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CIA-127: tikiwiki: lindonb * r39386 /trunk/lib/ (metadata/metadata.php wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php): [FIX] Quick fix to avoid fatal errors for image files other than jpeg - thanks Robert Plummer. Still much to do to bring this feature out of the experimental stage.
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hi, I have a problem with a trackerfilter: if there are more than 25 entries in the tracker, the button for the second page appears, but it doesn't do anything if I click on it. If I replace with trackerlist, it works, but I need to use trackerfilter
does anyone know what I can do to fix this problem? thank you very much in advance!
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Triggers for forum posts? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42859
New Forum Posts: Newbie issue: Karma + groups - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=42856
New Forum Posts: Titles invisible on replies in forum threads after updating to 8.2 - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42847
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Triggers for forum posts? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42859
New Forum Posts: Newbie issue: Karma + groups - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=42856
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SteveC__: Hello All -- I was once able to log into a Tiki site as multiple users from the same browser by using different virtual hosts for the same site. I don't seem to be able to do that anymore. Can cookies be managed to reinstated this through admin screens?
So, I could log in as "Tom" from test1.mydomain.com and "George" from test2.mydomain.com before but now no more.
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plz help me to integrate LDAP inti tikiwiki
Any body is there
need help
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ricks99: Brand new 6.5 install. Getting Fatal error: Call to undefined function tra() in ../lib/smarty_tiki/prefilter.tr.php on line 26
Any hints? What file/s am I missing?
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: TrackerFilter pagination not working - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42864
CIA-127: tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39387 /trunk/lib/codemirror_tiki/codemirror_tiki.js: [ENH] changed attr to data where applicable to be html5 compliant
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how is everybody? all had a good start into 2012?
tiko: [d1e204ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
hello plz plz help
I am getting this when i go to my tiki wiki
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
why ?
ricks99: polom fabricius
tiko: check your db information. is your host name, username and password correct?
tiko: yes
i was using it yesterday
ricks99: confirm that your db is up and running
tiko: but i did export database last week
could be that ?
using phpmyadmin
but i mean was working yesterday
ricks99: are you able to access your db right now? is mysql up?
tiko: i dunno
let me check
trhough SSH ?
i check that
what should i write to check ?
ricks99: the error indicates that Tiki cannot contact your db. Confirm that DB is up and mysql is running and verify that the login information in your db/local.php file is correct
tiko: how do i verify they are up
mysql status ?
ricks99: are you able to access your db via another means?
tiko: no
i cannot
i put mysql status
i got erroe 2002 (hy 000)
ricks99: then your mysql server is down.
thats why Tiki is reporting the error
tiko: ohhhhh
so i should just go
mysql start ?
in command line
ricks99: y. need to restart
tiko: that's the right command ?
ricks99: i'm not sure. sorry, not a mysql expert :(
tiko: damn
i ll search
or maybe reboot the server
it self
it says fauil
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ricks99: sorry. looks like you have a mysql issue :(
tiko: is it because
I exported databse
last week ?
but it was working fine yesterday
ricks99: i dont think the export has anything to do with it
tiko: ummmm
plz search with me
i want it up
it is production
I am gonna try to reboot the servwer
ricks99: suggest checking at mysql.com
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tiko: mysqld.sock
does not exist
i could not find it under /var/run/mysqld/
how can i create mysqld.sock ?
xavi: tiko (hi ricks99), read this: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/servers/41668-mysql-problems-_-solved-_-2.html#post273754
try that, or the solution prposed in a few posts later in the same page
and tiko, there are other suggestions also. see this: http://anthologyoi.com/computers/cant-connect-to-local-mysql-server-through-socketerror.html
tiko: I will try and read
Thank you
xavi: I found them just googling for the error message that you posted initially
tiko: I will keep you posted
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ricks99: thx (and hi) xavi :-)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Putting fixed text at top of blog and other questions - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42865
xavi: :-)
tiko: Xavi
i logged in to my server
trhoufg FTP
i dont see the folder called DB
it should be there under root
no ?
please do not tell me i lost it
luciash: hi ricks99 and hola xavi :)
xavi: hi luciash :-)
tiko: Hi tiko :P
guys please i need URGENT help
luciash: hi tiko
xavi: tiko, do you have ssh acces to your server?
let's go step by step
luciash: if you do not see db/ folder in your tiki installation dir, then copy it back from the tiki installation package
xavi: tiki, are you the sysadmin of that server?
s/tiki/tiko ^
tiko: no but I becoming
a sys admin
xavi: tiko: request help to your sysadmin
tiko: first of all
I will but I want to know
why that folder disaapearded
xavi: if you want to try thing, use ssh (not ftp)
tiko: disappearded
i am using SSH
but just wanted to take a look if DB
is there
xavi: "i logged in to my server trhoufg FTP"
? ^
tiko: I am using SSH
xavi: whatever, try the recommendations in those urls
tiko: but used FTP to see if Db is there
xavi: and if you don't understnad what they suggest to do, ask help to your sys admin
tiko: yea but where is my DB ?
xavi: or hire a consultant, I would say
"DB"?... anyway, I have urgent work to do
good luck tiko
tiko: folder db
thx xavi
xavi: ah "db"
in your tiki root folder
tiko: why i dont se it
i dont see it
this is what i am saying
xavi: you should know
it's not normal, if you had that folder, that you don't have that anymore
tiko: i swear i dont see it under root
xavi: "root"?
luciash: tiko: there can be several reasons - deleted by accident, did not copy over, deleted by hack if u used the site long and didnt upgrade security fixes, etc.
