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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03kstingel r43531 10trunk/styles/layout/layout.css
tikiwiki [FIX] added missing HTML5 section element to line 27
time_rjoined #tikiwiki [00:03]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jyhem r43532 10trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php
tikiwiki [REVERT] We had a discussion on dev list against this profile dependency in june 26th
......... (idle for 41mn)
Bsfezhttp://doc.tiki.org is down ? [00:59]
fabriciusit's up for me now [01:07]
refizulpolom [01:15]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Category tiki_p_edit permission are not applied while creating page. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45416 [01:19]
torsten ?
jonny ?
jonnybyes, sunday i think was at c-base in Berlin with amette [01:28]
kstingeljoined #tikiwiki [01:28]
jonnybneed t - brb [01:28]
kstingel1joined #tikiwiki [01:29]
Bsfezk [01:29]
fabriciusrehi everybody
hi Bsfez
here I am (torsten)
refizulhu? [01:30]
fabriciusjonnyb: so it was the 14 th [01:30]
refizulI missed something, then I was logged out
did I break the system? ;-?
kstingelso did I, I think ... [01:31]
fabriciusrefizul: we are just popping in from the webinar and continue some chats --- finishing sentences here we started there [01:31]
BsfezHi fabricius, jonnyb brb [01:31]
kstingelfabricius: was that in response to my query on which day was Tiki's birthday? [01:31]
fabriciusnope kstingel it was referred to the TikiFestBerlin3
it was Sunday
jonnyb and amette did meet up in Berlin
kstingelahh [01:33]
fabriciusso it has to be taken onto the list ;-) [01:33]
kstingelso what date is Tiki's birthday? ... I do have a reason for the question [01:33]
fabriciushmmm I do not know the actual date - marclaporte might know? or mose? [01:34]
kstingelmy family has 3 birthdays this month, I'm wondering who (if anyone) shares Tiki's :) [01:34]
jonnybwhat counts as "birthday" for tiki - the first release? [01:35]
fabriciushehe [01:35]
kstingelyup [01:35]
jonnybjonnyb checks https://tiki.org/display182
october 9th
kstingelI had a very interesting birthday present .... going on UTC time .... if I go by Australia/Queensland time, it was a few hours after :) [01:36]
fabriciusyupi Spica [01:36]
kstingelno sharesies ... we have 17th, 18th and 24th [01:37]
fabriciuskstingel: what you mean with "it was a few hours after"? [01:37]
kstingeland before anyone asks ..... too old to count 'em anymore
according to my clock, the webinar started @ 5AM on the 19th
fabriciuskstingel: if I had three birthdays a month I would be old aswell - maybe the oldest tikian alive ever [01:38]
kstingelso I'm going by Tiki's clock :)
I said my family ... not me lol
fabriciusTikis clock seems to be UTC, isn't it? [01:39]
kstingeldaughter (i7th), self (18th), niece (24th)
*17th even
and yes, as far as I'm aware Tiki is UTC
fabriciusahhhh hey guys - kstingel has still birthday at UTC/Tiki timezone
let's sing
refizul...so sad the t.o/live doesn't work - just made browser+flash run on the machine with my headset [01:41]
fabricius*happy birthday to you* [01:41]
kstingelonly for the next 20 mins [01:41]
fabriciusrefizul: tip: next time call in from skype for free [01:41]
jonnybhappy birthday kstingel! [01:42]
kstingelty all :) [01:42]
fabriciusI did write this on the live page a few days ago [01:42]
Bsfezjonnyb: back ? [01:42]
fabriciusit worked pretty good for me
chat and presentation via flash and audio via skype works refizul
jonnybBsfez: yup [01:43]
fabricius*the bbb guys are developing a HTML5 client at the moment, maybe ready to test early next year* [01:44]
kstingelI didn't try it with Firefox, because FF is eating up my RAM atm ... but it ran good on Chrome + Windon't 7 ..... Opera doesn't like flash (on my syst) [01:44]
refizulkstingel: really? <singing mode="loud" participants="all">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU</singing> [01:44]
fabriciushehehe [01:44]
Bsfezok fabricius jonnyb can we set a time for a meeting to organize ? [01:44]
kstingel**blush** aww, shucks guys [01:44]
fabriciusok jonnyb Bsfez ... thinking about my times [01:45]
