--- Log opened Tue Jan 24 00:00:17 2012
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[02:01]< Tiki|bot> New Forum Posts: Paypal Integration - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42961
[02:01]-!- Caarrie|away is now known as Caarrie|sleeping
[03:01]-!- goj_killedByISP [~goj@p5B021D47.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #tikiwiki
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[04:01]-!- mrkcc [~choccac@] has joined #tikiwiki
[04:01]< mrkcc> hello
[04:01]< mrkcc> tiki is to install 8.3, but the problem is, no icons or images displayed throughout the site.
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[05:01]-!- brolin_empey_ is now known as brolin_empey
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[07:01]< mlpvolt> hello tiki
[08:01]-!- redflo [~a2814ad@2001:4ca0:0:f000:b943:6eaa:800d:493b] has joined #tikiwiki
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[09:01]<@luciash> another polom
[09:01]<@luciash> hi mlpvolt
[09:01]< mlpvolt> hello, good morning.
[09:01]< mlpvolt> i had a clients site fall down, a runaway script - odd the site has been up for months with no code changes.
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: arildb * r39635 /branches/8.x/lib/setup/load_threshold.php:
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [FIX] Activating "Close site when server load is above the threshold (except for those with permission)" caused failures on Windows.
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: The functionality uses the PHP5 function: sys_getloadavg(), which is not implemented for Windows.
[09:01]< mlpvolt> now tiki-index.php eats all the memory and fails with a 500 error.
[09:01]-!- Wilkins [~Wilkins@LPuteaux-156-14-100-245.w80-12.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #tikiwiki
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: arildb * r39636 /trunk/lib/setup/load_threshold.php:
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [merge/r39635][FIX] Activating "Close site when server load is above the threshold (except for those with permission)" caused failures on Windows.
[09:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: The functionality uses the PHP5 function: sys_getloadavg(), which is not implemented for Windows.
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[10:01]-!- Gergely [3ec2906d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
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[11:01]-!- chealer_ [~chealer@modemcable156.191-56-74.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #tikiwiki
[11:01]-!- yaya [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
[11:01]< yaya> good morning (evening, night...)
[11:01]< yaya> I have an issue with Tikiwiki. I can't make the installer work. So I created the database manually
[11:01]< yaya> when I run tiki/index.php I have a blank page. And in my Apache log the folowwing error :
[11:01]< yaya> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'directory '..\\www\\tiki\\templates\\tiki-show_page.tpl' not allowed by security setting' in
[11:01]-!- chealer [~chealer@pdpc/supporter/student/chealer] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[11:01]< yaya> ..\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_security.php:197\nStack trace:\n#0 \\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_internal_resource_file.php(55): Smarty_Security->isTrustedResourceDir('
[11:01]< yaya> I wonder if the \\ doens't make the issue ?
[11:01]< yaya> I have no idea what to do in that case
[11:01]< yaya> any help would be appreciated. THanks
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[11:01]< yaya> ;;
[11:01]< yaya> oups, sorry
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[13:01]-!- gaxweb [~dm@] has joined #tikiwiki
[13:01]< gaxweb> a joyful: WTF!? everybody!
[13:01]< gaxweb> question: does the rating feature work for anyone?
[13:01]< gaxweb> i can't seem to get it to work, and the admin page looks broken in 8.3
[13:01]-!- yaya [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
[13:01]< yaya> I've been disconnected. I don't know if anyone answered to my problem ?
[13:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: sylvieg * r39637 /trunk/templates/tiki-calendar_box.tpl: [merge/r39631][FIX]calendar a close button for non sticky popups that are sometimes sitcky
[13:01]< mlpvolt> yaya, sorry, no replies
[13:01]-!- ricks99 [~ricks99@inet-hqmc02-o.oracle.com] has joined #tikiwiki
[13:01]< ricks99> polom y'all
[13:01]< gaxweb> is there a guide somewhere of how everything holds together?
