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Guest35657: !help
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chibaguy: polom
if anyone is around, can login usernames have special characters, like a ?
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chibaguy: Hmm, the docs don't say.
I'll try and see what happens.
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chibaguy: Ah, ok. "Error: User login contains invalid characters. Please go back and try again."
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Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4076 - - Image "Upload New Version" does not update the various references to it - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4076
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: You have any problem with me making some of the headerlib methods chainable?
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lphuberdeau: if they don't return anything right now, it can't really hurt
RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau: agreed, and it'd make headerlib a bit "funner" ;)
lphuberdeau: Also, I'm getting ready to add another js lib for selecting html anywhere in a tiki. I talked with Richard D. Worth, and he pointed me to http://code.google.com/p/rangy/. The license is good, what do you think?
jonnyb: hi all - i think i looked at rangy some time ago for the ongoing insertAt selection issues...
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: What do you think? A winner?
jonnyb: (hi/polom by the way)
jonnyb: :)
yes looks good, and if it's RDW approved even better!
RobertPlummer: lol
yea, a real problem though, when I go to search for what rangy does on the net, I find nearly nothing.
It is just too new I guess?
I don't know if I'd have ever found it, you know?
I mean prior to talking with Rich.
jonnyb: maybe it was just something of the same name i checked out a couple of years ago
RobertPlummer: rangy input maybe?
"rangy" seems to be for just dom selections, where as "rangy input" is for.... inputs ;)
jonnyb: aha, it was a suggestion from sylvieg1 a few months ago to check out http://code.google.com/p/rangyinputs/ (different project i think)
RobertPlummer: This new headerlib chaining is sweet!
$('#role_main').highlightable(function(val) {
CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39105 10/trunk/lib/headerlib.php: [ENH] Made some of the methods return $this, effectively introducing chaining methods in headerlib
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RobertPlummer: lphuberdeau, jonnyb: Is there currently a way to interact with clipboard in tiki?
lphuberdeau: there is no reliable way to do it afaik, it's browser-specific
jonnyb: RobertPlummer: some swf clipboard thing arrived a while ago
lphuberdeau: but there used to be a lib about it somewhere used by the code plugin or some other one to copy the code
jonnyb: look for ZeroClipboard
probably very out of date
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: Where is ZeroClipboard stored in tiki?
I'm not seeing it after a grep.
jonnyb: lib/ZeroClipboard.js (it's in 8.x anyway)
RobertPlummer: I see it now,
I guess I was searching in php files.
1.0.7 is the latest fyi, and that is what is in tiki.
jonnyb: is there a better jquery one anywhere? that one's not used within tiki as far as i can tell
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marclaporte: polom
jonnyb: hi marclaporte
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03nkoth * r39106 10/branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php: [FIX] max should start from pagination offset and not 0 always, otherwise always 1st page shown
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r39107 10/third_party/jquery/ (3 files in 3 dirs): update jquery-ui-selectmenu to latest "dev" version 1.9
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r39108 10/trunk/ (. lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/8.x 39103 to 39106
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39109 10/trunk/lib/rangy/: [NEW] Added new lib "rangy"
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39110 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [NEW] Added a couple helper functions for rangy
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39111 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_textbacklink.php: [ENH] Started moving toward using rangy, eventually this plugin will be removed
RobertPlummer: brb in about 10-15 minutes
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r39112 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] Revert r38523: list plugin: Add maxRecords and offset params, and use $prefs.maxRecords if not set
tikiwiki: Not needed as list already had a list param i missed
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RobertPlummer: back!
marclaporte: Sorry didn't mean to ignore you on skype.
all: I want to add a possible new event into the events system.
lphuberdeau: What do you think?
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39113 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Preparing 6.5 release
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39114 10/branches/6.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.4_mysql.sql: [REL] Preparing 6.5 release
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39115 10/branches/6.x/README: [REL] Update README file for 6.5
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39116 10/branches/6.x/changelog.txt: [REL] Update changelog.txt for 6.5
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39117 10/trunk/lib/rangy/ (9 files in 2 dirs): [NEW] Forgot to add source of rangy
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39118 10/branches/6.x/doc/devtools/release.php: [bp/r35763 + r35764] [FIX] get_logs return a string with commit that are not sort. Just add a sort on that log
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39119 10/branches/6.x/copyright.txt: [REL] Update copyright.txt for 6.5
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39120 10/branches/6.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.5_mysql.sql: [REL] SecDB for 6.5
tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r39121 10/tags/6.5/: [REL] Tagging release
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r39122 10/trunk/templates/tiki-choose_page_language.tpl: fix translatable string
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CIA-68: tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r39123 10/trunk/lang/ (49 files in 49 dirs): update language files with get_strings.php
tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r39124 10/trunk/lang/pt-br/language.php: pt-br translations
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r39125 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_textbacklink.php: [ENH] Tied some of the scripting in with ZeroClipboard
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luciash: polom
just did svn up -r39120 on branches/6.x (Tiki 6.5) and I cannot upload images to trackers image field... is it known issue ?
hi pkdille ! thank you for taking the release out ! :)
pkdille: hi luci !
luciash: i will try with another db upgrade if the issue remains there too
if nobody confirms
in between ;)
pkdille: ..did it work in tiki6.4 ?
luciash: no idea actually :-p
i can test if you tell me commit revision number
pkdille: 6.4 was tagged on r35391
luciash: thanks, just a moment
pkdille: ...there was no commit on trackers between 6.4 and 6.5 in 6.x stable branch....
luciash: i see, must be my local oddity or present in 6.4 too (i will know in a few minutes after svn up)
there is no db upgrade either, right ?
oh, in 6.4 it stores my image in trackers
-: luciash trying again with the same image in 6.5
luciash: ok, it seems i was trying first with too large image... noow it works in 6.5 too
sorry for false alarm
some "Image too large: XXX bytes exhausted" error notification would be handy ;)
i will test more on some real website data
pkdille: is 8.2 in the works too ?
pkdille: ...not now immediately... give (and others) me an answer to my email.. if everything is fine, it could be done either tomorrow or on saturday
...pkdille now goes sleeping....bye !
luciash: bye :)
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Jyhem_laptop: bye & thanks!
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