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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Upgrading from 6.2 to a version that supports PHP 5.3.17 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45250 [00:19]
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amettemoloq mose [01:39]
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Tiki|botNew Commit: lindonb committed r43191 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43191 [05:01]
New Commit: lindonb committed r43192 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43192 [05:11]
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New Commit: lindonb committed r43193 to the Tiki SVN, changing 2 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43193 [05:57]
New Commit: lindonb committed r43194 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43194 [06:02]
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New Commit: lindonb committed r43195 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43195 [06:22]
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New Commit: lindonb committed r43196 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43196 [06:52]
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New Commit: lindonb committed r43197 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43197 [07:13]
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fabriciuspolom [17:37]
jonnybhi fabricius
i'm thinking about areas & workspaces, could do with some input
fabriciusfollowing problem: I have been exporting a database with files stored in the database (bad, I know) [17:38]
jonnyblike on what to call things (new fields etc) [17:38]
fabriciusnow I am on the way importing the dump into a new database
for that I splitted the filestable and exported in certain steps (1 to 50, 51 to 100, 101 to 150 etc.)
jonnybis this using phpmyamin? [17:40]
fabriciusso I have a full Tiki database and an empty table tiki_files
yes phpmyadmin
jonnybok, so limited upload size - it's a pain [17:40]
fabriciusI have now as above several sql files - parts of the one splitted table
when I import the second file, it overwrites the existing tables instead of just adding the next lines
what to do?
jonnybodd - what does the 2nd file start with?
if exists tiki_files drop tiki_files?
drop-table thing!
jonnyband then create table... [17:42]
fabriciusI open and check
jonnybyes, remove the lines about drop and create table from each subsuquent file
or, re-export them as just data (i.e. no structure)
fabriciusOK, maybe I'll have no time now, as I have to bring back my little son (who is baking pancakes right now.
I will first try with deleting the lines and then, if necessary do the export a second time
thx Jonny, I believe that is the problem
changifabricius: you maybe have a truncated at the begining of the sql file [17:45]
fabriciusit is just about six or seven files, so not too much pain
changi: truncated? I'll check
jonnybhi changi [17:46]
fabriciusthere is the DROP TABLE IF EXISTS line ... I'll delete this [17:47]
jonnyband the create table block below it
you just want the INSERT lines
fabriciusthe create table block contains the condition IF NOT EXISTS
it seems to work ... first two files are there
jonnybok, so it should be ignored then
fabriciushave to go - see you later guys [17:55]
jonnybok bibi [17:57]
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ooops, wrong command *G*
Tiki|botNew Commit: jonnybradley committed r43198 to the Tiki SVN, changing 2 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43198 [19:10]
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New Commit: arildb committed r43199 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43199 [19:30]
arildbshouldn't the SVN comment be included in the IRC commiit message? [19:35]
lindonbyes, used to be [19:36]
arildbWould be nice to get the comments back [19:46]
files / location where the files were committed used to be shown too... or? [19:53]
lindonbyes, used to be user, revision number, location and comment instead of link to sourceforge [19:55]
Tiki|botNew Commit: arildb committed r43201 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43201
New Commit: lindonb committed r43200 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43200
lindonbjonnyb: hi jonny [20:07]
jonnybhey lindonb - i didn't really mean for you to roll that notice fix back, more that i was too lazy to fix it! [20:08]
lindonbok, misunderstood
thought you were thinking it was a valid error to show
jonnybso much of out code is only for testing upgrades (without flushing caches etc), it just makes it all harder to read
well, the notice goes away when the prefs are up to date
but most of the fixes you've been doing are valid, imho - thanks! :)
lindonbokay, i wasn't really aware of the distinction so this is helpful feedback [20:11]
jonnybless code is best [20:11]
lindonbmaybe it's a little fussy, but i dislike all the notices that appear on almost every page even with a fresh install [20:12]
jonnybsome places i see lots of smarty issets over and over on the same var, when one line in php would have been best
you can turn them off! :D (but i know what you mean)
lindonbi think it gives new users a bad impression
that even the most basic pages have hundreds of errors
jonnybwell, they're not errors, as the code works
it's just php being picky, and if they really want to be picky they should use strong typing for vars
my 2¢
lindonbyou would prefer to ignore notices when we code?