xavi: tiki root folder, you mean, I guess
tiko: under root directory
ricks99: tiko: your tiki installation directory should be similar to: http://twessentials.keycontent.org/Tiki+Install+Directory
xavi: "root directory" is different than "tiki root" directory
ricks99: if you are missing files/folders, will need to ftp them
xavi: vs
for instance
root folder is /root
tiko: damn
my mistake
my mistake sorry guys
xavi: tiki root folder is /var/www/tiki
for instance
luciash: tiko: as we cannot answer "what is the meaning of life exactly" we cannot answer "why you do not have that folder anymore" ;)
tiko: I think it is the SQL problem now
i was not in var/www
my mistake
so now I am gonna read over online
luciash: tiko: now yo ave your answer at least :)
tiko: hahaah
but still need to fix
i ll read over
ricks99: tiko: if you're problem is with mysql, you might want to try their IRC channel instead.
tiko: is there a channel for them ?
ricks99: see mysql docs for details: dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/irc.html
tiko: ok
Thank you GUYS
I ll post it when I solve it
they blocked it
here at work
anyhow i will read online
and try to fix it
ricks99: good luck
tiko: Thx Ricks99 :)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Auto-assign groups - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42868
CIA-127: tikiwiki: xavidp * r39388 /mods/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [MOD]Same value pairs for onefile param as with otehr params. Added language file for es (they work in Tiki8+).
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luciash: http://info.tiki.org/tiki-index.php says plugin colorbox disabled
ricks99: ? where.
working for me?
fabricius: [~chatzilla@p5DDE53BE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
re polom
I am looking for a url-parameter that allows me to only show the content of col1, respectively tiki textarea or main contentarea (whatever it is called)
ricks99: fullscreen=y i think
fabricius: if I remember right, it is something like my-domain.tld/tiki-index-something?page=name
ricks99: fullscreen shows content area only -- no header/footer
fabricius: hi ricks99 nice to see you ... would you have time to chat (translation chat, we had a few weeks ago - IS winter now ;-) )
ricks99: got a meeting in 5 min... later today?
fabricius: ricks99: fullscreen, yes, but I want to put it in a link ... must be a url param
maybe very late ... what's your timezone?
ricks99: tiki-index.php?page=foobar&fullscreen=y
i am East US (-5GMT)
or tomorrow at this time
fabricius: checking
ricks99: Georgetown / New York?
ricks99: y
fabricius: rick got it -> GMT=UTC -> you EST = GMT/UTC-1 -> me CET = GMT/UTC+1 ... what's about rick
sorry, typed wrong
luciash: ricks99: yes, it works for me on second page load too. must have been module cache or something
hi fabricius
fabricius: ricks99: got it -> GMT=UTC -> you EST = GMT/UTC-1 -> me CET = GMT/UTC+1 ... what's about 11pm UTC -> 6pm EST
hi luci
nice to see you
ricks99: Ack! need help: new 6.5 Tiki. After loggin in, Tiki "forgets" I am logged in when using SEFURL. For example, ../tiki-index.php?page=Foo shows "logged in" but ../Foo does not.
Any ideas what to look for?
anyone? :( ^^^^
fabricius: strange
ricks99: something with session, i'm guessing, and htaccess maybe? but i dont even know where to begin looking
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chealer: hi ricks99. you could check Firebug's network tab and see which cookies are transmitted
ricks99: hi chealer. what should i be looking for?
the PHPSESSID is identical for both ../tiki-index.php?page=Foo and ../Foo
However, after logging in as admin, the SEFURL no longer shows me any of my logged in options.
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chealer: ricks99: cookies which are different in both types of requests, indeed
if PHPSESSID is identical, that should be good. you can also see your cookies with Web developer and check the paths.
ricks99: cookie path for PHPSESSID is identical in both cases: /
CIA-127: tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39389 /trunk/lib/rangy_tiki/ (phraser.jison phraser.js rangy-phraser.js): [NEW] Rangy-phraser goes in for another overhaul, this time with a phrase selector that is completely stable at sanitizing words from html and from a phrase, comparing them, and then notifying rangy. Written in Jison
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CIA-127: tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39390 /branches/8.x/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [FIX] object perms: group name encoding
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CIA-127: tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39391 /branches/proposals/6.x/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl: [bp/r39390][FIX] object perms: group name encoding
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CIA-127: tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39392 /trunk/ (. templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/8.x 39363 to 39390
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Guys I lost mysqld.sock
and i cannot find a way to recreate it
what i should I do now ?
been looking on google all day
with no luck
chealer: tiko: #mysql may know better
tiko: where is thier link ?
is it an online channel too ?
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what s mysql
cahnnel ?
how to get there
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Tiko: ?
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chealer: Tiko: #mysql is also an IRC channel on freenode. depending on your IRC client, just click on "#mysql" and you'll join it.
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Tiko: no one is there
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CIA-127: tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39394 /branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php: [FIX]code: to be able to add html code in code - escape the < and option to simulate mediawiki code
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39395 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php: [merge/r39394][FIX]code: to be able to add html code in code - escape the < and option to simulate mediawiki code
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CIA-127: tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39396 /branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php: oops copy/paste: 39394
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39397 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_code.php: [merge/r39396]oops copy/paste: 39394
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lphuberdeau:: Is there soem lucene search optimization in trunk that are not in tiki8?
lphuberdeau: there may be additional data available, but I have not done any optimization myself
thx: lphuberdeau :-)
lphuberdeau: maybe jonny added some stuff too
he: added the log..
CIA-127: tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39398 /trunk/lib/rangy_tiki/rangy-phraser.js: [FIX] A bunch of fixes to clean up and make sure it is stable
tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39399 /trunk/lib/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] Cleanup again with forwardlink protocol
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Log: closed Fri Jan 06 00:00:51 2012