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refizulThere wasn't a Tiki booth at FrOSCon this year, was it? [00:00]
marclaportebooth: not that I know of, but it would be good to be at all the major conferences [00:02]
refizulah - wait, something comes to my mind
ouch - no openrheinruhr this november/year
but FrOSCon 2013 should be targeted
fabriciusmarclaporte and refizul maybe it would make sense to setup a German conference group
refizul: would you find time to research the FOSS conferences in and around Germany for 2013?
refizulor organize a demonstration march for Tiki ;-) [00:10]
loooool yes 1st of May!
marclaporte: a famous day in Germany
refizulthe annual Tiki demonstration march [00:10]
but honestly ... why not figure out to which cons to go ... and from one to the next it will become easier, as things are prepared anyway
refizuloverview FOSS conferences? I know a few, and one in Brussels [00:12]
fabriciusOk - two wikipages for now: 1) minor issues 2) overview cons in and around Germany [00:13]
refizulBerlin, Chemnitz, St. Augustin, Oberhausen [00:13]
fabriciusplease not here or in the dev list ... I setup a wikipage for you *g* [00:13]
refizulBerlin 2x at least *g* [00:14]
fabriciusBerlinwould be a good time to visit my older son ... and to meet amette [00:14]
refizulthis is just a memo for myself so I can check IRC log if I forget [00:14]
fabriciusah ok :-D [00:14]
refizulouch - Berlin -1 Hamburg +1 [00:20]
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KStingel_Primejoined #tikiwiki [00:36]
kstingel1joined #tikiwiki [00:36]
refizulfabricius: hattest Du das ftp Zeug dokumentiert?
fabricius: did you make a documentation about ftp upload?
fabriciussry ... here for you (and all of us): http://tiki.org/TWR::minor+issues
oops was ) : and not ): ... ;-)
which ftp thingens you referr to?
batchupload? from yesterday?
refizulthe lftp mirror syntax to upload tiki [00:48]
did I mention that?
refizulWeren't that you a few days ago? [00:48]
fabriciuserr yes you explained me I guess or we discussed or so [00:49]
refizulI try a replay of this. [00:49]
fabriciusyes indeed ... I did massive research for the one project and a few people here in the IRC - included you - discussed with me and wrecked their head how to help me sorting the issues
lftp was to send files from one server to another
refizulI'm on a clean webspace ftp only account.
Now I try "a best way" to install Tiki.
fabriciusyou have ssh access to one server with lftp installed and via command line (might be local) and ssh access you send files from this server to another server, where you have ftp access, but no ssh access
I am sure, I did nowhere write things down in detail related to lftp
I check my notes, but my PC hanged at a time and I fear, I lost some fresh notes
refizulok - I'll do step by step and write the documentation down. [00:53]
fabriciusbut I have made up a link directory on the new website I am developing [00:53]
refizuldid you use a php znzip script?
or did you upload the tiki tree?
fabriciusthere I have put the links to the lftp, where i copied the lines of command line code (which I had to redo ... wil look for the notes
upload a whole Tiki tree will need ages (hours)
even via command line
I tried
I did not use a script with lftp
just a line of code into the ssh command line which file to which server in what folder there
not bad to have it as additional code
you want to look into the directory?
saves some googling ;-)
refizulI think the mirror command should do it - and ETA is 500s [00:56]
fabriciusit was not the mirror command
I think I had to use push (or put?)
refizulfor each file a put? [01:00]
fabriciusno! for a directory -R [01:01]
refizulwith lftp? This option is not mentioned in my manual. [01:04]
pls do not mind, that the site is in an unfinished state - I just mock it up since a few days (besides other stuff)
refizulah - now I remember: you used "set ftp:ssl-allow no ; mirror -R" [01:10]
fabriciusah yes!
but r u sure, that I used mirror and not put?
you inserted the missing line, then mirror worked
fabriciusbut I did need the ftp:ssl-nollow no!
