[0:6] phantomfakeBNC joined #tikiwiki [0:52] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: could Mediaplayer plugin show pdf documents within the tiki gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=43532 [1:3] Jyhem_laptop " Import completed with '2397'" → jonnyb rocks ! [1:29] Narkster left #tikiwiki [2:41] sandroandrade joined #tikiwiki [3:3] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [3:4] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [4:55] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Mail Error Message - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=43534 [7:27] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r40059 10/trunk/lib/setup/ (28 files): No changes - code styling only (seen on quality.tiki.org) [7:53] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r40060 10/trunk/admin/ (6 files): No changes - code styling only (seen on quality.tiki.org) [8:13] xavi joined #tikiwiki [8:46] Bernard1 joined #tikiwiki [8:51] Bernard2 joined #tikiwiki [9:1] Bernard1 joined #tikiwiki [9:2] Jens joined #tikiwiki [9:5] Jenser hi there. first - thank a lot for this great free CMS [9:5] Jenser got 2 problems: 1st - how to disable the auto logout feature? i want to start tikiwiki when arriving at work and close it when leaving. [9:5] Jenser 2nd: in case of auto logout while s/o is typing content into forum, wiki page or something else, a backup of this is made which the user can re-use after logging back into the system. unfortunately "spaces" and (german) special character. are transformed to %20 and so on... how to avoid this? [9:6] Jenser hope you can help me [9:22] Bernard1 joined #tikiwiki [9:22] xavi hi Jenser. for 1) check "remember me" feature and settings, under the "Admin home > Login" [9:22] xavi for 2) no idea [9:24] xavi 2) seems like a bug, so bug report sounds needed (and find a coder/consultant to fix it for you if too annoying , or it doesn't seem to get fixed within you expected time frames - whatever they are) [9:24] xavi for 2), there is workaround, which is open another tab or window of the same browser, log in, and then, go back to the first tab or window and "refresh the page" (this will repost your content) [9:24] xavi hth [9:25] Bernard1 Morning Xavi, all [9:25] xavi morning Bernard1 [9:27] xavi bbl [9:53] Jenser thanks a lot [9:55] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki [10:32] JoernOtt joined #tikiwiki [10:41] Jyhem Jenser: also Admin → Home → Login → look for remember me checkbox and the duration drop-down [11:9] Jenser but remember me doesn't change the auto logout time, does it? [11:11] Jyhem_laptop you can choose the auto logout duration in the admin section [11:12] Jyhem_laptop That's the Tiki auto logout duration, displayed besides "remember me" [11:17] Jyhem_laptop If you want it too high, it might conflict with your apache session duration configuration. I do not remember how to increase the apache session duration [11:30] Jenser changed apache timeout, gonna give it a try [11:30] Jenser thank youn once again [11:32] Jenser here i go again - next question [11:32] Jenser search field: [11:32] Jenser having an wiki page named "longwordforexample" [11:33] Jenser may i tell tikiwiki to find this when searching for "long" and "word" and "rdforex" and so on? [11:34] Jyhem_laptop sorry, leaving [11:34] Jenser np, thank you anyway [12:34] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40061 10/trunk/styles/jqui.css: [CSS] jqui: Revert over-the-top roundyness for all inputs and add refault 4px all-round radius to fieldsets (thanks Gezza) [12:48] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [12:53] sandroandrade joined #tikiwiki [13:43] fabricius polom [13:44] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [13:51] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: How do I Create an Image Gallery and Link It to My Photo Gallery on my menu? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=2&comments_parentId=43536 [13:57] Jenser may i tell tikiwiki to find this when searching for "long" and "word" and "rdforex" and so on? [14:9] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [14:15] ricks99 polom y'all [14:21] ricks99 Q: Is there way to "attach" a registration tracker to a specific user *after* registration? I have several user accounts that were created *before* I implemented the user registration tracker. [14:32] ricks99 anyone awake? [14:35] NachoMahma I'm awake, but not much of an expert. [14:36] NachoMahma You may be able to manually add the records to the tracker, but I don't know how to do it (or if it's really possible) [14:39] ricks99 hm... yeah, i gues... but was hoping for a better process. :( [14:39] NachoMahma If that doesn't work, I'd try deleting the accts and re-registering, but there may be a much better way to solve your problem [14:39] ricks99 I saw your Q from yesterday... still having issues with templates and design? I might b able to help [14:40] NachoMahma That must have been someone else [14:41] ricks99 o... k. [14:42] NachoMahma My TikiWiki project is on hold right now. I just IRC open because I hang out in another channel. I'm usually AFK [14:43] NachoMahma Apparently, most of the experts/gurus are AFK