CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41001 10/branches/9.x/installer/schema/20120419_add_tiki_pages_and_tiki_history_state_field_tiki.sql: [FIX] Forgot default values
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Dr{Wh0}: RobertPlummer: you left : )
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41002 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [NEW] Added new tool in Admin wiki: Report wiki pages with direct object permissions
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41003 10/trunk/tiki-report_direct_object_perms.php: a bit too much copying
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changi: RobertPlummer: another one :)
/var/local/ php installer/shell.php
Running installer for: db/local.php
Fatal error: Call to a member function get_style_base() on a non-object in /var/local/ on line 55
Call Stack:
0.0005 680840 1. {main}() /var/local/
0.1401 1966816 2. Installer->update() /var/local/
21.5215 2584248 3. Installer->installPatch() /var/local/
21.5217 2592248 4. upgrade_999999991_decode_pages_sources_tiki() /var/local/
21.5309 2908600 5. include_once('/var/local/') /var/local/
21.6002 8137728 6. require_once('/var/local/') /var/local/
21.6633 10162904 7. Smarty_Tiki->Smarty_Tiki() /var/local/
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41004 10/branches/9.x/tiki-editpage.php: [FIX] Section edit for hdr = 0 wasn't working - check string = int
Jyhem: Polom
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4199 - - Error in tiki-editpage.php -
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polom y'all
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03arildb * r41005 10/trunk/templates/tiki-report_direct_object_perms.tpl: [ENH] Added link to full object permission report + prettier table. Thanks Marc
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Hello ?
ricks99: hello
DarkTomas_: left #tikiwiki
ricks99: oh well
David: joined #tikiwiki
hi everyone :)
does someone know the ressources needed by a tiki install plz ?
changi: joined #tikiwiki
ricks99: David: Did you see
David: ricks99: thanks, i was on the tuning page :)
ricks99: no problem
David: thanks again and bye ^^
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marclaporte: polom
ricks99: polom
LouisMartin: joined #tikiwiki
marclaporte: ricks99: you will love this for documentation:
ricks99: y. been half watching the progress. great potential
Jyhem: Polom
I have a {tracker} with a wiki page as template, but all my field descriptions appear grouped on top of the page :-(
Can i set some option to not display them ?
ricks99: surround in a <div id="foo"> and set #foo {display:none}?
Jyhem: I might do that. good idea: they are all in class : "trackerplugindesc". But it still looks like it's not the expected behaviour!
ricks99: tuff for me to visual. there is an option in the tracker (i think) plugin to show all fields on one line
marclaporte: Can someone try to comment with IE? (not working for me and want to validate before reporting a bug)
Jyhem: sorry, no IE
ricks99: give me a sec... i'll test on demo.t.o
tiki 9 seems fine in ie:
marclaporte: A merge from 9.x to trunk would be nice
-: marclaporte tried but ran into conflicts!
ricks99: on demo.t.o/trunk, I get parsing error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /www/htdocs/w00ec615/trunk/tiki-editpage.php on line 1092
hmm.. i get it in FF, too
-: ricks99 glad i use ie
marclaporte: trunk needs a merge to get some fixes
But can you add a comment here?
In my case, clicking the comment tab does nothing
ricks99: ooo... misunderstood
Jyhem: What about now that there actually already is a commnent?
ricks99: no. none of the tab switching works for me in ie9
Jyhem: ricks99: I have a demo here
ricks99: Here's the error reported: SCRIPT5009: 'tikitabs' is undefined
tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=4199, line 271 character 1
^^^ for marclaporte
Jyhem: See the descriptions between "page title" and "Start of entry form"? They should be with each field, or better yet: not shown at all
-: Jyhem wonders if it's a 9.x regression
ricks99: using a pretty tracker template for the form entry?
Jyhem: Yet, a wiki one, but a template file has the same issue
ricks99: odd. not sure..
nothing in the tracker or field definitions?
Jyhem: The general tracker description is optional, not the field descriptions :-(
ricks99: since you're using a template anyway, can you simply delete the field description in the tracker, then hard-code the descriptiosn in the template? Not the ideal solution, but should work
gotta take off for a bit. will be back online later.
