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Log | opened Tue Jan 17 00:00:07 2012 | --- |
chealer | [cffdf292@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] | [00:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39520 /branches/8.x/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH]groups: cleaning of groups that do not exist but are still in users_grouppermissions. They missed up the unified seach | [00:01]< |
lphuberdeau | [~lphuberde@] has joined #tikiwiki | [00:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39521 /trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [merge/r39520][ENH]groups: cleaning of groups that do not exist but are still in users_grouppermissions. They missed up the unified seach | [00:01]< |
thx | lphuberdeau for your help! | [00:01]<@sylvieg> |
............. (idle for 1h0mn) | ||
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Error Message when adding members to gorup - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42938 | [01:01]< |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: nkoth * r39522 /trunk/lib/userslib.php: [FIX] The first period is always given as part of assign_user_to_group so is not needed to be added anymore. | [01:01]< |
redflo | [~flo@tikiwiki/redflo] has left #tikiwiki [] | [01:01]-!- |
Tiki|bot | Info: Tiki Security Patches Available for 8.3 and 6.6 LTS - http://info.tiki.org/article185-Tiki-Security-Patches-Available-for-8-3-and-6-6-LTS | [01:01]< |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: nkoth * r39523 /branches/8.x/lib/userslib.php: [bp/r39522][FIX] The first period is always given as part of assign_user_to_group so is not needed to be added anymore. | [01:01]< |
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Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [02:01]-!- |
nkoth|nelson | [~nelsonko@CPE78cd8ec96100-CM78cd8ec960fd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit [Quit: nkoth|nelson]
[~nelsonko@CPE78cd8ec96100-CM78cd8ec960fd.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [02:01]-!- |
sandroandrade | [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] | [02:01]-!- |
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goj | [~goj@p57967D5D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Disconnected by services] | [03:01]-!- |
goj_killedByISP | [~goj@p57967FF3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
is now known as goj | [03:01]-!- |
Caarrie|away | is now known as Caarrie|sleeping | [03:01]-!- |
lphuberdeau | [~lphuberde@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [03:01]-!- |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Which forum is for questions about profiles? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42939 | [03:01]< |
marclaporte | [~marclapor@69-165-165-53.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [03:01]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o marclaporte] by ChanServ | [03:01]-!- |
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plom | [05:01]<@marclaporte> | |
marclaporte | marclaporte thinks blast_hardcheese has the coolest nick in the room.... | [05:01] |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: chealer * r39524 /branches/8.x/templates/tiki-preview_article.tpl: [bp/r39205][FIX] Articles: Do not show size in preview (size display is disabled by default)
tikiwiki: marclaporte * r39525 /trunk/doc/stable.version: [REL] updating version number of latest stable release | [05:01]< |
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tikiwiki: chealer * r39526 /trunk/lib/articles/artlib.php: [FIX] remove_article(): remove article from tiki_translated_objects
tikiwiki: chealer * r39527 /trunk/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] Articles: When translating an article via the translations widget, automatically associate it with its equivalent articles | [06:01]< | |
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marclaporte | [~marclapor@69-165-165-53.dsl.teksavvy.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [07:01]-!- |
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redflo | [~a2814ad@2001:4ca0:0:f000:2860:482c:ab5f:69f9] has joined #tikiwiki | [08:01]-!- |
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Wilkins | [~Wilkins@LPuteaux-156-14-100-245.w80-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #tikiwiki | [09:01]-!- |
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CIA-83 | tikiwiki: jyhem * r39528 /trunk/lib/ (prefs/auth.php smarty_tiki/function.preference.php): [FIX] Prevent Firefox from auto-filling the fields silently with incorrect data
tikiwiki: jyhem * r39529 /branches/8.x/lib/ (prefs/auth.php smarty_tiki/function.preference.php): [bp/r39528][FIX] Prevent Firefox from auto-filling the fields silently with incorrect data | [10:01]< |
xavi | [~xavi@servir5.ir.vhebron.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [10:01]-!- |
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gillesm | [~gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [12:01]-!- |
Caarrie|sleeping | is now known as Caarrie|away | [12:01]-!- |
Caarrie | [~Caarrie@unaffiliated/caarrie] has joined #tikiwiki | [12:01]-!- |
Caarrie|away | [~Caarrie@unaffiliated/caarrie] has quit [Disconnected by services] | [12:01]-!- |
Caarrie | is now known as Caarrie|away | [12:01]-!- |
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admin_that_needs | [b2c3dede@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
i upgraded my tiki install from 7.1 to 8.2 yesterday, but after the upgrade i am unable to access any wikipage (all the php page such as tiki-index.php work) i upgraded my db and it said it completed it without problem why cant i access the wikipages ? i always get a page not found error on the wikipages | [13:01]-!- |
ricks99 | [~ricks99@inet-hqmc02-o.oracle.com] has joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all | [13:01]-!- |
