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shaun_: I hope this is just a quick question. I have been trying to setup the File Gallary. Due to storage limitations, I was wondering if I could change the directory to "\nasdevicewikiuploads/" I tried this, and it failed. One thoght that I had was that I could map the location to a drive letter, but I couldnt confirm if this was an acceptable configuration for Tiki 6.4 LTS.
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chealer: re RobertPlummer. there is some complexity from the fact that the goal is not just to have the maximum number of attendees. some people may be required. in the pizza case, the more you ate, the more decisional power you had (with my four slices, I had four times the power of people eating a single slice)
RobertPlummer: chealer, though from out angle, I think we are going for a recommended time or date to meet, not anything more.
I really think the formula I gave above should be fine for what I'm aiming at.
chealer: RobertPlummer: sure, but that recommendation could take each user's necessity into account
RobertPlummer: there is more complexity from the fact that a person is not just available or not at a certain time, it's more a spectrum of availability in reality
RobertPlummer: chealer: but the popular sites, like doodle.com, I don't think they do that.
Do they?
chealer: RobertPlummer: combining these 2 forms of complexity give you a potentially very complex system
RobertPlummer: I don't know (I didn't know any software designed for that purpose before today)
RobertPlummer: but for sure, you can only go for a solution that's easy enough to implement for the results
RobertPlummer: chealer, did you look at that jQuery plugin/code?
chealer: RobertPlummer: http://apps.zarjay.net/scheduler/ ?
RobertPlummer: Yes
chealer, I think this is really more like a spreadsheet :)
chealer: RobertPlummer: just looked. the first table is nice but I'm not sure what Generate schedule does
RobertPlummer: chealer: Agreed, I don't think it does anything really.
$().clone(); maybe? lol
chealer: RobertPlummer: there's another kind of complexity - if the goal is to pick a time period, you need to defined what time periods are proposed (how long are they, basically)
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r38485 10/branches/8.x/lib/ (. pear/): [REL] Freeze 8.x externals which are not on stable externals (third_party + svg-edit (on trunk))
jcyrisse: so, how would i go about checking on current status of blog api? i don't think it is working, and haven't gotten much input from irc on it…can someone point me in the right direction? …or is it just broken on 6.4, but 7.2 might be ok?
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chibaguy: hi nkoth|nelson
nkoth|nelson: hi chibaguy - pm ?
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Merbster: Good morning Tiki lovers
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jonnyb: polom
Merbster: hi jonnyb
jonnyb: hi Merbster
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38486 10/branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php: [FIX] list plugin: Avoid uncaught exception when template file not found
Merbster: jonnyb, do you know a good Textarea Expander plugin for jquery?
the one I have found seems to be a bit buggy when calling it on several textareas
jonnyb: not personally Merbster
Merbster: ok.
only the first textarea is autoresized to the content allready.
So I thought it might be a - in threadning it's called a race condition.
with some loading or something.
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Newsletter "From" issue - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42516
jonnyb: Merbster: sounds more like they're doing $(".thing").doSomething() instead of $(".thing").each(function(){.doSomething()}) maybe?
Merbster: jonnyb, I am iterating the controls myself. So it should work even if it was implemented like that... Allthough I am not certain, so correct me if I am wrong.
hmm I think the problem arises because the code gets confused when several auto expanding textboxes are stacked
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38487 10/branches/8.x/templates/comment/list.tpl: [FIX] comments: Recreate missing titles feature. Also correct reply buttons label
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r38488 10/trunk/ (11 files in 7 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/8.x 38470 to 38487
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ricks99: polom y'all
anyone able to get on the community site/
i cannot :(
Tiki|bot: Info: Tiki 8.0 Release Candidate Available for Download - http://info.tiki.org/article180-Tiki-8-0-Release-Candidate-Available-for-Download
Merbster: ricks99, it seems to work here
ricks99: hmm... i keep getting intermitent errors
Merbster: I just checked the frontpage
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r38489 10/trunk/templates/admin/include_category.tpl: [FIX]categs: do not check the button re-apply if no deafult categories
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38490 10/branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_sheet.php: [FIX] Made sure that files can be loaded in spreadsheet, id was overriding.
sylvieg: in doc on 8? the page is broken http://doc.tiki.org/Wiki-Syntax+Links
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RobertPlummer: marclaporte: is BSD license ok for tiki?
lphuberdeau: RobertPlummer: Yes
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: DOes tiki currently have a type of Condorcet voting system?
lphuberdeau: nothing that formal
didn't quite follow the thread... what's the issue with codemirror loosing the word wrap ability?