Jyhem: Obviousy, but that's a lot of work, since at first I build and get approval for the trackers without any templates. Templates come afterwards, when things have stabilized
Can I get another new empty tracker inupt form after I fill a tracker item and I hit "Save"?
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Cannot Add Users -
RobertPlummer: fabricius: polom
fabricius: polom RobertPlummer
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Jyhem: Tracker plugin would benefit from another "save" button on top :-/
xavi: polom
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r41006 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/ItemsList.php: [FIX]Provide explicit reference in the options which correspond to this tracker or the other tracker (similar to the explicit explanation before tracker revamp)
xavi: anyone who understands the numeric tracker field?
I wanted to provide more explicit information in the tracker field info shown to the user at edition time, but I'm not sure about what's the expeted way to handle the data properly
c for comma to indicate the decimal character seems to work (as it was indicated in tiki6), as far as you add the data later with the dot instead of the comma (counter intuitive!), and as far as you do that with Firefox (with Chrome it doesn't work)
^to me this is too buggy to be documented like that, even if it was the only way I found to use the numeric field with decimals
^any tip?
current doc is:
ok, sending an email to the devel list about it
Jyhem: "Can I get another new empty tracker inupt form after I fill a tracker item and I hit "Save"?": afaik, not coded, but it shouldn't be difficult to extend plugin tracker to allow it, I guess, copying the code from the equivalent tracker php script
and btw, Jyhem, thanks to your example of tracker page in demo, I learned that in 9x you can add textareas with wysiwyg (nice!)
c u and have a nice weekend
left #tikiwiki
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41007 10/branches/9.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php: [FIX] something was throwing warnings, put in check
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41008 10/branches/9.x/ (2 files in 2 dirs):
tikiwiki: [FIX] Did first successful upgrade with new wiki9 converter on moderatly large db, and committing those changes
tikiwiki: [FIX] Deleted the upgrade script that added the columns, migrated the changes within the upgrade script to the new class that actually does the upgrade so we can properly check for the existance of the column "status"
RobertPlummer: polom all
the upgrade script is in
Anybody want to try it on an older db?
Dr{Wh0}: RobertPlummer: Did you have a few minutes I wanted to discuss the current Cart and order code in wiki9. We are a little confused about the flow. It seems as if at no point does the flow from cart to order actually ask for user to enter any data such as a card or anything that can then be handled by a gateway function we would write to validate it and finish the order.
RobertPlummer: Dr{Wh0}: The real person you'd want to talk to is Nelson, but I did code a bit of it.
nkoth is his name on irx
Dr{Wh0}: Ok. Well then you have some ideas. Should not every order process have a hook to ask the user to enter pertinent data for completion of the order?
we have been trying to find it. It should/must exist
RobertPlummer: Dr{Wh0}: I think most of it was done using wiki plugins which is why it seems there are holes in the code.
Dr{Wh0}: Credit card numbers were stored in a tracker, and that tracker code would be in part of a page.
We did this site together:
They use the cart extensively, I wonder if he'd share some of the code ;)
Oh wait, that may be the wrong url.
Dr{Wh0}: hmm I must be missing something then. WHen I click on my "Check-out" button on my cart it goes directly to Payment and the order is recorded. I guess I need to somehow get a tracker inserted in the middle?
we easily added verisign / plugnpay / cybercash code to the modules so that was easy. the hard part is figuring out how to get the necessary data Address, Card# etc as a tracker in the process.
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03kstingel * r41009 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_figure.php: [NEW] emulator for HTML5's <figure> and <figcaption> tags
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41010 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki/wikilib.php: [FIX] Only update plugins if needed
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41011 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki/histlib.php: [ENH] But mroe of a fix, Let history pages convert as needed
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41012 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (tikilib.php wiki/wikilib.php): [FIX] Prevent new pages from ever being converted
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r41013 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH]search: option to parse the result - probably not the best implementation
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r41014 10/trunk/lib/core/Search/ResultSet/SnippetHelper.php: [FIX]411013 parse the header but not the maketoc