[00:35] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42025 10/trunk/lib/core/Services/File/Controller.php: [FIX] files: $galleryId found elsewhere [00:55] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42026 10/trunk/lib/jcapture_tiki/tiki-jcapture.js: [ENH] jcapture: Implement token authorisation and reconfigure file data to upload into filegallery [00:55] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42027 10/trunk/lib/core/Services/JCapture/Controller.php: [ENH] jcapture: Implement token authorisation and reconfigure file data to upload into filegallery [00:56] jonnyb all done in now - more tomorrow [00:59] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4252 - - PluginDBreport - http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?trackerId=5&itemId=4252 [01:46] RobertPlummer Jyhem Jyhem_laptop: What do you think about the comments I made on Tracker_Query? [02:29] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [02:30] * marclaporte likes the smell of jCapture applet in Tiki trunk [02:36] RobertPlummer marclaporte: What is your opinion on what needs to happen with all these different entities that have been created for trackers? [02:38] RobertPlummer I feel that Jyhem has a good point, and that some unification on the developers part will minimize work. [02:38] RobertPlummer but not before creating more. [02:39] RobertPlummer left #tikiwiki [02:41] marclaporte Jyhem has a good point [02:41] marclaporte as he often does.... [02:42] marclaporte He has a knack to put his finger on the place that hurts [02:42] marclaporte And the way he does it is very important to make us improve [03:06] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [04:29] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [08:37] Jyhem polom [08:39] * Jyhem sees he sparked an interesting conversation just before going to bed and missing it :-/ [08:42] fidel hi & good morning [08:42] fidel question regarding languages in tikiv9b2 [08:42] fidel it seems like i have to define an article/page language in our multilingual tiki-installation. [08:43] fidel oh - just found the matching option in the prefs to ignore that ;) [08:59] * changi love when people answer their own question :) [10:08] vmachine joined #tikiwiki [11:52] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [11:55] xavi joined #tikiwiki [12:20] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [12:23] jonnyb is polom really Czech for "slash"? [12:24] jonnyb and/or radius? [12:32] jonnyb hi xavi - thanks for tidying up the regressions page! :) [12:32] xavi :-) [12:32] xavi hi jonnyb, yes it was a nightmare to get things clear when reading that mess [12:33] xavi I hope this allows us all to focus on pending issues [12:33] jonnyb indeed - i mentioned it in the webinar (shame you couldn't make it) [12:33] xavi yes, I couldn't (too many things going on these days) [12:33] jonnyb so not really any blockers left for 9.0 afaik [12:34] jonnyb Jyhem has some fix for trackerfilter to commit tomorrow, then we go! [12:34] xavi not that I know of. some encoding issue still, but with new content added to blogs, for instance [12:34] jonnyb oh? thought that was ok now [12:34] xavi mmm... let me check... [12:35] xavi aha, not fully fixed. See this page: http://ueb.vhir.org/blog1 [12:36] xavi and search for "R & Tiki rock!" [12:36] xavi it is shown in a blog post on the list of posts from blogs [12:37] xavi however, when showing just that speciic blog post (and not the list of blog posts), that "&" is shown all right: http://ueb.vhir.org/blogpost4-Quickly-use-googleVis-in-web-reports-using-Tiki-and-PluginR [12:37] jonnyb is this an old post? [12:37] xavi nope, I wrote it in June 12 [12:37] xavi using tiki9 with recent revision by then [12:37] jonnyb oh, ok - so it might have been during the entity fixes [12:38] jonnyb does it still happen? [12:38] jonnyb ah right, is ok on single post view but not on list [12:38] xavi no idea... I can't test now (I have to finish a report today before a meeting in afew hours), sorry [12:38] jonnyb ok, thanks [12:39] vmachine joined #tikiwiki [13:10] xavi jonnyb, see pm [13:29] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [13:33] ricks99 polom y'all [13:38] jonnyb hi ricks99 [13:38] ricks99 hiya jonnyb [13:38] jonnyb we were talking about you last night at the webbynar - about upgrading info.t.o [13:39] jonnyb you should come to the next one, they're fun (we need more people!) [13:39] ricks99 