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: I'm getting ready to start on "TextBacklink" Protocol for Tiki. sylvieg Might have gotten with you on it. I'm wondering what you think about it.
lphuberdeau: nope, never heard of it
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: Codemirror 2+ doesn't support line wrap.
lphuberdeau: Yea, it is a new protocol.
lphuberdeau: didn't it work just a few weeks ago?
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: It works, it isn't broken, it just doesn't support wrapping text at this time.
lphuberdeau: the switch to codemirror 2 is not that recent isn't it?
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: When 7 branched I think.
trunk went to it.
lphuberdeau: right... pretty sure I had it enabled for a while... never noticed
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RobertPlummer: For programmers, it is awesome.
lphuberdeau: I hate line breaks, it messes with you.
lphuberdeau: But wiki syntax it is a little odd, expecially if you have run-on paragraphs.
lphuberdeau: I switch between wrap and nowrap quite often in VI
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38491 10/trunk/lang/fr/language.php: [TRA] more French translations + some corrections
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r38492 10/trunk/lib/parser/jison_tiki.js: [FIX] token with semicolon on some
tikiwiki: 03jean-lucnavarro * r38493 10/branches/8.x/lang/fr/language.php: [bp/r38491][TRA] more French translations
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chealer: polom
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shaun: I was wondering if someone had a few moments to help me troubleshoot an external Storage Location of File Gallary and possibly permission issues. Or atleast how how to verify if its permissions or some other dynamic I'm unaware of.
lphuberdeau: you mean a folder on the server?
shaun: I have a NAS device that I would like to use for the storage of uploaded files.
lphuberdeau: I guess there is an NFS interface to it
shaun: Sorry for the delay, I am trying one last thing...
I just figured it out. LOL. Sorry to waist your time.
lphuberdeau: no problem
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chealer: RobertPlummer: I don't understand your suggestion about translations much ("dynamical changing request of translations"?)
RobertPlummer: chealer: Yes, so say you have some nested code, that asks for a translation.
Some plugin or function that would only be ran in a certain scenario.
The problem is (if I understand it right) that that will never be translated because the translator might never run the code that request the translation.
I may not understand the translation system, so please forgive my ignorance.
So if it were ajax, we use tr(); on an array returned in ajax.
How would we know if that needed translated?
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oeversetten: polom
where to find Plugin Maketoc?
lphuberdeau: it's not a plugin, it's a parser construct
oeversetten: uh
lphuberdeau: the ugliest bit no one managed to break apart so far
oeversetten: ?
lphuberdeau: it will be in lib/tikilib.php or lib/parser/parserlib.php depending on the version you're looking at
contains maketoc in the function name
oeversetten: k, i look
but why does tiki complain that this "plugin" does not exist?
that is momentarily my problem
chealer: RobertPlummer: hum, I'm not too sure what you're saying, but I think that's different from the problems Jean-Luc and I were discussing
hi oeversetten
RobertPlummer: chealer: It is different.
chealer: But it was a add on to LP's comment.
luciash: polom
oeversetten: {maketoc} should work; if you're trying {MAKETOC()}{MAKETOC} it will complain about no such plugin
oeversetten: found my problem {maketoc} does not work, {maketoc:box} does
luciash: hmm, weird, i am sure {maketoc} worked earlier also
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r38495 10/branches/8.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [FIX] replace_item_attachment(): typo "Atttached"
luciash: oeversetten: what Tiki version ?
oeversetten: svn from 6.x branch
the error message is already indexed by google :(
luciash: oeversetten: wfm
oeversetten: funny
luciash: r38495
or is it r38013, i never get what info is what from svn info :-p
"Last Changed Rev: 38013"
oeversetten: do u have it in root of the wiki page content or inside some other wikiplugin ?
wfm in top of the wiki page content
oeversetten: in root of the wiki page content
no change after svn update
luciash: strange
oeversetten: i guess have to live with maketoc:box or similar, but it s strange
and i have to change every occurrence...
luciash: cause plugins without body can be written alternatively in the form of {pluginname param1 param2}
i don't understand why it doesn't work for u
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oeversetten: on another installation, also updated from 3.8 to svn 6.x branch, that problem does not exist...