refizulexactly, without that it didn't work [01:13]
fabriciusand I posted it here as it worked ... cause we discussed
it must have been two days before
refizulwe need a wikipage with that doc
ah - the web bot modified the conf
now I can start
redflo1joined #tikiwiki [01:23]
fabriciuslet me check
refizul: it was 2nd of October
22:21:59 - fabricius: ahhhh refizul I GOT IT
22:22:43 - fabricius: http://webhostingneeds.com/Upload_all_files_and_sub_folders_using_lftp_in_command_line
22:23:18 - fabricius: 1.: ftp://user:XXXX@ftp.site.com
22:23:42 - fabricius: 2.: set ftp:ssl-allow no
22:24:11 - fabricius: 3.: mirror -R tiki-6.7
22:24:22 - fabricius: and it is running like it was SVN
22:24:25 - fabricius: wow
22:24:28 - fabricius: thus easy
22:25:08 - fabricius: anyway, without your help I maybe wouldn't got there today - thx refizul
What did you mean: "01:14:19 - refizul: we need a wikipage with that doc"?
err and maybe Ishould have posted the above [off]
with what you can start? research? Wikipage?
refizulboth, and my ftp wiki install
we can put ftp to doc/installation
fabriciusr you sure that this makes sense in that way? maybe better in 'troubleshooting' or 'special hints' or so?
hmm a category "German Cons" or so, or a (sub)calendar for it and a Wikipage as start for a booth/con-group
refizulno - this belongs to installation [01:42]
fabriciuslftp? [01:43]
refizulyes - lftp upload is part of install process
fabriciusif you think. I would not hesitate to agree :-D [01:43]
what I mean, is that it is not only useful for installation
but if you have time enough, you could kind of simulate svn with it - just needs ages
hmmI have to read further - maybe it is possible to send .zip and unzip at the target with lftp?
err mirror -> I guess you need username:password
errr username : password
err f***
refizulyou need an unzip script if you upload .zip [02:00]
fabriciushum [02:02]
refizulMy ETA was a bit optimistic [02:05]
estimate time?
refizul: you know, that any user can see your userpage (as you seem to use it as notepad)?
refizul: did you notice, that we also have a personal notepad in the /my area?
refizulETA = estimated time of arrival
yes - the userpage is intentionally public
personal notepad?
ah - I remember the quota I've seen
Upload will take approximately 3-4h
for security: we can give a hint to edit the password before uploading via ftp - otherwise the installation could be taken over during upload/install
I need to dig into details to figure out the whole stuff.
Maybe a htaccess protection would be enough and doesn't disturb the install procedure.
the ftp ssl setting depends on the provider's server settings
actually I don't need it here, and lftp tells me something about TLS -- I need to ckeck this, usually I don't use ftp
you cannot recheck the data volume with "du -sh" - what?
One has to logout and login again - ftp = f... this protocol
fabricius: Which page do we take for the German con collection and that kind of info?
.... (idle for 19mn)
fabriciussry refizul ... have been on my tagcloud - still not confident
hmmm a page for con ger ... *thinking about a namespace*
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:08]
fabriciusmaybe GLUG::Messetermine oder GLUG::Termine oder GLUG::Conventions oder GLUG::FOSS+Termine ... hmm was meinst Du refizul ?
Namespaces kommen in Tiki10 und werden durch das Prefix mit :: getrennt vom eigentlichen Wikipagename
oder das erstmal weglassen und FOSS+Termine+im+deutschen+Sprachraum
das ist gut
refizulsomewhere where you think it's the right place // irgendwo, wo Du meinst, es passt [03:14]
fabriciusit is a wiki - it will be everywhere on tiki.org
Tiki|botNew Commit: marclaporte committed r43323 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43323 [03:17]
refizulshould be somewhere where it is expected to be. the tiki site isn't a website to find hidden eastereggs, but it should help users :-) [03:19]
fabriciuswe have to reorganise things anyway ... right at the moment I feel it being a mess at all
thus your contribution is appreciated big time
refizulI feel many things to be a mess, too. This is what wikis tend to be.
