chealer: arildb: yes, no problem
arildb: chealer. OK, I'll try it. fyi. In wiki-text mode everything works OK on my system too
chealer: arildb: I see. I think page names should be stored clear in tiki_links. If they're encoded, that would be a bug related to HTMLPurifier. I don't know HTMLPurifier though.
arildb: chealer: I don't think it's a bug in HTMLPurifier. The bug is in the urldecode function it seems. HTMLPurifyer formats the URL correct, which is problematid for Tiki (or so it seems)
chealer: arildb: the comment on talks about problems with clients though.
arildb: chealer: ok, I didn't read it all
chealer: we'd need to see how an example is decoded
arildb: chealer: There's the problem on your system. See: wysiwyg ref page (I had to enable HTML Purifier to get it to trigger)
chealer: If you now create pages with international names and link to them. Then resave the linking page, the link gets corrupted, like for the wysiwyg ref page
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arildb: I guess my setup is a bit unusual, but the installations I deal with tend to use norwegian and the wysiwyg editor. Thus the error is there all the time.
I believe you will have the same effect, if you try accented french letters
chealer: arildb: OK. how do you create the link?
arildb: chealer: The link disappear after I clicked it!!
chealer: using the toolbar button, choose wiki page
chealer: When I tried to define the link using wiki sytax, it indicates that the page is missing, but clicking it takes me to the page
chealer: arildb: hum, I don't really get "The link disappear after I clicked it!!"
arildb: chealer: It went away...somehow
chealer: arildb: oops, I think we're working on the same page on the same account...
arildb: I'll go play somewhere else
arildb: chealer: I tried the page: spanish Ñ same link corruption problem
chealer: arildb: the link I added worked, but it already looks bad on page creation. it literally shows as tiki-index.php?page=6+e+tr%F8nder+%E6
arildb: chealer: It's bedtime for you can play there
chealer: bbl
arildb: it'S fine, I was on another page
arildb: chealer: Seems like it affect all non-english letters......I'll talk to you tomorrow.
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chealer: there's definitely a problem. tiki_links has no record from http://localhost/tiki/trunk/tiki-index.php?page=Chealer%27s+WYSIWYG+test
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37539 10/trunk/ (lib/setup/language.php tiki-switch_lang.php): [REF] add isValidLocale() and setLanguage(). simplify language setup
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37540 10/trunk/lib/setup/user_prefs.php: load preferences stored in session for anonymous. prevents loss of s_prefs. Complements r36779
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37541 10/trunk/lib/setup/language.php:
tikiwiki: Reintroduce support for switchLang URL parameter. switchLang can now be disabled in code.
tikiwiki: Note: Support was removed in r37478, which should effectively be reverted by this. Thanks Nelson Ko and Sylvie Greverend.
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguy: polom
Do you think the normal wiki editor or the wysiwyg editor should be the default for a site, for users probably using a wiki for the first time?
Probably they will make pages that aren't very complex.
I haven't had much experience with either the wysiwyg editor or totally newbie users to know the best path.
chealer: hi chibaguy
chibaguy: I can't say I know them well, but I know WYSIWYG is quite buggy. If it needs to work well, don't go with WYSIWYG.
chibaguy: ok, thanks, chealer.
Hmm, I thought uploading an image would automatically insert the wiki syntax in the text. But it seems copy and paste is needed.
Something Tiki definitely needs is a way to get media uploaded and into a wiki page that is completely idiotproof.
(or close to that, at least as easy as what people are accustomed to now, with Facebook, etc.)
I think Tiki's file galleries and image syntax must look really complex to many people.
All the image display options are great, but maybe the wiki help popup for an image should have, like, two options: "get image from file gallery" and "upload image". click upload and the same popup refreshes with the upload dialog. select the image, click insert, and the code is in the page content.
A button could be there for advanced options, which are normally hidden (similar to now, but hiding a lot more).
Just a thought.
fabricius: hi chibaguy
on the one hand there are problems with WYSIWYG
It gets much improvement at the moment
but still problems
there might be use cases and target groups where WYSIWYG would be necessary as default
and at the moment WYSIWYG is very handy - compared to Tiki Syntax - if you want to work with a 960 like style or such
but for collaborative work, intranet etc. I would prefer the Tiki Syntax
idiotproof - chibaguy, this is a lovely expression
chibaguy: :-)
fabricius: and that is a point, where we need a stable running WYSIWYG in Tiki
if you have an editors board for a website of a small company or association; in the editors board are good authors, but non-techie editors, you might need an idiotproof officelike WYSIWYG editor
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fabricius: woohoo Merbster god to see you
Merbster: Haha. I am just grateful that I can see again
fabricius: uhh - you have been sick or drinkin?
Merbster: Had my eyes checked yesterday, they had to sedate my eyes so they could not focus.
fabricius: that's bad
Merbster: haha
well it's related to getting my eyes fixed so I don't have to use glasses anymore
But it was a boring day, imagine a geek being cut off from computer, gaming consoles, books... Only thing left for me was the TV. (which is almost always boring)
fabricius: hope they did no longterm damage to your eyes ... you shouldn't have let them work on your eyes, as long as they could not focus
Merbster: ergn
they sedated my eyes on purpose
so they could not focus
when you are long sighted like me, the brain compensates for the screwed up eyes
so to get a precise measurement, they have to sedate the eyes so they cannot compensate.
fabricius: yeah - just was kidding - the eyes didn't focus, due to beein sedated and not the doctor(s) sedated whilst being unable to focus
Merbster: hahaha
fabricius: another thing
are you using WYSIWYG in your company - especially with the tiki-perspective_binder.php categorised pages?
Merbster: We'd like to.
But it's too buggy in tiki 7.1
fabricius: ok - I realised a huge fault with WYSIWYG on pages in Areas
WYSIWYG pages wich are categorised in one of the Areas Categories cannot be edited - when you open the editor, you'll get a blank page
and when you save, the content will be lost
you would have to uncategorise them in the database and then edit the content
pages categorised with non-Areas categories are not affected
literally a page seems only to be affected, as long as it is categorised in an Area and unaffected, once you get it out
but the normal user even cannot unassign the page from the category without opening and editing, what would cause a loss of the content
different than in your usecase, i need the areas especially there, where I also need the WYSIWYG
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Merbster: fabricius, Maybe it's a permissions problem? I don't know how WYSIWYG functions in detail.
