[00:12] arildb joined #tikiwiki [00:14] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [00:31] benoitg joined #tikiwiki [00:40] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [01:13] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [01:51] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [03:06] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [06:22] kstingel does Tiki 9 use
for image display, or is it still using Divs? [06:22] kstingel ... and, is there a (safe) way to revert back to XHTML 1.1 from HTML5 templates .... ePubs need to be in XHTML 1.0/1.1 [06:25] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [06:55] kstingel is it possible to have different content for different structures (using if statements) and what would be the syntax? [06:55] kstingel I assume: {if(structure ne "struct2")}print stuff here{/if} [06:59] kstingel in context .... struct1 is live site, struct2 would be print version ... some content is only relevant to browser view, so makes sense to omit from print copy [06:59] kstingel ... 'print copy' is not a reference to the content produced when visitor chooses to print a page ... it refers to content for print media (ePubs) :) [07:03] kstingel or, would best option be to create 2 pages and omit the non-relevant content for offline structure? [08:20] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [08:26] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r42073 10/branches/9.x/lang/es/language.php: minor fix [08:50] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r42075 10/branches/9.x/_htaccess: Adding some more docs in _htaccess for dealing with large sites [08:56] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r42076 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_module.php: Restore admin validation for using modules in pages. Regression from r40379. I understand it's annoying to validate each time, but until we have permissions for modules, it's safer this way [09:12] kstingel is it possible to add versioning to a structure? ... and how would I do it ? [09:14] kstingel ... not all pages have versioning, but I want to be able to select which version of the overall collection gets seen (for those pages with versioning) [09:26] kstingel RE: version query above ..... have tried searching docs.t.o, can't find a page covering the version plugin [09:30] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03marclaporte * r42077 10/branches/9.x/lib/prefs/feature.php: tagging Gzip compression as a basic because it's a simple way to improve performance [10:00] fidel ui - we are realizing a funny issue with calendars & the upcoming events widget [10:01] fidel i added an event for 25.06 - but on some browsers - while being NOT logged yet in - i do see the 24.06 instead of the 25.06 [10:01] fidel we've tested about 5-6 browsers so far - seems to be browser-related ..or maybe javascript? [10:02] fidel is that somehow known? [10:12] vmachine joined #tikiwiki [10:15] redflo joined #tikiwiki [10:19] arildb joined #tikiwiki [10:23] marclaporte fidel: I have heard about this [10:25] fidel hi marclaporte [10:25] fidel any idea if that is JS or really browser-engine or whatever else related? [10:25] fidel and same pattern: date-1? [10:33] fidel not even sure if it happens while creating the event - as my collegue is still testing - or if it is just a displaying factor [10:46] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4254 - - Calendar, module upcoming events - http://dev.tiki.org/item4254 [11:26] Tiki|bot Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4255 - - Module freetags always visible in menu - http://dev.tiki.org/item4255 [12:06] marclaporte http://dev.tiki.org/item4233 [12:06] marclaporte http://dev.tiki.org/item1667 [12:08] marclaporte http://dev.tiki.org/item1447 [12:11] marclaporte fidel ^^ [12:11] marclaporte This bug seems to travel through time! [12:12] marclaporte whoever fixes it deserves a candy! [12:49] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03yonixxx * r42078 10/branches/9.x/_htaccess: [IMP]Short comment added to avoid user renaming or moving _htaccess [12:50] Bsfez In tiki-admin.php?page=sefurl i can read "Rewrite tiki-view_tracker.php?itemId=yyy to Prefixyyy page". A space is missing ? "Prefixyyy" to "Prefix yyy" [12:54] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [13:11] fidel ui - thanks marc for those links [13:27] RobertPlummer polom all [13:37] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [14:17] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [14:18] ricks99 polom y'all [14:50] xavi joined #tikiwiki [15:00] radek82 joined #tikiwiki [15:23] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [15:27] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [15:29] vmachine left #tikiwiki [15:31] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [15:31] RobertPlummer polom ricks99 [15:35] ricks99 polom RobertPlummer [15:37] RobertPlummer ricks99: When using memberpayment, can we have it that as a user is subscribing it is built in that they as well pay through paypal to get the additional group? [15:37] RobertPlummer ricks99: I'm not even sure you know, I just seem to remember you may. [15:38] ricks99 sorry, haven't used the payment feature :( [15:39] RobertPlummer ricks99: How about the registration process? Any way of adding something in there? [15:40] ricks99 