes, me too (that's sort of what i meant) [10:21]
Merbsterjonnyb, can you tell me where I should look to maybe fix this? [10:21]
jonnybif i were you i'd just write the link in the wiki tpl in html [10:22]
Merbsterjonnyb, but I don't know what itemId is needed [10:22]
jonnybsorry - my test here is for something else - don't have time to set up a test for you [10:23]
Merbsterjonnyb, ok. well anyways. thanks for your help [10:23]
jonnybi can't remember offhand which files you need - probably /lib/core/Tracker/Field/Abstract.php
do the links work without the url param?
Merbsterjonnyb, iirc it outputs plaintext even if I don't supply the url param, I will test it.
jonnyb, I remembered correctly. It doesn't create links with showlinks=y and url not supplied
jonnyband without a wiki tpl? [10:29]
Merbsterthis is with a wiki tpl.
without the tpl it will work
jonnybso is it show_links or url param that's failing in a tpl? [10:30]
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Merbsterjonnyb, such as I understand the documentation. I have to set showlinks="y" to get items where the fields are links
jonnyb, So without any template applied. showlinks and url work as I expect (such as the documentation describes)
jonnyb, am I making myself understandable?
jonnybyes [10:35]
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MerbsterIt is kind of horrible when the debugger hits one of the autogenerated tpl.php files. [10:40]
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jonnybMerbster: what i was trying to find out was is it show_links AND tpl, or show_links AND url AND tpl? [10:47]
Merbsterjonnyb, to my experience everything works as it should. Until I try to apply an item template on the trackerlist. [10:48]
jonnybyes, pretty trackers are pretty tricky [10:48]
Merbsterjonnyb, I've had good experience with them so far.
I could allways just hack a template and do something that autogenerates the links. But I prefer a more "correct" solution because I doubt the hacked template will be stable across tiki version etc.
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fabriciusin Tiki 7.x branches from 28. August I cannot switch to the HTML source code in the WYSIWYG editor
anything known?
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Merbstertypical. apparantly my irc client crashes when I press F8 whitch is "step over" in Netbeans... [10:52]
fabricius: is that on all pages? sometimes page content can do strange things
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MerbsterMerbster shakes a fist at XDebug and Socket Timeouts
I think it is lunchtime.
fabriciusjonnyb: right this moment (20 seconds ago) I realised, that I did paste a bad content and got it fixed 10 secs ago -- plus time for writing -- thanks, sorted [10:58]
jonnybphew [10:58]
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Trebly<jonnyb>Hi, I wander if somebody has taken care of the fact that in 7.1 the second part of articles can not be shown in editpages. Or in which case this occurs, I get it on a test article full written in html and paste to tiki. No way to edit this second part, more html is displayed as document [11:03]
jonnybhi Trebly - fixed in 7.x svn i think [11:04]
Trebly<jonnyb>Thanks, the concerned site (ref site) is running with 7.1 not 7.x. I will look at svn logs. [11:10]
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ricks99polom y'all [11:20]
jonnybhi ricks99 [11:21]
ricks99hiya jonnyb [11:27]
Trebly<jonnyb> Hi, I wander if somebody has taken care in 7.1 of :
When editing wiki page from a structure, the edit page don't includes the "tiki-wiki_structure_bar" (as for display), this make that we seems to have left the structure management context, too it is not possible after editing without saving (no cancel button) to return to the structure manager. After a save, we are automatically lead to the display which contains the bar (structure path). If...
...this problem is taken in account, I have nothing more to say, if not, I have two GUI and software solutions that I began to test.
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36978 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_banning.tpl: [FIX]Update help with info for sections [11:42]
tikiwiki: 03eromneg * r36979 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl: [ENH] [bp33329] enhancement to add new Homepage column to the Group table listing - making the table entry a link instead of simple text - thanks luci [11:52]
Merbsterjonnyb, the "showlinks" option is not propagated through the whole code path. So "Showlinks" becomes N somewhere
jonnyb, I used my debugger to set showlinks = y on one of the items it rendered and it worked.
jonnybhmm, ok - where? [11:53]
Merbsterjonnyb, lib/core/tracker/field/Abstract.php the context that is supplied. has showlinks=n instead of y [11:54]
jonnybsounds like a clue, maybe just needs to pass it on [11:54]
Merbsterjonnyb, that's what I am thinking. But I seriously lack overview over this code. It's the first time I had to actually understand such a huge codebase :P [11:55]
jonnybis it broken in trunk? (would need fixing there first) [11:55]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36980 10/branches/7.x/styles/layout/design.css: [bp/36936][FIX] Consistency in appearance of input, button and span class="button" a. Thanks to xavi for pointing out the problem. (thks chibaguy for fixing it!) [11:56]
jonnybsorry i can't take this on now [11:56]
Merbsterjonnyb, I don't expect you to take it on. As long as you don't mind me asking questions like this [11:57]
jonnybthat's ok - i appreciate how overwhelming tiki can be, just saying sorry i can't actually get into the code with you [11:58]
arildbI am holding back the upgrade to 7.x from several installations due to the new module handlng. It gives such a bad impression, that I tend to think the whole product is experimental. All I would like to do is to position my search box, like it was in Tiki 6.x (on the right side - top) I am failing in this task. The search box, simply jumps to the left. Somebody mentioned that this would improve in Tiki 8. Well, I am now testing Tiki 8.0 SVN, and it's s
till the same. I wish the "search box" feature option from 6.x had been kept. ...do any of you guys have some tips?