rodrigoprimo | [~rodrigo@] has joined #tikiwiki | [13:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | i upgraded my tiki install from 7.1 to 8.2 yesterday, but after the upgrade i am unable to access any wikipage (all the php page such as tiki-index.php work) i upgraded my db and it said it completed it without problem | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | are you getting some sort of error? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | i painfully reverted everything again... and em trying iit from scratch now
page not found | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | are you using SEFURL? after the upgrade did you re-add the new .htaccess file? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | it seems to me like some problem with the db | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | are you getting the Page Not Found when trying to access: www.yourdomain.com/PageName -- what about www.yourdomain.com/tiki-index.php?page=PageName | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | well... right now (if i switch the public_html folder to the 8.2) i get a completely fucked up site
so i broke alot more since gettin that 'page not found problem im back to where i started at least so right now im uploading the complete 8.2 to a new folder | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | sorry... so what is it that you're asking? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | well i was asking that... then i tested it right now... and im not even gonna bother trying to fix that... som im starting the upgrade from scratch... my question: what did i do wrong last time?
then ill create a new db and import my backup dump file | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | 1. did you re-add/rename the htaccess file?
2. did you clear the cache? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | no i dont think so
i found the _htaccess and tried to rename it but it wouldnt let me | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | you need to rename _htaccess to .htaccess. See docs for details | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | ok im doing this now, please correct me if im wrong: 1.) upload 8.2 to empty folder 2.) create new db and import old 7.1db into it 3.) start intall script and connect to that db 4.) do i leave the "always force utf-8 connection" thing checked or not? 5.) rename _htaccess to .htaccess
is that it? or did i already forget something or fuck something up? | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | 4. Is your DB in utf-8? is your db *connection* in utf-8? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | im not sure... where can i check this: i have phpmyadmin and a working 7.1 install | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | Depending on your phpmyadmin version... check the structure of the db tables. | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | oh and i forgot 4.5: upgrade db | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | when you created the new db, there should have been an option to specify its encoding | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | on my current db under the Column "coalition" it says: "utf8_general_ci" so im guessing yes
i just created the empty db (over the cpanel of my host) and it didnt have that option but under "operations" the koaliton field is utf8_general_ci... so does this mean i haev to uncheck that option ? | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | and your old/original db is utf-8 too? then you should be fine | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | so i this the mistake i did last time? (i think i left it checked) | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | if your new db is utf8 and your old db is utf8, and your mysql connection is utf8, then leave it checked | [13:01]< |
Bernard1 | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has joined #tikiwiki | [13:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | oh ... Okay ^^
does it make a difference if i copy my db/local.php over or enter the db credentials manually in the install script?(this seems like the only place where i couldve fucked up... my lazy ass took the old local.php) im just trying to find what i did wrong last time so it doesnt happen this time | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | shouldnt matter. when you run the installer/upgrader, Tiki will rewrite the local.php anyway
you can either add your db credentials manually, or via the installer/upgrade | [13:01]< |
lphuberdeau | [~lphuberde@] has joined #tikiwiki | [13:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | by manually i meant in the installer... last time i just took my old local.php and added it to the folder structure of the new install (the installer told me that everything was fine and connection was established)
so im waiting for filezilla to finish uploading all the 8.2 files and then i can try this out | [13:01]< |
ricks99 | in the installer/upgrade step, did you change the db inforation to connect to your new DB? | [13:01]< |
admin_that_needs | i used the same DB -.- (thank god i made a backup before) | [13:01]< |
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so same credentials | [14:01]< | |
ricks99 | if you're using the same db, then yes, you can simply copy the local.php file. | [14:01]< |
admin_that_needs | hmmm... so i still have no idea what i did wrong :/
lets just hope it doenst happen this time it seemed like the install was fine but tiki couldnt get files from the db (even though it told me i could establish connection during the install and then told me it upgraded everything fine) just 6000 more files to go... cmon filezilla | [14:01]< |
lphuberdeau | [~lphuberde@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [14:01]-!- |
chibaguy | [~Miranda@FNAfx-05p1-145.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #tikiwiki | [14:01]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o chibaguy] by ChanServ | [14:01]-!- |
polom | [14:01]<@chibaguy> | |
olinuxx | [~olinuxx@CPE-124-182-132-98.lns5.pie.bigpond.net.au] has joined #tikiwiki | [14:01]-!- |
Bernard1 | polom | [14:01]< |
ricks99 | polom | [14:01]< |