afaik, you should be able to create a payment system to gain access to different groups. [15:40] ricks99 using tiki 9 [15:57] blast_hardcheese joined #tikiwiki [16:31] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [16:32] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [16:46] benoitg joined #tikiwiki [17:05] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [17:13] blast_hardcheese joined #tikiwiki [17:28] RobertPlummer changi: Lets release 9 when you get some time. [17:28] RobertPlummer changi: We are cleared of blockers and are all ready to go. [17:36] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42079 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ForwardLink/Metadata.php: [FIX] Removed dateLastUpdated and added a few more cache-ers [17:37] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42080 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ForwardLink/Search.php: [ENH] Return a few more details about the found page [17:39] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42081 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ForwardLink/Send.php: [FIX] debug off [17:41] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42082 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Phraser/Handler.php: [FIX] Change operator [17:44] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42083 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/ForwardLink.php: [FIX] Rework how we accept textlink/forwardlink. We send success if it is already contained even if we don't accept it [17:47] xavi left #tikiwiki [17:48] changi RobertPlummer: no time today, will do that tomorrow [17:48] RobertPlummer changi: Sounds good, we can possibly get newsletters fixed in the mean time. [17:48] RobertPlummer changi: Thanks for your hard work. [17:49] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [17:51] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r42084 10/trunk/styles/ (10 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] Correct menu dropdown and hover background colors following addition of FiveAlive-lite theme. [18:04] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Translated Wiki pages do not show - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44245 [18:05] radek82 joined #tikiwiki [18:20] _qP joined #tikiwiki [19:06] RobertPlummerMob joined #tikiwiki [19:09] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [19:10] jonnyb hi all [19:13] RobertPlummerMob hi jonnyb [19:14] jonnyb hi RobertPlummerMob here too :) [19:17] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42085 10/trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_slider.php: [ENH] Added animation time as an attribute [19:20] olinuxx joined #tikiwiki [19:21] RobertPlummerMob joined #tikiwiki [19:23] xavi joined #tikiwiki [19:23] xavi polom back [19:26] jonnyb hi xavi [19:26] xavi hi jonnyb [19:26] xavi any chances we get multi-delete sheets in 9.0? [19:26] xavi it seems spammers are not there any more (let's cross fingers).... but we never know... [19:27] xavi I was almost there adding it (usability fix), but didn't manage to make it work [19:27] xavi I still need a good debugging environment in my computers (I already requested a license for phpstorm :-) ) [19:28] xavi I'll give it a try when I get some time (even if I'm not fan of dependencies on closed source software,... but hopefully it will let me learn more...) [19:30] RobertPlummerMob joined #tikiwiki [19:34] ricks99 joined #tikiwiki [19:34] jonnyb sorry xavi - i might be able to fix the newsletter thing, not much more [19:49] RobertPlummerMob joined #tikiwiki [20:04] jonnyb xavi: i've been trying to recreate the problem with newsletters - seems to work for me but i'm not sure i'm checking the same thing (i'm using a content template that's a wiki page - was that it?) [20:05] xavi yes, with a few plugins: you can reproduce, if you wish, in .... [20:05] xavi see pm [20:14] DarkCalf joined #tikiwiki [20:16] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [20:31] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42086 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX] calendarviewmode [20:34] marclaporte1 joined #tikiwiki [20:34] jonnyb by all, food time - mbbl [20:53] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [22:25] changi joined #tikiwiki [22:37] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [23:13] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42087 10/branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_trackerlist.php: [FIX] calendar popups to show when needed for the date they are picked on [23:15] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42088 10/branches/9.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php: [23:15] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [FIX] Trigger getInformation only if it exists, [23:15] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [FIX] iStart and iEnd can be the same, set iEnd initially and then re-set if another exists [23:17] CIA-91 tikiwiki: 03xavidp * r42089 10/branches/9.x/lib/core/Reports/ (Send/EmailBuilder.php Send.php): [23:17] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [bp/r42011][FIX] Daily Reports. Send the reports in user's preferred language. [23:17] CIA-91 tikiwiki: [bp/r42013][FIX] Daily Reports. Restore global language setting after generating a report.