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Log | opened Sun Dec 18 00:00:48 2011 | --- |
Lusserall | [~Lusserall@D979ECC4.cm-3-2d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has left #tikiwiki [] | [00:12]-!- |
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marclaporte | [~marclapor@69-165-165-53.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [01:12]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o marclaporte] by ChanServ | [01:12]-!- |
sandroandrade | [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] | [01:12]-!- |
Trebly | [~chatzilla@nor75-4-82-224-154-232.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [01:12]-!- |
arildb | [~arildb@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] | [01:12]-!- |
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redflo | [~flo@tikiwiki/redflo] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [02:12]-!- |
Caarrie|away | is now known as Caarrie|sleeping | [02:12]-!- |
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goj | [~goj@p5B022C24.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Disconnected by services] | [03:12]-!- |
goj_killedByISP | [~goj@p579670ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
is now known as goj | [03:12]-!- |
Trebly | [~chatzilla@nor75-4-82-224-154-232.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | [03:12]-!- |
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CIA-11 | tikiwiki: marclaporte * r39215 /branches/8.x/templates/admin/include_comments.tpl: [FIX] Removing duplicate option in admin panel. Thank you pswzyu. http://dev.tiki.org/item4082 | [04:12]< |
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@marclaporte | Myrkul: https://sourceforge.net/users/temeluchus
:-) | [05:12]< |
Myrkul | cool, thanks :)
I think I almost have my javascript working too :) So, the js plugin is adding some <x>'s into my code...from reading http://doc.tiki.org/PluginJS, it seems it's for security reasons...any way to work around that? As far as I can tell, from looking at the source of the js plugin, it's not manipulating the data at all... | [05:12]< |
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All right, I'm trying to call a wikiplugin using ajax, and it's returning a 403 forbidden error...
What would my permissions be in this context? What user am I calling it as? My lib directory's permissions are 755, my lib/wiki-plugins directory's permissions are 755, which should be fine... I just tried changing the particular plugin I'm using (sql) to 777, and I'm still getting an error 403 | [06:12]< | |
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@marclaporte | Myrkul: plugins have filters for data
If none is set, there is a safeguard which puts the <x> in the javascript http://dev.tiki.org/Filtering+Best+Practices | [08:12]< |
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Jyhem_laptop_ | [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #tikiwiki | [09:12]-!- |
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CIA-127 | [~CIA@cia.atheme.org] has joined #tikiwiki | [09:12]-!- |
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marclaporte | [~marclapor@69-165-165-53.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[~marclapor@69-165-165-53.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [10:12]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o marclaporte] by ChanServ | [10:12]-!- |
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olinuxx | [~olinuxx@CPE-60-230-198-238.lnse1.wel.bigpond.net.au] has joined #tikiwiki
yop zissi | [11:12]-!- |
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fabricius | [~chatzilla@p57B2EAC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
polom how is everybody? | [13:12]-!- |
olinuxx | [~olinuxx@CPE-60-230-198-238.lnse1.wel.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] | [13:12]-!- |
Caarrie|sleeping | is now known as Caarrie|away | [13:12]-!- |
Lusserall | [~Lusserall@D979ECC4.cm-3-2d.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #tikiwiki | [13:12]-!- |
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redflo | [~flo@tikiwiki/redflo] has joined #tikiwiki | [14:12]-!- |
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arildb | [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki
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Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has joined #tikiwiki
Hi. I got the error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function cal_days_in_month() in /var/www/webapps/html/wikilise/lib/tikidate.php on line 298". Does anybody know how to fix it (Tiki 8.2) ? | [15:12]-!- |
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@sylvieg | cal_days_in_month is a php fucntion
so check your php function - and if depends on a package | [16:12]< |
Loll78 | sylvieg: thanks. as I am not the main admin I do not have access to the php installation. So I will ask for that function on monday. until there I replace the line 298 by "return 32;"
Has anybody an idea how to integrate a nice calender (table with the events inside) in a wiki page? or at least a link which only display one calendar? | [16:12]< |
clodi | [be1ed7e0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius | Loll78: still there? calendar? | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | still here... (better here again) | [17:12]< |
