[00:02] Caarrie joined #tikiwiki
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[00:28] fabricius refizul: with the logos/images in columns ... if you do not find a good and simpke way, just knock again after Wednesday eveneing - I might hasve an idea .... generally there are simple ways to show specific or random images incling links and additionally there is the banner feature ... tell us what you want to achieve and we tell ya what features the one or the other considers
[00:30] refizul fabricius: I want a list of logos as in datenschutzraum.de right column
[00:31] fabricius refizul: easy
[00:32] refizul when I create a custom logo, may I copy some .tpl stuff into the editor at Admin->Modules->Custom Modules
[00:32] fabricius refizul: do NOT use image galleries - there is an module for images from the file gallery
[00:32] refizul I tried with just one image, but there is still a box around.
[00:32] fabricius do not use LOGO -> that are NOT sitelogos
[00:33] refizul yes, I noticed that logo module was misleading
[00:36] refizul has the .tpl code (starting with "{tikimodule") to be wiki parsed?
[00:36] fabricius BANNER was possible, but much overdone for this task, as you might noit need to show the banners in different zones at different times (show here at XX.XX from XX to XX
[00:39] fabricius arrg no need for .tpl at this point refizul
[00:40] refizul now I've got nested boxes around the image. Not what I wanted, but funny
[00:41] lukasjan joined #tikiwiki
[00:41] fabricius hi lukasjan
[00:42] refizul I feel really strange. It's like owning an aircraft carrier (Tiki) and the only tool I know to use is a paddle.
[00:44] lukasjan hallo
[00:45] refizul hello lukasjan
[00:46] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki
[00:48] fabricius test
[00:48] refizul test ack - missiles launched
[00:50] fabricius refizul I just explain lukasjan the IRC basics
[00:50] refizul ;-)
[00:51] Jyhem_laptop joined #tikiwiki
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[01:26] fabricius .
[01:30] refizul if I put the images into some subdir directly, I can show them via module, but only with a box around.
[01:32] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki
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[01:53] refizul now I 've got a PNG in a banner and the banner in a module, but it shows the PNG source instead of the image
[01:54] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki
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[02:02] refizul banner with image works somehow, but still module box around it
[02:30] RobertPlummerMob joined #tikiwiki
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[03:23] fabricius refizul no box around: moduleparameter nobox=y
[03:32] refizul does nobox have more than one meaning?
[03:32] refizul Is it a difference to tell it as a parameter or inside the editor box?
[03:33] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki
[03:33] refizul I detected a funny effect here within theme Arcturus which has been puzzling me for a few hours
[03:37] Caarrie joined #tikiwiki
[03:42] Caarrie|away joined #tikiwiki
[03:44] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: unable to log in as admin after successful install - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45345
[05:18] fabricius joined #tikiwiki
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[11:12] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03kwem r43332 10branches/9.x/ 10templates/tiki-admin_newsletter_subscriptions.tpl 10lang/de/language.php
[11:12] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Missing translation in admin newsletters, subscription. Typo in german translation
[11:24] arildb joined #tikiwiki
[11:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03kwem r43333 10trunk/ 10templates/tiki-admin_newsletter_subscriptions.tpl 10lang/de/language.php
[11:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Missing translation in admin newsletters, subscription. Typo in german translation
[11:28] ravi joined #tikiwiki
[11:28] ravi hi
[11:29] ravi i want to know how to use timer in tikiwiki page?
[11:29] ravi r u there?
[11:30] kstingel joined #tikiwiki
[11:30] ravi hi
[11:30] kstingel hi all
[11:30] ravi how to use timer in tikiwiki page?
[11:31] kstingel haven't used it yet ravi, so I'm sorry, I can't advise
[11:31] ravi ok
[11:31] ravi in new version is that provide?
[11:32] kstingel who's responsible for themes?
[11:32] ravi ok
[11:32] kstingel I'll check ... one minute
[11:32] ravi ok
[11:33] ravi hi
[11:34] ravi hi Tiki | bot
[11:35] ravi hi alll
[11:37] ravi hi
[11:38] kstingel ravi: I couldn't (easily) find a reference for it ... but I think Rick is using it on his site; he's not here at present though
[11:40] Pulkit joined #tikiwiki
[11:40] ravi ok
[11:40] ravi thanks kstingel
[11:40] Pulkit Hi mose
[11:41] ravi is that any way to create template without admin rights?