thought it was laready 6.7 [13:39] jonnyb :D [13:39] ricks99 yeah, tough time (very late afternoon) for me [13:39] ricks99 but will try to re-schedule soem things [13:39] jonnyb we think it should be on 9.x as soon as poss [13:40] jonnyb 9.0 should be out at the weekend [13:40] ricks99 iirc, we wanted to keep 1 high traffic site on LTS [13:56] jonnyb ricks99: fair enough - changi was keen! :) [13:57] jonnyb xavi: i see your blog issue - seems to get double encoded in the source but only the list shows it wrong... weird [13:57] * jonnyb hates html entities [13:57] ricks99 yeah, i just think it is important to have one real-world LTS site. there's not very much content/features on INFO, so (IMHO) risk is quite low [13:58] jonnyb good point ricks99, should be on an svn cron update then really, so we can all be the quality team! [13:58] * ricks99 thought it was [13:59] ricks99 info.t.o footer: Last update from SVN (SVN proposals pre 6.8: Friday, June 22, 2012 10:07:10 GMT-4 - REV 42027 [13:59] jonnyb yes you're right [13:59] jonnyb :) [14:17] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [14:26] changi joined #tikiwiki [14:58] radek82 joined #tikiwiki [15:21] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [15:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r42028 10/trunk/styles/fivealive-lite.css: [15:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [NEW] FiveAlive-lite theme - Theme uses FiveAlive theme options for color [15:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: variants; fivealive.css and the option stylesheets were modified a little [15:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: (varying CSS style precedence) to allow two parent stylesheets and two visual [15:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: looks. Some details (tiki-top menu dropdown in FiveAlive) still to be done. [15:58] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [15:58] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [16:04] sandroandrade joined #tikiwiki [16:07] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [16:25] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [17:04] arildb joined #tikiwiki [17:12] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [17:22] xavi left #tikiwiki [17:47] Jyhem joined #tikiwiki [17:59] RobertPlummer joined #tikiwiki [17:59] RobertPlummer polom all [17:59] jonnyb hi RobertPlummer [17:59] jonnyb not mobile today? [18:00] RobertPlummer Nope. Yesterday we had some stuff happening at our house and I had to leave mid-day. [18:01] RobertPlummer Actually, most dat. [18:01] RobertPlummer day [18:01] RobertPlummer Today I'm back in my non-mobile office. [18:01] RobertPlummer jonnyb: So we need to lock in the externals today correct? [18:04] jonnyb yes, that would be good (keep forgetting) [18:05] RobertPlummer I'm going to go ahead and do it if you don't mind. [18:05] jonnyb yes pls [18:07] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [18:09] vmachine left #tikiwiki [18:19] RobertPlummer I've updated locally, getting ready to submit. [18:19] RobertPlummer commit rather./ [18:19] jonnyb ok, will update and check [18:20] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I see what you've done with the list plugin and I like it in general. But I think that the Tracker_Query aims to be a component that list can use. Actually something that unified search can use. [18:20] jonnyb right - good [18:21] jonnyb there are quite a few ways Lucene falls down - it's no great with numbers [18:21] jonnyb particularly dates - very slow [18:22] RobertPlummer All I envisioned with Tracker_Query was an easy way to query from trackers. [18:22] RobertPlummer To get an easy list of items in an array and let me do what I want with them. [18:22] RobertPlummer Later I added the ability to update and delete using it. [18:22] RobertPlummer But it is basically a direct to sql interface for trackers. [18:23] RobertPlummer And the query assembles trackers in a way that they are basically returned with a single query. [18:23] RobertPlummer A huge monstrosity of a joining query. [18:23] RobertPlummer And it works, and it is fast in most regards. [18:24] RobertPlummer But I do not consider it an end point. I wanted LP to integrate it into unified search, and then we could migrate everything else to it, then we could restructure tracker storage. [18:24] RobertPlummer 1 way in, 1 way out. [18:25] RobertPlummer I think it is poised to do