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jonnybchangi: been trying debugging search/shell.php but not getting anywhere - too tired i think
+1 hour for you though
.... (idle for 19mn)
changijonnyb: still there ? [00:20]
jonnybjust about [00:20]
changijonnyb: found it, dddddddddddddaaaaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddddd parser
jonnyb:D [00:20]
jacmoejoined #tikiwiki [00:23]
changimy dirty fix : + if (preg_match('/{REDIRECT/', $this->value))
+ return "";
Alias is broken in parser so lucene cannot index it
i think i read something about that on the mailing list last week
jonnyb: i wish sometime to find a bug which is not related to the parser :)
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [00:26]
jonnybmost alias tests seem ok for me in 10.x - examples? [00:27]
changijonnyb: when i exlude page which containt {REDIRECT plugin it's working [00:27]
jonnybactually via email pls - needs to sleep now
sounds like {redirect} needs seem sort of "if not indexing" check
changijonnyb: need to sleep too [00:29]
jonnybmore tomorrow then, thanks for your efforts :)
........... (idle for 50mn)
refizuldatabase down? dev/doc [01:20]
changirefizul: yes refresh in progress
refizul: back online
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arildb_joined #tikiwiki [01:46]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: wkhtmltopdf on windows - tiki 9.2 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45611 [01:57]
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quick suggestion for the API Doc generation ...
would it be worth adding phpDocumentor2 to the third_party tools, then we could use a custom "phpdoc.xml" config file to create the API Docs under <base>/docs/api ... then admins could create the docs (locally) if they want them
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rinnanleft #tikiwiki
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jacmoejoined #tikiwiki [10:09]
Bsfezpolom [10:12]
luciashhi Bsfez
do u get dev list messages twice too ?
BsfezHello Luciash, tks for your feedback, yes pdf prob was server config
i don;t get double messages
luciashok, must be only me [10:14]
Bsfezi guess some other would have talked about it. [10:15]
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [10:29]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4346 - - Uploading files into a file gallery fails from within a tracker with files larger than approx. 600 kByte - http://dev.tiki.org/item4346 [10:42]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [12:07]
xavijoined #tikiwiki
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jonnybhey xavi - long time no polom! :) [12:16]
xavihey jonnyb, yes :-) [12:16]
jonnybrodrigoprimo too - hi all [12:16]
rodrigoprimohi jonnyb and xavi! [12:17]
xaviin my case, some people using Tiki for a few years, are getting desperate because of the onlie traffic (100Gb) apparently due to ovearload in tiki forums....
hi rodrigoprimo :-)
and they are considering to migrate away from Tiki :-/ ....
they are using 6.4 on shared hosting... and looking for lightweight forums...
jonnybxavi: this is what the guy was asking about yesterday [12:19]
xaviI couldn't look at the data myself... (I don't even know if we have the data to see the bandwitdh partitioned in some way to identify the source of overconsumption....) [12:19]
jonnybare the forums full of huge images or video or something? [12:19]
xaviyes... that's the guy
simple text forums
jonnyband tried tweaking robots.txt?
like tell them not to index the forums at all for a start?
xavibut mnay many visitors from all around Spain (and overseas) every now and then when a new call for funding is open (for fellowsips in research, new contract oportunities in public research agencies, etc) [12:20]
jonnyband what do the tiki logs show, are there really that many people using the site? seem unlikely [12:20]
xavimmm, I can check that....
(I hope I will recover somehow a cpanel acces to the site, I used to have one... years ago)
jonnybi wonder what the stats for tiki.org forums are
maybe ask Oliver what he gets there?
xaviyes, so do I (I wish we hace some piwik access to our sites)
jonnybyes, without more data you can't really tell if moving to another platform would make any difference, if there really are that many people reading the forums then need to get more beefy hosting [12:22]
xavijonnyb, do you know any easy way to see the load of a wiki page, where does it come from? [12:23]
jonnybhow do you mean "load"? - the total size? [12:23]
xavisome sort of easy partitioning of the page load, how much size from images, how much from js, from html,e tc [12:23]
jonnybprobably in slow or something? [12:23]
xaviin "slow"?
xavi knows almost nothing on this aspect
is this a website?
jonnybslow == slow (new mac os autocorrect - grrrr!) [12:24]
xaviI recall reading something about Yslow [12:24]
jonnybthat's what i was trying to type! [12:24]
ah, ok :-)
or the network panel in webkit
xaviok, checking (than ks) [12:24]
..... (idle for 24mn)
jonnyb, see pm [12:48]
vmachinejoined #tikiwiki
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xavibbl [12:53]
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki [13:32]
polom y'all [13:43]
jonnybhi ricks99 [13:48]
ricks99hiya jonnb [13:49]
jonnyboff out for fun in the mud and rain, bbl :) [13:53]
.... (idle for 15mn)
Bsfezhi ricks99,
polom all
luciashpolom [14:10]
BsfezLuciash solved your problem with the list ? [14:11]
ricks99polom Bsfez [14:11]
Bsfeztks for the tip about carousel.