most of the time, also. :( [14:43] ricks99 i'm here :) [14:44] NachoMahma _most_ ... _most_ :) [14:46] NachoMahma I _do_ have one problem with TW that you may be able to help me with: Why am I sent to a login screen when I try to create a file gallery when using TW v8.3? OS folder permissions? [14:47] ricks99 check your group perms. do you have to be logged in to create file galleries? [14:47] NachoMahma Logged into TW as admin when trying to create gallery [14:48] NachoMahma Not a big deal - I can use a "flat" gallery - just curious as to why the login screen [14:48] ricks99 if the login screen appears, tiki thinks you're not logged in. check your session... are you storing in db or file system? [14:49] NachoMahma Everything else seems to work [14:49] ricks99 i'm able to create file galleries in 8.3 -- no issues [14:49] NachoMahma I've tried storing files in both db and folder [14:49] NachoMahma I'll have to check folder perms in the OS when I get a chance [14:49] ricks99 no. i mean where are you storing tiki *session* data [14:50] NachoMahma Oh. Whatever the default is [14:50] NachoMahma Let me pull up the site [14:50] ricks99 default is file (iirc). confirm cmod that tiki has full perms to the directory [14:50] ricks99 (or simply switch to db) [14:51] NachoMahma It's just kind of weird that only the create gallery function does it [14:51] ricks99 regardless of the # and structure of your file gallery/sub galleries, tiki stores all files in a single place (either in db or a single directory) [14:51] ricks99 the random display of a login screen is 99% due to a lost session [14:52] NachoMahma It's not random. Only happens when trying to create gallery [14:52] sandroandrade_ joined #tikiwiki [14:55] NachoMahma Admin>General>General Settings>Session storage location = Default (from php.ini) [14:55] ricks99 check phpinfo (probablly file, i think that is the default) [14:55] NachoMahma brb [14:58] NachoMahma session.save_path = /tmp [15:2] ricks99 and tiki has full perm? [15:3] NachoMahma Everything else works, so I assume so [15:3] ricks99 very odd. and you havent customized anything? [15:3] ricks99 try switching session to db. [15:5] NachoMahma I changed the logo and made a bunch of "tweaks" from the Admin panels, but nothing that would affect the galleries (AFAIK). [15:5] ricks99 no changes to php files or libraries, right? [15:5] NachoMahma Drat! Need to tend to the dogs. Be back in a bit. [15:6] NachoMahma No manual changes to any files - everything done through Admin panels [15:6] ricks99 very odd [15:10] NachoMahma Linux CentOS perms are 755 for all file gallery folders [15:10] NachoMahma Galleries set to store in db, so that shouldn't matter [15:11] ricks99 thats not the issue. i'm out of ideas [15:11] ricks99 try posting on support forum or dev list [15:11] NachoMahma Me too. :( If delete/re-install doesn't fix it I'll just stick to the flat gallery I have. [15:12] * ricks99 thinks it is something specific to your install or setup. have never heard of that issue [15:12] NachoMahma I suppose there is a good chance the prob is in the Fantastico installer or something my host is doing [15:12] radek82 joined #tikiwiki [15:13] NachoMahma First tihing I need to do is manufacture some more time. :) [15:14] NachoMahma Gotta go. Later [15:14] ricks99 cya [15:34] Jenser for hiding some informations from a special usergroup, i'm using categories... when using the search function, even those users may find the "hidden" informations and read the preview. how to prevent this? [15:38] ricks99 Jenser: check your category & search settings. there are two settings that can override category perms for searches [15:39] Jenser yeah, i know. i found those features [15:39] Jenser unfortunately they don't work as supposed, i fear [15:39] ricks99 check your category perms, too [15:39] Jenser i unchecked the "faster but unsafe" version [15:42] Jenser "search" in category perms? [15:42] Jenser didn't find it yet [15:48] Jenser i only found the 2 settings @ security [15:48] Jenser browsing sites works fine and makes "tagged" sites invisible [15:52] Merbster joined #tikiwiki [15:54] dcedilotte joined #tikiwiki [15:54] dcedilotte left #tikiwiki [16:5] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [16:6] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40062 10/trunk/lib/search/searchlib-unified.php: [FIX] uninitialized var [16:8] arildb joined #tikiwiki [16:14] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [16:26] foster joined #tikiwiki [16:26] foster hi all [16:27] foster anyone here? [16:27] ricks99 i am [16:28] foster Im new to tiki. I have a problem with wysiwyg. when I edit page, it seems ok, but as a page it looks boring. for exaple spaces between rows, when i have som list [16:30] foster every pressing enter is new block -
[16:30] ricks99 yes. there is an option for wiki spacing that determines if pressing ENTER creates a or a
[16:30] ricks99 look at the Admin: Text area page (I think)
[16:32] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40063 10/trunk/ (css/admin.css styles/layout/layout.css): [FIX] structures: Move required CSS from admin.css into layout.css
[16:33] foster cant find in admin section this option
[16:34] ricks99 1 sec...
