arildb: good (although I seem to remember more than one issue with WYSIWYG ^_^ )
arildb: did you deploy any WYSIWYG site
chealer, I am working on a project using Tiki as the base system, but integrates with other systems. The launch will be early next year. However, I am running several Tiki sites intenally at the company I work with, and they are starting to introduce it to customer. All norwegian customers. International characters is a make or break decision.
chealer, they all want WYSIWYG
chealer, thus very important for this project to get some issues integrated in the 8.0 version
arildb: great. I wasn't aware of any sizeable install using WYSIWYG
I thought we should dogfood WYSIWYG at some point
chealer, the spec of the project explicitly states it. It's what customers want at my end
chealer, yes that's a good idea
chealer, seems like quite a few are running mediawiki. However, people seem to think it's cumbersome to work with. Tiki gets a better reception. However, switching requires a functioning import module. It's there, but not up to date. If an import is done with the latest MediaWiki it fails, though tweaking it a bit (by allowing the newer version) still yields acceptable results, but getting it upgraded would make things easier. Do you know who has worke
d on the MediaWiki import?
rodrigo did
arildb: yes, Rodrigo did (in summer 2009). I never tried it. I think he did some updates but not much.
hi lphuberdeau. Is he still active?
he made a few commits today unless I am mistaken
lphuberdeau, OK. So maybe he is interested in getting it workiing with the latest mediawiki version. Would be nice
you should definitely contact him
will do, when I see him on irc
chealer, I have a little problem with an update of toolbarlib.php. My editor cannot handle some characters and converts them if I load it. It's a fix to hide the switch editor button if the WYSIWYG editor is not optional. Do you have time to do it for me? (I can paste the changes here
oh...just remembered..let me try another editor
chealer: never mind, the other one worked
tikiwiki: 03arildb * r37765 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php: [FIX] Remove the switch editor toolbar button in CKEditor if the WYSIWYG editor is not optional
arildb: strange. are you still using Visual Studio?
chealer, yes. I am using vs.php a PHP plugin to Visual Studio. How did you notice?
seems to be a problem with my latest commit
arildb: we discussed debuggers the other day (when mine was bugging) :-)
arildb: and what characters were giving problems?
I think it's a line copied from docuwiki
tikiwiki: 03arildb * r37766 10/trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Editor problems. One more try.
tikiwiki: Remove the switch editor toolbar button in CKEditor if the WYSIWYG editor is not optional
chealer, I believe it was the "special characters" definition that caused the problem
arildb: not sure what you mean by "special characters"
chealer, in the CKEditor toolbar there is a button "Insert special character"
arildb: oh, I thought you were talking about your code editor
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37767 10/trunk/templates/tiki-send_newsletters.tpl:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Newsletters: Names of tabs 2 and 3 (wrong Smarty syntax, r36062)
tikiwiki: [REF] Replace capture with assign
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r37768 10/trunk/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [ENH][FIX] Show user's item even if not open status, when using plugin
tikiwiki: trackerlist with view=user and when tracker has writerCanModify and user does
tikiwiki: not have view pending/closed perm, since user can edit item directly anyway
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37769 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
tikiwiki: [REF] TikiLib: rename clean_id_string() to remove_non_word_characters_and_accents()
tikiwiki: Reference:
hi anyone here can speak french?
You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at .
tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r37770 10/trunk/templates/tiki-view_blog.tpl: [FIX] No need for a br tag between two block-level divs; creates unwanted white space that's hard to remove with CSS without removing intended breaks. Any needed white space can be specified with CSS.
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37771 10/trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php: [REF] FileGalLib: attempt to clarify how the outer loop of moveAllWikiUpToFgal() works and explain its purpose
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r37772 10/trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.userlink.php: [FIX] userlink Smarty modifier: ensure the truncate modifier is loaded when truncating (from r8363)
goodmorning tiki lovers
has anyone experienced significant slowdowns in Tiki8 svn?
Is there a Doodle-like plugin for tikiwiki? I know it exists for dokuwiki.
tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r37773 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_articles.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] added tra(..) missing on lines 125 & 132 (YYYY-MM-DD)
tikiwiki: + punctuation missing lines 33,75,118
Was that for me?
stix, CIA-12 is our SVN bot that posts when people commit new stuff to the dev version of Tiki
oh I see :)
stix, have you tried searching on ?
yes no matches for "Doodle" - I don't know what else to call it
stix, <- maybe this is useful, I haven't used it though.
click the link :D
it's for drawing.