[11:41] Pulkit I need a solution for a problem in tiki
[11:41] Himanshu joined #tikiwiki
[11:43] Pulkit Hi wu-lee_
[11:43] Pulkit need support
[11:43] Himanshu how to make new template in tikiwiki page for make profile page?
[11:43] Himanshu hi
[11:44] Pulkit Hi amette
[11:45] Pulkit Hi Carrie|away
[11:46] Pulkit Hi rinnaN
[11:48] Pulkit Tiki-KGB
[11:48] Tiki-KGB Pulkit: My master told me to not respond.
[11:49] Pulkit I want answer not response
[11:50] Pulkit Jyhem_
[11:51] Pulkit Hi toe_
[11:52] Pulkit jst need support
[11:53] Pulkit fidel_
[11:53] Pulkit goj
[11:53] ravi anyone who have deeper knowlege of tikiwiki??
[11:53] fidel_ ?
[11:53] Pulkit panamaus
[11:54] fidel_ Pulkit: dont you think highlightning all users is somehow ....well - not the way to go ;)
[11:54] Pulkit How to use timer in tiki page
[11:54] fidel_ others may call it spamming
[11:54] fabricius hi Pulkit it seems, that everybody is busy or not at keyboard
[11:55] Pulkit ya
[11:55] fabricius me aswell, sorry
[11:55] fabricius if nobody has time, you either can ask in the forum or ask here later again
[11:56] fabricius ravi: there are plenty
[11:56] Pulkit Thnks fabricius
[11:57] fabricius Pulkit: are you registered at tiki.org already?
[11:57] Pulkit yes
[11:58] fabricius documentation: http://doc.t.o forum: tiki.org/forum
[11:58] fabricius http://tiki.org/forum
[11:58] ravi we made profile page like facebook profile page functionality wise ...is that possible in tiki?? means create template where user fill that information and after that show that information?
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[12:00] fabricius the better you draft your question, the more the chance to get a quick helpful response
[12:02] fabricius ravi: I regret not to have time to look into that now ... if you would write into the forum, here in the IRC we get a notice about a nwe forum threat ... and we see new forum posts on the tiki.org website in a module
[12:03] fabricius there you could describe your project and question in a few more sentences ... I might get a chance to look at this tomorrow, or maybe today somebody else will see it and has an idea
[12:03] ravi fabricius : thanks
[12:03] fabricius np
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[12:08] ravi hi kstingel
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[12:33] jonnyb oktoberpolom
[12:36] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Omission in layout.css - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=45348
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[13:16] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43334 03trunk/installer/schema/20121009_module_search_box_to_search_tiki.sql
[13:16] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [MOD] schema to replace search_box modules with search (search_box has been deprecated for several versions)
[13:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43335 10trunk/modules/mod-func-search.php
[13:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] search: Make search module legacy mode work like search_box (for some reason help was dependant on fulltext mysql search?)
[13:18] jonnyb hay woot - the commit messages are back! :)
[13:18] jonnyb was that you Caarrie|away?
[13:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43336 10trunk/ 04modules/mod-func-search_box.php 04templates/modules/mod-search_box.tpl
[13:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [KIL] remove files for old search_box module
[13:20] Caarrie|away no it is changi
[13:22] jonnyb coo - i like the pretty colours too - bravo changi!
[13:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43337 10trunk/ 10lib/search/searchlib-unified.php 10lib/smarty_tiki/block.filter.php
[13:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] search: Add visits to search sort modes (involves indexing visit data but it's just one number per object)
[13:23] Caarrie|away i dont like all the colors some are hard to read
[13:24] jonnyb is it according to filetype? looks like it (need to find a js file to change just to see the colour! :) )
[13:24] Caarrie|away would have to ask changi
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[14:47] ravi hi
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[14:49] ravi i want to add questions and there four option in radio button below the question using tracker.............but the radio button not shown below the question......how to solve the issue
[14:56] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: how to use timer in tiki page? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=3&comments_parentId=45349
[14:59] jonnyb hi ravi - not sure i understand - can explain more?
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[15:02] ravi i had uploaded test on tiki page and i want user should complete it within a given time thats why i wanted to use timer on my page
[15:04] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43338 10trunk/ 10css/admin.css 10templates/prefs/multicheckbox.tpl
[15:04] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] prefs: Better (unsorted list) layout for multicheckbox prefs
[15:04] jonnyb so this is a tracker form of some sort?
