CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r41196 10/branches/8.x/doc/stable.version: Update release numbers for update notifier
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r41197 10/branches/9.x/doc/stable.version: Update release numbers for update notifier
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r41198 10/branches/proposals/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: Next version is 6.8 :-)
tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r41199 10/branches/6.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: Next version is 6.8 :-) redflo: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41200 10/branches/9.x/ (templates/tiki.tpl tiki-login_scr.php): Notices
tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41201 10/branches/9.x/templates/tiki-calendar_nav.tpl: Check whether calendar_type is set lphuberdeau: left #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41202 10/branches/9.x/tiki-calendar.php: Make sure smarty variable is set with either user value or default goj_killedByISP: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki benoitg: joined #tikiwiki goj: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41203 10/branches/9.x/templates/ (find.tpl tiki-admin_calendars.tpl): Add find_in information for tiki-admin_calendars find call and check if variable set in find.tpl
tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41204 10/branches/9.x/ (templates/categorize.tpl tiki-admin_calendars.php): Notices - setting variables and checking if variables are set
tikiwiki: 03lindonb * r41205 10/branches/9.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php: Array_filter needs to return to a variable Dr{Who}: joined #tikiwiki xavi: joined #tikiwiki blast_hardcheese: joined #tikiwiki redflo: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r41206 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_articles.php: [FIX]Fix Default value Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
polom xavi: hi chibaguy chibaguy: hi xavi
sorry, I didn't get to test mollio. Did the background color problem get solved? CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r41207 10/branches/8.x/lib/ (newsletters/nllib.php tikilib.php): [FIX]newsletter: when sending to many users the user preferences cache can be hudge
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r41208 10/branches/8.x/lib/newsletters/nllib.php: oops was not supposed to be committed
tikiwiki: 03sylvieg * r41209 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (newsletters/nllib.php tikilib.php): [merge/r 41207,41208][FIX]newsletter: when sending to too many users, teh user preferences cache can be hudge RobertPlummer: hi guys Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki radek82: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: Hmm, getting a system error when trying to save a wiki page in a branch 9 site. "An error occured while performing the request."
By the way, "occured" should be "occurred". ;-)
Never noticed that before. rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy: The site was just svn-upped. I'll try my main branch 9 dev site. RobertPlummer: chibaguy: Did you run the installer?
The error is probably to do with the db status chibaguy: RobertPlummer: Yes, I ran the installer after the error message. Still getting the error. -: chibaguy has to take the dog out but then will try another branch 9 page edit. chibaguy: RobertPlummer: OK, after svn-up and using installer page, now I can edit/save pages. :-) RobertPlummer: :) xavi: back
hi RobertPlummer RobertPlummer: xavi, hi benoitg: joined #tikiwiki xavi: so ... my own question of the day, what should I do with the sites that I upgraded last week (before jonnyb came back, etc)?
I mean, is it safe to keep forward with those sites, svn'ing up and running the installer, etc?
or the solution to encoding issue took another direction? RobertPlummer: xavi did you run the installer on them when I was working on the encoding issues? -: xavi didn't read all emails from lists yet xavi: RobertPlummer: yes RobertPlummer: xavi do you have a backup? xavi: until some revesion... RobertPlummer: just before you ran the installer. xavi: yes, I have some backup , without many changes in the tiki ste
10 d of changes or so
from a few users RobertPlummer: If possible I would revert and upgrade, is there many html encoded entities with the pages?
If not, they should be fine. xavi: yes
the "ueb site" (many plugins used, etc) RobertPlummer: xavi, no no, I mean are there many things like this in the page: & "  
Are there many pages you want the end user to see those encoded entities?
For example:
(my page) xavi: how are things stored from now onwards? "foo" or "foo" ? RobertPlummer: Hello world! I want you to know that in html '&' can be displayed using either '&' or '&'
xavi, things are stored just like you see them in the editor.
editor ' ' ouput ' ' xavi: ok, I'll do some tests then
thanks for the info RobertPlummer: I think you can run the installer and you'll be fine.