Doodle is for scheduling events :) <-- you can see a demo of it here
I just thought doodle was for doodles (drawing)
stix, there's calendar functionality in Tiki
And I know one of the other tiki regulars are building an event synchronization system with it.
Merbster: yes but ppl cannot vote for a set of dates
I am pretty sure Tiki has votes, but if it's integrated with calendar I don't know
maybe I should write my own i php
stix, Tiki is very extensible. You could probably write a module that takes some votes and depending on amount of those votes creates a calendar entry
Merbster: yes I think I will look into that
stix, 2 secs I will find a ressource for you
I am looking at right now
that's the one
thanks :)
np :)
hi fabricius ! :)
fabricius, I have looked at the perspective_binder. But it's super slow
fabricius, are you encountering the same?
fabricius, also, the areas_root preference is it one you added?
hi merbster
no, Jens did the code
and jonny gave some comments afterwards
seems not yet 100% ready
I'll have to make new tesatinstallation
problem is, that I temporarily have no full access to my server
from early next week on all should be sorted and I could try it on a semi productive site
so I regret, that I cannot encounter anything until after the weekend - bigtime sorry
polom tikiverse
polom coaboa|afk
TikiFest Frankfurt - mostlikely I can only come on the 20th or the evening of the 19th, as I work Tue, Wed and Fri
no kids with me that time
New Forum Posts: The Minimum Hardware? -
tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r37774 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] more French translations + corrections
tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r37775 10/trunk/lang/nds/language.php: [tra] 20% reached :)
fabricius, no worries I just wanted to know if I misconfigured it or if it wasn't "complete" Who is Jens?
Merbster: Jens Dodenhoff is a german guy and took the task to translate Tiki to "Lower German" respectively "Lower Saxon" language and in between about three weeks he reached 20% (today)
fabricius, ah ok.
Merbster: he studies physics and did some informatic before - nice guy he is
I am using my own at the moment. Or else it will take 10-15 secs to load a page where the perspective binder kicks in
Merbster: maybe you find a chance to assist, to make the integration better (faster) - didn't you get Jonnys mail in the dev-list?
fabricius, I subscribe to it, so I probably did. but that doesn't mean I actually saw it and read it ;)
Merbster: I can forward it to you with a topic you wont oversee ;-)
I could just search for it :P
what is the topic of the mail?
Merbster: it would be great to get your code spot on integrated in Tiki, which seems to be nearly finished thx to you and Jens and Jonny
Re: [Tiki-devel] tiki-perspective_binder.php integrated now
Jens: On 27 Sep 2011, at 00:46 Jonny: On 27 Sep 2011, at 16:20
fabricius, I don't think I have that one
Hi luciash :)
hi Merbster
Does anyone know how to get plugin List to render column headings?
plugin List ?
do you mean TrackerList ?
not trackerlist
we want to avaoid trackerlist because it can't filter by categories
ah, i don't even know that one exists
luciash, it's kind of new. and it supports the new plugin syntax.
ah, that is why i didn't spotted it
tbh it's awesome but the docs are still missing some details :P
Merbster: what is the new syntax ? we have too many already :-p
luciash, <- look at the examples here
btw, trackerlist can filter by categories just fine
u have a category type field and you filter by that
we use it on
would it support wiki argument variables?
I did some extension of that area to support {objectCategoryIds} for example
in pretty tracker, yes
ah, cool
Merbster: thx for the link
I haven't submitted it though.
well, imho the new plugin-like syntax will be confusing
luciash, yes. but also alot more powerful
and it will force the plugins to behave more consistent
across all the plugins some params, that are named the same, behave totally different.
as we can write plugins with no body like that ... i wonder what will happen if the plugin List will be included in another one or in a pretty tracker template ... it causes problems sometimes already to the parsing to distinguish contained wiki syntax and plugins from smarty syntax
I am not working on the functionality I can jsut see the expresiveness of the new format compared to the old clunky one.
by old clunky one you mean the plugins params ?
yes :P
if you want to filter by several fields for example?