jonnybit's there, no? [11:58]
Merbsterarildb, you can style the new searchbox to look like the old with some options to the module
jonnyb, No worries. I know how it is to be busy with your job :)
jonnybjob? [11:59]
arildbMerbster: It the position, not the look, I am having problems with [12:00]
ricks99@arildb: you can easily use tiki 7 and have search module on the right-top
can also modify the css style to float, as needed
Merbsterjonnyb, the stuff that takes up your time and puts food on the table [12:00]
arildbricks99: ok...how? It simply jumps to the left, once I release it [12:00]
ricks99float:right [12:01]
arildbricks99 modify the css style in the module settings? [12:01]
jonnybMerbster: :) [12:01]
arildbricks99: float:right works. Now my searchbox is position under the login box. I am unable to move the login box [12:05]
ricks99do you have a link? i'd need to see what you're talking about [12:06]
Merbsterjonnyb, the code that forces "showlinks" to n is contained in a temporary php filed called something like da^%%....%tracker_pretty_item.tpl.php I have no idea where that code is generated from [12:06]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36981 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_banning.tpl: [FIX]typo and wording [12:06]
arildbI have a very hard time with the new module positioning functionality. Does it work OK for anybody? [12:09]
ricks99i've had no issues
what theme are you using?
arildbcould it be theme dependent? [12:09]
lphuberdeauMerbster, that's the compiled version of templates/tracker_pretty_item.tpl [12:10]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, thank you for enlightening me :) [12:10]
arildbricks99: jqui in this test
ricks99: what are you using?
ricks99@arildb: is this a public site? can you post a link to show your issues? [12:10]
arildbNo, it's on my local computer [12:11]
ricks99hm. without seeing the issue, diffucult to say what the problem is. however, as a general rule, if you want multiple modules to line up horizontally, you need to float them and include inline. [12:12]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, We're having some issues with character encoding in the lucene search results. Any hints?
lphuberdeau, so far every place where we have a choice we consistently pick UTF-8
lphuberdeauthere were some issues a while back, but I think those were fixed even in 7.x
can't say if it was before or after 7.1
Merbsterlphuberdeau, haha ok. Well atleast we can live with it until tiki 7.2 :P [12:18]
lphuberdeaulib/core/Search/Index/Lucene.php should contain 'UTF-8' in at least 2 places [12:18]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, I will check 2 secs [12:18]
arildbricks99: I have tried several themes. They behave differently, but none of them really work [12:18]
jonnybarildb: what's the problem exactly? most modules usually don't need special css to position them [12:19]
arildbricks99: btw. I am testing on Firefox 6.01 on windows 7 [12:19]
ricks99Sorry, without seeing the issue I can't really comment. I can definately say that module positioning "works" on all my Tikis [12:20]
arildbjonnyb: My problem is that I can drag the modules, but they tend to jump back once I release the mouse. Sometimes I am able to a module and it stays. [12:20]
jonnybsometimes it is tricky to get the first module into an empty zone
which browser?
arildbFirefox 6.01 on windows 7 [12:21]
jonnybshould be ok
if you can't get the module to the zone you want, just stick it somewhere else (and save it), then double click it and change the zone in the dropdown
Merbsterdoes "Clear cache" force recompile all smarty templates? [12:25]
jonnybyes [12:25]
arildbtrying to clear cache
clearing cache...no difference. Using theme: fivealive, there is a wide yellow area below the moved module. Looks like it just widens, and not moves.
Using firebug, I can see the style change. only "top" is adjusted. There is no height specification
jonnybcache shouldn't have anything to do with drag and drop... [12:29]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36982 10/branches/7.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [ENH] Several commits backported to provide fully working CSV export and CSV import. Thanks jonnyb.
tikiwiki: [bp/r36908][ENH] Work in progress to add CSV export of banning rules. In a later stage, CSV import will be added.
tikiwiki: [bp/r36912][FIX] banning: Pass the data only to the export function
tikiwiki: [bp/r36914][ENH] Work in progress to add Import banning rules by means of a CSV file.
tikiwiki: [bp/r36916][ENH] banning: Export section data and create or update rules on import. More tidying to do...
tikiwiki: [bp/r36922][FIX] banning: Don't try and update rules that don't exist here (thanks Xavi)
jonnybthe yellow box should indicate where the module will drop [12:29]
arildbfor the seachbox, there is a css height spec, and that works better [12:30]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, UTF-8 is there twice, in generateDocument function and buildQuery function [12:31]
arildbThe search box still tend to jump back where is came from, when I release the mouse [12:32]
ricks99instead of using drag/drop, just use manual process to assign to a position [12:35]
arildbmaybe it works ok for some, but certainly not for me. My main problem is that I have to use this functionality to get the searchbox displayed. I think the 6.x solution of having the "search box feature" was much better. Then at least, I could get the basic layout without having to manually position it. [12:35]
ricks99using the modules is far more flexible - you can postition the search box anywhere. in tiki 6, it was defined (hard coded) by the template [12:35]
arildbricks99: manual may be better, but what have the drag&drop then? It gives a bad impression. [12:35]
ricks99drag and drop works for most people (including me) [12:36]
arildbI would still prefer to have the option of the fixed searchbox. Easy to activate...and I still could hack its position afterwards [12:36]
ricks99i've had no issues in positioning modules
why "hack" when you can simply position the module?