But still i though we have a new way to display slideshow on tiki10
ricks99ricks99 still using tiki9lts for most sites [14:17]
DarkCalfjoined #tikiwiki [14:18]
luciashBsfez: list ? [14:19]
RobertPlummerjoined #tikiwiki
polom all
Anyone know how to generate a pem file if I already have an ssl cert?
ricks99polom RobertPlummer
can't help with perm file :(
RobertPlummer"pem", it is a certificate file.
I think it is "cat server.crt server.key > server.pem"
luciashi did not use pem file
just crt
on ubuntu there are some scripts and i just used that
for localhost SSL testing
gourRobertPlummer: that's correect, iirc [14:38]
rinnanleft #tikiwiki [14:39]
gourconcat key & cert files into *.pem [14:39]
Bsfezluciash: you were getting twice email from dev list
ricks99: about carousel, i have already a div surrounding it with "width: singleimagewidthvalue" and "overflow:hidden". You advised me to do this a year ago ! :)
rinnanjoined #tikiwiki [14:44]
ricks99hm... should work then [14:44]
BsfezRobertPlummer: i always use to do such thing https://www.rapidssl.com their "How to section" was ok for me
ricks99: yes, but no :D
it seams that all the images are displayed for a few seconds (the time it takes to load all the images)
gourricks99: thank you for reply on your blog
gour is praying that ricks99 finishes lts editions of the books soon
ricks99is too! ^^^
ricks99 is too! ^^^
Jyhem_laptoppolom [14:48]
gourgour hops not only praying :-)
ricks99real life sometimes gets in the way :) [14:48]
Jyhem_laptopJyhem_laptop sends good vibes to Ricks [14:49]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [14:49]
RobertPlummerthanks all for your pointers, we are close! [14:51]
Bsfez:) [14:55]
luciashBsfez: ah, i did not try to solve it... i just leave it as it is [14:55]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [15:11]
luciashjonnyb: wb, that yslow mac issue was funny thing :)
(to read)
jonnybhi luciash - autocorrect is too keen on this os
but turning it off is also annoying for my many real typos! :)
luciashcan it learn new things ? [15:18]
jonnybi think so, as you add stuff to the dictionary it should use them let me try with yslow :) [15:20]
luciashcool :) [15:22]
Bsfezi see we had the same fun installing ML :D [15:29]
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:30]
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RobertPlummerI'm back to wysiwyg!
polom jonnyb, you in to tiki today?
jonnybhi RobertPlummer - yes, bits & pieces [16:04]
RobertPlummerWondering, had an issue at the beginning of ckeditor where it wants to insert an object.
jonnyb: If there isn't one there already, it puts a "<br />" in my configuration, in the old one it puts a "<p></p>"
jonnybdo you have wiki_paragraph pref on? [16:06]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: I've found that I can put something that isn't see-able (at least in firefox) <span>&shy;</span>
jonnyb: At this time that pref isn't handled in the jison parser
jonnybtiki is unusable without it on imho [16:07]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: explain [16:07]
jonnybit's a requirement for wysiwyg [16:07]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: Not the new one [16:07]
jonnybdoing page layout using <br> is nonsense, not semantic and totally unpredictable [16:08]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: The reason we don't "need" it is that line breaks are handled using special <br /> tags
jonnyb: It is valid html5, no?
jonnybimho paragraphs should be wrapped in <p> tags [16:08]
GillesMjoined #tikiwiki [16:08]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: I've found a way to handle line breaks which was the reason we brought in <p>, correct
jonnyb: This is new parser only, I don't see a feasible way of doing it in the old parser.
jonnyb: Anyhow, they are temporary anyway, they are just a translation component that gets converted back to "n" after it is handled at the server.