Also you don't know if one plugin wants several values delimited by " " - "," or ":"
i see the point... i just wonder how it will know it is included plugin or plugin-like syntax params
luciash, me neither, but I guess lphuberdau knows :P (I think he's the main author of plugin list)
why not e.g. XML like syntax ?
that would be much safer imho
the plugin would need to work a sort of like the HTML plugin, just not to parse the content as HTML but as-is
i mean by "to work like HTML plugin" to avoid the sanitization for url params etc.
luciash, I think XML might be overkill to define a set of parameters and not very userfriendly for end user.
but alas. this is a discussion worth hours :P
well, it looks like almost the same, just instead of curly brackets there are "<" and ">" ;)
so i don't think it is overkill, but you're right about the discussion ;)
my point is, you can describe types in XML
it could be (filter categories="1 and 2") as well
i'll ask lph when he's back if there was a reason to chose curly brackets or it was just quick do-and-go
luciash, I feel I am not experienced enough as a tiki dev that I can really discuss this and have sufficent arguments :P
Merbster: np at all
Merbster: thx for letting me know about it
you're welcome
i think i see the reason now for the curly brackets when looking further at the examples below on the page
luciash, on another note, if you like XML. you should check out XAML from Microsoft. it's pretty awesome way of using XML :)
tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r37776 10/trunk/tiki-perspective_binder.php: [ENH] add line not to call it directly
Polom tiki devs
tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r37777 10/trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php: [ENH] avoiding confusion, prefvalues for areas where defined
Hey RobertPlummer
Merbster: hi
Merbster: How goes your plugin/reporting?
RobertPlummer, quite good actually. I finished the tracker I needed it for. there will be more but it is fairly easy to use and all the JS and special code to handle the functionality is contained in the tracker template. :)
Merbster: So no hacking? You end up using tracker query lib much?
we just recently moved to Tiki 8 SVN
Merbster: Nice, I've just moved a client over to it as well, they like it better than any stable release already, and it is isn't even beta.
RobertPlummer, I wouldn't call it hacking. I still need to clean up the code though
or RC
Merbster: That is an ongoing battle, just keep fighting it, don't think about winning.
I had to change some code (Wiki argument parsing moved and I have added some extra ones)
Merbster: Ha! I can't wait till we get the new parser in place, you can extend with your own language additions easily.
RobertPlummer, that sounds awesome
RobertPlummer, does jQuerys attr() work on CSS attributes too? (I want to change background color of a textarea)
Merbster: No
You need .css()
But that works like attr
Merbster: But just fyi, recently I've found attr very buggy, best off using .data() to set custom attributes.
or .attr() rather
.data() is html 5 compliant, and is the way of the future.
I haven't encountered anything but I am only changing normal HTML attributes not my own custom ones (I don't think I have any)
I wouldn't be suprised if jQuery eventually dropped attr or limited it.
Merbster: Then you'd be fine.
I think it allready is limited. Prop should be used under some circum,stances
Merbster: Never used prop
It's something about when the attribute/property is updated.
I don't remember the details
lphuberdeau: polom
good morning
lphuberdeau: I know I have some work to do with the drawOver() but I am on another project for the time being.
lphuberdeau: I will be coming back to it soon, I just know though that it isn't super time sensitive at the moment.
no problem, it shows enough for the moment
plenty of time
I am extreamly happy about how clean the new draw integration is.
It still has a few loose ends, but man it is clean.
$(obj).loadDraw(); and the rest is self managed nearly.
or $(obj).drawOver(); super easy.
the way it should be
lphuberdeau, the categorization dependant on current perspective stopped working today.
lphuberdeau, if we just use a normal tracker put it on a page that has a perspective and save an item. the item is not categorized unless we have a category field of type dropdown, listbox and the last one where a value is picked by default. (radiobox doesn't work)
yeah, most fields work like that
lphuberdeau, I was under the impression that even if the category field is not displayed it would categorize items correctly, not just auto pick something in the UI?
can't say it stopped working today
that's not a small thing to fix and we're getting too late in the process for that
lphuberdeau, I just wanted to clear up the misunderstanding. Because we misunderstood you apparantly :P
it's the same with user field in user trackers too
the field has to be present to be considered
It is present now, but in a hidden div. works mighty fine :)
sounds like a reasonable way to handle it
lphuberdeau, Yes ok. Well it works as expected then. :)
not a desired, but it will have to do for now
I am just grateful you did what you did lphuberdeau
or else it would not be working at all.
really wasn't a large change
well, chealer did the filtering part
so just setting the field as mandatory with a dropdown would have worked too, because