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Tikiwiki 9: Google Maps requires API key. These have been depreciated. The old one I had for mediawiki doesn't even work. Leaving blank does not either. Suggestions? Thanx
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Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
g0th_: moin
how can I change the homepage before login?
e.g. I'd like to have the logo and login in the center (I guess the login screen as home would be fine)
the logo uses an image from a file gallery, so not logged in users have problems to handle it...
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: g0th_: the logo must be in a file gallery which gives tiki_p_download permission to Anonymous
g0th_: it is in the main file gallery
and I added the logo object to the public category
the public category has tiki_p_download permission
for everyone
hmm I still cannot see it, do I need something else?
anonymous and registered have no permissions whatsoever (except for logo, which I changed manually), I would like to show the login screen for anonymous users (with logo), I would like to have some kind of registration tracker with some "send to admin" button for registered users (i.e. some kind of page used to configure the user), the admin should somehow be informed of this request, he can...
...then assign the user to a certain group (e.g. users), everything in group users gets shown the standard page essentially. An alternative way would be the following: registered gets to a page where it says: "ask the admin to assign you to a group", users/editors/whatever will then first see a tracker form to fill in details, once they have done this the main page is shown by default instead....
at the moment anonymous doesn't see the logo and it says "Please login, permission denied"
how do I change the homepage for anonymous users?
ok, I kind of solved the anonymous part, how can I configure the "registered" homepage? for homepages I want: anonymous: login screen, registered: some kind of information setup page, essentially no wiki pages yet, guest -> user -> editor, for guest, user, editor: main wiki page, at the last the admin page
I guess I should use group homepages but there is no documentation about it, is this the {GROUP ...} {GROUP} thing?
Also I'm not sure how I can make a registration resp. login tracker that only shows until the user added all information
all those problems originate from the fact that users don't register when I use LDAP :(
nobody around :(
anyone? these issues are driving me crazy. The logo still doesn't show even though I set tiki_p_download for the public category and added the logo image to public and each time I login it asks me to save the logo and I have to press login twice
wth is going on?
fidel: seems like a silent day ;)
g0th_: sorry cant help you as i havent messed around with ldap etc so far
g0th_: the last question?
I have a logo storred in a file gallery, the logo is assigned to the public category which has tiki_p_download_permission for anonymous
the main page has a logo module without any restrictive group settings
I also set the option that anonymous should be directed to the login screen on permission denied
however I still don't see the logo and when I login it asks me to save the logo
why does it do that?
the logo image source is .../tiki-download_file.php?fileId=7
wasted over 2h on this
when wysiwyg is on by default I get: "Thank you for trying the new ckeditor implementation for Tiki 6 Some of your preferences should be set differently for this to work at its best. Please click this to apply the recommended profile: WYSIWYG_6x" in calendar.
hmm and I can't use wysiwyg in custom modules???
is there another irc channel?
arildb: hi g0th_
trhis is the tikiwiki irc channel
about the logo and the filegallery
maybe you want to extract this logo from the filegallery and place it directly in the filesystem. Then you don't get into any permission problems
about using wysiwyg
it requires the profile. Needs only be run once.
group homepages...this is not the same as the {GROUP} plugin. When group homepages are enabled you can set these in the admin-group editor (if I recall right)
jacmoe: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
p o l o m
Bsfez: ding dong !
