[00:04] arildb: excellent. thank you! [00:04] arildb: right. that's not too bad for 7.x though [00:04] bbl [00:05] arildb: should I follow-up to tiki-devel? [00:06] chealer: I am writing an email now. Please send a reply when you get it [00:06] chealer: How do you include a smarty template in something like a foreach menu in smarty, a nested smart call? [00:06] is it include? [00:06] (I must not be searching for the right thing, sheet has me going mad) [00:17] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [00:17] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [00:25] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [00:29] *** libs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:32] *** horky has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) [00:37] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:37] arildb: I got it. that's good, thanks [00:37] :-) [00:38] I imagine strict mode should become a default on Linux at some point if it is on Windows since 5.0 [00:38] I'm not on MySQL 5.5 yet [00:40] RobertPlummer: you mean you think it's not like outside a loop? I don't remember having to do that but I would just have called include. [00:41] ah yes, it is include! [00:41] thanks! [00:41] Maybe. There are more benefits too, e.g. if Tiki were to support a different database, e.g oracle or SQL Server. [00:43] chealer: It's night time here. Thanks for your help on this issue. [00:44] arildb: your backport seems perfect :-) good night [00:45] *** arildb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [00:46] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [00:54] *** rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) [00:59] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [01:02] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [01:02] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [01:02] anyone still awake to help rick with a db issue.... [01:02] i have a db table in utf8 with (R) symbols.... [01:03] using the Tiki SQL plugin to read the table and display content on a wiki page.... [01:03] but Tiki is showing the (R) as encoded characters, weird, instead of actual symbol. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? [01:08] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [01:09] * ricks99 hopes someone comes along and can help... or can provide answer tomorrow morning [01:12] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [01:12] *** chealer has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [01:19] *** j0n3 has quit IRC (Quit: j0n3) [01:20] *** j0n3 has joined #tikiwiki [01:20] *** j0n3 has quit IRC (Client Quit) [01:20] *** j0n3 has joined #tikiwiki [01:20] *** j0n3 has quit IRC (Client Quit) [01:22] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [01:22] *** goj has quit IRC (Disconnected by services) [01:22] *** goj_killedByISP has joined #tikiwiki [01:23] *** goj_killedByISP is now known as goj [01:30] *** Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping [01:32] *** chealer has joined #tikiwiki [01:44] *** olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki [01:44] hi here :) [01:51] I think that I,ve found a strange and funny bug : [01:51] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:53] If I write : ((something|0)), the display will be : "something" ( and not "0" ) [01:53] probably wanna give an overview of it here and then someone will refer u to bugtracker. i don't know anything about the bugs so i can't help sorry :( [01:54] no worries OTR [01:55] I just want to let them know here before turn around this bug these day and possibly after, open an entry in the bugtracker [01:55] (I think version is 6.x, probably 6.2) [01:55] now i do know that the ((something|0)) is naming a page something and piping zero as it's display in a text statement so to speak [02:00] so why it doesn't list 0 in the text i don't know --- does the same thing for me in 7.1 though [02:01] perhaps some kind of weird null thing but really any scenario should be anticipated?! don't know but good luck. the folks in here when they're around work WONDERS for me! ;) [02:02] yes, "strange and funny" :) [02:02] thanks, I'll keep the chan im touch [02:03] im/in [02:42] *** nkoth|nelson has quit IRC (Quit: nkoth|nelson) [03:03] *** OTR has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [03:54] *** OTR has joined #tikiwiki [03:55] tiki 7.1: i just authenticated my social network stuff (Twitter and Facebook) and now my whole site is blank. Is there some way to access my site and fix this? [03:58] I mean EVERY page is gone! [03:59] https://offgridops.org/foreclosurepedia/tiki-index.php [04:01] *** DarkCalfz has joined #tikiwiki [04:01] they are all white with nothing on them i guess is a beter way to put it [04:04] *** DarkCalff has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [04:10] Can someone tell me how to access thru cpanel the social network module and delete it so i can have the wiki back or perhaps another suggestion? [04:12] or do i just need to reinstall it [04:18] !help [04:18] You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . [04:19] !blank pages [04:25] !help blank pages [04:25] You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . [04:30] !Manually uninstall Module [04:38] *** blast_hardcheese has quit IRC (Excess Flood) [04:43] *** blast_hardcheese has joined #tikiwiki [04:45] any suggestions at all to manually delete the social networks mod so i can get my wiki back? [04:50] ill check back in the morning, leaving this on, and hopefully someone will help me otherwise i have to revert to mediawiki thanx [04:55] OTR: you can prolly check db table modules or something using phpMyAdmin and unassign it there [04:56] any idea what it would be listed under? btw this is the wiki i wrote you about to do the coding on [04:56] so no point trying to log in [04:57] ah, i see [04:58] nothing labeled social networks. i installed the facebook auth deal and blam all crashed to white pages [04:58] i don't remember from top of my head but it must be modules or tiki-modules db table [04:59] and the module name probably shoutbox ? [04:59] that one has integration with FB and Twitter [04:59] yup i was setting up the social networks stuff [05:00] just delete the shoutbox in the modules db maybe? [05:00] if you were in admin panels and applied something there, then maybe it is in tiki-preferences db table rather than modules [05:01] i am sorry, too tired now to investigate more (it is 7am here and i didn't sleep yet) [05:03] hit the hay i will probably just reinstall [05:11] reinstalling will contact u via email [05:11] *** OTR has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [06:33] *** Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [06:34] *** arildb has joined #tikiwiki [07:02] *** Loggar2 starts logging #tikiwiki at Wed Sep 07 07:02:46 2011 [07:02] *** Loggar2 has joined #tikiwiki [07:02] arildb, I was just informed that I should not congratulate you this morning. [07:03] Merbster: why? [07:05] ...guess you mean the football result yesterday.... :-( [07:07] *** Loggar2 starts logging #tikiwiki at Wed Sep 07 07:07:42 2011 [07:07] *** Loggar2 has joined #tikiwiki [07:08] arildb, I don't care about football I just wanted to tease you a bit ;) [07:09] *** arildb_ has joined #tikiwiki [07:09] *** arildb_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [07:10] *** arildb_ has joined #tikiwiki [07:13] *** arildb has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [07:13] *** arildb_ is now known as arildb [07:15] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:16] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [07:17] *** Wilkins has joined #tikiwiki [07:46] *** olinuxx has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat) [08:07] *** SJ-Jay has joined #tikiwiki [08:14] anyone who knows the black arts of the LDAP auth mode? [08:23] chealer, aer you here mate+ [08:23] ? [08:30] *** Caarrie|sleeping has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:30] *** Caarrie|sleeping has joined #tikiwiki [08:41] *** Merbster has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [08:42] *** chibaguy has joined #tikiwiki [08:42] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy [08:42] polom [08:42] polom chiba! :) [08:43] Hi SJ-Jay [08:43] *** fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [08:44] polom [08:44] polo fabricius! :) [08:45] Is there any way in trackers to have a field that automatically displays a link to the tracker item creator's user page? In other words, I want a link like tiki-user_information.php?view_user=My User Name where My User Name matches user selector (auto assigned to the item creator). [08:45] ...for each item added in the tracker. [08:46] It'd be easiest if the user selector field had parameter that made the item a link pointing to the user page or user information page. [08:46] But this isn't coded apparently. [08:47] *** libs has joined #tikiwiki [08:48] hi fabricius [08:50] hi SJ-Jay and chibaguy [08:50] basically I'd like to find an auto-method to let people contact the user that adds each tracker item. [08:51] like user selector that auto-assigns the user name, but this time with a contact link of some kind. [08:51] chibaguy: I may need something similar [08:51] chibaguy: but not necessarily to the creator, but for the people of a team who "take" the tracker items [08:51] A page selector field can be used, but this requires the user to enter the page name, which will create errors, no doubt. [08:52] chibaguy: we are developing a helping/support ticket system [08:52] Yeah, fabricius, that's a similar case. [08:52] *** Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [08:52] chealer, u there? :) [08:54] chibaguy: We want (longterm) to filter either "cases" of people who transmitted several tickets and/or cases of support-members who took the ticket and are involved in the support of a case or different cases of the same person [08:54] for the start, I'd say the existing filter methods should be enough [09:03] Perspectives - I did forget the URL-parameter to open a content (here: /tiki-forums.php) in a certain perspective (here: ?perspective=4) [09:04] does anybody know offhand? - I'll check the docs awell [09:04] fabricius, I think it has to be perspectiveId [09:04] thx [09:04] actually I don't think I know :P [09:04] But fabricius when you set perspective like that it is only temporary [09:05] fabricius, example: You go from Wikipage A with no perspective. to Wikipage B where link to wikipage B sets perspectiveId to 4 [09:05] fabricius, when you go back to page A from B (without perspectiveId in url) you will end up back in the "normal" perspective [09:05] Yupi, tiki-forums.php?perspectiveId=4 works! thx Merb [09:07] I categorised the individual forums to the "community area", but could not set the forums at all to the "community category/perspective pair" - so I need the URL parameter [09:07] I don' [09:07] t [09:07] know if forums can be categorized [09:07] but I know forum posts can't [09:08] OOOps I see [09:08] a problem arises :-D [09:08] fabricius: u can also do permanent perspective switch using tiki-switch_perspective... and setting for each perspective their own HomePage as tiki-index maybe [09:09] but as we learned, there are no problems existing, but only slutions [09:09] in this case each would have its own forum or something [09:10] hi luciash, do you know anyway to have a tracker item automatically provide a contact link to the user who added the tracker item? [09:10] in 7.x (oe was it for 8 ?) there is some return parameter also, which you could use to specify which page to return after the perspective switch [09:10] yupi, maybe that would work - I am using the new perspective binder - maybe I'll have to test this a bit more and there is more work in it, than I thought firsthand [09:11] a return parameter? [09:11] chibaguy: i think using pretty tracker it should be easy [09:11] Hmm. [09:13] * chibaguy needs to review pretty tracker again. [09:15] * fabricius checks the docs [09:17] chibaguy, I think the docs of pretty trackers needs some simplification it seems daunting and overwhelming but the concept is quite simple [09:18] chibaguy, basically: create a wikipage that has permission to be used as tracker template. Then you supply wiki param to your tracker and set the value to the name of the wikipage that contains your template [09:19] if you don't want wiki parsing you can use tplwiki as parameter instead of wiki. you can even use tpl files by using tpl as parameter instead of wiki or tplwiki [09:19] Thanks, Merbster. I've implemented pretty tracker a couple of times, but seem to need to think about it hard each time. ;-) [09:19] I've been messing around with them alot lately [09:19] Like having to read the sheet music instead of playing by ear. ;-) [09:20] haha :P [09:20] It's been some years since I read music sheets and played an instrument [09:21] I wish there were more examples of what people have done/are doing with trackers and pretty trackers, etc. [09:21] Merbster: tplwiki is new in trunk ? [09:22] luciash, I have been using it on 7.1 [09:22] ah, didn't know [09:22] i am still 6.x mostly ;) [09:22] We see parts of conversations or some new code, but no idea of what it's used for. [09:23] chibaguy: new code, not clear for what its used? [09:24] I mean svn commits involving tracker fields, things like that. [09:24] chibaguy / Merbster - a good and easy enough documentation about pretty tracker would be absolutely great [09:24] Maybe I just need to look harder for docs, but .... [09:25] chibaguy / Merbster Pretty tracker will arise as important issue in my projects, maybe soon [09:25] chibaguy / Merbster - if I could get a hand to get this explained (for ex. setting up an example with somebody) I could help with the rewriting then [09:26] I think the pretty tracker explenation on doc.t.o is way to technical for normal users. [09:26] too many details on how it works, instead of a 5 step guide to "getting it up and running" :P [09:26] Merbster: yeah [09:26] I like step by step HowTos [09:27] I want to start making up videos, as soon as I have the few websites running, I am on at the moment [09:28] I guess for me the problem is I've used pretty trackers a few times, but a long time in between, so I have to work through it again each time, with my own notes and diagrams, comparing my fields to the example fields, etc. It's tedious. [09:28] Would like to get some hints by s.b. who already made up some videos - no support/education, but just some chat with somebody experienced [09:29] pretty tracker can be 3 step guide: create wiki page Foo with {trackerlist trackerId=1 wiki=foo_template}, create wiki page foo_template with {$f_X} field(s) where X is ID of the field, assign perms to that page to be used as template (tiki_p_use_as_template) [09:30] As I worked in adults education for a couple of years (not anymore since a while) I find it not so tedious, but would need a first induction by one of the technicians [09:31] or 2 steps if you use category with the perm [09:31] For ex. I am using perspectives pretty much and explained the use to many people, but I could start with that not before Marc took some time and explained them to me in an online meeting [09:32] part of the problem has been, that on my server some settings have been wrong and the perspectives literally did not work at all, what I could not realise, because I never used them before ... [09:33] heh, that reminds me of problems with Tiki when you don't know if your methods are wrong, or if there are bugs in the code you are trying to use. That has made me crazy a few times. [09:33] 2, 3, 5 steps not so much a matter, once you have it quite clear ... after words it should be easy to extend the knowledge and use just by using [09:34] yeah chibaguy [09:35] thats why coders, admin, documantation editors etc. need to work together - what happens quite in a good way in the Tiki community [09:35] Actually that has been a major theme throughout my time using Tiki. It adds kind of an x factor to anything you want to do with Tiki. [09:36] lol, ninja factor [09:38] I guess it's the price to pay for quickly-changing code. [09:39] my convincement of Tiki is not only due to the software itself, it's the way the community works together [09:42] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [09:44] *** Merbster has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [09:45] *** Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [09:45] luciash, or chibaguy does any of you guys now anything about tiki ldap? [09:45] Any of you guys trained in regex-fu ? :P [09:46] /\s*,?dc=\s*([^,]+)/i <- I am wondering what this one is matching [09:46] SJ-Jay: sorry, nope [09:46] SJ-Jay: Merbster: sorry, no. [09:47] :( [09:47] i wiss chealer was here! :D [09:47] wish* [09:47] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [09:52] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki [09:52] Merbster: my guess is that one is intended to match any number of spaces before optional "," then "dc=" and again none or any number of spaces and then any number of characters (at least one) except another "," [09:53] luciash, Thank you. Do you have a good ressource for learning regex ? because I have only found guides that are about as descipherable as old egyptian texts. [09:53] Merbster: which is recorded in $1 [09:53] Merbster: that what is in the ( .... ) [09:53] Merbster: not from top of my head but google is your friend ;) [09:54] Merbster: best is learn by try on sites where you can test your regexps [09:55] luciash, you are probably right. [09:55] Merbster: i've used http://www.regexp.cz/ [09:55] Merbster: but that one is in Czech ;) [09:56] Merbster: almost Egyptian text for you ;) [09:56] hahahaha [09:56] luciash, atleast you are _trying_ to be helpful :D [09:57] just providing hints ;) [09:57] isn't there a url-parameter to switch to a perspective AND page/section AND stay there? didn't find in the docs [09:58] like /tiki-switch_perspective?perspectiveId=XYZ&page=tiki-forums.php - what is apparently not working [09:59] forgot the .php [09:59] http://www.google.cz/search?aq=0&oq=regexp+test&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=regexp+tester [09:59] fabricius: nope, that's why you need the trick with homepage set for each perspective [09:59] fabricius, the page url parameter takes wikipage names, not php files [09:59] -> /tiki-switch_perspective.php?perspectiveId=XYZ&page=tiki-forums.php - what is apparently not working [10:00] hmmm - so if I use forums as homepage for a perspective, it would work? [10:00] -> trying [10:00] fabricius, if you want to point to a specific wiki page in a specific perspective it'd be something like tiki-index.php?page=somePage&perspectiveId=4 [10:01] fabricius: yes [10:01] fabricius: because after perspective switch it is always redirected to tiki home page [10:01] yes, but I have made up an area for community and all forums should have the same top bar than the community area [10:01] thx luciash [10:02] * fabricius heads off and tries this config [10:08] * fabricius bangs his head onto the surface of his desk [10:08] arrrghhll [10:15] *** Trebly has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [10:16] fabricius: r u all right ? :) [10:19] nooooo ;-) [10:22] what means in the above context "set forum homepage first"?? [10:24] huh ? [10:24] sry, I had to activate the possibility to change userpreferences first, as I divided three websites that I had on one installation - was a bit confused as I had german as default, but english as site languge [10:30] hmmmm still, when I switch to a certain forum, I am redirected to the default perspective [10:30] I do not get there [10:30] *** Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away [10:36] luciash: I do not get the Forums as homepage for a specific perspective [10:36] I am in /tiki-edit_perspective.php [10:37] Use Tiki feature as homepage: forums: set forum homepage first [10:37] urglll [10:38] fabricius: setting a feature as the homepage has been buggy, itself. I don't know if it is more successful via perspectives. [10:38] * fabricius bangs his head again, gets a coffee with milk and does a deep breath [10:39] chibaguy: I need a reliable way, to keep a certain top bar menu for all the forums [10:39] !!! I have an idea [10:39] Do you mean exactly the same topbar menu? I don't understand why it would change. [10:40] because our head is round to allow our brain to change the direction of thinking [10:40] chibaguy: I have certain (4) main areas [10:40] heh, I thought it was round because friction with the world knocked off the corners. ;-) [10:41] loooool [10:41] perhaps a combination of factors. :-) [10:42] chibaguy: first aid, professional informations, associations, community - each with individual menus and each with another color scheme [10:42] then I have the default perspective, wich includes the landing page, new (articles), blog, general informations [10:43] forums is clearly belonging to the community area (green top bar with community specific menu) [10:43] Can you have two menus, one that is specific to the perspective, and one that is global? [10:44] but when I switch to a certain forum or forum thread, ... I get the grey landing page top bar with a nonappropriate menu [10:45] I have a top bar in the default perspective (main, landing, news etc.) and four more top bars for each area aka category/perspective pairs [10:45] Oh, so there is no logic to cause the forum menu to display? [10:45] fabricius, you can show menus depending on page adress. [10:46] and also if you are good with smarty templates you can check categories of the current page and change a menu based on those caetgories [10:46] so perspective 1 has a red topbar with first aid menu, perspective 2 with orange topbar and prof.' information menu etc. [10:46] fabricius: i meant just to set up the global main homepage for each perspective different [10:47] Merbster: my idea two minutes ago was to setup a topbar especially for the forums and hide the others for the forums [10:48] fabricius, you do know that perspectives makes you able to change almost all settings of tiki? [10:48] luciash: I think I understood that, but it seems not to work - maybe a user (me) missconfiguration or a buggy use Tiki feature as homepage feature [10:48] Merbster: yes, alomost all, but not all [10:48] ok. good :P [10:50] one problem (just different logic than formerly) now might be, that in Tiki 7 we do not have a "Top Bar" in the top bar area anymore, but only any module in the top bar area - so we "lost" the possibility just to change the menu Id for a perspective [10:51] But anyway - my forums are reluctant to stay in either the community perspective or alternatively in an uncategorised "forumspecific" perspective [10:52] Can you make a module whose data has the code to change the menu Id per perspective? [10:52] So I will try to do it with a section specific menu [10:52] So not to use the menu module, but a custom user module? [10:53] chibaguy: I do not know how, but that would be nice - but then I would have to do use theme-options (what I will anyway, but firsthand for the first development steps i switched colors by menu_Id in css) odd, but quick and dirty ;-) [10:54] chibaguy: a custom user module would be ok aswell, maybe even smarter - do you know the code to change menu Ids based on perspective in the menu custom code section? [10:56] but that still would not solve my problem with the forums, that minimum should altogether stay in a certain perspective (if I could not longterm assign individual forums to different perspectives) [10:56] chibaguy, fabricius, Merbster : is this understandable enough ? → http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=3881 [10:58] luciash, that is awesome sauce right there. [10:58] * fabricius reading [10:59] thanks, luciash :-) [11:00] luciash, did you make a link from the pretty tracker page to your "Quick Guide" or whatever you'd call it? [11:00] Merbster: not yet, feel free to link it [11:00] * fabricius is actually really eating a pancake while enjoyingthe fruits of pretty trackers [11:00] :D [11:00] luciash, I would do it, but I am kind of busy debugging the ldap module. [11:01] Merbster: ok, i am still logged in, i can do it [11:01] * Merbster pokes chealer [11:02] luciash, thank you very much :) [11:02] woohooo thats cool - thx a lot luciash [11:02] * fabricius sends luciash a hug [11:03] luciash, thanks for that page, but I think the problems I've had with pretty trackers happen after things get more complicated. Anyway, I'll give them another try soon, and try to be more specific about problems, perhaps for future docs. [11:05] when some time, we should add another example for one a bit more complicated pretty tracker - like a form or so andmaybe a list of these template operators like {$f_1} and so and some wors, what the most important do [11:06] but this example is really very good, to explain what pretty tracker is and how the principle of its usage works [11:07] *** ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki [11:08] fabricius: that's right. It's very good for that. [11:10] link added to http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=3364 [11:11] polom y'all [11:13] hi ricks99 [11:17] hi ricks99 [11:17] I was thinking "y'all" really fills a need because in English "you" doesn't indicate singular or plural. [11:18] yes, "y'all" is 3rd peson plural, Southern ;-) [11:18] in the north, it is "youse" [11:18] well, 2nd person, to be pendantic. [11:19] at least in oregon. ;-) [11:19] 2nd. you're right ;) [11:19] * ricks99 dusts off his English degree [11:19] back to the forums issue - are there any more hints, or can/should I head off to do the solution with feature (section) specific module? [11:19] * chibaguy is in English mode by necessity most days [11:20] fabricius: do you want to add a menu for forum pages, or replace the default menu? [11:20] (2 menus or just 1?) [11:21] I have discovered that the ldap module included in tiki version higher than version 6.3 doesn't handle special characters i.e. the danish O "Ø" [11:21] chibaguy: just 1 - I want to replace the default menu in the topbar area included background color [11:21] actually it's since tiki 6.1 [11:22] no one here now that has touched the ldap / user authentication code? [11:22] * fabricius never touched that; just recently bought an open ldap book and never got into it [11:23] fabricius, happy reading! :P [11:23] Merbster: thx :-D [11:23] *** coaboa has joined #tikiwiki [11:23] polom tikiverse [11:24] yo coaboa [11:25] I have a db encoding issue... [11:26] i have a db table (non-Tiki) in utf8 with ( R ) and TM symbols.... [11:26] In Tiki, I'm using the Tiki SQL plugin to read the table and display content on a wiki page.... [11:26] fabricius, there must be some statement possible, in a custom module data, like 'if perspective Id is 1 (and if section is forums), then menu 1, else menu 2, and repeat this for each perspective, and then else default menu. [11:26] but Tiki is showing the ( R ) as encoded characters, weird, instead of actual symbol. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? [11:27] chibaguy: I think that must be possible, yes [11:28] chibaguy: those operators for stuff like that ... is that smarty or Tiki markup? [11:28] Just look for some example code, maybe at themes.tiki.org/Template tricks [11:28] smarty filter [11:28] smarty filter - so an"area" of smarty code [11:29] maybe I can find stuff for that on the smarty website!? [11:29] http://themes.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Template%20Tricks&pagenum=2#Adding_content_only_for_a_preference [11:29] I have the idea to write some stuff (and do some video) all around structuring and organising a Tiki website [11:30] like contextual menu methods, perspectives, categories, workspaces, areas, etc. etc. [11:31] thx chibaguy [11:31] @fabricius: you're welcome to add it to Smarties and take it beyond the basics [11:31] hehe [11:31] or to Tiki Essentials :-) [11:32] @ ricks99 for smarties and essentials I would like to translate - the books [11:32] please do :-) [11:32] * ricks99 wants to be an author in multiple langues ;-) [11:32] anyone have an idea about my encoding issue with SQL plugin ^^^ ? [11:33] ricks99: I had to accept some bad times and need first to start here back in my hometown - new job, renovate my cottage and no money ... [11:34] ricks99: but I am pretty sure, that over the late autumn and winter I will have lots of time to sit in front of my oven with lots of cups of tea and could do such a project [11:34] that would be great! [11:35] olaf-michael did give me a lend of the smarties, but when I will start, I will need an electronical script for each [11:35] When you're ready, just ping me directly and we [11:35] we'll work it out [11:35] how did you write the book? open office / open office and scribus / tech ... ? [11:36] tex, sorry [11:36] FrameMaker for the paper version. Then did FM -> HTML (via Sigil) for epub [11:43] goddamnit, doc is db down again [11:43] just when i need to save my edits ;) [11:45] phew, after another relaod it saved finally [11:46] luciash, do you get the system error message and then reload and get the normal page again? That's happened to me a number of times, with tiki 7. [11:47] The db can be connected to, it just misses somehow on the first try. [11:47] i want to hide the plugin edit helper icons in doc.t.o to see how the page looks without them ... impossible ? [11:47] Not just doc.t.o for me. also on a server with just 32MB of memery. [11:47] chibaguy: yes [11:47] memory [11:47] 32MB is not enough from my experience [11:48] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [11:48] at least 64M works, but to be safe 128M is ideal [11:48] yeah, that's true. [11:49] lphuberdeau: Did you get my im yesterday? [11:49] lphuberdeau: I was looking for any input you had on refactoring the spreadsheet admin view. [11:56] #\s# a regex like this will match what? anything inside # # ? [12:02] I found out why ldap.php doesn't work with tiki versions newer than 6.1 and it's because we have a Ø in our CN name. [12:02] Merbster: imho one space only [12:03] luciash, do you ahve time to compare 2 x 5 lins of code that contains this regex? [12:03] (can be tab or newline also) [12:03] I weill serve pastebins ofc. [12:05] doc needs some admin love [12:05] Merbster: give it a try [12:06] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [12:06] *** fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [12:07] *** Tiki|bot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [12:07] rehi [12:08] *** Tiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [12:08] luciash, http://pastebin.com/JWTmrmvh <- this is the new one included in tiki 7.1 [12:09] luciash, http://pastebin.com/uhhgXqpD <- this is hte old one from tiki 6.1 [12:09] to make tiki 7.1 use ldap to auth against our active directory, I need to add the regex stuff. or else it will fail when it contains Ø [12:10] we tried with a CN name containing a space and it worked [12:10] So that regex must do something special. :S [12:11] Merbster: the Ø is very common in denmark, isn't it? what does it mean? resp. sounds like? [12:11] could be similar to our Ö ? [12:11] fabricius, basically OE [12:12] fabricius, yes it is. [12:12] the German Ö you can also write OE [12:12] jupp [12:12] I think it's lame. we don't need those three special chars and it gives alot of headaches for us IT guys. [12:12] :-D [12:13] try explaning an accountant why he can't have http://mySuperØffeHomepage.com [12:14] Merbster: it really matches "# #" [12:14] because the english speakers invented the internet? because america decided for english instead of german as national language 150 years ago? [12:14] Merbster: it doesn't match "#Ø#" or something else [12:14] because conrad zuse and these guys haven been danish? [12:15] just kidding [12:15] luciash, what about the == 0 [12:15] same problem with our "Umlaut" Ä Ö Ãœ and with the "sharp s" ß [12:15] I don't see how 2 strings and a regex match can every be == 0 [12:15] Merbster: http://www.google.cz/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=preg_match+php.net [12:17] aah I read the code as all 3 things should == 0 [12:17] all 3 things AND'ed together :P [12:17] god damn nested parantheses :P [12:17] :) [12:17] * chibaguy just got the "unable to connect to database" at doc.t.o while watching luciash's avatar move in the user info popup. [12:18] chibaguy: lol [12:19] Is there a way to see what the prefence in the admin panel is named in the database? [12:19] Merbster: when you change and apply it it gives feedback with the pref name [12:20] ah yes [12:21] *** OTR has joined #tikiwiki [12:22] tiki 7.1: installed social networks and all tiki pages went blank. tried to manually delete shoutbox (upon recommendation if you check the logs about 0200 this morning) and no go. anyone have any other ideas. thanx [12:22] the twiter and facebook auth stuff [12:23] https://offgridops.org/foreclosurepedia [12:24] OTR: how much memory does your server have for php? [12:24] OTR: it rather looks like you have something put in custom HEAD code if you view the rendered page source [12:24] no idea is there somewhere in cpanel i can go and check? [12:24] OTR: it ends rendering after the styles in head [12:25] so as i really dont have much in it is it easiest just to reinstall? [12:25] ur up way too early too! ;) [12:25] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [12:25] OTR: :-p [12:25] The memory level is reported in one of the tiki install screens. I don't think it's in cpanel anywhere. [12:26] OTR: well, you could check in db via phpMyAdmin in iki-preferences table if some custom code values look suspicious [12:26] yeah i can't check anything on tiki as i cant access it [12:26] *tiki-preferences [12:27] in cPanel there should be link to phpMyAdmin [12:28] OTR: did you put some facebook code in your Custom HEAD Code in Look&Feel ? [12:28] OTR: or anything else with { or }? [12:29] nope. i just added the dev codes to the twitter and facebook social networks plugins [12:30] OTR: it usually locks you out if you put the { and } in the custom code areas without surrounding them using Smarty {literal}...