An idea could be, to set up a two level documentation.
things, which are documented here and there, can be merged to something like stable.doc.t.o
I mean - there are branches in code - why not in documentation?
fabriciusI think, it is mainly easier to maintain one single structure of pages and some specific extras ... everybody knows, where to add and where to look after
I think the problem is a different one
at the first place I mean
design, layout, structure
1 column landing pages, 2 column guides, perspectives with certain sets of info-modules
instead of all on one pile
refizulthere is another point: structures follow content, so at the early beginning it is difficult to say, how the best structure could look like
at some time eventually someone has to clean up the mess :-)
fabriciusright, but all has to do with capacity aswell ... Rick started a doc-revamp a while ago
now we end up to urgently need a website revamp and still we got not at all the time to finish the doc-revamp ... whilst Rick does a whole lot of work on it
I think the first impression on the sites MUST be much better
refizulI suppose the doc revamp will become easier with a solid underlying site structure [03:38]
fabriciusand new users and decition makers must find things easier ... we have a tool to manage content and knowledge [03:38]
refizulthis whole http/https jumping has to end - that's annoying [03:38]
gojjoined #tikiwiki [03:40]
refizuleven with fixed cookies - because no one coming from https will be able to edit http then anymore
for the beginning we can collect dates in TikiFest, can't we?
idea: classes for i18n to use a natinal flag as external icon [03:55]
fabriciusno TikiFest is only for TikiFest [03:57]
refizulbut then someone can see where maybe to organize a TikiFest [03:58]
fabriciusidea antional flag: why not
I'd like to get more consistency at all ... we could anyway include the page or parts of it
refizulhave a look: https://tiki.org/TikiFest#Germany [04:01]
fabriciusI nedd s.th. to eat
I have seen that
refizulyes, I need a liquid bred, too *eg* [04:02]
fabriciusin General I'd like this whole lot more structured and more spot on
nobody not dedicated to the community would find and understand anything
refizulI agree - I still get confused when I search certain things [04:04]
fabriciusah I have a liquid chek bred
I have an idea, how to not mix even more, but let you go ahead (I do not want to stop anybody due to discussion or wishing it better)
as said, you are bringing in good type of pressure
fresh wind, open doors
you understand
so now I have to get some fresh air into my lungs
refizulthe CCC has got a third level domain events - maybe we can copy that
Plugin execution pending approval
oh - I can approve it myself
ole ole - upload is done [04:37]
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cu - my coffin is waiting, dawn is approaching [04:58]
fabriciusoki bye [05:07]
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Harmanjoined #tikiwiki
hi everyone
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kstingelare any of the "Tiki Professors" present?
need some 'high level' help with hacking the doc/devtools/prefreport.php file :-)
....................... (idle for 1h53mn)
managed to hack the file ... but still seeing some import errors when viewing in Excel
now I just need help with commiting it to trunk ... has been so long since I've done a commit, I've forgotten how
kstingel|hackingneed to reboot Windon't PC .... any replies to my query ^ can be made to KStingel_Prime acct :-) [08:44]
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changimarclaporte: ping [11:14]
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Tiki|botNew Commit: kstingel committed r43324 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43324 [11:30]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03marclaporte r43323 10trunk/tiki-setup_base.php
tikiwiki Increase memory_limit to 128M if detected below that value
tikiwiki 03kstingel r43324 03trunk/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [NEW] modification of prefreport.php (renamed to avoid conflicts), no longer needs the save filename set, as it is included in the code, creates a Pipe-delimited text file in "dump/" directory.
tikiwiki still a couple of formatting issues, so not fully automatic yet
..... (idle for 20mn)
tikiwiki 03kstingel r43324 03trunk/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [NEW] modification of prefreport.php (renamed to avoid conflicts), no longer needs the save filename set, as it is included in the code, creates a Pipe-delimited text file in "dump/" directory.
tikiwiki still a couple of formatting issues, so not fully automatic yet
tikiwiki 03kstingel r43324 03trunk/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [NEW] modification of prefreport.php (renamed to avoid conflicts), no longer needs the save filename set, as it is included in the code, creates a Pipe-delimited text file in "dump/" directory.
tikiwiki still a couple of formatting issues, so not fully automatic yet
changii'm just testing the kgb implementation
sorry for all the log
fabriciusnp [12:11]
joined #tikiwiki [12:16]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03marclaporte r43323 10trunk/tiki-setup_base.php
tikiwiki Increase memory_limit to 128M if detected below that value
tikiwiki 03kstingel r43324 03trunk/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [NEW] modification of prefreport.php (renamed to avoid conflicts), no longer needs the save filename set, as it is included in the code, creates a Pipe-delimited text file in "dump/" directory.