jonnyb: But only the special line breaks go back to "n"
jonnyb: deliberate "<br />" are handled separately, as well as "%%%" (forced line breaks)
jonnyball sounds very different, sorry (again) can't get into it now [16:12]
RobertPlummerAnyway, the question I had for you was do you see problem with putting a noise element at the beginning that is removed on post-back? [16:12]
jonnybi just find that without wiki_paragraph you can't do proper page layout (for instance and {DIV} plugin you use ends up with a <br> after it, which is usually wrong [16:13]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Code Highlighting - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45614 [16:13]
jonnybyou mean a creditor fake object? [16:14]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: Couldn't we handle that scenario?
jonnyb: Sort of, I saw that, ensure how it works as of yet.
jonnybi don't understand the question [16:14]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: ckeditor puts an element at the begging that I don't want there because it won't parse back exactly, which not acceptable, I need a way of handling that item.
jonnyb: Is putting an unseen item at the beginning an acceptable fix?
jonnybanyway, lphuberdeau: a quick question for you. Why is tiki-jsplugin.php set to not cache? it's big and loads on every anonymous pave view and looks partially responsible for xavi's bandwidth disaster. Seems it was your commit here: http://tikiwiki.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/tikiwiki/trunk/tiki-jsplugin.php?r1=30664&r2=30663&pathrev=30664 long long ago...
RobertPlummer: what element? (it's probably there for a reason)
xaviissues with bandwidth from forums open to (many) anons: related to this: http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2012-11-26,Mon&sel=372#l368 (precarios.org - they funded some optimization done in tiki5 or similar for trackers and somewhere else, from lph, etc.)
thks jonnyb for looking at it
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [16:25]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03fmg-sf r44091 10branches/10.x/setup.sh
tikiwiki [ENH] default to exit after executing a command
RobertPlummerjonnyb: It is kinda hard to explain. ckeditor modifies the document when it initially loads, inserting something that shouldn't be there. I seem to have it handled "cleverly", which is something I don't like, but I think ckeditor is very very "clever". [16:30]
ricks99ricks99 wondering why his jquery qtip isn't working... :( [16:31]
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xavileft #tikiwiki [16:59]
gouri played a bit with 10.0beta, but now i'll re-install 9.2...when do you expect 10.0 release? [17:02]
arildbgour: what kind of problems did you experience? [17:03]
jonnybhi gour - any day now hopefully [17:03]
gourany day?
arildb: well, i did import my small WP blog and tried to put it as homepage, but somehow visiting homepage did not work...it always tried to access some page containing link to blog, something like blogid=1 or so...i had seourls enabled
now will try with 9.2
gojjoined #tikiwiki [17:07]
gourwhat is your stanza in regard to myisam vs innodb?
as far as tiki is concerned...
arildbmyisam is the Tiki default. InnoDB was added in Tiki 8 [17:08]
gourdoes the performance suffer with the latter? [17:09]
arildbInnoDB has the benefits of being "crash proof" and it does not lock the entire table to change data in a table [17:09]
gourgour hopes to be able to use mariadb on production soon... [17:09]
arildbI run almost all of the installations on InnoDB [17:12]
gouron my localhost i did install mariadb-5.5.x, but it's not officially in the debian, so production will have to wait... [17:13]
arildbInnoDB supports foreign key and referencial integrety. Tiki does not use this feature [17:13]
gourin the meantime, doing our 1st baby tiki steps :-)
is it possible in tiki to use one language for the back-end and another for the front-end? this is common feature, but not every CMS does support it
ricks99backend? you mean for admin user? [17:15]
luciashlanguage is user preference so if admin logs in with language set to english, the "backend" is english [17:15]
gouryes [17:15]
ricks99y. each user can have their own lang pref [17:15]
gourwhat about front-end visible for the anon. visitors? [17:15]
ricks99set site default [17:16]
luciashit will be what u set as default language [17:16]
ricks99also, there's an option to auto-select language based on user browser [17:16]
gourahh, ok...then it seems it's easy :-) [17:16]
luciashor by user browser lang preference if u enable the feature [17:16]
ricks99hi luciash [17:16]
luciashhi ricks99 :) [17:16]
gourricks99: well, i usually do all my work in english (as admin) but e.g. have front-end stuff in native (croatian) lang [17:17]
ricks99y. then set lang pref for Admin user [17:17]
GillesMjoined #tikiwiki [17:17]
ricks99ricks99 admins several non-english sites... even though he only speaks english [17:18]
gourgood, good
luciash: if, due to wanting support for mobile sites and having responsive theme, is it difficult to use some other css framework or how does *lite copes with responsiveness?