{/literal} because it thinks it is a smarty syntax [12:30] in plugins or modules ? [12:30] while it is usually JavaScript code [12:31] yeah, i'm just gonna reinstall as nothing is really in it and i don't wanna risk surgery :) [12:31] email enroute [12:31] ok :) [12:32] *** Tiki|bot has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [12:34] prefs.php just contain default pref values, they will be overridden by DB values when it is used right? [12:35] Hi, I have detected a problem with international characters in the WYSIWYG editor. Anybody here that can help? [12:37] *** rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki [12:39] @luciash: all sent, heading to work will be back later [12:39] *** OTR has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [12:40] The bug is like this: 1) Create a page: My ÆØÅ page 2) Create a link tp the wiki page ÆØÅ page on another page, say MyLinkPage 3) Save 4) Edit MyLinkPage again 5) Save ....The link to the ÆØÅ page is then broken. The norwegian characters are not preserved. Any thoughts [12:41] Error found in 6.x 7.2 (SVN) and 8.0 SVN [12:41] Annoying for norwegian users. I suspect the same error will appear for any non-english characters [12:42] danish too! ;) [12:43] chealer, u still not there? [12:43] really need some LDAP help [12:45] I have a fault with modules limited to more than one section in the default perspective (here Id=0 not Id=default): only *wiki* works, only *cms* works, but *wiki;cms* does not show the module in "wiki", but only in "cmS" [12:45] SJ-Jay: There's also an LDAP forum at tiki.org, if you don't get a response here and can wait for a response. ;-) http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum.php?forumId=17 [12:45] I don't know how responsive it is there, though. [12:46] arildb, how does the url look? [12:46] arildb, the url of the link after you saved the page [12:47] "æøå siden 2" turns into href="tiki-index.php?page=æøå+siden+2" [12:47] i.e. garbage [12:48] The text in the link is cottect: æøå siden 2 [12:48] correct [12:49] arildb, can you edit the href of the link manually? [12:49] chibaguy, thanks! will have a look at it ;) [12:49] I am suspecting the module is not handling multibyte characters properly. So, if you know ehere in the code: check for usage of any str* function. Maybe the mb_str* function should be used [12:50] arildb: presumably your db charset is utf-8 [12:50] Merbster: Yes, I can edit the llink manually. The problem is that it will be corrupted again next time I save the page with the link [12:50] arildb, I am thinking that maybe æøå is not url encoded correctly [12:50] luciash: Yes UTF-8 [12:50] %c3%a6%c3%b8%c3%a5 <- this is æøå url-encoded [12:51] Merbster: That is the displayed text, and that is corerct. It's the URL that gets corrupted [12:51] arildb, yes. I get that, but you still need to url-encode an url [12:51] à is nto a valud char in urls [12:52] Werbster: I am linking a valid wiki page name. The module should do this conversion [12:52] arildb, first step of solving the problem is finding it's cause [12:53] Merbster: Yes, ...anybody here familiar with the WYSIWYG editor? [12:53] arildb: and you have Wiki link format set to complete ? [12:54] luciash: Not sure what you mean [12:54] arildb: what module ? [12:54] arildb: i mean on Wiki Admin panel [12:54] tiki-admin.php?page=wiki [12:55] Wiki link format [12:55] luciash: WYSIWYG...it's in the wiki content and using links from another wiki page I get the error. Not in the admin panel [12:55] luciash: ok,, checking [12:55] arildb: ah, you get that only when using Wysiwyg ? [12:56] arildb: must be Wysiwyg arsing bug then [12:56] sylvieg, u there? [12:56] *parsing [12:56] luciash: That's where I see it, and that's what the users use. Haven't tried the wiki editor [12:57] arildb: we use lot of czech characters in page names and do not get the bug in Wiki editor [12:57] in 6.x [12:58] luciash: "Wiki link format set to complete". Should that be an option in wiki admin? I can't find it [12:58] luciash: 6.x, 7.2 (SVN) and 8.0 (SVN) [12:58] arildb: yes, it is there on the first tab [12:58] "Wiki link format" [13:00] luciash: Yes, set to Complete. Also "Prevent special characters in page names" is not set [13:01] arildb: fine, just to be sure [13:01] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [13:01] arildb: it must be Wysiwyg bug then [13:01] luciash: I will try the same test using the wiki editor [13:02] *** radek82 has joined #tikiwiki [13:02] *** chibaguy has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [13:03] hi Merbster, SJ-Jay [13:03] CHEALER!!!! :D [13:03] maaan we've been waiting for you.. hehe [13:03] \o/ [13:03] it might be early for LDAP and regexes... [13:03] chealer, your name figures at the top of ldap.php :P I hope you know something about it. [13:04] chealer, did you see the links I sent to luciash ? [13:04] to pastebins [13:04] Merbster: hah. I unfortunately do know *some* stuff [13:04] we found a bug with ldap.php [13:05] chealer, you want the pastebin links again? [13:05] (they're 5 lines each) [13:05] Merbster: I see them [13:06] luciash: Works KO in the wiki editor [13:06] chealer, why did you remove the regex? (if it is you) [13:06] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [13:07] arildb: KO or OK :) [13:07] ? [13:07] luciash: ...typo [13:07] KO [13:07] OK [13:07] there [13:07] :) [13:07] thought so [13:08] jonnyb is the master of Wysiwyg development... maybe he'll know when he shows up here [13:08] luciash: thanks, I'll keep an eye out for him [13:09] (︶︹︺) <-- chealer look how sad i am.. [13:09] damn.. didn't work [13:09] ok.. look how angry i am! --> (>_<) [13:10] *** Merbster has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:10] *** Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [13:11] Merbster: prefs.php does contain defaults, yes [13:12] chealer, I figured as much I have just learned that you should ALLWAYS verify your assumptions in regard to programming [13:12] that would be false in trunk [13:12] *** OTR has joined #tikiwiki [13:12] lphuberdeau, Ok I will remember that when I start to add funcitonality myself. [13:13] @luciash: shot email out. last email deals w/the new site install for situation [13:13] tiki 7.1: new install tracker w/3 items: get this error message at bottom of page amongst others in php error msgs: PHP (5.2.17) NOTICE (E_NOTICE): File: templates_c/en^%%59^596^59602972%%text.tpl.php Line: 6 Type: Undefined offset: 2 [13:13] is this serious or just normal stuff? thanx [13:13] OTR, your PHP errorlevel is wrong, notices and warnings can usually be ignored. [13:14] or [13:14] I wouldn't call it wrong [13:14] but it shows everything [13:14] so what level should i have it report at being that i am not a coder? [13:14] a level that should i come here y'all would need [13:15] OTR, then leave it :P But then you will allways have the error box showing notices (atleast if the page you are on results in notices/warnings) [13:15] as usual THANK Y'ALL so much! man, you guys are GREAT! will remove it if it doesn't impact me [13:15] Merbster: I didn't, killianebel did: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/31339/trunk/lib/auth/ldap.php [13:16] chealer, do you know what might be wrong when it