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Logopened Wed Jan 11 00:00:58 2012 ---
radek82[~radek@69-196-186-38.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] [00:01]-!-
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CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39442 /branches/8.x/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX]plugin: when editing with popup plugin {listpages}, the sort param was populated with the the sort function and craching the database at save [00:01]<
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CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39443 /trunk/lib/ (credits/creditslib.php tiki-js.js): [merge 39442 39433][FIX]plugin: when editing with popup plugin {listpages}, the sort param was populated with the the sort function and craching the database at save + warning [00:01]<
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4097 - - module svnup : Remove dependency on sh doc/devtools/svnup.sh - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4097 [02:01]<
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Jyhem_laptop: ?
jonnyb[~jonnybrad@cpc2-nmal9-0-0-cust664.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #tikiwiki [12:01]-!-
xavihi jonnyb [12:01]<
Caarrie|sleepingis now known as Caarrie|away [12:01]-!-
jonnybhey xavi - found my note about fixing the "don't submit the form twice" thing [12:01]<
xaviI've just hit a regression bug in 8x (from 6.x) in checking (js based) the mandatory fields in trackers [12:01]<
jonnybnot forgotten... :) [12:01]<
xaviha ha :-) thanks :-)
jonnyb: luckily, that issue is not that urgent any more for me in that production site, after I enabled the daily reports for most users... tiki went back to quite fast responsiveness (since it doesn't need to send hundreds of emails each time a users adds a new item, etc)
"that issue": I mean the "don't submit the form twice"
it would be a "nice to have" feature, but since it was not easy to fix, I would say, don't worry that much ....
jonnyboh right - interesting... (still would be useful though) [12:01]<
xaviyes, it would, I agree
on the contrary, there is something that you might know how to fix (within your skills, I presume), that is missbehaving with "mandatory" in attachment field in trackers in 8x
current revision
you se the attachment field as mandatory
you add a new item with the file attached (so far so good)
jonnybok [12:01]<
xavithen you attempt to re-edit another field of that item, and you can't re-submit your tracker item since the tracker complains that "this field (attachment) can't be empty"
but it's not empty, the file is already stored in the tracker field for that item
jonnybok, doesn't sound too bad - same in trunk i expect? [12:01]<
xaviI presume that this issue falls within the domain of tiki devs which are good at trackers, jquery, js, etc.
no idea... I'll check
jonnybsorry - don't worry (i'll check, just clearing otehr stuff...)
have you tried playing with the File tracker field? (links to a file in a gallery)
xaviok, thanks
tried with File tracker field?: he he, yes, in other contexts, and it looks promising!
I wish one day I can dare to use it into my production sites with R and PluginR (not yet, too many things formeroly failing in my attempts to use the production site in 6.x in a 8x)
jonnybbut this is the old "attachment" type field - aren't there other settings for this, like how many files you can attach or something? [12:01]<
xaviold attachment field: yes. Other params, not that I know of. Let me check the params used in this production site ....
