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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy chibaguy: polom
fabricius (when you are here), maybe #module_16 .cssmenu_horiz li a:hover {color: red} CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r37665 10/trunk/lang/nds/language.php: [TRA] Translation growing and more phonetic spelling chibaguy: css id's are powerful and hard to override with classes. In general, it's better to not use #___ in a css rule unless it is a unique selector and there will be no need to override it.
Or when an id is used to assign a css property, if an overriding rule is needed, it is best to use the same id in that rule also, to make it equally powerful. SJ-Jay: sylvieg, are you there? :) ***: arildb has joined #tikiwiki
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ChanServ sets mode: +o sylvieg coaboa: polom jonnyb: hi coaboa coaboa: Hi jonnyb: we have decided not to use the shopping system of tiki as it is in an earl state and not documented. We will use xtc extended and might do a user sync. We need the shopt to be up and running before 10th of October. What is your feeling? ***: Caarrie|sleeping is now known as Caarrie|away jonnyb: still haven't got anywhere near it yet - but yes, it won't be ready in two weeks so probably a good call to use something else coaboa: the stuff citadel rock has done is on tiki 6.1 which ma lead in to problems as tracker are heavily used and those are changed in 7. Would liked to have an integrated solution but... CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37666 10/trunk/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] modules: Correct pasto in nocategory logic (thanks fabricius)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37667 10/trunk/styles/tikinewt.css: [FIX] tikinewt: Refactore duplicated input definitions to stop buttons jumping around on hover (chibaguy please check? probably can be done better i think) ***: talin has joined #tikiwiki talin: hello. how cna i check what version of tiki wiki i am using? arildb: talin: Go the menu Admin, then select the General applet. See the General Preferences tab talin: arildb: thank you ***: olinuxx has joined #tikiwiki
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talin has left sylvieg: Am I awake? in php 0 == 'not' is true?
humm seems to be true 'not' is converted to int... RobertPlummer: can you do a === like javascript in php? sylvieg: yes - I will do it... CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37668 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX]tracker: fix multivalued drop down filter for text sylvieg: thx RobertPlummer CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37669 10/branches/7.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [bp/r 37668][FIX]tracker: fix multivalued drop down filter for text
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37671 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [bp/r 37668][FIX]tracker: fix multivalued drop down filter for text
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37672 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Item.php: [NEW] Adding a check for item category permissions on tracker items
tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37673 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Item.php: [FIX] Bad check on status in canRemove() RobertPlummer: sylvieg: no problem
sylvieg: polom by the way ***: rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki Bernard1: hi all sylvieg: polom chealer: hi sylvieg. true indeed: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php Merbster: What would happen if an argument variable is used inside the JQ plugin? would it "invalidate" the approval?
(so that you would be stuck in an endless approval loop because the argument variable in the JQ changes for example a string value)
it seems that IS the case! CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03lphuberdeau * r37674 10/trunk/tiki-view_tracker_item.php: [FIX] More notices
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37675 10/trunk/ (5 files in 5 dirs): [NEW] Added tracker reports as a feature and menu option, it was already there, might as well make it usable RobertPlummer: Merbster, sounds like a dream I once had. Merbster: RobertPlummer, Very lucid! chealer: polom ***: radek82 has joined #tikiwiki
rodrigo_sampaio has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) chealer: RobertPlummer: I'm sorry but could you check that your Mail Alias Behavior SourceForge account preference is set to "Accept all mail"? you told me you did it a couple of weeks ago, but I just got "Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the recipient domain. We recommend contacting the other email provider for further information about the cause of this error. The error that the other server returned was: 550 550
unknown user (state 14)." ***: lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki
rodrigo_sampaio has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: chealer: checking. CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37676 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Trackers: presumed breakage resulting from r37156
tikiwiki: Note: OOPS. Still untested, review of r37156 still welcome. Completes r37670