[13:01]< gaxweb> messing with the parts isn't that difficult, but working out how it all comes together is
[13:01]< ricks99> for development? try http://dev.tiki.org there's also a "hello world" on that site
[13:01]< gaxweb> i thought of smth. like a flowchart for the classes
[13:01]< ricks99> for end-users? try my beginners guide: http://twbasics.keycontent.org
[13:01]< gaxweb> or devs. having my problems with the rating feature
[13:01]< gaxweb> seems like it's currently defunct
[13:01]< gaxweb> in 8.3
[13:01]< gaxweb> but it's hard to fix it if you don't really know the framework
[13:01]< ricks99> have you seen http://dev.tiki.org/TikiDevNewbie
[13:01]< gaxweb> of course, at least before i got commit access :)
[13:01]-!- yaya [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:01]< gaxweb> http://dev.tiki.org/Hello+World does look promising though
[13:01]<@luciash> hey, i have page included in another one using the INCLUDE plugin. the problem is i have FOOTNOTE plugins and FOOTNOTEAREA there and it renders double of the footnotes in the FOOTNOTEAREA instead of normal, when the page is included. any ideas how to avoid that ?
[13:01]< ricks99> maybe hide it with css {display:none} ?
[14:01]<@luciash> ricks99: thought about that, but i have 5 footnotes, they render as 6,7,8,9,10 instead of 1,2,3,4,5 in the included text and in the FOOTNOTEAREA they display 1-5 and repeat in 6-10 but 1-5 back-anchrs do not work (obviously, as there are only 6-10 in the text)
[14:01]< ricks99> ah...
[14:01]<@luciash> it is weird include bug
[14:01]<@luciash> :)
[14:01]<@luciash> i believe if it was include in include i would get 15 footnotes there ;)
[14:01]< ricks99> thats a lot of footnotes ;)
[14:01]<@luciash> trying ALINK and ANAME workaround now (lot of typing :-p)
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[14:01]-!- yaya [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki
[14:01]< yaya> hello again. Here is the complete error message I've got when I try to access index.php (and I assume it was the same for install.php, that's why I did a manual install)
[14:01]< yaya> PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'SmartyException' with message 'directory 'C:\\www\\tiki\\templates\\tiki-show_page.tpl' not allowed by security setting' in C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_security.php:197\nStack trace:\n#0 C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_internal_resource_file.php(55): Smarty_Security->isTrustedResourceDir('C:...')\n#1 C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_
[14:01]< yaya> Smarty_Internal_Resource_File->getTemplateFilepath(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))\n#2 C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_internal_resource_file.php(36): Smarty_Internal_Template->getTemplateFilepath()\n#3 C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_internal_template.php(162): Smarty_Internal_Resource_File->isExisting(Object(Smarty_Internal_Template))\n#4 C:\\www\\tiki\\lib\\smarty\\libs\\sysplugins\\smart
[14:01]< yaya> long error message...
[14:01]< yaya> still missing the end : \libs\\sysplugins\\smarty_security.php on line 197
[14:01]< yaya> I wonder why there are so much \\
[14:01]-!- RobertPlummer [~RobertPlu@c-98-253-245-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[15:01]< gaxweb> why is the wiki parser creating all those
s instead of proper
s?? [15:01]< gaxweb> it doesn't create ANY paragraphs, does it? [15:01]< gaxweb> resulting in really poor HTML [15:01]< ricks99> check your "wiki paragaph" setting [16:01]< yaya> me ? [16:01]< yaya> all I can understand is that the directory is not trusted by smarty...Why ? no clue. I just unziped the tiki packages, not idea why the directories might be not trusted [16:01]-!- rodrigoprimo1 [~rodrigo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [16:01]-!- Merbster [~jme@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [16:01]-!- Jyhem_laptop [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] [16:01]< ricks99> yaya: did you set the appropriate directory permissions? [16:01]-!