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[15:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43339 10trunk/ 10templates/filter.tpl 10lib/prefs/search.php
[15:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] search: Change search_default_where pref to be a checkbox list (so you can set default search object types to say, "wiki page" or "articles")
[15:10] RobertPlummer polom all
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[15:13] jonnyb hi RobertPlummer, long time no poloms :)
[15:13] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Was out of town, and before that working on an on-site install.
[15:13] RobertPlummer I'm back in the captain's chair now.
[15:13] jonnyb :D
[15:13] vmachine left #tikiwiki
[15:14] jonnyb did you see Marc's email about how i broke the draw icons for the img plugin? i just wrapped the whole bit of code in an if as it was throwing errors about galleryId not being set...
[15:15] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I must have missed that one.
[15:15] RobertPlummer What file?
[15:16] jonnyb wikiplugin_img
[15:16] jonnyb http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/tikiwiki/?rev=43172&view=rev
[15:17] jonnyb galleryId isn't a real parameter for {img}, so i was guessing you were using it in some sort of undocumented way...
[15:21] RobertPlummer What line?
[15:21] RobertPlummer nm
[15:22] jonnyb donw at the bottom of the file
[15:23] RobertPlummer fgalId is probably what I wanted
[15:25] jonnyb this needs fixing now in trunk and 9.x - i'll do the back/fore-port if you can work out what's needed
[15:25] jonnyb nice to fix for 9.2 (which must be due soon)
[15:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43340 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Query.php
[15:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [NEW] Added delete method to tracker query, it first queries, then deletes the items from the query
[15:26] RobertPlummer ok, sounds good, I will take care of it first thing.
[15:26] jonnyb thanks R
[15:27] RobertPlummer jonnyb: It it isn't a real param, how come it is listed at the top?
[15:27] RobertPlummer Did you do that?
[15:27] jonnyb oh? (don't think so)
[15:27] RobertPlummer In the revision you sent, it is not there.
[15:27] RobertPlummer However, in trunk, it is.
[15:27] jonnyb what's not? gerreryId?
[15:27] jonnyb galleryId i mean
[15:28] RobertPlummer yes
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[15:28] RobertPlummer trunk, line 328
[15:28] jonnyb seems to get set to '' but not set anywhere else
[15:29] jonnyb and there is a param called fgalId, which presumably is for the galleryId, no?
[15:30] RobertPlummer I would assume so.
[15:30] jonnyb that one says: Numeric ID of a file gallery. Displays all images from that gallery
[15:31] jonnyb i don't know what your one was supposed to do as it seems it was never set
[15:31] jonnyb $dbinfo['galleryId'] is used earlier on in the file, maybe that's the one you need?
[15:32] jonnyb (assuming dbinfo gets set)
[15:39] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Are you getting any funded work that has to do with spam blocking?
[15:40] jonnyb did have some, but have done most of it - mainly stopping spam registrations
[15:40] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I was thinking, it is getting increasingly hard to stop spam, on my site I get tons of it.
[15:41] jonnyb user trackers now work - just adding a "why do you want to register" mandatory question seems to put 99.9% of them off
[15:42] RobertPlummer Are there instructions?
[15:42] RobertPlummer What about already existing users?
[15:42] jonnyb for user trackers? try doc.tiki.org/user+tracker maybe?
[15:43] jonnyb not much progress on existing ones, expcept you can now sort the lists by "never logged in" etc
[15:43] RobertPlummer But they do log in, that is how they are bypassing things like captcha
[15:45] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Anyway, I'm fixing it for the time being with the following command:
[15:46] RobertPlummer Tracker_Query::tracker('Contact us')
[15:46] RobertPlummer ->byName()
[15:46] RobertPlummer ->filterFieldByValue('Your name', 'Their name which is always the same')
[15:46] RobertPlummer ->limit(999999)
[15:46] RobertPlummer ->delete();
[15:46] RobertPlummer :)
[15:47] RobertPlummer Thing about automation, data repeats much of the time. They use the same name, so it makes it easy to detect and kill.
[15:53] fabricius joined #tikiwiki
[16:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43341 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Query.php
[16:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] Gave access to bulk mode
[16:16] RobertPlummer jonnyb: fixed
[16:16] RobertPlummer waiting for commit msg.....
[16:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43342 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_img.php
[16:18] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] draw icon needed galleryId from db, not from plugin
[16:18] RobertPlummer There we go.