i take your point that many cases should be fixed before the tpl file is reached
jonnybno, i try and get rid of all of mine
notices usually expose a coding defect
i guess i'm just saying fixing them at the point the notice is generated is often too late really
i've often wondered why we don't use proper booleans in tiki, usually 'y' or 'n' - i'm sure it slow tiki down a little bit... (especially in smarty)
lindonbi agree with that one
most of the time I'm adding an isset or empty check and it would be the same check whether in php or smarty
so it doesn't seem to make that much difference, except when there are multiple checks in the tpl as you mentioned
jonnybi guess so - but i still think that means the php is only setting a var sometimes, so is initially at fault
as i say, just my 2¢
it is some laziness or cautiousness on my part as it can be difficult to identify all the use cases when the tpl might be called and am also concerned about created more errors than I fix
jonnybi often have trouble with conditionals (especially double negative ones) [20:26]
lindonblunch on the table - be back soon [20:27]
jonnyboff for food too, bb [20:31]
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amettecodemirror is soooo cool, but sometimes damn annoying when it messes with your cursor position :-/ [21:20]
Tiki|botNew Commit: amette committed r43202 to the Tiki SVN, changing 2 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43202 [21:23]
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Jyhempolom [21:38]
changiamette: +10 [21:41]
marclaportealso, CTRL-F may be a problem [21:49]
Tiki|botNew Commit: changi67 committed r43203 to the Tiki SVN, changing 2 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43203 [21:54]
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fabriciusrepolom [21:55]
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Tiki|botNew Commit: amette committed r43204 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43204 [22:14]
changifabricius: did you find how to insert your files ? [22:14]
fabriciusyes, but the last file seem to have broken the whole table - now I try to export just only as data, as you suggeste [22:15]
changifabricius: ok
marclaporte: i'm looking for a personnel GED tools, do you have a specific ?
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Tiki|botNew Commit: arildb committed r43205 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43205 [22:59]
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Jyheminfo: Gandi.net is a good place for buying SSL certificates [23:02]
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marclaportechangi: genealogy? [23:17]
Jyhem:) [23:20]
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JyhemGED: Gestion Electronique de Documents
Document management system, or whatever initials you like :)
fabriciusGeneral Educational Development
I would opt for this one, but it also could be for:
Gas Electron Diffraction
marclaporteTiki File Gallery with WebDAV is good
OwnCloud is pretty cool too
http://dev.tiki.org/Areas+Perspective+Multi-domain+dogfood is a nice dogfood of PluginConvene. Am I the only one who gets UTC and not my own time zone?
fabriciusmarclaporte: this could be your personal setting
marc, let me do s.th.
arildbHi, is there any way to have the "switch language" module limit the number of languages displayed to a defined set, e.g. for an english & norwegian site, only display the english and norwegian flags? [23:28]
fabriciusyes arildb [23:29]
arildbhow? ...I can't find such an option [23:30]
fabriciustiki-admin.php -> i18n -> limit site languages ... ctrl+shift+click ... save
sorry, just doing s.th different, should have said straight away, not only yes
be back in a minute or so
arildbfound it! Restrict supported languages
thanks fabricius
fabriciusback ... sorted so? you're welcome
marclaporte: pls check http://dev.tiki.org/Areas+Perspective+Multi-domain+dogfood under the convene ... to avoid any future timezone missunderstandings, timeanddate.com offers free customisable clocks
btw: include of one of these "systempages" http://dev.tiki.org/System::Clocks
amettePluginConvene?!? w00t!! :D [23:56]
fabriciusnever hear?
never heard?
it's great
ametteused it two minutes ago for the first time [23:57]
fabriciusafaik it is one of these cool things made by RobertPlummer [23:58]
ametteRobertDoodle I'll call him from now on :P [23:58]
do you like the clocks?

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