Bsfezsure i've posted mine :) [01:45]
refizulfabricius: skype makes my computer freeze [01:45]
fabriciusRAM or OS? [01:45]
kstingelthrow a towel over it's back to keep it warm? [01:45]
refizulfabricius: RAM [01:45]
kstingel*feels sheepish at my attempted joke now* [01:46]
refizulfabricius: besides that I've got some objections regarding skype (is not Free Software, it's too close to US government...) [01:47]
fabriciusBsfez jonnyb tomorrow a few hours in the train without Internet .... but can choose when I go ... just need to attend in Austria not too late in the evening (meet a customer) ... I can chat before and/or after [01:47]
Bsfezso jonnyb ? :) [01:47]
jonnybBsfez & fabricius: posted where? [01:47]
Bsfezby email [01:48]
jonnybmore or less anytime tomorrow before about 18:00 utc ok by me [01:48]
BsfezI'll be available from (my time) : 9h00 to 12h00 and then 14h00 to 18h00. I can be online night if necessary (but i fear will be less productive). [01:48]
refizultwo new: the bad one: I was too late for the webinar / the good one: meeting with a business partner, convinced him to give Tiki a try [01:48]
Bsfezi'm gmt+2 [01:48]
refizul+s [01:48]
jonnybBsfez: think that mail got lost [01:48]
kstingel*sniff* I can take a hint ... I'll stick ti coding, not comedy^^^ [01:48]
fabriciusrefizul: skype these days simply stays an interims solution - the only stuff that these times really works for nearly everybody, quick setup for non-techies, all major platforms and stable [01:48]
Bsfezk [01:48]
refizulfabricius: besides stable - I agree [01:49]
Bsfezutc mean 16h00 4 me so i guess it is ok [01:49]
fabriciusrefizul: if you wanna test jitsi and other stuff as alternatives develop, just do with amette and me ... both are keen on a real godd free and save alternative, that meets the needs [01:49]
Bsfezmay be late for fabricius [01:49]
fabriciusrefizul: more stable than most "alternatives" [01:50]
refizulfabricius: I used jitsi before - seems to do the job. linphone is ok, too [01:50]
BsfezJyhem: ? [01:50]
fabriciushmm 18 UTC = 20 CET (GMT+1) and thus I simply have to be arrived in Austria about an hour in advance (head off here around lunch time) ... [01:51]
jonnybso Bsfez, if we meet up here 15:00 (your time) onwards? (13:00 utc) [01:51]
fabricius: ?
jonnyb18:00 too late for me i mean [01:52]
refizulfabricius: don't mix it up with CEST ;-) [01:52]
fabriciusrefizul: I didn't get jitsi reliably and stable working ... no real voice chat
refizulfabricius: no, CET = +1 , CEST = +2 [01:53]
kstingelback in a bit ... need coffee [01:54]
fabriciusOK, I am CEST? but it is October [01:54]
refizulkstingel: coffee? which timezone? [01:54]
fabriciuskstingel: at THIS time?
ah you do not drink your coffee UTC
refizulfabricius: 10 more days CEST [01:54]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [01:55]
fabriciusrefizul: I am wondering, if my clock will autoswitch to CST ... am afraid that not [01:55]
refizulrefizul: which OS?
fabriciushehe Tiki [01:55]
refizulfabricius: which OS? [01:55]
BsfezLOL fabricius… plz it is 2 oclock here i come at 6 every day can we fix the time for the meeting. :D [01:56]
fabriciusrefizul: err not Tiki - JavaScript
oops Bsfez sry, yes
*no talk to fabricius until time with Bsfez is fixed please*
refizulah - no idea. I know for sure timeswitch works on Linux systems. [01:57]
Bsfezok jonnyb fabricius: tomorrow 13h UTC on irc [01:57]
jonnybso we talking about this time? http://tinyurl.com/9kx3858 [01:57]
Bsfezgood night all [01:57]
jonnybnitenite [01:57]
refizulI observed it live 15 of 20 times the last years
gn8 Bsfez
fabriciusBsfez jonnyb THAT is maybe one of the worst times for me [01:57]
BsfezLOL smart thinking jonnyb yes that time. :)
jonnybew - fabricius - earlier or later? [01:58]
fabriciuswill be in the train in any case by then [01:58]
Bsfezok [01:58]
fabriciusbest ... 12 cest = 10 utc [01:58]
Bsfezearlier is easy 4 me, later i'll be short on time [01:58]
fabriciusor late in the evening [01:58]
jonnybout in the evening, so earlier? [01:59]
fabricius10 utc - I will head off to train after meeting with you
ok early
Bsfez12h… is not an easy one as i post...