such a thing, but I think it will be a whole lot less painful if we start planning how trackers should be stored (if they need to change) and as well the migration period. [18:25] RobertPlummer But only if it is what others want to do. [18:26] RobertPlummer I see great potential in using trackers to build applications that are in tiki, and being able to extend them in wiki. [18:26] RobertPlummer What do you think jonnyb? [18:26] jonnyb complex - sorry, busy [18:29] RobertPlummer :) [18:30] RobertPlummer Let me know when you have time. [18:33] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: URGENT DISASTER: upgrade to 8.4 stops many users from logging in - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=44239 [18:39] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42029 10/branches/9.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js: [18:39] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [FIX] Lock externals in preparation for release of 9.0 [18:39] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [FIX] Ensure jqueryTiki is set [18:39] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I hope that went through, I've changed the externals, but it didn't show up in the menu. Can you confirm the change went through? [18:40] RobertPlummer It looks just like a file was changed, no directory. But it wouldn't let me commit without a file. Very odd. [18:40] jonnyb but you did a code fix too? [18:41] jonnyb oh right [18:41] jonnyb phpstorm is usually pretty good about that [18:41] RobertPlummer It was there, figured I might as well send it through to get it to commit. [18:41] jonnyb if you just select the dir in the changed pane, then right click & do commit it usually will just do the dir [18:42] jonnyb did you do the zend, sheet etc ones too? [18:42] RobertPlummer everything in lib [18:42] RobertPlummer nothing else, wanted to make sure it went through before I bit off more. [18:42] jonnyb looks like it didn't work [18:42] RobertPlummer ok, one min. let me try again. [18:43] jonnyb no props showing as change in the email diff [18:43] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [18:44] RobertPlummer I think I may have to use svn workbench. [18:44] RobertPlummer It is the only one that shows it as changed. [18:44] RobertPlummer Perhaps it is a refresh issue? [18:45] jonnyb i mean the email from sf.net - only the js file changed [18:46] jonnyb http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=revision&revision=42029 [18:46] RobertPlummer Yea, php storm isn't picking up the change. [18:46] RobertPlummer Or at least not sending it, or I'm not sending it right. [18:46] jonnyb hmm - usually does for me [18:47] jonnyb you usually have to do a full svn up first [18:47] RobertPlummer Already did it, but will try once more. [18:48] RobertPlummer No dice. I keep clicking create patch, and each time it is blank. No sweat, svn workbench to the rescue. [18:51] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42030 10/branches/9.x/lib/: [FIX] Lock revisions in for prep of tiki 9.0, last revision didn't take [18:52] RobertPlummer I had a few outstanding commits from draw I was waiting to add to 9.1 after we lock 9.0, perhaps php storm was not playing well with them. [18:52] RobertPlummer I reverted, and changed 1 last time, and it took fine. [18:54] jonnyb yay, looks good now [19:06] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Is that all the locking that needs done [19:12] jonnyb what about zend and your ones? [19:12] jonnyb RobertPlummer: ^^ [19:15] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Myn are good. I will lock zend now. [19:15] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Isn't zend already locked in at 1.11.11? [19:16] RobertPlummer I mean I guess we can lock it, but I don't think it matters to much. [19:16] jonnyb um, didn't i change it to trunk - would have to look [19:16] RobertPlummer http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/tags/release-1.11.11/library/Zend [19:16] jonnyb got there :) [19:17] jonnyb yes, should be fine, it's a tag [19:17] RobertPlummer So if there are any fixes we will get them, right? [19:17] jonnyb wouldn't have thought so, that would be 1.11.12 surely? [19:17] jonnyb but they have said that's the last 1.x zend release [19:18] RobertPlummer I think 1.11.12 had something wrong with a few files. [19:19] RobertPlummer or perhaps that is trunk [19:19] jonnyb trunk had a rogue char in front of