luciashgour: it does not support responsive CSS yet but we have jQuery mobile layout preference in Tiki which copes with that somehow [17:24]
jonnybgour - if you use the tiki mobile feature it doesn't use *lite any more (as far as i remember) - it uses jquery.mobile [17:25]
luciashgour: it is on my todo list to try some techniques for responsive CSS layout which are popular these days [17:25]
gourjonnyb: ahh, good to know, thanks
luciash: ;)
seeing memory consumption for tiki-install (even with apache) is much more pleasurable than the same with typo3
jonnyb: i sent email to marc with some of the points discussed yesterday about fossil if he considers it worth to be discussed
i saw some additions to a page on dev.t.o somewhere
gourinteresting [17:45]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44092 10branches/10.x/tiki-setup.php
tikiwiki [FIX] timepicker addon depends on jquery_ui so move include inside that block (was breaking mobile)
gourjonnyb: maybe this one http://dev.tiki.org/Distributed+revision+control ? [17:51]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r44093 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Create a helper element that is later filtered away so that ckeditor doesn't insert an extra '<br />' at the beginning of what is being edited
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r44094 10trunk/lib/ckeditor_tiki/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
tikiwiki [NEW] Creation of jisonformat plugin
tikiwiki [ENH] fork formatted types, so jison can manage them as wiki syntax
tikiwiki [ENH] Define styles and their types so they are converted back to wiki syntax
tikiwiki [ENH] Move configs into jisonline so we can better know what is going on there
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:04]
gourgour is waving to marclaporte
somewhere in the docs and/or in ricks99|away books, i read that the name of 'admin' account cannot be renamed, but i'm not sure if i noticed that 10.0 is changing it?
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [18:11]
ricks99|awaygour: can't change admin username in 10 afaik
simply create a new user with any name, and add to admins group
gourricks99|away: that's ok...i just consider knowing admin name is a bit of security risk, isn't it? [18:17]
ricks99|awaywithout password, not much use [18:18]
Jyhem_laptopseparator candidates so far: :+: -:- :-: +:+ [18:19]
ricks99|awayricks99|away sorry that he opened that can of worms ^^^ [18:20]
Jyhem_laptopJyhem_laptop thought he could keep concentrating on Tiki9, but another big data conversion was too frightening to ignore. [18:22]
ricks99my only issue was/is that forcing :: --> ::: without giving users an automated way to make the transitions is bad idea
jquery question: the jq tooltip seems to require that the title/popup text be included in a link's "title" attribute or external file. any way to use a named div elsewhere on the page instead?
arildbrick99: It's not "forced". A highlighted message comes up requesting the user to activate the option, when namespaces is activated [18:26]
Jyhem_laptopwell, I'm glad we had the discussion before rather than after. [18:27]
ricks99arildb: yes, but there no notification that it will break everything
when we eliminated img gallery, we created a way to let users convert to file gallery
when we moved icons from ../pic/.. to ../img/.. again, we created a way to automate this
Jyhem_laptopdid we eliminate img gallery? [18:28]
Jyhem_laptop:) [18:28]
ricks99just wanted somethign similar for :: -> ::: [18:28]
Jyhem_laptopJyhem_laptop noticed deprecated features are the most stable ones [18:28]
ricks99lol [18:29]
Jyhem_laptopThe switch from ../pic/.. to ../img/ worked fine, but not overnight. [18:29]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r44095 10trunk/installer/schema/20100927_better_column_fix2_tiki.php
tikiwiki [FIX] phpunit was throwing an error for the included ";" at end
ricks99y. i apologize for picking up on the ::: issue so late in the game. I was unaware of it until i started seeing broken pages on t.o sites [18:30]
arildbI think we should add the
'Center text using ::: instead of ::' option to the namespace setting area. This makes it easier to switch to ::
ricks99its already a dependcy right?
need a way to let admins know that it will break existing usages
arildbyes, but the setting itself is not in the namespace settings-area [18:34]
ricks99no. but enabling namespace option should require ::: as dependcy [18:34]
arildbWhen html sytax is used there is no breakeage. Nor for fresh installations
Is there a need for this dependency if the separator is e.g: :+: ?
ricks99breakage in terms of upgrades [18:35]
arildbI mean the default separator [18:35]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44096 10branches/10.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] parser: Move the point where parser options get saved and reset for plugin execution to just before the actual plugin gets run. $this->option gets used in the meantime for $outputFormat calculation etc.
