nkoth|nelson: the manage translation is messed up for me in 8.x
I can't llink a page to the translation set anymore
Trebly: <marclaporte>Hi, Marc. I am still working... in silence.
I have a detail problem. When Xdebug is used and vars are dumped before the tiki open session this naturally crashes because of the implicit session opened (without management) by any print of data.
This with 7.1 and later. Before (with 6.x), I used a modified session manager to avoid this issue.
No time to search, I must go right to the change to do (don't re-open)
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r38180 10/branches/8.x/lang/nds/language.php: [tra] further Loew German progress
tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38181 10/branches/8.x/templates/tiki-edit_translation.tpl: [FIX] Link to new AJAX manage translation interface since old interface is now goone (the AJAX interface is still broken and has to be fixed)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Deep copying structures - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42453
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r38182 10/branches/8.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: tagging some prefs as experimental
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38183 10/branches/8.x/templates/trackerinput/autoincrement.tpl: [FIX] existing field value not showing
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38184 10/branches/8.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Language.php: [FIX] CSV mode should use plain value
nkoth|nelson: In smarty 3 is there no way to get at the smarty template vars in a funciton anymore?
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Receiving Notices of Upgrades Only? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42454
chealer: nkoth|nelson: http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/api.get.template.vars.tpl ?
nkoth|nelson: chealer, thanks, but I think my question is misleading, the problem I am facing is somewhere else
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nkoth|nelson: I'm trying to find the spot where pretty field ids get replaced
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chealer: oh, trackers. not my area I guess :-(
nkoth|nelson: because {$f_15} is being replaced when in the wiki text but if used as an argument to a plugin it is no loger bening done
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coaboa|afk: Good Morning Tikiverse
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r38185 10/branches/8.x/tiki-list_object_permissions.php: [SEC] List object permissions: use check_authenticity() (from r37316)
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38186 10/branches/8.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] Pretty trackers fields when used as arguments to plugins were not being replaced
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
chibaguy: polom
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chibaguy: In Tiki 8 (due to Smarty 3 I guess) code from a .tpl file can't just be pasted into a module any more. I wonder what is needed to do that. (For the Tikipedia theme, I moved wiki-topline code - icons for print, watch, etc. - into a custom module.)
"Warning: Please contact support about failure in .../lib/smarty/libs/sysplugins/smarty_internal_template.php on line 434"
... when code from a .tpl file is used as custom module data.
I wonder if the code can be wrapped or tweaked or something.
Umm, after more checking, apparently _any_ custom module data will cause that error (custom modules are broken at r38186).
in svn branch 8.
fabricius: thats bad!
chibaguy: hi fabricius. I hope there's an easy fix for that.
Of course, others should confirm if this is happening.
fabricius: I had a similar problem with module_menu and custom module
but no error message
on the first view not related with smarty, but do noit know exactly
have to go to work now - will report in the list
chibaguy: I saw the error in FF when not logged in. When logged in with Opera, no message appeared.
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Merbster: Goodmorning
fabricius: off to work
bye all
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38187 10/branches/8.x/lib/tikilib.php: [FIX] avatar: Restrict avatar files to images (thanks marclaporte)
luciash: polom
Merbster: polom
Note to IIS users who likes their Xdebug: Don't EVER set a directory as virtual application, if you do you can never debug PHP code in that directory, ever again, even if you remove the "virtual application" on it.
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luciash: hm, creativecommons.org does exist no more ?
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ redirects me to gnu.org from the installer
there used to be user friendly version easy to read in many languages
so it is not true the sentence in the installer anymore
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ChanServ sets mode: +o chibaguy
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38188 10/trunk/ (11 files in 9 dirs): (log message trimmed)
tikiwiki: [REF][FIX] wysiwyg: Wide scale refactoring of recently added global vars to
tikiwiki: track wysiwyg and html modes for editing. Use pre-existing $is_html and
tikiwiki: $_SESSION['wysiwyg'] instead as these already have the info we need to determine
tikiwiki: parsing.
tikiwiki: Allow HTML checkbox now exposed for pages in htmltowiki mode to cope with pages converted in html mode (and hidden input set when in html only mode).
tikiwiki: Avoid parsing to html twice when htmltowiki (as it's also done for plugins).
tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38189 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_listpages.php: [FIX] typo missing spaces
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oeversetten1: polom
Merbster: hi oeversetten1
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oeversetten1: since when there is a 1 after my name?
luciash: oeversetten1: since 13:36 :)
Merbster: since now? :P
oeversetten1: funny
Merbster: hilarious
oeversetten1: just go by to ask someone to add something to proposal 6.x
i noticed for a few minutes ago there is a reset of DirectoryIndex in the .htaccess
arildb: ha ha ha...good one luciash
oeversetten1: but only to tiki-index.php, so the problem is, if someone calls a subdirectory directly, you get a directory listing and the index.php there is futile
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jonnyb: oeversetten1: interesting point
but isn't that down to your server settings?
luciash: listing dir is server config
you can add it to .htaccess too, yep
oeversetten1: yes, but the variable DirectoryIndex is reset intikis .htaccess
luciash: noindex
hm, didn't spotted that one yet
that problem
jonnyb: seems to be the case
should be fixed in 8.x forst
(first ;) )
oeversetten1: hehe, vowels are so replaceable, in low german it's först ;)
luciash: :)
jonnyb: nice
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38190 10/trunk/ (12 files in 8 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/8.x 38175 to 38187
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ricks99 has joined #tikiwiki
ricks99: polom y'all
luciash: hey ricks99
ricks99: hiya luciash
-: Merbster shakes a fist at PHPDesigner for not supporting remote debugging
Merbster: "Category identifier" would mean "name of the category" or would it mean "numeric identifier"
luciash: i'd say numeric id
btw, van there be categories of same name ?
ricks99: depends on the context
Merbster: I haven't tested it
ricks99: do you mean "unique" category ID
ID usually means an ID *number* (for US English, anyway)
luciash: id is always unique number
this is weird - why in Tiki 6.4 fresh install the links to apply profile point to 7.x profiles ?
the featured ones
-: luciash wonders why his questions are always so complicated to answer :-p
Tiki|bot: Info: Tiki Mailing Lists Pass 100,000 Messages - http://info.tiki.org/article178-Tiki-Mailing-Lists-Pass-100-000-Messages
Trebly: <jonnyb> Hi, sorry but I go on the precedent subject. I made track (not still full) but var_dump of $_server and smarty->get_template_vars().
The problem seems to come from the fact that on the same machine I connect to the same server with two server names (Servername and ServerAlias). So something happens with session and cookies management.
Normally the user can open several tabs for a site, but as tiki doesn't know that "Servername and ServerAlias" are the same, there is a treatment error without error report, but Apache crash (error not caught). Sometimes an "header already sent". I go on to check this, and to find where is this 'no-error' !!!
<jonnyb> This can happens with cache and cookies to anybody of my users
jonnyb: hi Trebly - sorry, but same reply as before - sounds like an apache setup issue
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chibaguy: jonnyb, thanks for the reply about custom modules in branch 8. I then checked my localhost install, and no problem with custom modules. A mystery why one remote server isn't displaying custom module content.
luciash: chibaguy: it is not a mystery
jonnyb: yes, odd...
chibaguy: Oh.
jonnyb: no?
luciash: chibaguy: i already soluted that once with you iirc
chibaguy: it is the web hosting setup
-: chibaguy 's face turns red.
luciash: a2hosting iirc
chibaguy: yep
sorry, luciash, can you refresh my mental caches? ;-)
luciash: chibaguy: hello red boy btw :)
i'll try to dig it up, just a moment
chibaguy: hello helpful font of information
luciash: and hi jonny too !
jonnyb: hi luciash
chibaguy: I wish my on-paper notes had a search function.
I guess they do, but I'm it, so not too efficient.
luciash: http://tiki.org/tiki-searchresults.php?find=a2hosting&boolean=on&boolean_last=y&search=Search&exact_match=
sorry, maybe it wasn't you but i thought we talked about it at least here on irc
chibaguy: it's in the Architecture/Installation forum thread
chibaguy: yes, I see, thanks.
The conversation about eval does sound familiar; I guess I forgot that it involved custom modules.
Trebly: <jonnyb> I believe No, the "error" into the second part of tiki-setup after the vars are assigned to smarty. Theirs vars have differences because of the cookie and site name.
From a second computer, normally clean, with the ServerAlias I get the error "header already sent".
