luciash: marclaporte: you can't. it has no $section defined. only using jQuery where you would difficultly check e.g. for <title> tag if it contains word "Registration" or something
marclaporte: beter using custom user tracker page to register
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41611 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php: [ENH] Add two more useful params
Jyhem: Oups !
how do I rollback r41611 cleanly again?
luciash: svn up -r41610
then copy the file over and commit again ?
Jyhem: That I am already doing :-)
I am sure there is some svn merge trick. Never mind. This will do
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41612 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php: [BACK r41611] Ooops. Roll back 41611 which is not for 9.0
tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41613 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php: [ENH] Add two more useful params
Jyhem: better
Ahh, that would have been it: svn merge -r1235:1234 Oh well. Fixed now
arildb: Is there a way to get the time it takes to load a page printed on the page (e.g. in the footer)?
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luciash: I don't like the "you can't" answer
impossible n’est pas français!
I have several .php pages to do
What about {if $mid eq "tiki-register.tpl"} css=xyz....
luciash: marclaporte: hahah :) ok
marclaporte: actually, good idea for custom head
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03Jyhem * r41614 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php: [FIX] More sensible default value for max (thanks Luci)
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4234 - - Search feature on Wikipage -
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hi, i wonder: is there a way to export content from tikiwiki to markdown or textile?
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hi - v9beta is supposed for testing right now - but it should be fully upgradeable to a lalter coming 9.0 right?
Jyhem_laptop: fidel_: yes
fidel_: Jyhem_laptop: ok - thanks for the quick reply
btw: has a typo in the download link
http vs ttp
in case someone inhere has access to the edit-mode of that news-article
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Jyhem_laptop: Thanks fidel_ → corrected
El_Presidente: Hi again :)
I want to use a template site for tracker output... I chose the options in the advanced settings of trackerlist plugin
and it seems to work for nearly all cases
for example i can make an output $f_10 and this is filled with the entry of the 10th field
unfortunately for another number, $f_85, it does not work and I just do not know why.... This field stores the itemId
it is an auto increment field and in trackerlist it says the correct value, but in output there is no value assigend
does anyone know why?
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jonnyb: hi El_Presidente - sounds like a bug - which version?
El_Presidente: 7.2
but i just found a possibility to fix it
$f_itemId does the job :)
jonnyb: you might try 8.4 (or is it 3?) or even better 9.0beta - 7.x is not being updated any more
but if you found a workaround that's good too! :)
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4235 - - MAKETOC breaks ANAME v6.7 -
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41615 10/trunk/templates/tiki-kaltura_upload.tpl: [MOD] kaltura: Tidy up upload tpl (use jquery, add css class etc)
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RobertPlummer: polom all
jonnyb: hey RobertPlummer
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: Working hard as usual?
jonnyb: trying to :)
RobertPlummer: Working on some stuff for Marc, but have a meeting shortly.
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r41616 10/trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-trackers.js: [FIX] Corrected the post method by moving to $.ajax where needed and setting type = post
xavi: polom
RobertPlummer: did you see the email about the problems with sheet plugin in 9x?
jonnyb: polom xavi
RobertPlummer: Xavi, I did.
xavi: (it does not show just once cell as requested but the whole sheet)
hi jonnyb
RobertPlummer: I'm getting ready to go into a meeting, but i will take a look when I get back.
xavi: ah, ok, RobertPlummer.
thanks RobertPlummer
CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41617 10/trunk/ (3 files in 3 dirs): [ENH] kaltura: Allow upload media if no id specified in plugin
Jyhem_laptop: polom
Hi xavi, RobertPlummer
xavi: hi Jyhem_laptop
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hi guys
does anyone know the syntax of the trackerif plugin?
i really dont know where to put the phrase which should be displayed if the testcondition is true
apparently the tiki documentation entry is misleading because for example the 2nd {trackerif} creates errors
xavi: hi calculon: no idea myself, but it's good that you tried the documentation first :-)
I would suggest that you ask in the tiki devel list, if no one here in irc can help you on this
calculon: thx
maybe you know a different solution, i try to display certain fields on a template in dependance of a checked or uncheckt checkbox entry
jonnyb: hi calculon - usually we use jquery for this kind of thing, xavi did some nice docs on it somewhere on doc.t.o
RobertPlummer: back
xavi: calculon: see (I documented jonnyb's magic with jq ;-) )
hi RobertPlummer-after-the-meeting
jonnyb: yay, i can never find anything, thanks xavi :)
xavi: :-)
RobertPlummer: hi xavi
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41618 10/branches/9.x/tiki-register.php: [FIX] register: Use static call for headerlib rather than the global (which turns out not to be global in the register module - thanks marclaporte)
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41619 10/trunk/ (. templates/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe_mapcontrol.tpl): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/9.x 41607 to 41612
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r41621 10/branches/9.x/ (5 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] register module: Numerous layout fixes; Make form fit in module column better, use a normal module box, hide "page" title and fieldset and don't display on tiki-register.php (thanks marclaporte)
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sandroandrade: Hi there, any existing/planned feature to tiki/git integration ? Something like showing a git repository somehow like a tiki gallery ?
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changi: sandroandrade: no existing, and i don't think it's planned
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sandroandrade: changi: ok, thanks :)
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CIA-36: tikiwiki: 03luciash * r41622 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php: [FIX] appframe overlay: z-index too high (TODO: make it a param)
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