jonnybarildb: wait until you've made a few heavily customised 6.x sites by hacking templates and get back to us! :) i promise modules are a better way [12:37]
arildbwell, I can't [12:37]
ricks99+1 jonnyb :-) [12:37]
jonnybwe've had no feed back that drag and drop is so unusable before [12:37]
arildbjonnyb: maybe you are right, but as the module feature is today....not good on my side. [12:37]
jonnybyou can use the "add module" button instead [12:37]
arildbI do use add module....so, you drag straight from all modules...ah..maybe that's it. Let me try it [12:38]
ricks99ricks99 loves modules in tiki 7 :-) [12:39]
jonnybarildb: by the way, if you hover the mouse of an existing assigned module it will also highlight in yellow, maybe that's what you're seeing? [12:39]
arildbyes, I see the yellow area [12:39]
jonnybwhere are you trying to drag the module? [12:40]
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
arildbdragging from all modules gives the same result....I am trying to position the search module in the top area [12:40]
chibaguypolom [12:40]
ricks99i only use the drag/drop when repositioning modules. [12:41]
arildbI'll try to make a screencast, so you guys can download and see the effect [12:41]
ricks99polom chibaguy [12:42]
jonnybok, will watch :) [12:42]
chibaguyhi ricks99 and everybody [12:42]
MerbsterI am able to make the trackerlist show the links now. [12:42]
chibaguy:-) [12:42]
jonnybyay Merbster - how? [12:42]
MerbsterBut it still ignores the content of the url parameter (since the links point at view_tracker not the tiki-index I tried to use) [12:42]
jonnybhi chibaguy [12:42]
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Merbsterjonnyb, the showlinks=n was hardcoded in the tpl files for the tracker_pretty_item and wikiplugin_trackerlist [12:43]
fabriciusoh Merbster you got it!
jonnybhow odd
didn't use to be i thought...
Merbsterjonnyb, I tried to clear cache to force the recompilation of tpls [12:44]
jonnybadmin modules in 7.x seems to work as well as it ever did for me in Fx 6.01 (on Mac OS) [12:46]
ricks99@jonnyb: working for me on win (ie & ff) [12:47]
jonnybMerbster: i see the hardcoded showlink=n in tracker_pretty_item - not good! [12:48]
sylvieglphuberdeau: I still do not understand the incorrect plugin end protected with $passes. $passes should be a table for each level .. or should be --$passes some where [12:48]
Merbsterjonnyb, I can live with hardcoded values in a template, but the hardcoded url is a bigger problem. I guess I will spend more time inside tikis stomache today :P [12:49]
jonnybyes, pretty trackers weren't given much attention during the tracker revamp - you might want to try and migrate to using the list plugin (but not sure how advanced it is in 7.x) [12:50]
Merbsterjonnyb, in /lib/core/tracker/field/abstract.php on line 37
isn't that the part that builds the item URL ?
if you have no time it is ok :P but maybe one of the other code-monkeys in here can check it? pretty please? :)
jonnyblooks like $context['url'] gets used on line 48 (in trunk) [12:51]
lphuberdeausylvieg, I don't remember the details of the implementation [12:51]
sylvieglphuberdeau: it is commit 33863 ... [12:53]
lphuberdeauit's not code I can just jump into in 5 minutes [12:53]
sylviegsylvieg ready to have passes as an array for each level - but not sure I have the case where it is necessary
Merbsterjonnyb, ah yes. I will debug some more. [12:55]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36983 10/trunk/modules/ (3 files): [DOC] search modules: Mark old ones as deprecated - long over due, should be migrated with an upgrade script (for Tiki9 if not before) [12:55]
ricks99doc.t.o down (again?) [12:56]
arildbricks99 and jonnyb are you still here? [12:57]
jonnybMerbster: just a guess but you might try replacing "showlinks=n" with "showlinks=$context.showlinks" in tracker_pretty_item
ricks99yup 2 [12:57]
arildbPlease see http://www.sambee.co.th/demo/tiki_module_pos_prob_2011-09-06_1450.swf for a demo of my problems [12:57]
Merbsterjonnyb, the context is stripped of all settings except list mode and showlinks. [12:59]
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Merbsterjonnyb, I will try your suggestion regarding the template file now (I had just hardcoded in y) [13:00]
ricks99@arildb: fist, note that svn is not necessarily stable. [13:00]
jonnybok arildb - if you want the search box to be absolutely positioned you need to double click it, and add "position:absolute" in the css field
i was thinking of adding some sort of gui for this, but never did...
arildbricks99: it's the same effect using 7.x
jonnyb: will try
jonnybyes, it's a documetation failure if anything
by default most modules are not absolute positioned
ricks99ricks99 avoids working with svn trunkk directly -- too many chances for bugs [13:02]
arildbjonnyb: yes!! that solved [13:02]
jonnybhowever, if you move it into the pagebar zone (using the edit form is easiest) you will find is goes into the right place thanks to various bits of css chibaguy added to the themes [13:02]
arildbjonnyb: ...:-( ...not soved anyhow. Tiki will automatically insert css style left. Thus when I resize the browser window it becomes mis-aligned
tried to edit it to css right, but it's reset
jonnyboh? that doesn't sound right
you mean something changes what's in the database?
arildbhow can the drag & drop module know which alignment I want (left or right)?