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fabricius: Merbster: I think about describing the issue in an off-list mail to you, Jonny and Mauritz - maybe Robert aswell? Who else would be into categories or HTML/WYSIWYG?
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fabricius: on the other hand, I can write it directly in the list aswell - what you think?
Merbster: fabricius, this is probably mostly an issue regarding the WYSIWYG editor
because the Wiki editor works.
if I understand you correctly
If you are running on a trunk version of tiki
it might be a bug introduced there. But I am just guessing
xavi: hi all
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fabricius: Merbster: yes, and I can guess only aswell ... actually running on 7.x branches from 28.08.2011
I try trunk now - unpacking now, then installing
Merbster: hi xavi
fabricius, I hope it works for you :)
chibaguy: hi xavi. sorry, was away.
xavi: hi Gary, np
chigabuy: I noticed some minor display issue in strasa in Tiki7 with registration bg image
and I don't know how to fix (tricky thing that one with images being reused partly for bg of buttons, etc)
chibaguy: what do you mean by "registration" bg image?
ah, checking link.
xavi: pass the mouse over the login, and you'll see it
chibaguy: You don't care for the fancy visuals? ;-)
True, that background should only be on the main page, not in the popup.
xavi: :-)
chibaguy: xavi: .siteloginbar_poppedup .box-login_box .register {background: none;} should fix it.
xavi: thkx
shall I add it to layout.css?
or to strasa.css?
for svn, I mean
(for that specific site I can add in custom css box, etc)
chibaguy: Well, you can add it to strasa.css if you like, or I will if you are busy. Also, the strasa theme options probably need the same rule.
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xavi: ok, I leave it for you then (svn part, with strasa options, etc...). this way there are going to be less chances that I break anything there :-)
btw, chibaguy: how is your hand? (injured in the past due to broken glass, etc)
chibaguy: oh, was really minor.
back to normal in a day or so.
xavi: ah, ok :-)
btw, I applied that rule in custom css box, cleared browser cache, and the same minor-display-issue is there still...
chibaguy: oh. I'll check.
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chibaguy: xavi: .siteloginbar_poppedup .register, .box-data .register {background: none;}
I had the wrong path the first time.
(the .box-data is for cases of the login box in a module (side column).
xavi: ok, thks, chibaguy
chibaguy: I'll commit it, since I've edited the file already.
A cleaner solution would be to specify where the background should be used, not where it shouldn't. I'll check about that first.
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xavi: ok, thanks (it works)
chibaguy: xavi: better is to just add '#topbar_modules' to the current rule for '.box-login_box .register'
This limits the application of the background image to the place where it is appropriate.
(instead of that rule I just posted)
xavi: ok, so the syntax opf that line (all together) would be?
-: xavi still very newbie with css
xavi 's mind is currently with bioinformatics, genes, mutations, ....
chibaguy: well, one correct rule is better than one ambiguous rule plus one rule to clarify ambiguity. ;-)
SJ-Jay: hey guys
-: chibaguy will stay with CSS, compared to bioniformticsgenesmutations... ;-)
SJ-Jay: were do i change tikiwiki default favicon?
chibaguy: SJ-Jay, I think you can specify a new favicon in an admin page.
admin > general?
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r37542 10/branches/7.x/styles/ (strasa/options/cool.css strasa/options/mono.css strasa.css): [FIX] Register link background in Strasa theme should only show when login is in topbar modules (as other login link backgrounds are specified). Thanks to Xavi.
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chibaguy: SJ-Jay: on look and feel admin, Miscellaneous tab (tiki-admin.php?page=look#content7)
SJ-Jay: chibaguy, found it :D thx ;)
hmm but it doesn't change
chibaguy: Did you clear your browser cache?
SJ-Jay: yup
chibaguy: Also the Tiki caches?
SJ-Jay: and tiki cache
hehe rule #1 :D
chibaguy: :-)
SJ-Jay: could it be that the .ico file is just a png that is renamed?
chibaguy: .ico is a different file format, as far as I know.
I'll check a site where I have a custom favicon...
SJ-Jay: found an onlie ico convert
will try if this changes anything
no success :(
chibaguy: Well, I'm using a 16x16 .png file, and indicated its name in the L&F page, and its MIME type as image/png, and it works.
at a tiki 7 site.
(anyway, works in FF and Opera. I didn't look in IE)
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fabricius: hi, chibaguy and SJ-Jay - I just read the last sentences of your communication - .ico I just need specifically for IE
SJ-Jay: hi fabricius
fabricius: hi sj
SJ-Jay: i created a 16x6 .png file, and also converted it to a .ico and placed it in the root of the tiki folder
after that i configured the favicon for my new filename in L&F page
but it doesn't change the favicon
btw. we are using IE
fabricius: I normally start from a 64x64 - I do not know, why I have better results with the higher resolution, as it is shown in 16x16 anyway
then I convert it to a 24bit .ico
SJ-Jay: well my icons are not that detailed.. actually just 2 letters in different colors so resolution is not that important :)
fabricius: for both - .png and .ico I use MIME type as image/png, same as chibaguy does
but now I think I understand you problem - sorry
you change the favicon in Tiki, but it is not changed in the browser?
some browsers are reluctant to change changed favicon - they seem to have a specific longterm cache for that ;-)
SJ-Jay: yup.. copied the new files (both png and ico) to tiki root folder.. and then configured favicon for the new filename in L&F
Merbster just told me that FF has the new favicon
so it must be my IE that is crapping :P
fabricius: on the otherhand I am not sure, if IE needs only favivon.ico and no different name - you might rename
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ripero: Hi
fabricius: hi ripero
ripero: Hi, sorry, I was just re-checking my question
Does anybody know in which table are stored the individual votes of a poll?
chibaguy: Seems like it would contain the word 'poll'.
ripero: chibaguy: I'd think so, but I can't find that information in any of my tiki_poll* tables
chibaguy: oh.
ripero: tiki_polls contains a list of polls, with total number of votes, active situation, publish date, etc
tiki_poll_objects has zero rows
chibaguy: I guess either the poll lib file or .php file might give a clue.
ripero: tiki_poll_options has all the options of all polls, with the ids and total votes for each option (atl)
and tiki_poll_votes has zero rows
but since the empty tables say that the "format" is "dynamic", I fear the information is there but I don't know how to get it using phpmyadmin (sorry, ver low-level mysql user)
Ok, found it, it's in tiki_user_votings
thank you :)
-: chibaguy thinks ripero is thanking the tiki gods, as no one else was of much help ;-).
ripero: ok, let me be more precise: thanks, chibaguy, I found the clue in lib/polls/pollib_shared.php
chibaguy: ah, ok. :-)
fabricius: hehehe
Quite often I am searching for a solution for hours, ask the question here in the IRC or in the devlist and ten minutes I have a solution, without anybody even saying more than polom
That is the magic of the Tikiverse
And very often somebody here gives the right hint where to direct the view ...