I try to find short runways, but I know that with my tracks I will find the problem, needs simply time. And it is not sure that the solution is simple. Thanks
chibaguy: (well, was another guy posting the question in the forum, but same problem.
luciash: chibaguy: yep, but since i remember you chosen a2hosting too i somehow thought we were talking about it already here because i knew you will need solution for it too
chibaguy: I didn't think about the hosting company because I have other Tiki installations on the same server that have custom modules.
luciash: chibaguy: really ? i wonder when the eval function is used then ... maybe only when parse as wiki is checked ?
chibaguy: Well, my module that failed wasn't parsing as wiki. Even a plain text string caused the error.
luciash: eh, and isn't it PHP version dependent ?
i mean maybe the other Tiki installations run on different
chibaguy: servers?
luciash: php version
chibaguy: the branch 8 I was trying with is just in a subdirectory of the web root. There's a tiki 7 in the root that works, or did, though it seems a bit flakey.
at the moment.
luciash: ah, hmm, strange, maybe it applies only on the root ? no idea... i think you need to talk about it with the hosting company if it persist
chibaguy: I have several other 'add-on' domains in subdirectories of web root and can add custom modules.
luciash: nevertheless... it must be the web hosting config
if it works on your local
chibaguy: yep, must be.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Accès Gallerie de fichier interdit à anonymous - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=42460
chealer: luciash: I believe the link to creative commons was fixed in trunk
luciash: chealer: ah, thx for info
chibaguy: luciash, that's the only branch 8 installation I have at that hosting company. I have branch 7 installs there, and no problem with custom modules. I'll try another branch 8 and see what happens.
luciash: maybe it is different function then and they allow eval() globally already after customers complaint
chibaguy: (these installs are mostly in webroot subdirectories, as 'add-on' domains or just subdirectory installations.
luciash: and this one can be smarty 3 related
i would try to contact the support first maybe
to save you some brain cells ;)
chibaguy: yes, good idea.
Is it safe to svn switch from branch 8 to branch 7?
or would that mess up the db or something?
luciash: well, if you have empty db
chibaguy: right.
luciash: u will need to re-run the installer maybe
and repopulate the db
chibaguy: well, a lot of trouble for a test site. ;-)
-: chibaguy senses brain cells weakening....
luciash: heh
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chealer: polom
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38191 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_galleriffic.php: [FIX] typo Width -> Height
luciash: polom chealer
Merbster: Can somebody verify some code for me in Tiki 8 svn ?
it seems there's a bug a whole chain of functions where itemId is expected as parameter and suddenly it changes to pageName.
objectlib.php line 136 where it calls get_page_info
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remember: i want to know how to make yahoo news like site with tiki
ricks99: remember: you can easily syndicate RSS fees from other sites onto a page in Tiki
remember: will it displays news like yahoo or it will just only display text link then redirects to feed site
ricks99: will display the name of the source, XX characters from the feed, and and link to original article
remember: what if one needs to have themes other than tiki's . from where i can get it
chealer: Merbster: what does the bug cause?
Merbster: chealer, well in objectlib.php where it calls get_page_info it sends in itemId (and also in the functions "above" that one in hte call hierarchy)
ricks99: remember: pls see themes.tiki.org or you can easily customize & create your own. see docs for details
Merbster: but when you go into get_page_info the input param is named "pagename"
remember: thanks....
Merbster: chealer, even in the SQL calls it suddenly shifts to pagename
chealer, I used the "categorize_any" function
chealer: Merbster: so you don't know what the bug's impact would be, it's just code that looks wrong?
Merbster: chealer, I tried to categorize a wikipage I jsut created and categorize_any throws an "objectId cannot be null" error.
chealer, so the code in the call heirarchy stops expetinc a numeric ID and starts going by pagename
chealer, do you understand what I am mumbling about? :P
chealer: Merbster: better now. are the code expects numeric ids?
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chealer: Merbster: are you sure the code expects numeric ids?
Merbster: chealer, in my world identifier is long version of "id" which I would expect to be numeric
chealer, I even asked here earlier today and luciash agreed
chealer: Merbster: an identifier is not necessarily numeric. for example, your name is an identifier. A page's name can also be an identifier.