Go ahead and try, it'll be fine, you can revert it later to your backup if needed. xavi: yes, I think so (I'll try creating first another backup just in case) Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki xavi: RobertPlummer: I was using r40860. Should I run the query in mydql directly to remove from `tiki_schema` the `patch_name` = '999999991_decode_pages_sources_tiki' ? RobertPlummer: yes xavi: ok, thks RobertPlummer: It will not damage anything as that only runs when needed. xavi: ok Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki xavi: RobertPlummer: custom modules with {wiki}{literal} foo {/literal} {wiki} show html tags in the page
after the upgrade <- see bottom for anonymous
and as registered, when have another custom module in the header, which displays all the html labels on the header, instead of interpreting them as html OffGridOps: joined #tikiwiki
tikiwiki 8.3 new install: so googlemaps has depreciated the api key. when i attempt to activate googemaps it will not accept any key including the v2. is there a way around this? thanx RobertPlummer: xavi: Take a look at the module, is the source stored as '<' or '&lt;'? xavi: ok, RobertPlummer, checking
RobertPlummer: through tiki admin modules, I see that the module has:
{DIV(float="right", bg="white")} ...
looking in mysql directly, I can't see anything since it seems stored as binary RobertPlummer: xavi, blob? xavi: longblog
tiki_user_modules table, field data
and the html page source has a mix of things:
<div id="custom_ueb_links" style="display:block;">&lt;div style=" background-color: white; float: right;" &gt; ...
but this is the db where I also run mysql manual replacement of html entities in the db (before you or anyone did that with the installer)
as I reported in the etc (remember?)
ok, I'll check another thing...
(I always have the option to start again with a backup db, even if a little bit out of sync (/and apply changes of the tiki site manually...)
yes, I'll start again from a backup
:-) CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41210 10/branches/9.x/lib/modules/modlib.php: [FIX] Ensure that state is tracked for converting in updating modules RobertPlummer: xavi: I'm going to run throught the ueb upgrade from 6 again to make sure it goes well.
(I don't trust it till it is proven working right) arildb: joined #tikiwiki xavi: thks RobertPlummer RobertPlummer: xavi: What is that module called?
the one at the bottom, is it in the sql you sent me from tiki6? xavi: custom_ueb_links changi: joined #tikiwiki xavi: ah, maybe no.... since it comes from site_my_code, etc RobertPlummer: ok xavi: If I recall correctly... changi: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: xavi, I do see this:
{* {wiki}{literal}{GROUP(groups=>Admins)}~tc~~/tc~ {TRACKERLIST(trackerId=>"1", max=>"1",showpagination="n" , fields=>"9", wiki=>"")}{TRACKERLIST}{GROUP}{/literal}{/wiki} *}
Anything in {**} isn't parsed, correct? xavi: RobertPlummer: forget that. I had to disable that part when I upgraded because of issues RobertPlummer: ok xavi: I'll test the upgrade myself again RobertPlummer: ok xavi: if no further notice, assume that the upgrade works correctly :-) RobertPlummer: great
svn up, I made a change to the module status update
from above xavi: yes, I saw it RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki
back xavi: RobertPlummer: fyi, after I enabled js minification, I get: "Unterminated regular expression literal." in admin panels
on a box on top of the admin panels RobertPlummer: a php error? xavi: even if I can continue using tiki
a tiki error (it's inside a remarksbox-like of box)
with the link to "clear errors", etc
I'll disable minify javascript for the time being arildb: joined #tikiwiki xavi: ah, ok, the issue seemed to be that some custom modules, after the upgrade, needed to have the setting "parse wiki syntax" unchecked
then the site displayed fine Jyhem: Polom Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: polom Jyhem CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r41211 10/branches/8.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_articles.php: [bp/r41206][FIX]Fix Default value
tikiwiki: 03chealer * r41212 10/branches/9.x/installer/schema/20120429_fix_collation_tiki.php: [FIX] Quote database name. May need escaping too for trickier names -: Jyhem wonders if tracker fields shouldn't have a "translated" property. To decide if it should be displayed as translated or not Jyhem: I know, not for 9.x :-) rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: SSL/HTTPS not working - benoitg: joined #tikiwiki xavi: RobertPlummer: ? RobertPlummer: xavi: I'm trying to see what is going wrong. xavi: with what? RobertPlummer: js minify xavi: I just notice an issue with the parsing of some syntax in articles in my ueb site
ah, ok RobertPlummer: What is the problem? xavi: see this:
some wiki syntax is not parsed
-= Poster =-
the table, etc.
however, when shown through the plugin articles, it displays fine: see it in the homepage RobertPlummer: send me the page syntax? xavi: the same syntax works fine in another site...