Actually I am looking for on a WYSIWYG page: a huge text on the start page (HomePage) takes too much space and overlays the effect of the grafics under it
So I want kind of an expanding box, just tease the text and write a link "more"
no problem on a wikipage with + or - but how to do on a WYSIWYG page?
do we have a wikiplugin for such?
-: chibaguy has no wysiwyg experience.
chibaguy: fabricius, is it the case that special wiki syntax like + and - are only available to the wyswiyg editor by means of plugins?
Merbster: are there any official guidelines about SQL params being in either ? or :paramName format?
fabricius: chibaguy: yes indeed, but you can use wikiplugins - "admin - wysiwyg - partially parse wiki syntax" - that works pretty well, for ex for all sorts of modules in a page etc.
or youtube videos etc.
! idea: {FADE()}
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fabricius: chibaguy: sry, I missunderstood your question partially and repeated a part of your question in my answer, wich could have been shorter - sorry, if I might have confused you
eeeck - now the WYSIWYG editor isn't even starting
worked 5 minutes ago
whats that: Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/htdocs/XXXXXXXX/Tikiwebsites/80_lastiki_TRUNK_2011-09-22/trunk/lib/init/tra.php on line 57
Merbster: fabricius, means that some code is trying to do something "for each item" where it does not make sense. (maybe there is no items or it's a variable instead of an array=
fabricius: may that be related with the newly WYSIWYG problem?
chibaguy: fabricius, do you plan to use trunk for production sites?
(I'm just thinking bugs are likely with trunk.)
fabricius: chibaguy: not really, but I am developing a portal and in trunk are functions I need
chibaguy: so if I use trunk for that (right now just checking things) I will have an alpha phase for about 4 to 8 weeks with 20 to 50 users with 8.0svn - now trunk
chibaguy: in this timescale bugs would not be so much an issue, if they could be fixed
maybe useful as a 2nd dogfood platform
hope to start in about two weeks
but I need the WYSIWYG halfway stable and either the perspective binder or (better?) the new module-category visibility by jonnyb
after alpha will be beta and then 8 should be branched, at least as RC1 - and by end of the year dez/jan, i guess 8 is out anyway
isn it chibaguy?
uhh - "show php error messages" seems to be broken??
itjust links to "tiki-index.php"
what's going on?
chibaguy: sorry, was away.
I suppose your scenario is ok as long as your users are aware that the code is "beta".
For sure the testing will be useful for the code development.
fabricius: chibaguy: I have another problem - 7.x branches - it seems to be a css problem
chibaguy: oh
fabricius: chibaguy: cssmenu subnavigation of a module that I use as top bar is not visible (module_7 assigned to the top bar area)
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fabricius: is the domain
chibaguy: Ah, probably "overflow:visible" needs to be assigned to one or more of the menu's containers.
fabricius: ah no - thats already done, but now the hover let move down and up the content
chibaguy: The jumping of the middle area content when the mouse hovers over the menu items is not pleasant.
Hover issues are maybe the hardest to debug using Firebug, I think. The hover-state information isn't presented clearly, as far as I can tell.
fabricius: I can see the dropdown below "Medien".
But the dropdown menu and its items probably needs some styling updates to match the top level.
I would take the border off the li items in the dropdown, so there is no box surrounding them all, and just use the new background images that you added for this theme.
The Andreas09 theme has a similar look (each item has a border and background, but no ul border and background surrounding them all).
Your method of using a background image could be risky since menu item lengths vary. Of course each menu item does have a unique CSS id, so could have a specific background image.
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Merbster: polom ricks99
fabricius: chibaguy: some phonecall now - thx and brb
ricks99: hiya Merbster
Merbster: ricks99, I applied your theme and got it working today. Looks nice. Also it seems it has made the site alot more snappy to work with.
ricks99: excellent. glad it is what you wanted.
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Merbster: ricks99, Do you know if there are tiki defined standards for passing params to PDO? - I am specifically thinking; is it ok to use ":paramName" format of params or do I HAVE to use ?
ricks99: Merbster: most of the "defined standards" are on dev.tiki.o. The "Hello world" page gives a good dev overview of each tiki part, including param naming
Merbster: ricks99, I will look there.
ricks99, thanks
ricks99: no problem
SJ-Jay: yo ricks!
fabricius: chibaguy: back now
chibaguy: background image for menu item: I just want the background image (menu button) for the top level and not for the sublevel
chibaguy: in Tiki 6 and fivealive it was not so difficult for me to get this done, but now in Tiki 7 and jqui I have problems to find the right selectors and parameters
Merbster: ricks99, I can only find stuff relating to ADODb. and I have understood that it is being deprecated.
ricks99, basically I want to know if it is ok I use :paramName instead of ? since the ? makes you dependant on the sequence you pass in the params for the query.
ricks99: i guess out of date :( it should be ok, but you might want to send to dev list
fabricius: chibaguy: I will take out the border of the sublevel as you suggest and I think I should change the colors - background images (buttons) I think I do not need - what do you think?
the hover issue is really not pleasant - I didn't have that with fivealive
chibaguy: Well, you know how the submenus inherit the properties of the top level unless you take measures to stop the inheriting.