RobertPlummer: chealer, you around?
chealer: yes RobertPlummer
RobertPlummer: chealer: I'm getting ready to create a new feature that has to do with backlinks.
chealer: OK...
RobertPlummer: chealer: I have to be able to save the data from remote sites locally, and I'm wondering how to do it best.
chealer: the site must run on a cron job for all wiki pages, and then also you can create links for your site as a feed for yet another backlink from another site.
So i'm wondering if we can just using wiki pages for everything.
The plugins for the feeds are in wiki pages, and the plugins that show wiki content from other sites.
The feed would be generated from the wiki pages. parsing each page on your site at a given time.
chealer: What do you think?
chealer: I'm kicking around different ideas.
The thing is that we have to generate these feeds, and the content can change, and the content all comes from wiki pages.
Do you think that is the best approach?
chealer: RobertPlummer: sorry, I don't understand much. are the remote sites Tiki sites?
RobertPlummer: chealer: No, they can be anything.
The feed will be general.
but for tiki specifically, we will start with the creation of the protocol.
chealer: RobertPlummer: I don't understand "you can create links for your site as a feed for yet another backlink from another site"
RobertPlummer: chealer: lol, I know it though me for a loop too.
chealer: Are you on skype?
chealer: RobertPlummer: I have Skype but I try to avoid it... why?
RobertPlummer: chealer: just wondering.
chealer: This is the largest integration I've done with tiki, so I want to make sure it is done right.
chealer: RobertPlummer: I'm on XMPP too, though: http://pages.videotron.ca/chealer/pc_en.html
RobertPlummer: chealer: cool
chealer: So the thing is that content must come from wiki pages, and wiki pages change, they change even without changing a page.
chealer: So my thought was I need to gather the external backlinks from within a wiki page.
chealer: So just have a cron job do it you think?
chealer: RobertPlummer: I'm really lost on this... if you could write something explaining the feature and a use case, the mailing list may like to read about it too.
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r38496 10/trunk/templates/admin/include_category.tpl: [FIX]category: better wording
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chealer: hey rodrigoprimo
rodrigoprimo: hi chealer
chealer: rodrigoprimo: changi confirmed he was just on GNU/Linux for the strange commit to lang/ when we released 8.0 beta
rodrigoprimo: but it seems we're OK now anyway: http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/tikiwiki/changeset/38444
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chealer: probably thanks to your scandir change
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rodrigoprimo1: chealer: ok, good
chealer: let me know if the problem happens again
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CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r38497 10/trunk/admin/include_category.php: [REF] Admin categories: explain the purpose of the outer loop of the recategorization tool
chealer: rodrigoprimo1: sure
rodrigoprimo1: regarding http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/22768 ...
rodrigoprimo1: it is valid to use {tr}{$foo}{/tr} in some cases
rodrigoprimo1: for example if $foo is a category name that is manually translated in custom.php
rodrigoprimo1: those cases will be processed by the Smarty tr block
So I think changi|ffa's second example is a valid case that shouldn't be collected by get_strings.
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luciash: chealer: right, we use that. although the translation is not put in every template regarding categories, so somewhere the categories are translated and somewhere they appear as the original english string
chealer: hi luciash. I agree, it's just an example
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luciash: chealer: i mean it is not implemented everywhere, e.g. in dropdowns
sylvieg: is there a reason that the external links with the target=another window is not working if in the same domain name?
chealer: changi|ffa was talking about "{$wp_member_title}"
luciash: sylvieg: i don't think so
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sylvieg: is there a way to open a link on a the same dopmain in anotehr window [thisPage|some comment|window]
chealer: rodrigoprimo1: I believe changi|ffa's first example is different; it also shouldn't be collected in language.php, but get_strings can't know about all the cases where no translation other than variables is needed
rodrigoprimo1: but I think it would be easy to exclude simple calls ({tr}{$variable_name}{/tr})
luciash: sylvieg: i do it using [http://samedomain/thepage|blabla] and it seem to work if i have set "Open external links in new window" iirc ?