never mind, it must be something very specific (for the time being, I won't use articles that much in that site) -: xavi have other urgent things to check before wednesday... xavi: s/have/has RobertPlummer: ok CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41213 10/branches/9.x/ (lang/en/language.js tiki-setup.php): [FIX] Minify was failing for tablesorter, use their min file as external which passes min fine; found a syntax issue
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41214 10/branches/9.x/tiki-setup.php: [FIX] Woops, wrong file minified RobertPlummer: xavi: Svn up, think the message will go away now[20:00] RobertPlummer You will want to clear cache after you svn up xavi: thks
I will . I can't now since I'm passing changes from the new but defective site to the one with the former backup upgraded to tiki9
articles were wrong for some reason, so that I decided to go with the backup (I'll see if I succeed within a decent time frame) RobertPlummer: ok
xavi: Articles are not upgraded, so if they need to be then we need to add them in the converter.
xavi, articles are not touched afaik xavi: nope, they don't need. there is some oddity in my db, something happened RobertPlummer: oh ok. xavi: but in a clean upgrade from 6x, they are fine
so... RobertPlummer: very good (I started sweating a bullet but it has dissipated) xavi: just in case, i'm using the backup and upgrading now RobertPlummer: nice
Standing by
xavi: On a side note we may be gaining another skilled developer that I used to work with. xavi: nice RobertPlummer: You would get along with him nice, he has a real nack for seeing things from a less-developer-centric point of view, a killer debugger and applications tester, as well as developer.
His background is in ecommerce and sales so he will be filling an important void. Jyhem: wow, sounds great, RobertPlummer :-)
what convinced him to jump in the Tiki boat ? -: Jyhem finds strange stuff in Tracker permissions :-(
Jyhem needs some food now, but if anyone is curious, I have something weird on demo.t.o. Not exactly the same strange as what has stumped me on my current project today, but probably the same issue changi: RobertPlummer: we still have the diff problem found by marc Jyhem: Setup: No tracker permissions execpt list trackers for Anonymous & Registered. Then allow tiki_p_view_trackers for Anonymous. As anonymous, lists the correct trackers
But "Company Directory" shows items, while "Tasks" does not! but it does show the item number and allows exporting. Strange -: Jyhem is stumped. Going to eat mlaporte: joined #tikiwiki
RobertPlummer: Do you see the false positives on ? CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41215 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki/histlib.php: [FIX] Found another place where we need to do a conversion to 9 RobertPlummer: mlaporte: svn up buddy CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41216 10/branches/9.x/templates/tiki-view_tracker.tpl: [FIX] Incorect test Jyhem: That last fix did not fix the issue I mentioned above. I just found it on the way RobertPlummer: changi: Can you get me a dump of dev.t.o? mlaporte: RobertPlummer: I can't svn up on dogfood server, but changi can, and it refreshes every 6 hours
RobertPlummer: any idea why draw syntax is weird here? RobertPlummer: no idea
can't see it either, you are editing/ mlaporte: I am out now RobertPlummer: mlaporte: The draw syntax I have is: '{draw id="23"}' nothing odd there. mlaporte: I see %7Bdraw id="23"%7D CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03chealer * r41217 10/branches/9.x/installer/schema/20120429_fix_collation_tiki.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] "Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL
tikiwiki: syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the
tikiwiki: right syntax to use near ''<database-name>' CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE
tikiwiki: 'utf8_unicode_ci'' at line 1 in"
tikiwiki: oops, wrong quotes (r41212 regression). Thanks Leu RobertPlummer: I see it now, I was clicking on source view
mlaporte: You will want to address it with jonnyb, I can't fix wysiwyg, I will just tear it out.
I would re-integrate it, it is too broken programatically. mlaporte: ok RobertPlummer: mlaporte: But in any case, it is being urlencoded, and not decoded xavi: left #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41218 10/branches/9.x/lib/sheet/sheetlib.php: [FIX] Sheet version diff changi: back RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki changi: RobertPlummer: it's to test the diff issue ? RobertPlummer: No, I want to test the upgrade script on certain pages. changi: RobertPlummer: you have access to the community server ?