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37677 10/trunk/tiki-index.php: [FIX]wiki: display error if user hav no email: Should be doen for each feature ***: olinuxx has quit IRC (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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tiju ***: kij_ has quit IRC (Client Quit) arildb: Q: When using category transtions, is the date+time of the transition recorded anywhere? lphuberdeau: no, but it could make sense to store it in the actionlog ***: redflo has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37678 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerfilter.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] TRACKERFILTER: presumed breakage resulting from r29936
tikiwiki: Note: untested, review welcome arildb: lphuberdeau, thanks. I need to be able to analyze this time after it has occured. The actionlog may be OK for what I need, but a more explicit representation may be needed. Hopefully it's not too difficult to add a "hook" to the transtion process lphuberdeau: well, the transitions really only just change categories RobertPlummer: chealer, as far as I know my settings are right, I think Google is rejecting the email. arildb: lphuberdeau, yes, ...and come to think of it... since these can be changed explicitly (by selecting the category), I guess what I really need is to record when a wiki page is put in a certain category
lphuberdeau, I think I will end up with a database trigger.... lphuberdeau: that is already in the actionlog arildb: lphuberdeau, entering a new catagory?.... lphuberdeau: yes
and looks like it gets triggered when you enter from a transition chealer: RobertPlummer: you're on Gmail? RobertPlummer: chealer: yes arildb: lphuberdeau, thanks. I will check it out some more. Better than a db-trigger if it's already there chealer: RobertPlummer: well, why would Google say that your user is unknown? Do you have the right email address set on SourceForge? ***: nkoth|nelson has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: chealer: From sf.net: Email address: robertleeplummerjr@gmail.com Change address Bernard1: arildb: tks for your work it help with several prob i had with hebrew. i have more to test but that's cool. RobertPlummer: dhealer From sf.net: Note: To send mail using your alias, you will need to configure your email client to use robertplummer@users.sourceforge.net as the From: address for email. If your email service service will not allow this, you may need to seek an alternate solution (such as using a mail client loaded on your workstation and sending mail through the SMTP server provided by your ISP). CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37679 10/trunk/ (9 files in 7 dirs):
tikiwiki: [NEW] notifications: First outing for user_joins_group watch.
tikiwiki: Can be added (globally) on tiki-admin_notifications.php or per group on group admin or any page using wikiplugin_memberlist.
tikiwiki: Requires perm tiki_p_group_view_members.
tikiwiki: Needs testing in the real world! RobertPlummer: I've added that email to my email's list, and it sends a email to that email to confirm, so I can't receive the email. arildb: bernard1: no problem. Making Tiki handle international settings better is a work in progress. So, feel free to join in. chealer: RobertPlummer: OK, but I'm just talking about receiving mail.
RobertPlummer: I don't understand what you mean by adding to your email's list, which list? Bernard1: arildb: i'm completing some work on 6.x but soon i should update an hebrew tw to 7.x and then to trunk. i'll be glad to help RobertPlummer: chealer: on gmail, lets take this off #tikiwiki arildb: bernhard1: Are you able to use page names and page content OK in hebrew?
Bernard1, Is Hebrew a right-to-left written language? Bernard1: i have several issues…
arildb: yes
arildb: i'm in the middle of something but i'll be available to discuss and even test later (i really want to ! :) ) arildb: Bernard1, that is an excellent test case for the international issues. I am using norwegian which has too many similarities with English to be a really good test candidate. Test in Hebrew would be really good. If you could review the current state of the trunk version it would be very helpful
Bernard1, ok. Talk to you later then CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37680 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl: [FIX] html warnings chealer: Bernard1: you are yonixxx, right? Bernard1: chealer: yes… :) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37681 10/trunk/db/tiki.sql: [FIX] Tracker reports permissions chealer: Bernard1: hi. sorry but did you get my email about your SourceForge email alias yesterday? Bernard1: chealer: hu… no ? can you send again : bsfez@shocksite.com chealer: Bernard1: that is where I sent it, but I just forwarded it there. http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.cvs/69122 is what I sent yesterday CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37682 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] memberlist: Convert jQuery-UI tabs to tikitabs as they render better and remember which tab you should be on
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r37683 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Rating.php: moving some tracker field types to experimental Bernard1: chealer: ok i'm here. :) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r37684 10/trunk/templates/tracker_actions.tpl: not sure we should keep this button, but if we do, it should go to right tab Bernard1: chealer: the same day earlier with chibaguy we found weirdies in the code that was breaking the layout when the module was placed in a wiki page instead of a col.