jonnyb: in trunk, in a quick test I've just performed, the attachment is not stored in the db :-/
anyway, in case you get the same behavior when (if) you test in trunk with old attachment field
jonnyboh, so in 8.x only - dull... [12:01]<
xavi"only", well, 9.x seems to be worse... [12:01]<
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jonnyb: the old attachment field, doesn't have the param to limit the number of files to be stored, etc [13:01]<
jonnybisn't there a way of adding attachments to items without having a field for it (set in the tracker options) [13:01]<
xavithis param is for the new "files" field
for what I've just seen
jonnyb: yes, I think so, there is this other tab for attachments without explicit fieldid
jonnyb: in trunk (still): the extra tab for attachments to tracker items (not linked to a tracker field, or not explicitly, at least) works as expected: file is attached
from the files field, it works also
from the old attachments field (the one I'm using for production, as well as all sites that are in 6x LTS): it doesn't store those files attached
so I presume that with current code base, we would have lots of unhappy tiki admins upgrading from 6.x to 8.x or 9.x LTS in the future
jonnybsorry xavi, lost track - what do you want me to look at? [13:01]<
xavithere are two issue here, for what I've seen:
(1) validation in 8x for a tracker field attachment
(2) tracker field attachment is broken in 9x, and when a site is upgraded from 6.x directly to trunk, that field is not converted into something else that works, and the field attachment it does simply not work (it does not store attachments)
My initial request of help was for issue (1)
and then, while reproducing in trunk, I found out issue (2)
but I'm not requesting you to fix all tiki bugs, of course :-)
I thought that issue (1) was the kind of bug that your expertise would make it easy to debug and fix than for many other devs which are in the european time zones
jonnybthanks for the recap xavi - will check what's gone wrong in trunk first... [13:01]<
xaviok, thanks to you for feedbacn & debugging also [13:01]<
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xavibbl [13:01]<
CIA-83tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39444 /trunk/lib/core/Services/Tracker/SearchController.php: [FIX] custom search: Store "empty" input values in session so it "remembers" unchecked checkboxes etc
tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39445 /trunk/lib/core/Search/Formatter/ValueFormatter/ (Date.php Datetime.php): [FIX] search: Only attempt to format unix timestamps as dates (so default values like "no date set" don't cause errors)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Another way to log in - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=42898 [13:01]<
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ricks99[~ricks99@75-138-213-240.static.snfr.nc.charter.com] has joined #tikiwiki [13:01]-!-
Whatmeans : Handling actions of plugin "attachments" failed. I can not attach any file to a wiki page in 8 [13:01]<@sylvieg>
jonnybi sylvieg, rodrigoprimo & ricks99 [13:01]<
hello [13:01]<@sylvieg>
jonnybsylvieg: might that be the thing Geoff changed a while ago? (haven't tried it myself since) [13:01]<
svnlog lib/setup/plugins_actions.php -> it is a nyloth thing [13:01]<@sylvieg>
ricks99polom y'all [13:01]<
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CIA-83tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39446 /trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/File.php: [FIX] tracker: Fix for attaching files in tracker File (attachment) fields when not using database (thanks Xavi, not tested upgrades but hope this helps)
tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39447 /branches/8.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/File.php: [bp/r39446][FIX] tracker: Fix for attaching files in tracker File (attachment) fields when not using database
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CIA-83tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39448 /third_party/jquery/ (17 files in 6 dirs): update jquery.validate to v 1.9 (and remove demos etc)
tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39449 /trunk/lib/ (validators/validator_required_in_group.js validatorslib.php): indentation only
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CIA-83tikiwiki: jonnybradley * r39450 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [FIX] trackers: Add new validator fn to validate tracker files (and don't display file contents in page if validation fails, i.e. the value is not the attachment id) [16:01]<
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I would like to know if it is possible to change the order of the columns displayed in file gallery and if possible, where and how this can be done.
ricks99if you wanted to change the actual order of the columns, you'll need to modify/customize the appropriate template TPL files [16:01]<
nkoth|nelsonsylvieg: ping [16:01]<
peteralmthanks. Do you know which file (is it gallery.tpl [16:01]<
ricks99peteralm: you can turn on the "Show TPL comment" (or somehting like that) option. Tiki will include an HTML comment that shows the start/end of each template file [16:01]<
peteralmthx ricks99. I'm going to look for that option. [16:01]<
ricks99look on admin: Look & Feel i think [16:01]<
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hi ricks99 nkoth|nelson and sylvieg
thks jonnyb for fixes. I'll test your commits
jonnybthanks xavi - that validation stuff is hard! [17:01]<
xaviyes, I can Imagine [17:01]<
nkoth|nelsonhi xavi [17:01]<
tikinoob[50787756@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki [17:01]-!-
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xavijonnyb: I confirm that trunk works like a charm right now regarding both issues I described hours ago :-) (yur'da man ;-)
xavi checking 8x
tikinoobHello I would like to have the possibility to send a message in a tiki, I found something but the messages dont arrive. [17:01]<
jonnybsuper - i have some mess ups when you have several mandatory fields, and set a file to upload but don't fill in the others... bit edgy i suppose [17:01]<
xavijonnyb: yes, many combinations... hard to debug everywhere I guess
tikinoob: lets go step by step
tikinoob: can you send messages from the send test message feature in the admin panels?