Jyhem_laptopno, that's the advantage of these funny-looking separators :+: -:- :-: +:+
I suggest someone sets up a convene plugin to choose one
Jyhem_laptop needs to leave now
vmachinejoined #tikiwiki [18:48]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r44097 10trunk/lib/test/core/JisonParser/HtmlToWikiTest.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Added the real world wysiwyg test in
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r44098 10trunk/lib/ 10parser/parserlib.php 10core/JisonParser/WikiCKEditor/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Move BOF (beginning of file) character out of the Jison parser and into the parser instantiator
tikiwiki 03robertplummer r44099 10trunk/lib/core/JisonParser/Wiki/Handler.php
tikiwiki [FIX] externals don't get split at ':'
vmachineleft #tikiwiki [19:05]
gouri installed 9.2 and applied Personal-blog profile. on my personal blog site, blog is at the homepage and posts are named as http://tld/year/month/date/name-of-post for e.g. 'Name of Post' post (using classical WP permalinks). otoh, non-profit org use concrete5 and the homepage only has 'newest' teasing part of the post, while the posts are going to http://tld/blog/name-of-the-post for the post entitled
'Name of The Post'. i did enable sefurl in tiki, but the posts are now looking as http://atmarama.sites.djangohosting.ch/blogpost5-Introducing-Tiki-Profiles for 'Introducing Tiki Profiles' post. my question is from where is this 'blogpost5' in the post title and how to get rid of it and have same permalinks as in concrete5 (or WP) without any further redirect trickery?
ricks99belive it is required/default
without the "blogpost5" prefix, url looks like a wiki page
afaik, it is a redirect to tiki-blog...
gourhmm...this sucks
it means we'd lose our old urls :-/
ricks99just use redirects [19:26]
gouri set redirection for all my urls to add 'www', but forgot my testing domain does not resolve with it...should i dig in the db with phpmyadmin? [19:26]
ricks99i meant in your htaccess. just add redirects for old url -> new [19:28]
gourwouldn't i use old site's rankings that way? [19:29]
ricks99? [19:30]
gourbesides that, i hope to use nginx instead of apache... [19:30]
ricks99ok [19:30]
gourthat 'add www prefix' is stored in db? [19:31]
ricks99y. all prefs are in db
use the admin panel -- easier
gourcan't access site & admin panel :-) [19:33]
ricks99ah [19:33]
gourok, so, dig in db...have to go afk. bbs [19:33]
ricks99all prefs in tiki_prefs table [19:34]
.... (idle for 15mn)
marclaporteI want to use PluginList like I used to used Pretty Trackers: any tips for me? [19:49]
arildbRunning the latest Tiki 10 from SVN, I get the following PHP notice ...
File: D:OpenSourceTikiWikiwwwtiki10libcoreWikiPluginHtmlBase.php
Line: 9
Type: Declaration of WikiPlugin_HtmlBase::exec() should be compatible with WikiPlugin_ConditionBase::exec($data, $params, $index, $parser)
..... (idle for 23mn)
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44100 10branches/10.x/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
tikiwiki [bp/r44002][FIX] Fix the all get_faq references. They were not updated when the faq functions were moved out of TikiLib.
tikiwiki Ref: http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-view_tracker_item.php?itemId=4343#content2
jonnybhi changi|away (when you get back) - just tested 20100927_better_column_fix2_tiki and seems to work, thanks!
checking into the redirect thing now...
arildb: yes, i've been seeing that notice - one of RobertPlummer's i believe?
RobertPlummerOn it!
thanks guys for bringing that to my attention.
jonnybi was ignoring it until after 10.0 (and a few of mine ;) ) [20:23]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03robertplummer r44101 10branches/10.x/lib/core/ 10WikiPlugin/Negotiator/Wiki.php 10WikiPlugin/HtmlBase.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Make button compatible with condition base
RobertPlummerthere we go [20:34]
jonnyb:) [20:34]
marclaportegour: about old vs new URLs: this would be a great new Tiki feature [20:36]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: This is crazee, ckeditor changes all sorts of things on load. Very confusing. [20:44]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [20:45]
jonnybmeh, looks like the redirect problem on doc was my fault [20:45]
Bsfezpolom [20:46]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44102 10branches/10.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] parser: rollback r44060 (and 44096) as the plugin issue was fixed elsewhere (probably in r44061).
tikiwiki Fixes redirect plugin breaking search indexing - thanks (and apologies) to changi.