Bernard1 | Hello Rick, Chibaguy, all
how are you Rick ? (long time no see) | [14:01]< |
Hello | :-) | [14:01]<@chibaguy> |
Bernard1 | :) | [14:01]< |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39530 /branches/8.x/lib/userslib.php: [FIX]group: also clean lost groups in objectpermission table
tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39531 /trunk/lib/userslib.php: [merge/r39530][FIX]group: also clean lost groups in objectpermission table | [14:01]< |
ricks99 | things going ok for me. you? | [14:01]< |
lphuberdeau | [~lphuberde@firewall.hightouch.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [14:01]-!- |
xavi | polom
back after lunch hi chibaguy, ricks99 and all | [14:01]< |
hi | xavi | [14:01]<@chibaguy> |
Tiki | webinar is coming up this week. Can you guys pariticipate? | [14:01]<@chibaguy> |
href="http://tiki.org/January+2012+Webinar">http://tiki.org/January+2012+Webinar | [14:01]<@chibaguy> | |
ricks99 | i'm gonna try | [14:01]< |
olinuxx | [~olinuxx@CPE-124-182-132-98.lns5.pie.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] | [14:01]-!- |
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phantomfake | [~whats_in_@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [15:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | so okay... im upgrading from 7.1 to 8.2: uploaded the files to a folder, created the database and user... the way i understand it i now have to start the install script and then do something with the htaccess and then im done? | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | rename _htaccess to .htaccess. Run installer and select UPGRADE. See docs & relnotes for details | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | rename first? | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | _htaccess --> .htaccess | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | ive been reading that doc for the past hours and im stil not very sure ^^ okay thanks for your help dude
okay renamed it to .htaccess im starting the install script now... wish me luck :D | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | ricks99 sends luck to admin_that_needs | [15:01] |
radek82 | [~radek@76-10-172-94.dsl.teksavvy.com] has joined #tikiwiki | [15:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | so far so good test mail okay
okay db connected... now to press the "upgrade" button and hope that this goes over smooth "Upgrade complete" you better not be lying to me tiki hallelulja!! it fukin works... i didnt do a single fukin thing different then yesterday but it works thanks rick | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | you're welcome. Tiki upgrades really are that easy | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | oh... some pages are missing the bottom half :/ | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | bottom half? | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | well the shorter wikipages are all there... the long ones are missing parts at the bottom... i can just rollback on verison and it will be correct again... i noticed this when i imported my backup into 7.1 again this morning to | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | remember, there are many changes from 7 -> 8. be sure to see the relnotes and appropriate doc pages
check in your DB tiki_pages table. and see if the data for the pages actually exists. could be an issue when you exported the db? | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | thats what im guessing
but its no biggy... its manangable by just going on each page and maually rolling back a version or something | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | if your mysql or phpmyadmin timed out during the export/import? | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | its weird though... older versions of pages are there completely... the newest version on some pages is missing content though
but only on some :/ | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | can simply export the tiki_pages table only, then import that into new db
regardless... doesn't seem like a tiki-specific issue. more your db | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | yay the whole reason i did this was because after editing wiki pages it would take me to a blank white page instead of back to the wikipage... that bug doesnt seem to be happening anymore | [15:01]< |
Bernard1 | sry Rick i was a little busy by adding some missing info on the trackerfilter user. ;) | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | fukin weird though some pages are missing like half a senteance at the bottom while other pages that are almost identical dont have that problem :/ | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | did you check your db log when you export/import the db? | [15:01]< |
Bernard1 | admin_that_needs: i had some similar issues a few weeks ago… can't remember exactly but you should try to use a standard theme and check if you didn't use a specific plugin in those pages. | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | argh.... its still happening x( it didnt happen before ARGH.... when i edit a page and then save it i dont get redirected to the page but get a blank white page
wtf | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | how much php memory do you have? | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | 96
thats what was shown in the install script | [15:01]< |
Bernard1 | admin_that_needs: i set my TW with 128mb min and some have 256mb. Try to add some. | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | 96 should be good
do you have any customizations? | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | im using tikinewt template and i changed it slightly so the ligh t blue would be light green
i just removed it though | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | try assigning more php memory and clearing the tiki cache | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | how do i do that? | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | create/edit your php.ini file.