- Jyhem_laptop [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]< yaya> I'm with VIsta [16:01]< yaya> and it's weird...I keep putting all the directories and subdirectories with write permission [16:01]< yaya> and I jsute checked..it seems to be read only [16:01]< yaya> I don't understand [16:01]< ricks99> yaya: after unzipping to your webserver, you need to confirm that specific folders are writable. please see docs: http://doc.tiki.org/installation#File_and_Folder_permissions [16:01]< yaya> I checked, there are writable [16:01]< yaya> still the blank page [16:01]< ricks99> turn on tiki error reporting (via the installer) [16:01]< yaya> and the big error message [16:01]< yaya> the installer does'nt work, the same big error [16:01]< ricks99> so you're getting the error on the installer? tiki-install.php [16:01]< yaya> I assume it's tiki-install.php ? [16:01]< yaya> no, there is improvement today :) [16:01]< yaya> I have the install page showing :) [16:01] * ricks99 confused... [16:01]< ricks99> can you run the installer? [16:01]< yaya> yesterday I had blank page, so I run the install manually, as explained on the tiki site [16:01]< yaya> today the unstaller is working....will try now [16:01]< yaya> I suppose I missed something with the manual install [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~whats_in_@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [16:01]-!- riouxjp64 [84cba7a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]< riouxjp64> Hi, It seems that there is a problem with language in Tiki 8+. We tested 8.2 and 8.3. [16:01]-!- yaya_ [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]< yaya_> well, with the tiki-install.php, after I entered database login./password, a 500 internal error (internet explorer) [16:01]< yaya_> and in APache logs the big message : tiki\\templates\\tiki-install.tpl' not allowed by security setting [16:01]< riouxjp64> Even if the site language is French, every new account created after the first one fallback in English I don't know if it is a bug or a setting to change I don't know where [16:01]< yaya_> I have other websites running fine : PHpMyAdmin and an website in symfony on the same Apache server on my localhost [16:01]-!- yaya [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] [16:01]< yaya_> I never used Smartry, though [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~whats_in_@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]< ricks99> yaya_: check your mod_security settings [16:01]< ricks99> you may need to explicitgy allow the tiki files and smarty [16:01]< yaya_> in php.ini or httpd.conf ? [16:01]< yaya_> I don't have mod_security firewall, if that's what you are talking about [16:01]< ricks99> riouxjp64: on admin: community page, there is a default lang setting for new user accounts. this will override your site setting. you may need to set that to FRENCH [16:01]< ricks99> yaya_: I'm not sure where (what is your environment?) but the error indicates that you have some sort of security setting that is blocking the tiki scripts [16:01]< yaya_> hp 5.2.4 [16:01]< yaya_> php [16:01]< yaya_> Apache 2.2.13 [16:01]< riouxjp64> where I can change that ? [16:01]< ricks99> riouxjp64: Admin: Community page [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~whats_in_@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] [16:01]< yaya_> that's what I thought too, but no idea why [16:01]< yaya_> I havent configured anything particular, regarding the security [16:01]< ricks99> yaya_: did you include all necessary php.ini and config changes, as indicated: http://doc.tiki.org/Requirements&structure=Tiki+Installation+Guide#Requirements [16:01]< riouxjp64> in user feature ? [16:01]-!- Jyhem_laptop [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~phantomfa@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~phantomfa@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [16:01]< ricks99> riouxjp64: pls see docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/Community+General+Settings&structure=Tiki+Reference+Guide [16:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [16:01]< yaya_> the default_charset is not set [16:01]< yaya_> and max_execution_time=320 [16:01]< yaya_> 30 [16:01]< yaya_> just put those parameters with utf8 and 60, still the same security error [16:01]-!- gaxweb [~dm@] has left #tikiwiki [] [16:01]< ricks99> yaya_: not sure i can help. sorry :( you should post to support forums and developer email list [16:01]< yaya_> ok, thanks [17:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] [17:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [17:01]-!- yaya_ [a374060b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [17:01]< riouxjp64> What I have to do if I just see default for the language ? [17:01]< ricks99> on Admin: i18n, do you have FRENCH set as default? [17:01]< riouxjp64> default language: French yes [17:01]< ricks99> hm... new users should have default lang then (FRENCH). [17:01]< riouxjp64> yes [17:01]< riouxjp64> The first account I created, the language is ok but when I create another account, the language is english [17:01]< ricks99> Are you creating the user accounts manually (via the Admin: User)? Or are they registering on their own? [17:01]< riouxjp64> via the admin user [17:01]< riouxjp64> do you think the problem is only on Tiki 8+ ? Because I have no problem like that on Tiki 7 [17:01]< ricks99> possibly. did you check the bug list? (maybe a known issue)? [17:01]< ricks99> or submit a bug report, if new [17:01]< riouxjp64> no, where can I found ths list ? [17:01]< ricks99> dev.tiki.org [17:01]< riouxjp64> thanks [17:01]< ricks99> if you log a new bug, i would follow up with a message to the dev list [17:01]-!