no longer synchronizes the user's AD groups? - it has been working before. [13:16] We didn't notice when it stopped synchronizing groups though [13:24] *** OTR has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [13:27] Merbster: it is not clear why the regex was removed, but it's equally unclear why it was there. [13:28] chealer, I agree. But the effect of removing it, removes support for Ø in the CN name [13:28] We used to run with a tiki 7.1 with ldap.php file from tiki 6.1 and it was working [13:28] Now I got time to solve it properly and did a diff on hte two files [13:28] and besides som error handling for "explicit" it's the only real change of the two files [13:29] Merbster: I don't use LDAP myself, that would need debugging. [13:29] Merbster: you have a good start, now you should find which one of the variables is not getting set in 6.x [13:29] are which option [13:30] chealer, evyerthing has been working perfectly in 6.x [13:30] Or which option [13:30] it's 7.x that is the problem with ldap [13:30] I got the æøå problem fixed (by including the regex in the 7.1 file) [13:30] but as I said. groups are not being synchronized now. *sigh* [13:33] it is searching for groups with CN of my ful lname instead of using initials (which is username) [13:35] *** nkoth|nelson has joined #tikiwiki [13:35] *** Merbster has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [13:35] *** Merbster has joined #tikiwiki [13:36] Merbster: oh, yeah. yes, the regex in 6.x prevented some LDAP options from being set. it appears that removing it gets an option set in 7.x fixing your encoding issue [13:37] chealer, But. the ldap bind fails when the regex is not there [13:37] Merbster: however, it seems that setting this option causes a different problem. so I suggest you first find which option is affected by the regex. [13:37] damnit. [13:38] I have spent most of the day on this and I have a deadline in 8 days [13:38] and still atleast 15-20 pretty trackers that needs making. [13:39] chealer, sorry if I seem negative, I really appreciate your help :) [13:39] hmmm. [13:40] ok SJ-Jay just made a breakthrough [13:40] Merbster, actually i made 2 breakthroughs today [13:40] the UI of ldap has changed and some options usually under LDAP tab is under "LDAP External groups tab" and we don't use external groups. and there is no documentation of this change [13:41] chealer, so far the only thing that regex does is make us able to use ÆØÅ. Apparantly the groups problem was related to the UI change (which apparantly screwed over our prior settings) [13:41] * SJ-Jay is happy that he solved the issues today.. but are now even more behind schedule :( [13:42] *** libs has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [13:42] Merbster: welcome to our LDAP code... [13:43] chealer, thank you for your help atleast. Iwill document what I found on doc.t.o. [13:44] Merbster: OK, I don't understand your problem, but I don't wish that much to understand it, happy if you solved it :-S [13:44] re [13:45] hi luciash [13:45] (sorry, internet went off here - reconnected now to my remote screen session) [13:46] chealer, I don't understand it either. [13:46] :P [13:46] But hey, I don't know how a beertap works either and I don't care, as long as the beer flows! [13:47] I guess the regex stuff belongs on dev.t.o. and not on doc.t.o [13:51] where should I document the "bug" with ldap not supporting æøå chars? [13:51] Should I just add it as a bug on the bugtracker? [13:52] and which bugtracker is the most used one? - the one on tiki.org or sourceforge's ? [13:53] the one on sourceforge stopped being used in 2003 I think [13:56] lphuberdeau, thank you :) [14:06] getting Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'could not find drive on doc.t.o :( [14:07] *** Jyhem_laptop has joined #tikiwiki [14:13] ricks99, sounds a bit scary I'd say [14:13] *** shaun_ has joined #tikiwiki [14:13] !help [14:14] shaun_: just ask [14:18] ricks99: where exactly? [14:18] I am completely new to setting up a webpage or wiki. With that being said. I ran across the "tiki for smarties website". I downloaded 6.4 LTS Tiki and EasyPHP I fallowed the steps just as they were laid out. Installed Tiki. Now its time to configure. When I attempt to log into the Tiki for the first time as admin. Internet explorer says that the page cannot be displayed. [14:18] @chealer: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginSQL [14:20] ricks99: I'm not seeing that there (anonymous) [14:20] shaun_ so you can see the welcome page and the login box of tiki? [14:20] coaboa > yes. [14:21] have you tryed a different webbrowser? Same effect? [14:21] if i log in with an account i know is not there, it does tell me its not a valid account. [14:21] only with admin does it give me a page that's un-accessable. [14:22] I will try chrome and see if it happens again. I have been using Internet Explorer 8. [14:22] @chealer: I'm getting it reliably (other pages are ok)( [14:22] ricks99, you enabled sql on doc.t.o? [14:23] that does not sound safe [14:23] no. i have not enabled anything. just trying to get to the doc page [14:24] coaboa > same result with chrome. [14:25] did you run setup.sh? [14:27] hi coaboa. he's on Windows... [14:27] oh. [14:27] coaboa > Yes, I am on windows. [14:27] @shaun_: if it is the exact same URL, pls confirm that you are *not* running IE in offline mode [14:28] ricks99: worked in Chromium too. I got it when logging in. [14:28] @lph: Tx for your help on dev list. Two separate SQL plugins worked perfectly. [14:29] ricks99: um, he said he had the same result with chrome :-? [14:29] I have verified I am not viewing in offline mode. [14:29] o. sorry. didn't see that. :( [14:29] protected mode is also off. [14:32] Are there some services i should make sure that are enabled that were not outlined in the installation walkthrough? [14:34] shaun_: nothing but Apache and MySQL, no. [14:34] To confirm: exact same URL works in FF, but gets 404 in IE & chrome? [14:35] According to EasyPHP, those are up and running. [14:35] I also created the databases, and ran the installer for tiki. and locked the installer. [14:38] I did see something about enabling .HTaccess.... this is something i did not do. There were not specific instructions, and i wasnt entirely sure i needed this. [14:38] ricks99: I don't think he's necessarily getting a 404 error, he said "the page cannot be displayed" [14:38] What is the URL you are trying to access? [14:40] is success full... after typing admin admin. cannot be displayed. [14:41] And this only happens with IE ?? [14:41] with all. [14:42] OK. turn on TIki error reporting. Re-run the installer and skip the the last step and select ALL reporting [14:47] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37006 10/trunk/tiki-setup.php: Attempt setting locales to the system default. Try setting LC_COLLATE to a UTF-8 collation in particular. This is a start and could have undesired side effects. Please contact me if you see any. [14:48] shaun_: I guess he meant "skip TO the last step" [14:49] I'm having trouble running the installer again. I locked it. Its asking me to use my file browser and unlock the file. I don't know how to unlock it. [14:50] I figure it out. I was thinking too hard about it. [14:54] so, everything wokring now? [14:54] Well i got the installer working agian. i had to delete the "lock" file. [14:55] How do i enable the tiki error reporting? before running the installer again? [14:56] fabricius, weren't you experimenting with conditional menues? [14:57] @shaun_: run the installer and go to "configure general settings" page [14:58] Thank you. I was reading your instructions too literally. I apologize. [15:00] I have enabled all errors. [15:00] Verified that my log in is still broken. Where shall i gather the error messages from. [15:00] look at bottom of page [15:00] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [15:01] which page / url ? [15:01] the tiki page that fails [15:01] I don't remember how I include plugins in smarty [15:01] there is no page displayed. [15:02] its as if i was disconnected from the internet and the page was unable to load. this is the problem i'm having when i try to log in as admin. [15:02] ricks99: he said Internet explorer says that the page cannot be displayed. he must be getting a real HTTP error [15:02] ah.... need to check server log then [15:02] * ricks99 needs more coffee to follow along [15:03] * shaun_ hands ricks99 a fresh cup of coffee. [15:05] check ur sever logs. theres obviously something else going on, beyond simply TIki configuration [15:05] There are some errors in the apachee logs. [15:05] If I want to include the JQ plugin in a menu module how can I do that? [15:06] @Merbster: can include plugins in smarty via {wiki}{JQ(.....)