earlier is good
fabriciusah mom, recheck the post [01:59]
refizuljonnyb: in Britain it's called summertime? I always wondered about English, because US calls ist daylight time. This was my lesson for today, THX :-) [02:00]
BsfezI'll be available from (my time) : 9h00 to 12h00 and then 14h00 to 18h00. I can be online night if necessary (but i fear will be less productive). [02:00]
fabriciusah 9 to 12 you did
yes just re read the mail
jonnybyeah, it's just like summer here :) [02:00]
fabricius9 is maybe to early for jonny as it is 8? [02:00]
BsfezIn here it is half day work so got the kids to pick up at 12h [02:01]
jonnybhttp://tinyurl.com/9g33t2n [02:01]
Bsfezgood 4me
i'll have 1h30. could be enought to plan
fabriciusgood to me aswell ... seems that we meet up at british tea time
(=irish tea time)
jonnybdone - better set an alarm :) [02:02]
fabriciusyou have 1:30? [02:02]
Bsfezsure… cu tomorrow my friends. :) [02:02]
jonnybplan? [02:02]
BsfezLOL [02:02]
jonnybnite nite [02:02]
fabriciusok so meeting 19th Oct. british tea time = 10BTT [02:03]
jonnybi'm off too [02:03]
refizulfabricius: irish is correct, but tea? *eg* [02:03]
jonnybit's always BTT [02:03]
Bsfezi'll be online for 1h30. (at 12h30 i must pick my babies) and this should be enough to plan task and set course for branching. [02:03]
fabriciusthat's why I said 10BTT [02:03]
jonnyb:) [02:03]
Bsfezok we are good ???! [02:03]
fabriciusrefizul: on irish building sites you have 10:00 to 10:30 tea brake
Bsfez: we are even great
jonnyball good [02:04]
Bsfezsweet dreams [02:04]
fabriciussleep well everybody [02:04]
jonnybnn [02:04]
fabriciusso I have to setup a few sites now [02:04]
refizulfabricius: I prefer beer break oO(...) [02:05]
fabriciuslast few with trunk ... will be branches, soon [02:05]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki
arf… fabricius : http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45416&amp;thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc#comments
if you got time to read it and we talk about it 2morrow it's cool.
refizulthere was a question I intended to ask, but I was not at the t.o/live webinar [02:06]
fabriciusrefizul: yeah, remembers me the times when german brickies had to get 10 halfs for that they could lay the bricks in a straight line after 9 or 10 o'clock
Bsfez ... check it right now, even you cannot read my answer anymore ,-)
refizulIs there something like a roadmap for Tiki? Not the release schedule, but a content related plan what to implement next?
uh - so silent suddenly?
Did I ask something outrageous?
JFTR: now there all dead...
Is there some Tiki stuff outside to offer at conferences? Buttons, T-Shirts, posters...?
Anyone who wants to attend FrOSCon 2013 (late August) next year?
I just answered Bernards question in the forum - not to forget it
need a fag and then will be back to discuss FrOSCon 2013
refizulfabricius: "JFTR" was a joke [02:23]
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg - maybe we could make a booth together?