[16:19] jonnyb thanks Robert - will bp to 9.x shortly
[16:20] RobertPlummer I get an error from imagecreatefromstring, let me see if I can sort it out.
[16:20] RobertPlummer It is thrown because it will not work with svg.
[16:25] RobertPlummer ok, got it sorted.
[16:25] RobertPlummer committing
[16:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43343 10trunk/lib/images/gd.php
[16:26] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] can't use imagecreatefromstring with svg, detect images that start with " tags are treated like
[19:12] RobertPlummer They don't go and get the js files and run them as an application.
[19:12] fabricius joined #tikiwiki
[19:12] RobertPlummer I could be wrong, but that is what I thought happened when they don't support javascript, they don't run it.
[19:13] jonnyb in html 3 it wasn't so organised
[19:14] RobertPlummer I'm svn up'ing the sites so I can see what is going on.
[19:20] RobertPlummer But we are now into html 5, right?
[19:20] RobertPlummer I mean tiki is html 5.
[19:20] jonnyb almost entirely :)
[19:21] RobertPlummer So then could it be said that this feature is no longer required?
[19:21] jonnyb i'd like to find a better js detect method - i seem to remember jquery.com use a good (simple) one
[19:21] RobertPlummer Can't we just build a module that could be displayed if there was no javascript?
[19:21] RobertPlummer Ie it is displayed by default, and javascript removes it.
[19:22] RobertPlummer If it were a module, it'd be easy to display to end users.
[19:22] jonnyb ew, sounds messy
[19:22] RobertPlummer It is a module, it doesn't have to be turned on.
[19:22] jonnyb what would it have in it?
[19:23] arildb jonnyb: I recently tried out jcapture and it's really good for reporting from the screen (See: http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-index.php?page=For+Arild). The process is a bit different, than I've been used to, but once "discovered" it's really fast and easy!
[19:23] arildb Unfortunately it doesn't work in WYSIWYG
[19:23] RobertPlummer
[19:23] RobertPlummer
Your browser doesn't support javascript, to get the most out of Tiki, try using a browser with it enabled.
[19:23] jonnyb thanks arildb - marclaporte put most of it together
[19:24] arildb I did some debugging and it seems to come down to an empty "command string" being returned for CkEditor
[19:24] arildb I still haven't figured out what the right command is....
[19:25] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Also, the new parser is reaching a point to which we can start to incoporate wysiwyg, I'd LOVE to get your help in it when you get some free time in the future. I really think you'll like working in the new parser.
[19:25] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I even have a plan to keep using ckeditor using a reverse parser back to wiki syntax.
[19:25] jonnyb arildb: i'll take a look (it's on my list)
[19:25] RobertPlummer jonnyb: The shell already exists, the handler and negotiator for ckeditor.
[19:26] jonnyb RobertPlummer: that's what it does at the moment
[19:26] RobertPlummer but that is a project for another day
[19:26] RobertPlummer Does it parser on the DOM level?
[19:27] jonnyb yes, but not in a very pretty way
[19:27] RobertPlummer ie, if ($(this).hasClass('tiki-strike')) {return "--" + $(this).html() + "--}
[19:27] jonnyb in editlib.php
[19:27] jonnyb no, it does it in php
[19:27] arildb jonnyb: the problem seems to come from function getWysiwygToken( $areaId ) in toolbarlib.php line1572. The call $this->getSyntax($areaId) returns an empty string
[19:28] RobertPlummer jonnyb: The only way for it to work right (that I can see) is to do a full conversion from DOM to wiki wyntax. This can be done either on the client side or server side.
[19:28] jonnyb arildb: ah - probably because i forgot to fill it in! :)
[19:28] arildb $exec_js = str_replace('&', '&', $this->getSyntax($areaId)); // odd?
[19:28] arildb $this->setupCKEditorTool($exec_js, $this->name, $this->label, $this->icon);
[19:29] arildb I am not familiar with setupCKEditorTool
[19:29] jonnyb it's some shared js code to add the button etc in ckeditor
[19:29] arildb if you know what to fill in, I'm happy to test it for you
[19:30] jonnyb will do, thanks
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[19:45] fabricius polom
[19:45] RobertPlummer polom
[19:46] fabricius pls tell me, who had the idea of the floating editbuttons?
[19:46] jonnyb hi fabricius - floating?
[19:46] arildb fabricius: Do you mean the floating command line, like dokuwiki?
