[00:43] jvan joined #tikiwiki [00:44] jvan How do I rename a page? [01:19] g0th joined #tikiwiki [01:19] g0th re [01:21] Guest81592 ldap provides some user attributes (e.g. realname, email), in tiki further attributes can be set (e.g. country, etc...) and a user tracker can be used to gain even more attributes. How can those informations (i.e. tiki/ldap + user tracker) be displayed together in some nice way? [01:22] Guest81592 is it possible to display already existing tiki attributes in a pretty tracker (in the template I guess)? [01:24] goj joined #tikiwiki [01:53] lindonb joined #tikiwiki [02:13] joer joined #tikiwiki [02:58] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [02:58] fabricius polom [03:00] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [03:06] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [03:49] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [03:56] lindonb joined #tikiwiki [04:39] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [05:12] lindonb left #tikiwiki [06:14] PrezKennedy joined #tikiwiki [07:42] redflo joined #tikiwiki [08:40] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [08:51] redflo1 joined #tikiwiki [08:56] ohertel joined #tikiwiki [08:56] ohertel hello :-) [09:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Special login - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44281 [10:01] amette_ joined #tikiwiki [10:10] brolin_empey joined #tikiwiki [10:10] fidel joined #tikiwiki [10:11] ohertel joined #tikiwiki [10:12] g0th_ hi [10:13] ohertel hello :-) [10:13] g0th_ I would like to add additional attributes to user information and present all those in a nice way, how do I "integrate" already existing attributes (from the tiki) into a tracker list page? [10:14] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [10:15] brolin_empey joined #tikiwiki [10:15] fidel joined #tikiwiki [10:21] ohertel oh dear, i am no master of trackers, sorry. ;-) [10:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Multilingual SiteTitle and SubTitle - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=44282 [11:04] redflo1 joined #tikiwiki [11:06] g0th_ how do I change the title of a page? [11:06] g0th_ e.g. I have an admin Introduction page and a general introduction page [11:06] g0th_ so I named one admin_introduction and the other one user_introduction but I would like in both cases that it says Introduction on top [11:08] g0th_ I don't like structures because they always have this navigation bar that I don't want [11:09] g0th_ another question: how do I change the width of the left (or right) "section" (the place where I put modules etc) [11:22] Jyhem g0th_: page names options are configured tiki-admin.php?page=wiki → General preferences → Page display [11:32] g0th_ jyhem: for structures I can e.g. name my page "admin_introduction" and make an alias "Introduction" for the users that view the page they will not see admin_introduction anywhere which is nice. But it seems this is not possible for "normal" wiki pages? [11:32] g0th_ hmm, maybe if I put "alias" inside the page but there is no configuration option for the title [11:33] g0th_ and I guess I cannot make two "Introduction" pages [11:34] g0th_ I guess the simplest way is to deactivate the "show page name" on top [12:00] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [12:00] jonnyb pol... which leads to om [12:08] * jonnyb wonders why there is always a "Conflict discovered in 'lang/es/language.php" [12:12] CIA-75 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42209 10/trunk/ (13 files in 6 dirs): [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/9.x 42177 to 42207 [12:29] arildb joined #tikiwiki [12:50] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [13:57] g0th_ is there some custom css file I can use as a basis? [13:58] g0th_ in the tiki there is: lite.css, layout.css, design.css and the css of the profile, is there more? hmm and what should a custom css be based on? [13:59] g0th_ e.g. if I want to change the width of the columns [14:01] g0th_ hmm it seems very hard to change column widths because it occurs in so many places [14:08] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [14:28] g0th_ how do I change the font-size of the title? [14:28] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: [SOLVED] Only admin can log in (Tiki 8.4) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=44283 [15:09] arildb Hi g0th_: If you would like to do a lot of changes to the styling, you may want to make a copy of the theme you see best fit. See styles/readme.txt for more [15:10] arildb If you don't have Firebug (or similar tools) available, I highly recommend installing that [15:11] radek82 joined #tikiwiki [15:30] ohertel joined #tikiwiki [15:39] pedor joined #tikiwiki [15:45] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [16:16] redflo joined #tikiwiki [16:42] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [17:11] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [17:11] pedor joined #tikiwiki [17:18] jonnyb joined #tikiwiki [17:21] g0th joined #tikiwiki [17:28] CIA-75 