we could make it a TikiFest, but need to sort out place to sleep
I must ask Jyhem, if we still have the Tiki banner in Europe
merchandizing stuff we do not have ... all T-Shirts are out
but I am cnsidering to make some T-Shirts ... should be nice ones and maybe for a start one color .... hmm mostlikely could not prefinance too many, but till August we might find a solution
marclaportefabricius: http://branding.tiki.org/Promotional+merchandise+store [02:35]
refizulfabricius: I'd appreciate not to be alone [02:35]
marclaportehttp://branding.tiki.org/T-shirts [02:35]
refizulwe'll need merchandising at least in August 2013 [02:36]
marclaporteyes, agreed. [02:37]
refizultopic switch for the moment:
fabriciusmoment with switch refizul pls [02:39]
marclaporteok, so 3 topics 1- Merchandise 2- permission check 3- roadmap [02:40]
I do not like the idea of a shop, where 95% goes to the external shop and the rest to Tiki ... or where the basis price is high and you cannot sell for less than 25 or 35 euro
on the other hand, we are not yet so far I think that we have capacity to setup a Tiki store on one of our sites and produce and ship by our selves
there must be s.th. in between
I might have an idea
putting back together a few old ideas
marclaporteThere are two objectives 1- To make it easy for people to buy Tiki-branded stuff and promote Tiki 2- Funding the Tiki Association IMO, 99% of the effort should go to #1 [02:42]
fabriciusmy housemate is working in a tailor shop [02:43]
refizulfabricius: not a shop - but some stuff for interested new people [02:43]
fabriciuswait pls
tmy housemade was a social worker; she is ... different in a positive way and open to projects, especially open source like ideas
the owner of the tailor shop aswell
there might be chances, that there could be a spot to ship stuff from the shop and certain merchandizing could be made
refizulIf I go to FrOSCon I need a donation can, there will be people to donate. But they need something in return: buttons, stickers, posters. Just a symbol. [02:48]
fabriciusthat's another point and a good idea [02:48]
marclaporterefizul: you can count on not being alone at FrOSCon. If you have a TikiFest before or after, I'll come to both [02:49]
refizulmarclaporte: I don't know whether I can organize something, but I do my best to help, initiiate and whatever my time allows [02:49]
fabriciusrefizul: did you already sign to the GLUG?
and the German mailing List?
refizulfabricius: not yet [02:50]
fabriciusshould do ... and then we start early to plan the TikiFest
and the booth
refizulabout permissioncheck : pd = permissioncheckdemo
compare with s/pd/trunk/ where it's disabled
marclaporterefizul: why is a dir and a file needed? [02:53]
fabriciusok, so I'll put my merchandising ideas in an e-mail the next days [02:53]
marclaportefabricius: put it on branding.tiki.org
Recording of webinar is at: http://tiki.org/October+2012+Webinar
fabriciusto permissioncheck: is the mentioning of the useraccountnumber necessary refizul marclaporte [02:54]
refizulmarclaporte: I'm not sure yet whether a dir is needed but I want to give as many hints to a user as possible, because the decision making is interactive anyway [02:55]
marclaporteok [02:55]
refizulfabricius: useraccountnumber? [02:55]
fabriciusmarclaporte: will discuss some oportunities here where I live and then discuss with you and a few people ... once that will become realistic, I'll post it on branding
refizul: by user w00ec615 and group w00ec615
refizuloh - OT - branding: stats is/was redirected to branding. Is this intended? [02:56]
fabricius700 w00ec615 w00ec615 drwx------ 700 permissioncheck/paranoia [02:57]
refizulfabricius: the user knows his own name, so this is not a big deal. A htaccess protection would be nice, I think about it [02:57]
fabriciusrefizul: I mean the user of the webaccount [02:57]
marclaportehttp://stats.tiki.org/ works for me [02:58]
fabriciushtacess protection maybe, but does not work everywhere [02:58]
refizulof course this should not be exposed in public web
this is the reason to disable it once check is done
fabriciusshould be disabled by default
I mean here on demo it is necessary to demonstrate and it makes no sense to deactivate, as we need to work with it
refizuldefault: disabled. I enabled it manually [03:00]
fabriciusah ok thx
didn't realise that
refizuljnow disabled again
default is: http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/permissioncheck/
fabriciusI do not know, if Leu made an extra account for demo - hope so and think so ... but if not, this would be his personal account data
have seen - sounds reasonable
marclaporte: do you know, if Leu made an extra account?
refizullet's talk about sec internal stuff with beginning [off] [03:03]
fabriciusups yes and better query [03:03]
marclaportebut there a costs involved, no? [03:05]
refizulmarclaporte: costs?
marclaporte: for the buttons...?
marclaporteto setup an extra account for the revamp stuff [03:06]
fabriciusno marc [03:07]
marclaportefabricius: will setup revamp.tiki.org and needs a space to host it
looks like I am mixed up. fabricius : can you re-explain ?