No in the css style in the module config
Merbsterjonnyb, $context.showlinks works. [13:06]
jonnybyou need to put valid css rules in there, like "float:right" etc
woot Merbster :)
Merbsterjonnyb, still doesn't resolve the url I specify in URL param though
resolve is the wrong word here
it still doesn't use the url I specify
arildbchanging it back to position:relative I am back to the problems in the screencast [13:07]
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jonnybposition:relative is an odd one, it depends on the container and contents
what are you trying to do? get the searchbox like it used to be in 6.x?
arildbjonnyb: if I put in position:relative;float:right I am getting closer....but this is not drag & drop.
jonnyb: yes
Merbsterdoes anyone know why function.trackeroutput.php unset $context['item'] and $context['field'] ? [13:10]
jonnybadd the search module to the pagebar zone [13:10]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36984 10/trunk/templates/tracker_pretty_item.tpl: [FIX] pretty trackers: Fix showlinks (thanks Merbster) [13:11]
arildbjonnyb: using the top bar works in combination with manually setting float:right in the css field [13:12]
Merbsterjonnyb, if you fixed it the issue is also apparant in tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl [13:12]
jonnybhmm, the css should all be in there already i thought, but hopefully it's near enough for you - sorry it put up such a fight [13:12]
arildbjohnnyb ricks99: Is the effect you saw in the screencast very different from what you are experiencing in your installation? what OS/browser are you using? [13:13]
jonnybok, that's the expected behaviour - some better docs would be good [13:14]
arildbjonnyb ...yes, a fight. If new users trying out wiki must go through the same, the likelihood of choosing another system increases. In my opinion the dra & drop, gives the impression of great flexibility, but (at least in my case), it must be done mostly manually. [13:15]
jonnybMerbster: showlinks seems fine in trunk when not using a wiki tpl [13:16]
Merbsterjonnyb, I jsut noticed that the value was hardcoded in that file too [13:17]
jonnybsorry arildb, i'm typing as fast as i can :P [13:17]
MerbsterI don't know if it has any effect
what really puzzles me is, why doesn't the smarty function "smarty_function_trackeroutput" get the "showlinks" param in the $params array?
not showlinks
but url
lphuberdeaunot sent? [13:19]
Merbsterlphuberdeau, are you thinking in the template? [13:20]
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lphuberdeausmarty plugins don't get input in params unless it's explicitly sent [13:21]
MerbsterSo. I can "fix it" by adding url=$context.url in the template ?
(ofcourse where trackeroutput smarty function is called)
jonnybthink i'm near to it Merbster & lphuberdeau [13:22]
lphuberdeaumight not be context
in fact, context very likely does not exist before calling trackeroutput ;)
Merbsterlphuberdeau, I don't know how I got it to work then by adding $context.show because it is also passed to trackeroutput as a param
jonnybassigning the params to the context in the plugin seems to work [13:26]
lphuberdeaucontext essentially contains the parameters sent to the plugin, it does not exist prior [13:26]
jonnybcommit coming but then i have to go... [13:26]
Merbsterjonnyb, the smarty plugin? [13:26]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36985 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] pretty trackers: Fix url param (hopefully... thanks Merbster) [13:27]
jonnybMerbster: see ^^^ [13:27]
Merbsterjonnyb, nice :) [13:28]
jonnybworks on my little test here - hope it doesn't break anything else
ok, bbl
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MerbsterI still don't get what file he changed. [13:31]
luciashre-polom [13:33]
Merbsterhey luciash [13:33]
luciashhi Merbster [13:34]
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luciashhe changed 2 files in 2 dirs apparently :) [13:35]
Merbsterluciash, haha yes. I caught him on skype and he linked me to the svn stuff (which I have little experience with)
but I found out
luciashMerbster: if u subscribe to tikiwiki-cvs list, you'll get all the commits details to your mailbox [13:37]
Merbsterluciash, thank you. I will look into it
This is so nice. Thank you all for your help with the tracker links :)
..... (idle for 24mn)
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....... (idle for 30mn)
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r36986 10/branches/proposals/6.x/styles/layout/design.css: [bp/36936][FIX] Consistency in appearance of input, button and span class="button" a. Thanks to xavi for pointing out the problem. (thks chibaguy for fixing it!) [14:54]
.... (idle for 19mn)
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fabriciusCSS - question:
In Tiki 7 I have several modules in the header
one menu module reserves the whole line, so the logo is too wide below
I moved the menu (a small vertical two items for admins) to the left and had enough space for the logo
how can I move the logo? writing in some clearfix or so? what I would have to write?
RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: I gotta tell you, I love the logic you through together in sheetlib sometime back.
lphuberdeau: I'm just now cleaning it up from the chaos I created in 6 and 7.
lphuberdeauyou mean in 2004? [15:19]
RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: lol, yup [15:19]
fabriciusto describe it clearer: there is a menu in the header and a logo under the menu ... now I move the menu to the left and the logo should move up to the top left corner of the header [15:20]
RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: I'm moving things around so there is much less code and the different sheet types aren't hacked in.
lphuberdeau: But anyway, it is written the way good code should be.
ricks99|away@fabricius: you can use the position:relative and top: XX;left: xx to "nudge" the logo [15:21]
RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: Very shortly we will have tiki sheets linking between files and trackers.
lphuberdeau: You can join all 3 into 1 loaded sheet, pushing data between each.
lphuberdeaunice [15:23]
fabriciusricks99|away: thanks - I at the moment did type: position: absolute; to the menu and the logo moved up (position relative to the logo did not work
ricks99|away: would you recommend that, or any objection?
ricks99|away: ;-)
ricks99|awayif it worked, great :) [15:24]
fabriciusthx for ur quick answer [15:24]
ricks99|awayur welcome
ricks99|away really away now... :)
.... (idle for 16mn)
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CodyGpolom all
it was a great summer and today it's back to tiki.
having an issue with a contact form, subject/message, that isn't working to send the message to everyone in the group. ie: owners send message to strata council.