add memory_limit = 128M see http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements#php.ini_Configuration | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | my php.ini (in the root folder of my hosting) contains following: upload_max_filesize = 100 memory_limit = 120 post_max_size = 120 zend_extension=/usr/local/php52/lib/php/extensions/ioncube.so zend_extension=/usr/local/php52/lib/php/extensions/ZendOptimizer.so
im not seeing the 96 that i should change to 128 so should i just change memory_limit to 128? the value under /tiki-phpinfo.php do not seem to be affected by the changes in that file so wait... should i create a new php.ini in the tikiwiki folder? | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | you can use the php.ini in your root. | [15:01]< |
sandroandrade | [~quassel@] has joined #tikiwiki | [15:01]-!- |
ricks99 | if you have a php.ini in your /tikiwiki folder, it will override the root | [15:01]< |
admin_that_needs | my hosters even provides me with a nice tool for changing php variables... so i set memory_limit to 128 but /tiki-phpinfo.php is still telling me that my limit is 96
do i have to clear the cache or something first? well that wasnt it still not redirecting me after edits | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | can you turn on the Tiki error reporting? | [15:01]< |
Bernard2 | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has joined #tikiwiki | [15:01]-!- |
Bernard1 | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [15:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | it looks like my hoster does not alow me to raise my memory_limit beyond 96 :/
i can there 4 options though iand i dont know which one to pick? report all errors? | [15:01]< |
ricks99 | yes
then go through the process of editing a page. and see what tiki reports | [15:01]< |
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admin_that_needs | Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File/Filesystem.php' (include_path='/home/cannaped/public_html/lib/pear:.:/usr/local/php52/pear:/home/cannaped/public_html/lib/core:/home/cannaped/public_html/') in /home/cannaped/public_html/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/Directory/Filesystem.php on line 349
this is what i get | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | missing some files. check your filezilla -- did all files get uploaded successuflly? | [16:01]< |
xavi | hi admin_that_needs. about memory, ensure that these 96 Mb are not set in your .htaccess file in your tiki root folder
(you can also override there some php vars, if the hosting allows) | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | looks like my host wont allow it :/ :
some important PHP limits cannot be changed, for example memory_limit and max_execution_timeout. Setting different values than the administratively assigned will endanger the overall shared server performance. rick: yes all file got uploaded | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | ../Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File/Filesystem.php exists? | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | yup | [16:01]< |
arildb | [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki | [16:01]-!- |
ricks99 | very odd. could try sending a message (include the error msg) to the devl list | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | so is this caused because i have only 96 php memory instead of 128? (another bug that i was hoping would be repaired is uploading files to filegallery never goes anywhere... the wheel just keeps spinning but never stops... i can click browse gallery and it will be tehre but nothing ever happens if i dont cklick browse gallery)
how would i do that? | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | ricks99 doesnt think it is memory. the error indicates unable to open a specific file | [16:01] |
admin_that_needs | so what now? :/ | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | as i said, i would send a msg to devlist, and include the error msg
you had no issues with 7.2 ,right? | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | no i had these same exact problems and xavi suggested that upgrading may solve the porblem (its was 7.1 btw)
i didnt have these problem before moving my site onto my host when i was still tsting locally using xampp everything was fine | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | what host? maybe it is something specific to their setup | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | siteground | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | im not familiar with them. sorry. again, try posting to dev list. wider audience there | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | where is this dev list thingi? | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | see tiki.org/mailing+list | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | thanks
oh fuck... it used to be that i would just get a white page but the edit would still work... now it doesnt even work x( so basically i describe the problem add the error message and the send it to this email? tikiwiki-devel@lists.sourceforge.net. | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | y | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | k thx | [16:01]< |
xavi | admin_that_needs: you can try one more thing... in your .htaccess file in your tiki root...
