marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki rodrigoprimo: left #tikiwiki j0n3: left #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki refizul: error login: button switch leads to an error if user field is empty (module login_box doesn't show button switch in popup mode) marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki
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Hi... Just wondering if anyone can tell me how to find out the version of a tikiwiki that is already installed? I have admin login and FTP login.
I have to transfer a tikiwiki site over to a new server. rinnan: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki redflo: joined #tikiwiki Sp4rKy: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Help anybody! size text in articles. - fabricius: polom
just loving this ... somebody pops in, asks a question and disappears after only a few minutes ... grrr rinnan: haha, happens surprisingly often
I have a question though (and I'll remain logged in as long as these network issues we're having dont eject me) Tiki|bot: Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you!
Welcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! rinnan: is it possible to set up a category for wiki-pages that are supposed to be invisible to anyone but the author (and admins)? fabricius: yes, sure rinnan: I did enable the wiki_creator_admin feature but it seems my category permissions ovverides this setting fabricius: you need a group for the author
then limit the permission to this group rinnan: ah, that I did with success
I was thinking about one category for all users, so that I wont need to create a group for every user wanting this feature fabricius: if you need that frequently, you can activate to create a group for each user on registration (and i guess user creation) -> create a group for each user when create a user ... admin - community or admin - login or so
have to go - be back in a few hours
boss just called, I have to go to a customer
seas rinnan: thanks, will explore this vmachine: joined #tikiwiki
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polom refizul: hello marclaporte dhazel: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: refizul: how are things? refizul: progress with details
Tiki is really awesome - once you understand the philosophy things start to work well
I'm setting up a little demo to convince some people around.
Is it much effort to write an own theme? Hard to estimate... arildb_: joined #tikiwiki vmachine1: left #tikiwiki marclaporte: refizul: I am very pleased you feel this way. All the active people are obviously convinced, and it's nice to see that new people enjoy it.
for own theme: there are "theme options" which let you override part of an existing theme. Say you have a base theme, and you want 6 variations of colors (like we do for Five Alive)
That is quite fast, because you only maintain a portion refizul: Yes, I'll need this, too. But what's about to write a theme from scratch? How long would this take? A day? A week? A month?
I've got a lot of ideas for exhaustive usage of Tiki's capabilities. marclaporte: For someone who has already done themes? arildb: joined #tikiwiki refizul: For someone who is new in Tiki but knows about CSS marclaporte: Over a week for the 1st one, and then, less than a week for the next ones.
For a highly customized new design
We need to split down the work. 1- Make design / concept in a design software and get it approved 2- Convert the approved designed to HTML/CSS 3- Make a Tiki theme (Smarty templates/CSS files and surely some data in modules)
Also, it depends how many features are used. Say you want to make a full theme for all features because you want to contribute back (which is awesome), this is longer. But if it's only for local use, then, you only do the features you are using
luci at- and gary -at- are really really good and fast at doing steps 2 & 3 from above
For step #1, I feel it's good to have a designer who is local to the project and can sit down with the customer and really get a feel of what image we want to convey. But it can be done remotely as well of course
If it's to only do once, I would just see if one of them is available. If it's to do more than once, it makes sense to develop Tiki theming expertise and join :-) refizul: ok - I've got to find a designer first :-) marclaporte: Will you be doing several Tiki projects? refizul: I hope so - I'm not the only one to decide that, and the data migration is an issue. marclaporte: right.
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About data migration: my argument is that data migration is very hard/expensive and generally not fun. And thus, you need to choose your tools well so as to avoid as much as possible to have to do it. Tiki has a model and a track record which is second to none in terms of upgradeability and future-proofness. Tiki 1.9.0 was released on 2005-04-27 and you can upgrade all the way to Tiki10 and not lose any data or features. Depending lphuberdeau: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki dhz: joined #tikiwiki arildb: I am testing out surveys. Looking to get feedback from a set of users. However, I seem to be able to answer the survey multiple time as a single user...and the answers aggregate. Is it supposed to work this way? marclaporte: dunno but sounds strange
surveys and quizzes are not features which have active maintainers
surveys use case can mostly be done by trackers, but quizzes deserve to be better, so Tiki is a better e-learning platform refizul: about CSS and themes: would it be a good idea to parse CSS by PHP and use variables to assign colors and stuff? marclaporte: It is besing discussed: refizul: as first (quick and dirty?) step, without breaking too much things, we can just parse css by php and add the css header in each css file. But this solution needs apache to be configured to parse the css. maybe this can be done with another extension, like .phpcss or .php.css, so usual css is not affected
I nned a quick 'n dirty showcase and my idea is to use an existing theme option, copy it and modify it.