sylvieg: I trick it by using [http:Tiki.org|xxx|yy] with the caputal T
luciash: in 6.x
sylvieg: in the parser there is if (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) || strstr($link, $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) || !strstr($link, '://')) { $target = ""
so no way to open in another window if link is in the same domain
luciash: ah
rodrigoprimo1: sorry chealer, no time to discuss this now. but I think our goal should be to separate translation of system strings from translation of site content (like category names)
sylvieg: I do not know if givin in the doc the trick with one letter in capital will be appreciated ;-)
luciash: could the wiki prefixes work ?
like ((doc:foo))
where doc wikiprefix is set to doc.tiki.org
external wikis
chealer: rodrigoprimo1: I agree. I just wanted to clarify what changi|ffa meant, we could continue the discussion on the mailing list.
rodrigoprimo1: chealer: perfect
chealer: thanks
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luciash: sylvieg: could that work ?
sylvieg: luciash: probably there is another way - I am just wondering why this restriction in external link
will send a note to the devel list before changing...
luciash: sylvieg: probably it is because on the same domain ppl usually do not want to open new window
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sylvieg: ahah perhaps to avoid [fil123}fff] to open in another window
oop [file1|window]
luciash: yes
sylvieg: it could work though [http://thisdomain/tiki/file1|my file] versus [tiki/file1|my file] and [file1|my file]
(absolute vs relative path)
sylvieg: so mean that there is a || instead of a &&
thx luciash - I am going for a bug
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r38498 10/trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php: [FIX]external link: to be able to open an external link (in anotehr window) in teh same domain. If the syntax is http:: or https... always creates an external link even if same domain
sylvieg: we will see if people are not happy
luciash: showpagination="y" doesn't work in view_mode="csv" ???
err, i mean list_mode="csv"
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sylvieg: usually when you are in csv mode you want everythig it is a dump
luciash: so no way to have pagination for product details in csv mode ?
i have tracker with products and pagename selector so ...&page=product1 should have pagination to product2 etc.
sylvieg: If I was the programmer I would have said no
luciash: we have list_mode=csv because we want diferent tag attributes for tracker images
ok :)
i say no then ;)
CIA-12: tikiwiki: 03ricks99 * r38499 10/trunk/templates/tiki-admin_system.tpl: [DOC]fixed text: "exterminator" is not the correct english. has been bugging me for a *long* time
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deeku: Is there an easy way to hide or make non-editable some fileds whe using plugin tracker e.g. {TRACKER(trackerId=1, fields=1:3:4, action=>Send)} Thank for your contribution! {TRACKER}. Can I hide or make non-editable field 1. I do not want to exclude from the fields= list it because I want the value to be sent as an email when the user creates / edit the record.
sylvieg: deeku: xavi wrote a doc in doc.tiki.org using JQ with tracker
luciash: sylvieg: that is weird, it didn't show pagination even in non-csv mode on the page
sylvieg: weird
luciash: is it because of the view="page" ?
deeku: Yes, I have found it. {JQ()} $("input[name=track_2]").hide(); $("select[name=track_3]").hide(); {JQ}. Is this the only way?
sylvieg: ah perhaps..
it is probably not a stack...
luciash: aye
deeku: there are also options to make the field hidden/viewable/editable by certain groups
deeku: I see, But I am letting the user edit the same field in another tracker plugin call. I only want the user not to edit the field in this tracker plugin call.
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deeku: IF I use groups to make the current form work, it will break the other form where the user can edit the field.
sylvieg: so use a {JS()}$('#f_xxx).display='none';{JS} .. PS: I do not remember the syntax
deeku: Hmm, ok, will do.
thanks for your input and help.
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luciash: why categories dropdown tracker field values do not show in the mail report when item changed ?
it shows empty "Category (unchanged): " even when it has changed
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4020 - - RSS Feeds and blog posts - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4020
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