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how many email addresses do I need for a wiki? is one enough (webmaster@....)?
second question, for the main wiki page I want to replace the logo with my own logo, I created a file gallery for the admin to be used to add files to the website (like this logo for instance), but what path do I enter in "logo source (image path)" to choose that file from the file gallery?
also when using a file gallery, er the files added to the database or put in some folder?
because I don't want to make a 200gb big database ^^
ok, kind of figured it out jacmoe: joined #tikiwiki g0th: how do I specify the size of the logo?
e.g. height=200 or something like that?
hmm, is there a nice documentation about calendars?
what I would like to have is a list of "event types" resp. a list of calendars, where you select the type first (and "all" should be a possible type showing all events together). After selection it should then only display the corresponding calendar/types/whatever...
so basically some button to select which calendar to show (including all together)
is that possible? jacmoe: joined #tikiwiki arildb: joined #tikiwiki Loll78: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|Logger: joined #tikiwiki Topic: for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - Software made the Wiki Way - Tiki 9.0 is out! Question? Just ask. We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) jacmoe: joined #tikiwiki CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03ppttrr * r42170 10/branches/9.x/ (6 files in 5 dirs): [ADD] feature: adding CRYPT_BLOWFISH password salting/hashing
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tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r42172 10/branches/9.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php: [REL] Close 9.0 release g0th: hi
I have several machines and I would like to make some kind of calendar module where people can reserve machines
each machine should have a different color, the users selects one and then simply selects a time range in the calendar, it should then create an event for that machine (with that color) together with the information that user xyz reserved it...
how to achieve this?
should each machine have its own calendar (is it possible to combine calendars?) or should each machine be an event?
if the second: is it possible to select an event type, such that marking a region on a calendar marks that region for that event
in tiki9 there is some mention of draggable events, that looks cool too
but I couldn't found a way yet to reproduce it
nobody around, I will come back at some later time... Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki g0th: joined #tikiwiki