chealer: http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2011-09-09 from 9h00 to 10h00
:) when the module was placed in a col instead of a wiki page. (ben tiens) ***: SJ-Jay has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Merbster has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) chealer: Bernard1: thanks, but first I wanted to check what's going on with your email. did you receive the one I just forwarded? Bernard1: chealer: rechecked nope...
looking at source for my profile chealer: Bernard1: I suppose you received other mail to bsfez@shocksite.com without problems in the last days? ***: lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) Bernard1: … not that i know this email is ok
ok got it ! The email get's here
(bsfez@shocksite.com) chealer: Bernard1: it just arrived late? Bernard1: September 26, 2011 17:30:07 GMT+03:00 ***: lphuberdeau has joined #tikiwiki chealer: Bernard1: right, but why didn't you receive it before? Bernard1: chealer: this i don;t know chealer: Bernard1: humk. I just sent a test message to yonixxx@users.sourceforge.net. Let me know if you don't receive it.
Bernard1: now, regarding the original problem, does the problem fixed by r37066 affect trunk? Bernard1: chealer: ok got the email yonixxx@users.sourceforge.net chealer: Bernard1: great CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r37685 10/trunk/templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl: [FIX] Corrects a regression from r37389 (the simple link stopped working) Bernard1: chealer: back to the problem… as you can see in the code, the problem was generate by a table. it is old code (div should be privileged)
the bug wasn't revealed so far as (it is my explanation) nobody has tried to used this module in a col.
beside there is another bug with "openid authentification" (confirmed by Chibaguy too) that is still there CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r37686 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/File.php: Moving field attach to a basic pref
tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r37687 10/branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl: [FIX bp/37685] Corrects a regression from r37390 (the simple link stopped working)
tikiwiki: 03jyhem * r37688 10/trunk/ (templates/tiki-list_comments.tpl tiki-list_comments.php): Fix comments archiving feature which was broken on recent FireFox & IE following change of browser behaviour due to stricter implementation of image input buttons chealer: Bernard1: OK, but do you know if the problem affects trunk? CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37689 10/trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] Prevent broken links when wysiwyg is used and sefurl is on
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37690 10/branches/7.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [bp/r37688][FIX] Prevent broken links when wysiwyg is used and sefurl is on Bernard1: chealer: i didn't tested, but i believe this problem affect any version, trunk included. CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37691 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [bp/r37688][FIX] Prevent broken links when wysiwyg is used and sefurl is on chealer: Bernard1: OK. are you aware that the semi-automatic merging period is over? ( http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/22902 ) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37692 10/trunk/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Brought tiki draw functionality (js + css) into a sort of api for usage on other pages Bernard1: chealer: i'm not really a dev and i have some issue understanding all this work. That's why i usually ask all kind of question about committing when i do (and even
(and even asking i'm often embrassing myself) :)
chealer: as we were discussing this for sometime on irc and nobody raised an objection i thought it was ok nkoth|nelson: hmm, I just realized by bp r number is wrong. well chealer: Bernard1: OK, well there are no complications on how to commit to trunk, but there are on stable branches. see http://dev.tiki.org/Where+to+commit#Stable
Bernard1: it's not the commit's content that I was asking about, it's the way it's done. normally a commit on branch 7.x must backport something from trunk.