tikinoob: ^do you know what I mean?
peteralm[4e1b0e77@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki [17:01]-!-
tikinoobxavi: There is only a "contact us" in the Menu [17:01]<
xavitikinoob: do you have admin account of your tiki?
or a user with admin rights on your tiki?
if so, go to "Admin home > Geneal" (i.e. tiki-admin.php?page=general )
tikinoobI can edit the whole style and the rights of the users...so I gues I have admin status [17:01]<
xavi... > General preferences > Mail > Email to send a test mail
write your email there, and click at change preferences
jonnyb: issue (1) still present in tiki 8x (the one about jquery validation in attachment field complaining that the field cannot be empty when in fact it already has a file attached)
jonnybi know, that's the one i didn't backport [17:01]<
xavisince your fix in trunk seemed to involve updating external libs (jquery validation etc), I don't dare to backport myself
ah, ok :-)
jonnybit won't need the updated validator lib, should be easy to bp [17:01]<
xavimmm, ok
xavi reads the svn log in trunk to get inspiration on how to backport (which commit,e tc)
Merbster[~jme@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [17:01]-!-
xaviok, jonnyb, so I understand that I have to just backport r39450 (the three files, etc)
there I go...
jonnybgood luck - i'll check too [17:01]<
tikinoobxavi: I cant find Mail...I find General Preferences in german "allgemeines" [17:01]<
xavitikinoob: can you change for a while your tiki interface to English? [17:01]<
tikinoobok [17:01]<
xavito make the guidance easier...
tikinoob: to avoid confusion. I understand that what you mean that you rdon't receive messages, is that you don't receive copy of those messages by email, am I right?
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tikinoobxavi: no i dont receive any message
xavi: Its running on a l0ocal machine with xampp
xaviany message by email, but you receive the message at the intratiki messaging box (inside tiki), is that right?
tikinoob: ok, no idea then. I wouldn't trust a test on a xampp on a windows machine to send emails....
it might very well be that it's not possible because of lack of configuration somewhere else in your windows machine (no idea myself)
tikinoobxavi: I dont receive intratiki messages [17:01]<
xaviTiki sends messages fine for sure
ah, ok, then, we can't continue testing intratiki messsaging
whic tiki version
tikinoobIts the newest
downloaded it yesterday
xavican you confirm a number, please?
there are several branches
tikinoobIts 8.2 [17:01]<
xavi6.x, 8.x, trunk or 9.x.... depending on how where you downloaded it from
ok, 8.2
can you describe step buy step what you do to attempt to send that message, and how you check if that message was received, please?
(I'm asking you this because the feature works for sure in 8.x, at least in most if not all environments that I know of)
tikinoobAdmin Home -> Messages -Activate User massages [17:01]<
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tikinoobThen Groups -> Manage permission->and activate Messages permission for costumer group
All 3
xaviok, so far, so good. what else [17:01]<
tikinoobxavi: later u adviced me i checked in Admins Home->GEneral_>GEneral Settings-> allow annonymous user to contact us
there is a message "You need to set Sender email"
i havent tested last step...so thats it so far
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xavimmm, ah ok, the message you want tiki to send is not between tiki users, or to tiki users, but from anonymous thorugh the "contact us" feaure, is that righ?
check this, then: http://doc.tiki.org/Contact+us
outdated doc, maybe, but it should work as a basic howto, and we'll improve it if needed
tikinoobactually i want costumers be able to send messages to me...or a tikiuser in a group defined by me [18:01]<
ricks99tikinoob: are you trying to use tiki's internal messaging system?
ps: hi xavi :-)
no email
sry my english ist bad :)
xaviok, that is intratiki messaging, then: .... [18:01]<
ricks99using Tiki 8.2, correct? [18:01]<
xavixavi chekcing url in doc.t.o still...