Probably something simple is fine for the submenus to indicate the hover state, like a text color change.
fabricius: I mean more the moving of the content area, when I hover the main menu items
(top level)
for the sublevel I think, I should figure out the selectors to limit the background button to the top level
fot this site I could do the hover effect for the submenu with the blue color of the logo
chibaguy: Oh, yeah. It looks like there is a padding or margin difference in the top menu, between the normal and hover states of the links.
fabricius: yeah - and I do not find it in the css
not with chrome and not with firefox
and not directly
and this odd effect appeared straight, when I got the submenu visible
overflow: visible; made the subnavigation visible and the content moving down on hover at the same time
it is now this way: #module_7 { ... ; overflow : visible !important; } and same effect with #topbar_modules .box-data ul { overflow: visible !important }
chibaguy: To affect the middle like that, it must be the top level that changes, I think. The dropdown is a different z-index so shouldn't affect the content it overlaps.
fabricius: I have just seen the fault, that might have caused the invisible problem firsthand:
chibaguy: In general, adding a :hover {padding: } or {margin: } to the li or a elements that have padding or margin in normal state may make the two states consistent.
fabricius: .box-data ul { padding-left: 0px; overflow: visible } in the original downloaded Tiki file is missing the semicolon - I added this, commented the othe overflow I added and the submenu is still visible
you mean same as you did write, without number?
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chibaguy: No, I mean with numbers, to be the same as the no-hover states.
The best solution is to find the specific element that causes movement when hover takes place, but that means a lot of trial and error sometimes.
fabricius: I found two things: two different z-indexes (752 and 752) and a .cssmenu_horiz ul, .cssmenu_vert ul
but you actually help me a lot right now with your hints
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chibaguy: You shouldn't need to change the z-indexes.
RobertPlummer: polom all tiki devs!
chibaguy: Hi RobertPolomer, ah, RobertPlummer. ;-)
Merbster: polom RobertPlummer
RobertPlummer: lol
fabricius: RobertPlummer: not being dev, I say polom anyway ;-)
RobertPlummer: fabricius: Well, none of us are perfect ;)
fabricius: What is your speciality if you don't mind me asking?
-: Merbster would classify fabricius as superuser/software tester
Merbster: In casy anyone is in doubt; I mean that in a good way :)
RobertPlummer: ah, an equally important part of the software profession.
question, is apache license compatible with lgpl?
Merbster: IANAL
I mean; I Am Not A Lawyer
RobertPlummer: The reason I ask, codemirror really gives us a whole new level of editability, and there are some now that are building multi edit capabilities into it.
-: Merbster just noticed that abbreviations are not allways the best path to communication
RobertPlummer: or collaborative rather.
ricks99: RobertPlummer: yes, i believe apache (and mit) are compatible w/ tiki. this comes up every so often. theres a license page somehwere (dev.t.o maybe) with details
chealer: RobertPlummer:
ricks99: thanks chealer. i knew it was in there.... somewhere...
fabricius: RobertPlummer: Merbster seems to be right and I do my best to one day become a consultant and a community manager
chibaguy: : I guess, I got half: #module_7 .menuOption, #module_7 .menuLevel0 { ... ; margin: 10px;} what do you think? I I deactivate this: no moving anymore (but no margin either)
now I need the corresponding hover selector, I guess
chibaguy: mm, well, negative values aren't valid for padding (on .cssmenu_horiz li ul a, etc.). I don't think it will have any effect.
Hmm, can't change themes at That's inconvenient.
chealer: polom
fabricius: chibaguy: is on trunk?
with trunk I cannot show php errors - seams to be a similar or the same problem: just linking to tiki-index.php
chibaguy: No, on tiki 7 I believe.
fabricius: instead of showing or switching
back to my css - nearly there I guess
would you mind to have a look at the top bar again?
chibaguy: Well, you could comment out your custom css rules one at a time or one section of lines at a time and see when the movement stops.
commenting out and saving and testing the hover-nohover.
fabricius: movement stopped, but the hover button doesn't fit on the regular button and if I adjust with top and bottom padding, movement comes back
chibaguy: Well, whatever adjustment you make needs to be the same for both a and a:hover, to avoid movement.
fabricius: sure
arrrgl - T H X chibaguy
chibaguy: hey, looking pretty good now.
except for the dropdown items still needing a little changing.
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RobertPlummer: Back!
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fabricius: chibaguy: I think I have it - must be tested in different browsers
chibaguy: would you mind to look, if you like it?
The logo and the logo colors are given to me ... my job is to make out of it (besides admin stuff and such)
chibaguy: I thank you very much - you gave me the right hints and pointed me to the right direction
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chibaguy: fabricius: you're welcome. glad I could be of some help.
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Merbster: RobertPlummer, I started work on the objectquerylib
RobertPlummer, I generalized your idea a bit, just two methods so far. "filter_in_column" and "by_value"
RobertPlummer: Merbster: New methods need to have camel case naming convention, fyi.
Merbster: Oh ok
that's nice
RobertPlummer: Merbster: If possible.
Merbster: since that's what I prefer
RobertPlummer: justLikeThisIfPossible.
Merbster: I have just seen alot of underscore named
Actually I just spent 10 mins. renaming the functions
RobertPlummer: Yea, that was the old way, we aren't redoing them, just make sure you do it from here on out, I'm guilty of it too.
Merbster: It is all in the naming ;()
Merbster: Should function names start with upper case?
(like in .net naming convetions)
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RobertPlummer: no only when it is a class I believe
$trackerQueryLib = new TrackerQueryLib();
Merbster: ok
RobertPlummer: with javascript everything should be camel-case.
Merbster: k.
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Merbster: How does PDO handle input params that are used with the "IN" keyword?
like if I have a set of PKs 1,2,3 and I want it to be like: "Select col1, col2, col3 FROM Table where col1 in (1,2,3,
Ohg well home from work
maybe talk with you guys this evening!