- ricks99 [~ricks99@inet-hqmc02-o.oracle.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] [17:01]-!- redflo [~a2814ad@2001:4ca0:0:f000:b943:6eaa:800d:493b] has left #tikiwiki [] [17:01]-!- riouxjp64 [84cba7a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] [17:01]-!- rodrigoprimo [~rodrigo@] has joined #tikiwiki [18:01]-!- arildb_ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39638 /trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php: [FIX] Checking if is_html is on, check if set first [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39639 /trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/ (6 files in 3 dirs): [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [ENH] Handler and parser cleanup, Lexer and Parser are now 1 class, taking advantage of the new model [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [FIX] Brought JisonParser_Wiki back online, it had been some time since it worked [18:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [18:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [18:01]-!- arildb_ [~arildb@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [18:01]-!- RobertPlummer [~RobertPlu@c-98-253-245-85.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #tikiwiki [18:01]-!- arildb_ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [18:01]< RobertPlummer> chealer_: You around today? [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: robertplummer * r39640 /trunk/lib/core/ (Feed/ForwardLink.php JisonParser/Phraser/Handler.php): [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [ENH] FInally switched over to the new php parser [18:01]< CIA-83> tikiwiki: [FIX] Check to see if I can parse anything before looking for phrases, smarty may not have the var for me to look in [18:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] [18:01]< Tiki|bot> New Forum Posts: Rating results - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=42964 [19:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [19:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [19:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Client Quit] [19:01]-!- phantomfake [~i@pool-71-190-229-236.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #tikiwiki [19:01]-!- chealer_ is now known as chealer [21:01]-!- xen216 [~xen@host-64-234-44-244.nctv.com] has joined #tikiwiki [21:01]-!- Jyhem_laptop [~libs@85-168-216-146.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #tikiwiki [21:01]-!- rodrigoprimo [~rodrigo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] [22:01]-!- rockyroad [~mich@brc29-1-82-245-192-44.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #tikiwiki [22:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [22:01]< rockyroad> Hello there :) [22:01]< rockyroad> I just set up tiki and I'm customizing it. If somebody was willing to help ... [22:01]-!- arildb_ [~arildb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] [22:01]< rockyroad> The question I have now is about email notification, for user registration [22:01]< rockyroad> I get something like a debug trace for the template in both the subject line and the body of the message. How could I remove it ? [22:01]< rockyroad> I'm using version 8.3 [22:01]< rockyroad> [22:01]< rockyroad> !help TPL trace [22:01]< Tiki|bot> Help is only available for the following: all,google,images,groups,news,local,book,video,fight,youtube,translate,gamespot,gamefaqs,blog,ebay,ebayfight,wikipedia,wikimedia,locate,review,torrent,top,popular,dailymotion,ign,myspace,trends,scholar [22:01]< Tiki|bot> You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . [22:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] [22:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [23:01]-!- arildb_ [~arildb@] has joined #tikiwiki [23:01]-!- arildb__ [~arildb@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] [23:01]-!- NachoMahma [~nacho@] has joined #tikiwiki [23:01]< NachoMahma> !help [23:01]< Tiki|bot> You can get a more complete list of commands that work with this bot at http://tiki.org/TikiBot . --- Log closed Wed Jan 25 00:00:18 2012