jonnyb: hi Bsfez
Bsfez: The morning communication around image/toolbar is interesting
Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: hi Jyhem
Jyhem: hi jonnyb
I just read the toolbar discussion, but then I realise it's about wysiwyg, so not enough practice to have an opinion
jonnyb: it's for both editors
Jyhem: Oh, right. It looked like there was not so much to me, but yes, they are all there :-(
jonnyb: the tools themselves "know" whether they go on normal or wysiwyg or both
Jyhem: How could we remove anchor? It's the only way of doing an external link. It would need to be merged with "wiki link" before it can be considered for removal
jonnyb: oh? you use anchor for that? (maybe i do too)
no, i use the "link" one for links :P
Jyhem: anchor is the [|external link], plus we use external links for whichever internal link is not towrds a wiki page. So… pretty useful
jonnyb: which i thought was one of the defaults
agreed, but i have one that does that - the icon is world_link.png
in fact "anchor" is wysiwyg only
Jyhem: Ahhh, I was confised (looking at wiki toolbar)
I thought you wanted to remove "External link"
jonnyb: yes, it's confusing (must be a tiki feature! ;) )
no no
Jyhem: Then we agree. If I can't remember what anchor is for, it must be useless :)
I have less strong feelings, but the "unparsed" icon is pretty useful in a wiki page. All those [] when cut-pasting IRC logs, or mails, etc. I often need a quick un-parsing
g0th_: re
the logo is already on the filesystem
but still in a file gallery
so you suggest to move it to the fs manually (from the webserver)?
Jyhem: "Thank you for trying the new ckeditor implementation for Tiki 6" ← in Tiki 9 :-(
arildb: g0th_: yes, if you place the image file, say in the tiki image folder - not in the FileGallery, you will avoid permission problems
Jyhem: g0th_: have you cleared caches? what does anonymous see when you access the image directly ?
jonnyb: hi g0th_ is it in a file gallery by default? i don't see it
Jyhem: not hard to fix? ;)
g0th_: lemme try both
jonnyb: should just warn if the prefs are set wrong i guess
Jyhem: Well, that something else that bothers me: it claims my prefs are wrong but it does not say which. It just suggests a Tiki6 profile which I have no idea what it will do :-( Am i glad my current client did not want wysiwyg :)
jonnyb: ues, wysiwyg needs more helpers :(
g0th_: arildb: group homepage => nice, OK, wysiwyg: hmm, I choose to make a custom homepage, not to use a profile, so how would I configure a profile without ruining everything?
Jyhem: Most wysiwyg fans are the very people who can't help, sadly :-(
g0th_: it is not for me, it is for the people that will use it later on
(I think they prefer wysiwyg)
Jyhem: I can guess. I was talking to jonnyb on that one
arildb: g0th_: To initialize wysiwyg, I normally start to edit a dummy page and run the profile (6.x) when prompted
g0th_: about the logo: I made a category "Public", I set file download permission and wiki view permission for everyone, I added the file from the file gallery to that category
arildb: won't that change my whole website?
arildb: g0th_: I haven't experienced any bad side effects when running the profile.
jonnyb: g0th_: it sets a couple of minor paragraph handling prefs to something sensible (they default to being weird for historical reasons)
g0th_: the image is tiki-download_file.php?fileID=7
I would really prefer to use file directories
because I have no root access to the server, in particular it is a real pain to change the permission of files to the user apache
anyway, the image is not shown, even though it is part of the category "Public" which has tiki download file permissions set for anonymous
arildb: g0th_: The Tiki permission hierarchy is: global/group -> category -> object. Object overrides category, which overrides global. Maybe you have an override problem. Anyhow, I think for the logo case, you'd be better of placing the image directky in the file system and not in the file gallery
g0th_: ok
the only way to set the user permission accordingly is by sudo chown -R apache.w3backup on the whole /var/www/ essentially
but I guess that's ok anyway
arildb: g0th_: All users should be able to read images from the tiki image folder. Should be no need to adjust permissions
g0th_: first I try to create a file gallery (so far I used top)
hmm ok I try
hmm, I somehow got it to work
ok it works now, I assigned a whole file gallery (named public) to the category "public" and added the image to that, now it works
Jyhem: so filegal-wide categorisation works, but item-specific category failed. Strange
Do we have a mass group import ?