{mail group="Admins" showuser="y"} <<< Send Mail just refreshes the page and nothing is sent.
maybe i only think "mail" can do what I want.... send messages to everyone in a group.
tiki 7.1
chealerpolom [15:49]
CodyGhi chealer
it's a beautiful day here, hope your day is going well.
in tiki is it possible to send mail to members of a group?
chealerhi CodyG. it seems beautiful seen from the basement's window. [15:51]
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jonnybre [15:52]
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CodyGhmmm... maybe i'm looking at the email group thing all wrong, maybe i should set up a tracker and a group watch or alert?? [15:56]
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nkoth|nelsonlphuberdeau: (or anyone else) when using plugin list , is the default sort by relevance of search result? [15:58]
lphuberdeauyes [15:58]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36987 10/trunk/tiki-login_scr.php: [FIX] If user group home is on, and if set to apply only if logging in from default homepage, then when logging in from elsewhere it should still redirect to page the user was on [16:02]
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indrohi all
i enabled rss feed for articles. when i go to the rss feed link tiki-articles_rss.php, i get this error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Feed_Exception' with message 'Invalid parameter: parameter must be a non-empty string and valid URI/IRI' in /var/www/web100/html/echte-demokratie-jetzt/tiki/lib/core/Zend/Feed/Writer/Entry.php:286 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/web100/html/echte-demokratie-jetzt/tiki/lib/rss/rsslib.php(258): Zend_Feed_Writer_Entry->setLink('http://echte-de...') #1 /var/www/web100/html/echte-demokratie-jetzt/tiki/tiki-articles
any idea whats wrong?
Merbsterindro, it seems that on line 266 of the file Entry.php the code is fed an invalid parameter
it says it needs a valid URI that means a valid URL / http adress
apart from that I have no idea I am not familiar with that part of Tiki
indro, what did you type into the setup boxes for the RSS feed?
most importantly the url one (if there is such)
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r36988 10/trunk/ (6 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Moving import/export of tracker definitions, wanted to include the profile export as well, but encountered 4 different fatal errors while testing the feature (code still present for now, but not linked to) [16:43]
lphuberdeauindro, I believe that one is fixed in 7.2 (to be released) ping jonnyb [16:43]
jonnybpong? [16:44]
indroi added now homepage url but still the same error. [16:44]
jonnyboh right - could be uri with accents in? Zend thinks they are invalid [16:44]
indronope but they are - in the url, could be that the problem? [16:45]
lphuberdeauactually, spaces and international chars cause trouble too [16:45]
jonnybyes, fixed in 7.x svn [16:45]
allright, thx, any eta when 7.2 will be released?
or is it safe to use svn?
jonnybno, but i think we really should do 7.2 soon - there are so many fixed in svn now... [16:47]
indrookay, will wait then. [16:48]
jonnybbut i can't do it for a while, so it may not be soon... if you can run from 7.x svn it will help test stuff (and this should work)
also, if you do find something wrong ask here and it should get fixed pretty quickly
indroother question, i include articles in wiki with { articles }, is there a way to display future articles? [16:52]
chealer[sylvieg:] in Admin Categories, do we want to see the category tree with actual or translated category names? [16:59]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36989 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
tikiwiki: [KIL] xajax remnants: Some left over parts of old ajaxlib which i tried to bring
tikiwiki: back to use for mobile_feature, but it didn't help and added to instability in
tikiwiki: mobile mode. Should be rewritten using Services now. Many comments still in the
tikiwiki: code in various places as markers for where this is required, tagged with
tikiwiki: "AJAX_TODO"
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indroit displays only articles in the past with { articles } [17:23]
jonnybindro: isn't there something on articles about whether they should should show up (i.e. be published) in advance? [17:29]
ricks99|awayyes. check the article type. there's a show before publication date y/n option [17:31]
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jonnybanyone got any good ideas what "voting icons" should look like? [17:37]
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ricks99thumb up/down?
up = aye, down = nay
jonnybwell, what we decided (at a 'fest ages ago) was to have 3 votes - "like", "fixme" and "wtf" (which stands for "what's this for?" obviously)
so i started off with heart, bug and question mark, but they don't look great
ricks99for like, use thumb up, similar to FB [17:40]
jonnybcan be seen here http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-admin.php?page=general
(if you check the "feedback" checkbox
ricks991 sec (too much gonig on at once) [17:42]
jonnybok, sry [17:42]
ricks99bummer, rick doesn't have login for demo.t.o :(
ricks99 likes the idea, but it looks *way* too busy
oh dear, found a bug there :(
just breaking demo.t.o updating it, by the way - will be back soon
arildblphuberdeau: Are you here? [17:58]
lphuberdeaudon't know for how long [18:00]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36990 10/trunk/lib/core/Connect/Client.php: [FIX] connect: Don't use INFORMATION_SCHEMA to get table row counts as some setups (e.g. cpanel) don't have access to that table [18:23]
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arildblphuberdeau: Are you here? [18:29]
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arildblphuberdeau: Are you here? [18:30]
lphuberdeauyes, but I don't know for how long [18:30]
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arildbQ quick question
A am backporting your mb_ fix to 7,x
$oldId = md5($type . TikiLib::strtolower($old));
$newId = md5($type . TikiLib::strtolower($new));
tiki 7.x
$oldId = md5($type . $old);
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Group Mail - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42185 [18:31]
arildb$newId = md5($type . $new); [18:31]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: files upgrade on sourceforge are corrupted - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42183
New Forum Posts: Link to new Wiki page doesn't become a link after creating and saving the new page. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42182
arildbThus there is no strtolower in 7.x
What do I do?