tikiwiki: 03jonnybradley * r42210 10/branches/9.x/ (css/admin.css styles/layout/design.css): [FIX] css: Make labels for text inputs and select menus a consistent minimum width to make admin pages tidier (also correct missing dot in design.css) [17:34] g0th hmm, if I want to make certain parts of my wiki only accessable and visible to certain groups then I have to use groups and not categories right? [17:35] g0th if I don't set the group for my menu module, it will be visible for anonymous users, no? [17:37] g0th hmm, is it possible to add a structure "submenu" to a menu? [17:37] jonnyb hi g0th - yes (in Tiki 7 onwards i think) [17:37] g0th hmm, how? [17:38] jonnyb yes to the modules q, no, not yet for structure within a menu [17:38] g0th first I thought about using only structure menu, but then I cannot link to external sites or php stuff, only to wiki pages [17:38] jonnyb yes, i had a use case for that the other day, but it's not coded yet [17:38] jonnyb (on the "list") [17:39] g0th so my current plan is to use structure menus if possible [17:39] g0th but if the menu contains one non-wiki link, I make the whole menu a normal menu with direct wiki page links [17:40] g0th hmm, is it maybe possible to link to a structure? [17:40] g0th instead of linking to the page corresponding to the structure [17:40] jonnyb not sure what you mean - only a link to a page within a structure i think [17:50] g0th thx, for the help, /me is going home now [17:51] luciash polom [18:01] jonnyb hi luciash [18:01] jonnyb you're good at shall stuff aren't you? [18:16] luciash heya jonnyb ! [18:16] luciash shall as in shell ? [18:16] luciash :) [18:16] jonnyb oh yes - oops :P [18:17] luciash what do u need ? [18:25] pedor joined #tikiwiki [18:41] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [18:43] panamaus joined #tikiwiki [18:53] luciash bbl [19:35] changi polom [19:35] changi jonnyb: sorry [19:35] changi jonnyb: you need to do a or in shell ? [19:35] jonnyb hi changi [19:36] jonnyb in setup.sh [19:36] changi jonnyb: i love the "changi is the one for this" [19:36] jonnyb :) [19:36] panamaus joined #tikiwiki [19:37] jonnyb i read your script to set up the "nextdoc" etc servers - v cool! :) [19:39] changi maybe : "groups $USER | grep $AGROUP ; echo $?" == 1 [19:40] jonnyb mine says: The groups utility has been obsoleted by the id(1) utility [19:41] jonnyb anyway, sorry - maybe tomorrow (busy) [19:57] pedor hi, how can i track which pages a user has visit? [20:00] Jyhem_laptop Hi guys, I need to go (already late), but I needed to give a stab at the shell scripting [20:00] Jyhem_laptop VAR="no"; for grp in `id -Gn web8`; do echo $grp; if [ "sshusers" = "$grp" ] ; then VAR="yes"; fi; done; echo $VAR [20:01] Jyhem_laptop that's an example with user==web8 and sshusers instead of AGROUP [20:01] * Jyhem_laptop leaves [20:13] pedor just found out. but i have another question. Is it possible to receive an email when someone sends me a internal message? [20:15] jonnyb pedor: yes, in your preferences in MyTiki (should default to doing that) [20:15] jonnyb also got to go - more tomorrow [20:17] pedor jonnyb, I will test it again [20:18] changi Jyhem_laptop: i have a shorter one :) [20:20] CIA-75 tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r42211 10/branches/9.x/setup.sh: [ENH] Just give write permission to group when user is member of it - jonny's request [20:23] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [21:11] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [21:13] fabricius_ joined #tikiwiki [21:43] pedor joined #tikiwiki [22:35] CIA-75 tikiwiki: 03changi67 * r42212 10/branches/9.x/ (tiki-setup_base.php tiki-webdav.php): [FIX] When using PHP-FPM HTTP_AUTHORIZATION is called REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION [22:37] changi wahouououououou, i fix my fuc..... problem of basic authentication :) [22:40] arildb marclaporte: I am looking at http://dev.tiki.org/Namespaces. It says: "There needs to be a manager group per namespace". Why is this a requirement? If 100 namespaces exist, is it also a requirement to have 100 dedicated manager groups? [22:42] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [22:50] arildb Another question about namespaces...should they be freely defined by the user, e.g. by naming a page: myspace:thepage, or should the use of namespaces by confined to a defined set. Thus the creation of myspace:thepage would fail, unless a namespace "myspace" is already explicitly defined. [22:52] arildb having additional required elements, e.g. a manager group, would imply that an explicit definition is required [22:56] marclaporte congrats changi! [22:57] marclaporte arildb: not sure what LP has in mind, but you can ask questions on the wiki page [22:57] arildb ok [22:58] changi marclaporte: don't walk in LP's mind :) [22:58] marclaporte hahahah [23:11] changi marclaporte: where are namespaces managed ? [23:11] changi marclaporte: if i want to change User: in User- (like in documenation), where do i have to go . ? [23:18] changi need to sleep [23:18] changi see ya [23:42] pedor joined #tikiwiki