let me check... | [16:01]< |
Bernard2 | admin_that_needs: did you run sh setup.php ? | [16:01]< |
xavi | admin_that_needs: search for this part in that .htaccess file
# The following line (uncommented) will reset the include path to use only Tiki's files which will solve this in most cases #php_value include_path "." | [16:01]< |
GillesPP | [~Gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [16:01]-!- |
xavi | and change :
#php_value include_path "." for php_value include_path "." ^(i.e., uncomment that line) admin_that_needs: about tikiwiki-devel email, it's a list, so that you'll have to register first to have the message allowed in the list | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | so just remove the # on that line? okay i did that
i get internal server error 500 now | [16:01]< |
xavi | mmm
ok, no idea why you get that (this is normally a permissions issue) anyway, revert that line in your .htaccess, then (re-add the comment character) run out of ideas for your isse. 96 Mb is vy far more than enough for basic usage (and for most tiki site admins) ask help to your hosting sys admins, I would say | [16:01]< |
ricks99 | xavi. See his error msg ^^^^
it is not a memory issue | [16:01]< |
xavi | not a memory issue: yes, that's what I said, that this shouldn't be a memory issue | [16:01]< |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: chealer * r39532 /trunk/templates/ (tiki-edit_article.tpl tiki-editpage.tpl):
tikiwiki: [ENH] Warn editors that the language property of wiki pages and articles cannot be used to translate object by changing the property as well as the content. Link to pages to create a new object instead. tikiwiki: Thanks Marc Laporte | [16:01]< |
admin_that_needs | bernard2: what do you mean? did i run sh setup.php? | [16:01]< |
Bernard2 | This script set right permissions on all the files folders. You can run it from the shell (ssh access) just type: I used to do it manually but this work better. It is a 30sec operation worth it. :)
sh setup.php | [16:01]< |
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admin_that_needs | i dont have ssh access
how can i do this manually? | [17:01]< |
ricks99 | you can use filezillza to set the directory perms
however, if they were unwritable, the tiki installer should have told you | [17:01]< |
admin_that_needs | so i wrote the email, havent sent it yet... is this good like this?
I was using tikiwiki 7.1 and was having 2 problems: after editing a page i was not returned to the wikipage but just got a blank white page. the edit still worked. and when uploading a file to the filegallery the "progress wheel" would just continue spinning forever never going anywhere (i could click "browse gallery" and the file would be uploaded correctly) so looking for an answer to this Problem i asked around in t i should upgrade to 8.2 because that would probably resolve the problem. I upgraded, but the problem didnt go away. infact it got worse, now the edits dont even go through, i just get a white page and the changes i made are lost. the progress wheel thing still happens and the file still gets uploaded. a couple of people thought it was a php memory issue (i have 96) but then quickly threw out that theory. somebody then which i did. after i edit a page and click save (in tikiwiki 8.2) i get this error message: Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/File/Filesystem.php' (include_path='/home/cannaped/public_html/lib/pear:.:/usr/local/php52/pear:/home/cannaped/public_html/lib/core:/home/cannaped/public_html/') in /home/cannaped/public_html/lib/core/Zend/Search/Lucene/Storage/Dir the IRC told me to post that error message here. i did not have these problem when i was testing tikiwiki locally using XAMPP. they have shown up only since i moved my site onto my webhost (siteground) so my questions are: whats causing this? and how do i resolve this problem? | [17:01]< |
sandroandrade | [~quassel@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | [17:01]-!- |
ricks99 | try sending to dev maling list | [17:01]< |
admin_that_needs | just wanted to make sure i included all the info
so you think this is good like this? | [17:01]< |
ricks99 | yes | [17:01]< |
GillesPP | [~Gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: Quitte] | [17:01]-!- |
ricks99 | brb
[~ricks99@inet-hqmc02-o.oracle.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] | [17:01]< |
redflo | [~a2814ad@2001:4ca0:0:f000:2860:482c:ab5f:69f9] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [17:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | [b2c3dede@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] | [17:01]-!- |
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gillesm | [~gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] | [18:01]-!- |