jonnybjust rolled back so should be ok now [20:46]
RobertPlummerpolom Bsfez [20:46]
jonnybhi Bsfez [20:46]
Bsfezhow things are going ? [20:46]
jonnybif changi|away becomes not away i guess we get some more upgrades :) [20:46]
RobertPlummerI'm getting much closer with wysiwyg. [20:46]
Bsfezgreat news ! [20:46]
RobertPlummerBsfez: I have most of the toolbar items working now. [20:47]
jonnybRobertPlummer: yes, creditor is quite a beast! [20:47]
Bsfezwaow ! Tiki10 or trunk ? [20:47]
RobertPlummerBsfez: But am running into some anomalies with ckeditor and it changing content on the fly.
jonnybha ha, autocorrect strikes again - ckeditor i mean [20:47]
BsfezRobertPlummer: long time i didn't see what trunk looks like :D [20:48]
RobertPlummerFor example, just after a table and just before a div, it thinks I want &nbsp; and not <br /><br /> [20:48]
Bsfezjonnyb: turn it off !
RobertPlummer: ok… well if we got a good wysiwyg in trunk (T11) we can really expect T12 with a correct plugin.
sry, correct tool
RobertPlummerBsfez: plugin?
jonnyb: Any way to turn off autocorrect?
Bsfezi meant a correct tool for end-user
yes you can turn it off (i have done so)
RobertPlummerWith ckeditor? Bsfez, how? [20:50]
Bsfezconfusion…. [20:50]
jonnybis a mac thing [20:51]
Bsfezjonnyb: you can turn off auto-correction on your mac [20:51]
jonnybwe deserve it :) [20:51]
changi|awaypolom [20:51]
jonnybi did, but then missed it (when it was getting it right, my typing is rubbish!) [20:51]
RobertPlummerI have tons of tests that I'm really hammering the wiki -> html -> wiki and I have it working very well. But as soon as it hits ckeditor, it tries to "fix" what isn't broken. [20:51]
jonnybhi changi [20:51]
RobertPlummerand it breaks it [20:51]
jonnybredirect issue sorted [20:51]
RobertPlummerpolom changi [20:51]
Bsfezhi changi
I guess i'll be more available to test wysiwyg after 10final. I'll be glad to help
changijonnyb: i didn't find a pretty way of fixing the redirect issue, maybe RobertPlummer can help [20:53]
BsfezRobertPlummer: i have a Tiki where i use infinitecarousel (was Tiki6). Don't we have a better (new) way to display a slideshow on a wiki page ? [20:53]
jonnybsorry, fixed i think [20:53]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44103 10trunk/templates/admin/include_wiki.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH] Add the "Center text syntax" option to the namespace option settings. Makes it easier to use :: as a namespace separator
RobertPlummerBsfez: {SLIDER()}{SLIDER} [20:54]
jonnybin r44102 just now
Tiki-KGB being a bit slow this evening
Tiki-KGBjonnyb: My master told me to not respond. [20:54]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: This auto-correct thing could be a deal breaker [20:55]
Bsfeztks RobertPlummer [20:55]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: Might *have* to find an editor that doesn't do that. [20:55]
jonnybwhat auto-correct thing? on Mac OS? [20:55]
BsfezLOL [20:55]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: CKEditor is changing my html without my permission on the fly at initial loadup. [20:55]
changijonnyb: a bit slow, i receive the email at 20:53 and 1 minute later it display it in IRC :) [20:56]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: So we've solved the issue of stabilizing the conversion process, and now our weakest link is ckeditor. [20:56]
jonnyb:) [20:56]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
jonnybRobertPlummer: what was that totally jquery one marclaporte found a while back? might be worth looking at less complicated alternatives... [20:57]
RobertPlummerYea, there are 2 that are very promissing. [20:57]
changijonnyb: nice, thx you [20:57]
jonnybi see tinymce in quite a few things now
changi: sorry, was my bad in the first place (although it was to fix a bug reported by Bsfez, so i'll try and blame him! ;) )
changijonnyb: no problem, it was good to take 3 hours to find the origin :)
changi testing on doc.to
jonnybadd on a couple here today [20:59]
changichangi it works :)
Bsfez: should we switch dev now ?
jonnybjonnyb stands by [21:00]
Bsfezjonnyb: feedback me do we have other issues ? [21:01]
jonnybno other new ones i'm aware of
still the few "not going to fix" ones as on the dev page i think
RobertPlummerjonnyb: http://aloha-editor.org/demos.php [21:02]
Bsfezok i though i missed something. :) [21:02]
jonnybthe search index rebuild was failing on doc yesterday, but is fixed in svn now [21:03]
Bsfezjonnyb: so why we don't update dev ? [21:03]
jonnybwaiting for your official go-ahead (sir :) ) [21:04]
Bsfezdon't we
Monseigneur !!! :D
changi: we are good to update dev !