Bernard1: could you test if the problem actually affects trunk? Bernard1: ok chealer i'll read that. I should be able to test in trunk soon. Then if i still don't get it about i'll need your help about several commit i keep aside. chealer: Bernard1: OK ***: chealer has quit IRC (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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arildb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37693 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Header.php: [FIX]header field: do not display the section below if header is closed ***: arildb has joined #tikiwiki CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r37694 10/branches/7.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Header.php: [bp/r37693][FIX]header field: do not display the section below if header is closed ***: Bernard1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
jjparker has joined #tikiwiki jjparker: i guys, i just upgraded 2.2 -> 7.1 (through 2.4, 3.9, 6.4), and now i'm having theme trouble ***: Bernard1 has joined #tikiwiki jjparker: everything looks great until i log into my account, then it looks like the html is truncated on top and bottom ***: brylie has joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: jjparker: perhaps you lost some modules - as top and bottom are now modules jjparker: ok, good, where should i look for those?
this is a fresh install, so my tiki-7.1/modules directory has the defaults in it
tiki-7.1/mods is empty sylvieg: tiki-admin_modules.php jjparker: ok, top is empty, topbar is empty, pagetop empty, left has 8 items, right empty, pagebottom empty, bottom has 2 items
and i have 3 custom modules ***: Jyhem_laptop has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) marclaporte1: jjparker: that's quite an upgrade! (congrats!)
jjparker: AFAIK, you didn't need to do it steps. From 2.2 to 7.1 should work jjparker: @marclaporte1: thanks, still struggling with this one marclaporte1: But it's expected to have issues with custom modules. Hopefully, you'll agree the modules drag & drop of 7.x makes it all worth it :-) jjparker: marclaporte1: i think i've disabled my custom modules; the problem is that all logged-users get truncated pages: nothing above <div class="topline"> is printed
marclaporte1: no <html> even
marclaporte1: but anonymous users are fine ***: lphuberdeau has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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Can you just edit modules? (to use new features) ***: marclaporte1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
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tikiwiki: [FIX] wysiwyg: Fall back to unescape if decodeURIComponent fails (presumably because wiki page content is not a valid URI).
tikiwiki: Seems to fix default HomePage content for now but isn't an ideal long term fix (unescape is deprecated, as we know) ***: RobertPlummer has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: re-polom CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37696 10/trunk/lang/pt-br/language.php: mark strings as untranslated
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37697 10/trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): new mergelang.php script (replaces mergelang.pl)
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37698 10/trunk/ (25 files in 15 dirs):
tikiwiki: get_strings.php: use array instead of object to store strings
tikiwiki: information to make code easier to maintain and fix corner case bug chealer: rodrigo_sampaio1: is it normal that r37698 seems to untranslate some strings? jjparker: marclaporte: would it be better to try upgrading 3.x -> 4.x -> 5.x -> 6.x to see exactly where it's breaking? CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r37699 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-change_category.tpl: [FIX] cahnge_categories: Restore showing the category path by default, and use the categpath if relativePathString is not set (which it isn't if showing all categs) - thanks Chealer ***: brylie has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving) sylvieg: lphuberdeau: when you did the editable/viewable on the tracker fields... Did you it as it was or - if a group is in the group the perms are propagated ***: jonnyb has quit IRC (Quit: jonnyb) lphuberdeau: could you rephrase that? sylvieg: in the old times, when a field was viewable by group X that was included in group Y (or the other way around...), group Y was not seining the field
it was not working like the perms
in the old days it was an in_array(default_group , checked groups)
and has nothiong to do with group inclusion.
I am wondering how you redo this point ... the same behavior or via the perms fucntions? rodrigo_sampaio1: chealer: it untranslate those strings because they were added in the wrong language file due to a bug in the new get_strings.php. luckily this bug, which was fixed in r37698, only happened in a very rare situation. chealer: rodrigo_sampaio1: ah, OK, that explains why some languages sounded so much like French :-) rodrigo_sampaio1: chealer: :) ***: jjparker has quit IRC (Quit: Page closed) lphuberdeau: it array_intersect between the user's groups, which is expanded, and the selection sylvieg: ok thanks lphuberdeau ***: AldenisZen has joined #tikiwiki CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37701 10/trunk/ (lib/svg-edit_tiki/draw.js tiki-edit_draw.php):
tikiwiki: [NEW] Added new method to draw.js
tikiwiki: [NEW] Added some testing script to play around with in tiki-edit_draw.php, add the request var "map" and watch the magic. RobertPlummer: draw gets the ability to edit maps! woohoo! CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37702 10/trunk/lib/categories/categlib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] CategLib: fix documentation of relativePathString element, and change the
tikiwiki: element to be generated in all cases, since some callers didn't look at
tikiwiki: categpath as fallback. Takes the same value as categpath for types all, roots
tikiwiki: and self.