lphuberdeauit's probably wrong in 7.x, but I guess you should leave it as-is [18:32]
arildbline 8144
6.x was more similar to trunk than 7.x
lphuberdeauhad strtolower? [18:33]
arildbwhat does rename_object do? (So, I can test it)
yes, in 6.x strtolower
lphuberdeauthen use the trunk version [18:34]
arildbok, so I'll add it to 7.x
lphuberdeauactually, it has it a few lines lower
that part does not have it in trunk either
so leave as-is
related to theme-control, don't know if it's fine the way it is
arildbok. I will leave it [18:36]
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arildbthemecontrol...how can I test it? [18:39]
chealerarildb: you backported TikiLib::strtolower() to 6.x [18:39]
arildbchealer: yes
to proposal
chealerarildb: well... you need to backport the custom strtolower to 7.x too. [18:39]
arildbI am backporting to 7.x now [18:40]
chealerarildb: hum, I guess I don't understand your question. I don't see why you would have more issues backporting to 7.x than to 6.x. [18:42]
arildbnot really, but 1 section was different [18:43]
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arildbwhat is the release process like in Tiki? [18:43]
chealerarildb: oh. sorry [18:44]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03arildb * r36991 10/branches/7.x/ (14 files in 9 dirs):
tikiwiki: [bp/r36945][FIX] Multibyte characters not fully handled causes trouble under
tikiwiki: certain configurations, detected under windows, causing permissions not to be
tikiwiki: checked correctly when uppercase multibyte character were used in the page name,
tikiwiki: the patch updates past installs and uses mb_strtolower when available, also
tikiwiki: fixing similar issues that might arise in the code.
jonnybarildb: the release process is fairly civilised these days, the release.php script takes care of most of it
details are here: http://dev.tiki.org/how+to+release
arildbok. Do you do a release candidate first, or straight to 7.2?
sorry, I didn�t read the page...listening to Denmark - Norway on the radio...
arildb, I am danish
I don't care though, but SJ-Jay who is here sometimes is a big fan of football. so if norway wins. tease him
arildbso, maybe you are listeniing too...and happier than me at the moment :-( [18:53]
jonnybi tihnk we should do at least a release candidate for 7.2 [18:54]
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jonnybarildb: are you sure mb_ functions are always available in php now? (5.2+) - they used to be optional... [18:55]
arildbthere is a check for their presence. lphuberdeau wrote the change. I a simply backporting. (It's important for my installations ) [18:56]
jonnybsuper, i worry too much! :D [18:56]
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chealerarildb: rename_object() would rename an object, such as a wiki page [19:00]
arildbok, I will check that [19:01]
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arildbjonnyb I have now done some tests on [bp/r36945], and it looks good. So, I am ready with my updates for 7.2
found nothing wrong when renaming wiki pages
jonnybsplendid, thanks arildb, nice work
i have two guys on their way to my place from Oslo, so can't do a release now (or for a few days) but maybe next week
arildbHow would the release candidate handling be done? [19:20]
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jonnybit will get put up on sf.net and hopefully people test :) then a few days after we can do the real release (hopefully) [19:22]
arildbok [19:23]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r36992 10/trunk/tiki-ajax_services.php: [FIX] connect: Hopeful fix for demo.t.o not connecting to mother.t.o, even though other setups work ok, by adding params to the $inputConfiguration filter [19:24]
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ricks99|away has quit IRC (Quit: Get the best-selling Tiki books (paperback and ebook) at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ricks99) [19:33]
OTRtiki 7.1: how do i make the fields displayed on a tracker page link to other pages? IE: i have a field that says city and enter kansas city, then when it displays on the wiki page kansas city (and all the fields) are non linkable. thanx [19:34]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r36993 10/trunk/lib/test/editlib/ParseToWiki_CharacterTest.php: [ENH] more tests for editlib (fixes are needed...) [19:36]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r36994 10/trunk/lib/prefs/wiki.php: [FIX] In fact, semantic feature is needed at point of creation of semantic link otherwise link will not register [19:36]
jonnybOTR: there's a wiki page field, is that what you're after? [19:37]
chealerarildb: are you sure you were looking at the right part of rename_object()? there are 2 otherwise identical sets of lines 10 lines appart. [19:37]
OTRi guess i can give u the link to my site and a name/password, but i believe thats what i am saying [19:37]
arildbI think so, but let me check [19:38]
jonnybsorry, not now OTR - have to go soon [19:38]
chealerarildb: the relevant one is on :8157 [19:38]
OTRwhere do i find info on wiki page field for trackers? i mean the tracker creates a page already, but each of the fields it displays are not linkable [19:39]
arildbchealer: You are right!