KStinge64joined #tikiwiki [12:20]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki still a couple of formatting issues, so not fully automatic yet [12:20]
changikgb should be working now,
let me know if there is any issue
sylviegjoined #tikiwiki [12:29]
Tiki|botNew Commit: changi67 committed r43325 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43325 [12:33]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r43325 10trunk/tiki-setup.php
tikiwiki code styling - see http://qa.tiki.org
tikiwiki 03changi67 r43326 10trunk/tiki-setup.php
tikiwiki code styling - see http://qa.tiki.org
Tiki|botNew Commit: changi67 committed r43326 to the Tiki SVN, changing 1 files - http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki?view=rev&revision=43326 [12:43]
KStingel_Primejoined #tikiwiki [12:50]
polom, even
what does the KGB abbreviation stand for ?
maybe Tiki-Spy would be less controversial name for the bot ;-) [13:10]
KStinge9joined #tikiwiki [13:20]
Caarrie|sleepingluciash: http://www.donarmstrong.com/posts/switching_to_kgb/
Tiki|botleft #tikiwiki
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Jyhem_joined #tikiwiki [13:38]
changiluciash: its the same has CIA
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luciashCaarrie|away: thx
changi: yes
it would be nice to have some backronym at least
CIA could be Commit Information Autobot or something but what about KGB ? ;-)
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4309 - - Open menu link in new page stopped working - http://dev.tiki.org/item4309 [16:23]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4310 - - sh setup.sh does not change directory permissions - http://dev.tiki.org/item4310 [16:53]
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refizulI need a helping hand: how do I write an internal link with an anchor? ((foo#bar)) seems not to work. [17:08]
Elmath((foo|#bar)) [17:18]
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Elmathhttp://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Wiki-Syntax%20Links&redirectpage=Wiki%20Links#Wiki_Pages [17:29]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [17:31]
refizulthx - I didn't know the double pipe syntax [17:41]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4311 - - PHP Notice: Undefined index: - http://dev.tiki.org/item4311 [17:43]
KStingel_Primejoined #tikiwiki [17:50]
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KStinge72joined #tikiwiki [18:20]
refizulI observe an issue with advanced/experimental: in a new installation's "Admin Home" there are 19 boxes with logos within setting "Basic".
Now by activating checkbox "Advanced" a lot more appear, but without "Advanced" and activating "Experimental" no new box appears.
By activating "Advanced" one of the new boxes is Webmail. This is not what I expected since this feature is supposed to be experimental.
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Harmanjoined #tikiwiki
just migrated to vps, tell me few tiki server setting to make it fasterr, i have 1gb ram and shared cpu
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changipolom [20:58]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: color codes - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45322 [20:58]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03gregmartin r43327 10webdeploy/ 10parameters.xml 10manifest.xml
tikiwiki Updated for 9.2beta1
changiTiki-KGB: i love you :) [21:00]
Tiki-KGBchangi: My master told me to not respond. [21:00]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03xavidp r43328 10trunk/ 10lang/es/language.php 10lang/ca/language.php
tikiwiki a few strings translated and a typo
tikiwiki 03xavidp r43329 10branches/9.x/lang/ 10es/language.php 10ca/language.php
tikiwiki a few strings translated and a typo
sylviegjoined #tikiwiki [21:41]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r43330 10trunk/ 10(22 files)
tikiwiki PSR code styling - see http://qa.tiki.org
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03gregmartin r43331 10webdeploy/parameters.xml
tikiwiki fixed SetAclParams
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kstingelis anyone about that can assist with PHP permission errors on Windows? [23:51]
refizulfabricius: what's about the unfriendly hosting provider? Seems to be a bit outdated (2006): http://de.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=TikiFreundlicheHosts#Tiki_unfreundliche_Hosts
fabricius: compare with this one: http://tiki.org/Tiki%20friendly%20hosts#and1_1_REAL_AMP_1_
fabriciushi refizul sorry, stuck in work and have to be in the shop tomorrow morning - no time for the next three days [23:54]
deekujoined #tikiwiki
tw9.1: when setting up a user registration tracker, I get the error 'Following mandatory fields are missing Employee Name" as soon as I hit Register.

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