[16:35] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40064 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [FIX] structures: Use opacity instead of hard-coded colours for layout.css
[16:38] ricks99 look on admin: wysiwyg
[16:38] ricks99 toggle the "wiki paragraph formatting" option
[16:39] ricks99 pls see docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/Wysiwyg
[16:41] Jenser how to enable email notifications for users, when someone answers to a thread?
[16:41] Jenser i only found notification for admin
[16:42] foster thx. I'm goingt to try
[16:43] ricks99 Jenser: you need to enable user watches
[16:44] ricks99 Pls see docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/User+Features
[16:46] Jenser thanks
[16:47] ricks99 you're welcome
[16:48] foster last question, how to edit some text in {div}?
[16:49] ricks99 sorry, i don't understand. Are you using the DIV plugin?
[16:49] foster when i click to div, all text is selectet
[16:49] foster yes
[16:50] ricks99 If the text is inside the plugin, you need to edit the plugin.
[16:50] ricks99 there will be a text area that allows you to edit the text within the plugin
[16:51] ricks99 see the docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/plugindiv
[16:53] foster aah, i understant. iI must edit it via "edit section", which is not allowed via edit page, but on page is edit section button
[16:54] foster thx for help
[16:55] ricks99 you're welcome.
[16:55] ricks99 if you're new to tiki, try my beginner's guide: http://tikiforsmarties.com
[16:56] foster thx
[17:5] xavi left #tikiwiki
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[17:24] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40065 10/trunk/lib/structures/tiki-edit_structure.js: [FIX] structures: Use post to send updated structure data on save to accommodate very large structures (will still be limited by post_max_size in php.ini) thanks Xavi
[17:34] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40066 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [CSS] layout: Use 0 instead of "redundant" 0px
[17:44] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40067 10/trunk/styles/layout/layout.css: [CSS] layout: Optimize mulitline properties
[17:48] joelO joined #tikiwiki
[17:49] joelO Jyhem
[18:19] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r40068 10/trunk/lib/search/searchlib-unified.php:
[18:19] CIA-36 tikiwiki: [FIX] search: Make unified search multi-tiki compatible.
[18:19] CIA-36 tikiwiki: Not the prettiest fix because the pre-existing default was not using $prefs['tmpDir'] but had "temp/" hard-coded into it.
[18:19] CIA-36 tikiwiki: Works where unified_lucene_location pref has not been changed so should not break anything if a fix has been made manually to work round this.
[18:27] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki
[18:31] Jyhem_laptop Hello joelO
[18:57] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: open_basedir = no value - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=43544
[19:9] ricks99|away ping marclaporte
[19:13] Robert__ joined #tikiwiki
[19:15] marclaporte pong ricks99|away
[19:16] ricks99|away saw your emails about #500. i plan to send news item out, no later than fri
[19:21] ricks99|away_ joined #tikiwiki
[19:21] ricks99 01some interesting data from him... didn't realize we were (one of) the biggest on SF
[19:43] chealer joined #tikiwiki
[19:49] joelO Hello Jyhem :)
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[21:38] JoernOtt RobertPlummer: in parserlib.php, there is a function function add_postedit_handler($name) which holds a reference for tiki-handlers.php. I can't find that file, nor any documentation about it. I would like to fix a rare problem with {maketoc} and the wysiwyg editor, a postedit_handler sounds exactly like the place to place the fix.
[21:39] JoernOtt As you are the author of the lib, maybe you could share some insight.
[21:49] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki
[22:7] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r40069 10/trunk/lib/core/Math/Formula/ (8 files in 3 dirs): No changes - code styling only (seen on quality.tiki.org)
[22:11] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r40070 10/trunk/ (67 files in 41 dirs): no changes code styling - http://quality.tiki.org
[23:4] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r40071 10/trunk/lib/wiki/ (5 files): No changes - code styling only (seen on quality.tiki.org)
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[23:13] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03pkdille * r40072 10/trunk/lib/usermenu/usermenulib.php: No changes - code styling only (seen on quality.tiki.org)
[23:37] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40073 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemLink.php: indentation
[23:37] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40074 10/trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Abstract.php: documeting a few methods
[23:38] CIA-36 tikiwiki: 03sampaioprimo * r40075 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [ENH] new option to make item link tracker field allow the selection of multiple values
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