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37543 10/trunk/lang/ (49 files in 49 dirs): updating language files
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37544 10/branches/7.x/lang/ (48 files in 48 dirs): updating language files
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37545 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lang/ (47 files in 47 dirs): updating language files
coaboa: filegallery bahaves strange: uploaded yesterday some jpgs to local trunk. everything worked fine. {img fileId="xy"} shows the image.
uploading the same image today it loads up correctly but the wikipage states this is not an image
clicking on the (md5??) generated filname with a picture viewer shows the correct image.
including an yeserday uploaded image with plugin imgage displays it with no error. only thing swithed: from engl. to german.
using the img src insted if fileId works well (when not using any option such as width, thumbnail, or box) and displays the images not shown with fileId or imgID
as soon as adding an display option to src method the plugin states "File is not an Image"
luciash: coaboa: weird but u can try workaround adding &type=.jpg
maybe that helps
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fabricius: luciash: thx for your hints yesterday
in the end I did need a second approach - chibaguy pointed me to the right direction finally
luciash: fabricius: cool
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sept_7 * r37546 10/trunk/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [EHN] Move menu fonctions from Tikilib to Menulib where it belongs
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coaboa: luciash: nope only using the src method works. Switching back to engl. doesnt helped neither ;-) Playing around to nail it down to be reproducable.
rwik: hello everyone! I have a question about the WYSIWYG toolbar. I removed the "image" plugin tool from the bar, but it still shows up (though in a different place), and I cant remove it because it doesnt show up when checking the toolbars in the admin toolbars page. does anyone know where the entries for the toolbar are displayed? is it in the database? (i looked, but i did not see a table which looked right for the wysiwyg) or is it on
Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
rwik: *entries for the toolbar are stored
luciash: rwik: toolbars admin has different sections to choose from, maybe it is still there
nkoth|nelson: can someone tell me if by design prefs that are defined with a "separator" supposed to be unserialized already by the time I use it?
because it's not working for a new pref I am creating.. maybe I'm missing something
rwik: <@luciash> I just went through them all again, the view modes and selectors, and I cannot find it.
nkoth|nelson: ok nm, I see the code here that looks at default, not sure why it's not working
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r37547 10/trunk/lib/ (init/initlib.php parser/parserlib.php tikilib.php): [FIX] Fixed link corruption (not completed), i.e. linking to pages using international characters in their name (using WYSIWYG editor and HTMLPurifier activated) now works.
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nkoth|nelson: looks like I need to relogin... stored in session?
rwik: luciash: I have also cleared the cache to no avail. It appeared right when I removed it (in a place it was not before), and I can now assign it again (it shows up in the list of available plugin tools), but it does not appear in the toolbar admin section.
im just going to hide the div in css for now, im not sure what else to do.
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37548 10/trunk/ (7 files in 6 dirs): [ENH] Not all search formatters are slow, provide option to cache only some. Also rename prefs to be clear that it is for unified
luciash: rwik: when i go to Admin Toolbars i can see a Section dropdown and when i choose e.g. Articles, there is different toolbar than for Wiki pages... what section do you see the toolbars after removing ?
rwik: if you check Comments checkbox, it will apply to comments too
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rwik: @luciash hey, sorry I didnt see your response until now. I know that there is a diff toolbar for different sections, and the image plugin tool is not in any of them, though i suppose it need only be removed from the wiki pages section. theoretically, if i select wysiwyg only in the view mode, and then wiki pages, if it shows up on in the wysiwyg page editor it should be show up in the toolbar editor right? It doesnt though. its not
luciash: rwik? i am not sure how it exactly works when you select both (wiki and wysiwyg) toolbars
rwik: ok. I have changed the toolbars often in the past, and I have used the same techniques that i applied today, and they always disappear when you remove them from the admin toolbar and drag them back into the plugin tools area. I'm not sure why its messing up, and it could be user error, but I think it is probably a glitch in the editor, because it does not show up in the tiki editor, but only the wysiwyg, and when I shift between show
luciash: it's possible
rwik: unrelated question, but how do you send a message to someone like you did earlier to me? I dont have too much irc experience
luciash: earlier ? i used only "rwik:" ... but maybe you mean /msg someone for private messages ?
rwik: luciash: this was what I was wondering how to do, haha. thanks
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: How to get current user name in a wiki plugin -
rwik: does it appear to red to you when I do that, like <@jcarter>
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37549 10/trunk/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] Avoid warnings that get dumped out
luciash: it appears higlighted in yellow to me if you message my nick with :
rwik: <nick> doesn't highlight for me
rwik: ok, mine appears red with the <nick>: syntax, but i suppose its just bc of the diff irc clients, but either way, i just wanted to know the syntax to make it stand out. Thanks!
luciash: yep, np
rwik: btw, if you write "luci" and hit tab key your irc client should take care of the rest
rwik: nice! good tip.
nkoth|nelson: luciash: this one you may know, do you have situation where the main menu always look as if it's open (drop downs) before they close?
is there a trick to hide it and then show it only when it is ready?
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luciash: nkoth|nelson: not sure i get what you need
nkoth|nelson: i have a horizontal menu
with sub options under the main option, but when I go to the page, it looks like the entire menu is expanded before it closes up
it's sort of visually really irritating
luciash: nkoth|nelson: it shouldn't do by default
nkoth|nelson: must be some interferrence
nkoth|nelson: it does work fine here
nkoth|nelson: luciash: maybe I acidentally overwrone some css
luciash: nkoth|nelson: make sure your JS is loaded properly
nkoth|nelson: CSS menus work in modern browsers even when JS load fails
nkoth|nelson: maybe that visual glitch is the symptom
nkoth|nelson: of CSS-only menu
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nkoth|nelson: what is the default theme for trunk?
I can't event get a proper menu going...
ok it's now working locally
luciash: default is still fivealive i think
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coaboa: nkoth|nelson: I have to set up a minimal shop for selling a low amount of items. is there a descriptionon how to setup such a shop using the work you and youre colleges have done (paypal, shoping cart, payment) ?
nkoth|nelson: coaboa, i was hoping to create the profile when we upgrade the site to tiki 8 later in th eyear
coaboa: oops, have to do it until 10th october ;-)
can you point me to the things I have to look at?
nkoth|nelson: is what so far, but I can give you access to see a sample
-: changi|ffa doc / dev / info will be unstable for the next hours, please do not upload any picture
nkoth|nelson: changi|ffa btw I find that I need to restart apache once in a while to avoid memory always being used up , especially after say, rebuilding search index, have you seen such things?
changi|ffa: nkoth|nelson: no
it depends on your apache installation
are you using mpm worker or mpm prefork ?
nkoth|nelson: it's not really used up, but when I run htop it looks like utilization seems very high
I am using prefork - I reduced the number of max processes it helps but still...
changi|ffa: prefork has a big disavantage, it used a lot of memory and don't release it
did you try to simply graceful it ?
nkoth|nelson: what do you mean "graceful it"?
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coaboa: bbl.