fabriciusI have space
I have databases
marclaporterefizul: [off] we have it at Goddy and easydns [03:08]
fabriciusI need the sub
if I should host
refizulmarclaporte: [off] before (!) refizul -- for the logging bot [03:08]
fabriciushehe looooooll [03:08]
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:08]
yes, easy. just email me what you need
refizulwe can do/setup a demo system at an free FTP hoster, a suphp demo, and more stuff [03:12]
marclaporteyes [03:13]
fabriciuswant to demonstrate a few ideas for landingpages, fixed topmostbar, fivealive cleanup on semiproductive mock-ups [03:13]
marclaporteI thought you wanted to get a new server somewhere [03:15]
fabriciusah no [03:15]
refizulah ok - dimiss it [03:15]
fabriciusI can setup ssh for each account seperately [03:15]
mlaportejoined #tikiwiki [03:16]
refizulone thing: I can offer ssh only at non-standard ports [03:16]
fabriciuswhat you mean? [03:16]
refizulthe number of virtual machines is much higher than IP addresses
you log in not by "ssh foo@bar" but by "ssh -p $other foo@bar" - the only difference. putty can handle that, too
usually the option -p is not needed, because always on default port 22, but all my setups are weired
fabriciusI have one IP, but several accounts ssh fooA.barA.com / ssh fooB.barB.org ... all standart port [03:19]
refizulfabricius: you don't have got different virtual machines in the background, do you? [03:20]
fabriciusssh fooA@barA.com / ssh fooB@barB.org sry misstyped
I don't think so ... hmm maybe that's the way they make u the subaccounts?
refizulyou cannot subaccount on domain level with ssh [03:21]
fabriciusdoes this make any difference? maybe in server capacity [03:21]
refizulno, port number is just a different virtual machine indicator [03:22]
marclaporterefizul: http://dev.tiki.org/RoadMap [03:23]
fabriciuswhatsoever, I can nearly oneclick create subaccounts of my shared serverspace - apply how many databases, mailaccs, etc. the account can use and then have this same as a shared hosting account [03:23]
refizuldon't mind - if you don't know what I'm talking about, you're not in "user seperation by VM" business -- I'm a non standard administrator and I do a lot of really strange stuff [03:24]
marclaporteTalking about servers, one day, we'll get to http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cms.tiki.devel/27784 [03:24]
refizulmarclaporte: can you email me this link with subject "Roadmap and release: important background info"?
this would make it well searchable in my email archive
RobertPlummerMobjoined #tikiwiki
left #tikiwiki
refizulmarclaporte: the Roadmap link is about too few information - from the point of view I think about what's going on
whatsoever - is it possible to meet in SIP phone call, maybe in a SIP conference room?
mlaportein restaurant on mobile client now, but in 30mins or so? [03:35]
refizulmlaporte: in 30min SIP would be fine
fabricius: do you know of a conference room and want to join?
mlaporteSIP is fine, but we also have an unrecorded room in BBB
you'll want to listen to mose's interview as it gives interesting background on Tiki
refizulif I can
I just activated jitsi for SIP
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [03:45]
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refizul[off} sooo cute - my SIP provider offers a test address with music, so you can check audio [03:53]
mlaportemlaporte is a fan of Jitsi [04:02]
refizulI feared that :-) [04:03]
fabricius: still alive? or sleeping? [04:11]
....... (idle for 31mn)
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [04:42]
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EO_joined #tikiwiki
File: lib/smarty_tiki/function.menu.php
Line: 49
Type: Undefined variable: drilldown
^^^ I have no idea what I did to cause that.
how do you get more info to figure out what's wrong?
heh, you can "Reports all PHP errors except notices". that seems like a bad fix for this :)
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [09:40]
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fabriciushi refizul sorry fell asleep ;-) [10:25]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [10:39]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [10:50]
dennmansjoined #tikiwiki [10:58]
Bsfezfabricius: hi
Jyhem: u are around ?
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4317 - - Tracker view item history doesn't store data from an admin changing the associated username in a tracker item - http://dev.tiki.org/item4317 [11:05]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
polom Bsfez and fabricius - sorry i'm a little late
BsfezHello Jonny i'm here fabricius seams to be outscreen
we keep on irc or bbb ? (or skype) ?
i was about to say; skype's good for fabricius but he just went offline :)
ravi_joined #tikiwiki [11:12]
Bsfezlol [11:13]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [11:13]
Bsfezmy Skype : bernard_sfez [11:13]
ravi_hi....i create directory for adding in my profle page but how i link that direcory in my page?
can someone help me?