Merbster: chealer, also if I follow the call hierarchy from categlib->categorize_any I hit the objectlib->add_object() function and it says $itemId in the function definition
my memory suddenly started
wiki pages itemId is a god damn string.
chealer, ok. I understand now. it's not a direct bug, just a DB design that doesn't follow 3rd normal form - which I am used to.
-: Merbster thinks the Tiki DB is a bit like the wild west
oeversetten1 agrees
Merbster: chealer, thanks - wiothout you my trail of thought would not go this way :)
now I go home from work
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38192 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] more French translations + some corrections
tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38193 10/branches/8.x/lang/fr/language.php: [bp/r38192][TRA] more French translations
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nkoth|nelson: hi, using Tiki 8, and the mysterious tracker field disappearing problem happened to me again
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nkoth|nelson: Created the field again and manually changed the ID in the database tiki_tracker_fields and all is good, but when this happened about a month ago I thought I was dreaming but this is worrying now - jonnyb remember I asked you abt this before?
jonnyb: hi nkoth|nelson - i had that (not nice)
yes, i had it on my localhost too
nkoth|nelson: it only seems to happen when I am creating many new fields, I wonder what is the exact sequence of event s that led up to it.... (it is not readily reproducable)
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jonnyb: i'm pretty sure it happened to me in Boston too - tiki 7ish days
jcyrisse: oh gosh…i did something really bad
jonnyb: not worked out what causes it
chealer: hi jonnyb, nkoth|nelson
jonnyb: hi chealer
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jcyrisse: i changed a setting under security and now can't view my pages remotely at all
good grief…stupid…anyone have a tip how i can get in to fix that other than perhaps resetting in the database directly?
jonnyb: jcyrisse: can you get to your database in phpmyadmin?
-: luciash knows itemId only in context of Trackers
jonnyb: you should be able to reset the pref (table tiki_preferences)
jcyrisse: trying to see if i can now
not able to connect yet
trying thru cpanel now...
luciash: jcyrisse: if you chaned something else on that page before, you can go back in history in your browser and resubmit the form to prvious state
jcyrisse: tried that already
luciash: jcyrisse: if not, then only way is db manipulation
jcyrisse: k…in phpmyadmin
nkoth|nelson: jonnyb: when it happened to you, do you remember if it was the first field in the tracker that disappeared?
jonnyb: nkoth|nelson: no, i don't think it was - the trouble was i didn't notice when it happened
jcyrisse: lol..now, finding exactly what the last thing was I changed…grrr…what a newb!
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jcyrisse: it had to do with security and CR…is that tickets?
feature ticketlib
jonnyb: feature_ticketlib - could be
jcyrisse: k…will try that
jonnyb: or feature_ticketlib2
jcyrisse: cause not seeing anything else regarding security…yes…there is a ticket lib and ticketlib2
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jcyrisse: grrr….not seeing a thing
all blank page
jonnyb: sometimes going to yousite.com/logout helps (but you might not be able to log in again obviously...)
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38194 10/branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tabs.php: [FIX] Pretty tracker vars not being parsed within tabs plugin
jcyrisse: well crap
whew…k…fixed it
good grief
i really hate when i do something stupid
thanks jonnyb
and luciash
jonnyb: well done, it's a worrying thing when that happens
jcyrisse: yes…especially to know it is your fault too...LOL
i am getting so much spam on my site…was trying to look at security
k…think the culprit was the HTML purifier
luciash: jcyrisse: using the Reaptcha ?
jcyrisse: from google? no..
k…just did so
so, do i still keep the anonymous CAPTCHA selected too? or just the ReCaptcha
luciash: keep
jcyrisse: k…tyvm
luciash: the ReCaptcha just enhances the feature
jcyrisse: got it
luciash: you should get much less spam now
jcyrisse: k…bother question…regarding CSRF security…what should i use there?
luciash: the default should be good enough
jcyrisse: ok…tyvm
luciash: the second one is sometimes too restrictive
jcyrisse: so, is default none selected?
or the top choice?
luciash: default is when there is no green returning icon
jcyrisse: in 6.4?
luciash: yes
if u modify a setting, a green icon appears next to it which indicates you can reset it back to default
jcyrisse: hmmm…del, don't see any green returning icons…either way, if checked or not checked
luciash: after apply
it appears
jcyrisse: yup…even then
luciash: iirc
jcyrisse: no green icon
luciash: hmm, weird, i have it
jcyrisse: yeah…i have seen it other places….