} {/wiki} iirc [15:07] ricks99, I will try. thanks [15:08] [Thu Sep 01 16:26:33 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/EasyPHP/www/mysql [Thu Sep 01 16:28:24 2011] [error] [client] File does not exist: C:/EasyPHP/www/favicon.ico [15:08] Its looking in the wrong places. [15:09] a missing favicon.ico won't stop the page from displaying [15:09] mysql should be c:/easyphp/mysql. and favicon.ico should be c:/easyphp/www/tiki/favicon.ico [15:09] *** arildb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [15:09] *** arildb has joined #tikiwiki [15:11] [Thu Sep 01 17:29:26 2011] [error] [client] script 'C:/EasyPHP/www/tiki-admin.php' not found or unable to stat [15:11] this is also wrong and should be c:/easyphp/www/tiki/tiki-admin.php [15:11] you need to reset your base location. looks like an easyphp misconfiguration [15:14] How do i do this? [15:16] not sure. Need to check easyphp docs [15:20] I think this is apachee specific. I just loaded the EasyPHP admin console and couldnt find any section to change these paths. [15:26] Is it possible to use smarty if-then-else to insert a piece of JQ that hides the module itself? [15:26] I am trying to hide a menu depending on which category the page you are currently on is member of. [15:27] In the module definition that includes the menu I can check on $objectCategoryIds and hide the content of the module. but the module itself (with borders and header) is still there. [15:30] *** SJ-Jay has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [15:30] *** Merbster has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [15:42] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37007 10/trunk/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [MOD] Moving export item to ajax controller, item filters are out for the moment, lots of debug info gone as well and progressbar missing, but the code should behavior should be more consistent [15:50] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37008 10/trunk/templates/tiki-export_tracker.tpl: [FIX] Leftovers [15:54] lphuberdeau: in http://doc.tiki.org/search%20index the language field is marked as "static value" for things like forum post, tracker item, what does that mean? [15:55] the field is set to unknown generally [15:56] for tracker item does it not take what is set from the language field? [15:57] doc might be outdated for some bits [15:57] trackeritems should have the correct language if there is a language field [16:01] ok, forums are an issue for me... I need them by language and afaict there is no ability to do that. I only need them at the forum level, not at the topic/post level, and I don't need translation features. Any advice? [16:02] (but even though I only need them at the forum level, when searching for forum posts by language they should selective show) [16:03] well, you have to associate a language to the forum somehow and then you can index that with the post [16:04] is adding a language dield to tiki_forums advisable or is some other approach better? [16:05] that would do [16:06] ok, I'll do something [16:10] lphuberdeau, does categories field display from search index check for view_category (in a listing) perm? [16:10] not sure [16:11] I am thinking that on indexing it should be all the same in the index.... [16:13] but perms are indexed too so... ok there is a chance I suppose, this is interesting [16:13] well, perms are indexed for the document view [16:13] not sub-fields [16:13] that would actually need to be handled by the rendering [16:13] ok, then maybe not much chance them, and woul dneed to be handled by the rendering [16:13] slow... [16:14] well, not really that slow [16:14] it's just when you actually render that value [16:14] and you're not going to render 1 million at a time [16:15] that 's true. on this topic I sort of have a feature request (but not urgent nor high priority) to index category parent together witht he category, so that I can display the categories divided up by parent for example. [16:16] I suppose I could do it all at the rendering stage as well [16:17] I don't really understand the feature [16:17] you mean like sorting by category path? [16:17] *** arildb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [16:19] visually, the end result would be sort of like sorting by category path, just with more control over what is shown or not.(maybe only certain parents or whatever) [16:20] basically right now {$result.categories} does not have any information beyond the category itself [16:22] *** _qP has joined #tikiwiki [16:25] *** radek82 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [16:25] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37009 10/trunk/lib/sheet/grid.js: [FIX] Removed uneeded data lookups [16:26] lphuberdeau: well a smarty function to getCategoryParent will do the trick I suppose [16:26] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37010 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [16:26] tikiwiki: [ENH] Modified the layout to resemble parent/child structure [16:26] tikiwiki: [NEW] Each sheet, child or parent, calls tiki-sheets_listing.tpl [16:27] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37011 10/trunk/tiki-view_sheets.php: [FIX] Added logic for if not editable at first to keep it read only till user clicks the edit button [16:27] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37012 10/trunk/lib/sheet/grid.php: [ENH] Added the ability to lookup sheet parent from child [16:27] *** Wilkins has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) [16:33] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37013 10/trunk/ (7 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Move dump tracker [16:49] lphuberdeau: i think i will instead write a Search Formatter instead to format an array of categories into a multidimensional array grouped by parent catIds as keys. [16:52] tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37014 10/trunk/lib/test/editlib/ (EditLibTest.php ParseToWiki_CharacterTest.php): [ENH] more tests for EditLib [16:53] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37015 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: (log message trimmed) [16:53] tikiwiki: CategLib: revamp getCategories(): [16:53] tikiwiki: Assume that no caller actually wanted a pure sort by name and change $sortByName to $localized, defaulting to true [16:53] tikiwiki: [ENH] Optimize localized calls by adding one cache per language rather than re-sorting [16:53] tikiwiki: translate tepath and categpath when localized [16:53] tikiwiki: [FIX] Properly preorder [16:53] tikiwiki: [FIX] Change siblings sort to use SORT_LOCALE_STRING instead of cmpcatname() (take_away_accent()) hack. This could cause sorting regressions on non-UTF-8 systems. Please see r37006 and contact me if you see one. [16:53] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37016 10/trunk/ (lib/sheet/sheetlib.php templates/tiki-sheets_listing.tpl): [16:53] tikiwiki: [FIX] Brought more info to get_sheet_info [16:53] tikiwiki: [FIX] Got rid of isChild attribute, now use parentSheetId from get_sheet_info [16:54] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37017 10/trunk/tiki-import_sheet.php: [FIX] Migrated to new sheet lib [16:55] Polom [16:56] not really Tiki related, but I'm reinstalling jitsi on a new laptop (kubuntu 11.04 64bits) and it says I need either sun-java6-jre or openjdk-6-jre [16:57] I wonder which one is best [16:57] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37018 10/trunk/ (15 files in 5 dirs): [REF] Just remove some default arguments [17:01] Jyhem_laptop: OpenJDK is in development. for stability Sun's is best. [17:01] I didn't know that chealer. [17:02] they are both -jre [17:02] one is by IBM/open source, the other one is by sun with a complex licence [17:02] technically they do the same thing [17:02] lphuberdeau: Good to know as well. [17:03] developers for both will claim theirs is faster [17:03] lphuberdeau: In spreadsheet I switch from using parentSheetId in mysql to using relationlib, you are the creater correct? [17:04] #creator [17:04] lphuberdeau: Anyway, so simple yet so useful. [17:04] yes, very simple indeed [17:05] lphuberdeau: I especially love how you can switch the context, from parent child to child parent. [17:05] or, uh... "to" to "from" [17:06] *** ricks99 has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [17:07] *** arildb has joined #tikiwiki [17:21] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [17:31] chealer I solved my problem. [17:38] shaun_: excellent. can you share the solution? [17:38] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37019 10/trunk/templates/tiki-listpages_content.tpl: [FIX] Smarty notice "Undefined index: categpath" and unnecessary newline [17:38] chealer > you were correct in believing it was a strange EasyPHP error. [17:38] i uninstalled everything and started from scratch. [17:38] then i installed easyphp. [17:39] found this great site... and fallowed all the steps in detail. http://www.canowhoopass.com/guides/easyphp/setupmysql.php [17:40] shaun_: hum, strange. it's ricks99 that suggested that though :-) [17:40] well, for what it's worth, I installed openjdk and jitsi seems to work :-) [17:40] shaun_: I'm curious to know exactly what was wrong, but I'm happy that you're going now :-) [17:40] When that was complete, i unzipped the tiki wiki like normal to c:\easyphp\www\tiki\ [17:41] well... i never manually edited the configuration files. because, as advertised;) it works right out of the box right. [17:42] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37020 10/trunk/tiki-listpages.php: [FIX] Smarty notices "Undefined index: categpath", "Undefined index: categname" [17:42] after finding the canowhoopass.com walkthrough, the e-mail and everything works. i was also able to log in as admin admin and change the password with out a hitch. [17:43] Well, thanks again for our help, i hope this helps someone else. Tell ricks99 thanks for pointing me in the right direction, he lead me to solving this problem. [17:44] shaun_: OK, good luck with Tiki! [17:45] * shaun_ Jumps and clicks his heels. So excited to get started! [17:45] *** shaun_ has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) [18:19] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37021 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: [18:19] tikiwiki: getCategories(): actually index by category OID. oops [18:19] tikiwiki: [REF] get_category_path_string(): document and optimize [18:19] tikiwiki: get_category(): switch to Cachelib cache "allcategs" [18:22] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37022 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: [REF] remove static category_cache, unused after r37021 [18:23] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [18:25] somebody mentioned jonnyb is the wysiwyg expert. However, he mentioned he is busy a few days. Anybody else here that has some knowledge of the wysiwyg editor? [18:29] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37023 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: getCategories(): fix caching (r37015 regression). OOPS [18:29] arildb: mlustenberg apparently, but he's not on IRC [18:30] chealer: thanks. I'll have a lookout [18:37] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [18:54] tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37024 10/trunk/ (8 files in 5 dirs): [MOD] Moving the events/todo [19:09] *** lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:13] *** lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki [19:29] *** arildb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [19:34] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [19:35] *** arildb has joined #tikiwiki [19:37] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [19:38] *** arildb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [19:38] *** arildb has joined #tikiwiki [19:40] `humm.. Is it a regression on 7. When I open a page that belongs to a structure it was used to display the structure navbar by default ... http://doc.tiki.org/Blog [19:48] Hi: I used in custum html head area : {include file='filename.tpl'} which worked in R35883 but nut in a current trunk (eg. R 37004). Has the syntax changed? [19:48] *custom [19:49] coaboa: just a guess.. try with double quotes... It was a bug some times ago [19:51] *** prgmctan has joined #tikiwiki [19:52] hi, I'm using version 5, and I'm wondering if there's a way to use the current user's emai as the sender email [19:52] tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37025 10/trunk/lib/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [19:52] tikiwiki: [FIX] EditLib::parseToWiki() Fixed line break handling for bold and italic text [19:52] tikiwiki: Remarks: works for , , , [19:52] tikiwiki: Note: spans are not yet fixed [20:02] *** indro has quit IRC (Quit: Lost terminal) [20:05] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [20:11] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [20:13] *** Tiki|bot has joined #tikiwiki [20:20] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [20:32] sylvieg: double quotes just prduce the same white screen. Could this be a parser issue? When I directly enter the code-content of the file I wanted to be included in the custom area it works. [20:33] have to go good night all [20:33] *** coaboa is now known as coaboa|afk [20:39] *** RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki [20:44] is there a way to avoid plugin validation (e.g. pluginHTML) on certain pages? e.g. certain pages I know only admins can edit anyway [20:47] *** fabricius has joined #tikiwiki [20:51] *** _qP has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [20:59] *** redflo has joined #tikiwiki [21:09] tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37026 10/trunk/tiki-editpage.php: better format for translatable string [21:09] tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37027 10/branches/7.x/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Brought colors from wiki plugin to pre tag to codemirror [21:20] *** luciash has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [21:25] *** luciash has joined #tikiwiki [21:51] *** RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [21:57] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37028 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [REF] getCategories(): add $filter argument, allowing to only get a specified category or its children [22:05] *** prgmctan has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [22:06] *** pindemon has joined #tikiwiki [22:22] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37029 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php: [22:22] tikiwiki: [REF] get_category_path_string_with_root() [22:22] tikiwiki: [REF] getCategories(): index tepath element by category OIDs [22:25] *** dontpanic_ has joined #tikiwiki [22:25] *** dontpanic_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) [22:26] *** dontpanic has joined #tikiwiki [22:26] Has the 3.x LTS release been EOL-ed? [22:27] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37030 10/trunk/tiki-browse_categories.php: [22:27] tikiwiki: [FIX] "Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Invalid category identier' in /var/www/tiki/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php on line 119" when trying to watch a category [22:27] tikiwiki: Extra argument to get_category_path_string_with_root() due to presumed copy-paste error (from r24473) [22:51] *** arildb has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) [23:13] *** Jyhem_laptop has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:13] *** fabricius has quit IRC (Remote host closed the connection) [23:18] tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37031 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [23:18] tikiwiki: [FIX] HTML special characters encoding [23:18] tikiwiki: [FIX] Smarty notice "Undefined variable: p_info" [23:18] tikiwiki: [REF] Optimize paths display [23:18] tikiwiki: don't set Smarty $path to "Top", nothing expects a string [23:42] *** redflo has left [23:47] *** Trebly has joined #tikiwiki