How would I fix this in SVN?
chealerarildb: you just skipped rename_object() in your last commit? then just do that and commit again, optionally saying this completes r36991. [19:40]
OTRSpecific to the View Item page that the tracker displays [19:40]
jonnybOTR: try http://doc.tiki.org/Page+selector&structure=Documentation+TOC [19:40]
chealerdo that: do rename_object()
arildb: if you're wondering how to "modify a commit", that can't be done.
arildbchealer: I will make another commit with the latest change and make a comment [19:41]
chealerthanks for handling this arildb (and for the report!)
or the reportS :-S
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03arildb * r36995 10/branches/7.x/lib/tikilib.php: [bp/r36945][FIX][Completes r36991] Forgot to update a section. [19:44]
arildbchealer: Done...guess that proves that my testing was insufficient.... [19:44]
chealerarildb: don't worry, I don't think that part was critical, I just found what you were saying suspicious.
thank you
arildbchealer: Thanks for that [19:47]
jonnybok, bye for now - until next time... [19:53]
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nkoth|nelsonlphuberdeau, can unified search have search by 2/multiple orders, i.e. if the first order is all the same the second field is used as the secondary sort [20:00]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36996 10/trunk/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Refactoring of sheet lib, migration to different files, getting saving / editing / viewing more refined
tikiwiki: [NEW] Sheet gets a new file, sheetlib.php
tikiwiki: [ENH] Bring file linking into sheets
tikiwiki: [ENH] Move from parentSheetId to relationshiplib
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36997 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerquerylib.php: [FIX] check empty
lphuberdeaunkoth, technically yes, but not implemented [20:03]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36998 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sheet.php: [FIX] Refine the want the wikiplugin_sheet for user layout and new lib refactor
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r36999 10/trunk/ (4 files): [FIX] Refactoring updates
RobertPlummerlphuberdeau: I'm getting ready to work on the spreadsheet interface for listing them, and I'd like to do a tree view for related sheets/etc, I was wondering if you have any suggestions.
lphuberdeau: Did you have a standard you were working towards with admin trackers?
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odile has joined #tikiwiki [20:38]
odile!help [20:39]
Tiki|botYou can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . [20:39]
changi|workchangi|work do not edit on profiles.tiki.org until tomorrow [20:39]
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CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37000 10/trunk/lib/cache/cachelib.php: [REF] Cachelib: remove deprecated empty_full_cache() (unused) [20:51]
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OTRtiki 7.1: I am still having problems with the Trackers page. When you goto view item I want the fields to be linkable to pages (and autocreate if necessary). I searched: http://twbasics.keycontent.org/movies/trackers_40.htm and http://doc.tiki.org/Page+selector&structure=Documentation+TOC and nothing is on point. Thanx [21:57]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: How to encrypt inter-user messages in database? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42190 [21:57]
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arildbAn OS comment: I am using Tiki on Windows. My impression is that most Tiki developers are using Linux (or other non-Windows) systems. There has been some discussion around differences in the OS's. I see on SourceForge (http://sourceforge.net/projects/tikiwiki/files/Tiki_7.x_Electra/stats/timeline) that 70% of the Tiki_7.x_Electra downloads were done from Windows. [22:05]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37001 10/trunk/customsearch_ajax.php: [MOD] For range searches, if one end of range is missing, simply drop filter instead of applying just the end as a filter [22:07]
OTRI can't post the question in tiki forums as the server is receiving no data and the ping does not respond
Notice: Undefined index: maxRecords in /var/www/tikiwiki.org/lib/init/smarty.php on line 343 is spit out about 20 times at different lines
nkoth|nelsonarildb: a lot of people download from a windows pc and then put the tarball on a server i think. I have most of my installs on linux but a few customers run windows server. [22:09]
arildbnkoth|nelson: can be
would be interesting to know this statistics. Is Tiki collecting any form of statistics from the installation sites?
nkoth|nelsonarildb: i think this works: http://www.microsoft.com/web/gallery/tiki.aspx
I've installed once from there before...
arildbnkoth|nelson: What I meant is knowing how large the installation base is on Linux, Windows, Mac, etc., could help the decision process, when there are differences between the OSes. [22:16]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Timestamp does change when users edit shoutbox messages - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42192
New Forum Posts: LINKING TRACKER VIEW ITEM FIELDS TO WIKI PAGES - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42191
nkoth|nelsonarildb: right, but sometimes it's a chicken and egg problem. Some people must use windows servers due to reasons internal to their IT needs so we should try our best in making sure the experience is as smooth in Windows as well... [22:18]
arildbnkoth|nelson: That's excatly my situation [22:18]
nkoth|nelsonI find one of the main challenges is getting PHP and Apache setup right and since WebPI it was easier since it does that part quite fine.
Once that hurdle is over, you can pretty much just upgrade tiki as you wish
arildbIn my local MySQL setup strict_mode is set, and I assume this is the case for most Windows installations. However, this is causing some problems, since Linux/other installations don't seem to default to this mode. Thus I am experiencing many bugs others in this community don't see. However, I expect other Windows user will. [22:23]
nkoth|nelsonI don't thnk it is default on either,
or maybe yes
arildbI am not 100% sure either. Maybe it's just my choice when I install [22:32]
chealerI never realized that was enabled by default on Windows, but then I didn't use Tiki a lot on Windows
arildb: you're quite right a minority of developers are not using Windows.