tikiwiki: Note: r37045 regression (oops). Thanks Jonny Bradley
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37703 10/trunk/templates/modules/mod-change_category.tpl: [REF] minor, mostly reformat
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37704 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Permissions per tracker item are not checked, had to change to admin only
tikiwiki: [FIX] Proper error for incorrect permissions RobertPlummer: chealer, lphuberdeau called me out on that one ;)
Permissions are a complex beast. chealer: RobertPlummer: OK. no doubt, it must be even more bestial in trackers RobertPlummer: Glad though to have that feature in 8, it'll be nice to see what grows out of it.
chealer: Have you seen the new ways you can use the tracker query lib (which is what it uses)"
TrackerQueryLib::tracker("my tracker")->byName()->query();
Pretty neat stuff chealer: RobertPlummer: sorry, no, I don't know tracker[query]lib RobertPlummer: chealer: Now, you don't have to.
Trackers are like an ORM for building applications.
"like" is the key word there ;) CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37705 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php: [ENH] Added the correct document event for searching and paging with new key-able method through input chealer: yeah, I know the basics of trackers, just not their internals RobertPlummer: chealer: Is there a statslib for actionlog?
like an actionlog query?
I'm working with nelson to create a dashboard of sorts, and it looks like the easiest thing will be to make a tracker query lib for action lib
action query lib
Unless there is something already in tiki.
lphuberdeau: what do you think? chealer: RobertPlummer: not sure what you mean, but actionlog isn't my area RobertPlummer: I didn't see anything in /lib, so I'm grepping "actionlog" in *.php.
oh man.... it is a dirty dirty lib. sylvieg: RobertPlummer: is TrackerQueryLib use somewhere or only in custo code? RobertPlummer: sylvieg: Use it where you like.
sylvieg: It is used in tracker reports. sylvieg: put I ususally do not do custom code... RobertPlummer: sylvieg: It really is just designed to get tracker items. I would like to see tracker lib eventually migrate to it ;)
That way we can flip a switch when we go to store tracker items differently.
But lphuberdeau keeps giving me the cold shoulder
:) -: sylvieg still dis not have time to look at it sylvieg: so it is a list items tath can filter on any filters on field?
in http://dev.tiki.org/Tracker+Query the array is the result of which dfunction?
RobertPlummer: and 176 and Event Name are 2 values of the fieldId 162? RobertPlummer: In the example at http://dev.tiki.org/Tracker+Query 367 is the item id
176 and Event Name are just to items in a items list. ***: Bernard1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.) RobertPlummer: Probably a bad example.
162 is the field id sylvieg: hoe event name can be an Id?
an item id? RobertPlummer: sylvieg: "Event Name" is a static value from another tracker.
Don't worry about that.
It is just a static value.
sylvieg: See http://visop-dev.com/blogpost10
"Fun with Tiki Trackers"
(my blog) sylvieg: and what funnction returns this array? RobertPlummer: "query()"
sylvieg: It uses php function chaining
Just like jQuery with javascript
TIkiTrackerLib::tracker(id)->query();//return the whole tracker as array
The field ids will be for each column. sylvieg: can I copy paste your call on dev.tiki.org? RobertPlummer: Sure. sylvieg: and how to I filter for a value exactly = to 1 RobertPlummer: TikiTrackerLib::tracker(id)->limit(1);
:) sylvieg: In the 2 example, is the order of chaining important? RobertPlummer: Nope. sylvieg: for instance byName is after the start and end? RobertPlummer: Just "tracker" first, "query" last.
Nope, not important.
Tmiss-type above.