but i don't see it here
i have the first choice to require confirmation, but not a ticket
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luciash: on security page > spam protection i can see them
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jcyrisse: nope…no green icons for me
luciash: jcyrisse: ok, default is no Require confirmation if possible CSRF detected
and checked Protect from CSRF ....
that one i have enabled
jcyrisse: so unchecked then, ok
luciash: first unchecked, second checked actually
jcyrisse: yup
jonnyb: must go eat - maybe bbl
jcyrisse: k…got it
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jcyrisse: bye bye
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luciash: 8.x will become LTS or 9.x ?
ah, 9
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r38195 10/branches/8.x/lang/nds/index.php: [FIX] correct redirect
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SJ-Jay: evening fellow tiki's
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RobertPlummer: polom all
polom lphuberdeau
lphuberdeau: I was messing around with syntax highlighter yesterday, and all was going very well.
lphuberdeau: And then we went to play with plugin insertAt, and we noticed a syntax failure, you don't know what happened, do you?
lphuberdeau: Seems like the tiki-js.js integration with WYSIWYG has caused a failure or override.
arildb: Hi, I am running a test on IIS, Tiki 8 Beta. When SEFURL is activated comments below wiki pages don't work. When I turn SEFURL off it works OK. Does anybody same effect on Linux/Apache?
The effect is that the "Comments" section does not open when SEFURL is activated
Some more checking...When clicking on "Comments"...
without SEFURL (OK): ..../tiki-ajax_services.php?controller=comment&action=list&type=wiki+page&objectId=aSuggestedNomination
with SEFURL (FAILS): ..../tiki-comment-list?type=wiki+page&objectId=aSuggestedNomination
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38196 10/branches/8.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Fix plugin dialog to obtain syntaxHighlighter value on dialog close
tikiwiki: [FIX] Removed obscure textarea call that isn't needed
arildb: It's strange that different php calls are made with and without SEFURL. Any ideas?
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RobertPlummer: arildb: I would help out, but I really don't know.
arildb: Didn't want you to think I was ignoring you.
arildb: RobertPlummer: no problem...I am trying to somebody who is a bit more familiar with this functionality.
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oeversetten: polom
i have a question about pretty tracker wiki output
Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
oeversetten: if I have a date field it outputs me not a human readable date but a longer integer, I wonder how to prevent this?
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oeversetten: polom
fabricius: polom
chealer: hi oeversetten
oeversetten: hi chealer
SJ-Jay: late polom! :)
oversetten you need to set a date format
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: New 7.2 Installation - no Admin Menu? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42462
chealer: hi arildb. works fine on Debian: http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/tiki-index.php
oeversetten: SJ-Jay: where?
arildb: chealer: Thanks for testing. May imply that it has something to do with web.config
SJ-Jay: um.. wait a sec, i recall that i used it lately.. just have to find the template :)
chealer: arildb: indeed. https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/36594/trunk/_htaccess must need porting for IIS. there are probably many other changes that need porting too
arildb: chealer: right
SJ-Jay: oeversetten, i used this: {$f_created|date_format:"%d/%m/%y %H:%M"}
date formats are described here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
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chealer: arildb: I'm thinking we could mark SEFURL as experimental, but only on IIS
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RobertPlummer: chealer, can you check out syntaxHighlighter once more and let me know your results?
chealer: RobertPlummer: oh, r38196 should fix the CODE plugin issue? sure
arildb: chealer: Maybe. However, we are planning to use SEFURL in our project. The current testing is done on IIS. So, I will probably give it a bit of testing in the coming time. Let's review the status in a couple of weeks. If still not OK, it should be experimental
RobertPlummer: chealer: Yes, I believe so.
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chealer: arildb: OK, good. the idea is just to acknowledge the status if it's unreliable. did you already mail the development list about how web.config should be dealt with?
arildb: chealer: not sure what you mean
oeversetten: SJ-Jay: does not work :(
SJ-Jay: hmm
chealer: arildb: nevermind
RobertPlummer: Anyone for a good laugh?.... http://www.despair.com/acquisition.html
chealer: RobertPlummer: seems to work. is it normal that only the opening tab of a plugin is highlighted (green)?