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changi|ffa: apache2ctl graceful instead of restart
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fabricius: polom
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changi|ffa: hi fabricius
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37550 10/trunk/lib/core/WikiParser/PluginMatcher.php: [REVERT] Fix to reset the cut-off breaks the cut-off, causing the stress test to loop forever
tikiwiki: 03gta74 * r37551 10/trunk/lang/de/language.php: [TRA] and again 100 %
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ChanServ sets mode: +o sylvieg
lphuberdeau: 467 class Undefined_Smarty_Variable {
468 // return always false
469 public function __get ($name)
470 {
471 if ($name == 'nocache') {
472 return false;
473 } else {
474 return null;
475 }
476 }
477 }
gotta love smarty
sylvieg: lphuberdeau: if you revert he plumatcher fix - can you provide a test - because I can provide you a test where the passes stops to parse a page
lphuberdeau: there is a test showing that your fixed caused the parser to go in a loop
sylvieg: in the test suite?
lphuberdeau: yes
sylvieg: :-(
I have a page that can not be parsed because of this protection... and I do not understand the logic
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37552 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerquerylib.php: [FIX] Needed to make sure a tracker value is set when not called statically.
lphuberdeau: lib/test/core/WikiParser/StressTest.php
(it's the old doc.t.o homepage)
add a test case
fabricius: hi changi|ffa
sylvieg: you have an opening plugin.... you try to find the closing plugin... by testing if the inside is correct.... but if you have to do 1000 times this , $passes will stop the process because it is never reset
lphuberdeau: it's intentional
sylvieg: so how do you know 500 is enough?
lphuberdeau: it's arbitrary, of course
sylvieg: I esimated to .... 10 times this value for my page
lphuberdeau: just increase the value then
sylvieg: I will put 50000000000000000000000000000000
and I will not be happy
lphuberdeau: that just won't work
int overflow
sylvieg: :-)
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lphuberdeau: whatever you do, make sure the test suites still run and complete
sylvieg: so can I add a test that does not work ? ;-)
lphuberdeau: well, you should add a test that does not work and make sure everything works
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sylvieg: I suppose the fix is to have an array of passes
but is it better to penalize people who write complex wiki page or people that do not know to write correct pages?
perhaps it should be a debug mode and it is probably what I will do if I do not understand
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r37553 10/trunk/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php: [ENH] Factorized in only one if
lphuberdeau: I just know tiki should not spin out of control when a user makes an incorrect page
sylvieg: but tiki should parse whatever is correct...
lphuberdeau: the cut-off is there to make sure the error is not max execution time reached
sylvieg: to it must be based on the execution or a way to exception the error
lphuberdeau: as I said, feel free to fix it, but the code needs to complete eventually
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37554 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs): [ENH/FIX] Visual Wiki: Added colors to the toolbar and fixed some color related issues (more fixes are required)
tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r37555 10/trunk/lib/menubuilder/menulib.php: [FIX] need to be set, and foreach need an array as param
deeku: Tiki gurus, a quick question - I want to play a WMV file on a colourbox / shadowbox window when the user clicks on an image. Can someone please point me to a link where I can find tiki syntax for this? Thanks
The following does not work:
[|{img fileId=184,width=195} |box;width=405;height=340;]
What am I doing wrong?
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03gta74 * r37556 10/trunk/tiki-admin_shoutbox_words.php: tr tag for menu
tikiwiki: 03gta74 * r37557 10/trunk/lang/de/language.php: some fixes/unifications
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37558 10/trunk/ (lib/prefslib.php lib/setup/prefs.php tiki-setup_base.php): [FIX] Notices
tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37559 10/trunk/lib/test/editlib/EditLibTest.php: [ENH] More tests for EditLib (fix needed for multiple nested colors and wiki inline tags)
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37560 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Wrong info function name, definitely did not work
tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37561 10/trunk/lib/ (test/editlib/EditLibTest.php wiki/editlib.php): [FIX] EditLib::parseToWiki used to eat spaces just after html tags
tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r37562 10/trunk/lang/nds/language.php: [TRA] further corrections
-: sylvieg dissapointed - phpunit is not working out of the box with the latest ubuntu - I had a great respect for ubuntu
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luciash: deeku: use link param of the img syntax instead
deeku: ok, can do
{img fileId=184,width=195,link="|box}
will this work?
luciash: yes, remove the quote
deeku: or will it just result in downloading the video instead of playing it?
luciash: and add the box as rel="box"
deeku: ok, trying
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luciash: deeku: {img fileId=184 width=195 link= rel=box;width=405;height=340;}
to have the box of fixed width and height
fabricius: luciash: why you put in width twice?
deeku: Um, sorry luciash, it shows the lightbox but does not play the video; it offers to download it
luciash: fabricius: i don't
deeku: you need a player or plugin to play wmv in browser
fabricius: width = 195 and width=405
luciash: fabricius: first one is for image itself, second is for the linked box popup
deeku: first width is for the image, the second for the shadowbox and video
fabricius: ah ok, thank you
luciash: deeku: try adding ;type=iframe; if that helps something (if you have wmv plugin installed)
deeku: i have Windows Media Player and I am able to play the video successfully with
fabricius: sylvieg, are you using 11.4 ?
deeku: Is there a way to display MEDIAPLAYER in a popup?
luciash: deeku: you can put it in hidden div and then display, yes
deeku: hidden div - can you point me to a URL with an example of this?
luciash: deeku: just a moment
though it doesn't seem to work at all at the example page, it should work for you
deeku: thanks, checking...
luciash: "
i mean "inline content in shadowbox trick"
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luciash: (is the trick with hidden element - as the class wiki-edithelp has display: none)
sylvieg: fabricius: yes
arildb: Hi, I am looking more into the link corruption problem for international characters in the WYSISYG editor. Another side of this problems seems to stem from the javascript side, where the escape function is used. This function does not encode the URL correctly. So, it must probably be replaced. I have found a file webtoolkit.url.js which does the job OK. I am completely unfamiliar with the CKEditor and no Javascript expert. Anybody here that can assist?
sylvieg: arildb: I have the same problem with hebreu the javascript encode is not the same than the php decode ... when doing item list in tracker
arildb: sylvieg, it says that it's not UTF-8 compatible. The problem seems to be confined to the tiki javascript extenstions.