"TikiTrackerLib" should be "TrackerQueryLib"
SOrry typeing fast....
faster than I'm thinking.
sylvieg: What do you tink?
TrackerQueryLib is really a cool way to interact with trackers.
Trackers become an api for building apps.
sylvieg: There is also TrackerQueryLib::tracker()->getOne();
With auto sets the limit and returns 1 limited item; sylvieg: I was thinking about I want to filter all the items that have a name beginning with toto CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37706 10/trunk/lib/trackers/trackerquerylib.php: [FIX] Removed unused method RobertPlummer: sylvieg: On which field? :) sylvieg: filedId=23
fieldId=23 RobertPlummer: TrackerQueryLib::tracker()->search(array("toto"))->fields(array(23))->query();
put the tracker id in tracker()
It is still new, so let me know if you have any problems with it.
sylvieg: search and fields are both 1 to 1 relationship
so say you were looking for field id that equals toto or todo...
TrackerQueryLib::tracker()->search(array("toto", "todo"))->fields(array(23, 23))->query(); sylvieg: how to I distinguish a or and a and between filed filter
the start in your example is the fileter on created or lastModif?
I am doing some doc on dev.tiki.org ... like this I can use one day RobertPlummer: lastModif right now.
That needs to be setable
It depends on that for ordering the tracker items, but it should be changable.
I just haven't needed it ;)
Or really is the only type of distinguished thing right now.
It is trackers and I didn't want to make it to complicated, if you need further reductions you can handle them in your code.
it is php after all ;)
I'm about to do something similar with logs lib. sylvieg: So now hos can I say I want filedId 23 = a and fieldId 24 = b or fieldId 25=c?
Thanks RobertPlummer: I updated http://dev.tiki.org/Tracker+Query with what I understood RobertPlummer: Thanks!
Sorting doesn't yet work very well, at least not like that.
But that is ok
sylvieg: If you remove call to ->byName() you can call by id. sylvieg: thx change the last example in the doc
I remembered in the old day ... it was not possible to create a temporarily table with adodb...
Is the lib only for mysql?
I know we are no more anything else CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37707 10/trunk/ (8 files in 4 dirs): refactor new mergelang.php sylvieg: Thx RobertPlummer It is sure it is much easier to use CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r37708 10/branches/7.x/lang/ (14 files in 14 dirs): update language files with translations from trunk using mergelang.php sylvieg: :-) RobertPlummer: Yea, easy easy
That is the way I see the whole of tiki in the future.
chainable, easy, complete api. sylvieg: but .. I am still wondering how you will do logic filtering on multiple field ->or($this->search()->fields(), $this->search()->fields())->and(....) ***: arildb has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer) sylvieg: Could it be possible? ***: arildb has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: sylvieg: "or" is very simple
THis is the example: TrackerQueryLib::tracker()->search(array("toto", "todo"))->fields(array(23, 23))->query(); ***: fabricius has joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: You are saying if field 23 = toto or field 23 = todo.
either one, return something. fabricius: polom RobertPlummer: fabricius: polom
sylvieg: Or is the easy one, it is like match as many as you can.
it is And that gets tricky. CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37709 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_smarty.php:
tikiwiki: SMARTY plugin: name parameter seems required.
tikiwiki: Note: From r23126. Ref: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.cvs/68012 (no answer) fabricius: any codemirror guy there?
detected fault in trunk ;-) ***: redflo has joined #tikiwiki coaboa: gn tikiverse ***: coaboa is now known as coaboa|afk CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r37710 10/trunk/lib/ (logs/logsquerylib.php tikilib.php): [NEW] Tiki gets a new logs lib for querying logs. Doing something similar that I did with tracker query lib and chain-able function calls ***: RobertPlummer has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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tikiwiki: [ENH] tiki-perspective_binder.php as feature areas built in
tikiwiki: database access is now as it should be over the tikidb encapsulation
tikiwiki: -- Diese undk
tikiwiki: diekkkk folgenden Zeilen werden ignoriert --
tikiwiki: M tiki-setup.php
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