chibaguy | [~Miranda@FNAfx-05p1-145.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] | [18:01]-!- |
unknownstranger | [75e2a473@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki | [18:01]-!- |
xavi | [~xavi@servir5.ir.vhebron.net] has left #tikiwiki [] | [18:01]-!- |
unknownstranger | [75e2a473@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #tikiwiki [] | [18:01]-!- |
Wilkins | [~Wilkins@LPuteaux-156-14-100-245.w80-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [18:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39533 /trunk/lib/core/ (14 files in 4 dirs): [NEW] Added a new phraser parser, and since it is Jison based, I figured, why not move both Wiki and Phraser here, will be deleting remnant files shortly
tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39534 /trunk/lib/ (9 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Getting rid of old parser locations and updating with the new tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39535 /trunk/tiki-filter-base.php: [ENH] Added "JisonParser" to filter base | [18:01]< |
Bernard2 | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] | [18:01]-!- |
Bernard | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has joined #tikiwiki | [18:01]-!- |
Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4111 - - CODE plugin causes edit plugin to fail. - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4111 | [18:01]< |
Jyhem_laptop | [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] | [18:01]-!- |
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gillesm | [~gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [19:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39536 /trunk/lib/ (8 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] General fixes, am performing updates on jison to create separate php lines for the same parser
tikiwiki: chealer * r39537 /trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_mediaplayer.php: MEDIAPLAYER plugin: Fix problem with player size in MSIE (see http://flv-player.net/help/#faq2 ) | [19:01]< |
Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has joined #tikiwiki | [19:01]-!- |
admin_that_needs | [4d38a45c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
if anybody is still interested in my problem (wikipages redirecting me to blank white pages after edits): the solution was: switching off incremental index update at Search settings (tiki-admin.php?page=search) just wanted to let you know [4d38a45c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] | [19:01]-!- |
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xavi | [~xavi@] has joined #tikiwiki | [20:01]-!- |
redflo | [~flo@tikiwiki/redflo] has joined #tikiwiki | [20:01]-!- |
Bernard | [~Adium@62-90-201-26.barak.net.il] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [20:01]-!- |
marclaporte | [~marclapor@] has joined #tikiwiki | [20:01]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o marclaporte] by ChanServ | [20:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: chealer * r39538 /branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_mediaplayer.php: [bp/r39537]MEDIAPLAYER plugin: Fix problem with player size in MSIE (see http://flv-player.net/help/#faq2 ) | [20:01]< |
rodrigoprimo | [~rodrigo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] | [20:01]-!- |
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gillesm | [~gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] | [21:01]-!- |
Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [21:01]-!- |
gillesm | [~gilles@mar75-5-82-235-31-65.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki | [21:01]-!- |
DarkCalff | [DC@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] | [21:01]-!- |
DarkCalf | [DC@] has joined #tikiwiki | [21:01]-!- |
Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has joined #tikiwiki | [21:01]-!- |
CIA-83 | tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39539 /trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/ (5 files): [FIX] Some code cleanup to get working again, different scopes were causing problems. | [21:01]< |
Loll78 | [~Laurent@fd-203-174.visitors.fundp.ac.be] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] | [21:01]-!- |
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marclaporte | [~marclapor@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[~marclapor@] has joined #tikiwiki | [22:01]-!- |
mode/#tikiwiki | [+o marclaporte] by ChanServ | [22:01]-!- |
Myrkul | [461ee00d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] | [22:01]-!- |
rodrigoprimo | [~rodrigo@] has joined #tikiwiki | [22:01]-!- |
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RobertPlummerMob | [~robert@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] | [23:01]-!- |
Log | closed Wed Jan 18 00:00:08 2012 | --- |
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