chealer: hi arildb. yuck
-: sylvieg not at home because my internet provider has problem .. and /me is missing all my examples
arildb: chealer: Hi :-)
sylvieg: ahah I did not check if tiki was redefining the encoding somewhere
arildb: I have found a scipt at which seems to encode correctly. I am hoever unsure about how to integrate it
The problem with the PHP urldecode also stems from the use of the javascript escape function
chealer: arildb: aha, i hope you're on something
arildb: the W3C page the function links talks about clients that don't encode correctly
arildb: chealer: I think so.
sylvieg: seems very interesting arildb
-: sylvieg missing my files and if I go back home - no internet
arildb: The proble with the escape function is that it's not UTF-8 compatible. It encodes in the style %AB, whereas correct encoding is in the format %AB%CD
%AB%CD is compatible with PHP urldecode
...and HTMLPurifier
sylvieg: you are my buddy arildb - it is what I saw
arildb: So, anybody familiar enough with the CKEditor and Javascript to help me with the integration....there is also probably a nasty data conversion job afterwards
..for existing installations
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03mlustenberg * r37563 10/trunk/lib/ (test/editlib/EditLibTest.php wiki/editlib.php): [FIX] EditLib::parseToWiki() the conversion of inline tags, nested within color tags, did not work at all
chealer: arildb: did you see ?
sylvieg: sorry I do not know very well this part - my problem is in tracker dynamic items list
arildb: chealer: This is different.
chealer: arildb: it's different? you don't think encodeURI() would help?
arildb: chealer: The current problem is that 2 coding standards are used. 1. javascript escape (style: %AB), which is incompatible with PHP urldecode, and 2. (the correct UTF-8) encoding styled (%AB%CD). I believe PHP urlencode produces this form. The bug occurs when javascript unescape is called on the %AB%CD form. It is unable to convert it. For UTF-8, I believe %AB%CD is the correct form, and I believe Tiki should be updated to only use this format
chealer: arildb: I agree, but have you looked at ?
arildb: I found a component which seems to work fine
chealer: checking
chealer: my french is not very good....
no english equivant seems to exist
chealer: arildb: sorry,
arildb: chealer: yes encodeURIComponent may work, and it's standard javascript. The usage of escape/unescape seems to be limited to the Tiki parts. So, maybe a change in all those parts will work. I will give it a try
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chealer: arildb: the Tiki parts as opposed to the CKEditor parts?
arildb: chealer: yes, only the Tiki plugins use escape. However, it is used other places to. Search for escape in the *.js files
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chealer: arildb: OK. yes, CKEditor people probably know better JavaScript than we do.
arildb: chealer: I am giving the replacement into *codeURIComponent a try
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-: Terry_ says g'day to all
Terry_: I am looking for links to sites using tiki as an actual wiki.
deeku: Terry, see
chealer: arildb: no doubt we must still use escape(), yeah
deeku: also
lphuberdeau: define "actual wiki"
chealer: arildb: here's what I said just after you left yesterday:
arildb: chealer: In some instances, I guess it's OK, but since it's not UTF-8 compatible it should not be used in the wiki content. *codeURIComponent seems to do the job fine. So, maybe just use that....I think we are heading for a data conversion job though
chealer: arildb: there's definitely a problem. tiki_links has no record from http://localhost/tiki/trunk/tiki-index.php?page=Chealer%27s+WYSIWYG+test
Terry_: A site I am working on is simply phpbb and I need to add a wiki, cms and/or completely change the whole thing. so I am learning and comparing.
chealer: arildb: that was after making a link from that page to the problematic page
arildb: no need to convert data, it's an experimental feature
arildb: chealer: Yes, I have seen the same. It comes from the page name corruption. No match is found. So no (complete) record is saved.
chealer: ok...good
lphuberdeau: is mostly a wiki
the unofficial doc too:
chealer: arildb: but shouldn't it be saved as a link to a not-yet-created page then?
Terry_: I am indexed really well on the phpbb, so moving from that will take a bit of a hit. I wonder if I would consider using tiki with phpbb?
arildb: chealer: I am not sure what you mean, but I have seen another bug. tiki_links is only updated on "update". Thus the initial "insert" does not write to tiki_links. Not a problem in practice I guess.
lphuberdeau: (never used it myself)
chealer: arildb: ah. I mean that normally if Existing links to NonExisting, tiki_links should have a record for the "broken" link anyway
Terry_: Interesting, thanks. In my brief search I have seen a number of hits from people moving from tiki to mediawiki. Is there anything to be said for that or perhaps tiki is a bit more up to speed these days?
arildb: chealer: Yes, maybe. I can't really remember the detail, but the effect is that nothing is written when the name get corrupted
chealer: arildb: anyway, let me try reproducing the bug on page creation
arildb: chealer: ok
lphuberdeau: there is good stuff in mediawiki, and good stuff in dokuwiki, and in foswiki too, I think it depends on what kind of community you want to build
but there are people moving from mediawiki to tiki as well
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r37564 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_banning.tpl: [SEC] Complements 37380
Terry_: Well, this community particular is a bunch of older "gearhead" guys who work on their vehicles. I am trying to get the forum to act more like a listserve for them as well as link to a few yahoo groups at leats one way to make getting info easier. As for the wiki, I do need it easy to use for folks who dont quite get the entire wiki concept. It needs to be a data store for "how to" and such. Also need a good user based photo galler
might be nice if it could emulate bbcode to mimick the forum
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Terry_: i think media has an editor for that
lphuberdeau: people use bb syntax much?
chealer: arildb: oh, I reproduced that
Terry_: I believe the folkjs are familiar with including photos that way and whatnot. so largely [img]
lphuberdeau: tiki's toolbar kind of just does the syntax, so it's not too hard to step into
arildb: chealer, yes. Though not very critical in practice. I at least tend to save several times, before I am happy
Terry_: in the end, an easy way to upload and include photos to the forum.
sylvieg: :-) the encodeURI instead of escape solves my problem with the tracker in 6 - thx guys
need to check trunk now
Terry_: i wonder if I can change the editor on phpbb to use the tiki editor
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r37565 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-admin_banning.tpl: [SEC bp/37564] Complements 37381
lphuberdeau: terry, I don't think that would be easy, tiki does not like being taken apart
but there is a forum in tiki as well
arildb: chealer: using *codeURIComponent seems to solve the problem. However, only for new pages. Old pages with the old %AB formatting fail to load completely
chealer: ah...but only in WYSIWYG. By switching to the wiki editor the content is still there and can be edited
chealer: arildb: sorry, I don't really understand what's going on
(I don't really know where you're working)
arildb: chealer: I have change all escape calls in javascript to encodeURIComponent. After that pages that contain the old %AB encoding fail to load in the WYSIWYG editor. However, by switching to the wiki editor, I am able to edit/correct the content and save the page. Afterwards it loads fine in WYSIWYG. So, I think this is a solution!
chealer: and the custom urldecode functions can be removed, as they are no longer needed. This new format is compatible with PHP urldecode
chealer: arildb: that would be awe-some
arildb: chealer: yes, it seems to work fine. A slight drawback for existing users of WYSIWYG, but...