[19:47] fabricius yes
[19:47] fabricius RobertPlummer: is there a script existing or in sight for converting a latin_1 database to an ut8 database in a way, that we can prevent or repair html entity problems?
[19:47] fabricius arild yes ... your idea?
[19:48] fabricius arildb: could you send me a screenshot of this pls?
[19:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43353 10trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php
[19:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] jcapture: Enable capture in wysiwyg (thanks marclaporte and arildb for the reminder)
[19:48] fabricius arildb: if it is that, what I think what it is, I would like to take this onto the website revamp ... implementing it on the demo site
[19:48] arildb it's from our review of Dokuwiki functionality. There are a couple of other ones too. See: http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-index.php?page=For+Arild
[19:49] arildb a revamp of the Tiki look would be great! The current look can be made much more attractive
[19:49] marclaporte http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/ is now at latest trunk, ready for someone to test WYSIWYG / jCapture
[19:50] arildb already fixed?
[19:50] jonnyb hopefully :)
[19:51] fabricius marclaporte: I have an encoding issue with flash/jcapture with Linux (Linux in general or Ubuntu) -> I want to find a general solution for that, but need a while for more research
[19:51] arildb wow, that's quick. I cannot enter WYSIWYG mode on demo. I'll try locally
[19:52] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43354 10trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php
[19:52] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] toolbars: setSyntax is called from a static function, so needs to be public
[20:01] arildb jonnyb: FF error console reports an error:
[20:01] arildb Timestamp: 10.10.2012 01:00:17
[20:01] arildb Error: ReferenceError: event is not defined
[20:01] arildb Source File: http://l5/tikidev/tiki-editpage.php?page=jcapture+test
[20:01] arildb Line: 2589
[20:01] arildb No screencapture window opens
[20:01] arildb ...was testing in wysiwyg mode
[20:02] jonnyb event? hmm...
[20:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43355 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Query.php
[20:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Split each query up into it's own part
[20:02] jonnyb can you get it to break on the error?
[20:03] * jonnyb tests
[20:03] RobertPlummer *scratches head*
[20:03] RobertPlummer *As he has been doing for hours*
[20:03] jonnyb what's the difference?
[20:04] jonnyb except for the home page text
[20:04] RobertPlummer That is it.
[20:04] RobertPlummer Tracker data
[20:04] RobertPlummer and homepage.
[20:05] jonnyb but js seems to work on both for me
[20:05] RobertPlummer It is probably a browser detection issue, I'm on firefox.
[20:05] RobertPlummer checking chrome...
[20:05] jonnyb i'm on safari
[20:06] RobertPlummer chrome works
[20:07] jonnyb i get different dialogs when i select text
[20:07] arildb jonnyb: The "event" reported may come from tiki-jcapture.js, and the (first) function openJCaptureDialog(area, page, event) {
[20:07] jonnyb on trunk2 i don't seem to get the first "suggestions" dialog
[20:07] RobertPlummer jonnyb: on webcompendia?
[20:07] RobertPlummer ok
[20:08] RobertPlummer jonnyb: If you select a whole sentence, you won't get a suggestion.
[20:08] RobertPlummer jonnyb: It will only pop-up if you get a partial.
[20:08] RobertPlummer .... or, um, it should ;)
[20:08] jonnyb arildb: i'll try on fx
[20:10] RobertPlummer jonnyb: In firefox on ubuntu I get this artefact only on trunk2 -> ""
[20:11] jonnyb odd indeed
[20:11] RobertPlummer what is bothersome about this... I can't debug locally, I have to do it through ssh.
[20:12] jonnyb how about trying some var_dump hacking?
[20:12] RobertPlummer That is what I'm doing now.
[20:13] jonnyb arildb: have the event error here - oddly it's fine in safari - not sure where the event it supposed to come from (yet)
[20:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03amette r43356 10trunk/ 10tiki-install.php 10templates/tiki-install.tpl
[20:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] Show all errors to give users a clue why their installation fails
[20:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] On a fresh install default the Tiki to report problematic errors
[20:14] arildb I got stuck at that one too
[20:14] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I set an echo of $pref['javascript_enabled']; on line 26, and I get a big fat 'n'.
[20:15] RobertPlummer it is following the } else { of line 22 of javascript.php
[20:16] RobertPlummer If I set the 'n' in that else to 'y', the site is restored to working behavior.
[20:17] RobertPlummer Or better yet, if I just comment it out, the site works.