ricks99Did you enable "User Messaging" in Admin: Community page? [18:01]<
xavitikinoob: see this http://doc.tiki.org/Inter-User+Messages#How_to_Enable_as_this_Feature_Admin
hi ricks99
tikinoobyes ...well at least thats the site i doenloaded it an this is the last version...so i belive it is [18:01]<
ricks99see docs for details (thx xavi for link) [18:01]<
xaviand if needed, we'll help you upgrade the docs (or we'll do it for you)
tht doc page might be a bit outdated
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Wilkins[~Wilkins@LPuteaux-156-14-100-245.w80-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] [18:01]-!-
ricks99once the feature is enabled, use the Admin: Messages page to set the defaults
You will need to enable the "Show MyTiki Menu" option too, so users can see the MyTiki > Messages menu option (unless you have created a custom menu option)
tikinoobokey im trying.....the "User messages" option in community was enabled
where can i find the "Show MyTiki Menu" option ?
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ricks99tikinoob: on Admin: Community page.
Please note, you can use the "Configuration Search" feature (shown on every Admin page) to quickly find *any* tiki option.
xaviok, tikinoob, you are in good hands with ricks99. tikinoob, when you manage to fix your issue, we would appreciate if you could attempt to update the doc page about "User messages" with the missing info that ricks99 gave you
ricks99ricks99 hopes to get back to tiki doc improvements one of these days... [18:01]
xavixavi considers ricks99 as one of his tiki heroes [18:01]
ricks99lol. xavi needs to aim higher [18:01]<
jonnyb still around?
I see some weird difference in lib/validators/validator_required_in_group.js from trunk to 8x
that doesn't come from your last commit
argh, jonnyb, forget it, it's just from a different line break between 8x and trunk. false possitive. i dount' touch it
it was there already before I opened the file :-)
tikinoobricks99: Ive searched for Show "MyTiki Menu" but there is nothing like that [18:01]<
ricks99It is on Admin: Community, user features tab. See docs http://doc.tiki.org/User+Features&structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide
Search for "MyTiki"
Confirm, too, that you are showing *all* the preference filters (Basic, Advanced, etc.)
tikinoobPreferences are on Basic [18:01]<
ricks99that's why you're not able to see all the items. You need set the filter to show the additional preferences. (see docs for details) [18:01]<
xavixavi : the program "meld" rocks for backporting commits using free software also from old computers!
yay! backporting done locally and confirmed that it works!
thanks jonnyb: issue (1) also fixed in 8x
xavi will commit in short...
jonnybsuper, well done (sorry for leaving that one to you) [18:01]<
xavino problem, you'd better use your time and expertise for things that I can't do :-)
backporting, with the right tools, and when I have some time for that, is easy :-)
jonnybmy massive tracker seems to have failed again (search doesn't work any more!) :( [18:01]<
xavi feels jonnyb's pain
jonnybquite odd - it worked ok yesterday...
was doing nice things with the custom search plugin
tikinoobok now I can send messages. so looks not bad bad first i run some tests [18:01]<
ricks99:) glad to help [18:01]<
tikinoobyeah thank you very much guys [18:01]<
CIA-83tikiwiki: xavidp * r39451 /branches/8.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [bp/r39450][FIX] trackers: Add new validator fn to validate tracker files (and don't display file contents in page if validation fails, i.e. the value is not the attachment id). thanks jonnyb [18:01]<
xavibye bye (c u all)
[~xavi@servir5.ir.vhebron.net] has left #tikiwiki []
jonnybhey lphuberdeau (hi, happy 2012, polom etc) - the change you made about using the permName for tracker field indexing doesn't seem to work for me... is it still ok for you? the commit looks ok - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/?rev=39227&view=rev [18:01]<
lphuberdeauwell, you need to re-index
and your queries will change as the index no longer is used
but yes, it works for me
jonnybyes, worked that out, but the only way i can get {list} etc to work is by using the field id mode [18:01]<
lphuberdeaudid you use the perm name in the field names? [18:01]<
jonnybyes, sure i tried that but gave in and used id's instead [18:01]<
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and this site i'm building just stopped working when i svn up'ed as it switched to using permNames [19:01]<
lphuberdeaudid you rebuild the index?