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37566 10/branches/proposals/6.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX]dynamic items list for hebrew: encodeURI works better than escape. thx arildb+chealer
-: sylvieg needs to test in trunk now...
arildb: sylvieg, encodeURI produces a slightly different output than encodeURIComponent. In URLs encodeURIComponent produces the correct format
sylvieg, see's a nice test of the formats
sylvieg: so do you think I need to replace -> encodeURIComponent
I must admin I tested only for French and Hebrew
arildb: sylvieg, not sure if encodeURI is UTF-8 compatible. Maybe check it
If it works for french and hebrew you should be on the safe side
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chealer: sylvieg: I was going to say that, encodeURIComponent()
-: sylvieg doing the tests...
chealer: arildb: thanks for the link
deeku: I want to play a WMV file on a colourbox / shadowbox popup window, is there an easy way to do this in tiki?
lphuberdeau: deeku, I think this is something luciash would know
deeku: hmm, he did help, but I have not been successful in getting the results I want
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chealer: bbl
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37567 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tracker_item_field_input.tpl: [FIX]37566 encodeURIComponent is better than encodeURI see thx arildb+chealer
sylvieg: thx guys - Bernard will be a very happy man
arildb: :-)
Terry_: am i just not finding this; but can wiki documentxs have tags to allow such things as category listings or perhaps tag searches. Say I wanted to find everything with a tag of Ferret on it instead of using text search.
sylvieg: Terry_: there are 2 features: categories and freetags
Terry_: i think i juyst found some of this info and am reading now
can a document have multiple categories? such as defining the classification of an animal?
sylvieg: yes
-: sylvieg needs to go back home - hope internet connection is back
Terry_: so if i had 6000 animal documents, one can click the tag of MAMMAL and get just those docs tagged such. Does the system index this stuff then? It's kid of interesting.
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Terry_: I am also curious about sidebar modules or widgets. Are there addons to support things like Adsense/ads, perhaps some stuff to allow for other affiliate type of things? One thing I can use is the ability to set a keyword for each document that will work with sidebar code to display related content, ie: ferrets on ebay or perhaps search my database for ferret products...?
lphuberdeau: terry, that would work, yes
throw all tags or categories as a search query and it will give out the results ranked by similarity
Terry_: i am pondering an animals of the world site targeted for kids, parents, teachers... If someone is reading an article about monkeys, Id like related content to come up on the side bar. I wonder if one could selectively enable/disable sidebar content for each article? ie: if there are no monkey hits on amazon, I can use an ebay widget instead.
lphuberdeau: bits of custom code, but nothing too hard
Terry_: some of that will be beyond me for now. i am slowly getting into the web world. i have a couple of successful sites which are inspiring me to do more.
i dont like much about what I have read about the 'affiliate" or marketing world out there, but I do see a lot of useful things and tools and whatnot. For instance, I could see on my animal site collecting a bunch of pet or animal toy kind of data feeds from somewhere and then searching that for each article widget. the concept is simple but the doing is not of course.
contextual keyword would also be useful for a "More articles about 'ferret'" ...
some contextual links ot other parts of the site would rock, for instance, find zoos with "ferret"
fabricius: luciash: r u there?
Terry_: in a wiki, or perhaps specifically tiki, how does one differentiate major categorical things, for instance WIKI has docs, images, categories, FORUM has similar, perhaps I'd like to have a listing of ZOOS where each entry has a related comments or a forum discusion... I think I get lost in the CMS capability here.
can you have "SECTIONS" in a tiki install? essentiallty seperate wikis perhaps?
click here for ANIMALs, click here for ZOOS, click here for ...
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deeku: terry, yes I think that would be possibe
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Terry_: with reference to tiki, how would I look to set up a site like that? Would each "section" be a Tiki Category?
seperate "Objects"
Interesting. So I can do a separate OBJECT for a zoos wiki. I wonder how I can organize by geographic location? Maybe I can do tags or categories within the sub wiki for that
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r37568 10/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Tiki javascript components for CKEditor now uses the UTF-8 compatible
tikiwiki: encodeURIComponent/decodeURIComponent instead of escape/unescape which is not
tikiwiki: UTF-8 compatible. This is the real cause of the link corruption to pages with
tikiwiki: international characters in the page name.
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Terry_: question, before I invest 12,000 users and a zillion forum posts to tiki, I'd like to know that there exist converters to get back out of it if desired. Might there exist a converter to take the forum data back to phpbb?
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fabricius: I do not think so Terry, but if not, feel free to code one
Terry_: heh
fabricius: should not be so difficult from Tiki side, as all is in MySQL tables
Terry_: indeed, alas, expertise I dont yet have in hand.
I am a little bit excited though. it looks like tiki might be a fit for my animals/zoo website.
fabricius: cool
Terry_: I have been holding off on a few projects because I just cant find the right fit for a tool.
fabricius: Tiki is a fit for my portal aswell
Terry_: researching is exhausting. there is os much stuff out therfe
fabricius: yes, I did search for long time
Terry_: of course as a "publisher" my final end goal is to creatively monetize the work I am doing in a professional and realistic way. so I'll probably have ot create a few widgets to do this.
fabricius: and for long time I was sure, that I would need at least two or three softwares
Terry_: Wordpress has a lot of that kind of crud built for it so you hear a lot of folks using that to build crappy weak sites on
fabricius: and at the very last minute I stumbled over Tiki and just stayed
Terry_: it is nice to have one toolset
fabricius: yupi
and a very open and helpful community
Terry_: that is nice. you often get the "l33t" attitudes which gets me nowhere anyway.
i need to dig into the plugins available for tiki to see what I can build on. are there some things to make it easy for adsense or other monetizing stuff?
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