Bsfezsry ravi_ we have a conf meeting and little time… may be later or someone else will come up. [11:14]
ravi_i want create my page like below link :-
..... (idle for 21mn)
Bsfez: ok np
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dennmansleft #tikiwiki [11:54]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Admin_Forums - adding additional prune_values - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45425 [13:15]
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i want to show direcory in my profile page which like facebook profile page...how to insert link of directory on it.....for example link is below
jonnybhi ravi_ - directory like a list of files on the filesystem? [15:14]
ravi_but how to link it on my profle page? [15:15]
jonnybnot sure what you mean - "profile page"? a page with a tiki profile on it? [15:15]
ravi_i want to modify it with add some additional things in tikiwiki
like below link:-
ricks99ravi_: are you simply trying to add a link to from a page? [15:17]
ravi_ok [15:17]
jonnybit's just a wiki page - you can put links in as you wish [15:17]
and i want to make a page where user add there information and then that information show.
ricks99you can put anything you want on a wiki page [15:18]
ravi_means how to insert record in database of tiki and fetch itthat records from database [15:19]
ricks99it uses a tracker [15:20]
ravi_we can make form like below link:- [15:21]
ricks99have you loaded the profile to your site? [15:21]
ravi_http://shawnadler.com/tiki-index.php?page=Social+Networking+Private+Profile+Page [15:21]
ricks99yes. that is a profile
you can add that profile to your site
ravi_but right now it's static....i want to make profile page dynamic like every user add there information and it's updated and everyone see it [15:22]
ricks99thats what the profile does [15:23]
ravi_ya right
but how can i do that?
ricks99by applying the profile to your site [15:24]
ravi_how to create profile ? [15:24]
ricks99are you trying to create a custom tiki profile? or simply apply one to your site?
please see docs: http://profiles.tiki.org for details
ravi_i will check it....thanks for help [15:26]
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:28]
jonnyboff out, bbl [15:30]
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Hi all
luciashpolom [16:38]
BsfezYou're welcome [16:40]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [16:43]
luciashamette: or anyone... how to make my remote irssi in screen beep again ? :) [16:46]
Bsfez1We need to give a name to TW 10.
Here my selection: Alnath (traditional name fo Beta Tauri - visible in November), Sham (traditional name for Alpha Sagittae), Tetha Herculis or Sun which is a star :)
luciashI like the Sun :)
what is "traditional name" ?
Bsfez1yeah me too, i need to be confirmed with that… :)
the first name gaven (usually arabs) then changed to latin
explanation approx
luciashi think we should stick to latin [17:02]
Bsfez1anyway Sun !
luciashso Sol ?
if that is latin :-p
Bsfez1Yes [17:03]
luciashnot sure if Jonny already did not propose some on dev list or on some wikipage [17:03]
Bsfez1i guess not we talked about it…. and … i was named to choose the star ! :D
Sun is sun : http://earthsky.org/space/what-is-the-suns-name
funny that all the star names visible in November have been already used to name TW.
kstingeldoes anyone recall who it was provided the link to the API JavaDoc pages (@ yesterday's Webinar)?
I would like to get the script and replicate it locally, so I can try to fix some of the errors :)
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [17:22]
Bsfez1polom Marc [17:23]
marclaportepolom Bsfez1 [17:26]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [17:27]
luciashkstingel: see the recorded session [17:27]
Bsfez1i've made some update (following yours) on tiki10 [17:28]
luciashkstingel: https://tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=October%202012%20Webinar [17:29]
Bsfez1Lu i confirm Sun is Sun, with the moon no scientific name so that's cool [17:30]
jonnybpolom [17:30]
kstingelluciash: thanks for the link [17:30]
jonnybdoes seem odd there's no more "fancy" name for our local star [17:30]
luciashi see jonnyb enters the woods
jonnybhi luciash [17:31]
rodrigoprimoleft #tikiwiki [17:31]
Bsfez1we can invent one if you want Jonny :D
I though about Sol or Solaris but not true.