RobertPlummer: chealer: I saw that, if you put a space between the closing tag and the content, it fixes it.
chealer: Very odd indeed. I looked at the parser, I couldn't fix it quickly, so I figure I will visit it when I have more time.
chealer: If you want to take a look at it, it would be nice to have another person understand the parser than just myself.
chealer: RobertPlummer: OK, confirmed
RobertPlummer: Probably some regex is eating it up.
Just need to add the extra character, or make sure it isn't being included.
one or the other.
chealer: RobertPlummer: hehe, indeed, but I don't really feel like checking the parser in its current state
RobertPlummer: are you talking about the CodeMirror parser or parse_data()?
RobertPlummer: codemirror parser
(that is why I included the link above)
chealer: RobertPlummer: oh, yeah. I'd be less reluctant to look at that one, but I feel it's less prioritary too, and I'm not a parsing expert :-(
RobertPlummer: Codemirror has a nice method that we use that eats up the regular characters called "eatWhile", they need a method call "eatUntill".
chealer: RobertPlummer: I thought you were doing so well that would be easy for you :-P
RobertPlummer: chealer, it is all time, and today I'm out for this project.
chealer: RobertPlummer: yeah, no problem, it's minor
RobertPlummer: it really seems fixed
RobertPlummer: lol
I just fixed it
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03oeversetten * r38197 10/branches/8.x/lang/nds/language.php: [tra] some Low German translations more
chealer: RobertPlummer: thanks
RobertPlummer: chealer: running update, will commit in a min
I just turned off eatWhile.
I was like, "I wonder...". whod-a-thunk-it.
chealer: RobertPlummer: oh, the closing tag thing. cool :-)
RobertPlummer: I just notice another problem, I was testing with {CODE(caption="Hello World" colors="php plain")}$message = "Hello World!";
RobertPlummer: Probably more work for the parser, but it seems fine on my system.
chealer: $a = 1;{CODE}
RobertPlummer: chealer: Yea, it isn't going to support sections of code like that.
As far as I know.
chealer: RobertPlummer: this small bit gets 2 scrollbars (one horizontal, one vertical. is that normal? I know we just discussed a problem with wrapping of long lines
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38198 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/mode/tiki/tiki.js: [FIX] Turned off eatWhile to support better plugin parsing
RobertPlummer: chealer, yes, I think we can turn on scroll: auto, but it may still get those same results depending on the browser.
chealer: Just something to overlook for now. Perhaps we can use jQuery UI scrollable in the future.
But I am not going to add it in pre-release mode.
chealer: RobertPlummer: so now it's using scroll: "always"?
RobertPlummer: chealer: Perhaps.
chealer: It acts just like a code text editor.
chealer: A very small thing though with it all working imho.
chealer: Indeed, auto has much better results.
I just switched it.
chealer: RobertPlummer: OK. also, did you see the problem with code on the left of the Services page ( http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/Services )?
RobertPlummer: chealer: Fixing as well.
chealer: RobertPlummer: it should look more like http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/trunk/Services
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38199 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/ (codemirror_tiki.css codemirror_tiki.js): [FIX] Overflow auto and width of parent "CodeMirror" container
RobertPlummer: chealer: svn up
arildb: chealer: I did an import of .htaccess using the URL Rewrite import. 73 rules detected, compared to 66 present in the web.config file. I believe you did the last conversion. Anything in particular to take care of when doing the conversion by import? ...I do get a couple of warnings...
chealer: RobertPlummer: confirmed, r38198 solves my problem with closing tags
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RobertPlummer: chealer: Let me know when you are done with the svn up, I want to see the results.
chealer: RobertPlummer: updated and fixed! thanks http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/SamplePageB
Protogenes: hi, is there a working phpbb3 to tiki importer? i found some rather old things with google, but no information, if they still work
chealer: arildb: cool. hard to say, I only did a conversion at the beginning (maybe after pascalstjean). maybe I had to fix the conversion, will try to look
RobertPlummer: chealer: What about http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/Services
chealer: I still see the width problem on there.
arildb: chealer: I will try the converted file on my test server to see how it works
chealer: RobertPlummer: true, it's still there on some plugin calls. that page is particularly broken
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38200 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js: [FIX] Width fix again, for parent rather that sibling, wrong target on last
RobertPlummer: chealer: svn up again.
I had the wrong selector in there, .CodeMirror isn't a sibling, it is the parent.
chealer: WOOHOO! It fixed it!
