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RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki [00:51]
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I am really stuck at getting a module called from within a template tpl file
{flowplayer videofile="turl.php?f={$f_13}"}
I need to use the smarty variable $f_13
if I wrap the module between the {wiki}{literal} tags, the smarty variable does not get processed...
Even this, tried in desperation does not work:
{wiki}{literal}{flowplayer videofile="turl.php?f={/literal}{/wiki}{$f_13}{wiki}{literal}"}
Is there a way to put the value of smarty variable $f_13 into a variable that can be used in a tpl file between {wiki}{literal} tags?
luciashdeeku: just use $f_13 [01:25]
lemme check...
No joy if I use {flowplayer videofile="turl.php?f=$f_13"} - it was {f_13} earlier
$f_13 is going out as a string, literally, instead of the value contained in the variable
luciashin the tpl you need to use wikiplugin like this: {wikiplugin _name="flowplayer" videofile="turl.php?f=$f_13"}{/wikiplugin} [01:29]
deekuthanks, checking... [01:30]
luciashor you need it as a wiki syntax ? literal disables any smarty processing inside
so do not use it
deekuhave removed both wiki and literal on your suggested syntax for {wikiplugin... [01:32]
luciashcorrect [01:32]
deekuand it works!!! Thanks so much. [01:32]
luciashu r welcome [01:32]
jjgothwhat about incorporating all those binary2text converters into tikiwiki itself?
they could maybe be done in php
hmm or not, stuff like unzip ^^
luciashjjgoth: out of my scope. do not know [01:34]
jjgothhmm though tiki can unzip [01:34]
luciashyes, tiki can unzip on filegal upload [01:34]
jjgothI got a list of programs for: doc, xls, ppt, docx, xlsx, pptx
some shell, some perl, one python
for application/octet-stream you use "strings"?
many text file formats are stored as octet-stream
hmm, some "tex2txt" might also be useful
if .tex is even recognized
that is all i can help with ;)
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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [02:25]
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luciashpolom polom [14:18]
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Bsfezpilou ppilou LU [15:04]
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luciashBsfez: heh [15:22]
CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r42566 10/branches/9.x/doc/devtools/tikilite.sh: [FIX] Devtools tikilite script updated to be 9.x compatible [15:25]
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:27]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r42567 10/branches/9.x/doc/devtools/tikilite.sh: [FIX] tikilite script: design, layout, lite should stay there [16:09]
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dennmansleft #tikiwiki [16:45]
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g0thjoined #tikiwiki [18:39]
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CIA-75tikiwiki: 03luciash * r42568 10/branches/9.x/tiki-setup_base.php: [FIX] raw html in menu options links: better to allow only for inputs coming from the menu options admin page [19:39]
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