If it goes smooth i'll ask ohertel to update t.o
jonnybthen i'll update http://dev.tiki.org/Regressions+in+10x (don't want to do it mid-upgrade) [21:05]
i update 10x page
changiRobertPlummer: it's nice
jonnyb: refresh take 9 minutes instead of 1 hour yesterday, really thx you
jonnybsuspiciously quick, no? for such a big site i mean
wow, aloha is amazing - editing in 3d!
RobertPlummerjonnyb: Can I get a couple +1's to do a test implementation? [21:10]
changiRobertPlummer: +1000000
gourmarclaporte: i'll post to the user seeking for some wisdom... [21:10]
RobertPlummerI see a weakness, with aloha, no source view. I imagine we could make one. [21:11]
refizulpolom [21:11]
changirefizul: hi [21:11]
Bsfezhi refizul [21:11]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03arildb r44104 10trunk/templates/admin/include_general.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH] Add the "Center text syntax" option to the namespace option settings, in admin | general too.
changiBsfez: regression about tweetid is fixed [21:12]
RobertPlummerjonnyb: the jWYSIWYG seems very immature and very buggy though, so I'm torn [21:12]
changiBsfez: and fully backported
changi upgrading dev
redflojoined #tikiwiki [21:14]
RobertPlummermarclaporte: oops, didn't see you where here (polom) [21:14]
changidon't think he is physicaly here :) [21:15]
Bsfezgreat work changi ! [21:15]
refizulany nginx experts around? [21:15]
jonnybjonnyb likes http://www.aloha-editor.org (even checked the license out, look ok for tiki) [21:16]
changirefizul: not an expert, but an advanced user [21:17]
jonnybhi refizul - also interested but not even installed nginx yet [21:17]
changii'm playing with nginx for 3 month as reverse proxy with 600 websites :) [21:18]
jonnybhow many tikis? ;) [21:18]
refizulI try to run Tiki native on nginx, bit get only "File not found." [21:19]
changijonnyb: 40, but not for long, Strategy 2013 is to move them to Liferay
refizul: with php-fpm ?
gourchangi: is there some place on t.o where rewrite rules and workaround for sefurls are posted? [21:21]
jonnybgour: you might try looking at the stuff for iis (web.config files) [21:21]
gourin which table is setting to add 'www' to url stored? afaics, it's not in the preferences? [21:21]
jonnybyes, it's a pref - in general i think [21:22]
gourjonnyb: iis? it reminds me on iie :-) [21:22]
marclaportehttp://www.aloha-editor.org/license.php is GPL but they specify that we can ask for exception [21:22]
jonnybhmm, in the code it says dual MIT & GPL license [21:23]
refizulchangi: yes, with the -fpm [21:23]
gourjonnyb: there is, afaict, one nging-related problem mentioned here - http://www.stevestreeting.com/2012/05/09/apache-to-nginx-php-fpm-part-1/ [21:23]
changiBsfez: dev is on 10.x [21:23]
Bsfezkk ! [21:23]
gourjonnyb: i do not have access to the site's admin, have to find it in the db [21:23]
marclaportejonnyb: it's complicated: http://www.aloha-editor.org/license-faq.php [21:24]
goursolved...dns propagated, so my alias is working now and i can fix it within tiki [21:25]
jonnybgour: i thought the default should be to do nothing, so maybe it's something else [21:25]
gourjonnyb: i usually redirect non-www to www, but my 'testing' domain didn't have www.domain alias [21:25]
jonnybmarclaporte: i see, so we'd need an exception [21:25]
gourset in dns [21:25]
RobertPlummerI'm not ruling out ckeditor just yet, I think it would take a great amount of work to get it working, and we don't even know if it will not modify on the fly our page data.
But after a search, it does look hopeless.
marclaporte: Can you work your license magic with them and I will go ahead and run a few tests to see it if it feasible?