fabricius | Loll78: (table with the events inside) => with the calendar module and parameter table
and with another parameter you could choose the individual calendar, which events you want to show I normally use the list parameter, so I do not know exactly, but I would start this way and to make it "nice" you can for ex customise the CSS | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | you mean "{calendar calIds="1" viewlist="table" viewmode="month" viewnavbar="y"}" ? | [17:12]< |
fabricius | yes
but this is the wikiplugin | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | that gives a quite ugly representation, with a lot of empty spaces (between navbar and Month, between Month and Table and between Month and "Add event") | [17:12]< |
fabricius | you can do aswell with a module
do you have access to the css-files? | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | how does this works with the modules. I haven't found any doc about that. | [17:12]< |
fabricius | there also is a way to do css customisation directly in Tiki | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | I think I can access the css, | [17:12]< |
fabricius | if you are in the edit mode of a wikipage, you find a grey square icon - with that you can assign a module to the page
the module will have an Id number and the css-selector should be #module_Id that would be kind of "hardcoding", but maybe handy if you want to test what you can get with css editing with smarty would need some more knowledge (what I do not have yet) so maybe you can get somewhere with css you have expeience with that (css)? experience | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | I have now found the module in the edit page. Thanks a lot for that tip... up to now I have no experience at all with css | [17:12]< |
fabricius | it is not difficult, but too much to write down here | [17:12]< |
Loll78 | I will take a look at the css code
and how to integrate it in the page for that specific calendar | [17:12]< |
fabricius | Ok - if you have a question, you can contact me at tiki.org -> Torsten (if you are registered) or write in the Forum
check the documentation doc.tiki.org and have a look at ricks websites (tiki for smarties and tiki essentials <- just google) then the themes.tiki.org has quite a lot of information - even as I do not see the structure very handy for beginners, some of the content is vey helpful very | [17:12]< |
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sorry, the "r" key of my keyboard does not typing so much these days ;-)
I have to go afk now, c ya later | [18:12]< | |
Loll78 | CU.. and thanks a lot | [18:12]< |
fabricius | is now known as fabricius|afk | [18:12]-!- |
fabricius|afk | [~chatzilla@p57B2EAC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] | [18:12]-!- |
fabricius | [~chatzilla@p57B2EAC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
rehi | [18:12]-!- |
Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has joined #tikiwiki | [18:12]-!- |
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fabricius: How (and which file) must I change to get a calendar on a wikipage like the calendar on the tiki-calendar.php ? | [19:12]< | |
mark_doe | [~quassel@] has joined #tikiwiki | [19:12]-!- |
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jedd1 | [~jl_didelo@adsl-89-217-95-26.adslplus.ch] has joined #tikiwiki
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Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has joined #tikiwiki | [20:12]-!- |
fabricius | Loll78: still / again there?
Loll78: which file? => if you want to customise the CSS, you'd have to check which theme you have applied there are different ways then depends on you individual setup | [20:12]< |
Loll78 | fabricius: so the modifications are not done in the templates file ? | [20:12]< |
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honestly the most effectif way would be to make 3 additional parameters for the calendar_new plugin, or the calendar module
for the moment I do not see how and where the calendar is generated. I found "getTableViewCells" in the "calendarlib.php" which is called in via the "mod-func-calendar_new.php" but now I'm stucked | [21:12]< | |
fabricius | Loll78: hmm - I really do not know what exactly you want to modify ... just understand "calendartable on a wikipage - nice"
sry which parameters do you think about? | [21:12]< |
Loll78 | "width" (&"height") of the calendar table and "show events inside table" | [21:12]< |
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fabricius | but shouldn't that be possible anyway? | [23:12]< |
Loll78 | "width" doesn't change anything | [23:12]< |
fabricius | maybe the wrong selector (are you customising the right css file?
) to find the right selectors is auquard sometimes what you are trying to do so far? | [23:12]< |
Loll78 | I was trying to understand the functions in the different php files
because the idea of changing the css for every themes seams a little strange to me | [23:12]< |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Internal Server Error after upgrading from TW 7 to 8.2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=42797 | [23:12]< |
interestednoob | [3fe50e77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
greetings | [23:12]-!- |
Log | closed Mon Dec 19 00:00:50 2011 | --- |
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