Codemirror = good to go!
chealer: RobertPlummer: did it? I updated but I see it the same way
arildb: chealer: that fixed the comments problem :-) ...will do some more testing before committing.
RobertPlummer: chealer: What page?
chealer: RobertPlummer: I'm looking for example at the pre-last CODE use on http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/Services. do you see both scrollbars on that?
arildb: chealer: There are some comments in the .htaccess file, e.g. "Rewrite rule to make this Tiki a profiles repository (uncomment to enable)". I assume that these can simply be ignored and deleted.
chealer: RobertPlummer: "{Hello World in Pascal}"
RobertPlummer: chealer: What web browser are you using?
chealer: RobertPlummer: what seems to happen is that if CODE would need one scrollbar, it puts both
RobertPlummer: Iceweasel (Firefox) 7, but I see the same in Chromium
Protogenes: hi, anyone?
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chealer: RobertPlummer: so if the content is too large, a vertical bar appears, and if it's more than 3 lines, a horizontal bar appears
arildb: Protogenes: I don't think there is a phpbb3 importer. There is a MediaWiki and a Word Press importer, as far as I can see
Protogenes: i saw them too. okay so i'm probably not porting to tiki
chealer: hum, on another page, 4 lines is OK
Protogenes: thank you arildb
arildb: Protogenes: You are always welcome to create one ;-)
chealer: oh, it's OK for some
Protogenes: i'm neither goog at php nor forum software :P
chealer: RobertPlummer: OK, the issue is funky...
Protogenes: http://sumwars.org/usage/ do i read that right? 900Tb in a year=?!
sorry wrong window
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38201 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js: [FIX] Moved sizing to find objects without tricky jQuery methods, to make it more stable and actually work.
RobertPlummer: chealer: Try it now.
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RobertPlummer: chealer: svn up
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38202 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js: [FIX] Added parent (codelisting) in the resizing mix, seems that codelisting wasn't respecting sizes
RobertPlummer: chealer: Once more.
chealer: RobertPlummer: done, but doesn't seem to help with the issue I'm seeing... compare http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/tiki-index.php?page=SamplePageB with http://ido.ath.cx:8080/tiki/8.x/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=SamplePageB&preview=38
RobertPlummer: if you look at the current version, it's clear that the first call's height is influenced by the content of the second call
(they're both the same, and uselessly high for the first)
RobertPlummer: chealer: Did you svn up to 38202?
chealer: RobertPlummer: yes. do you see what I'm saying on my site?
arildb: chealer: One rule fails to import. Here are the details....
In .htaccess
# Apache does not pass Authorization header to CGI scripts
# Rewrite rules for passing authorisation in CGI or FGI mode
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
import error
<!--The rule cannot be converted into an equivalent IIS format because of unsupported flags: E-->
chealer: RobertPlummer: BTW, you should see the version in Admin General, if you want to rule out PEBKACs ;-)
arildb: chealer: any thoughts?
chealer: RobertPlummer: hehe, cool picture ;-)
RobertPlummer: chealer: lol, thanks.
chealer: I'm going to try and remove all that size goodness and make it dynamic.
chealer: everything will be inherited.
chealer: arildb: well, the profiles rule is certainly not critical, nothing will break without it, but it *could* have a use on IIS.
arildb: in practice though, there are few profile servers
arildb: chealer: OK, so I will ignore it for now
chealer: There are a couple of non-imported rules: <clear />
<rule name="RequestBlockingRule1">
<match url=".*" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll">
<add input="{URL}" pattern=".(bak|inc|lib|sh|tpl|sql)$" />
<action type="CustomResponse" statusCode="403" />
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38203 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/ (codemirror_tiki.css codemirror_tiki.js): [FIX] Removed all the resizing madness and am using inherited sizes now, they just weren't working like expected.
RobertPlummer: chealer: svn up, let me know.
arildb: chealer: Are these handled by web.configs in sub-dirs, so they are redundant. Or are they still needed at the top level?
chealer: If you are not sure, I will keep them
chealer: RobertPlummer: done. I see the same problem on SamplePageB. do you see what I'm talking about, same height for both areas? that seems easy to reproduce.
and also seems like a logic bug
RobertPlummer: chealer: I see it too, trying one more thing.
chealer: arildb: about HTTP_AUTHORIZATION, no idea, I don't understand what that rule is about
arildb: chealer: me neither. I will keep the other parts.