I mean a majority
nkoth|nelsonit looks like default n here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/mysql-config-wizard-networking.html [22:33]
chealerstrange [22:34]
arildbyes, I think it's the default. Thus the default both for developers and sysadmins on windows
So, I would prefer to have Tiki strict compatible at release time
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nkoth|nelsonarildb I am not sure it is feasible for developers to check against windows everything they write. Do you have a shortlist of common things that should be looked out for though? [22:39]
chealerwe just need to enable strict mode on our development systems for that [22:39]
nkoth|nelsonchealer: right, doh. [22:39]
arildbchealer: yes, that's all [22:40]
chealerarildb: we would all...
I remember there were problems with structures and strict mode. I also remember writing about the accounting tables issues, the author must have vanished.
arildbchealer: I wrote an email about my problems with the accounting tables. Structures work fine on my side. Some bugs pop up every now and then, because strict mode requires all values to be filled in (no auto default), and data too long to fit the column is not automatically truncated. [22:42]
nkoth|nelsonShould suggest on devlist developers turning on strict mode on dev machines.... I'll support it. [22:43]
arildbRight now the only one left, that I know of is in the catgory description. defined as varchar(200)...which is really short for a description
how do you do this kind of "voting"?
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nkoth|nelsonwell, we are not really forcing anyone to do anything, just recommend, if enough of us do it there shoudld be enough coverage [22:44]
arildbYes, I think if more people, especially the active developers, enabled strict mode. All such bugs would be quicly weeded out.
It seems like the 7.2 release is going out soon. I do not think it should be released with the accounting tables causing install failures, due to the strict mode violation.
chealerarildb: hum, I wrote to cdrwhite about these tables in May: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.cvs/65283 [22:47]
arildbIs adding a trigger a solution, or are triggers a no-no? [22:47]
chealerarildb: he replied he fixed it with http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/34899 [22:48]
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chealerarildb: I assume you tried upgrading to 7.1?
oh sorry, SVN
arildb: AH. he added a new upgrade schema file, but didn't fix the existing one
arildbtiki.sql looks ok...so maybe an upgrade, yes
if in an upgrade, the upgrade is different than the fresh install...not good
fresh ok, upgrade fail matches my experience
chealerarildb: OK, I'll try a fix [22:55]
arildbchealer: great! [22:56]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37002 10/trunk/installer/schema/20101130_tiki_accounting_tiki.sql: [FIX] Failures to create accounting tables when upgrading from 6 on a MySQL server in strict mode. Completes r34899. Untested. Thanks Arild Berg. [22:58]
arildbchealer: Excellent. May windows users will be very greatful! [23:00]
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arildbchealer: The same fix should be applied to 7.x, which I assume will be the base for the 7.2 release [23:02]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37003 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (2 files): restore problematic accounting tables on sites upgraded to 7.0 or 7.1 on strict mode systems. Completes r34889 [23:06]
chealerarildb: no problem, thank you [23:06]
arildbthank you [23:07]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37004 10/trunk/installer/schema/ (2 files): hacky rename to prevent 20110611_account_fix_primarykeys from causing errors [23:11]
chealerarildb: yes, 7.2 will be a snapshot of 7.x
arildb: indeed, that should be backported to 7.x. could you do that and test at the same time? ideally on a system where the previous patch failed and verifying that the missing tables are created.
arildbchealer: Yes, I'll do that now [23:13]
chealerarildb: thanks. so in the end these commits just moved the 4 problematic table definitions to a new installer/schema/20101130_recreate_tiki_accounting_tables_tiki.sql and fixed them (using the same primary key definitions as those in 20110611_account_fix_primarykeys) [23:16]
arildbchealer: OK. I'll try to figure it out from the log. It's usually pretty good [23:17]
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arildbchealer: For some reason I cannot find the file (r37003) 20110906_recreate_tiki_accounting_tables_tike.sql in trunk. I have done several updates. Any ideas? [23:34]
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chealerarildb: yes, I renamed it to 20101130 in r37004 to prevent errors. [23:35]
arildbright [23:35]
chealerarildb: you just need to take that file and to remove the corresponding table definitions in the other 20101130 patch [23:36]
arildbI think I got it now
chealer: So, what would a good description of the commit be?
or should I do multipl commits?
chealerarildb: just one is enough [23:40]
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arildbchealer: Let me try out the change first. However, the date is way back. Would I need an installation from prior to that date to do a real test? [23:40]
chealer[bp/37002+37003+37004] [FIX] Failures to create accounting tables when upgrading from 6 on a MySQL server in strict mode. Restore problematic accounting tables on sites upgraded to 7.0 or 7.1 on strict mode systems.
arildb: no
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luciashOTR: hi, check pm ;) [23:44]
arildbchealer: Now the upgrade went through ok in my test [23:48]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: SOURCE CODE VIEW - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42193 [23:49]
chealerarildb: were you upgrading a 7.1? if so did it restore the missing tables? [23:50]
arildbchealer: I did an upgrade earlier from 6.3 to 7.1, which failed. The database update message stayed on since the installer failed. With this fix the installer went through.
let me check the database
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arildbchealer: Yes, the tables are there and the PKs are OK (single attribute) [23:53]
CIA-50tikiwiki: 03arildb * r37005 10/branches/7.x/installer/schema/ (2 files): [FIX] Failures to create accounting tables when upgrading from 6 on a MySQL server in strict mode. Completes r34899. [23:53]
arildbchealer: ...guess I should have mentioned soimething about the backport.... [23:54]

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