luciash: polom
anybody can tell me how to display the last modif user of listed wiki pages with the LIST plugin ?
I can display last modif date and time, but cannot find how to display the user does not list that in the table
bad hour :(
marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Image appears as icon only -
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luciash: cannot create plugin aliases in Tiki 8.x ?
there is no button to Submit and button [Change preferences] does not save it
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Problem after MultiTiki installation using subdomains -
benoitg: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Translation feature not available on certain pages? -
luciash: there is Save button in the screenshot on
but we have no Save button here in 8.3
cannot create new plugin alias other than by applying a profile
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03zippohontas * r41492 10/ (42 files in 11 dirs):
qb_: joined #tikiwiki
hi there, what should I do if I want all registed users to be able to see trackerslists with all (even not own) items in it?
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qb_: joined #tikiwiki
hi there :)
any ideas how to make trackerlist to show all items (not for current user only) ?
jonnyb: polom :)
qb_: already tried perms on tracker, and tiki_p_view_trackers is set to true, I cannot find any rules on trackerlist, but with editor user I see all items but with registred only his :(
as I checked the tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=20 in this list user can see only his trackers too, so it is related to perms on tracker rather than trackerlist
any help?
jonnyb: sorry qb_ (distracted) that will be something in the tracker properties i think
in the permissions bit of tracker edit
xavi: joined #tikiwiki
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hi, i am using tiki8.3, having an issue with session timeout. getting auto logged off after 20mins. any hints?
btw, i have tried different setting in php.ini etc ... doesn't help
xavi: netpork: check your tiki settings at tiki-admin.php?page=login > section "register and loging" at the end, and section "cookies", etc.
netpork: xavi: remember me is Always for 20hours. cookies are default values
xavi: cookies: don't leave them with default, but set you r own cookiename
netpork: cookie name is tikiwiki
xavi: and ensure that domain and path match your web site
netpork: domainname is empty and path is /
xavi: cookie name: replace with your unique name
netpork: what's your url?
(ok, we are following on a private channel)
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changi|paris: jonnyb: ?
jonnyb: hi changi|work - phone still, cu later
changi|work: here now
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Jyhem_laptop: should the webinar recordings be linked from or is there another place ?
mealstrom: joined #tikiwiki
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-: jonnyb needs more ram
jonnyb: back later
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Jyhem: who doesn't ? :-)
luciash: polom
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polom all
arildb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4226 - - Edit/add multiple tracker items in one operation (mass edits) -
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4227 - - Trackers: have a spreadsheet view for multiple edits at once, and to use fill down and copy-paste from another Spreadsheet app -
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tiki as a component element of a larger site -
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
I would like to ste links in standart menus, which open in boxes
with html in a wikipage it would work this way: <a href="url" rel="box">text</a>
but how could I achive the behaviour ("open in a colorbox") in a menu ?
anybody knows?
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03martinschroeder * r41493 10/branches/8.x/lang/de/language.php: [ENH] fix typos and bad translations in german translation
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aescalona: joined #tikiwiki
I'm wondering if its possible to specify deny/negative permissions in tiki wiki? or at least to emulate that type of functioinality, evne if only for a particular group like the "Staging" group
I'd like to be able to say "only allow the people in Staging to view objects in that category" regardless of other categories on those objects that might contradict that
arildb: aescalona: There is no "deny" permission in Tiki. A denial means a lack of a grant
aescalona: is there some way to achieve what I described?
arildb: The "catgory" permissions overrides the global permissions. So, you can assign only page view permissions to the "Staging" group, if the page is in only 1 category
aescalona: hmm, yeah, that's unfortunate for my case
it would be nice to allow users to categorize staged pages in meaningful ways
so that when they are approved
those categories not only carry over into the approved page
but also they are ignored until that happens
arildb: which version of Tiki do you use?
aescalona: 6.x
ignored for permissions sake, obviously
arildb: in Tiki 7.x and later there is "flagged revisions". Staging & Approval is no longer used in Tiki 8.
aescalona: ahh
im waiting for 9.x
i like LTS releases of software
arildb: Flagged revision are much simpler to use and setup
aescalona: k
arildb: Next LTS is 9,x. Staging and Approval is not included in that release.
aescalona: ill have to wait for that...until then, just make sure staged pages are only cagtegorized that way
arildb: may be of interest
aescalona: great, thx
that seems to cover my use case
arildb: :-)
aescalona: though perhaps only the part that pertains to staging and approval functionality
i did notice in tiki profiles the mention of negative permissions
arildb: doesn't exist AFAIK
aescalona: k
"trusted users" is something native to flagged revisions?
ie, it exists outside the tiki permissions cheme?
hmm, yeah, it appears so
arildb: when using categories, you can consider using a special "permission category", i.e. no other categoryon that page sets the needed page view permission. Then assign only the "Staging" group to that "permission category"
"trusted users" in flagged revistion is an assigned permission afaik
aescalona: ok
though the aim is to be able to somehow deny all permissions, even if only to a revision or set of revisions, based on something like that
arildb: ... or you can consider direct object permissions. They will override all other p�emrission settings
aescalona: the first scenario you described sounds like "just make sure pages categorized as staged dont have other categories that contradict what the staged categories permissions say"
and then the second, you're descibing how global vs. category permissions work? not sure
arildb: yes, I believe you are's been a while...I only use flagged revisions...'
aescalona: ok
this is helpful
we'll just live with the notion of not contradicting staging permissions
ie, from the point of view of "only do what the staging catgeory says" heh