[20:18] RobertPlummer I'm not sure why we would want to set it if neither disableJavascript or $js_cookie have been set.
[20:18] jonnyb in cookies, trunk2 has runs_before_detec=1 (but on trunk it = 2)
[20:18] RobertPlummer Not sure what that means, any way to easily fix?
[20:19] jonnyb i just found 118 matches for javascript_enabled in trunk (less than i would have expected actually)
[20:19] jonnyb so big changes would mean lots of work
[20:25] RobertPlummer Is this a big fix?
[20:25] RobertPlummer I just want to fix it.
[20:26] jonnyb but what are you fixing? more like hiding whatever the difference between your servers is, no?
[20:27] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I commented it out to see where the problem was, seems it is elsewhere.
[20:27] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Do you think it is a small fix, or perhaps a much bigger one?
[20:28] jonnyb not sure what needs fixing exactly
[20:35] arildb jonnyb: I tried a screencapture in safari, and it did record a file. However, I am unable to view it. Error: "Flash player not available"
[20:36] jonnyb hmmm, yes - cke has it's own weird flash thing...
[20:36] jonnyb but the wiki plugin should work (maybe not in the editor though, but after you save)
[20:36] arildb Let me try it
[20:42] arildb jonnyb: I think I found a bug.
[20:42] marclaporte jonnyb: you da top dog! http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/WYSIWYG+jCapture
[20:42] arildb The movie url is in SEFURL format, even if SEFURL is off
[20:42] jonnyb woo - seems a little fragile though
[20:43] Harman joined #tikiwiki
[20:44] marclaporte ah, yes fragile like a young tree
[20:44] marclaporte but the force is strong in this one
[20:44] marclaporte http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-editpage.php?page=WYSIWYG+jCapture
[20:44] jonnyb :)
[20:45] Harman hey guys
[20:46] jonnyb arildb: the sefurl bit happens in wikiplugin_img so the bug's in there, i reckon
[20:46] arildb marclaporte: Notice how the title of the page is "Home". I seem to get that in my local trunk installation too
[20:47] Harman how to get fconnect to tiki
[20:48] marclaporte Harman: how is your site coming along?
[20:49] Harman its so awesome, *love for tiki*
[20:49] Harman i got the mobile thing configured too with specific modules for it
[20:50] Harman my friend asked me to add fbconnect to easy things for volunteers
[20:50] jonnyb hi Harman - fb login was broken last time i tried (or i just didn't get it set up right)
[20:51] jonnyb would be nice to have working
[20:51] Harman oh ok, i guess i can wait for a while till its developed
[20:52] arildb jonnyb: I could look for the SEFURL problem, but to be able to debug properly, I need jcapture running in IE
[20:52] Harman one more thing, how to stop spam? i get like 1-2 sign ups every 1 hour
[20:52] RobertPlummer jonnyb: Where is the cookie set for 'javascript_enabled'?
[20:52] Harman recaptcha doesnt seem to work much although better than captcha
[20:53] arildb Is anybody else experiencing that all(?) pages have the title "Home" displayed?
[20:53] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I see getCookie, but i do not see a setcookie.
[20:53] arildb that is running the latest trunk version
[20:53] RobertPlummer arildb: I have the issue
[20:54] fabricius joined #tikiwiki
[20:54] jonnyb RobertPlummer: setCookieSection (in php) for some reason
[20:55] arildb RobertPlummer: so, seems to be something that has arrived recently
[20:57] RobertPlummer jonnyb: there are 3 instances of setCookieSection, none of them have 'javascript_enabled' in them, so how is it being set?
[20:58] RobertPlummer Ah, I see line 33 now of javascript.php.
[20:58] jonnyb yes, it's set be js - that's the test (well, one of them)
[20:59] jonnyb line 29
[20:59] RobertPlummer Can't we just use get_browser?
[21:00] RobertPlummer $browser = get_browser(null, true);echo $browser['browser'];
[21:00] marclaporte There is a problem with http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-editpage.php?page=wysiwyg_sample_page plugins are not recognized (after the 1st one)
[21:00] jonnyb RobertPlummer: how can that tell if js is enabled?
[21:01] RobertPlummer the browser tells php, as the sample above shows.
[21:02] jonnyb but not about js - see http://uk1.php.net/manual/en/function.get-browser.php#41008
[21:03] refizul Is it possible to enable Captchas only for special wiki edits?
[21:03] RobertPlummer jonnyb: I forgot completly about