RobertPlummer: in your home directory RobertPlummer: changi: I'd rather not break the community server and try to debug in a cumbersome environment. changi: RobertPlummer: the dump is in your home directory :) RobertPlummer: oh ok. mlaporte: changi: can you launch a dogfood script now? (to test recent commits) changi: yes
mlaporte: yes
mlaporte: in progress mlaporte: I will wait for email :-) changi: mlaporte: normaly we shoud have all upgrade process in attachment mlaporte: last one was heavy with all error messages changi: yes because chealer made a mistake :) RobertPlummer: Hey guys what do you think about an alpha this week early? changi: RobertPlummer: there are 2 or 3 difference to fixed upgrading from previous LTS RobertPlummer: I realize there are fixes that need done, but blockers are gone, alpha is cautioned anyway.
anybody? changi: RobertPlummer: to do it ? RobertPlummer: What do you think marc?
mlaporte: ^ mlaporte: i think HTML entities must all be solved before alpha
because there is no turning back
it's a one way trip RobertPlummer: It is 98% solved mlaporte
remaining bugs are that profiles need to be encoded to remain backward compatible and some issues with plugins containing <>
(which I'm working on right now) CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41219 10/branches/9.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php: [FIX] Avoid plenty of warnings during upgrade mlaporte: 98%, really?
The first 90% of the work takes 90% of the time. The last 10% takes the other 90% :-) RobertPlummer: mlaporte: I'm familiar with what it needs, I've been in it for going on 3 weeks now. mlaporte: :-) RobertPlummer: wysiwyg is jonny's area though, that thing is a mess.
It may "work" but it is ugly. mlaporte: hehe RobertPlummer: convert convert back convert convert back.
ugly CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41220 10/branches/9.x/db/tiki.sql: [FIX] Missed to be remove
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41221 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/JisonParser/ (Wiki.jison Wiki.js Wiki.php): [FIX] Added a A-Za-z0-9+ regex to cut processing time in half (more with larger strings that need parsed, it would look at every character if it wasen't a combo of a syntax changi: RobertPlummer: wrong copy paste ? RobertPlummer: No, I am cleaning up svn on my laptop and saw I didn't commit this from over the weekend. changi: RobertPlummer: like 41158 :) RobertPlummer: ? changi: neverming :)
nevermind :), just think you enter the same comment :) RobertPlummer: Did it get rolled back?
My svn showed that I had not commetted that yet. changi: RobertPlummer: maybe a partial commit RobertPlummer: odd' changi: RobertPlummer: can you just have a look at r41220, am i right to remove it ? CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41222 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Added super sanitize to avoid encoding issues outside of utf8 Jyhem: Ahaaahhh ! It's the category field which messes things up. I have a lead :-) CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r41223 10/branches/9.x/tiki-setup_base.php: [FIX] Avoid some warnings during upgrade RobertPlummer: Is lib/ frozen yet? Jyhem: That's for tomorrow. Now is time to go out :-) RobertPlummer: I'm getting some very odd stuff between 2 systems here.
nm arildb: mlaporte: about the additional spacing in I copied the source and tried it in a local trunk installation. It all seems fine. The source also looks good, but additional <br>s are present in the viewed page. Not sure where they come from DarkCalf: joined #tikiwiki -: changi dogfood servers up2date changi: mlaporte: ! CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41224 10/branches/9.x/lang/en/language.js: [FIX] Oops
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41225 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php: [FIX] remove un-needed header functions, make it work with more !!!'s redflo: joined #tikiwiki CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41226 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php: [FIX] str_len not a function it is str_len
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41227 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/JisonParser/ (Wiki.jison Wiki.js Wiki.php): [FIX] remove call to SOL, SOL is implied by syntax mlaporte: RobertPlummer: plugin execution is still an issue here:
I confirm with great joy that the diffs are now clean. No more HTML entities ugliness benoitg: joined #tikiwiki mlaporte: diffs are looking very good! benoitg: joined #tikiwiki -: Jyhem still here. going out was postponed mlaporte: good and bad news :-) Jyhem: Categorizing tracker items leads to permissions issues. Digging mlaporte: arildb: there is an option for additional <br>s : maybe it's over active?
Jyhem: maybe a feature, not a bug^ arildb: I don't know. The result is not good. I don't seem to have edit permissions on trunkdev it seems, let alone config permissions. benoitg: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: mlaporte: a feature ? What feature ? Did you see the example on demo ? mlaporte: Jyhem: category permissions can be affecting permissions in trackers: this is a feature Jyhem: OK, there are category permissions on the ppppppppp category. Good point
Still the one uncategorized trackeritem does not show up :-(
That's on demo.t.o
On my site, there are no category permissions at all, and the items don't show up eromneg: joined #tikiwiki