But: the positions where colour codes are are almost uncountable. RobertPlummer: joined #tikiwiki lphuberdeau: getting PHP to process css files is not a good idea
did you try the theme generator? Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Trackers, itemlink and referential integrity - fabricius: refizul lphuberdeau most css frameworks I have heard of, are made with Java Script marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki deeku: joined #tikiwiki coaboa: joined #tikiwiki RobertPlummer: polom all deeku: polom Robert
Robert, how do I invite you to connect to me on Linkedin? When I try, it asks me to enter your email address... arildb_: joined #tikiwiki lphuberdeau: fabricius: likely not to be the kind of javascript that executes in a browser context refizul: lphuberdeau: I didn't try yet. I'm still collecting info and options to run a site.
I want to change the colour scheme if an admin loggs into the system by another third level domain, but I don't want to write the whole colours to css. I'll check whether I can do it easier. lphuberdeau: the theme generator in tiki is essentially does that... jonnyb wrote it refizul: I found a site with some hints and stuff about the generator lphuberdeau: and if you just want to change colors, theme options are there for that
just a minimal file with a few color overrides in most cases fabricius: joined #tikiwiki changi: polom Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03sampaioprimo r43383 10trunk/lib/test/phpunit.php
tikiwiki typo lphuberdeau: joined #tikiwiki deeku: left #tikiwiki lphuberdeau: profiles.t.o profile listing should be back luciash: polom
anybody has a link how to quickly set up the calendar trackerview plugin ? lphuberdeau: it has very few arguments
minimally you need to set begin and end
trackerId if you want insertion to work
and it relies on unified search, so that has to work too luciash: hi louis, thanks, so is it done using trackerlist plugin ? what field do i need in tracker ? lphuberdeau: it is a plugin on its own luciash: ah, how is it named ? could not find it
perhaps it is not in 9.x, right ? marclaporte: lphuberdeau: xavi documented it: luciash: great, that is what i need, thanks
to both Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43386 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/List.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Diverged the entity portion of list management so that it is easily reusable in things like the expanding outline
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43387 10trunk/lib/ 10core/Feed/ForwardLink/Search.php 10core/Feed/TextLink.php 10core/Feed/ForwardLink/Send.php 10setup/events.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Make textLinks send only if they need to, but just after page is edited, to fit requirements better
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43388 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Query.php
tikiwiki [FIX] OR (sql) needed added for manual removal after result set is returned (php)
tikiwiki [ENH] Added variable limitReached, so we can determine if the limit was in-fact reached quickly
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43389 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_textlink.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Remove the needed to send on a textlink by textlink basis RobertPlummer: Who is deeku?
I didn't see his msg. lphuberdeau: joined #tikiwiki refizul: I need to rewrite my server test doc: how to check apache config? Write an interesting article, twitter it and check, if server survives. luciash: :) arildb: marclaporte: I am looking into the probem with norwegian characters in the page name, when using jcapture. (Maybe you saw the email on tiki-devel).
I have traced the problem back to the File contraller action_upload. The name that is supplied as the input does not seem to be encoded right, and thus gives a garbled page name
I believe it is the jcapture applet that sends the request and thus may fail to encode the url properly
I believe you are familiar with the jcapture applet.
Do you have achange to check this? redflo: joined #tikiwiki sylvieg: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03robertplummer r43390 10trunk/lib/core/ 10WikiPlugin/expandingoutline/list.php 10WikiPlugin/expandingoutline.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Finally after refactor of lists in JisonParser, the expanding outline is working with a bit of refactoring fabricius: polom
joined #tikiwiki luciash: hi torsten