Bsfezjonnyb: you remember i talk about problem with the image used by "recommended on facebook" and article ? I found the problem. If article don't have own image but topic icon, the first icon found is sent [21:36]
gourhuh...created new article which contains native character in the post title and when wanting to save it i get: Error Notice: invalid variable value: $_GET["articleId"] = 2-Novi-lanak ? [21:37]
jonnybah, nice hunting [21:37]
gourtiki has problem with utf-8? [21:37]
jonnybgour: occasionally ;)
everyone does
gourjonnyb: hmm, that's not good [21:38]
Bsfezthe page : http://www.avtalyon.org.il/article426 will show the "printing" icon as i recommend it [21:38]
jonnybbut not recently afaik [21:38]
gourjonnyb: it's 9.2 [21:38]
jonnybby the way, dev.t.o looking ok on 10.x [21:38]
gouri hoped that native support thingies are from the past :-) [21:39]
Bsfezi'll keep it somewhere for when we got time to deal with it [21:39]
jonnybmore of a constant battle...
thanks Bsfez - i have to go and eat now
Bsfezjonnyb: bon appetit ! :) [21:40]
jonnybmay bbl
merci, and bravo changi
Bsfezi have a doubt, tweetid bug has been resolved ? [21:42]
changiBsfez: yes [21:43]
Bsfezok i update http://dev.tiki.org/Regressions+in+10x
oh jo nny just did it. Cool
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [21:54]
gouranother gotcha (with articles)...my article's url is http:/tld/article2-Novi-lanak but originally the article is named 'Novi članak' and I'd suppose that CMS would either create http://tld/article2-novi-clanak page alias and/or allow me to customize it according to my preferences. do i miss something here? [21:59]
RobertPlummerI've loaded up the aloha editor and the verdict..........
It doesn't edit some things, but it does edit others.
gourit looks that 10.0 behaves better in this regard :-) [22:12]
BsfezRobertPlummer: is there a doc for {SLIDER} ? I wonder if the plugin can pick images from a file gallery [22:16]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [22:16]
changisee ya all [22:24]
RobertPlummerBsfez: I don't think there is. It is supposed to be very very similar to the tabs plugin. [22:25]
Bsfezfound a very nice trick ! I set several "{img class="carouselimages" randomGalleryId="60"}" for content. That way i have on each reload a selection of pictures from a specific file gallery.
....... (idle for 31mn)
fabriciusBsfez, may I post that on the doc page doc.tiki.org/PluginImg ? [22:57]
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Bsfezfabricius: well still experimenting it but so far look it does the work : http://avtalyon.org.il/HomePage
fabricius: need some tweak to position but nothing serious
refizulharddisk too small to install the complete system :-( 4GB with 2GB root partition was a little optimistic [23:06]
Bsfezshit happens :) [23:06]
fabriciusBsfez: seems not to work [23:08]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [23:08]
Bsfez? [23:08]
fabriciusBsfez: top seems to be a slider plugin, which one time in FF worked and after that in FF and in Chrome does not work
I could change the 3 horizontal pics on reloading - once and only after clearing the caches
BsfezMac FF working fine, checking others [23:10]
fabriciusyour HomePage seems to be cached and the slider seems to be permanently folded out
FF 17.0 and Chrome 23.0.something - Ubuntu 12.04 (Linux)
BsfezMac Chrome is ok too and pictures are changing…
Mac Safarin need an overflow:hidden or something like this same for window IE9
now Safari Mac is ok
Tiki|bot0joined #tikiwiki [23:16]
BsfezIE9 Windows still a problem, but, seams the problem is with the slider plugin as it took a while before he resize pictures.
after 15seconds it is working and i never see same images.
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [23:17]
Bsfezfabricius: i reduce number of images to 4 but that doesn't change the delay with IE9…
{SLIDER(width="320px" height="240px" expand="n" resizecontents="y" buildarrows="n" buildnavigation="n" buildstartstop="n" autoplay="y" pauseonhover="y" playrtl="y")}{img randomGalleryId="8"}/////{img randomGalleryId="8"}/////{img randomGalleryId="8"}/////{img randomGalleryId="8"}{SLIDER}
fabriciusOpera 12.11 Linux 64bit not working
Bsfez: are you sure, that randomgallery is working in slider?
Bsfezyes as you can see in the code, this is a set of 4 images. On each refresh i see 4 different images. May be there is a confusion there. It doesn't pick randomly pictures on the fly, but at each realod (refresh). [23:29]
Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [23:30]
BsfezOpera on Mac, same behaviour (no good) as windows IE9
But the problem is with the plugin…
at http://avtalyon.org.il/test2
i changed to :
{SLIDER(width="320px" height="240px" expand="n" resizecontents="y" buildarrows="n" buildnavigation="n" buildstartstop="n" autoplay="y" pauseonhover="y" playrtl="y")}{img src="display146"}/////{img src="display151"}/////{img src="display152"}/////{img src="display153"}/////{img src="display154"}/////{img src="display155"}/////{img src="display156"}/////{img src="display157"}{SLIDER}
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