might want to check what the compatibility mode is at
jonnybyes, but before i found the new pref (and it takes hours, 5000 files and 12000 tracker items)
it defaults to not compatible :(
lphuberdeauyes, defaults to the new mode [19:01]<
jonnybwon't that break upgrades? [19:01]<
lphuberdeaufigured there are only a few people making heavy use of those things at this stage
but essentially, compat mode, rebuild, nothing should change elsewhere
jonnybisn't {list} in tiki 8? [19:01]<
lphuberdeauor no compat mode, rebuild, and change queries
yes it is
jonnybone thing occurred to me - is there a check for unique permNames (across the whole tiki)? [19:01]<
which is one of the point of having the search by perm name, you can search across trackers if they use the same property name
jonnybaha, gotcha [19:01]<
lphuberdeauand then you can filter by tracker_id too if you really want to restrict to one tracker [19:01]<
jonnybright [19:01]<
dabright[~Adium@71-34-51-214.mpls.qwest.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] [19:01]-!-
tikinoobcannot change the doku
im not a member
nkoth|nelsonlphuberdeay/jonnyb, what compat mode? [19:01]<
tikinoobi have to leave now. mb cu later...thx
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jonnybhi nkoth|nelson - unified_trackerfield_keys [19:01]<
nkoth|nelsonjonnyb, ok a new pref. thanks. good to know [19:01]<
jonnybit changes the way you reference tracker fields in {list} etc from id to permName
and defaults to the new mode
nkoth|nelsongot it, thanks :) [19:01]<
jonnybso you need to rebuild your index after svn up'ing (and rewrite all the plugin calls)
or switch it into compatibility mode
lphuberdeau: confirm the permName mode works ok (didn't realise i needed to use tracker_field_myPermName)
dabright[~Adium@71-34-51-214.mpls.qwest.net] has joined #tikiwiki [19:01]-!-
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: create view/query to pull data directly from tiki wiki db tables - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42901 [20:01]<
jonnyb[~jonnybrad@cpc2-nmal9-0-0-cust664.croy.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: jonnyb] [20:01]-!-
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ricks99[~ricks99@75-138-213-240.static.snfr.nc.charter.com] has quit [Quit: Get the best-selling Tiki books (paperback and ebook) at http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ricks99] [21:01]-!-
metaperl|3[~kvirc@adsl-184-32-252-159.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #tikiwiki [21:01]-!-
CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39452 /branches/8.x/templates/fgal_attachments.tpl:
tikiwiki: [bp/r38997][FIX] feature_use_fgal_for_wiki_attachments: "Handling actions of plugin "attachments" failed."
tikiwiki: Ref: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.cvs/69506" failed.
rodrigoprimo[~rodrigo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] [21:01]-!-
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CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39453 /branches/8.x/tiki-admin.php: [FIX]admin: the wiki attachments were no more listed since commit 37117
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39454 /trunk/tiki-admin.php: [merge/r39453][FIX]admin: the wiki attachments were no more listed since commit 37117
DarkCalf[DC@] has joined #tikiwiki [22:01]-!-
CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39455 /branches/8.x/templates/admin/include_wikiatt.tpl: [FIX]wikiatt: fix sort on created
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39456 /trunk/templates/admin/include_wikiatt.tpl: [merge/r39455]FIX]wikiatt: fix sort on created
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4098 - - webdav - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4098 [22:01]<
redflo[~flo@tikiwiki/redflo] has joined #tikiwiki [22:01]-!-
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regressionfrom tiki6 : there is no more tiki_p_admin_categories in the object permission of a category [23:01]<@sylvieg>
wasok in 7 :-( [23:01]<@sylvieg>
andthere is no more tiki_p_create_category [23:01]<@sylvieg>
metaperl|3[~kvirc@adsl-184-32-252-159.mia.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia http://www.kvirc.net/] [23:01]-!-
CIA-83tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39457 /branches/8.x/lib/userslib.php: [FIX]category: regression tiki_p_admin_categories must show up when applying permissions to a category( a group can create categ in a categ)
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39458 /trunk/lib/userslib.php: [merge/r39457][FIX]category: regression tiki_p_admin_categories must show up when applying permissions to a category( a group can create categ in a categ)
radek82[~radek@206-248-131-161.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] [23:01]-!-
Logclosed Thu Jan 12 00:00:00 2012 ---

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