j0n3_joined #tikiwiki [17:35]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43533 10trunk/ 10(10 files in 10 dirs)
tikiwiki [MOD] (optionally) index users in unified search
jonnybyay, indexing users for lucene - good one! [17:39]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43534 10trunk/tiki-admin_modules.php
tikiwiki [FIX] modules: Catch exception thrown by Smarty when a custom module with an error in it is about to be assigned
marclaporte1joined #tikiwiki [18:23]
luciashBsfez1: on http://nextdev.tiki.org/Tiki10 it says Powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware v10.0pre (SVN) "Herbig Haro"
Bsfez1: so was not "Herbig Haro" already chosen as star name for Tiki 10 ? :-/
jonnybHerbig Haro is/was tiki 9 [18:27]
luciashah, ok, all right then :) [18:27]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43535 10branches/9.x/tiki-admin_modules.php
tikiwiki [bp/r43534][FIX] modules: Catch exception thrown by Smarty when a custom module with an error in it is about to be assigned
jonnybBsfez1: do you want to fix that? Or shall i? (i can tell you how) [18:28]
luciashI love that in Tiki 10 the right columns swicthing is fixed and works fine again :) [18:28]
jonnybi fixed it (but then, i broke it too ;) ) [18:29]
luciashgood boy :) [18:29]
jonnybalthough i've just noticed it goes a bit weird in module admin if a column is hidden [18:29]
Bsfez1here sry
i will change
but what about the name Lu
"it says Powered by Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware"
luciashBsfez1: all right, Sun is good
Bsfez1: that is whole official long name
jonnybLu? is a star? [18:32]
Bsfez1u think we should remove wiki /
jonnybdon;t go there! :) [18:32]
Bsfez1LOL [18:32]
luciashBsfez1: short name is Tiki [18:33]
Bsfez1;) [18:33]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43536 10trunk/ 10lib/userslib.php 10templates/messu-broadcast.tpl 10messu-broadcast.php
tikiwiki [MOD] Allow to specify which groups can broadcast to specific groups
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:34]
Bsfez1i need specific authentication to go to nextdev ? [18:35]
marclaporteBsfez1: the pop-up tells you the password [18:35]
luciash2012, 10 years anniversary, Tiki 10, it deserves special star name like Sun :) [18:35]
marclaporteBsfez1: http://tiki.org/Pre-Dogfood+Server [18:35]
Bsfez1marclaporte: LOL [18:36]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:49]
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jonnybleft #tikiwiki [19:22]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43537 10branches/9.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] 9.x is stable branch (since 9.0)
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43538 10third_party/ 10jquery/jquery-tiki-readme.txt 10jquery/jquery-ui-selectmenu/ui/jquery.ui.selectmenu.js
tikiwiki jQuery UI Selectmenu version 1.3.0
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jdjoined #tikiwiki [21:01]
I have recently upgraded from TikiWiki 6 LTS to 9.1 and my file gallery security is no longer working.
all galleries are visibale no mater what the security settings
I had the security set where users and groups could only see there gallaries but now all galleries are visiable even to anonymous users.
how can I re-establish the perviouse behavior?
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [21:07]
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luciashGuest11927: each gallery can have its own permissions set or you can assign each of the file gals to a category with those perms set [21:19]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r43539 10trunk/ 10(12 files in 8 dirs)
tikiwiki [MOD] Make user events follow the common interface, include tracker fields in the indexed user data, get the user updated when the associated tracker items are modified
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r43540 10trunk/lib/ 10parser/parserlib.php 10core/JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] new parser/wysiwyg: Use cke htmlChars always, obey incoming options for is_html etc & don't assume html (let the {textarea} decide)
tikiwiki Strangely some plugins come out double encoded (e.g. {img} & {flash} bad, but {code} good, but still better...)
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [21:34]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03yonixxx r43541 10trunk/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [Rel]Release 10 has a star name
BsfezAmette, you are around ?
amette: ?
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [22:08]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r43542 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_bigbluebutton.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Must specify params in create call
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4318 - - Spreadsheet formulas not working in Tiki 9 - http://dev.tiki.org/item4318 [22:22]
RobertPlummerpolom all. [22:26]
arildbjoined #tikiwiki
When does BBB start recording? I cannot see a start record button. Did set Recording "on" in the plugin settings.
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03pkdille r43543 10trunk/permissioncheck/ 10functions.php.inc 10permission_granted.php.inc 10permission_print.php.inc 10usecases.php.inc
tikiwiki No changes - code styling only
tikiwiki 03RobertPlummer r43544 10branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_googleanalytics.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Google analytics needed updated, was failing
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marclaportearildb: BBB starts when someone joins a room, and stops when the last person leaves [23:27]
arildbok, but I could not see any new recordings in the list after I entered a room. Tried in the trunk version. [23:28]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r43545 10trunk/tiki-admin.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Ability to highlight and scroll to a specific pref if we force it to
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luciashre-polom [23:56]
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luciashhi fab [23:59]

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