It seems we can only create groups by importing a user
-: Jyhem grabs something to eat
g0th_: maybe I didn't really do item-specific category
RobertPlummer: polom all
g0th_: what I did pefore was: I clicked on "properties" (for the image/file), under properties I could choose a category
but maybe that's not the same as assigning the category to the object
dunno, in any case it works now :) (finally after 3-4 hours ;)
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: Did you see:
Bsfez: hi Robert
RobertPlummer: Hi Bsfez
jonnyb: hi RobertPlummer - briefly (not in detail - panic mode continues here!)
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: client woes?
I'm somewhat out of the loop if it is tiki under fire.
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RobertPlummer: Anybody hear of blade login cli login integration with php?
I would imagine that it would use open ldap or something similar.
arildb: Does anybody know if an import from DocuWiki has been attempted/considered?
Bsfez: … Not sure 100% it was DocuWiki, but i recall Sylvie talking to me about this kind of import.
arildb: ok
g0th_: re
jonnyb: hi arildb - i don't think one exists so far but i did see docuwiki is supported in the PEAR wiki text converter we use, so shouldn't be too hard to add
g0th_: solved a lot of issues today :)
one main issue remains: user information trackers
I use ldap auth for users, so iirc there is no registration procedure
but I still would like to add further meta data, how should I do that?
arildb: jonnyb: I am not familar with the "PEAR wiki text converter", but could be feasable...ok
ohertel: joined #tikiwiki
hello :-)
jonnyb: arildb: as used by
hi ohertel
arildb: more here
arildb: thanks
g0th_: hmm I think I will use the extended registration profile
can a profile be uninstalled?
to revert the changes back to the way they were before?
I guess I should really be very careful ^^
RobertPlummer: g0th_: There is no harm in backing up before hand, no need to over complicate a restore.
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CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03chibaguy * r42188 10/branches/9.x/styles/jqui/options/ (didiem/ didiem.css):
tikiwiki: [NEW] Backport (r42173) from branch 9 of Didiem theme ("DDM" - Doubledot Media -
tikiwiki: option for Jqui. Based largely on design from
tikiwiki: Doubledot Media Ltd. and adapted with permission from Simon Slade. Todo: search
tikiwiki: box style doesn't work with IE.
g0th_: hmm, another important question
how do I make a complete backup?
I have /var/www/homepage.ssl/ (svn repository), /var/www/files/ (where I store all files/images from the wiki, e.g. file gallery), mysql db
my guess is: I only need to backup the mysql db to revert any profile changes
ohertel: think so too
g0th_: in general, do I need to backup the svn repository too? resp. will rm -r /var/www/homepage.ssl/ and then checkout again damage my wiki?
ohertel: if you just rm it stuff like img/wiki_up will get lost, thats uplods in wiki pages.
if you store everything in the db, you should be fine, if you only save your db/local.php
just make sure attachments, file galleries etc are in the db.
i always save docroot and export db, just to besure ;-)
g0th_: docroot?
is there a list of services that store in img/etc?
ohertel: your document root.
cp -R homepage.ssl homepage.bak :-)
g0th_: oh dear
that takes lik 12 hours
ouff, the other files will be even worse
the thing is: we already have an emergency backup system
so I thought it is not really necessary, for most cases where a backup is needed we only need the mysql database
but ofc stuff like wiki_up etc should be considered too
ohertel: joined #tikiwiki
12 hours? what did xou
you save there? gigabytes of data?
and yes, us
and yes, profiles usually dont mess around in the filesystem.
maybe we should add a small backup script that saves the database and all folders needed, looking up your tiki config.
sorry for weird typing, i am on the ipad, fiddling with irc and ssh login to ;-)
can reboot the machine from the ipd now. :-)
g0th_: you're right it is much less than 12 hours, svn checkout took something like 12 hours but it was really slow somehow
CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42189 10/trunk/lib/: [MOD] jcapture: Change svn external to use the main trunk repository instead of the experimental branch (fingers crossed!)