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38204 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/ (codemirror_tiki.css codemirror_tiki.js): [FIX] Made the textarea that is created for read only items display block to fix some instances.
RobertPlummer: chealer: svn up
chealer: arildb: RequestBlockingRule1 should not be needed, but it's a nice severity. why isn't it imported?
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chealer: arildb: as you say, sub-dirs should already block them
RobertPlummer: chealer: Well that didn't work.
arildb: chealer: Not sure. All the imported rules are marked as "Imported Rule 2". So it appears to be a manually added rule.
chealer: I will keep it
chealer: RobertPlummer: no, update complete.
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38205 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.css: [FIX] Trying once more with a fully hidden textarea
RobertPlummer: chealer: again, svn up
arildb: chealer: btw. now I understand your previous comment, and I will send an email about rule sync'ing
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r38206 10/branches/8.x/web_config: [FIX] Synchonize web.config rewrite rules with the latest .htaccess rules
chealer: RobertPlummer: done, still there :-/
arildb: :-)
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RobertPlummer: chealer: I don't know what to tell you.
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RobertPlummer: Fancy table is messing everything up.
chealer: RobertPlummer: I see a <div style="position: relative; height: 52px; width: 1442px;">
that height is OK
RobertPlummer: but it's inside a <div class="CodeMirror-scroll cm-s-default" style="width: 1452px; height: 144px;">
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38207 10/branches/8.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.css: [FIX] Wrong display type.
chealer: which is the height appropriate for the second call
(updated to r38207)
unfortunately I have no idea where <div class="CodeMirror-scroll cm-s-default" style="width: 1452px; height: 144px;"> comes from
if I disable it, it defaults to .CodeMirror-scroll {height: 300px;}
if I disable that one too, then it's fine
RobertPlummer: chealer: I don't think the width is being sent correctly.
chealer: I've removed all my height width adjustment, that is being done inside codemirror.
They are then doing it incorrectly.
But other than that, the width of those elements isn't being transfered correctly.
I'm out of time.
chealer if you can fix it, please do, but that is all I have time for today.
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chealer: :-/
arildb: seems I didn't have to re-work the original web_config we had at all
arildb: chealer: The auto-conversion seems to work well
chealer: impressive
arildb: Pascal St-Jean created web_config with the help of Wade Hilmo, in a single commit. I don't know what's behind RequestBlockingRule1, I wasn't with them at the time.
arildb: chealer: Let's keep it. I don't think it will do any harm. Seems to block out unwanted file loading. I will be testing SEFURL a bit. So, if it does have side-effects hopefully they will be detected.
chealer: arildb: so you ran a new conversion? you were just looking at the difference with the previous file?
arildb: chealer: I converted the latest version og _htaccess. Then replaced all rules marked as imported.
chealer: arildb: I see. big diff. hopefully the next one will be readable if I don't play with htaccess before the next sync
-: chealer checks tiki-devel
arildb: chealer: The procedure is very quick. Only takes a few minutes, when you know how to do it. ...The only obstacle was that I didn't see the "Import" menu option. So, I had to browse to the correct folder with the _htaccess before it became availabel.
chealer: arildb: cool. thanks for the update
arildb: chealer: :-)...I am testing now. Looks good so far
chealer: arildb: I read your mail. I think we should add a comment for developers in htaccess about synchronization
arildb: chealer: If you want. Will it be read? I think that we only need to keep an eye on things.
chealer: arildb: surely not in all cases, but others should make it worth it
arildb: There is still a problem with SEFURL when using links and the target page is renamed. When SEFURL is activated the reference links are not updated (in WYSIWYG). Without SEFURL it works fine.
There is a warning about this in the textarea admin panel: "Note that if the SEFURL feature is on, page links created using wysiwyg might not be automatically updated when pages are renamed. This is planned to be addressed through the future "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" feature."
Anybody that knows if this issue has particular complexities?
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SJ-Jay: hey guys
have you ever used the img plugin for swf files in filegallery?
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chealer has joined #tikiwiki
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chealer has joined #tikiwiki
-: chealer thinks anything involving the parse has a certain complexity :-S
chealer: s/parse/parser/
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r38208 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Category transition plugin