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CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42190 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/List.php: [FIX] Remove unused style
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42191 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php:
tikiwiki: [FIX] parseBreaks was stripped when I introduced the new list class, re-added
tikiwiki: [ENH] Turned the plugin negotiator into a string that can be changed per instance, giving us room for ckeditor later on when needed
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42192 10/trunk/lib/core/WikiPlugin/ParserNegotiator.php: [NEW] Added toSyntax, which will be used in ckeditor
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CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42193 10/trunk/ (2 files in 2 dirs): [FIX] jcapture: Changes to applet handling service to use new uploadUrl param (and remove unused ones)
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CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42194 10/trunk/lib/ (core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php parser/parserlib.php):
tikiwiki: [FIX] globalization of options in jison parser
tikiwiki: [FIX] Prevent execution of jison parser when ck_editor is on and active for now
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42195 10/trunk/lib/tiki-js.js: [FIX] kaltura: Remove scripts and css from kcw html for dialog (was breaking codemirror and causing z-index issues)
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CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42196 10/branches/9.x/tiki-download_file.php: [FIX] filegals: Fix mime type for non-image thumbnails (cached one were using the original file's type and would fail on pdfs etc)
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42197 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/List.php: [FIX] br was just too big of a space, div looks much more like what is expected, old parser even looks bad
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42198 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php: [FIX] Break parsing needs to come after lists
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42199 10/trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php: [FIX] A few spacing issues that I found with ul, pre, and as well lists needed unprotected
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42200 10/trunk/lib/core/WikiPlugin/maketoc.php: [FIX] maketoc off when slideshow on
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42201 10/trunk/lib/core/Feed/Abstract.php: [FIX] $file not defined was FileGallery_File
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42202 10/trunk/lib/ (4 files in 4 dirs): [FIX] Misc warnings
tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42203 10/branches/9.x/tiki-calendar.php: [FIX] calendars: Initialise ckeditor for fullcalendar event dialog if it's the default editor (was failing otherwise)
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42204 10/branches/9.x/lib/ (core/Services/Draw/Controller.php prefs/feature.php): [NEW] Backport of feature_draw_hide_buttons
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42205 10/branches/9.x/lib/svg-edit_tiki/draw.js: [NEW] Backport of feature_draw_hide_buttons
RobertPlummer: Woops, I didn't mean to put [NEW], grrr
jonnyb: :D
RobertPlummer: That patch has been setting around for a while.
Just after I hit commit did I realize it.
CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42206 10/trunk/lib/core/WikiPlugin/ParserNegotiator.php: [NEW] Remove the url encoding of arguments from toSyntax, and make urlEncodeArgs method seperate to clean things a little
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: Parser Negotiator is looking cooler and cooler.
jonnyb: seen you been busy - promise will check progress soon, but now need food...
RobertPlummer: at some point before 10 I'm going to be pulling wysiwyg out of parserlib and putting it in it's own extended class, then jison and old parser will use some of the same code.
jonnyb: I'm actually working on another project, but every few minutes while using tiki I see a bug or something I can fix quickly, and I do.
GillesM: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: RobertPlummer: looks like a little is_html trouble with wysiwyg still?
hi GillesM
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: in old parser or new one?
jonnyb: just switch the new one on on my trunk localhost
RobertPlummer: jonnyb: Yea, I just turned it on today.
jonnyb: Haven't tested it too much, I know where it is headed though which is why I have not touched it.
jonnyb: New class extending base plugin execution.
I started writing it locally, but couldn't get ckeditor to trigger.
jonnyb: And make sure you svn up, many of those fixed are very very new, just today.
jonnyb: will do, but later - off for dinner now
RobertPlummer: coo
jonnyb: more tomorrow!
CIA-75: tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r42207 10/branches/9.x/installer/tiki-installer.php: [FIX] this is not necessary is that context + remove some useless comments
tikiwiki: 03robertplummer * r42208 10/trunk/lib/core/WikiPlugin/maketoc.php: [FIX] integrate killtoc
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